Rocio Velarde
Brazil Sales Head
+55 (11) 4009-3396
Treasury and Trade Solutions
• GDP (2013): USD 2.2 trillion
• GDP Per Capita(2013): USD 11 thousand
• Exports FOB (2013): USD 242.2 billon
• Imports CIF (2013): USD 239.6 billion
• Labor force (2013): 104.7 million
• Unemployment rate: 5.5%
• Federal republic comprising 26 states and one federal district, where the political capital is located.
• The president is elected for a four-year term leads the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the Brazilian
Armed Forces. This election between will have the tightest outcome since
• 513member “Camara de Deputados “(Representatives)
• 81member “Camara de Senadores” (Senators)
• Sovereign Risk Ratings:
S&P Flitch
More Conservative
CDS 5 year – International Comparison
Sources: Bloomberg and Citi Research
Nov-12 Dec-12 Ja Nov-13 Dec-13 Ja
South Africa Peru Brazil Turkey Colombia
Dec-14 Ja
Sources: Bloomberg and Citi Research
We expect GDP to contract 1.0% in
2015 after the slight increase of 0.1% in 2014
Inflation forecast is at 8.2% for 2015, above the mid-point target (6.5%), despite the weak GDP growth, due to the corrections in monitored prices;
• COPOM continued the Selic rate hikes in 2Q15 putting it at 13.25%;
• Confidence indicators plummeted in
1Q15, reaching levels consistent with recession;
• Dilma Roussef started her second term implementing a turnaround in the fiscal policy;
• The appointment of a recognized austere MoF, Joaquim Levy, was the first sign of this reversal, followed by several fiscal measures;
GDP Growth
Interest Rate
25 %
Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13 Jan-14 Jan-15
Real Interest rate Selic rate
20 %
CPI Inflation and Targets (YoY)
Headline CPI Inflation Average of Core Measures
Confidence Indicators
Industrial Sector Consumer Service Sector forecast
Sources: Bloomberg and Citi Research
Only local currency accounts are allowed, with few exceptions
Brazilian Payment System allows real time funds transfer.
ACH Debit services not available
Collection slip widely used for as facilitator for reconciliation.
Boletos can be paid in any bank, and settlement between banks are made by a national clearing.
Moving from Paper to Electronic
Cross border pooling is not efficient from a tax perspective
Local standard cash pooling between different entities produces huge tax implications
Investment: Regressive Tax over TDs below 30 days
Credit: 0,38% flat + 1,5%pa
FX from 0 to 6% flat according to the nature
Brazilian are allowed to have off-shore accounts in other currencies (subject to local regulations)
Brazilians are allowed to borrow directly from external lenders, subject to applicable regulation and taxes.
Current regulation exempts all taxes related to foreign currency loan to exporters
Brazilians are allowed to invest in funds, TDs and others instruments abroad
Uninterrupted presence for 100 years, connecting the country to the rest of the world
Founded in 1915
72 Citibank branches
5.7 thousand employees
Around 400 thousand client accounts
+ 1 million credit cards
R$ 713.8 million net profit
R$ 54.3 billion total assets
R$ 6.9 billion net equity
1 st Trade Finance – Internal Ranking
Market Benchmarks
1 st International Deposits
5 th Trade Finance
1 st FX
Sources: Brazilian Central Bank and Citi
100 years investing in Brazil
72 branches
in the main cities
400 thousands
accountholders clients
1+ million
of credit cards
Employs 5.7 thousand
Which are your main priorities for the 2nd Half of 2015?
A. Expense Reduction
B. Risk Mitigation
C. Operational Efficiency
D. Funding Efficiency
Citi’s solution consists on an advanced support service for our clients, where all the operational tasks of a typical financial department are performed on behalf of the client. The Business Center provides end-to-end solutions for the client’s collections, payments and reconcilement processes
Call Center
Predefined scope
All calls are monitored and recorded
Access &
Periodical meetings
Performance review
Metrics presentation
Value for the Company
1. Allows focusing on adding value to the core business
2 . Increases business efficiency through enriched reports & metrics
3 . Guarantees a secure environment to manage information
4. Clients will benefit from the Industry ´ s best practices
5. Optimizes the use of resources and reduces operational costs
Citi’s ARMS matches commercial and financial information to deliver enriched electronic files containing reconciled payments (related invoices, discounts, refunds, commercial codes, provisions, etc.)
Data Enrichment
1. Client sends products and invoice to retailer as part of a regular commercial transaction
2. Retailer effects payment via wire transfer into the client’s receivables account at Citi
3. Citi captures all payment details from retailers, processes the information and reconciles it using client’s parameters
4. Citi sends to client an electronic file with the detailed information about the payments
▲ 12%
+5 days
61 days
56 days
Supplier Payments: DPO
Sources: Citi Treasury Diagnostics; FactSet
61 days
-4 days
57 days
Customer Receivables: DSO
Yes No
Citi Supplier Finance brings a new solution for terms alignment that enhances financial ratios and brings benefits to all parts involved
Balance Sheet
Payment Services
Structure to manage DPO and reduce COGs
Non-obvious flows (i.e. freight)
Based on electronic information. No physical documentation
Supply chain risk management in a global economy
Integrated and centralized
Platforms. Web-based transactions
Building long-term sustainability into the supply chain strategy
New market, nonstandard customers and suppliers
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Citi believes that sustainability is good business practice. We work closely with our clients, peer financial institutions, NGOs and other partners to finance solutions to climate change, develop industry standards, reduce our own environmental footprint, and engage with stakeholders to advance shared learning and solutions. Highlights of Citi’s unique role in promoting sustainability include: (a) releasing in 2007 a Climate Change Position Statement, the first US financial institution to do so; (b) targeting $50 billion over 10 years to address global climate change: includes significant increases in investment and financing of renewable energy, clean technology, and other carbonemission reduction activities; (c) committing to an absolute reduction in GHG emissions of all Citi owned and leased properties around the world by 10% by 2011; (d) purchasing more than 234,000 MWh of carbon neutral power for our operations over the last three years; (e) establishing in 2008 the Carbon Principles; a framework for banks and their U.S. power clients to evaluate and address carbon risks in the financing of electric power projects; (f) producing equity research related to climate issues that helps to inform investors on risks and opportunities associated with the issue; and (g) engaging with a broad range of stakeholders on the issue of climate change to help advance understanding and solutions.
Citi works with its clients in greenhouse gas intensive industries to evaluate emerging risks from climate change and, where appropriate, to mitigate those risks. efficiency, renewable energy and mitigation