University of Kansas GRADUATE SCHOOL THESES 1948-1958 Compiled by BESSIE E . W I L D E R 1961 University of Kansas Libraries U N I V E R S I T Y OF KANSAS PUBLICATIONS LIBRARY SERIES N U M B E R 1 2 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PUBLICATIONS Library Series Editor, ROBERT L . Q U I N S E Y 1. University of Kansas: List of Publications Compiled by Mary Maud Smelser 1935 2. University of Kansas Graduate School Theses, 1888-1947 Compiled by Bessie E. Wilder 1949 305 pp. Paper, $1.50 3. Two Augustan Booksellers: John Dunton and Edmund Curll by Peter Murray Hill 1958 30 pp. Paper, $1.00 4. New Adventures Among Old Books: An Essay in Eighteenth Century Bibliography by William B. Todd 1958 33 pp. Paper, $1.00 5. Catalogues of Rare Books: A Chapter in Bibliographical History by Archer Taylor 1958 65 pp. Paper, $1.50 6. What Kind of a Business Is This? Reminiscences of the Book Trade and Book Collectors by Jacob Zeitlin 1959 19 pp. Paper, 50$* 7. The Bibliographical Way by Fredson Bowers 1959 34 pp. Paper, 5(ty 8. A Bibliography of English Imprints of Denmark by P. M. Mitchell 1960 85 pp. Paper, $2.00 9. On the Burning of His Library and On Medical Travel by Thomas Bartholin, translated by Charles D. O'Malley 1961 Paper, $2.25 10. A Bibliography of the Frank E. Melvin Collection of Pamphlets of the French Revolution in the University of Kansas Libraries by Ambrose Saricks 1961 2 vols. paper; the set, $7.50 11. Observations on Paper as Evidence by Allan H. Stevenson 1961 Paper, 85fi 12. University of Kansas Graduate School Theses, 1948-1958 Compiled by Bessie E. Wilder 1961 Paper, $2.50 The Library Series and other University of Kansas Publications are offered to learned societies, colleges and universities and other institutions in exchange for similar publications. All communications regarding exchange should be addressed to the Exchange Librarian, University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, Kansas. Communications regarding sales, reviews, and forthcoming publications in the Library Series should be addressed to the Editor, Office of the Director of Libraries, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Graduate School Theses 1948-1958 University of Kansas GRADUATE SCHOOL THESES 1948-1958 Compiled by BESSIE E . W I L D E R University of Kansas Libraries 1961 U N I V E R S I T Y O F KANSAS PUBLICATIONS Library Series Number 12 Price: $2.50 Copyright 1961 by the University of Kansas Libraries Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 61-62736 PRINTED IN T H E STATE PRINTING P L A N T , T O P E K A 28-6699 Introductory Note Miss Wilder's compilation, University of Kansas Graduate School Theses, 1888-1947, appeared in 1 9 4 9 and almost at once proved to be as useful as had been predicted. Not only has it been an excellent reference book, but from it have been drawn materials for several articles on the development of graduate studies at the University of Kansas. We are pleased indeed to have a second and continuation compilation from Miss Wilder. We are confident that it will, like its predecessor, be welcomed in many quarters. J . 1 1 . NELSON, Dean of the Graduate School. (7) Preface This bulletin covers the theses which were submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Kansas in partial fulfillment of the requirements for master's and doctor's degrees from 1948 through 1958. The list supplements the list in University of Kansas Graduate School Theses, 1888-1947, which was published in 1949. I wish to thank Professor Wealthy Babcock of the Department of Mathematics, Professor J. O. Maloney of the School of Engineering, and Mr. Roy Kidman, Miss Laura Neiswanger, and Miss Eva Morrison of' thè University Library staff, for their help in assigning subject headings for the theses. I wish to acknowledge with deepest gratitude the assistance which I received from Dean John H. .Nelson. His thoughtfulness and consideration have made the work on this publication a pleasure. BESSIE (8) E. WILDEB. Contents PAGE Theses, listed alphabetically under author Departmental Index Chronological Index Subject Index 11 115 139 162 PART I Theses Listed Alphabetically Under Author Abbott, Dorla Jane. A study of reapplieations made at Family Service, Kansas City, Missouri, during the statistical year 1954-1955. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Abdussalam, (Ansari) Mohammed. A plan for the sociological study of Karachi. M. A. Sociol. 1955. Abel, Clifford Lee. The relationship of performance to a classification index. M . S . E d . 1958. Abrahamson, Earl A., Jr. I. Polarographic behavior of simple chlorinated organosilanes. II. Polarographic investigations in pyridine. Ph. D, Chem. 1951. Acker, William James. The correlation between college entrance examination results and success in the Air Force ROTC program at the University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1955. Aekermann, Raymond J. The high temperature, high vacuum vaporization and thermodynamic properties of uranium dioxide. Ph. D. Chem. 1955. Adams, Esther Young. The group therapy approach in a speech program for the young cerebral palsied population in public schools. M. S. Ed. 1957. Adams, Howard C, Jr. Marguerite Yourcenar—Novelist. M. A. French. 1958. Adams, Use Hofbauer. The press in postwar Austria, 1945-1952. M. S. Journ. 1957. Adams, Roy M. Lactones from epoxides and acetoacetic ester. Ph. D. Chem. 1949. Adams, William Walter, Jr. Student political leadership at Kansas University. M.' A. Pol. Sci. 1954. Ahmed, Lathcef Nazeer. College and university training in Kansas for government service. M, A. Pol. Sci. 1951. Administrative committee on coordination ( A C C ) : an intersecretariat coordinating machinery of the United Nations family of agencies. Ph. D. Pol. Sci. 1955. Akagi, James Masuji. Studies on glutamolvydroxamic acid formation by cellfree preparations of aerobacter cloacae. M. A. Bact. 1955. Akers, Shirley Bartholomew. Philosophical influences in the poetry of Fray Luis de Leon. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1949. Albert, Don Keith. Moral judgment of social actions. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Alexander, Warren Richard. The electronic controls of the University of Kansas pressure-insulated electrostatic generator. M. S. Phys. 1950. Al—Hamdani—see Hamdani. Alkire, G. Don. The relation of certain factors resident in the pupil, in the school, and in the teacher, to functional competence in mathematics. D. Ed. 1953. Allen, Jean Saffiell. Creating drapery designs for the New York market. M. Fine Arts Design. 1954. (11) 12 University of Kansas Allen, Laurence Arthur. Training and experience of eity managers with special reference to Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1948. Allen, William Daniel. Investigations of gas spargers by the air oxidation of sodium sulfite solutions. M, S. Chem. Engin. 1956. Allen, William H., Jr. A.n analysis of school philosophies, school staff, plant, equipment and supplies of 205 north-central schools in Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1949. Allsup, Edward Leonard. The relation between musicality and the influence of music on typewriting scores. ML Mus. Ed. 1952. Almon, Jean Marie. Problems of an interior. M. Fine Arts Draw, and Paint. 1953. Alnutt, John Carl. A first semester senior high school course in American literature treated reflectively in the light of historical backgrounds. M. A. Ed. 1948. Alsmiller, Hufard G., Jr. Positron annihilation in metals. Ph. D. Physics. 1957. Alsup, Richard Glenn. The reaction of sodium azide with ethylene sulfides, ethylenimines and triethylene oxide. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Altenbernd, Elvin Conrad. Studies on the infectivity and hemagglutinative properties of influenza virus. M. A. Bact. 1952, Altimari, Philip Ellsworth. The structural investigation of a rectangular paraboloid thin shell, M. S. Civil Engin. 1958. Altringer, Mary Pauline. The effect of Streptolysin O on the red lilood cells of man, horse, mouse, chicken and rabbit. M. A. Bact. 1950. Amdahl, Lowell Dean. A photomicrographie study of the electret. M. S. Phys. 1952. Amell, Karin. A reception study of Ernest Hemingway. M. A. Eng. 1957. Amelunxen, Remi Edward. Studies on the effects of mouse encephalomyelitis virus, strain G D V I I , on mammalian cells grown in vitro. M. A. M e d . Microbiol. 1957. Amini, Hannah Roberts. Sara Teasdale (A biographical sketch and critical analysis.) M. A. Eng. 1948. Amundson, Howard Lee Roy. A study of social services to long-hospitalized veterans at Winter Veterans Administration Hospital, Topeka, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Anderson, Lcthia Mae. Equalization of educational opportunity for Negroes in Oklahoma. M. S. Ed. 1952. Anderson, Roland Giles. A palynological study of a fresh water marsh in Atchison County, Kansas. M. A. Bot. 1954. Anderson, Sydney. The distribution and geographic variation of the montane meadow mouse, Microtus montonus, in Wyoming. M, A. Zool. 1952. Anderson, Verl Dean. Relationship between intelligence and coordination. M. S. Ed. 1952. Andrews, Michael Frank. A survey of the problems confronting the elementary school teacher in the teaching of art and suggestions for possible p r o b lem solving. M. S. E d . 1948. Angcll, Wayne D. The ordering of differences in preferences, M. A. E c o n . 1953. A century of commercial banking in Kansas, 1856-1956. Ph. D. Econ. 1957. Angino, Ernest Edward. Pressure-induced thermoluminescence as a geologic age determination method. M. S. Geol. 1958. Graduate School Theses 13 Annis, Russell W. An analysis of readability factors within three novels commonly taught in high school. M. S. Ed. 1953. Ansari, Mohammed Ali. Continuous plate girder bridges: design and economy. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1952. Antliff, Harold Roy. The hormonal control of sexual behavior in the . male guinea pig. Ph. D. Anat. 1956. Argabright, Loren Neil. The role of the axiom of infinity in the development of the number system within a set-theoretic framework. M. A. Math. 1958. Argyris, Chris. A theoretical formulation in human relations in industry by the use of vector and topological methods in certain selected situations. M. A. Econ. 1949. Armatas, Philip. J. Ten year follow-up study (1947-1957) of vocational rehabilitation clients who have attended the University of Kansas. M. S. Rehabilitation Counseling. 1958. Arnold, James • DeArmond. Program design for control of the Dutch Elm disease in Ferguson, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1958. Arper, William B., Jr. The smackover formation in southern Arkansas and northern Louisiana, and adjacent areas of northeastern Texas and westcentral Mississippi. Ph. D. Geol. 1953. Arvey, Martin Dale. Phylogeny of the waxwings and allied birds. Ph. D. Zool. 1949. Ashley, James Robert. Analog computation of radar errors in non-uniform atmosphere. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1956. Ashlock, Robert Allen. An experimental scale on attitudes used with experienced teachers and student teachers. Spec, in Ed. 1956. Asquith, Donald Owen. Geology of a portion of the Sangre de Cristo Range northwest of Cuchara Camps, Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1952. Atchison, Donald Porter. Comparison of twenty-five and sixty cycles for power transmission. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1952. Atchison, Robert Wayne. The effects of variant strains of Pasteurella tularensis upon linear migration of normal guinea pig leucocytes in vitro. M. A. Bact. 1955. Atha, Quincy L. Campus audio-visual programs at nine midwestern universities, 1953. D. Ed. 1954. Atwood, Bayard Mcintosh, Jr. Some economic aspects of the American development of Arabian oil relative to the economy of Saudi Arabia. M. A. Econ. 1954. Ausherman, Robert Durham. A study of the ability of secondary school students of music to perceive differences in tone quality of the same instrument. M. Mus. Ed, 1956. Ayers, Solon G. An investigation of terminal vocational education at Haskell Institute. D. Ed. 1952. Ayllon, Teodoro. The effect of punishment on tactual-kinesthetic figure-ground perception. M. A. Psychol. 1955. Baali, Fuad. The bedouins of southern Iraq: an inquiry into their economic and social life. M. A. Sociol. 1957. Baca, John Elifaz. Imagery in the works of Federico Garcia Lorca. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1948. Bacon, John A. A taxonomic study of the genus Rhagovelia (Hemiptera; veliidae) of the Western Hemisphere. Ph. D. Ent. 1950. University of Kansas 14 Bacot, Eunice Rosetta. A study of the administrative aspects of discipline in an elementary school. M. S. E d . 1953. Badsky, E d w a r d T. An experimental study of the acoustical properties of selected instrumental rehearsal rooms. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Baechler, Marjorie Simmonds. A study of the personal relationships of a l c o holic w o m e n . M. Soc. W o r k . 1952. Baer, Charles John. A m o d e l study of a sedimentation basin. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1950. Baer, Clyde Joseph. A study of the effect on instruction of knowledge of results of student ratings. M. S. E d . 1950. A comparison of the school progress and personal adjustment of underage and overage students of comparable intelligence during eleven years in school. D. Ed. 1955. Balm, Arthur Nathanael. T h e effect of alpha estradiol benzoate on the reagin titer of male rabbits treated with the Nichols strain of Treponema pallidum. M. A. Bact. 1952. Bahr, Ehrhard. A study of Nietzsche's educational philosophy from the point of view of democratic education. M. S. Ed. 1958. Baier, George W a y n e . A preliminary investigation of the inter-agreement b e tween speech teachers and laymen in evaluating public speaking performances. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1955. Bailey, Donald Hoy. Three staff projects of an administrative aide. M. P u b . Admin. 1950. Baird, Irwin L. An anatomical study of certain salamanders of the genus Tseudoeurycea. M. A. Zool. 1949. Baird, John Sanford. Fire Order. M. A. Eng. 1956. Baker, Anna Belle Bees. Guideposts in art education for elementary teachers: a study in preparation for supervision of art. M. S. E d . 1957. Baker, Catherine Smith. Care for the unmarried mother and her child. M. Soc. Work. 1949. Baker, Charles D. Classification into college major-areas of concentration by means of multiple discriminant function weighting of college entrance test scores. D. E d . 1957. Baker, Charles David. A critical analysis of three high school chemistry textbooks. M. S. Ed. 1949. Baker, Daniel Protheroe. Vegetation mapping in the United States Forest Service and the United States Bureau of Land Management. M. A. G e o g . 1954. Baker, Frederick Donald. Studies on the enzyme lipase in die housefly, Musca domestica ( L ) . Ph. D. Bact. 1957. Baker, John Norton. Pulsation heating effects in projection welding. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1953. Baker, Maurice Frank. The ecology and management of prairie chickens in Kansas. Ph. D. Zool. 1952. Baker, Rollin Harold. distribution. The avifauna of Micronesia: its origin, evolution, and Ph. D. Zool. 1948. Baker, Roy. T h e development and administration of a municipal garage, with emphasis upon accounting control. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Baker, William Earl. The narrative of corporate annual reports: its purpose, the techniques of presentation, and the contents. M. Bus. Admin. 1950. Graduate School Theses 15 Baker, William T. A sample study of rehabilitation of 109 tuberculosis cases in Kansas for the four-year period, 1953-1957. M. S. Rehabil. Coun. 1958. Baklridge, Joseph Biley. The structure of certain organic compounds. M. A. Chem. 1949. Bale, Lawrence James. A study of health knowledge in training and nontraining groups. M. S. Ed. 1957. Ball, Floyd Neil. Changes in the Soviet economic structures 1917-28. M. A, Pol. Sci. 1950. Ball, Homer B., Jr. Proposed revisions of certain business license ordinances, city of Columbia, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1955. Ball, Mahlon Marsh. Geology of southwestern Franklin County, Kansas. M. S. Gcol. 1957. Ball, Stanton Mock. Geology of eastern Franklin County, Kansas. M. S, Geol. 1958. Ballard, David Chapin. The design and construction of a 465 MC transmitter and receiver. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Banks, Eugene M. Political ideologies and the racial issue in the Union of South Africa. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1957. Baqai, Moin Uddin. Some aspects of the relationship between monetary and fiscal policy in underdeveloped countries (a case study of Pakistan). Ph. D. Econ. 1956. Barber, Herbert II., Jr. The bromination of aniline in various solvents, M. A. Chem. 1948. Barenberg, Ernest J. Elastic stability of funicular curves. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1958. Barker, Gerald Kermit. A study of recreational and physical educational habits and desires of World War II veterans. M. S. Ed. 1948. Barkis, Betty Jane. Methods of reporting pupil progress in the vocal music class in Kansas elementary schools. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Borland, Jerome Kenneth. A comparative study of body measurements of male students entering the University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1958. Barnes, B. J. A comparison of John Ruskin and Leo Tolstoy. M. A. Eng. 1950. Barnes, Guy Virgil. A study of business education in the high schools of the second class cities of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1957. Barnes, Teddy John. A study of the reliability and validity of a "Quiz-Out" testing procedure for the basic speech performance course. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1957. Barnett, Howard Hayden. The spectral theorem for normal transformations. M. A. Math. 1948. Barney, James Earl II. Solubilities of some slightly soluble inorganic salts in solutions of the common anion. Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Barrientos-Monzon, Guido. Performance in a runway situation as a function of consummatory time and shifts in consummatory time. M. A. Psychol. 1957. Bartel, Roy Allen. Testing basketball ability of senior high school boys. M. S. Ed. 1949. Baskett, Betty Lee. An analysis of the senior English courses in Kansas high schools. M. S. Ed. 1958. Bates, Paul Allen, Elizabethan amorous pastorals. Ph. D. Eng. 1955. Bates, Wayne E. Geology of the Red Dirt Creek area, Grand County, Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1957. 16 University of Kansas Battaglia, Mary Jane. The "London Comedians" in Colonial America. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. Batty, Thomas Victor. The anatomy of the digestive tube of the toadfish (Opsanus tau). M. A. Anat. 1951. Baumann, Norman Paul. Some internal properties of eleetrets. M. S. Physics. 1952. Particle reactions in the proton bombardment of N a . Ph. D. Physics. 1955. Baxter, Hazel Scott. A study of the social and environmental factors in a selected number of cases of retrolental fibroplasia. M. Soc. Work. 1951. Beal, Jack Lewis. A phytochemical study of the fixed oil from the fruit of Madura pomifera. M. S. Pharmacy. 1950. Bcale, Elizabeth Althea. A developmental analysis of children's delay behavior in a temptation type of conflict situation. Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Beall, Kenneth Ellsworth, Jr. The observant English traveler in the eighteenth century. M. A. Hist. 1950. Bean, Claude Thomas, Jr. The preparation of compounds related to the insecticide o, o-diethyl-o, p-nitrophenyl thiophosphate. Ph. D. Chcm. 1949. Beasley, Kenneth Ephraim. The cooperative commonwealth federation in Saskatchewan: a preliminary report. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. State supervision of municipal debt in Kansas. Ph. D. Pol. Sci. 1956. Bechtle, Gerald Francis. The use of positive halogens in the identification of olefins. M. S'. Chem. 1950. I Beck, Charles H. Experimental determination of parameters inherent in a driven horizontal channel. M. S. Elect. Engirt. 1958. Beck, Henry Voorhees. Geology and ground' water of the Kansas Biver Valley between Kiro and the Vermillion River. • Ph.D. Geol. 1955. Beck, Leonard Arley. Solubility, density, and freezing point data for solutions of methane in n-hexane. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1956. Beck, Sidney L. Prenatal sex ratio and mortality in three lines of mice. M. A. Zool. 1957. Becker, Ellen Spurney. A survey of art techniques and mediums for reproduction by letterpress. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1951. Becker, Robert Eugene. Studies on hypothermy induced in guinea pigs by the cellular material of vibrio coma. M. A. Bact. 1953. Beckloff, Gerald L. I. The effect of nicotine on experimental hypercholesterolemia in the rabbit. II. Relationship between anticonvulsants and brain succinic dehydrogenase. M. S. Pharmacology. 1957. Beckloff, George N. I. The pharmacology of some tetracovalent organophosphorous compounds and their optical isomers. I I . The function of sulfhydryl reagents in renal hypertension. M. S. Pharmacology. 1957. Bcckwith, Josephine Beatrice. An historical study of selected practices in agencies operating under the urban Bureau of the Woman's Division of the Methodist Board of Missions. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Beeler, Joe R., Jr. Theory of single closed loop systems. . M. S. Phys. 1950. Some effects of vapors on electret behavior. Ph. D. Physics. 1955. Behrens, Leo Otto. The carry-over of high school music into post-graduate life. M. Mus. Ed. 1954. 28 Graduate School Theses 17 Behrmann, William Claus. Part I. The history of the development of the penetration theory of gas absorption and a study of the absorption of carbon dioxide into water in a wetted-wall column. Part II. A study of the absorption of sulfur dioxide into water in a disc column. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1956. ...... Bell, James O. A comparison of achievement test ratings for athletes, nonathletes, and girls in Lowther Junior High School, Emporia, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1952. Belt, William Thomas. Social pathology in the novels of Galdos. Ph. D. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1954. BeltZj Margaret Adah. A, study of the non-realistic motifs in the Kinderund Hausmiirchen. M. A. Germ, and Slav. Lang, and Lit. German. 1952. Benefiel, James Mearl. Contemporary references to the founding of the University of Mexico. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1952. Benham, Alvin L. Kinetics, of the catalyzed and uncatalyzed liquid phase hydration of propylene oxide. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1954. Beninga, Max E. Some phases of school law, concerning the classroom teacher, as interpreted by the Kansas Supreme Court. M. S. Ed. 1957. Bennett, William Earl. The anodic oxidation of aluminum in liquid ammonia. Ph.D. Chem. 1951. Benson, Vernon E. The relation of pencils of lines to certain plane curves. M. A. Math. 1948. Benton, Gaylord Nelson. A critical evaluation of the concepts and methods used by the Department of Commerce in measuring savings. M. A. Econ. 1953. Bentson, Martin. A study of recent trends in the right of privacy. M. A. Journ. 1949. Bergen, Delmar W. A gamma ray anticoincidence spectrometer. M. A. Phys. 1955. Berger, Elvis Vernon. The learning of motor skills by the preferred and nonpreferred hand as influenced by practice and by observation. M. S. Ed. 1951. Berger, Magdelcna. Studies on the metabolism of Bacterium tularense. M. A. Biochem. 