U.S. Government Vocabulary

12th Grade Government Vocabulary
G(1) History. The student understands major political ideas and forms of government in history.
The student is expected to:
(A) explain major political ideas in history such as natural law, natural rights, divine right of kings, and social
contract theory.
Vocabulary Word
Natural law
Natural rights
Divine right of kings
Social contract theory
Popular sovereignty
Laws of “nature” govern people-people exist in a state of nature minus govt. & formal law-laws result from moral sense
Rights inherent in human beings, not dependent on government(life, liberty, & property/happiness)-John Locke/Jefferson
Monarchy; royalty-power is inherited based on relationship ”bloodlines” / elite & class theory / concentrated power
Government protects; people obey laws and pay taxes (Cicero, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Rawls) “Safety/Protection”
Government derives its authority by the sanction of the people – “consent of the governed” / “limited government”
“men being by nature all free, equal and independent” Locke – Jefferson – “all men are created equal”
A nation’s basic law(creates political institutions, divides power in govt., provides “civil” guarantees)written or unwritten
(B) identify the characteristics of classic forms of government such as absolute monarchy, authoritarianism,
classical republic, despotism, feudalism, liberal democracy, and totalitarianism.
Vocabulary Word
Majority rule
Unitary governments
Absolute monarchy
System of organizing government so that policy represents and responds to the public’s preference “rule by the people”
Choosing among alternatives/choices requires that the majority’s desire be respected/reflected in decisions by govt.
Way of organizing a nation so that all power resides in the central govt. (Most govts. of world are unitary in nature..)
Organizing a nation so that (2) or more levels of govt. have formal authority over the same land and people “division”
Form of government by a single authority(individual/group) which rules with absolute power
All land owned by king(25%-self other given to church or leased out to barons)-sworn loyalty to king – knights(military)
Hereditary or elected monarch has absolute power to make decisions – may appoint advisors – makes decrees(laws)
G(2) History. The student understands how constitutional government, as developed in the United States, has been
influenced by people, ideas, and historical documents.
The student is expected to:
(A) analyze the principles and ideas that underlie the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution,
including those of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Charles de Montesquieu.
Vocabulary Word
Separation of Power
Checks & Balances
Limited government
Consent of the governed
John Locke
Independence among branches of government so that one cannot control the actions of the other
Government’s power is “balanced” among the different governmental institutions(legislative, executive, & judicial)
Form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws
One level of government is not all powerful–restrictions placed on govt. in order to protect natural rights(Bill of Rights)
Government has only the authority given to it by the people…People must “overthrow” if government is non-responsive
Division of power between a national and state government
“natural rights” – Life, liberty, & property – governments sole purpose is to protect those natural rights
(B) analyze the contributions of the political philosophies of the Founding Fathers, including John Adams,
Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, on the development of the U.S. government.
Vocabulary Word
U.S. Constitution
Federalist Papers
Declaration of Independence
Alien & Sedition Acts-Adams
Alexander Hamilton
James Madison
Document which provides for the institutional structure of the U.S. Government & its responsibilities – “Madison”
Series of essays(85) arguing the merits of the Constitution and the formation of a strong national government
Document stating the colonist’s grievances against the British monarch and declaring independence
1798 directed against France(enemies of the state) – led to the election of Jefferson in 1800 because of their “effects”
Advocated strong national govt. / First secretary of the treasury – wanted national taxation(strong executive-judicial)
-Hamilton advised Congress on matters of public credit, national banks, & foreign/domestic investments……
“Father of the Constitution”—helped frame and ensure the passage of the Bill of Rights / organization of the executive
(D) identify significant individuals in the field of government and politics, including Abraham Lincoln, George
Washington, and selected contemporary leaders.
Vocabulary Word
George Washington
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy
Ronald Reagan
Bill Clinton
George Bush “JR.”
1 President(2 term)…interested in military arts & western expansion – 1775 elected commander in chief of Cont. Army
President during the civil war (Gettysburg address-1863)/ Emancipation Proclamation-1862 – preserved the “union”
Elected to 4 terms – president who led country out of depression era with new deal tactics – ww2 leader – fireside chats
Cuban missile crisis, civil rights, assassinated in 1963
Reaganomics, cold war –arms war to bankrupt the soviet union ”successful” – deficit spending for economic growth
“Balanced budget?”
