Application of the Radioactive Tracer Log for Flow Measurement in Polymer Injection Wells* S.P. Figliuolo1, F. Peñalba1, H.P. Burbridge1, M. Ichard1, M. Ravicule1, J.E. Juri1, and A.M. Ruiz Martinez1 Search and Discovery Article #41640 (2015)** Posted June 30, 2015 *Adapted from oral presentation given at AAPG Latin America Region, Geoscience Technology Workshop, Extending Mature Fields’ Life Cycles: The Role of New Technologies and Integrated Strategies, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 11-12, 2015 **Datapages © 2015 Serial rights given by author. For all other rights contact author directly. 1 YPF Tecnologia S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina ( Abstract Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies assessment aims to increase the recovery factor from mature fields. To achieve this objective the work is directed to progressively reduce uncertainty by recording and evaluating laboratory and field information, as well as performing forecasts using modeling and simulation. In this context of technological exploration, implementation of a polymer injection pilot project challenges techniques and tools routinely used in secondary recovery. One of these challenges is the measurement of polymer flow rate taken at each perforation. This parameter aids to optimize the efficiency of the CEOR process by allowing the evaluation of the sweep efficiency per layer and its evolution over time. As part of a pilot project in the San Jorge Gulf Basin (Argentina) a polymer injectivity test was conducted in Well A. During this test the radioactive flow-log tool was used in an attempt to determine the fluid intake by perforations. This tool is commonly used for monitoring water injection in secondary recovery projects. In water injection wells the flow is turbulent, which promotes the diffusion of radioactive tracers into the main stream of the well. But when the tool is used with polymer, due to the increased viscosity of the fluid, the flow regime becomes laminar, which impairs the tracer diffusion process. Thus, for polymer injectors, the flow-log tool response complicates the determination of flow rate received by each perforation. In order to better understand the process of measuring and estimating flow rates for each perforated interval in the well, the workflow applied consisted of the following steps: All records of operations carried out using the flow-log tool in Well A is thoroughly analyzed. Literature on the theory and practice of the flow-log tool and tracers was reviewed. Using the method proposed by the service provider and an alternative method, all records were reinterpreted, including both water and polymer injection for Well A. Computational fluid dynamic simulations (CFD) were conducted to better understand the phenomenon and evaluate the validity of the proposed alternative method of interpretation. Application of the Radioactive Tracer Log for Flow Meassurement in Polymer Injection Wells Silvio Figliuolo - Fernando Peñalba - Horacio Burbridge - Mat Ichard - Marcela Ravicule - Juan Juri - Ana María Ruíz Introduction Background Flow rate measurements by reservoir may contribute to determine polymer flooding project efficiency. Gerencia de Proyectos Especiales y Manantiales Behr staff (YPF S.A.). Information provided by the flow-log tool in use for flow rate measurements, during polymer injection, is confusing and difficult to interpret. The method used is not designed for the laminar flow conditions. Opportunity for identification/development of alternatives for EOR projects. Objective To provide reliable measurements of polymer flow rate distribution, by reservoir. This information should allow to evaluate polymer flooding efficiency. Workflow Injection Well Characteristics Tool Specifications and Operation Procedure Alternatives New Interpretation Method. Logging Process Modification. Tool reengineering and modification. Alternative tools availbility. New tool design project. Measurement Process Review Analysis of Results Feasibility Possible Solutions Breakdown Time for Implementation Cost $ I Flow-Log Tool YPF TECNOLOGfA 1-318" CAS IN G COLLAR L OCATO R Diameter. 