SPPH 526 DL2: Leadership in Public Health Course Outline

 SPPH 526 DL2: Leadership in Public Health Course Outline Winter term: January 2 to April 8, 2013 Time: 08:00-­‐15:45 Room SPPH B-­‐104, 2206 East Mall Course Coordinator: R J (Bob) Smith, Adjunct Professor Sauder School of Business Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z3 604-­‐807-­‐2321 robert.smith@sauder.ubc.ca robert.smit93185 Office: Telephone: Fax: Email: Skype: Course issues for discussion: 1. Class meeting times-­‐8:00 to 12:00; 12:45-­‐15:45 (20 min. break in a.m/45 min. lunch/15 min break in p.m.) 2. Webinars (3) on Monday evenings 19:00-­‐21:00 PST 3. Other? Introduction Welcome to SPPH 526_DL: Leadership in Public Health. This course focuses on the leadership capabilities and skills needed in public health. The course is designed for active and engaged learning since leadership skills development is a combination of leadership theory and experience-­‐based learning. A combination of lecture, classroom practice; case studies, and group presentations will shape the course. Guest lecturers will be invited to engage the students with current, practical leadership experiences. Required Text There is no required text for this course. Readings for each class are listed on the 'Readings List' and will be provided on the Course site. Description Understanding what leadership is, how skills are developed, refined and practiced is a complex study and is the fundamental objective of this course. Students will learn the fundamentals of leadership that will begin the basis for further leadership skills development throughout their career. These attributes will be identified, debated, and practiced. Students will consider a framework for leadership along with other managerial insights to help the them develop skills in areas of self-­‐awareness, teambuilding, SPPH 526_DL, Course Outline, January 2013 Page 1 negotiation and conflict management, change management, strategic thinking, evidence informed decision-­‐making, policy development, and knowledge exchange and translation. Students will participate in debate, discuss relevant theory, present case studies, and work in small groups. A midterm exam and a group presentation for the final exam as well as a final term paper-­‐-­‐a self-­‐
reflection-­‐-­‐will be required. Learning Objectives By the end of this course, you will be: 1.
Familiar with the key leadership capabilities Understand leadership behaviours and able to apply the basic skills Able to appraise your own leadership abilities and develop a plan for lifelong learning Know how to engage others on various teams and networks, across jurisdictions, and Begin to develop leadership attributes for managing change. Preparation for the first class Students are to study and be prepared to discuss Leaders for Life Capabilities Framework (See Readings section for both the slide presentation by Graham Dickson as well as the written content). This is a competency framework utilized increasingly across Canada in the health sector. The material is extensive and the student can choose which format—the Dickson narration or the written content that works best for them. Students should also sign onto Della Smith’s blog at http://dellasdeck.blogspot.ca/. She provides a thought provoking source of knowledge on “how to”-­‐-­‐ a key aspect of leadership. Evaluation Students are expected to be actively engaged in debate/discussion in class. A written midterm exam (due Feb 10th) will be required and a small group presentation on a final case (Mar 24th class) will along with a self-­‐reflection essay (due Apr 8th) forms the basis of the student’s mark in the course. Essential throughout the course and in exam presentations the essay will be evidence that the student understands the key theories and behaviours of leadership and the methods of application to common management issues. Requirements: The requirements and assignments for the course are as follows: SPPH 526_DL, Course Outline, January 2013 Page 2 Class contribution: Students must be prepared to participate actively in each class (10% of course grade). Midterm Exam: Students will analyze a Case Study of a selected topic for written analysis. (25% of course grade). It is an 8-­‐10 page paper. It must be submitted electronically by email to the instructor in 11pt font Arial, 1.5 spacing, 1 inch margins. Appropriate referencing should be provided and the bibliography is in addition. Final Exam: Students will have worked in small groups and will present a Case Study orally as a team. This is a group assignment and mark for the assignment applies to all members of the group. The final exam is set for April 2nd (35% of course grade). Term Essay: This paper is due April 8th (30% of course grade). The self-­‐reflection essay is a ten page paper discussing your leadership learning experiences from your study group, the lessons from class, the readings and your independent leadership study. The paper should identify your next steps to the continuous development of your leadership skills and personal goals. The paper should not exceed 10 pages. It must be submitted in 11pt font Arial, 1.5 spacing, 1 inch margins. Appropriate referencing should be provided and the bibliography is in addition to the 10 page paper submission. Grading: Papers • Structure/professionalism 15 • Content (incl. link to theory) 65 • Writing/grammar/style 10 • Creativity 10 Grading: Presentation • Professionalism 15 • Content (incl. links to theory) 55 • Team Presence 15 • Creativity 15 Please note: Work should be supported by theory not just opinion Cite sources appropriately Presentation should be creative and provide insights of applied leadership theory The actions of the team process with other teams is relevant Schedule of Topics Date Instructor: Bob Smith W1: January 7th Webinar Jan 7th 7:00-­‐
9:00 PST Topic Pre-­‐reading requirement Orientation Introductions; course outline review; small team organization; tacit/explicit knowledge; Leaders for Life Capability Framework; Mind Tools exercise and discussion; Case 1-­‐Pat’s secondment. Self-­‐awareness administrative, managerial and executive leadership distinctions; basic leadership skills; working with cases; SPPH 526_DL, Course Outline, January 2013 Page 3 Date Instructor: Bob Smith W2: January 14th W3: January 21st Jan 24th Module 1 W4: January 28th W5: Webinar 7-­‐9 th
February 4 Review readings; options/plans for Case 2-­‐Pat’s budget and plan; strategic planning and MECE; Case 3-­‐team building Strategic leadership, planning Readings Discuss Case 3-­‐Pat’s team building, review readings; summarize experiences and issues of leadership covered. Take home midterm exam case presentation Midterm Exam due Midterm Exam: Students will analyze a Case Study of a Sunday February 10th at selected topic for written analysis. This is an individual 5:00 p.m. assignment. (25% of course grade). It is an 8-­‐10 page paper. It must be submitted electronically by email to the instructor in 11pt font Arial, 1.5 spacing, 1 inch margins. Appropriate referencing should be provided and the bibliography is in addition to the 10 page paper submission. No Class STATUTORY HOLIDAY W6: February11th W7: No Class February 18th W8: Feb 28th Module 2 February 25th W9: March 4th W10: March 12th W11: March 18th Topic Case 2-­‐Pat’s planning Leading others-­‐basic leadership skills Readings Webinar 7-­‐9 Mar 24th Module 3 READING BREAK Review readings, change management theory and discussion; project management, communications; Achieving results in socio-­‐political environments Leading change Coalition Building coalition building theory; mock negotiations exercise Part 1; Readings Independent group work Review readings; discuss group work Independent group work Review 2eadings, group work sessions on Case: mock negotiations exercise Part 2 and Final group presentations SPPH 526_DL, Course Outline, January 2013 Page 4 Date Instructor: Bob Smith Topic W12: March 25th http://www.mindtool
ewLDR_50.htm. Redo the quiz and explore the results W 13: April 1st W 14: April 8th STATUTORY HOLIDAY Self-­‐Reflection Essay due at noon on April 8th –
electronic submission Readings: Readings: SPPH 526_DL, Course Outline, January 2013 Page 5 