KELSEY EDKINS 731 Orchard Drive Duncansville, Pa 16635 814-934-8386 Resume for a job that requires an employee with highly qualified background of physics. EDUCATION The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics and Astronomy / Physics Minor Graduation – Spring 2014 (Anticipated) Relevant Courses Classical Mechanics (Physics 211, 419) Electricity and Magnetism (Physics 212, 400) Quantum Physics (Physics 410) Subatomic Physics (Physics 406) Special and General Relativity (Physics 479) Observational Astronomy Laboratory (Astro 320) Programming for Engineers with C++ (Cmpsc 201) SKILLS - Ability to conduct experimental procedures and work lab instruments such as a telescope, oscilloscope, X-rays (safety trained), cosmic rays, and optical instruments. - Technical computer skills gathered from my Observational Astronomy Lab: SAOImage ds9 (imaging data program) and X-11 (network that provides a basis for graphical user interfaces) - Programming skills in C++ and MatLab ACTIVITIES/HONORS - Elected Merchandizing Chair on Pillar Executive Board 2014 - Pillar Member (THON Special Interest Organization – Student run philanthropy) 2012-2014 - Astronomy Club 2011-2012 - Dean’s List: Fall 2010, Spring 2011 WORK EXPERIENCE - Lowes Hardware – Altoona, Pennsylvania Seasonal Sales Associate (Hardware Department) June 2012 – August 2012 / May 2013 – August 2013 - Elly’s Gifts – Emerald Isle, North Carolina Seasonal Sales Associate / May 2011 – August 2011 - Old Navy – Altoona, Pennsylvania Sales Associate 2009 – 2011