Resume - UCLA Astronomy

Li-Wei Hung
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Doctor of Philosophy, Astronomy --- GPA 3.98
Master of Science, Astronomy
The Ohio State University (OSU) with Honors Research Distinction
Bachelor of Science, Physics and Astronomy --- GPA 3.95 Summa Cum Laude
Expected June 2016
June 2013
March 2011
Summary of ▪ Excellent management and communication skills developed through experience in teaching /
Qualifications tutoring in higher education for 7 years and leading research projects that resulted in 4 first-author
refereed publications with more than 40 co-authors
▪ Proficient researching skills in performing image processing, data modeling, and numerical and
statistical analysis with computer skills including Python, IDL, C++, Fortran, SVN, vi, HTML,
LaTeX, Microsoft Office, Linux, and Windows
▪ Great flexibility and reliability proven through balancing a full course load with teaching,
research, and laboratory work involving the use of lasers, vacuum chambers, cryogenic liquids, and
data acquisition software
Department of Physics & Astronomy, UCLA
Aug. 2011- Present
Graduate Student Researcher
▪ Analyze and model high-contrast images of a debris disk in near and mid infrared
▪ Fit the data to the models and interpret the results based on statistics
▪ Develop calibration methods and characterize instrumental performance with 6 other team members
▪ Write proposals and operate the instrument mounted on the telescope through software
▪ Publish refereed papers and lead projects as a junior member of the 80 people collaboration
▪ Present research at international conferences and meetings through posters and talks
Department of Astronomy, OSU
June 2010- March 2011
Student Research Assistant, Summer Undergraduate Research Program
▪ Searched for extrasolar planets in the highly magnified microlensing event
▪ Used supercomputers to fit the data with models and constrained the sensitivity range
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, Chile
Jan. 2010- March 2010
Student Research Assistant, Astrophysics Research Program
▪ Collaborated with international scientists to study galaxies using Hubble Space Telescope images
Center for Emergent Materials, OSU
Jan. 2009- Dec. 2009
Student Research Assistant, Physics Research Program
▪ Grew multilayer superconducting thin films in vacuum chambers using a laser
▪ Characterized the transition temperatures and quantum effects in a cryogenic environment
Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
June 2009- Aug. 2009
Summer Intern Research Assistant
▪ Modeled the Suzaku spectrum of a X-ray binary to study the accretion mechanism
School of Earth Science, OSU
Jan. 2008- Dec. 2008
Research Assistant, The National Coral Bleaching Research Project
▪ Assisted with coral sample preparation, data entry, and equipment calibration
EnviroScience Inc.
June 2006 - Sept. 2008
Assistant, Summer Internship Program
▪ Cultured native bugs to mitigate problems caused by invasive Eurasian watermilfoil
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Department of Physics & Astronomy, UCLA
Aug. 2011- Present
Teaching Assistant
▪ Train new teaching assistants with active learning techniques and effective pedagogies
▪ Teach undergraduate astronomy and physics labs and lead discussion sessions
Classes taught as a teaching assistant but assumed the role as an instructor:
▪ Physics 4BL -- Physics Lab for Scientists and Engineers: Electricity and Magnetism
▪ Physics 495 -- Teaching College Physics; TA Training Seminar
Classes taught as a teaching assistant:
▪ Astronomy 3 Lab -- Nature of Universe
▪ Astronomy 4 -- Black Holes and Cosmic Catastrophes
▪ Astronomy 180 -- Astrophysics Laboratory
▪ Physics 6A Lab -- Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Mechanics
Teaching-related Training
▪ Preparing Future Faculty Seminars (9 months)
▪ Teaching Assistant Consultants Central Seminar (9 months)
▪ American Astronomical Society Ambassador Program (2 days)
▪ Center for Astronomy Education Regional Teaching Exchange (6 hours)
Sept. 2012 - Present
OSU Housing
Oct. 2008- March 2011
Peer Tutor
▪ Tutored freshmen in math, physics, biology, and chemistry twice every week
Chinese (native), Taiwanese (native), and Spanish (conversational)
Astronomy Live! Outreach Volunteer
UCLA Astronomy Web Master
Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society
OSU Astronomical Society Secretary and Vice President
COSI Science Center Volunteer
Honors &
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide
In the Spirit of Lyot 1st Place Poster Award
The American Astronomical Society Outreach Ambassador
UCLA Graduate Division Chancellor’s Prize Fellowship
L. Earl Slusher Scholarship in Astronomy
Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1st Place Poster Award in Astronomy
Chandra’s First Decade of Discovery 1st Place Student Poster Award
Physics Smith Sophomore Award
Mathematical and Physical Sciences Alumni Society Scholarship
Physics Helen Cowan Book Award
(5 out of 16)
▪ Hung, Li-Wei; Gaspard Duchene; Pauline Arriaga; Michael P. Fitzgerald; and 32 coauthors, First
Scattered-light Image of the Debris Disk around HD 131835 with GPI, submitted, ApJL
▪ Hung, Li-Wei; Fitzgerald, Michael P.; Chen, Christine H.; Mittal, Tushar; Kalas, Paul G.; and
Graham, James R., Discovery of Resolved Debris Disk around HD 131835, 2015, ApJ, 802, 138
▪ Hung, Li-Wei; Bañados, Eduardo; De Propris, Roberto; West, Michael J., The Galaxy Alignment
Effect in Abell 1689: Evolution, Radial, and Luminosity Dependence, 2010, ApJ, 720, 1483
▪ Hung, Li-Wei; Hickox, Ryan C.; Boroson, Bram S.; Vrtilek, Saeqa D., Suzaku X-ray Spectra and
Pulse Profile Variations During the Superorbital Cycle of LMC X-4, 2010, ApJ, 720, 1202
▪ Macintosh, B.; Graham, J. R.; ...; Hung, Li-Wei and 89 coauthors, Discovery and Spectroscopy of
the Young Jovian Planet 51 Eri b with the Gemini Planet Imager, 2015, Science, 350, 6256
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