MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY DEPT. OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING CENG 574 STATISTICAL DATA ANALYSIS Fall 2015 Instructor office phone e-mail Class Office Hour Volkan Atalay A-406 (but I am generally at Rektorluk) 210 2108 vatalay AT metu.edu.tr Thursday 9:40-12:30 (A-101) after class or by appointment Course web page address http://www.ceng.metu.edu.tr/courses/ceng574/ Course Objectives The objective of this course is to introduce the concepts and techniques of clustering and multivariate and exploratory data analysis. This course also offers an opportunity to perform data analysis by using data visualization and projection. In addition, it allows students to apply these techniques in a specific field, such as bioinformatics. Prerequisites Knowledge of programming, probability and linear algebra. Main Reference Book E. Alpaydın, Introduction to Machine Learning, 2nd Edition (2010) or 3rd Edition (2014), The MIT Press. (Yapay Öğrenme, Turkish language edition, translated by the author, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi, April 2011) Course Outline 1 Input representation, distance metrics and similarity measures 2 Brief review of probability and computational prototyping software tools 3 Linear projections and principal component analysis 4 Multi-dimensional scaling; non-linear projections-Isomap and LLE 5 Clustering, and hierarchical clustering and k-means clustering and their variations 6 Evaluation and validity of clusters, clustering by mixture of Gaussians and EM algorithm 7 Self organizing maps 8 Spectral clustering 9 Manifold learning and clustering 10 Kernel methods and clustering 11 Semi-supervised learning Grading Assignments Term Paper/Report Presentations Attendance and class participation 40% 20% 30% 10% Assignments, term paper and implementations should be done on individual basis.