1950. Berger, Stanley I. Similarities and differences of performance in four repeated Rorschach administrations. M. A. Psychol. 1955. Similarities of Rorschach records obtained through re-testing procedures as indicated by the ability of judges to match protocols. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. Berry, Dorothy Jeanne. A survey of British native policy in the Gold Coast Colony. M. A. Hist. 1949. Bertuzzi, Andrew F. Equilibrium vaporization ratios and phase behavior for light hydrocarbon systems containing nitrogen at low temperatures. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1952. Besharat, Jalal. Mansur's anatomic illustrations and the Islamic medical thoughts. M. A. Anat. 1954. . Betoret Consuelo Garcia de. Aspectos Asturianos en las novelas de Ramon Perez de Ayala. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1952. Betoret-Paris, Eduardo. La tierra Valenciana como escenario de las obras regionales de Vicente Blasco Ibiinez. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1952. 18 University of Kansas El Costumbrismo Regional de Vicente Blasco Ibilnez. Ph. D. Spanish, 1957. Beu, Robert Dean. The geology of the Cuchara Pass area, Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1952. Bibb, James W., Jr. Procedures and problems in the preparation of a city budget. M. Pub. Admin. 1950. Biddle, Emma Wilhelmina. A study to determine the adequacy of the elementary music curriculum in Troy, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1958. Bien, E. Fredrick. A manual for water works management. M. Pub. Admin. 1951. Bierbaum, Miriam A. Variations in heart action under the influence of musical stimuli. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Biery, Helen Bair. A selected annotated bibliography of books in English for supplementary reading for students of first year Latin. M. S. Ed. 1957. Bigelow, Helen Aline. A study of the reciprocal influence of Don Quijote and Sancho Panza as reflected in their dialogues and proverbs. M, A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1950. Bigelow, Nelson, Jr. Environment of deposition of the Funston cyclothem (Lower Permian) of Riley and Geary Counties, Kansas. M. A. Geol. 1954. Bigge, Morris L. The harmonies and conflicts of principles of topological and vector psychology with the tenets of three educational philosophies. Ph. D. Ed. 1951. Bilderback, Dean Loy. The kingship in Merovingian Gaul, 481-639. M. A. Hist. 1957. Billings, John Burnham. The closed school movement and school reorganization in Greenwood County. M. S. Ed. 1948. Billings, Marlin Richard. Extra-school professional activities of Kansas music educators. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Billington, Joan Schlagel. Birger Sandzen: pioneer painter of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1958. Binder, Johannes. Legal aspects of United States high sea fishery policies in the Pacific Ocean. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1958. Bingham, Hal G. The effect of radiation from intraperitoneally injected radium chloride upon the hemopoietic activity of the bone marrow in albino rats. M. A. Anat. 1952. Bingham, Ralph Marshall. A study of the Citizen's Traffic Safety Commission in Lamesa, Texas. M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Bird, Dorothy Jean. An analysis of psychological needs of groups of college freshmen women by SVIB-W patterns. D. Ed. 1958. Birdwhistell, Ralph K. Some studies of salt effects on solubility in acetic acid. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Birnbaum, Morris Melvin. A seventy-five thousand kilowatt hydroelectric project design for the Yampa River. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1952. Bishop, Frances Marian. A descriptive study of student reaction in two sections of cases in human relations. M. A. Sociol. 1950. Bishop, Samuel Wills. Geology and petrography of the Mt. Mestas area, Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1952. Bithos, Zoe J. A.n approach to the synthesis of emetine from hexahydrogallic acid. M. S. Chem. 1958. Black, Charles Thomas. Oil refinery waste water treatment. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1952. Graduate School Theses 19 Black, Esther F. Little Sister Sunflower: a story for children with illustrations. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1950. Blair, Frances I. The separation of acetylsalicylic acid, acetophenetidin, and caffeine. M. S. Pharm. 1949. Blakely, Ruth Olive. A study of transiency in Kansas City, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1949. Blea, William Alexander. Investigation of hearing acuity and discrimination of subjects of advanced age. M. S. Ed. 1958. Bleecker, Chester Vincent. Symphony No. 1. M. Mus. Composition. 1949. Bluett, Elizabeth Muriel. Determination of a color scheme for elementary schools. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1955. Blumenfeld, Stewart Norman. Isolation and serologic studies of adenovirus types 4 and 7 and studies of adenovirus RI-67 in vitro. M. A. Bact. 1957. Bock, Robert Leroy. A political study of Subhas Chandra Bose as antagonist of Gandhian philosophy and non-violence. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1953. Boden, Nancy Jeannette. The Kansas City Social Service Exchange considered in relation to national trends. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Bodine, Robert Young. The fundamental frequency of a thin, flat, circular plate simply supported along a circle of arbitrary radius. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1958. Boker, Thomas Andrew. Sand dunes on northern Padre Island, Texas. M. S. Geol. 1956. Bolton, Merle Ray, Sr. Consultative services in some Kansas schools. D. Ed. 1955. Bolyard, Ada Ann French. An analysis of cases discharged from Topeka State Hospital and subsequent community adjustment. M. Soc. Work. 1951. Bone, Bertram. Study of porous carbon spargers employing the air oxidation of sodium sulfite. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1949. Bonnavaud, Pierre Henri Albert. Human factors in the technical reorganization of three industrial shops. M. Bus. Admin. 1958. Bonner, Oscar Davis. The mechanism of ion exchange on a synthetic resin, and the application of cation activity coefficient ratios to the interpretation of ion exchange equilibria. Ph. D. Chem. 1951. Book, Howard A. An analysis of contemporary theories of learning with a view toward their applicability in classroom teaching situations. Ph. D, Ed. 1948. Boos, Robert Franklin. An administrative study of budgeting in Wichita, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin. 1950. Born, Jean Marie. Factors contributing to the adjustment or maladjustment of the pre-school deaf or hard of hearing child. M. Soc. Work. 1951. Boswell, Lenis. The political career of Victor Murdock (1911-1917). M. A. Hist. 1949. Boucher, Eli John Leo. Work-experience programs as reported by forty principals of Kansas high schools in 1950. M. A. Ed. 1950. Boukis, Sotirios D. A study of some effects of a supervisory training program. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Bowdish, Frank William. A theoretical and experimental investigation of the kinetics of grinding in a ball mill. Ph. D. Chem. Engin. 1956. Bowers, Francis Andrew Imaikalani, Jr. The unimodal generalization of TchebychefFs inequality. M. A. Math. 1956. 20 University of Kansas Bowers, Patrick Henry. The determination and the application of a style for the illustrations in a stoiy for children. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1 9 5 1 . Bowman, Alden Elbert. The use of gypsies in nineteenth century English prose and poetry. M. A. Eng. 1949. Boyer, Delmar L. Perfect numbers. M. A. Math. 1952. Enumeration theorems in infinite Abelian groups. Ph. D. Math. 1 9 5 5 . Boyer, Dorothy Jane. Metric specializations of projective plane duals. M. A. Math. 1952. Boyle, Alexander L. Professional procedures and techniques in designing for the printed fabric. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1956. Boyle, Margaret M. Vocational placement of 177 blind Kansans for the period July 1, 1953-Mareh 31, 1958. M . S . Rehab. Couns. 1958. Bradley, Idabelle. A critical analysis of two high school textbooks in government. M. A. Ed. 1948. Bradlow, H. Leon. Studies on nicotinamide. Ph. D. Chem. 1949. Bradt, Russell Newton. Some limit theorems in probability. M. A. Math. 1951. Brandt, Robert Lloyd. Reactions of silver ( I I ) oxide with inorganic coordinating agents. M. A. Chem. 1952. Bratton, Clayton Gene. An analysis of the 1954 national newspaper advertising lineage placed within 9 regions of the United States in an attempt to discover the relationship of advertising effort to the potential buying power within each area. M. S. Journ. 1956. Bravo, Justo Baladjay. The preparation of a solid rhenide. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Brazda, Jaroslav Jan. The early life and international career of Edvard Bencs. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1953. Breed, Laurence Woods. Studies in the pyridopyridazine ring series. M. A. Chem. 1950. Breedlove, James Lewis. A follow-up study of Topeka State Hospital patients with residence in Shawnee County. M. Soc. Work. 1954. Brewer, Jerome. A method of analysis of chemical kinetic data. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1957. Brewster, Margaret S. A reconsideration of known species of the genus Curvularia as observed in pure culture. M. A. Bot. 1951. Brewster, William Joel. A study of accidents in public schools, Kansas City, Missouri. M. S. Ed. 1957. Brice, David Kenneth. Properties of the N a (p, gamma) M g reaction at low excitation energies. M. S. Phys. 1956. Brick, Samuel E. The development of criteria for music in general education at the university level. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1952. Briggs, Robert Allen. A comparison of academic grades of junior high school athletes and non-athletes. M. S. Ed. 1951. Briggs, Robert LeRoy. The development and standardization of an achievement test for use in music education at the graduate level. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1951. Briley, Paul Winfield. An analysis of operating results in 1947 of retail lumber yards located in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Arkansas. M. Bus. Admin. 1948. 23 24 Graduate School Theses 21 Brillaud, André Richard. Serological and tissue culture studies on cytoplasmic particles isolated from livers of normal and irradiated chickens. M. A. Zool. 1958. Brinigar, William Seymour, Jr. Antiamebic derivatives of S-chloro-8 quinolinol. Ph. D. Pharm. Chem. 1957. Brinkman, Fred Hobson. Calculated performance of a dissolved gas drive reservoir by a phase behavior method. M. S. Petrol. Engin. 1954. Britton, Samuel B. Reserpine relatives. Ph. D. Pharm. Chem. 1958. Brizeridine, John Calvin, Jr. Flame arrestors for gasoline> engines: A study of performance and design procedure. M. S. Aeron, Engin. 1950. Broadfoot, Clarence Peter, Jr. An investigation to support the forming of a new basketball classification in the Kansas State High School Activities Association. M. S. Ed. 1952. Broadwater, Faye Worrel. A study of the public relations activity of selected public and private agencies in the field of family welfare in Kansas City, Missouri, and Jackson County, Missouri, for the period January 1, through December 31, 1954. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Brockmeyer, Eugene William. A study of the antifungal activity of an extract from the wood of Madura pomífera compared with other compounds. M. S. Pharm. 1952. Broen, Carol Holland. An investigation of factors associated with the production of reading reversals in beginning readers. Ph.D. Psychol. 1958. Brooks, George Tally. A revision of the genus Anisops (Notonectidae, Hemiptera). Ph. D. Ent. 1949. Brooks, Ina Beck. Henry Cuyler Bunner: a critical study of his works. M. A. Eng. 1950. Brooks, Robert Scott. An investigation of the influence of pitch and extrinsic factors in esophageal speech. M. S. Ed. 1954. Brooks, William Allen. A study of one hundred fifty income statements of industrial corporations for the years 1940, 1945 and 1950. M. Bus. Admin. 1952. Brooks, Wilms Nadine. George Santayana: man of letters. M. A. Eng. 1949. Brown, Archie H. A study of high-school band seating arrangements, M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Brown, Arthur Richard. Infinitude of primes in an arithmetic progression. M. A. Math. 1955. Brown, Eric Reeder. A study of the interrelationships existing between Bacillus cereus, Bacillus mycoides and Bacillus anthracis. Ph. D. Bact. 1957. Brown, Harold Dean. Topological dynamics. M. S. Phys. 1952. • Classical and quantum stability. Ph. D. Phys. 1952. Brown, Harry Benjamin. Internal conversion bremsstrahlung in C S . M. S. Phys. 1952. Brown, Jerry William. Latent effect of radium chloride injected interperitoneally upon the cervical lymph nodes in rats. M. A. Anat. 1949. The effect of protein deficiency on the hemopoietic organs and the blood of the albino rat. Ph. D. Anat. 1951. Brown, Joseph Ross. Conformal mapping of simply connected regions. M. A. Math. 1949. — The' association of mathematical achievement with certain factors resident in the pupil. Ph. D. Ed. 1953. 1 3 T 22 University of Kansas Brown, Margaret Kupfer. Procedures and problems in the establishment of the infant study project at the University of Kansas. M. A. Home Econ. 1957. Brown, Robert Curtis. Studies in the use of the "stream-of-consciousness" technique in the English novel, with particular attention to the modern development of this technique in the work of Virginia Woolf. M. A. Eng. 1950. Brown, Robert Dale. A study concerning the major weaknesses of music teachers in the secondary schools of Kansas. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Brown, Robert Langford. Reorganization of the police department in Lubbock, Texas. M. Pub. Admin. 1955. Brown, Robert S. Power spectral estimates. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1958. Brown, Walter J . , Jr. The suburban water supply problem of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1957. Brown, William G. Stratigraphy of the Bei] limestone, Virgilian of eastern Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1958.. Brown, William Henry. On investigation of the relationship between idiopathic epilepsy and peripheral motor activity. Ph. D. Psychol. 1951. Brown, William Lindop. Pleistocene and ground-water geology of Surrey Municipality and the western part of Delta Municipality, British Columbia, Canada. M. A. Geol. 1954. Browne, Evelyn McGinnis. A study of some problems in discharge plans for forty female patients over age sixty-five on the orthopedic service of General Hospital number one of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Browne, R. Edwin. The roles of television in higher education as seen by college and university presidents. M. S. Journ, 1957. Brownlee, Jerry Leon. The budget process—An analysis of the formulation of a departmental budget in Kansas City, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1956. Brownlee, Robert R. A study of the RV Tauri type variables and the identification of spectral lines of R Scuti. M. A. Astron. 1951. Browning, Warren B. A parking survey of Junction City, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin. 1954. Broyles, Haskell Leroy. Attitudes of 100 teachers toward the individual supervisory conference. M. S. Ed. 1954. Brüning, Herbert Irving. A study of the readability, interest, and usefulness of selected materials for retarded readers in grades seven to twelve. D. Ed. 1954. Brunk, Larry U. Stability of personal approach in two tests of concept formation. M. A. Psychol. 1954. An analogue of Maier's fixation phenomena in human subjects. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. Brust, Mildred Louise. A suggested course of piano study for degree curricula in music for students not majoring in piano in colleges or universities. M. Mus. Piano. 1949. Bryant, Thomas Duane. (With Charles V. Foster.) An electric analogue for stage-wise, diffusional operation. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Buchele, Luther H. Studies on tularemia immunity mechanisms in the rat. M. A. Bact. 1948. Budke, Myrta Anderson. A study of precinct work in Douglas County, Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1956. Buie, Dan Horace, Jr. Some effects of lactation on the metabolism of radium in the albino rat. M. A. Anat. 1953. Graduate School Theses 23 Buitrago, Ann Mari. A study of the political ideas and activities of Gerald B. Winrod, 1926-1938. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1955. Buller, Beatrice R. Ich lerne Deutsch: A textbook for the teaching of German in grades five or six. M. A. German. 1958. Bunch, George Albert. The influence of John Locke's philosophy on Benjamin Franklin's academy. M. S. Ed. 1956. Burdick, Donald Lee. The effect of 4,4'-Dimethylbenzophenone on the anodic dissolution of magnesium and aluminum in pyridine solution. Ph. D. Chem. 1957. Bures, George J. Effects of the sulfur amino acids and choline on white rats consuming low choline diets supplemented either with thiouracil or 2methylthiouracil. M. A. Biochem. 1954. Burger, John Martin. Some environmental effects on nuclear magnetic resonance. Ph. D. Phys. 1954. Burke, Norris Frank. A comparative study of 1939 and 1950 achievement test results in the Hawthorne Elementary School in Ottawa, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1951. Burmeister, Clifton A. A study of community attitudes toward music education in the public schools of selected communities in Missouri. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1953. Bumau, John Marcus. A study of the ability patterns of a group of good music sight readers and a group of poor music sight readers. M. Mus. Ed. 1953. Busby, William C. Quarterly and annual reports in Mexico, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1951. Butcher, Philip John. Predetermined motion times. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1953. Butler, Lawrence B. A study of hidden tuition costs in five Shawnee County rural high schools. M. S. Ed. 1953. Proposed school district reorganization in Wyandotte County, Kansas, 1956. D. Ed. 1956. Butler, William R. An analytical study of factors associated with scholastic achievement in high and low achieving fraternities. D. Ed. 1956. Button, Jack Blair. Political implications of the nationalization of industry in Great Britain. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1948. Button, Jean-Marie Stodard. Social and political attitudes of a Kansas town. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1948. Byers, Don Harrison. A radio-frequency ion source for the University of Kansas electrostatic generator. M. A. Phys. 1954. Low temperature influence on the technetium-99m lifetime. Ph. D. Physics. 1958. Byrnes, Clare Margaret. A study of the use made of the children's unit, Topeka State Hospital, during its first two years of operation. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Cain, Joe Hilmon. Solubility studies in methanol-benzene mixtures. M. S. Chem. 1953. Caldwell, Henry Cecil, Jr. Veratramine analogs. Ph. D. Pharm. Chem. 1957. Calkins, Gilbert Wayne. A follow-up study of doctoral graduates in education, University of Kansas. D. Ed. 1953. Callahan, Fern Etta. A study of the effect of the loss of visual cues and of flat-footcdness on locomotor ability in relation to hearing loss. M. S. Ed. 1958. 24 University of Kansas Calvert, Paul Leonard. Mathematical recreations for use in a first-year high school algebra class. M. S. Ed. 1957. Camien, Laiten Lester. An analysis of selected opinions on the selection and relationship of members of state boards of education and chief state school officers. Ph.D. Ed. 1948. Campbell, Carl Woodrow. Three units in American history designed as a continuation of the Roberts-Yerkes course of study. M. S. Ed. 1951. Campbell, George Thomas. A study of 168 applicants requesting medical care at Alfred Benjamin Dispensary. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Campbell, John Robert. Synthetic relatives of amidone and morphine. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1953. Campbell, Robert Wellington. The electric power industry of Jarjan. M. A. Econ. 1950. Campbell, Wendell Edwin. Qualifications and duties of house-parents in a number of Kansas City, Kansas, children's institutions. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Cantor, Paul A. A study of some saturated and unsaturated pyrrole derivatives. Ph. D. Chem. 1957. Cape, William H. State civil service in Kansas: a study of history and operation of the personnel department. Ph. D. Pol. Sci. 1952. Capelle, Kenneth Jerome. A revision of the genus Loxocera in North America with a study of geographical variation in L. cylin dried. (Diptcra, Psilidae) M. A. Ent. 1951. Carey, Margaret E. Topcka State Hospital and the problem drinker male patients requesting admission from January 1, 1954, to June 30, 1954. M: Soc. Work. 1957. Carlson, Joseph. Vector analysis of plane fluid flow. M. A. Math. 1948. Carlson, William A. Quaternary geology and ground-water resources of the Kansas River Valley between Newman and Lawrence, Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1952. Carpenter, Duane Ora. Construction of a scale model wind tunnel with particular emphasis on the power section. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1951. Carpenter, Raymon Thomson. The introduction of absorptions in the random walk problem. M. S. Physics. 1956. Carpcntier, Elizabeth Anne. Synthesis of compounds of potential tranquilizer activity. M. A. Chem. 1958. Carr, Dennis LeRoy. Studies on the aerobic bacterial flora of the human pharynx in health and during clinically diagnosed "viral" upper respiratory illnesses. M. A. Bact. 1958. Carter, Arlene Classen. Load, training, and salaries of elementary, secondary, and junior college art teachers of Kansas, 1954-55. M. S. Ed. 1955. Carter, E. Russell. The adjustments of the Dakota Indians in Rapid City, South Dakota. M. A. Sociol. 1951. Carter, Gerald Bate. The preparation and polarographic characterization of several organic sulfoxides. M. S. Chem. 1948. Carter, Beta Norman. Quotable quotations from the novels of Charles Dickens. M. A.. Eng. 1948. Cartwright, Lewis Merle. Research on the development of neutron scintillation counters. M. A. Physics. 1953. Carver, Edgar Charles. Basketball skills as related to manual dexterity. M. S. Ed. 1954. 1 Graduate School Theses 25 Cary, Dorothy Elizabeth. A study of range extension in the voices of third grade children with singing deficiency. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Casad, Robert Clair. 2,4-D as an illustration of product differentiation. M. A. Econ. 1952. Case, William Robert. A proposed public relations program for a city manager (Kansas City, Missouri). M. Pub. Admin. 1950, Casey, Albert. An experimental attempt, to clarify the subception-symbolicreport controversy. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Cater, Maurice LeRoy. The effect of music on painting. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Cates, Charles Herbert. A quantitative study of the spinal cord in a lamb with congenital abrachia. M. A. Anat. 1954. Caywood, Keith E. A study of academic achievement of lettermen and nonlettermen at Kansas, State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1951. Chakravorty, Sailendra Kumer. Late Mississippian bryozoa from Missouri. Ph. D. Geol. 1951. Chamberlain, David LeRoy, Jr. Reactions of the beta, beta-dialogenateddiethylamines. M. S. Chem. 1950. Chamberlain, Dorothea May. The life of Stuart Henry. M. A. Eng. 1949. Chamberlain, Vernon Addison. Some dramatic adaptations of El Romance del Conde Alarcos tj la Infanta Soliza. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1953. The blind and other, physically handicapped characters in the novels of Benito Perez Galdosi Ph.D. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish, 1957. Chambers, Dwight Oliver. Sancho Panza: a character study. , M. A. Rom, Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1951. Defensa de poesia: a Spanish version of Sir Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie. Ph. D, Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1956. Chandler, Alice Catharine. God, man and life: a symbolic painting. M. Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint. 1954. Chandler, James Barton, Nigel Wireker's The Mirror of Fools (translated by Chandler). M. A. Eng. 1949. Chaney, George Carper. The pathology of the adrenal glands (a statistical study). M. A. Pathology. 1950. Chapman, Arthur Owen. The estrous cycle of the woodrat, Neotoma jloridana. M. A. Anat. 1949. Chapman, John Sherman. Conodonts from the Manticoceras zone, Confusion Range, Millard County, Utah. M. S. Geol. 1958. Charles, Ramon L. Field and subject matter preparation of teachers in Class "C" high schools in Kansas in 1947-48. M. S. Ed. 1949. An analysis of the attitudes of a selected sample of parents of Kansas high school seniors toward the high school attended by their children and a study of the relationships between these attitudes and several factors resident in the school, in the parents, and in the community. D. Ed. 1953. Cheaney, Frank Hall, Jr. The feasibility of the underground storage of petroleum products by the Armed Forces. M. S.. Petrol. Man. 1957, Cheney, Elliott Ward. On gauge functions. Ph. D. Math. 1957. . Cheng, Hsicn An. The autoradiographic measurement, of radium density in bone. M. A. Phys. 1951.. Chenoweth, Jean B. A study of the Western Civilization examination of May, 1946. M. A. Ed; 1949. ; 26 University of Kansas Chillcott, James Gordon Thomas. A revision of the Nearctic species of the subfamily Fanniinae (Muscidae, Di%)tera). P h . D . Ent. 1958. Ching, Garland Edward. Transient analysis in synchronous machines due to loss of excitation. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1955. Chitnis, Pratap Chidamber. Chaucer's conception of tragedy. M. A. Eng. 1958. Chough, Yun Sung. 2- and 4-(2-Dialkylaminoctbyl)-Piperidines as pharmaceutical side chains. M. S. Pharm. Chem. 1957. Chouteau, Charles Cyprian. On the comnmtativity of certain types of rings. M. A. Math. 1955. Chrapliwy, Peter Stanley. Taxonomy and distribution of the spadefoot toads of North America (Salientia: Pclobatklae). M . A , Zool. 1956. Christensen, Hans-Christian. A critical account of disarmament discussions in the United Nations. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1956. Christensen, Valdemar J. A study of the reduction of potassium hexacyanomanganate ( I I I ) with potassium metal in liquid ammonia. Ph.D. Chem. 1952. Christian, Paul Jackson. A revision of the North American species of Typhhcyba and its allies (Homoptera, Cieadellidae). P h . D . Ent. 1952. Christianson, John Frederick. The serum iron as related to other hepatic function tests and to histologic changes in experimental hepatic injury of varying etiologies. M. S. Med. 1954. Christy, Joseph Allen. The determination of the liquid phase viscosity of propane form—185°C to 90°C. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1957. Chronister, Irvin G. Application of automatic computers to economy loading of electric power systems. M. S. Elect. Engin, 1958. Chun-ming, Kenneth K. N. A study of 181 applicants for medical care at the Alfred Benjamin Dispensary, October 1, 1951, to September 30, 1952. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Church, Ellen Wagenileld. A study of sex differences in the musical interests of junior and senior high school students. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Churchill, Dewey Ross, Jr. The experimental determination of some stopping powers of gases for protons. M. S. Physics. 1953. Churchill, Eileen Louisa. Possible factors associated with delinquency in the aid to dependent children family. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Cibulka, Karel J. The theory of recognition and United States practice. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1954. Clark, Ronald Jene. A study of the lower valent balides of Indium. Ph. D. Chem. 1958. Clarke, Gene Francis. Effect of mobility ratio on sweep efficiency of five-spot flood pattern. M. S. Petrol. Engin. 1956. Clarke, Louise Thompson. History and development of the private agency in Kansas City, Kansas, 1902-1933. M. Soc. Work. 1950. Cleavinger, Asa Eugene. A test of motor ability for upper elementary school boys. M. S. Ed. 1957. Cleavinger, Carolyn R. Investigating underachievement in arithmetic among superior children in the second grade. M. S. Ed. 1957. Clement, Preston Rively. An investigation of the transient and steady-state characteristics of low-pass electric wave filters. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Clinch, Vernie Clinel Francesco. The problem of unemployment relief in France during the revolutionary eighteenth century. Ph. D. Hist. 1949. Graduate School Theses 27 Cline, Doris Agatha. Some community, family, and personality factors relating to a group of juvenile delinquents in Reno County, Kansas, for the year June 1, 1951, through May 31, 1952. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Clinesmith, Carl Benjamin. Phonograph records as aids in the musical development of a high school band. M. S. Ed. 1950. Clothier, Grant Martin. Five teaching units for a problems in living course organized from a democratic-reflective point of view. M. S. Ed. 1951. A proposed plan for curriculum revision in the secondary schools of Leavenworth, Kansas. D. Ed. 1958. Coan, Clark. An evaluation of the core curriculum university high school, University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1953. Coates, Clarence Leroy, Jr. The effect of detuning sleeve position upon slot antenna characteristics. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Coats, Ronald W. A study of athletic injuries in Kansas Class B, A, and AA high schools. M. S. Ed. 1949. Cobb, Edna Haight. Children in the novels of Benito Perez Galdos. Ph. D. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1952. Cobb, R. Lynn. The chemistry of N-acyldihydroquinaldonitriles and N-acyldihydroisoquinaldonitriles (Reissert compounds). Ph.D. Chem. 1955. Cochran, Louise Russel. The nondirective interview as a social research technique. M. A. Sociol. 1949. Cochrane, William Henry, Jr. The relationship between manual dexterity and baseball skills. M. S. Ed. 1955. Cockrum, Elmer Lendell. The mammals of Kansas. Ph. D. Zool. 1951. Coffin, Warner Andrew, Jr. The effects of drinking water immediately prior to running. M. S. Ed. 1954. Coffman, John William. Effects of X-rays on electret behavior. M. S. Phys. 1956. Cohen, Julius I. A time study of infant adoptions. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Cole, George Rolland. Scattered X-radiation quality measurements with a scintillation dose rate meter. M. A. Phys. 1954. Photoconductivity and formation of color centers in potassium chloride containing strontium additive. Ph. D. Physics. 1957. Cole, Glenn Albert. A study of the predictive value of aptitude-test performance and of measured interests for success in first-year engineering courses at the University of Kansas. Ph. D. Ed. 1949. Coleman, Lee D. A study of factors which influence participation in physical education activities among college women. M. S. Ed. 1956. Colton, Ervin. I. Preparation of some new complexes of unipositive iodine, II. The behavior of iodine species in quinoline. M. S. Chem. 1952. Colver, Robert Merle. An evaluation of the selection process and the results of the Summerfield Scholarship Program at the University of Kansas. D. Ed. 1952. Colver, Vinita Eileen. Educational trends and practices as reflected in American magazines of the eighteenth century. M. A. Hist. 1958. Colyer, Luther Melvin. A comparison of two methods of teaching formula writing in high school chemistry. M. S. Ed. 1951. Comer, Ralph Dudley. The effects of intraperitoneally injected radium chloride on the thymus of the albino rat. M. A. Anat. 1952. Commons, Milton Donal. Stage lighting-illumination, design, and environment. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. 28 University of Kansas Conboy, William Andrew. A preliminary investigation into the applicability of the case method to the teaching of fundamentals of speech. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1951. Conkin, Barbara Moyer. Microfossils of the Deer Creek limestone of Kansas and northern Oklahoma. M, S. Geol. 1954. Conkin, James E. Stratigraphy and paleontology of lower New Providence beds in Jefferson and Bullitt Counties, Kentucky. M. S. Geol, 1953. , Connelly, James Leo, Jr. Cardinal de Boisgelin and the religions reforms of the Constituent Assembly (1789-1791). M. A. Hist. 1958. Conner, Florence J. Providing educational opportunities at Valley View School. M. S. Ed. 1958. Conner, Harold Wayne. Design of the cylindrical thin shell roof of reinforced concrete. M. S. Arch. Engin. 1955. Conrad, Walter E. The reaction of hydrazoic acid with aldehydes and epoxides. Ph. D. Chem. 1951. Conrick, John Edward. The relation of certain measures—musical ity, personality, social preference, and intelligence—to the music teaching success of the elementary classroom teacher. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. Consigli, Richard A. Some metabolic studies on Rickettsia akari. M. A. Bact. 1956. . Cook, Arthur J. D. The development of union-management cooperation in supervisory training by the conference method. Ph. D.. Econ. 1957. Cook, Burleigh D. The definition, cost, and prevalence of wage supplements, including findings in a particular company and industry. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. ,' ,.. • . Cook, Donald Everett. The quality of assessment of intangible personal property in Kansas in 1950. M. A. Econ. 1958. Cook, Jean F. A study of nine city manager trainees. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1954. Cook, Keith Harding. A study of the Kansas Boys Industrial School. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Cook, Nancy Elaine Lydia. Galdos—and animals. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1948. , , . . Cook, Paul P., Jr. The Membracidae occuring on Larrea tridenlata Cav. M. A. Ent. 1952. Cooley, Douglas Robert. Facies change in the Oread limestone in southern Kansas and northern Oklahoma. M. S. Geol. 1952. Cooling, Mary Elizabeth. An inquiry into the criteria for choice of subject matter in certain representative, new-type curriculum proposals. D. Ed. 1954. Cooper, Anthony Lee. Investigation of possible alloys for use in the lowtemperature joining of zinc die east metals. M. S. Min. and Met. Engin. 1948. , Cooper, Jack Richard. Experimental observations on the surgical management of hydrocephalus. M. S. Neurosurgery. 1952. Cooper, John J. The effect of sectional and nonsectional seating arrangements on choral tone, intonation, and ensemble. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Copcland, Anna Lee. A study of the social adjustment made by twenty-one lobotomized veterans living in the community, M. Soc. Work. 1956. Corcoran, Agnes Marie. A study of the practices employed by directors of art education in one hundred seventy-five city school systems in supplying adequate art materials for school use. M. S. Art Ech 1958. Graduate School Theses 29 Cordon, Marjorie Elnora. An experiment in the teaching of reading in a tenth grade English class. M. S. Ed. 1957. Cordonnier, Max Edward. The poetry of Lord De Tabley. M. A. Eng- 1958. Corey, Leland Aubrey. Funston in Congress, 1884-1888. M. A. Hist. 1951. Gorman, Emmett Gary. Gamma-gamma angular correlation from Cs *, M. S. Physics. 1954. Cornwell, William Oscar. Improvement of the preferred, hand and nonpreferred hand in tests involving neuromuscular skills. M. S. Ed. 1951. Corporon, John Robert. The political writings of William G. Clugston. M, A. Pol. Sci. 1953. Correa, Hector. A sequential sampling procedure for finite populations. M. A, Math. 1956. Cory, Charles H., Jr. ' A study of the operation of the experience-rating provisions of the Kansas unemployment compensation law over an eleven-year period, 1940 to 1950. M. A. Econ. 1956. Costello, Richard Lynn. Studies on the effect of metavanadate ion on the in vitro and in vivo growth of mycobacterium tuberculosis. M. A. Med. micro, bid. Cottom, Melvin Clyde. An investigation of the electrical noise generated by the sliding contact. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Coughenour, Phyllis Jean. A study of self-referrals to a family agency. M. Soc. Work. 1954. Coughlin, Rose Louise. British policy in Persia, 1888-1914. Ph. D. Hist. 1952. Courter, Carroll O. The use made of the Kansas City Child Guidance Clinic by county welfare agencies. M. Soc. Work, 1953. Courtney, Gene. Five experiments in the portrayal of intoxication on the stage. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. Courtney, Marjorie M. Shryock. A phonetic analysis of one hundred samples of Kansas speech. M. A.. Speech and Drama. 1950. Covalt, Erleta Bosalind. Survey and evaluation of volunteer music entertainment and its influence on patients behavior at Winter Veterans Administration Hospital. M.Mus. Ed. 1958.' Covey, Basil R. American government for teenagers—A new approach to improving instruction. Special, in Ed. 1954. Cowlcs, Frieda Eileen. A study of retarded readers in a junior high school. M. A. Ed. 1948. Cox, Joyce Wingraye. A study of the readability of neighbors in the United States and Canada and supplementary material for use with the tex.t. M. S. Ed. 1958. Cox, Monte Gene. A study of the rate of growth of school-age children while . in grades 6, 7, 8, and 9., M. S. Ed. 1956. Coyne, Donald Manley.. The synthesis and resolution of compounds of tetracovalent phosphorus. Ph. D. Chem. 1955. Coyne, Lolafaye. Metric properties of rectilinear congruences. M. A. Math. 1949. Cozart, Mazine B. A comparison of reading and arithmetical abilities of deaf and hearing pupils. M. S. Ed. 1952. Craven, Peggy Jane. A Man's Reach. M. A. Eng. 1950. Crawford, Edsel Lester. A study of thirty children who remained in an institution. M. Soc. Work. 1955. 18 30 University of Kansas Crayne de Rincones, Patricia Ann. A comparison of the mystical characters of Fyodor Dostoievsky and Benito Perez Galdos. M. A. Spanish. 1958. Cress, John Marshall, Jr. Stunt tests for boys of junior high school level. M. S. Ed. 1949. Cridland, Arthur Albert. Studies in petrified plants of the coal age. M. A. Bot. 1958. Cridland, Patricia Jo. Studies of selection on certain biochemical mutants of Escherichia coli. M. A. Bact. 1951. Crites, Barry Dee. The role of attitudes in social and work groups. M. A. Psychol. 1955. Cronin, George Richard. Salt effects and ion-pair interactions involving some bi-univalent salts in acetic acid. Ph. D. Chem. 1958. Crook, Virginia Elizabethanne. Comparison of the social and emotional factors among pregnant women of low income on restricted and non-restricted diets. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Cross, Earle A., Jr. Studies of systematics and variation in the subgenus Epinomia (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). M. A. Ent. 1955. Crossley, DeRyee Ashton, Jr. Comparative external morphology and taxonomy of nymphs of the Trombiculidae (Acarina). Ph.D. Ent. 1957. Crouch, Ralph Boyett. Monomial groups. Ph. D. Math. 1954. Crow, Allen B. A three year study of the Stanford achievement tests in the one room elementary schools of Brown County, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1948. Crowder, Harold Wayne. A revision of some phlepsius-like genera of the tribe Deltocephalini (Homoptera, Cicadellidae) in America north of Mexico. Ph. D. Ent. 1951. Crump, James Wilson. Equalization of educational opportunity for Negroes in Virginia. M. S. Ed. 1949. Cunnick, Charles Clemens. Identification and distribution of a fluorescent compound produced by Pseudomonas. M. A. Bact. 1953. Curless, William Toole. Some reactions of cationic nickel complexes with potassium metal in liquid ammonia. M. S. Chem. 1955. Curtain, Edward Lee. An acoustic analogy to an electrical transmission line. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Dahlgard, Muriel. The preparation and absorption spectra of some highly substituted diaryl ethers. Ph. D. Chem. 1956. Dailey, David Thomas. The biology and taxonomy of some cheyletid mites (Acarina. Cheyletidae.) M. A. Ent. 1951. Daly, Howell Vann, Jr. A comparative survey of the sting of aculeate Hymenoptera. M. A. Ent. 1955. Dameron, Joseph Dean. A study of the administrative aspects of discipline in a large junior high school of Missouri. M. S. Ed. 1955. Dancy, Mary Jean. A pilot study showing the relationship between academic achievement, vocational ability and economic status of acoustically handicapped persons. M. S. Ed. 1955. Danguilan, Maria Ludan. The synthesis of some nitrogen compounds by a bacterial cell-free preparation. Ph. D. Bact. 1957. Daniel, Thomas Bruce. Absorption of beta particles in nitrogen. M. S. Physics, 1954. Daniels, Mary Brett. The experience of waiting and the understanding of time: an experimental study of their relationship in childhood. M. A. Psychol. 1953. Graduate School Theses 31 Daniels, Neal. Situational variables in the reported duration of the afterimage. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Daruwalla, Mehra Naoroji. A study of the The Pickwick Papers of Charles Dickens. M. A. Eng. 1949. Davidson, Arnold F. An evaluation of speech education in Kansas high schools since 1947. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1953. Davidson, David Leo. The construction and calibration of a sliding-pulse generator. M. A. Phys. 1951. Davidson, Dixie. A critical analysis of procedures followed in organizing a central duplicating system for the state offices of Kansas located in Topeka. M. S. Ed. 1956. Davidson, Gene Edward. The teaching load of the English teachers in Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1953. Davidson, Joseph. A study of representative metabolic enzymes during development of the chick embryo. Ph. D. Anat. 1955. Davies, Muriel Irene. Ultraviolet absorption spectra of organic acids and esters dissolved in 100 percent sulfuric acid. M. A. Chem. 1949. Davis, Floyd Carlton. An experimental investigation of correlation between mental abilities and cognitive representation of a spatial structure task. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Davis, Helen Boyersmith. Manual for an arts and crafts program in the United States Army. M. S. Ed. 1951. Davis, Paul. Analogs of Reissert compounds derived from condensation reactions of N-phenylbenzimidyl chloride with hydrogen cyanide and heterocyclic bases. M. S. Chem. 1957. Davis, Philip Craig. An investigation of the distribution of products obtained by batch-wise hydration of ethylene oxide. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1949. The phase and volumetric behavior of natural gases at low tempera^ tures and high pressures, including the critical states. Ph. D. Chem. Engin. 1952. Davis, Robert Murray. Aldous Huxley's moral, aesthetic, and social thought, 1916-1934. M. A. Eng. 1958. Davis, Robert Raymond. The changing position and functions of the commission merchant in the grain trade. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Davis, Stanley Nelson. Quaternary geology and ground-water resources in the vicinity of Topeka, Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1951. Davis, Vivien. A study of aged patients separated from Topeka State Hospital and living in their own communities. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Dawson, Mary Ruth. Later tertiary Leporidae of North America. Ph. D. Zool. 1957. Day, Robert Grinnell. An audio frequency phase meter. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. De Campos, Decio Simch. The compressibility factors of a sample of natural gas and the reliability of Burnett's method. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1953. Dcchant, Emerald V. An identification of the basic principles of a psychology of reading. Ph. D. Ed. 1958. Dceble, Charles T. Individual and group responses to an unstructured auditory stimulus. M. A. Psychol. 1954. Deford, Donald Dale. The chemistry of ruthenium. Ph. D. Chem. 1948. 32 University of Kansas DeForest, Elsie Davis. The change in woman's moral status as shown through the plays since 1870. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. DeHaven, Fannie Mabel. A comparative study of the reading abilities of thirty-four deaf students from the Kansas School for the Deaf at Olathe, Kansas, and thirty-six hearing students from the' Central Public School at Olathe, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1952. Deiter, John B. An investigation into the nature of subception. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Delaney, Joseph Cornet. Iron ( I I I ) complex ions with glucose and levuloso in dilute hydrochloric acid.' M. A. Chem. 1948. Delord, Jean Frederic. On superconductivity. Ph. D. Physics: 1951. Delphia, Robert E. An anatomical and volumetric comparison of the muscles of die hind limb of lagomorphs. M. A. Zool. 1949. Denny, George E. The relationship between pulse rate 'and body size. M, S. Ed. 1958. Deutscher, Verda Goodman. A follow up study of thirty-four cardiac patients evaluated by the cardiac work evaluation unit, Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Devereux, Carolyn Denise Rogers. The relationship of anthropology and sociology to casework treatment—a descriptive study. M. Soc. Work. 1956, Devine, Marguerite Mary. Blood volume during low spinal anaesthesia. M. S. Anesthesiology. 1952. Dewey, Daniel George. The representations of the group of rotations in threedimensional space. M. A. Math. 1958. Dewey, Ellen Hastings. A study of patients with dietary problems. M. Soc, Work. 1955. Dewey, Ernest Wayne. An ethical evaluation of capitalism. M. A. Philos. 1950. Dewey, Helen Scamell. An exposition and criticism of Spencerian evolutionary ethics. M. A. Philos. 1949. Dewis, Diane Isabel. History and La Princesse de Cloves. M. A. Rom, Lang. and Lit. French. 1951. Dial, Stanley Horatio. The development of off-street parking lots in Lawrence, Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1952. Dickman, Harold R. An investigation of the relationship between the cognitive organization of objective and behavioral stimuli. M. A. Psychol. 1954. A developmental investigation of animism arid the perception of physical causality. Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Diehl, Walter Eugene. Opinions of graduates relative to the undergraduate curriculum in physical education at the University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1955. Dieterich, Herbert R., Jr. The satellite city as a special managerial problem. M. Pub. Admin. 1951. Dietsch, Harold Alan. Paleoecology of the shale in the Eiss limestone member of the Bader limestone formation (Lower Permian) Chase County, Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1956. Dietz, Bernard V. Recent contributions to the philosophy of art education M.S. Ed. 1954. Dill, Dale Robert. The synthesis of potential cardiovascular agents. Ph. D. Pharm. Chem. 1958. Graduate School Theses 33 Dillingham, Harry L. Suitcase farming as a new mode of farm operation in Sully County, South Dakota. M. S. Geog. 1956. Dimmitt, Marius Albert. The Progressive Party in Kansas, 1911-1917. M. A. Hist. 1958. Dimont, Dorothy. A study of Topeka State Hospital's social services to its patients. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Dinneen, David Allen. A critical study of the chorus in the plays of Robert Gamier. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1954. Dios, Zoltan Bebie. A new approach to determine the economic feasibility of hydroelectric installations. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1953. Dittmann, John Fred. The elcctrodeposition of silver in the presence of dimethyl glyoximc. M. S. Cbem. 1949. Dixon, Joseph Morton. Assembly line layout and scheduling based on process inventory. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1955. Dobyns, Frank Perrian. A point of view for evaluating business letters. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Dodge, Harry Whitfield. Fusulinids from the Sublett Range, Idaho. M. S. Geol. 1956. Dodrill, Charles Ward. The Philadelphia Story: problems of direction in an arena theatre production. M. A, Speech and Drama. 1956. Dodson, Lloyd Lee. Steps taken by Common School District No. 7, Shawnee County, Kansas, to achieve a building program. M. S. Ed. 1954. Dolan, Kenneth Francis. The confederate commerce-destroyers. M. A. Hist, 1950. Dollins, Curtis Nels. The use of background music in a psychiatric hospital to increase group conversational frequency. M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Dolyak, Frank. Some effects of irradiation on the immunochemical and physicochemical identity of serum proteins. Ph. D. Zool. 1955. Donahoc, Hugh Burkman. Hybrid antimalarials; the reaction of 8-aminoquinolines with nitrodiols. Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Donaldson, Davenport. The amino acid requirements of Bacterium tularense. M. A. Biochem. 1949. Doores, Robert Willard. Advertising rate study of Kansas weekly newspapers. M. S. Joum. 1952. Dorang, Louis Albert. Fate of a radio-opaque medium injected into the sciatic nerve. M. A. Anat. 1958. Doty, Charles Stewart. The French clergy and religious reform ( 1 7 8 9 - 1 7 9 1 ) : a study of clerical opinion as revealed in the pamphlets of the time. M. A. Hist. 1955. Doughty, Clyde Carl. The effects of the physical and chemical environment on the metabolism of Corynehacterium diphtheriae. M. A. Bact. 1950. Doughty, Marcus Wayne. A study of the out-of-school singing of seventh grade students. M. Mus. Ed. 1954. Douglass, Myrl Robert. Geology and geomorphology of the south-central Big Snowy Mountains, Montana. M. S. Geol. 1954. Dowhower, Edna. A critical analysis of two United States history textbooks. M. S. Ed. 1951. Downing, Marian Louise. A study of rhythmic responses in totally deaf children. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. 2—6699 34 University of Kansas Drawbaugh, Donald Wayne. A random walk problem. M. A. Physics. 1954. On the use of distributions in quantum theory. Ph. D. Physics. 1957. Drecse, William Robert. An experimental investigation of the interpretation of location categories on the Rorschach. M. A. Psychol. 1952. Drennen, Nina Loy. A speech correction program for the rural schools of Douglas County, Kansas. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. Drey, John Edmond. Evolution of the skyscraper. M. Arch. 1951. Driver, Garth Edward. A pulse-rate telemetering system with radio-frequency subcarrier. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. DuBar, Jules R. Stratigraphy and paleoecology of the late Neogene strata of the Caloosahatchee River area of Southern Florida. Ph. D. Geol. 1957. Dubins, Mortimer Ira. The petrography, geochemistry, and economic utilization of the Fort Hays chalk in Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1948. Dudley, Clynonia Nichols. A descriptive study of thirty-six cases of hard-toplan-for children known to twenty-eight county departments of social welfare in Kansas, February, 1957. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Duerksen, George Louis. The history and acoustics of the trombone. M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Duflord, Alvin Ellsworth. Quaternary geology and ground-water resources of Kansas River Valley between Bonner Springs and Lawrence, Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1953. Duffy, Robert Emmett. The I. W. W. in the textile industry. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1955. Dukclow, Willis Howard. On the equation x(x-f- 1 ) . . . (x + n — l ) = y* M. A. Math. 1958. Dumler, Marvin J. A study of factors related to gains in the reading rate of college students trained with the tachistoscope and accelerator. D. Ed, 1955. Duncan, Clyde Herbert. The value of audio-visual aids in teaching marching band fundamentals. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Dunford, Ruth Merchant. The role of the classroom teacher in a speech correction program. M. S. Ed. 1958. Dunkak, Florence Nelson. A study of the problems facing a fourth grade teacher in the structuring of a meaningful poetry program. M. S. Ed. 1958. Dunn, Margaret Anita. A survey of the U. S. S. R.—Its music and composers. M. Mus. Piano. 1948. Dunn, Randall R. A study of academic success of freshmen athletes—University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1954. Dunwell, Robert Roy. A descriptive study of the Hanover, Kansas, school reorganization program. M. S. Ed. 1956. Durden, John A., Jr. I. Synthesis based on the SchSnhofor theory, II. Aza analogs of artificial and natural estrogens. Ph. D. Pharm. Chem. 1957. Duree, Barbara Joyce. From Suffolk to Naishapur. M. A,. Eng. 1951. Durkin, June R. The history and development of the cantata from its inception through Bach, M. Mus. Voice, 1950. Duroche, Leonard LeRoy. The concept of transitoriness in the works of Hermann Hesse. M. A. German. 1957. Durrant, Stephen David. The mammals of Utah: taxonomy and distribution. Ph. D. Zool. 1950. Duxbury, John Alan. A geographical study of the flue-cured tobacco producing areas of Alliston and New Lowell (Ontario). M. A. Geog. 1951. Graduate School Theses 35 Dyck, Arthur James. A study in psychological ecology: A description of the social contacts of twelve Midwest children with their parents. M. A. Psychol. 1958. Dyck, Marvin Gustave. Study of antagonism of dermatophyte species. M. A. Bact. 1950. Dyke, Leland Wayne. A study of the nutritional requirements of Bacterium tularense. M. A. Bact. 1954. Eastwood, William Parker. Stratigraphy of the Captain Creek limestone ( M i s sourian) of eastern Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1958. Eaton, W. Jean. The social and intellectual development of two mentally retarded children from November, 1954 to May, 1955. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Ebel, Karl W. Weight training as related to vertical Jumping. M. S. E d . 1955. Eberhardt, John Lawrence. The State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Australia, 1918-1951. A study of a public corporation. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1956. Eberle, Hugh Glenn. Limited aspects of American opinion towards Germany and the Venezuelan debts collection, 1901-1903. M . A . Hist. 1954. Ebersole, Alva Vernon, Jr. El ambiente Espanol visto por Juan Ruiz de Alarcon. P h . D . Spanish. 1957. Edgar, Gerald Eugene. A study of the reading habits of the people w h o read The Lawrence Journal-World. M. A. Journ. 1950. Edger, Richard Eugene. A sociological study of Negro churches, Lawrence, Kansas. M. A. Sociol. 1950. Edie, Richard W. An exploration in decoration of a ceramic cast form. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1957. Edgerton, William Howard. Chemotherapcutic agents in the quinolinol series. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1950. Edmonds, Leland Russell. A laboratory manual for the fundamentals of geography. M. A. Geog. 1952. Edmondson, Sherman Edmond. The M c C l o y classification index as related to performance. M. S. Ed. 1956. Edwards, Anna Marie. The congressional career of Victor Murdock, 19031909. M. A. Hist. 1948. Edwards, Karl Drechsel. Experiential needs of student teachers at the University of Kansas as reported by selected respondents. D. E d . 1951. Ehrenreich, Gerald A. A psychoanalytic approach to the prediction of overt behavior from psychological tests. Ph. D. Psychol. 195G. Ehrlich, John Henry. School of violoncello technics: studies for 3rd position. M. Mus. Cello. 1950. Ehrlich, Paul Ralph. T h e systematics of two species of Erebia (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). M. A. Ent. 1955. T h e morphology, phylogeny and higher classification of the butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). P h . D . Ent. 1957. Eichhorn, Robert. The political and social attitudes of Negroes in a Kansas town. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Eidson, George Warren. A study of the relationship between speech and motor development. M. S. E d . 1957. Elbel, Robert Edwin. Comparative studies on the larvae of certain species of fleas (Siphonaptera). M. A. Ent. 1950. Elder, Ruth Nadine. A study of a case aide program used in the intake department of a Family Agency. M. Soc. W o r k . 1957. 36 University of Kansas Elliott, Harry L., Jr. An abrupt agricultural transition in Woodson County, Kansas: a geographic study of agricultural adaptations as associated with the physical setting. M. A. Geog. 1951. Elliott, Irvin Wesley, Jr. Synthetic routes leading to 4-hydroxy cinnoline-3carboxylic acid. M. S. Chem. 1949. I. Hydrogenation studies on Reissert compounds. I I . Synthesis of some hexadecanes and octadecanes. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Elliott, James Murrary. Experimental analysis of thinking during manipulative problem-solving. M. A. Psychol. 1958. Ellis, Carol Jeanne. The effect of some salts on the solubility of potassium bromide in carbon tetrachloride-methanol mixtures. M. A. Chem. 1958. Ellis, Lee Allen. A study of the revision of job specifications, job evaluations and pay plan for the village of Winnetka, Illinois. M. Pub. Admin. 1957. Ellsworth, Elizabeth Swigart. A study of the Ikat technique of dyeing and weaving. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1958. Embrey, James E. A study of the rate of educational growth of thirty-five deaf students. M. S. Ed. 1955. Embrey, Roberta L. A study of the visual perceptual responses of congenitally deaf children. M. S. Ed. 1955. Emerson, Frank Henry. Soil fungi of the Muscotah Marsh. M. A. Bot. 1948. Emick, Gilbert Harrison. I. Antispasmodic and related pharmacological actions of some gamma-arylpropylamines. II. Screening of several triterpenes for steroidal hormone-like activity. M. S. Pharmacy. 1954. Engman, Bernice. A study of the social problems in the comedies of Leundro Fernández de Moratín. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1955. Enns, Wilbur Ronald. A revision of the genera Nemognatha, Zonitis, and Pseudozonitis (Coleóptera, Meloidae) in America north of Mexico, with a proposed new genus. Ph. D. Ent. 1955. Ensing, Janet. Mammalian remains from an Indian village site in north central Missouri. M. A. Zool. 1948. Epling, James Franklin. A study of thirty patients readmitted to the. Osawatomie State Hospital from January 1, 1955, to April 1, 1955, M. Soc. Work. 1957. Epps, Margaret Walker. Further validation of a dropout scale. M. S. E d . 1958. Ernst, Jack Ormond. School districts in third class cities of Kansas, 1951-52. M. S. Ed. 1954. Esch, Joy. An exploratory study of the behavior revealed on the Vigotsky Sorting Test. M. A. Psychol. 1953. Estrada, Josefa Presbitero. The socializing process in child development. M. S. in Ed. 1957. A critical comparison of the educational philosophies of John Dewey and William Heard Kilpatrick. D. Ed. 1958. Etzler, Marilyn Child. The seizure, confiscation and destruction of property in the Confederacy, 1861-1865. M. A. Hist. 1948. Evans, Fredrick Paul. An apparatus for measurement of the flow of a heavy compressible fluid through a nozzle. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1949. Evans, Homer Clark. A study of advertising practices among truck equipment distributors since 1946, with particular attention to Perfection Spring and Equipment Company. M. Bus. Admin. 1952. Graduate School Theses 37 Everett, Jasper D. The status of county superintendents in Kansas, 1949. M. A. Ed. 1950. Ewing, Morgan R. Charles F. Scott: his decade in Congress. M. A. Hist. 1951. Ewy, Herbert Gene. Vascular responses in the dog's hind leg to epinephrine and norepinephrine before and after dibenzyline blockade. M. A. Physiol. 1955. Fadenrecht, George H. Mennonite migrations to Paraguay. M. A. Hist. 1949. Fagan, Esther Fried. Comparison of the humor responses in deaf and hearing children: a pilot study. M. S. Ed. 1952. Fahrbach, Carl George, Jr. A study of the pre-college and orientation week programs at the University of Kansas. D. Ed. 1958. Fairbanks, Laurence Dee. Aquatic gastropods in Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1956. Fairchild, Granville C. Effect of detour length upon problem solution. M. A. Psychol. 1955. Fairchild, Paul Walker. The geology and petrography of the gypsum deposits near Blue Rapids, Marshall County, Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1949. Faragher, Martha Jean. The influence of music on the life and -works of Andre Gide. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1949. Faris, James Edward. Comparison of mass transfer coefficients for the dehumidification operation with the humidification operation in a wetted-wall column. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1951. Faris, William Robert. The design and construction of a frequency modulation transmitter for use in noncommercial educational broadcasting. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1951. Farmer, Ivan Marlowe. Differential cost analysis. M. Bus. Admin. 1948. Fawl, Clifford LeRoy. An investigation of field variables affecting "spontaneous alternation" in human subjects. M. A. Psychol. 1954. Fearing, Olin S. Preliminary study of the taxonomy and ecology of Kansas lichens. M. A. Bot. 1951. Feaster, Gene R. A formal theory of electret behavior. Ph. D. Physics. 1953. Fedinec, Alexander Augustin. The role of tissue spaces and nerve fibers in the spread of tetanus toxin in the rat. M. A. Anat. 1957. The relationship of the site of injection of toxin and antitoxin to the development of tetanus in the rat. Ph. D. Anat. 1958. Fee, Chester Franklin. Studies on the development of dihydrostrcptomycin resistance in Bacterium tularense and its effect on variation. M. A. Bact. 1952. Fecney, William Jackson. Sean O'Casey and the Abbey Theatre. M. A. Eng. 1948. Feighny, Geraldine Fidelia. The village idealist. M. A. Eng. 1953. Feist, Frances Wilson. An analysis of the playing of the same role in an amateur and a professional production. M. A. Speech and Drama, 1950. Feldstein, Aaron. The lithium aluminum hydride reduction of p-substituted stilbene oxides. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Fellman, Jacob Harold. The effects of certain analogues of tyrosine on the growth of microorganisms. M.A. Biochem. 1952. Studies on the succinoxidase system of Bacterium tularense. Ph. D. Biochem. 1954. Fendorf, Frank W. A study of financial practices in the public school music departments of the state of Missouri. M. Mus. Ed. 1952. 38 University of Kansas Penner, Julia H. Bulwer-Lytton's Richelieu; or The Conspiracy. M. A. Eng. 1958. Ferguson, Hugh Thomas. A study of how high school instrumental music directors choose their materials. M. S. Ed. 1951. Ferm, Richard LeRoy. Synthesis o£ aromatic fluorides through diazotization in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride. Ph. D. Chem. 1948. Ferrell, Judith Ann. The role of news in radio stations in the Kansas City area. M. S. Journ. 1955. Fettig, Lee Ernest. A street improvement program for Mexico, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1955. Fevurly, James Robert. The inhibition of specific hemagglutination by a heat stable antigen in typhus infected animals. M. A. Bact. 1954. Findley, James Smith. Speciation of the wandering shrew. Ph. D. Zool. 1955. Findley, John Eugene. Pathway of catabolism of arginine by an organism of the genus Achromobacter. M. A. Bact. 1955. Finley, Robert B., Jr. The wood rats of Colorado, distribution and ecology. Ph. D. Zool. 1957. Finney, Laurence Malcolm. Jose Vasconcelos: an interpretation of his Memorias. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish, 1952. Fish, Jeanne Eloise. A test of Piaget's theory of moral realism in children. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Fisher, Cleo William. A study of the scholarship of athletes and nonathletes at the Boys Industrial School, Topeka, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1953. Fisher, John Simon. Ethanol-paraffin electrets. M. A. Physics. 1954. Fisher, Robert Charles. New geometric characterizations of curves on a surface by means of a theory of envelopes. M. A. Math. 1949. A study of line congruences by means of a modified tensor analysis. Ph. D. Math. 1952. Fisher, Stanley Dean. A revenue manual. M. Pub. Admin, 1953. Fisher, William Edwin. An analysis of the case histories of 726 children studied at the Kansas Receiving Home for Children. Ph. D. Ed. 1952. Fisher, William L. Geology of the Menard formation (Mississippian) in southern Illinois. M. S. Geol. 1958. Fisk, Franklin Gregory. An evaluation of a national awards program in secondary school science. M. S. Ed. 1958. Fitch, Arthur Haines. The stopping power of bone for alpha-particles. M. S. Physics. 1952. Fitch, Kenneth Leonard. A systematic study of the red-backed mice, genus Clethrionomys, of Wyoming. M. A. Zool. 1952. Fite, Kenneth Austin. Cost of participating in music activities in selected high schools of Kansas. D. Ed. 1954. Fleming, Leslie W. The effects of amino acids on bacteriophage multiplication in the Escherichia coli B-tl system. M. A. Bact. 1954. Fleming, Richard Cornwell. Winter populations of microcrustacea in four selected habitats in eastern Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1956. Flint, Richard William. The relationship of deafness and academic achievement to personality adjustment. M. S. Ed. 1952. Flores, Flora. Tipo sociologico de la criada en algunas novelas de Benito Perez Galdos. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1950. Flory, Raymond LeRoy. The political career of Chester I. Long. Ph D. Hist. Graduate School Theses 39 Forbes, Fritz W. A new method for determining the readability of standardized tests used in counseling. D. Ed. 1952. Ford, Donald Herbert. The action of progesterone on the vaginal mucosa of the female guinea pig. Ph. D. Anat. 1952. Foreman, William Calvin. Generalized vectors and the matrix equation x ( x ) = B . Ph.D. Math. 1952. Forman, George Whiteman. Manufacturing processes in the mechanical engineering curriculum. M. S. Mecli. Engin. 1957. Forman, John Warren. A study of the graduating seniors entering the University of Kansas in the fall of 1952 from a representative sample of Kansas high schools. Ph. D. Ed. 1953. Forsyth, Sam E. Sodium sulfite oxidation for the study of gas dispersion with porous spargers. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. Fort, Berneice DeSelms. Spontaneous vocalizations of two-year-old deaf children as related to degree of hearing loss and other factors. M. S. Ed. 1955. Foster, Charles Vernon. (With Thomas D. Bryant.) An electric analogue for stage-wise, diffusional operation. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. Foster, Glen Lloyd. The constituents and their structural arrangement in ostracode carapaces. M. S. Geol. 1958. Foster, Jean Ann. Quantitative analysis of regenerated crossed sciatic nerves in parabiotic rats. M. A. Anat. 1957. Foster, Manus Read. Introduction of probability measures in the phase space of a mechanical system. Ph. D. Physics. 1952. Foster, Thomas Alpheus, Jr. A survey of electronic data processing as api^lied to accounting. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Foulks, James Reid. Longevity of athletic lettermen as compared with classmates. M. S. Ed. 1956. Foulks, Sidney Marshall. Some recent turbulence theory. M. A. Math. 1950. Fowler, Earl Martyr. Antigenic and morphologic studies of Bartonella bacilllformis. M. A. Bact. 1955. Fox, Wagoner Lee. A suggested intramural program for the Shawnee-Mission junior high schools. M. S. Ed. 1957. Franks, Beulah Baum. The visual perceptual abilities of stutterers and nonstutterers. M. S. Ed. 1957. Franks, Paul Conaway. Geology of the Beulah area, Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1956. Fredrickson, Richard W. Myriapoda of the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation. M. A. Ent. 1954. Freeman, Bill L. A study of attitudes concerning situations arising in athletic contests. M. S. Ed. 1958. Freeman, Jewel Virginia. "Santa Fe Place," a study of minority movement in Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Freiburg, Richard Eighme. An ecological study of the narrow-mouthed toad (Microhyla) in northeastern Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1951. French, Clarence N. The speed and force of charge of football players. M. S. Ed. 1950. French, Freeman G. The use of community resources in the social studies program, with particular emphasis on the field trip method and its application in the Topeka public schools. M. S. Ed. 1952. French, Marjorie Lomas. Suggestions for teaching a special ability algebra class for gifted students. M. S. Ed. 1951. 40 University of Kansas Friesen, Benjamin S. Energy absorption in bone. M. A. Radiation Biophysics 1954. Fuchs, Richard. Factors affecting the direction of ring opening in the lithium aluminum hydride and lithium borohydride reductions monosubstituted ethylene oxides. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Fuhlhage, Donald Wayne. Studies on the formation and reactions of 1-pyrroline. Ph. D. Chem. 1958. Fuller, Murrey W. A system for municipal property control. M. Pub. Admin. 1951. Fulton, Helen L. Laterality characteristics of deaf children in a state residential school. M. S. Ed. 1958. Fung, Tsun Kai. Explosion process and pulverization of coal by explosion process. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1949, Gaddis, Isabelle. A historical survey of techniques used in making silver holloware. M. Fine Arts Design. 1955. Gagliardo, John Garver. The protection of peasants' rights in the Prussian Province of Kurmark, 1770-1782: Some new insights into the practice of enlightened despotism. M. A. Plist. 1957. Galbraith, Francis. The extent of improvement in throwing for accuracy. M. S. Ed. 1952. Galbraith, Edwin C. A contribution to the tertiary geology and paleontology of northeastern Colorado. Ph. D. Zool. 1951. Gale, Kenneth Stanley. On n consecutive integers. M. A. Math. 1954. Gallup, Gordon Alban. A study of the ortho effect in some substituted benzyl halides. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Gamber, Jesse Elbert. A study of American Standard Association 8"-300 lb. steel pipe flanges. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1951. Garder, Clarence Ellsworth, Jr. A study of characteristics of outstanding high school musicians. D. Ed. 1953. Gardiner, Jean S. The application of an hypothesis concerning balanced states to the analysis of clinical data. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Gardner, Riley Wetherell. Cognitive styles in categorizing behavior. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Garrison, Ellis J. Building a kiln. M. S. Ed. 1951. Garrison, James Howard. Studies on the nature of the relationship of Streptococcus lactis and Streptococcus faecalis. M, A. Bact. 1953. Garrison, Walter Raymond. A study of plastic bending in indeterminate aluminum beams. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1950. Gaston, Gordon Irvin. The effect of the size of high schools on achievement scores of the number one students. M. S. Ed. 1953. Gayhart, Richard Milton. The compound corroborating stops of the organ ensemble. M. Mus. Organ. 1956. Gazda, John M. Revising the high school curriculum in English in the small community. M. S. Ed. 1953. Geist, Faylon Wayne. Aspects of modern music: a cross section of the musical thought of eight modern composers. M. A. Mus. 1951. Gempel, Julie Ann. Analysis and comparison of closely related antigenic systems utilizing the Ouehterlony technic. M. A. Microbiology. 1956. Geoffroy, Kenneth Wayne. A survey of music department budgetary practices and procedures in selected Kansas high schools. M. Mus, Ed. 1951. Graduate School Theses 41 Geoffrey, Melba Young. A partial evaluation of the 1949-50 University of Kansas program in reading and study methods. M. S. Ed. 1951. George, Billie Iona. An analysis of Bach's The Well-Tempered Clavier. M. Mus. Piano. 1952. George, Howard A. Some changes in five reorganized school districts of Kansas. D. Ed. 1957. George, Wcllnard Madison. Inequalities of educational opportunities in Oklahoma secondary schools. M. S. Ed. 1952. Gcrakis, Andreas Athanassios. Greek economic developments with special reference to the devaluation of the drachmae and the liberalization of imports in 1953. Ph. D. Econ. 1957. Gerber, Charles Edward. Extra-curricular practices in selected Kansas high schools. M. S. Ed. 1948. Gerety, John Henry, Jr. The separation of mixtures of methylcyclohexane and n-heptane by thermal diffusion in the liquid phase. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1955. Gerren, Nicholas L'Ouverture. Responses to non-objective pictures with and without music. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. A study of the relationship between intelligence, musicality, and attitude toward music. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1953. Ghaffari, Ahmad. Iran economy and oil industry. M. A. Econ. 1952. Gibson, Aubrey Wylie. Installation, instrumentation, and test of a General Electric Educational Unit Power Plant. M. S. Mecb. Engin. 1954. Gibson, Barbara Jeanne. An evaluation of the personnel selection and personnel appraisal programs of a department store. M. A. Psychol. 1950. Gibson, David M. Primary carcinoma of the lung. M. A. Pathology. 1951. Gibson, Hugh Wesley. A study of community organization process for meeting the social welfare needs of a public housing project, Sunflower Village, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Gibson, Robert Desmond. A study of the toxicity and anthelmintic activity of n-butylidene chloride. M. S. Pharmacy. 1950. Gier, Delta Warren. Studies in the pyridopyridazine ring system. Ph. D. Chem. 1957. Gilbaugh, John Wesley. The superintendency and boards of education. D. Ed. 1953. Gilbert, Lacl O. A gamma-ray radiochromatogram scanner. M. S. Radiation Biophysics. 1956. Gilkerson, William Richard. A kinetic study of the mechanism of o-eylntion in pyridine. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Gillespie, Vincent Elliott, Jr. An examination of Wordsworth's political principles. M. A. Eng. 1957. Gilliland, Evelyn Marie. The Schmidt reaction applied to four unsymmetrical diarylcthylenes. M. A. Chem. 1949. Gilman, Joseph Richard, Jr. Basketball skills as related to manual dexterity. M. S. Ed. 1954. Gingerich, Frances Marie. The counseling role of fifty-four rural midwestern ministers. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Ginn, James Lawrence. Angular correlation of photons from electron-position annihilation. M. A. Physics. 1956. Gish, Lawrence Lee. Administrative studies of the city of Hutchinson, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin. 1954. 42 University of Kansas Gittleman, Beverly. A study of attitudes and their casework implications in sixty-one refugee cases at the United Jewish Social Services, Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Glancy, Walter Perry. Application of jet refrigeration to residential air conditioning. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1948. Glass, William A. Gamma ray spectra of Si(p, gamma)P reactions. M . S . Physics. 1958. Glasse, Clarence A., Jr. State organizations for the education of exceptional children. M. S. Ed. 1950. Glazier, Robert Henry. The reaction of Reissert compounds with Grignard reagents. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Gleason, Shirley Grace. The isolation of tryptophan requiring mutants of Escherichia coli B and their resistance to bacteriophage. M. A. Bact. 1951. Gleckler, Donald M. A study of the attitudes of high school graduates toward the value of music courses. M. S. Ed. 1954. Glover, Barbara Elizabeth. A case study on the use of music activities for a brain-injured child. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Gob, Jean Arthur. The evolution of Belgian exports from 1944-1951. M. Bus. Admin. 1953. Goble, Cecil Raymond. The ecology of the Mollusca of the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation. M. A. Zool. 1949. Goering, Nancy Jane. The development of the study and teaching of public administration in the United States. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Good, Wallace E. Constitutional issues involved in the Lever Food and Fuel Control Act of 1917. M. A. Hist. 1951. Good, Wallace M. Distribution and geographic variation of the redwing (Agelaius phoeniceus) of the northern plains of the United States. M. A. Zool. 1950. Goodc, Helen Dill. Literary expression in has "Nombres de Críalo of Fray Luis de León: a stylistic analysis. M. A. Spanish. 1957. Gooding, Eugene Orion. Part I. Determination of a suitable method of analysis for acetone. Part II. Comparison of mass transfer coefficients for dcsorplion with those for absorption obtained using the system ammonia-air-water in a wetted-wall column. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1955. Goodrich, Judson Earl. A series of positive iodine compounds of organic acids coordinated with alpha and beta picolinc. M. A. Chem. 1948. Goodwin, Carol Glen. An audio-visual method for leaching embouchure and hand position for the French horn using sound tape and slide set. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Goodwin, Frances McDonald. "Fools' Hill": a nouvclle. With an analysis of the writing. M. A. Eng. 1953. Goodwyn, Thadeous A., Jr. A study in the elliptic plane of pole-zero patterns of insertion voltage ratios having tchebycheff attenuation-frequency characteristics and having second order poles at infinite frequency. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1958. Gordon, Shirley Joan. Prediction variables relative to two criteria of success for a group of student nurses in a collegiate program. M. S. Ed. 1958. Gordon, Stewart Lynch. The piano music of Maurice Ravel. M. A. Mus. 1954. Graduate School Theses 43 Gore, Truman L. The vapor-liquid phase-equilibrium and pressure-volumetemperature behavior of a natural gas at low temperatures. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1951. Goyette, Lewis Edward. Nutrition of dermatophytes. Ph. D. Bot. 1951. Graham, Richard Martin. Suggested procedures for conducting rhythm activities on wards of chronic and regressed mental patients. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Graham, Ward Arnold. Determination of the reaction rate constants of ethylene oxide hydration under flow conditions. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1949. Graves, Mary Adkins. A survey of guidance in small Kansas high schools, 1947. M. S. Ed. 1948. Graves, Perdue Brook. An investigation of adult education needs and interests in Topeka. D. Ed. 1949. Gray, Melville Wilfred. The performance of a sewage treatment plant serving the Kansas Turnpike. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1958. Gray, Phyllis Ann. A simplified approach to pattern drafting in textile weaving. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1955. Gray, Richard Max. The pilomotor reflex in response to music. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Gray, Robert Trull. An analysis of the effect of instruction in study techniques at the high-school level upon attitude toward school and related factors. D. Ed. 1953. Gray, Wanda Willmore. Some suggestions for the improvement in the scope of the courses in foods at Haskell Institute. M. S. Ed. 1957. Greaver, Harry. Special problems in watercolor. M. Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint. 1952. Green, Joseph. Adrenergic blocking agents. M. S. Chem. 1952. Green, Kenneth J. The experimental determination of minimum reflux ratios in distillation columns. Ph. D. Chem. Engin. 1958. Green, Margaret Mary. Some suggestions for the use of historical material in teaching high school mathematics. M. S. Ed. 1958. Greenbaum, Nathan. Psychological tests in the study of frontal lobotomy. Ph. D. Psychol. 1951. Greenberg, Bernard. A review of the new world Acomatacarus (Trombiculidae, Acarina). M. A. Ent. 1951. Bionomic and enzymatic studies of the housefly in relation to disease transmission. Ph. D. Ent. 1954. Gregory, James Stanton. Masculine and feminine characteristics of musical instruments. M. Mus. Ed. 1953. Grey, Charles Edwin. Mississippian rocks, north of Wapiti Lake, Wapiti Lake area, British Columbia. M. S. Geol. 1948. Gribbin, William John, Jr. Studies on tularemia in the human body louse. M. A. Bact. 1953. Grier, James S. The Schmidt reaction applied to 2-vinylpyridine and related compounds. M. A. Chem. 1951. Grifflng, G. Warren. Self energy of the electron. M. A. Physics. 1949. Grigsby, John Lambert, Jr. The Judith theme through Hebbel, Bernstein and Giraudoux: a comparative study. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1955. Grimm, Guss L. An experiment in teaching the clarinet with audio-visual aids. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Grinnell, Robert Stone, Jr. Specific and infraspecific differences of the Brachiopod genus Composita in eastern Kansas. M. A. Geol. 1958. 44 University of Kansas Groff, Edward Burke. Paul Green: A critical study of America's leading folk dramatist. Ph.D. Eng. 1957. Gross, Norman. A critique of the literature on the problem of pricing in a socialist economy between 1930-1940. M. A. Econ. 1954. Grossart, Rex Rickard. An analysis of rules and regulations governing athletics and participation in five intercollegiate athletic associations in the United States, 1957. M. S. Ed. 1957. Grover, Paul Barton. An evaluation of present methods of teaching musical theory. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. Grunt, Jerome Alvin. The behavioral response of the castrated male guinea pig to testosterone propionate. Ph. D. Anat. 1952. Guardiola, Aida Luz. Studies on the anti-diphtheria property of human saliva. M. A. Bact. 1953. Guardiola, Aida Luz. Reactions of microbial dipbosphopyridine nucleotide with p-aminobenzoic acid, sulfanilamide, and analogous compounds. Ph. D. Bact. 1958. Guba, Egon G. A statistical analysis of some factors involved in the preparation of high school general science teachers. M. A. Ed. 1950. Gudeman, Howard Earl. The influence of information about interpersonal relations on responses to frustration situations. Ph. D. Psychol. 1958. Gudgen, Marjorie Gloria. The development of five major handicrafts in the United States. M. S. Ed. 1952. Gudmundsen, Cathryn Helen. A kinetic investigation of the Schmidt rearrangement of benzhydryl azides and 1,1-diarylethyl azides. Ph. D. Chem. 1956. Guida, Arthur J. An evaluation of the rates of release of theophylline from suppository bases. M. S. Pharmacy. 1952. Guild, Carl Holmes, Jr. Problems of anaesthesia in thoracic surgery. M. S. Surgery. 1950. Gulick, Donald Wayne. Some aspects of individual gain and loss tax treatment from sale or exchange and involuntary conversion of land and depreciable assets used in a business. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Gullahorn, Jeanne E. The effects of reinforcement schedules on acquisition and habit reversal in a complex learning situation. M. A, Psychol. 1958. Gullerud, Ernest Norman. Analysis of placement and specialized care plans of thirty-five children determined dependent, neglected, or delinquent by the Wyandotte County Juvenile Court. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Gunn, James Edwin. Modern science fiction: a critical analysis. M, A. Eng. 1951. Gunn, Roland S. Some uses of high school music training in adult life. M. Mus. Ed. 1951. Gunn, William Schuyler. A case study of non-conforming zoning uses in the city of Janesville, Wisconsin. M. Pub. Admin. 1955. Gust, Kurt. Church and state under Bismarck and Hitler. M. A. Hist. 1956. Gustafson, Richard Clarence. Style in the English and Scottish popular ballads. M. A. Eng. 1957. Gustafson, Robert Eugene. The supply area of the Kansas City cattle market, M. A. Geog. 1956. Gutentag, Edwin D. Pleistocene fresh-water Ostracodes from Mead County, Kansas, and vicinity. M. S. Geol. 1958. Graduate School Theses 45 Gutzwiller, Martin C. Quantumtheory of wavefields in a space of constant curvature. Ph. D. Physics. 1953. Gwinn, Billy W. A stratigraphie study of some Pennsylvanian rocks in southcentral Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1951. Habein, Margaret. Kate Stephens: a study of her life and writings. Ph. D. Eng. 1952. Hafer-Hill, Patricia M. The squaw dance and other stories. M. A. Eng. 1958. Hager, Glenn G. The stratigraphy of some Pennsylvanian rocks southwest of La Veta Pass, Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1952. Hager, Lowell Paul. Studies on decomposition of cellulose by thermophilic bacteria. M. A. Bact. 1950. Hager, Richard. A comparison of the number of self-referred clients of the Family and Children's Service, Incorporated, Kansas City, Kansas, for the statistical years 1950 and 1954. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Haggard, Marko L. Prohibition, a political factor in Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1948. Hahn, Marcus Emerson. A proposed technique for investigating the relationship between musical preferences and personality structure. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1954. Haines, Thomas Walton. A study of the principal production media of the common muscoid flies (Diptera). M. A. Ent. 1952. Hair, Walter Wyman. The effects of internal radiation from the mothers milk upon the spleen of the young albino rat. M. A. Anat. 1953. Hale, Marcus Nathaniel. A study of referrals from other agencies to a Family Service Agency. M. Soc. Work. 1954. Haley, Eugene Wesley. A survey of the Kansas limited partnership as a form of business organization. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Hall, Charles William. Comparative osteology of salamanders of the genus Tharius. M. A. Zool. 1952. Hall, Luther Axtell Richard. I. A new commercial synthesis of the insecticide parathion. II. Studies in the benzotriazole and 2-aminopyridine series. P h . D . Chem. 1950. Ha'lman, Howard Wesley. A study of Gandhi's techniques of non-violence in effecting political change. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1951. Hallman, Robert Mason. An evaluation of piano achievement of music education majors at the University of Kansas. M. Mus. Ed. 1950. Halperin, Bernard I. A study of the addition of positive halogen 3,5-dinitrobenzoates to 1-butene and of die isomeric 1,2-halobutanols. M. S. Chem. 1955. Harnacher, Howard Brockman. Time: nature, man, society, machine, history, architecture. M. Arch. 1955. Hambleton, William Weldon. Pétrographie study of Kansas coals. Ph. D. Geol. 1951. Hamby, Ronald. The trailmaking test and immediately successive administrations of the Rorschach Psychodiagnostic Test in the differentiation and study of the effects of brain damage. M. A. Psychol. 1958. al-Hamdânï, Muwaffak M. Stereotypes as revealed by content analysis of cartoons. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Hamilton, Robert Jerald. A critical evaluation of the principal editions of certain organ works of Johann Sebastian Bach. M. Mus. Organ. 1950. 46 University of Kansas Hammer, F. Emmett. Application of the atmospheric pressure charged wire alpha-particle counter to the measurement of the stopping power of thin films. M. A. Physics. 1948. Hammer, James Wesley. The use of method books and photographs to determine good embouchure formation. M. Mus. Ed. 1951. Hammer, Robert Nelson. A study of the reduction of a complex manganese cyanide with potassium metal in liquid ammonia. M. A. Chem. 1949. Hams, Henry Lewis. Higher education for Negroes in the State of Missouri analyzed from the standpoint of a social movement. M. A. Sociol. 1949. Han, Joon Taik. Quantitative studies of high energy radiation polymerization. M. S. Radiation Biophysics. 1958. Hane, John Dean. Municipal reporting in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. M. Pub. Admin. 1957. Hanford, Dana Bruce. The effects of need upon perceptual distortion. M. A. Psychol. 1955. The schizophrenic's understanding of the comic. Ph. D. Psychol. 1958. Hannaman, Thomas Belton. Geographic study of population and settlement changes in Colby, Kansas, from 1940 to 1950. M. A. Geog. 1951. Hansen, Edward Phillip. Effects of moisture on the thermal conductivity of soil. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1950. Hansen, Louis Arthur. A study of the ability of musicians to detect melodic and harmonic errors in the performance of choral music while inspecting the score. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1955. Hanson, C. Norman. Industrial safety programs with special reference to the safety program of a public utility company. M. Bus. Admin. 1951. Hanson, Floyd N. A study of athletic injuries in Kansas Class B high schools. M. S. Ed. 1948. Hanson, Marion French. A study of the advantages of ability grouping in first grade classrooms. M. S. Ed. 1950. Hanson, Wilford Joseph. A revision of the subgenus Melanonemotelus of America north of Mexico (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). M. A. Ent. 1955. Harbaugh, John W. Biogeochemical investigations in the tri-state zinc and lead mining district. M. S. Geol. 1950. Harder, Donald Frederick. A comparison of the performance of successful and unsuccessful students on eight tests supposedly predicting achievement in the engineering curriculum. M. S. Ed. 1949. A study of item responses on the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory of male senior students in business, education, and engineering curricula. D. Ed. 1952. Harder, Richard Charles. A proposed program for evaluation of the undergraduate teacher-preparing curriculum at the University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1953. Hardin, Creighton A. The experimental use of free arterial and skin grafts for bridging defects in the common bile duct of the dog. M. S. Surgery. 1950. Harding, Horace Hunn. The Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia and its relation with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1945-1956 M A Pol Sci. 1957. Harding, William Burriss. The Turner-Burrell adsorption fractionator. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1949. Hardwick, Harold Leonard. The status of stringed instruments in Kansas secondary schools. M. S. Ed. 1956. Graduale School Theses 47 Hardy, Dorothy Jeanne. Exaggeration and caricature in the portrayal of character parts. M. A.-Speech and Drama. 1950. Hardy, James Lynn. The junior high school girl and her music. M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Hargiss, Willard Clarke. A study of stress analysis in drill taps, using the membrane analogy. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1948. Harkness, Charles Adam. A study of certain civilian employment problems at the United States Air Force Institute of Technology. M. S. Ed. 1954. Harner, David Arthur. Selected problems of an intern in Borger, Texas. M. Pub. Admin. 1953. Harmon, Harlan LeRoy. The relationship between hand size and the ability to shoot and handle a basketball. M. S. Ed. 1952. Harmon, Roy Thomas. Attitudes of teachers toward the Kansas State Teachers Association. M. A. Ed. 1948. Harms, Clarence Eugene. Metazoan parasites of some catfishes of the genus Ictalurus from northeastern Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1957. Harold, Lane Ward. The determination of frictional and pressure forces in an extruder die by the use of strain gauges. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1955. Harris, Laverla Dell. A sixteenth century Mexican dramatist, Fernán Gonzalez de Eslava. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1949. Harsha, William N. Evaluation of the conversion of radioactive inorganic iodine to protein bound iodine as a diagnostic aid in thyroid dysfunction. M. S. Surgery. 1951. Hart, Charlotte Anne. Two new organic medicináis containing fluorine. M. S. Chem. 1949. Hartflel, Ann Corine. A critical study of Rafael Landivar's Rusticatio Mexicana. M. A. Spanish. 1957. Hartman, Emily Lou, Studies on the Riccia fluitans complex, M. A. Bot. 1955. • • A revision of the Equisetum laevigatum complex in North America. Ph. D. Bot. 1957. Hartnett, William Edward. Upper and lower measures in a metric space and some apx^Iications to the theory of spread measure. Ph. D. Math. 1957. Harvey, Bernice Luella Brady. An analysis of the Lawrence High Schoc general English curriculum. M. S. Ed. 1955. Harvey, Harold Arnold. An experimental production of Irwin Shaw's Bury the Dead. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950, Haskell, Albert Russell. The pharmacological actions of Paeonia officinalis. M. S. Pharmacy. 1951. Hattin, Donald Edward. The megascopic invertebrate fossils of the Carlile shale of Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1952. Depositional environment of the Wreford megacyclothem (Lower Permian) of Kansas. Ph. D. Geol. 1954. Hausler, William John, Jr. An investigation of various conditions affecting viability of Escherichia colt in the lyophilized state. M. A. Bact. 1953, The purification and concentration of influenza A ( P R 8 ) by a method of continuous extraction with glycine of a zinc-virus precipitate. Ph. D, Bact. 1958. Hawes, Lewis Clinton. East Africa in world trade to 1914. M. A. Hist. 1949. Hawkins, Phil B. A study of the Kansas Slate Industrial Reformatory educational program. M. S. Ed. 1956, 48 University of Kansas Hawley, Ellis Wayne. The relation of Hoover's policies to the National Industrial Recovery Act. M. A. Hist. 1951. Haworth, Lee Oran. An intern serves as city manager. M. Pub. Admin. 1954. Hawryszko, Julian Walter. The sedimentology of the Fernic shale formation. M. S. Geol. 1957. Haydt, Heliton Motta. Pitting in marine corrosion. M. S. Met. Engin. 1954. Haynes, Edward Hamilton. The geology of a portion of the cast slope of the Sangre de Cristo Range, Huerfano County, Colorado ( T . 29 S., R. 69 W . ) M. S. Geol. 1952. Haynes, Ora Lee Kemp. A study of nineteen children in the latency group placed by Family Service of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Haywood, Clarence Robert. Abraham Clark, 1726-1794; a case study of a minor New Jersey statesman. M. A. Hist. 1948. Hazlett, Robert Neil. Part I. Chemistry of Reissert compounds. Part II. Studies on emetine. Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Heaton, Robert Edwin. Galois theory. M. A. Math, 1951. Heck, Oscar Benjamin, Jr. A study of the adult helminths of the digestive tract and larval cestoda in tree squirrels in Douglas County, Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1951. Heckes, Albert Allen. Measurement of viscosity of volatile hydrocarbons at low temperature and high pressure. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1956. Hedberg, Floyd Carl. An experimental investigation to determine the relationship between musical skills in a self-directed activity and a teacherdirected activity. M. Mus. Ed. 1954. Hcdrick, Joan Lippelmann. The rate of learning as related to the length and spacing of practice sessions in archery. M . S . Ed. 1955. Hedrick, Thomas A. Survey of accepted sports telecasting techniques. M. A. Radio and Television. 1958. Heeb, Lawrence Joseph. Policies and practices of recreation commissions in the state of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1955. Heisler, Robert Yard. Part I. The reaction of sodium azide with some epoxides. Part II. The attempted synthesis of 2-Huoro-l, 4-naphthoquinone. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Helin, Arthur Francis. The synthesis of organic medicináis containing fluorine. Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Helle, Horst Jürgen. Absenteeism and attitudes in American and German work groups. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Heller, Charles F., Jr. Rural stability of wheat farmers in Adams County, Washington. M. A. Geog. 1957. Hendrickson, Violet Bowman. Parental knowledge and understanding of the problem of mental retardation as revealed in two groups of parents of preschool children. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Hendrix, Lloyd E. Immunological studies on Bacterium tularense in white mice. M. A. Bact. 1952. Henry, Clarke Latta. The evaluation and management of one hundred consecutive cases of pulmonary bronchiectasis. M. S. Med. Surg. 1952. Henson, Owen M. The enrollment and introduction of students into the Topeka high school curriculum. M. A. Ed. 1952. Herd, G. Donald. Augustin Coumot and the general equilibrium theory. M. A. Econ. 1949. Graduate School Theses 49 Herman, George Richard. The Naked Mountains. M. A. Eng. 1956. Herman, Jack Chalmers. Don Quijote and the novels of Perez Galdos. Ph. D. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1950. Herman, Ronald Dean. Design and development of University of Kansas 3 x 6 inch shock tube. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1958. Herrman, William Lyndon. Partial validation of a drop-out scale. M. S. Ed. 1957. Hershkowitz, Aaron. Interpersonal agreement and disagreement on objects and values: a preliminary study. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Hesselbarth, Maynard Deane. Facilities for juvenile detention in ten Kansas counties. M. Soc. Work. 1949. Hesser, Dale Cahill. The religion of Walt Whitman. Ph. D. Eng. 1957. Hetzer, William A. An ecological study of the prairie and pasture lands in Douglas and Franklin Counties, Kansas. M. A. Bot. 1950. Heydon, Charles Duncan. Attitudes of recipients of a public social agency. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Hickox, John Ekstrom. Stratigraphy and petrology of a lagoonal tongue of the Capitan reef complex. M. S. Geol. 1951. Hicks, Grady Thomas. Direct current resistance variations of thin aluminum films. M. S. Physics. 1952. Hiebert, Phyllis Jean. Arnold's Empedocles on Etna and Browning's Paracelsus: the dilemma of the Faustian man. M. A. Eng. 1952. Higdon, Donald Thayer. Investigation of an automatic stabilization system for light airplanes using step control hinge moments. M. S. Aeron Engin. 1956. Hill, Harold J. A calorimetric determination of monofluophosphate ion. M. A. Chem. 1949. Hill, Jack Harold. The gastro-intestinal tract in malignant lymphoma. M. A. Med. Pathology. 1949. Hill, John Stanley. And Touch a Star. M. A. Eng. 1956. Hill, Robert Lee. An electrophoretic analysis of the serum proteins from mice immunized against tularemia. M. A. Biochem. 1951. The mechanism of obligate aerobic glycolysis in Bacterium tularcnse and other microorganisms. Ph. D. Biochem. 1954. Hillmer, Norman Roland. A study of changes in the cardiovascular status of dogs induced by constant infusions L-epinephrine and L-norepinephrine before and after the adrenergic blocking agents dibenamine and dibenzyline. M. A. Physiol. 1956. Hilpman, Paul Lorenz. Geology of the Easy Ridge area, White Pine County, Nevada. M. A. Geol. 1956. Hiltibran, Robert Comegys. The effect of vitamin D on radium retention in the white rat. M. S. Biochem. 1951. An investigation of the lipid fractions of plant and beef brain tissues. Ph. D. Biochem. 1954. Hinde, Thomas Bobert. The Hi-Y as a student activity in sixty-five high schools in the state of Kansas. M. A. Ed. 1951. Hines, Jack Wendell. The factor of political decentralization: the application of a Jeffersonian principle to selected issues, 1816-1828. M. A. Hist. 1949. Hines, Jack Wendell. John Randolph and the growth of federal power: The opinions of a states righter on the political issues of his time. Ph. D. Hist. 1957. 50 University of Kansas Plines, Joyce Thomas. The role of God on the Sartrean stage—An evaluation of three Sartrean plays. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1954. Hird, Myrtle Lucile. Class period time as a factor in learning to type. M. S. Ed. 1948. Hirsch, Ernest Albeit. An investigation of some relationships between apartness, attitudes toward the self, and attitudes toward others. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Hirsekorn, Fred S. Agitation of liquid-solid suspensions in the viscous region. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1950. Hixon, Harold Orval. Manichaeism during the 5th and 6th centuries. M. A. Hist. 1955. Hoar, Richard Morgan. Loci of action of thyroid hormone on reproduction in the female guinea pig. Ph. D. Anat. 1956. Hobbs, Alice Marilyn. The economic status of employed women in Kansas. M. A. Econ. 1949. Hobbs, James Beverly. Stock-purchase, stock-sharing and stock-option plans for non-key personnel in American corporations. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Hobson, Dale Turner. Kansas secondary school health services. D. Ed. 1954. Hobson, Mary Eloise. A comparative histological study of Opisthorchis sinensis and Fasciola hepatica. M. A. Zoo], 1957. Hocker, Ella Virginia. Demonstration of the growth of Rickettsia tyhi in chicken entodermal cells and L strain mouse fibroblasts in vitro. M. A. Bact. 1957. Hodgden, Burton Bennett. A monograph of the Saldidae (Hermptera) of North and Central America and the West Indies. Ph. D. Ent. 1949. Hodgins, Rosemary Irene. The social cartoons of Daumier ( 1 8 3 5 - 1 8 4 8 ) as they reflect the literary tendencies exemplified by Balzac. M. A. French. 1957. Hodgkins, Jordan Atwood. Geographic-historic study of farm unit size in Kanwaka Township, Douglas County, Kansas. M. A. Geog. 1 9 4 9 . Hodson, Warren G. Geology and ground-water resources of Solomon River Valley in Mitchell County, Kansas. M, S. Geol. 1956. Hoefer, William Gaines. The design and construction of a secondary frequency standard. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Hoffman, Henry Allen, Jr. Addition compounds of sulfur dioxide with three isomeric lutidines. M. A. Chem. 1948. Hoffman, William Dean. The reduction of diketones by unipositive magnesium anodically generated. Ph. D. Chem. 1958. Hoftiezer, Henry W. The synthesis of iodo-ethylenic ketones. M. A. Chem. 1950. Holben, Clair Dean. Pulsations in gas lines. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1952. Holder, Robert Daniel. An evaluation of physical education programs in certain Negro public high schools in Louisiana. M. S. Ed. 1956. Holland, Bill Deward. Geology of the Bull Fork area, White Pine and Nye Counties, Nevada. M. S. Geol. 1956. Hollingsworth, Bobby J. A study of conjugate nets on N-ply systems of hypersurfaces in N-dimensional projective space. Ph. D. Math. 1955. Holly, Joseph Victor. A study of the Kansas elementary school principalship. D. Ed. 1948. Holman, Robert Ray. Design of the University of Kansas jet engine test facility including instrumentation and systems. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1956. Graduate School Theses 51 Holmer, Robert Martin. The relationship between pre-exercise pulse-rate and recovery following exercise. M. S. Ed. 1948. Holmes, Calvin Virgil. Automorphisms of monomial groups. Ph. D. Math. 1955. Holpcr, Jacob Charles. Studies on Q fever: preparation and purification of antigens. M. A. Bact. 1951. Holsinger, Justus G. Faculty study project of the Hesston College and Bible School curriculum. Spec, in Ed. 1956. Holt, Horace H., Jr. A problem of airport accounting. M. Pub. Admin. 1950. Holzman, Philip S. Cognitive attitudes of leveling and sharpening in timeerror assimilation tendencies. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Homan, Gerlof Douwe. Bismarck's social policy. M. A. Hist. 1956. The revolutionary career of Jean-Francois Reubell. Ph. D. Hist. 1958. Hood, LeRoy Emil, The feasibility of the reorganization of four small high school districts in Franklin and Osage Counties in Kansas. D. Ed. 1955. Hooper, Clarence Scholes. A survey of administrators' views concerning problems of music education in the secondary schools of Kansas. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Hooper, Gladys M. The relationship between the child's attitude toward school and his school adjustment. M. A. Psychol. 1952. Hoover, Norman C. Some applications of the bilinear transformation. M. A. Math. 1949. Hoover, Richard McGafley. A preliminary study of the liquid permeability of filter fabrics. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. Hopla, Cluff Earl. Experimental arthropod transmissions of tularemia. Ph. D. Ent. 1950. Hops, James Henry. A study of Ottawa, Kansas, as a retail trading center for shopping goods. M. Bus. Admin. 1953. Horacek, Leo. A study of vocal and cornet performance of intervals. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. The relation of mood and melodic pattern in folk songs. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1955. Horn, Harold Eugene. A procedure for following the general street improvement law in El Dorado, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin. 1950. Horna, Dagmar. Jacob Burckhardt's criticism of the crisis of the state in the 19th century. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Horner, Jonathan Philip Milton. A new system of data accumulation to aid in maintenance administration in the Riss Company, motor carrier of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Horowitz, Milton Joshua. Developmental changes in Rorschach Test and Thematic Apperception Test performances of children, six through nine years of age: an exploratory study. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Houchins, Rollie Robie. A study of some of the factors that may influence the spontaneous vocalizations of four-year-old deaf children. M. S. Ed. 1954. Houghton, George D. A survey of economic education in Kansas high schools. M. S. Ed. 1956. Hough, Williamson Thomas. World oil production with special reference to the Middle East. M. Bus. Admin. 1949. House, Keith Edward. The development of a choral training class for ninth and tenth grade students. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. 52 University of Kansas Howard, William R. A study of athletic injuries in Kansas Class AA high schools. M. S. Ed. 1948. Howe, Wallace Brady. Stratigraphy of pre-Marmaton Desmoinesian rocks in southeastern Kansas. Ph. D. Geol. 1954. Howieson, John Lionel. Some effects of X-radiation on intestinal phosphatase in the mouse. M. A. Anat. 1952. Howland, Kathleen Virginia Jones. Synge: a tragic life imposes a tragic drama (an inquiry into the plays of John Millington Synge). M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. Hozier, Ann Quinton. On the breakdown of the sense of reality: A study of spatial perception in schizophrenia. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. Hsu, Kuo-Chih. Vortex tube and its possible application. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1949. On the Haar functions. Pb. D. Math. 1953. Hubbard, Harold Mead. I. Notes on the reduction of nitrobenzene at the dropping mercury electrode. I I . The polarographic effects of the sodium salts of simple substituted aromatic sulfonates. Ph. D. Chem. 1951. HuDbard, Ralph Warren. The design and construction of a stable D. C. amplifier for electrometer tubes. M. A. Physics. 1949. Hubert, Ronald Edward. An investigation of the parity of the 9.17 mev excited state of nitrogen 14. M. S. Physics. 1958. Hughes, Douglas Franklyn. Surface tension of methane-water system. M. S. Petrol. Engin, 1956. Hughes, E. Eileen. Experimental graphic arts for the high school: the teacher's preparation. M. S. Ed. 1955. Hughes, Harry Lewis. History of the French settlement at Osage City, Kansas. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1949. Hughes, Henry Edgar. A brief laboratory course in inorganic technology. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. The application of radioactive tracers to distillation and extraction studies. Ph. D. Chem, Engin. 1952. Hughes, Mary Elizabeth. A study of the certification of counselors in the field of educational guidance in these forty-eight states. M. A. Ed. 1949. Hughes, Roland L. The rate of attainment of surface equilibrium in solutions of paraffin chain salts. M. A. Chem. 1949. Hughes, Shirley Winifred. A study of the effectiveness of the elective system of physical education at the University of Kansas in securing enrollments. M. S. Ed. 1958. Huling, Maurice Dean. Cognitive embeddedness in problem solving. Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Humfeld, Neill Hamilton. A manual on selection and use of phonograph equipment in the music classroom. M. Mus. Ed. 1952. Hunt, Graham Thomas. The administration of personal trusts by six Kansas City, Missouri, banks. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Hunter, Preston Eugene. Selection for length of larval period in Drosophila melanogaster Meigen. Ph. D. Ent. 1956. Huntington, Virginia Ruth. A study of Federal income tax problems in certain selected real estate transactions. M. Bus. Admin. 1958. Hurwitt, Nancy Lyon. A follow-up study of telephone applicants for marriage counseling who failed to keep the appointment. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Graduate School Theses 53 Hutton, William Harvey. Real Life (The General. The Company and Mac. Three short stories). M. A. Eng. 1949. Hyde, Ernest Barlow, Jr. Some physico-chemical properties of aqueous solutions of sodium 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate. M. S. Chem. 1949. Ihrig, Howard. Personal time constants and the relation between hand tapping and time judgments. M. A. Psychol. 1951. Literalism and animism in schizophrenia. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Imel, William Franklin. From fleece to rug. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1952. Inman, Arthur E. The future of industrialization and research in Kansas and the midcontinent area. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1951. Ireland, Robert R., Jr. Biosystematics of Erythronium alhidum and E. mesochoreum. M. A. Bot. 1957. Irwin, John McCormick. A condition for convexity in Euclidean and nonEuclidean geometry. M. A. Math. 1956. Isaacs, Dale Allen. A study of predicting Topeka high school drop-outs one year in advance by means of three predictors: homeroom teacher's judgment; homeroom pupil's judgment; and factual information. D. Ed. 1953. Isaacson, Lee Everett. A study of the predictive value of selected tests for success in co-operative occupational education program of the public schools of Kansas City, Missouri. D. Ed. 1952. Isern, Betty. The musical development of a mentally deficient child—a case study. M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Iske, Gladys Fay. Kansas teacher certification legislation from 1937 through 1957. M. S. Ed. 1958. Ives, William, Jr. Evaluation of acid etching of limestone. M. S. Geol. 1954. Jackson, Charles Eisenhower. A program for the improvement and extension of garbage and rubbish collection service in the city of Council Bluffs, Iowa. M. Pub. Admin. 1956. Jackson, Donald Dean. The vapor pressure and the heat of vaporization of cerium. M. S. Chem. 1958. Jackson, Etta Mae. Conceptions of the poet and of poetry in the later nineteenth century. M. A. Eng. 1948. Jackson, Peter H. The synthesis of intermediates for conversion to cortisone analogues. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1952. Jacob, Alain Jean-Marie. A study of the practices in financing and granting of consumer credit in the city of Lawrence, Kansas. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Jacobini, Horace Bowman. A study of the philosophy of international law as seen in works of Latin American writers. Ph. D. Pol. Sci. 1951. Jacobson, Harold Lee. A study of the effects of sedative music on the tension, anxiety, and pain experienced by mental patients during dental procedures. • M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Jakway, George E. Pleistocene Lagomorpha and rodentia from the San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. M. A. Zool. 1958. Jakway, Jacqueline Sinks. Inheritance of patterns of mating behavior in the male guinea pig. Ph. D. Anat. 1958. James, Carl Andrew. An integrated public relations program for Concordia, Kansas. D. Ed. 1950. James, Charles Glenn. The relationship between academic achievement and size of school. D. Ed. 1955. Janes, Donald Wallace. The home range and movements of the eastern cottontail in Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1956. 54 University of Kansas Janes, Frances Louise. Special legislation for cities in Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Janosky, Ivan Dee. A histochemical study of the glycogen in the nervous system of the developing salamander (Ambhjstoma maculatum). M. A. Anat. 1953. Jeffress, James Alfred. A comparative study of a group of failures and nonfailures on an arithmetic test taken in the junior year of an urban high school. Special in Ed. 1954. Jenkins, Newell N. A city manager's financial program for Slater, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Jennings, Alan Kellerman. Operators in reproducing kernel spaces. Ph. D. Math. 1954. Jennings, Lawrence Eugene. Bela Bartok: a study of his style and technique, with special emphasis on his piano compositions. M. Mus. Piano. 1950. Jensen, Keith Edwin. Studies on Theiler's virus of mouse encephalomyelitis. M. A. Bact. 1949. Jenson, Robert Lee. The glucose tolerance in hepatic diagnosis. M. S. Med. 1954. Jent, H. Clay, Jr. A study of the meaning of democracy and of its salient implications for teaching. Ph. D. Ed. 1951. Jessup, William Carl. Relation between hand and eye co-ordination and motor ability. M.S. Ed. 1951. Jester, James Franklin, Jr. An analysis of the relationships among reading, intelligence, and scholastic achievement for a group of 119 high school graduates. M. S. Ed. 1958. Jirik, Frank Ernest.. The anodic oxidation states of the aluminum family. Ph. D. Chem. 1948. Jochnick, Adolf Bertil Jonas Af. The U. S. Supreme Court decisions in connection with the National Labor Relations Act as enacted 1935 and as amended 1947. M. A. Econ. 1955. Johns, Vernon O. Property taxation in Virginia. Ph. D. Econ. 1948. Johnson, Charles Andrew. An investigation of coordination between instruction in calculus and instruction in other courses in undergraduate engineering curricula. Ph. D. Ed. 1950. Johnson, Dale Ladsworth. A study of rigidity in the personality of deaf children. M. A. Psychol. 1954. The moral judgment of schizophrenics. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. Johnson, David Donovan. The national novel of Guatemala. M. A. Spanish. 1958. Johnson, David Kendrick. Special problem in mural painting for a residence interior. M. Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint. 1956. Johnson, Donald Eric. An inquiry into output patterns in the picking of parts in an International Harvester Company parts depot. M. Bus. Admin. 1953. Johnson, Grannis S. A study of base displacements on 3-bromo-l, 2-cpoxybutane and l-bromo-2, 3-epoxybutane. Ph. D. Chem. 1954. Johnson, Harry Wellington. The analysis of rigid space frames by balancing fixed-end moments. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1951. Johnson, Irving Stanley. The ontogeny of proteins of the adult chicken heart as revealed by serological techniques. Ph. D. Zool. 1953. Johnson, Kenneth Wilson. The Mexican Indian and the novels of Gregorio Lopez y Fuentes. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1949. Graduate School Theses 55 Johnson, Robert Ernest. Factors operating to delay separation from Topeka State Hospital of fifty patients admitted during the fiscal year ending June SO, 1954. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Johnson, Robert Wendel. The flat-response neutron detector. M. S. Physics. 1952. Johnson, Sam Houston, Jr. Bromination of phenol in non-aqueous solvents. M.A. Chem. 1948. Gamma-arylpropylamines as analgetic agents. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1950. Johnson, Wallace R. A comparison of performance in selected physical activities with a classification index. M. S. Ed. 1955. Johnston, Larry Dean. Senate confirmation of United States Supreme Court appointees. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1955. Jolliff, James Edwin. A history of commercial banking in Kansas, 1854-1900. M. Bus. Admin. 1951. Jones, Clinton William. The necessity of psychological training among the clergy. M. A. Psychol. 1954. Jones, David. A physical analysis of the tone quality of the bassoon. M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Jones, Emery Wallace. Facilities and services in the greater Kansas City area available to handicapped persons. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Jones, Forrest Henry. Natural history of the striped skunk in northeastern Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1950. Jones, Geraldine V. A metric study of a general analytic surface by means of certain covariantly related quadrics and cubics. M. A. Math. 1950. Jones, J. Knox, Jr. Geographic distribution of pocket mice (genus Perognathus) in Nebraska. M. A. Zool. 1953. Jones, Jean Elizabeth. A study of the priests in the novels of Jose Maria de Pereda. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1954. Jones, Kevin Rice. A study of the methods of statistical mechanics through the use of models. Ph. D. Physics. 1957. Jones, LaClaire Lissetta. Foster home care for mentally ill patients at Winter Veterans Administration Hospital, Topeka, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Jones, Mark Martin. Ion pair formation in acetic acid. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Jones, Paul Allen. A survey of the Auburn grade school plant with recommendations for improvements, 1956-57. M. S. Ed. 1957. Jones, Phillip Eugene. Civil-rights and liberties in Kansas: A summary of legislative and judicial action in the fields of equal rights, religious liberty, and liberty of speech and press. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1958. Jordan, Edward Loren. Frequency control by magnetic circuit elements. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1952. Jordan, Nehemiah. Some factors determining preference of social situations. M. A. Psychol. 1950. Behavioral forces that are a function of attitudes and cognitive organization. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Jordison, Richard Rhodes. Methods and objectives of architectural education: a discussion. M. Arch. 1953. Judy, Richard White. A study of Gosbank as an implement of state economic planning and control. M. A. Econ. 1955. Judy, Robert Dale. The political relations between Great Britain and the Indian subcontinent 1944-49. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1950. 