1-]; 6" (3A.9mm·l Length· 2 1.5 ' PresOlU re Rating 20.000 psi (137.9 MPa ) (54 6 mm. ) Te mper.:J tu re Rating 350 F (176'C) Operating Voltage: 100 Vde @ 15rnA 1-3/8" TR AC ER EJ EC TOR • Diameter 1-3,'8" (34.9mm·l Leng tll 36.6a" (931 mrn.l Capacity: 50 cc Pressure Rating: 17.m)() psi (117.2 MPa) Temperatu re Rating: 350 F (176q Operating Voltage ' 100 Vde Positive ..,. Fill 100 Vde Nega ti....e --7 Eject I, I 1-318"' GAMMA RAY DE T EC TOR COPGO GE OIL&GAS ARGENTINA Diame ter. 1-31S" (34.9mm.) Length " 50.S" Pres :rure Ratin'>1 : 20.000 psi (137 .9 MPa ) (1291 mm .l Tempel<l tu re Ratin<;J: 350 F (176 'C ) Operating Voltage: 100 Vde @ 4 5 rnA Logging Process Description Rate = Volume / Time = Area * Length / Time = Area * Speed Q T qB Radioactive Tracer Ejector Detectors T: Total flow rate Q. t: qA flow rate time qB= Q - qA t qA I Field Data: Water and Polymer YPF TECNOLOGfA I J_ I-- .+ r rI l - I-- - )) - I L ,J1 ~ t-- -Il- .... 1 f--; , ,ro ~ T I r- l- . t CfT, IG<I'II I- I" I '<!lr - --!ll I- 100 ,- ocr:IGOPli -r- - t- - t- - HI" Y - "'- --) --) ! 'I \ "'- ..... ,!!j) :lID I I V .... .... -~ I ]) - -, - I ll~ ~o- i"\ J 'o- -''''- -, \10 I1- G , I r- ~ rI- ~ ,-t - t-- -r- t- t +I"-+- I -I r ..... I L b. - L . l- ~ J --, -[-I - -I-- -t-- 1+ - ~ --'-i",- 1-'- . i- ~ -t-':... 1- 10- - '1- -l' C 'I h- IJlr I I, I I I 1. I I -" ) - I Laminar Flow Tracer Distribution - Literature YPF TECNOLOGfA EJECTIOH PORT ~ "' ...J l' l' '"z '"'-'< < ...J o o .... • ...J ...J as It pas m e rst elector to e secon . en we re flow was laminar, the tracer dispersion could be predicted with a theoretical moclel and the experimental results compared well with the theory. As would be expected. optimal results were obtained when the bulk of the tracer was placed in the high-velocity. central “Tracer-Placement Techniques for Improved Radioactive-Tracer Logging”, Hil, Boehm, Akers, SPE17317, 1988 I Field Data Review YPF TECNOLOGfA Tracer concentration logs in polymer solutions -+- -+-H;;:!:: .·· -"- . "- n°;.;~''"r ., " ~cr r-+ -+t-+ II " I, -+-V ·· · L I I -+ '> + ; , I I DliT'''''''''', == ," k .... <.:' "' ~ l l ("~H) '$)IJ TJW " , DliT"""""" I , -, - ; T ""'"""""'I b + t ~ , • t- J • · , <-- +: -"- " +. , " ... -+ -+ "+: , ! 1ft 1-' + +t+ + , I-t- -+-+- ~ "0 '''! + 00 t-+-';;"t- 1+ 1-+( 1+ • " · ro It- • t++t++-+ l- I-, 0 "t- , t-r-:; I ~ I00 r I -- I :1= ·4= - 00 00 _ I. , oo 1+ H:- ---r-r-- Transit Time Estimation Concentration peak method Sensor 1 7,5 s Peak time Sensor 2 Transit Time Estimation Tracer breakthrough method 7,5 s estimado utilizando el primer arribo. Sensor 1 Sensor 2 Transit Time Estimation Additional Information (not used!) Tracer Ejection Sensor 1 Sensor 2 CFD Simulation Set Up- 2D Model Preconditions eyector (z=0m) Water/Polymer flow in annular space between casing and tool Eyector diameter 0.5 mm Tracer ejection speed 3.18 m/s Tracer ejection length 0.8 s Tracer concentration measured downstream in: Detector 1 (z=-2.53 m) Detector 2 (z=-5.64 m) Distance between detectors: Δ=3.11 m I CFD Simulation Set Up – Tracer Difussion and Detection, Water YPF TECNOLOGfA H2o L.Mass Fraclon Canouot II I - - - - Agua - Tiro 07. 11.2012 - 1029m 2.42o4e-OOt Simuladon 2273&-001 2.121e-001 1.971Je..OO1 1.818e-001 -v 1.667&-001 1.515&-001 H • 1.364&001 1.212e-OOI 1.0611rOO1 9.091e-002 7.57&-002 ~ 6.06te-002 4.545e.()Q2 3.03()e..OO2 !i 1.515e-002 O.OOOe-tOOO i I" • ~ .'1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 -- 90 100 :<: 8. E • ;= 0 0."" (,., 110 1 20 1 30 140 1 50 160 170 180 CFD Simulation Set Up – Tracer Difussion and Detection Polymer Polymer viscosity is modelled using Carreau law for specific polymer and concentration, optimized for the reservoir. CFD Simulation Set Up - Results CFD simulation succesfully reproduced radioactive tracer disperssion: Turbulent flow in Newtonian fluids (water injection). Laminar flow in Non-Newtonian fluids (polymer injection) Water Injection Polymer Injection CFD Simulation Tracer Breakthrough Flow Rate Estimation 1. CFD injection well model. Flow rate distribution for each reservoir Injection rate: 140 m3/d TOOL 1 P1: 314 psi TOOL 2 Reservoir pressure: hydrostatic P1: 331 psi CFD Simulation Tracer Breakthrough Flow Rate Estimation 2. Tracer difussion simulation and flow rate estimation (Tools 1 and 2). TOOL 1 Streamlines en P1 th1_det1 = 13.4s ; th1_det2= 27.4s ; Δh1 =14.0s