War on Terror/9-11/Dept. of Homeland Security/Patriot Act/Explosion of economic growth of energy sector
G(6) Economics. The student understands the roles played by local, state, and national governments in both the public
and private sectors of the U.S. free enterprise system.
The student is expected to:
(C) compare the role of government in the U.S. free enterprise system and other economic systems.
Vocabulary Word
Dual federalism
Cooperative federalism
Supply & Demand
Trade Deficits
“Layered cake” each level of government(national/state) operates in distinct sphere of authority
“marble cake” – local, state, & national entities each work together with national govt. providing much of the funding
Everything in a capitalist system functions on a supply-demand curve
Imports exceed exports; tax foreign manufacturers
National government regulates business – does not operate business – supply/demand dominates – cheap labor
G(8) Government. The student understands the American beliefs and principles reflected in the U.S. Constitution.
The student is expected to:
(A) explain the importance of a written constitution.
Vocabulary Word
Separation of Power
Checks & Balances
Limited Government
Popular Sovereignty
See objectives above
(B) evaluate how the federal government serves the purposes set forth in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution.
Vocabulary Word
Natural rights
Purpose of govt.
Consent of the governed
Limited government
Right to Revolt
Bill of Rights – protection against the national government – selectively incorporated to apply the states ( Gitlow v. N.Y)
Protect natural rights – life, liberty, & property
Authority rests with the people – majority rule along with protection of minority rights
Power is divided based on the functional responsibility of each branch (Law making, enforcing, & interpreting)
When government is not responsive the people have a right to “overthrow” the govt. (done by elections)
(C) analyze how the Federalist Papers explain the principles of the American constitutional system of
Vocabulary Word
Separation of Power
Checks & Balances
Limited government
Consent of the governed
John Locke
Independence among branches of government so that one cannot control the actions of the other
Government’s power is “balanced” among the different governmental institutions(legislative, executive, & judicial)
Form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws
One level of government is not all powerful–restrictions placed on govt. in order to protect natural rights(Bill of Rights)
Government has only the authority given to it by the people…People must “overthrow” if government is non-responsive
Division of power between a national and state government
“natural rights” – Life, liberty, & property – governments sole purpose is to protect those natural rights
(D) evaluate constitutional provisions for limiting the role of government, including republicanism, checks and
balances, federalism, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights.
Vocabulary Word
Separation of Power
Checks & Balances
Limited government
Consent of the governed
John Locke
Independence among branches of government so that one cannot control the actions of the other
Government’s power is “balanced” among the different governmental institutions(legislative, executive, & judicial)
Form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws
One level of government is not all powerful–restrictions placed on govt. in order to protect natural rights(Bill of Rights)
Government has only the authority given to it by the people…People must “overthrow” if government is non-responsive
Division of power between a national and state government
“natural rights” – Life, liberty, & property – governments sole purpose is to protect those natural rights
(E) analyze the processes by which the U.S. Constitution can be changed and evaluate their effectiveness.
Vocabulary Word
Formal amendment process
Living document
Bill of Rights
27 Amendments
The four methods that can be used to change the written language of the Constitution itself.
The Constitution has been able to withstand 200 plus years due to the set-up of how to amend it.
Ratified in 1791, these 10 amendments give citizens individual rights and civil liberties.
The formal changes to the Constitution that changed in and became a part of the Constitution.
(F) analyze how the American beliefs and principles reflected in the U.S. Constitution contribute to our national
Vocabulary Word
Informal procedures
Pluralistic society
Religion based
Custom and practice that helps interpret the Constitution for our everyday use.
Informal amendments to the Constitution that help spell out its brief provisions and apply it in today’s world.
The US consists of many cultures and groups.
Most Americans do agree on most fundamental issues.
The founding fathers framed the Constitution based on their religious values and we have continued in that tradition with
the mention of God in our pledge and on our money.