56 University of Kansas Jungk, Norman Knight. The nature of V to W transformation in Salmonella typhosa. M. A. Bact. 1950. Just, Lee Roy. Influences of Johann Cornies upon the major social institutions of the Mennonites of South Russia. M. A. Sociol. 1948. Kahn, Sybil Kalm. The use of informal group meetings as an aid to agency planning. M. Soc. Work. 1954. Kalambokidis, Evangelos N. A study on the seasonal changes of non-bank held currency in the United States ( 1 9 3 9 - 1 9 5 6 ) . M. A. Econ. 1957. Kane, Donald Ivan. The modra-color—an aid in the study of color and design. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1950. Kann, Ellen Elise. Investigations into the glutamic acid metabolism of Bacterium tularense. Ph. D. Bioehem. 1954. Kaplan, Louis. Studies on glyco-lipide production by cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. M. A. Bact. 1950. Kaplan, Solomon David. Depth perception and individual differences. Ph. D. Psychol. 1955. Kapoor, Sita Ram. Cardiac dynamics under hypothermia. M. A. Physiol. 1956. Kappelman, Glenn L. Germany, between East and West. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1950. KaragSz, Berc Y. Investigation of fluid flow through multiholed plates. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1952. Kardos, Ervin Herman. Biological and systematic studies on the subgenus Neotrombicuia (genus Trombicula) in the United States (Acarina, Trombiculidae). M. A. Ent. 1953. Kasim, Hazim Abdul-Hamid. Design of a reinforced concrete canopy for University of Kansas Memorial Stadium. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1955. Kasmcr, Charles Walter. An analysis of business license ordinances and procedures, City of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1958. Katzenstein, Alfred P. An exploration into the short term effects of three therapeutic methods. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Kauffman, Herbert LeRoy. A Small Circus. M. A. Eng. 1949. Kay, Robert C. A study of the effects of neutron bombardment upon metals. M. S. Metal. Engin. 1958. Kaye, Paul E. A comparison of the speech of thirty-three post bulbar polio patients and their matched controls. M. S. Ed. 1954. Kazem, Mohamed Ibrahim. Prominent values of Egyptian and American students as determined by an analysis of their autobiographies with educational implications. D. Ed. 1957. Kcil, Joseph Woodward. A preliminary study of the mixing of solid particles. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1952. Keiser, Grace Fredericka. The musical achievement of two classes in junior high general music taught by two different methods. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Keith, William Morris, Jr. Studies in the Quercus prinus complex. M. A. Bot. 1957. Kell, Richard Iden. A study of some aspects of successful high school musicians. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Keller, Elwood Doyle. Utilization of employees 65 years of age and over with special reference to the meat-packing industry of Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Keller, Grover Raymond. Development of a method for the design of spark and flame arresters for internal combustion engines. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1949. Graduate School Theses 57 Keller, Leland E. The histochemical localization of nucleic acids and phosphomonoesterases associated with embryonic and behavioral development in the nervous system of Amblystoma maculatum. Ph. D. Anat. 1958. Kelley, Elmer Edwin. Some political aspects of the cooperative movement in America. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1948. Kelley, Marion Hope. A study of the adjustment of eleven Topelca State Hospital patients placed in boarding homes in Shawnee County. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Kelley, Stanley, Jr. Karl Marx and Elton Mayo: a comparison of some aspects of their thought. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1951. Kelly, Charles Gene. Welfare aspects of the Potawatomi Indian Agency program. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Kelly, John Martin. Structural geology of the Indian Meadows area, northwestern Fremont County, Wyoming. M. S. Geol. 1955. Keltcher, Otis Wesley. An experimental study of a method of instruction in English which equally emphasizes the four language arts and includes guidance aims. M. S. Ed. 1955. Kemish, Ruth Hurwitz. The political philosophy of Justice William O. Douglas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1958. Kemm, Richard L. An occupational index based on the Kuder Preference Record for men in music education. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Kemper, Walter, III. The mural: Samson and the PMistines. M. Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint. 1957. Kendall, Jack Lehmer. A correlation of the philosophical judgments in the poetry of Robinson Jeffers. M. A. Eng. 1948. Kendrick, John Edsel. A comparative investigation of the effects of epinephrine and norepinephrine upon the totally perfused vascular system. Ph. D. Physiol. 1957. Kennedy, Paul C. The opinions of 201 Kansas school administrators regarding certain aspects of their pre-service administrator-training programs. D. Ed. 1955. Kepfield, Fred O, Jr. A study of some of the personal and community factors contributing to the commitment of fifty boys to the Kansas Boys' Industrial School. M. Soe. Work. 1958. Keplinger, Moreno Lavon. I. The central nervous system action of uracil derivatives. II. The relationship between cardiac activity and peroxide forming capacities of some synthetic lactones. M. S. Pharmacy. 1952. Keys, Charles Everel. The development of the cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus Texianus (Audubon and Bachman, 1853), through the first nine and one half days of gestation. Ph. D. Zool. 1952. Khabbaz, Samir A. A canonical form for linear transformations on a finite dimensional vector space. M. A. Math. 1956. Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad. United States Federal Mediation System and its significance for Pakistan. Ph. D. Econ. 1956. Khare, Gopal Prasad. An analysis of the first five year plan of India (with special reference to maximization of national income and actual physical achievements). Ph. D. Econ. 1956, Kiefer, Vivo Hutton. Let's pretend: a study in speech improvement through child created activities. M. S. Ed. 1955. Killian, Robert Michael. An analysis of five Ottawa County, Kansas, high school districts, and a suggested plan for reorganization. M. S. Ed. 1957. 58 University of Kansas Kincaid, Marvin Blaine, Jr. Impulsive and restrained approaches utilized by college students in evaluating alternative solutions to mechanical and social problems. M. A. Psychol. 1954. Kindall, James Vernon. The chemistry of Reissert compounds. M. A. Chem. 1949. King, Irvill Courtner. A study of the efficiency of the methods used by Kansas high school teachers in marking written compositions. M. A. Ed. 1956. King, Otis Morrison. An ecological study of the Norway rat and the house mouse in a city block in Lawrence, Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1950. King, Ralph H. Stratigraphy and economic geology of the Phosphoria formation (Permian), Southern Wind River Mountains, Wyoming. P h . D . Geol. 1956. Kingsbury, Patricia Reed. A geographic study of population and settlement changes in Goodland, Kansas, 1940-1951. M.A. Geog. 1951. Kingsbury, Robert Carrick. The jute industry of India and Pakistan, with emphasis on the changes resulting from the partition of the Indian subcontinent. M. A. Geog. 1951. Kinkade, Ina Lee. Meeting the needs of the emotionally disturbed child in the primary classroom. M. S. Ed. 1957. Kinnane, Mary Therese. The history of station KFKU (1923-1954). M . A . Speech and Drama. 1954. Kintsch, Walter. Habit reversal as a function of the length and percentage of partial delay of reinforcement. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Kipp, John Edward. A method for the determination of free convection film coefficients for horizontal cylinders in liquids. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1955. Kipp, Robert Almy, Attitudes and influences in the development of the central business district, Newton, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin, 1956. Kirehhoff, Edwin Ernest. The Kansas economy as reflected in the retail sales tax, 1938-1949. M. A. Econ. 1951. Kirk, John Shaw. Visceral capillary permeability changes r > l d in the dog by histamine, anaphylactic shock and portal and hepatic venos stasis. Ph. D. Physiol. 1948. Kirkland, Earl Vance. A polarographic study of alpha- and beta-angelicalactone. Ph. D. Chem. 1948. Kirkpatrick, Haleda Loy. Study of the Kansas City Workshops for the Blind. M. Soc. Work. 1949. Kirkpatrick, Martha B. A study of the understandability of the speech of a group of children with surgically repaired clefts of the soft palate. M. S. Ed. 1958. Kissil, Donald. I. The effect of nicotine on experimental hypercholesterolemia and atherogenesis in the chicken. I I . The effect of graded doses of nicotine on experimental hypercholesterolemia, electrocardiographic changes and coronary and aortic atherogensis in the rabbit. M. S. Pharmacology. 1958. Kite, Helen Marie. An analysis of factors influencing ancient Persian weaves and costumes and their adaptation to a contemporary fabric and costume. M. A. Home Econ. 1958. Kittle, C. Frederick. The relation of the autonomic nervous system to gastric secretion with particular reference to the sympathetic nerves. M. S. Surgery. 1950. r0( uce Graduate School Theses 59 Kittrie, N. Kronenberg. The problem of international responsibility for colonial peoples. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1951. Kjar, Rolland William. Immigrants in colonial Georgia. M. A. Hist. 1957. Klen, Imtiaz Ahmed. United States Federal mediation system and its significance for Pakistan. Ph. D. Econ. 1956. Klapper, Gilbert John. A late Devonian conodont fauna from the Darby formation of the Wind River Mountains, Wyoming. M. S. Geol. 1958. Kleihege, Bernard Wray. Metamorphism of Paleozoic sediments in Val Verde and Terrell Counties, Texas. M. S. Geol. 1950. Klein, Ursula. From he Bourgeois Gentilhomme to Ariadne auf Naxos; A musicodramatic study. M. A. Music. 1958. Klein, George deVries. The geology of the Acadian Triassic in the type area, northeastern Annapolis-Cornwallis Valley, Kings County, Nova Scotia. M. A. Geol. 1957. Kliewer, Jonah C, Jr. Tylman Susato and his ecclesiastiearum cantionum. M. A. Music. 1957. Kliewer, Marion Waller. An analysis of the contents of the Kansas weekly press. M. A. Journ. 1952. Kliwer, Janet Preston. A study of some factors related to decision to enter psychotherapy. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Kloepper, Robert Mayer. A double channel direct-reading low frequency counting-rate meter and pulse rate comparator. M. S. Physics. 1948. Knauer, Delbert Deane. The senatorial career of James Madison Harvey. M. A. Hist. 1953. Kneale, Samuel George. A study of the projective differential geometry of curves by means of a modified tensor analysis. M. A. Math. 1948. Knight, James Louis. A basic rhythm program for junior high school boys. M. S. Ed. 1952. Knox, Carl S. A study of the deterrents operating in second class city 'high schools in Kansas which inhibit curriculum revision. D. Ed. 1955. Knudsen, Robert William. A social science of law: an inquiry into the problem of delimiting a social science concerned with the phenomena of law. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1955. Knudson, Betty Jane. Teaching language arts in the English-social studies program in the eighth grade at Atchison Junior High School. M. S. Ed. 1957. Kobler, Arthur Leon. An experimental examination of the Szondi Test as a clinical tool. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Koenig, John Waldo. Fenestrate bryozoa in the Chouteau limestone of central Missouri. M. S. Geol. 1951. Koester, David Carl. Selected problems of an intern in Pittsburg, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Koff, Gilbert Yale. I. The anticonvulsant activity of some diols, diones and related compounds. II. The screening of several triterpenes for desoxycorticosterone-like activity on electrolyte balance. M. S. Pharmacy. 1955. Koh, Yun Shik. Study of some factors affecting calamine lotions. M. S. Pharmacy. 1957. Kohl, Fred Baylis. A study of opinions of Kansas school administrators on intramural and interschool programs in junior high schools. M. S. Ed. 1954. Kohlik, Jiri. Trade restrictions and exchange control in the thirties. M. A. Econ. 1954. 60 University of Kansas Kuhn, James Paul. The heterogeneous phase and volumetric behavic methane-hydrogen sulfide system. Ph. D. Chem. Engin. 1956. Koonse, Howard Joseph. The study of the genus Klebsiella and its to other organisms. M. A. Bact. 1952. Koontz, Melton Doyle. A study of lettermen and non-lettcrmen in achievement as measured by teachers' marks after pairing on has telligence quotients. M. S. Ed. 1949. Techniques for improvement of instruction assumed by Kar ondary school principals. D. Ed. 1953. Koppe, William Aram. A study in psychological ecology: a behavirj survey of the town of Midwest. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954, Kramer, Charles Lawrence. Some studies of Taphrina ulmi ( F K L . ) J M. A. Bot. 1953. Studies in the taphrinales. Ph. D. Bot. 1957. Krantz, Betty Beierfeld. The adequacy of facilities for the mentally children of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Krishnan, Vattermadom Rama. A physico-chemical study of barbiti aqueous solution: ionization and hypnotic action. Ph. D. Chem. 1 Krocsen, Jack K. The relationships between contest ratings and vark acteristics of band programs in Missouri high schools. M. Mus. Ed. Kron, Ralph Ernest. Multivariate classification for contrasted success j student nurses. D. Ed. 1958. Krska, Melvin J. Studies on the diazotization of amines and amides drous hydrogen fluoride. M. A. Chem. 1949. Krueger, Haven Calvert. The published plays of Alejandro Casona pri year 1951. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1954. Kruger, Leo Henry. Neighboring group effects in the reactions of r. halohydrins and their derivatives. Ph. D. Chem. 1955. Kruse, Arthur Herman. Topics in analysis. M. A. Math. 1951. Kruse, Carl William. Part I. A study of the synthesis of 3,4-dibydroc 4-acetic acid. Part II. A study of the influence of the inductive the stability of carbonium ions. M. S. Chem. 1952. Krutzsch, Philip Henry. Review of the North American jumping mic Zapus). Ph. D. Zool. 1953. Kubat, Daniel. McCarthyism: A case study in the sociology of c M. A. Sociol. 1957. Kubitz, Karl A. A Polarographie study of the autoxidation of un gamma lactones. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Küllstedt, Einar Valter. Selected factors associated with the achieve high school seniors in basic areas of knowledge. Ph. D. Ed. 195 Kunz, William Frederick. The relation of lactation to radium retentio Radiation Biophysics. 1954. Kurek, Adolph. A study of the effectiveness of various informational s aiding students to select an air force career through the AFROTC M. S. Ed. 1957. Kyle, Lyle Chilton. The Kansas Legislative Council, M. A. Pol. Sei. IG Kyle, Murray Donald. Stunt tests for boys of senior high school lcv< Ed. 1953. LaBerge, Wallace Edmond. A revision of the bees of the genus Meh North and Central America. Part I (Hymcnoptera, Apidae). Ph 1955 s Graduate School Theses 61 Lacey, Mildred Alleen. Mary Richmond's philosophy of citizen participation in social work. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Ladd, Carl E. A statistical analysis of some factors possibly influencing the success of graduate students in education at the University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1951. The educational growth of Indian children in the Phoenix area, 1951 to 1952, as measured by test results. D. Ed. 1955. Ladd, Forrest Earl, Jr. The perception of objects and problem solving. Ph. D Psychol. 1957. Ladner, George A. Closure classes. M. A. Math. 1955. On solvability of factorizable groups. Ph. D. Math. 1958. Lafferty, Charles William. A comparative study of the gifted and average high school graduates of Atchison, Kansas, for the years 1937 through 1956. D. Ed. 1958. Lake, Kenneth Eugene. Lattices of subgroups. M. A. Math. 1951. Lakin, Calvin M. A municipal program for central maintenance accounting and procurement of vehicles and equipment. M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Lai, Harbans. I. Experimental evaluation of some methods for testing CNS drugs. II. A study of ionones as CNS stimulants. M. S. Pharmacology. 1958. Lamb, Bromleigh S. An investigation of political leadership in Wichita, Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1953. Lamb, John Plimpton. Washington Irving and the tradition of American humor. M. A. Eng. 1954. Lamb, Ralph Charles, Jr. Geology of the Dinwoody Creek area, Fremont County, Wyoming. M. S. Geol. 1956. Lamerson, Paul Richard. The regional stratigraphy of lower Missourian rocks from eastern Kansas to central Iowa. M. S. Geol. 1956. Lamm, Charles Alfred. The relation between musical achievement and music reading proficiency of American Indian instrumental pupils from vario cultural areas. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Lamy, Bernard. An appraisal of systematic theory in sociology. M. A. Soci 1951. Lancaster, Betty Conley. A study of some of the attitudes of a selected group of American Indian adolescent girls. M. A. Home Econ, 1955. Lancaster, Walter W. The effect of music on pain perception threshold. M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Landfried, Donald Eric. An experimental evaluation of conditioned inhibition. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Lane, Nancy Anderson. Comparative study of the revolution of 1868 in the works of Valle-Inclan and Perez Galdos. M. A. Bom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1955. Lane, Norman Gary. Environment of deposition of the Grenola formation (Lower Permian) in southern Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1954. The monobathrid camerate crinoid family: Batocrinidae. Ph. D. Geol. 1958. Lanter, Edith Brock. A translation of Historic, Roderici. M. S. Ed. 1948. Lapple, Walter Christian. Generalized mechanics of fluid flow through particulate materials. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1957. 62 University of Kansas Larkin, Bert Kenneth. The vapor-liquid-solid phase equilibrium and pressurevolume-temperature behavior of a mixture of methane and hydrogen sulfide. M. S. Chem Engin. 1954. Larkin, James Richard. Fourier series—their convergence and divergence. M. A. Math. 1949. Normal determinants and expansions in modified sequences. Ph. D. Math. 1952. Larson, Lawrence Wayne. Selected problems of an intern in Council Bluffs, Iowa. M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Latenser, John Edward. A handbook of policies, procedures and regulations for a proposed school system for the Catholic coeducational high schools of the Kansas City, Missouri, area. M. S. Ed. 1957. Lathrop, Earl Wesley. The flora and ecology of the Chautauqua Hills in Kansas. Ph. D. Bot. 1957. Lathrop, Lyle B. The use of flavoring agents to mask the taste of the vitamin B. complex. M. S. Pharmacy. 1949. Latimer, Margaret Elizabeth. A study of clients who did not continue despite plan at Family Service of Kansas City, Missouri, during the statistical year 1952-53. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Lattin, John Daniel. The biology of Ceratocombus vagans (Hemiptera: Cryptostemmatidae). M. A. Ent. 1951. Laughlin, Dwight James. Geology of northwestern Franklin County, Kansas. M . S . Geol. 1957. Laukel, Quinn Cassel. Pennsylvania Foraminifera (exclusive of the Fusuhnidae) of the Marmaton group in southeastern Kansas and nortli-central Oklahoma. M.S. Geol. 1956. Learned, George Robert. A study of the hemagglutinative propensity of the lipid antigens of Corynehacterium diphtheriae. M. A. Bact. 1952. Lee, Chih-Shang. Histochemical changes in acute and chronic hepatic lesions induced by carbon tetrachloride. M. S. Medical Pathology. 1950. Lee, Gary Melvin. A new use of dipicrylamine as a biological agent. M. A. Anat. 1951. Lee, Leon E. Application of scientific sampling to the verification of extensions and footing of a retail inventory. M. Bus. Admin. 1952. Lee, Willa W. A study of problems of social adjustment among children from twenty aid to dependent children households and twenty self-sustaining households. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Leedharn, Jean Marie. A descriptive study of families requesting child placement from Family Service of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. W o r k . 1957. Lefevre, Lucy Doris. Brazilian coffee production and trade and t h e U. S. Senate investigation of the rise in coffee prices. M. A. Econ. 1953. Leflar, Thomas Jerome. Hamlet bibliography, 1936-1947. M. A. E n g . 1948. Lehmberg, Stanford Eugene. Sir Thomas More's Life of Pico della Mirandola. M. A. Hist. 1954. Leib, Robert Ira. Proof of structures resulting from the amino- and chloromethylation of 8-quinolinol. Ph. D. Pharm. Chem. 1957. Lemon, Dale Delton. A comparative study between the assessed valuations and the sales values of real estate in Linn County. M. S. Ed. 1 9 4 9 . Leocadio y Hate, Clodoaldo. A follow-up study of doctoral graduates in education at the University of Kansas. Special, in Ed. Pub. Sch. Admin. 1956. Graduate School Theses 6:3 Lesher, Merle Ralph. Science programs in grades seven, eight, and nine, for 23 schools in Missouri cities of 5,000 or more population. M. S. Ed. 1957. Lessenden, Edith Fleming. An experimental study of growth in responsiveness through speech education. M.A. Speech and Drama. 1952. Lessig, Bernice Milner. A study of the use of current materials in the eighth grade American history course of the first class cities of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1957. Leventhal, Morton. Color as a variable in perceptual response. A study of depth perception and word recognition in schizophrenic and other psychiatric patients. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Leventhal, Theodore. Distance judgments. The effect of the "emotionality" of the stimulus and some considerations concerning the individual factor. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Levin, Alan David. An investigation of the aerodynamic noise produced by subsonic jets. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1957. Levinson, Harry. The relation of after-image duration to certain aspects of personality. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Levy, Marc Alain. An analytical study of the relations between supermarkets and their customers with special reference to two supermarkets in the city . of Lawrence, Kansas. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Lewey, George Ralph. A nutritional investigation of hemolytic streptococci. M. A. Bact. 1951. Lewis, Albert Lessie. Competition vs. co-operation in learning through discussion. M. A. Psychol. 1954. Lewis, Benjamin G. An exploration of the affective aspect of impressions about a person. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Lewis, Irwin Charles. Neighboring group effects in the ammonolysis of halohydrins and haloacetates. Ph. D. Chem. 1957. Lewis, Mary Helen. An analysis of the Cuentos of Enrique Amorim. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1948. Lewis, Paul Joseph. Structure south of Wapiti River, Wapiti Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. M.A. Geol. 1948. Lewis, Richard Keith. A study of trends in financial statement presentation. M. Bus. Admin. 