TOOL 2 th2_det1 = 50s ; th2_det2= 106s ; Δh2 = 56s CFD Simulation Tracer Breakthrough Flow Rate Estimation 3. Calculo de los caudales con el método de los primeros arribos. Reservoir Simulated Rate (m3/day) Tracer Breakthrough Flow Rate (m3/day) Error P1 105.9 105.3 <1% P2 34.1 34.7 2% Tracer Breakthrough Injection Rate Estimation Comparación de Caudales - Promedio y Desviación Std 03-abr 1027 mts 03-abr 1027 mts 03-abr 1027 mts 1040 mts 1040 mts 1040 mts 1054 mts 1054 mts 1054 mts Csg 5 1/2 09-may Csg Comparación de Caudales - Promedio y Desviación Std Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 197,9 1027 mts Q (Eyector - Detector 1) Prom y Desv std Csg 5 1/2 09-may Csg Q (Eyector - Detector 2)Comparación 180,8 185,8- Promedio y Q (Eyector - Detector 2) de Caudales Desviación Std Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 197,9 10,5 1027 mts Q (Eyector - Detector 1) Prom y Desv std 09-may Csg(Det1-Det2) 5 1/2 Csg(Det1-Det2) Q 178,8 Q Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 180,8 185,8 Q (Eyector - Detector 2) Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 197,9 1027 mts Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 10,5 Q inf por COPGO 184,5 Q inf COPGO Prom y Desv std Q (Det1-Det2) 178,8 Q (Det1-Det2) Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 180,8 185,8 Q (Eyector - Detector 2) Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 183,2 10,5 1041 mts Q (Eyector - Detector 1) Q inf por COPGO 184,5 Q inf COPGO Prom y Desv std Q (Det1-Det2) 178,8 Q (Det1-Det2) Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 180,8 180,9 Q (Eyector - Detector 2) Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 183,2 (Eyector - Detector 1) 2,2 1041 mts Q Q inf por COPGO 184,5 Q inf COPGO Prom y Desv std Q (Det1-Det2) 178,8 Q (Det1-Det2) Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 180,8 180,9 Q (Eyector - Detector 2) Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 183,2 1041 mts Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 2,2 Q info COPGO 164,7 Q inf COPGO Prom y Desv std Q (Det1-Det2) 178,8 Q (Det1-Det2) Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 180,8 180,9 Q (Eyector - Detector 2) Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 164,9 2,2 1053 mts Q (Eyector - Detector 1) Q info COPGO 164,7 Q inf COPGO Prom y Desv std Q (Det1-Det2) 178,8 Q (Det1-Det2) Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 153,2 154,3 Q (Eyector - Detector 2) Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 164,9 (Eyector - Detector 1) 10,1 1053 mts Q Q info COPGO 164,7 Q inf COPGO Prom y Desv std Q (Det1-Det2) 144,8 Q (Det1-Det2) Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 153,2 154,3 Q (Eyector - Detector 2) Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 164,9 1053 mts Q (Eyector - Detector 1) 10,1 Q inf por COPGO 90,7 Q inf COPGO Prom y Desv std Q (Det1-Det2) 144,8 Q (Det1-Det2) Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 153,2 154,3 Q (Eyector - Detector 2) 10,1 Q inf por COPGO 90,7 Q inf COPGO Q (Det1-Det2) 144,8 Q (Det1-Det2) 5 1/2 197,9 5 1/2 Flow Rates Estimation, Mean and Std Dev212,1 197,9 5 1/2 217,2 212,1 197,9 170,7 217,2 212,1 206,1 170,7 217,2 212,1 206,1 170,7 217,2 212,1 206,1 212,0 217,2 212,1 164,9 212,0 217,2 180,8 164,9 212,0 196,2 180,8 164,9 168,3 196,2 180,8 168,3 196,2 Prom y Desv std 209,0 10,0 Prom y Desv std 209,0 10,0 Prom y Desv std 209,0 10,0 Prom y Desv std 211,8 5,5 Prom y Desv std 211,8 5,5 Prom y Desv std 211,8 Prom y Desv std 5,5 180,6 15,6 Prom y Desv std 180,6 15,6 Prom y Desv std 180,6 15,6 Results Review and analyzed Flow-Log rate measurement and estimation process. Tracer Breakthrough provides reliable information on water injection rate. Agreement between field data (water and polymer) and tracer breakthrough using CFD simulations. Using CFD simulation the accuracy of polymer injection rates by reservoir, estimated using tracer breakthrough is 2%. Multiple sources of information (ejector-detector transit time) may contribute to measurements reliability. PCh Reservorios Octubre 2014 Next Steps Laboratory tests. Field test protocol. Technical support to provider. Field Test (design, implementation and evaluation) with field staff and provider. Documentation y final recomendations.