G(9) Government. The student understands the structure and functions of the government created by the U.S.
The student is expected to:
(A) analyze the structure and functions of the legislative branch of government, including the bicameral structure
of Congress, the role of committees, and the procedure for enacting laws.
Vocabulary Word
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plan
Connecticut Compromise
Legislative branch
Standing committees
Joint committees
Called for representation to be based on population and would benefit large states.
Called for equal representation and would benefit small states.
Combined the two plans and created a bicameral congress that would allow both types of states to benefit in one of the
two houses of Congress.
The two houses of Congress, House of Representatives and Senate
Consists of Congress, in which its main function is to make the laws.
Permanent panels in which bills are sent based on their subject matter.
Composed of members of both houses to discuss matters that are relevant in both houses of Congress.
When Congress divides to manage the task of running the government and analyzing bills.
A proposed law that is presented to either the House or the Senate to be considered.
An attempt to “talk a bill to death” in order to prevent a vote or consideration on it in the Senate.
(B) analyze the structure and functions of the executive branch of government, including the constitutional
powers of the president, the growth of presidential power, and the role of the Cabinet and executive departments.
Vocabulary Word
Executive branch
Chief of state
Chief executive
Chief administrator
Chief diplomat
Commander in chief
Chief legislator
Chief of party
Chief citizen
Consists of the President, Vice President and the cabinet members in which their main job is to carry out and enforce
the laws.
The President’s role as the ceremonial head of the U.S. and of the nation.
Given to the President by the Constitution to deal with both domestic and foreign affairs.
The President serves as the director of the Federal Government and directs the administration.
The President acts as the main architect of American foreign policy.
The nation’s armed forces are under direct control under the President.
As the main architect of public policies, the President sets the congressional agenda.
The highest ranking individual of his/her political party.
The President is expected to work for and represent the public interests of the people as the a “representative” of the
(C) analyze the structure and functions of the judicial branch of government, including the federal court system
and types of jurisdiction.
Vocabulary Word
Judicial branch
Original jurisdiction
Appellate jurisdiction
Consists of the federal court system in which its main function is to interpret the laws.
The authority of a court to hear a case and therefore try and decide on the case.
The court in which a case is first heard.
A court that hears a case on appeal from a lower court.
(E) explain how certain provisions of the U.S. Constitution provide for checks and balances among the three
branches of government.
Vocabulary Word
Judicial review
Congressional oversight
Power of the purse
The organization of the Constitution.
Power of the federal court system to declare actions of the federal government unconstitutional.
Power of the President to refuse to sign a bill from the Congress.
Power of the legislative branch to bring an accusation against the P.O.T.U.S. and federal judges.
Power of the legislative branch to review the actions of the executive branch.
Power of the legislative branch to confirm or deny presidential appointments and treaties.
Power of the legislative branch to control the federal budget
G(10) Government. The student understands the concept of federalism.
The student is expected to:
(A) explain why the Founding Fathers created a distinctly new form of federalism and adopted a federal system
of government instead of a unitary system.
Vocabulary Word
Unitary Government
Confederate Government
All powers held by the government at a single and central agency.
A central organization that has little power over its member states. The U.S. under the Articles of Confederation is an
A division of powers between the central government and regional governments which consists of state, county and
(B) categorize government powers as national, state, or shared.
Vocabulary Word
Delegated powers
Expressed powers
Implied powers
Inherent powers
Reserved powers
Concurrent powers
Powers granted to the National government by the Constitution, which include expressed, implied and inherent powers.
Given to the National government and written in the Constitution, also known as “enumerated powers”.
Not written in the Constitution, but are suggested as reasonable powers to be given to the National government. Also
known as “necessary & proper powers”.
Belong to the National government because it is a sovereign state and could not be held by individual states.
Powers given to the State government.
Powers shared by both the National and State government.
(C) analyze historical conflicts over the respective roles of national and state governments.
Vocabulary Word
Civil War
Hurricane Katrina
The conflict of states wanting to quit the union.
Whose responsibility, the state of Louisiana or the Federal Government.
