Multifunctional Perennial Cropping Systems for USRW Sarah Taylor Lovell, Assistant Professor Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois Landscape Multifunctionality offers a framework for sustainable design Landscapes that integrate ecological, cultural, and production functions, considering the site-specific context and needs of the users LANDSCAPE PERFORMANCE Production Functions Ecological Functions Cultural Functions Landscape Multifunctionality offers a framework for sustainable design Production Functions Ecological Functions Cultural Functions •Fresh food, herbs •Food for processing •Medicinal products •Fuel incl. biomass •Feed for livestock •Fiber in many forms •Others – cut flowers •Biodiversity •Nutrient cycling •Microclimate control •Water quality •Carbon sequestration •Soil conservation •Water storage •Recreation •Visual Quality •Artistic Expression •Education •Historic Preservation •Ethnic reflection •Cultural heritage Perennial cropping systems offer a multifunctional alternative Production functions: timber, fruits/nuts, biomass Ecological functions: biodiversity conservation, wildlife habitat, water quality, carbon storage Cultural functions: recreation, aesthetics, education Watershed Scale Multifunctional Landscape Example: Upper Sangamon River Watershed Perennial cropping systems offer an opportunity to improve water Sangamon River/Lake Decatur Watershed TMDL Report, 2007 Illinois EPA USRW represents a typical Midwest landscape dominated by row crops Consider land use and farmer adoption behaviors, preferences, attitudes Farm and farmer demographics, including cropping diversity and land use Importance of functions (ecosystem services) Potential for perennial multifunctional landscape Types of crops, markets, incentives, etc. Lease arrangements to support perennials How do we find the early adopters/innovators? Producers and consumers of alternative products can be mapped and networked Subwatershed Scale Multifunctional Landscape Example: Big/Long Creek Watershed Big/Long Creek Subwatershed feeds directly into Lake Decatur Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation plan developed in August 2014 Impairment: Total Phosphorus (P), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Nitrate-N Proximity to municipal markets for food, fuel, etc. Mapping “opportunity lands” will identify targets for transformation Opportunity lands can be identified using GIS Erodible land Poor soils Riparian buffer zones Floodplain and wetland areas Small isolated fields 16 Farm/Parcel Scale Multifunctional Landscape Example: Clarkson and Bell Properties Bell Farm ~27 acres Clarkson Farm 70 acres Where are the best locations to integrate perennial crops? Target lands that are not optimal for annual production systems >> “opportunity lands” Small fields, wet areas, buffer zones, sloped fields Identify crops that would provide additional value for the farmer and support a local economy Site specific solutions can focus on reducing surface runoff…. …or addressing subsurface flow Multifunctional landscapes with continuous cover should be designed with the farmer in mind Perennial biomass for energy Perennial forages for livestock Agroforestry Systems Trees and shrubs for fruit/nut products Trees for timber products Shrubs for floral cuttings Scattered trees to shade livestock Windbreaks and buffers for ecosystem health Bell Farm ~27acres Clarkson Farm 70 acres Landscape designs help farmers to envision alternative solutions and ultimately support future adoption Graphic by Paul Littleton Multifunctional Buffer treatments compare site-scale solutions 1. Control: Corn-soybean rotation 2. Cover Crop Control: Corn(mustard/radish) –Soybean(rye) rotation 3. Monoculture forage crop: Virginia wildrye (Elymus virginicus) 4. Polyculture forage crop: Virginia wildrye + purple prairie clover + leafy prairie clover 5. Monoculture bioenergy crop: Switchgrass ‘Kanlow’ 6. Polyculture bioenergy crop: Switchgrass + big bluestem + Indiangrass + Prairie Cordgrass 7. Monoculture edible: Red Currant 8. Polyculture edible: Red currant + Aronia + Elderberry 9. Monoculture floral: Pussy willow 10.Polyculture floral: Pussy willow + Red osier dogwood + Snowberry Multifunctional Buffer treatments compare site-scale solutions Prime Farmland Hilly Farmland Urban Fringe IMAGINE Perennial Cover across a Multifunctional Landscape