Course Syllabus

Studies in Mechanics of Solids
Studies in Mechanics of Solids is a closely supervised, individualized program of study. Three graduate
level credits are awarded on successful completion. The objective of the program is to develop mastery
in the comprehension of the fundamental principles governing the deformation behavior of solid
materials so as to be able to identify and discuss key aspects of practical problems in mechanics of
solids. Students shall also develop analytical and quantitative capabilities to evaluate and quantify
deformation of specific solid materials under given loading conditions as well as a heightened sensitivity
to the verificability and validity of their calculations. The contents and coverage of this Studies class is
essentially identical to that of MANE-7100 Mechanical Engineering Foundations II.
Advanced coverage of the main physical and mathematical models used in the description of material
behavior. Conservation equations from the standpoint of continuum mechanics. Constitutive equations
of material behavior and restrictions imposed by microstructure and thermodynamics. Elasticity,
plasticity, viscoelasticity, viscoplasticity and creep. Material failure mechanisms including fracture and
fatigue. Emphasis on using concepts of solid mechanics and materials science to predict reliability and
life of mechanical engineering designs
The learning outcomes include developing insight and understanding of the fundamental aspects of
solid mechanics and its applications to the solution of practical problems.
The program of study is directed, monitored and supervised by a Faculty advisor (Prof. Ernesto
Gutierrez-Miravete) and is designed for students who because of work related hardship (for instance,
relocation) or some other reason (e.g. schedule changes) are unable to take the regularly scheduled
course on the subject.
The course of study takes place during the span of a regular academic term (Summer 2014) and it
involves readings, homework assignments and two comprehensive examinations. Continued interaction
between student and advisor through meetings, electronic mail, telephone conversations and/or
videoconferences is required. In these meetings, student questions will be addressed and advice,
directions and feedback about performance will be provided.
There are many books used as sources for this class. The required text is Lemaitre and Chaboche’s
“Mechanics of Solid Materials”, Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 2000. The books link lists other useful
The student versions of the symbolic manipulation program Maple and the Ansys finite element
software are also required for the computational work in this course.
Computer software used in this class will be the symbolic manipulation code Maple, the MATLAB
program and the finite element codes COMSOL and Ansys. All are freely available to RPI students but
students are also encouraged to obtain student versions.
Student progress will be assessed based on their performance in class, on the solution of homework
assignments and their answers to two exams:
Readings and Homework Assignments: 50%
Exam 1: 25%
Exam 2: 25%
All materials produced by the students in this class must be posted on the student RPI webpage for
review and evaluation.
The provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) will be strictly
Students in this class must complete an Online Course Evaluation. To complete the evaluation please
click on the Digital Measures Student Course Evaluation Form .