G(11) Government. The student understands the processes for filling public offices in the U.S. system of government.
The student is expected to:
(B) analyze and evaluate the process of electing the President of the United States.
Vocabulary Word
Electoral college
Political party
Winner-take-all system
A body of electors which picks the President of the United States
To appoint a candidate to run for office
a connected series of operations designed to bring about a particular result
A group of people whose goal is to control government by winning elections.
Occurs when a candidate wins a state’s popular election and automatically wins all of that state’s electors.
A intra-party election to determine that political party’s candidate for office
A group of people meeting to determine to select a presidential candidate.
G(14) Citizenship. The student understands rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
The student is expected to:
(A) understand the roles of limited government and the rule of law to the protection of individual rights.
Vocabulary Word
Limited government
Inalienable rights
Rule of law
means limited by a written Constitution adopted by the sovereign people as their basic law
Every individual has inherent rights as a human being.
no individual, president or private citizen, stands above law. Democratic governments exercise authority by way of law
and are themselves subject to law's constraints.
(B) analyze the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, including first amendment freedoms.
Vocabulary Word
Due process
Symbolic speech
Separation of church and
Due process
Legal judgment of peers
Nonverbal speech
A phrase written in a letter by Thomas Jefferson, which means an attempt to separate religion and government.
Legal judgment of peers
(D) analyze the role of each branch of government in protecting the rights of individuals.
Vocabulary Word
Judicial review
Administrative oversight
Congressional oversight
Judicial review
Administrative oversight
Congressional oversight
Power of the federal court system to declare any government action unconstitutional.
Applied by the executive branch to ensure that government agencies are operating properly.
Congress oversees the agencies and the executive branch
Power of the federal court system to declare any government action unconstitutional.
Applied by the executive branch to ensure that government agencies are operating properly.
Congress oversees the agencies and the executive branch
(E) explain the importance of due process rights to the protection of individual rights and to the limits on the
powers of government
Vocabulary Word
Procedural due process
Substantive due process
5 and 14 Amendment
Impartial (jury)
Civil liberties
Checks and balances
Rule of law
Is a law clear enough?
If an unreasonable law is passed, due process can make the law unconstitutional.
Both amendments refer to due process
freedom from arbitrary governmental interference
System which allows each branch government to amend the actions of another.
No person is above the Constitution or the law.
G(17) Citizenship. The student understands the importance of the expression of different points of view in a democratic
The student is expected to:
(B) analyze the importance of free speech and press in a democratic society.
Vocabulary Word
Symbolic speech
Prior restraint
First Amendment
Libel/ Seditious
Exhibiting a symbol in the place of verbal expression
Government censorship before publication
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging
the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government
for a redress of grievances.
Completely free of government restraint
American Civil Liberties Union
Removing something objectionable
Defamatory statement, defamatory speech
G(19) Science, technology, and society. The student understands the role the government plays in developing policies
and establishing conditions that influence scientific discoveries and technological innovations.
The student is expected to:
(B) analyze how U.S. government policies fostering competition and entrepreneurship have resulted in scientific
discoveries and technological innovations.
Vocabulary Word
Small Business
(Government) contracts
Securities and Exchange
U.S. Department of State
To bestow a gift of money for a specific purpose. (many different types of grants)
A formal agreement between two countries (NAFTA)
Independent agency of the federal government which fosters small businesses and entrepreneurship
A grant of money from the federal government (usually with stipulations)
A binding agreement between government and a business
A government organization created in 1933 to increase investor confidence.
Cabinet level organization which is responsible for foreign affairs; http://www.state.gov/
G(20) Science, technology, and society. The student understands the impact of advances in science and technology on government
and society.
The student is expected to:
(A) analyze the potential impact on society of recent scientific discoveries and technological innovations.
Vocabulary Word
Search engine
Surveillance technology
A device launched into orbit around the earth
A web device used for gathering information from the World Wide Web
Typically updated daily which reflect the thoughts of the author
A watch kept over a person(s) using different methods of technology
A technique of leading a person to an invalid website to obtain private information
Commerce which is electronically traded
Global positioning system