1958. Lieberstein, H. Melvin. A survey of theories of the radical of a ring. M. A. Math. 1949. Liebnitz, Paul W., Jr. The uniform approximation of continuous functions on a topological space. M. A. Math. 1957. Lilley, Agnes Bertha. Alexander Dorner's theory of art: its relation to current thought: its significance for art education. M. S. Ed. 1951. Lindenstruth, Albert F. The preparation of pyridine dicarboxylic acids by ozone oxidation and the preparation of fluorine-containing medicinal. Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Lindholm, John C. An investigation of the possibility of using a refrigerant as the bearing lubricant in a refrigeration system. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1956. Lindsey, Mary Jeanne. A test of sound discrimination. M. S. Ed. 1956. Ling, Wei. 3-(7-chloro-4-quinolylamino)-beta-dialkylaminopropiophenones as antimalarials. M. S. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1950. Lingo, Hazel Fleischer. A study of the spelling program in Topeka senior high school. M.S. Ed. 1957. 64 University of Kansas Link, Barbara Ford. The philosophy of Morris R. Cohen. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1948. Link, Wendell Hubbard. Missouri Valley programs: an administrative study. M.A. Pol. Sei. 1949. Linn, Vera Maxine. History of Harper County, Kansas, 1877-1890. VI. A. Hist. 1948. Lins, Thomas Wesley. Origin and environment of the Tonganoxie sandstone in northeastern Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1950. Linscheid, John Willard. A critical evaluation of a high school citizenship textbook. M. A. Ed. 1951. Lipschitz, Abraham. A study of the influence of the inductive effect on the stability of the carbonium ion. Ph. D. Chem. 1955. List, Betty Louise. Studies on resistant strains of Escherichia coli and Micrococcus pyogenes vor. aureus to aureomycin, terramycin, and chloramphenicol. M. A. Bact. 1953. Litchfield, William C. An opinion poll to determine what pupils think about Highland Park High School, Topeka, Kansas, 1955. M. S. Ed. 1956. Littlejohn, Warren Harold. Island position advertising in Kansas weekly newspapers. M. A. Journ. 1948. Livingston, Donald Gene. An investigation of the relation of information and contact to attitude. M. A. Psychol. 1948. The effects of varying group organization upon perception of power and benefit. Ph. D. Psychol. 1951. Livingston, Frances Sartori. A study of musical responses to pictorial stimuli. M. Mus. Ed. 1951. Lobb, William LeRoy. Investment problems of life insurance companies. M. Bus. Admin. 1949. Lockhart, Marion Headley. In vitro studies of bacterial response to antibiotic combinations. M. A. Bact. 1953. Lockwood, Lloyd. An experiment in classroom speech improvement, VI. S. Ed. 1955. Loebcck, Maude Elva. Studies of the germination of endospores. M. A. Bact. 1950. Loevenguth, Oscar P., Jr. A study of cases involving parent-child relationshirps as known to Family Service of Kansas City, Missouri, for the statistical year, 1954-1955. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Loganbill, G. Brace. Menottian Opera: A synthesis of drama and music. . M. A. Speech and Drama. 1958. Lohrenz, Otto, The role of Richard Oswald in the peace negotiations ending the American Revolution, 1782-1783. M. A. Hist. 1956. Long, Anita Lucille. Attachments of muscles on the fifth metatarsal of lizards. M.A. Zool. 1957. Long, John Byron. The effects of variations in response similarity on retroactive inhibition. M. A. Psychol. 1958. Long, Keith Royce. Some effects of vitamin K phosphate, 2-methyl-l, 4-naphthoquinone, and 1,4-naphthoquinone on the metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli. M. A. Bact. 1953. Longfellow, Arthur Kendall. A critical analysis of two ninth-grade English textbooks. M. S. Ed. 1949. Loomis, Richard Bigger. The chigger mites of Kansas (Acarina. Trombiculidae). Ph. D. Zool. 1955. Graduate School Theses 65 Lorenzen, Robert L. The value of certain commercial aids and devices in fourth grade arithmetic instruction. D. Ed. 1956. Louaillier, Alfred R. Government regulation of radio programming. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1955. Louthian, Donald Eugene. Special problems in studio landscape. M. Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint. 1952. Love, Bruce Webster. Research studies concerning municipal governmental operations. M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Love, Tom Jay, Jr. Determination of the influence of metal structure upon the heat flow through a wall by use of electrolytic plotting tanks. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1956. Lovelace, Robert Adam. The management of Emporia's Civic Auditorium and Municipal Building. M. Pub. Admin. 1951. Lowe, Janet Curry, A study of the opinions of high school art students. M. S. Ed. 1955. Lowen, Warren K. Cation exchange equilibria on synthetic resins. Ph. D. Chem. 1949. Lowery, George Hines, Jr. A quantitative study of the nocturnal migration of birds. Ph. D. Zool. 1949. Lubach, John Edward. An experimental investigation of states of anger and sadness. Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Lucas, Kenneth Robert. Submanifolds of dimension (n-1) in E" with normals satisfying a Lipschitz condition. Ph. D. Math. 1957. Luft, Ludwig. A constant pressure method for determination of pvT relations of gases. Ph. D. Chem. 1956. Lundquist, Charles Arthur. The application of the invariance principle method to layers containing sources. Ph. D. Physics. 1954. Lungren, Maurice C. A study of the use of editorial expression in the weekly newspapers of Kansas for the years 1925, 1940 and 1955. M. S. Journ. 1957. Lyford, Reid Booker, Jr. The preliminary design of a subsonic general utility wind tunnel. M- S. Aeron. Engin. 1949. Lynch, Julian Dare. An analysis and evaluation of directories published by the offices of sixty-four county superintendents in Kansas, 1949-1950. M. A. Ed. 1950. Lynn, Alan. A study of the effects of air conditioning on water consumption and water rates in Kansas City, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1957. Lyons, Joseph. A study of the perception of human action. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952. Lysaught, Jerome Paul. An investigation of political leadership in Kansas City, Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1954. McAdoo, Robert Eugene. A proposal for school district reorganization for Osage County, Kansas. D. Ed. 1957. McAnarney, Harry Edward. A comparison of the five most recent Kansas basal primary reading adoptions with the educational thought of each adoption period in the areas of content, vocabulary, word analysis, readiness, and readability. D. Ed. 1958. McAneny, Laurence Raymond. Microscopic aspects of the equations of superconductivity. Ph. D. Physics. 1957. 3—6699 66 University of Kansas McArthur, Harvey John. An analysis of school philosophies and the administration and supervision of two hundred live north-central schools in Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1949. McBee, William, Jr. Devonian stratigraphy and paleontology of the Wapiti Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. M, S. Geol. 1948. McBride, Robert Charles. A study of municipal electric utilities in Kansas. M. Bus. Admin. 1949. McBride, Tom Joseph. A study of the biochemical reactions of ninety-five beta hemolytic streptococci and comparison with the Lancefield serological groups. M. A. Bact. 1950. McBurney, Charles Reed. Cache Creek Indian Mission: a study in religious education among the Comanche, Apache, and Kiowa Indians of Southwestern Oklahoma. M. A. Hist. 1948. McCamish, Joan. Immunological studies on tularemia. M. A. Bact. 1952. McCarty, Edris Louise. The relationship of various play activities to the spontaneous speech sounds of five-year-old deaf children. M. S. Ed. 1954. McClain, Bichard Clarence. An expository analysis of motion. M. A. Philos. 1956. McClelland, William Dean. An evaluation of the posterior pharyngeal flap operation as a basis for adequate speech. M. S. Ed. 1953. McClure, Lloyd, Jr. A study of personality adjustment in relation to speech retardation. M. S. Ed. 1952. McCollum, Paul M. Some contributions of branch plants to the economy of Kansas. M. Bus. Admin. 1950. McConnell, James A. A study of the learning aspects of the start in sprinting. M. S. Ed. 1952. McCord, Harold Bruce. A study of 100 selected Kansas rural high schools, 1952-1953. M. S. Ed. 1954. McCowen, George Anderson. An investigation of various aspects of military pipeline system design. M. S. Petrol. Man. 1958. McCoy, James Culbertson, Jr. A descriptive study of closed cases for the year 1955, presenting a health problem, at Family and Children's Service, Incorporated, Kansas City, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1956. McCoy, Thomas F., Jr. The source of the theme behind the thesis painting, "Man is Alone." M. Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint. 1952. McCrae, Robert O. Geomorphic effects of the 1951 Kansas River flood. M. S. Geol. 1954. McDermott, Bernard Thomas. A revision of the genus Megamclanus and its allies (Homoptera, Fulgoridae, Delphacinae). M. A. Ent. 1951. McDonald, Dean Earl. A manual for the training of Catholic choirs for the nonprofessional director. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. McEachen, Howard D. Status and trends in organization and curriculum in selected junior high schols. D. Ed. 1955. McElroy, Albert Dean. The electo-chemistry of elements of the aluminum family in liquid ammonia. Ph. D. Chem. 1951. McGill, Eunice Parr. Mortality among students enrolled as freshmen in the privately endowed liberal arts colleges of Kansas in 1946-1947. D. Ed. 1951. McGoughran, Jeanne Holloway. Changes in critical views of Moby Dick. M. A. Eng. 1950. Graduate School Theses 67 McGrath, Frank Edmund. The relationship between balance and baseball skills. M. S. Ed. 1949. McGregor, Duncan Junior. The geology of the gypsum deposits near Sun City, Barber County, Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1948. McGregor, Ronald Leighton. Taxonomy and ecology of Kansas Hepaticae. Ph. D. Bot. 1954. McHenry, Margie June Forsbach. A comparative study of parents of children in long term and short term placement. M. Soc. Work. 1952. McKay, Jack Frazer. Property assessment in Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1950. McKenney, Joel R. The roles of protein and of constituents in the diffusible fraction of blood in the transport of Strontium-90 in the circulatory system of the rabbit. M. S. Radiation Biophysics. 1958. McKeon, Alba Frasco. French influences on Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1949. McKinley, Roger Matthew. The law of the high seas. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1950. McKinney, Margaret. Morgan's Raid across the Ohio, 1863. M. A. Hist. 1948. McKinney, Robert Wesley. Photometric titration of phenols. Ph.D. Chem. 1957. McKinnis, Leslie A. A study of two teaching configurations. M. A. Ed. 1950. McLachlan, Eugene Kay. Extremal elements of certain convex cones of functions. Ph. D. Math. 1955. McLain, Arthur Lee. Studies on streptococcal proteinases. M. A. Bact. 1953. McLaren, Donald B. Stratigraphy and areal geology of northeastern Leavenworth County, Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1958. MacLaren, Margaret Kirchhoff. A study of twenty-six patients who failed to enter the hospital after a reservation had been made at University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1958. McMahan, Howard D. An administrative history of University City. M. Pub. Admin. 1955. McManus, Dean Alvis. Stratigraphy of die upper Pennsylvania!! Merriam limestone in eastern Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1956. McMichael, Doris Meserve. An evaluation of the treatment services offered to blind people in the state of Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1951. McMillan, Neil John. Petrology of the Nodaway underclay (Peimsylvanian), Kansas. Ph. D. Geol. 1955. McMullin, Carleton E. Control and management of municipal records. M. Pub. Admin. 1958. McMullen, Robert Eugene. Pulse-count in relation to a standard amount of strenuous exercise. M. S. Ed. 1958. McMurray, Wendell Howard. A study of handbooks used in some Kansas high schools in 1952. M. A. Ed. 1952. McMurry, Glenn Deal. An investigation of several factors contributing to the effective use of 16 mm. sound films in music education. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. McNamara, Harold J. The effect of irregularity during learning on the resistance to extinction of an instrument response. M. A. Psychol. 1956. McQueen, Jimmie Calvin. A unit on elementary probability theory for a high school mathematics class. M. S. Ed. 1958. Mack, Greta. Theorem of Abel and the integration of a rational function. M. A. Math. 1958. University of Kansas 68 Mack, Leslie E. Evaluation of a conducting paper analog field plotter and n simple computer as aids in solving ground-water problems. M. A. Geol. 1957. Mackenthun, Harold Ernest. A case study of the business problems of a new enterprise with a n e w product. M. Bus. Admin. 1958. Mackie, Edwin John. I. Construction and operation of an apparatus for the determination of liquid-liquid equilibrium data. II. Thermodynamic consistency of liquid-liquid equilibrium data. M. S. C h e m . Engin. 1951. MacNair, Mina. Effects of propylthiouracil on young male guinea pigs. M. A. Biochem. 1950. Madden, Harrison Eugene. News column propaganda: an inquiry into the creation and/or expression of public opinion in newspaper stories to influence political decisions. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1952. Authoritarianism and social sensitivity. M. A. Psychol. 1954. • • The effects of leadership behaviors upon a c a d e m i c discussion groups. Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Maddy, Clarence Edgar. A street improvement program for Columbia, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1957. Magner, Rosemary. The novel of the marginal m a n in northern Spanish America. M. A. R o m . Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1955. Maiden, Elmo Emery. The design of a high capacity portable air heater. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1950. Majors, J. R. Socio-economic characteristics of thirty-nine residents of Florence Home known to Family Service of Kansas City, Missouri, in 1950. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Malan, I v o R. Andre Malraux, essai de synthese. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1949. L'Enracincment de Simone W e i l essai d'interprfjtation, Ph. D. Rom. Lang, arid Lit. French. 1956. Malewitz, Thomas D. M. A. Zool. 1953. Intestinal parasitism of some midwestern salamanders. Malone, John Richard. The new printing methods: are used, and why they are significant to Kansas. what they are, h o w they M. A. Econ. 1950, Mandelkehr, Maurice Marks. Variable bias differential gating circuit for Van De Graaff generator. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1950. Mann, Christian John. Geology of Chandler Synclinc, Fremont County, Coloado. M. S. Geol. 1957. Mann, William Aden. The disposition of W o r l d W a r II surplus material by the U. S. Navy. M. Bus. Admin, 1950. Marcus, Mordecai, Nature symbolism in the poetry of Emily Dickinson, Ph. D. English. 1958. Margrave, John Lee. Thermodynamic properties of s o m e alkali metal peroxides and superoxides, and the dissociation energy of fluorine. Ph. D, Chem. 1951. Markham, Velma. A study of characterizations in the novels of R6mulo Gallegos. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1948. Marks, Edwin Potter. A comparative study of the m i d g u t of four members of the order Heteroptera ( w i t h notes on p h y l o g e n y ) . M. A. Ent. 1948, Marquis, George S., Jr. Studies on the immunogenicity of typhus fever rickettsiae. M. A. Bact. 1952. Graduate School Theses 69 Marrs, Carl Lavern. Categorizing behavior as elicited by a variety of stimuli M. A. Psychol. 1955. Marsh, Charles A. Electrostatic solutions of the semi-infinite and finite-length parallel plate condenser problems. M. A. Math. 1958. Marsh, Daniel Lee. The relationship of phlox bifida beck and phlox Oklahomensis Wherry. M. A. Bot. 1958. Marsi, Kenneth L. The synthesis and resolution of compounds of tetracovalent phosphorus: the first resolution of a derivative of pbosphonie acid. Ph. D. Chem. 1955. Martin, Burley Benton. Twenty-seven physical education tests for high school freshman boys. M. S. Ed. 1955. Martin, Charles Arthur, Jr. Geology of the South Hardscrabble Creek area, Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1954. Martin, Charles Herschcl. A comparison of parental attitudes between a liberal and a conservative college group. M. A. Psychol. 1955. Martin, Edwin J . , Jr. An approximation of the helical beam antenna. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1956. Martin, Edwin P. A population study of the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) in northeastern Kansas. Ph. D. Zoology. 1955. Martin, Gorby Ray. A study to determine the relationship between the right and left leg response-times and the times required to run 10, 50, and 100 yards. M. S. Ed. 1956. Martin, Phyllis Helene. A study of a community's understanding of the function of a family agency. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Martinez, John Paul. A study of the cooperative occupational education program at the R. T, Coles Vocational High School, Kansas City, Missouri. M. S. Ed. 1953. Masih, Nolin. The nut production in the United States. M. A. Econ. 1953. Mason, James Glendenning. An experimental study of several factors relating to the honesty of grade school subjects. M. A. Psychol. 1952. Masters, James Sterling. The conquest of Anahuac—a Spanish version. M. Hist. 1950. Mathae, David E. The effects of two types of music on flicker fusion. M. A. Psychol. 1954. Figural after effects, weight judgment and schematizing in relation to "cortical conductivity." Ph. D. Psychol. 1958. Mathae, Laurence Donald. An investigation of some effects of red and green backgrounds upon expressive movement and a type of fantasy production. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Mather, Patricia Ann. The theatrical history of Wichita, Kansas, 1872-192Q. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. Mathewes, David Andrew, Jr. The thermal decomposition of tribenzyl-pnitrobcnzylphosphonium hydroxide. M. S. Chem. 1955. Mauldin, James Norman. Studies on the pathogenesis of tularemia in white rats, hamsters and cotton rats. M. A. Bact. 1950. Maxey, Sylvia Belle. A series of reference charts for the teaching of art. M. S. Ed. 1948. Mayman, Martin. A study of the sense of self. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Maze, Jacques. TiUthedule 'Romance et Desert de Bievres utopies ct romans. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1952. 70 University of Kansas Mazzitelli, Alba. Studies on the anodic oxidation of the metals of the aluminum family. M. S. Chem. 1949. Meade, Marvin. A study of the agrarian problem in the Philippines. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1951. Mechem, Richard Strong. Behavior of alcoholics on a level of aspiration test. M. A. Psychol. 1957. Mehta, Nariman Bomanshaw. I. Use of the Hammett equation in the prediction of product ratios in the Schmidt reaction of unsymmetrical diarylethylenes. II. The synthesis of possible emetine intermediates. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Meister, David E. The functions of landmarks in the maze-learning process. Ph. D. Psychol. 1951. Melaas, Bruce Allen. Tetrazole derivatives of high energy content. Ph. D. Chem. 1958. Melzer, Marvin Stanley. The synthesis and resolution of an asymmetric phosphonium compound. M. S. Chem. 1958. Mcngel, Irvin Floyd. A descriptive study of a sample group of juvenile delinquent recidivists in Jackson County, Missouri, 1952-1957. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Mengel, Paul Millard. A study of Veterans Administration referral letters from neuropsychiatric hospitals requesting supervision of patients on trial visit. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Mercer, Dolores Lee. A proposed social studies and science program for the primary grades of Westwood View School. M. S. Ed. 1957. Mercer, Ruth Eileen. Survey and analysis of elementary violin class methods. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. Mercer, Willis J. A study of the four-quarter plan and its effects on the elementary schools of Topeka, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1956. Meredith, Glen Uel. The Gothic influences on the novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne. M. A. Eng. 1955. Merriam, Daniel Francis. Tertiary geology of the Piceance Basin, northwestern Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1953. Merrill, Kenneth Eaton. Autonomous and cooperative management practices among Kansas electric cooperatives applied to their development of industrial use. M. Bus. Admin. 1958. Merrill, Robert Henry. High school stages and auditoriums in the state of Missouri: an investigation of their extent, nature, uses and suitability, M. A. Speech and Drama. 1956. Merriott, John Winston. Studies on the host-parasite relationship of Pasteurella Tularensis in mammalian cells cultured in vitro. M. A. Bact. 1957. Merritt, Joseph L. The Armenian question and American public opinion, 1895-1896. M. A. Hist. 1950. Merts, Athel L. A study of the ambiguities in the effective mass concept. Ph. D. Physics. 1957. Messamer, John II. A study of what constitutes a "trade or business" for individuals or partnerships as applied to the Federal income tax laws. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Metcalf, Artie L. Fishes of Chautauqua, Cowley and Elk Counties, Kansas, M. A. Zool. 1957. Metcalf, Theodore Gordon. Experimental investigations on the respiration and pathogenesis of typhus fever rickettsiae. Ph. D. Bact. 1950. Graduate School Theses 71 Mettler, Don Elwin. Dune sands of the Syracuse area in Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1956. Meyer, Miriam Martin. A comparative study of the toxic, infective and serological properties of yolk sacs infected with the rickettsiae of murine typhus. M. A. Bact. 1954. Meyer, Norman James. Activity coefficients of mixed aqueous electrolytes and their application to ion exchange equilibria. Ph. D. Chem. 1956. Michael, Vernon Dwight. Procedures to be followed in the development of a curriculum in social welfare for Kansas public schools. M. A. Ed. 1951. Michaelis, Carl I. Compound formation between 2,6 Iutidine and the polyhalogenated methanes. M. A. Chem. 1949. Michel, Donald Edward. A study of the sedative effects of music for acutely disturbed patients in a mental hospital. M. Mus. Ed. 1950. Michelakis, Andrew M. Anodic behavior of magnesium in the presence of benzonitrile and its derivatives. M. S. Chem. 1956. Michelson, Mary Diane. Factors contributing to the unmarried mother's decision about her baby. M. Soc. Work. 1951, Michener, John Harold. A survey of the political-social-econoinic opinions of conscientious objectors in World War II. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Mickey, James O. A study of the commercial paper market. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Mikulski, Richard Michael. The Carlist Wars in the serial novels of Galdos, Baroja and Valle-Inclan. Ph. D. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1956. Milan, Jesse. The relationship between three tests of physical fitness. M. S, Ed. 1954. Miles, Charles David. The family Succineidae (Gastropoda-Pulmonata) in Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1956. Miller, Bruce Linn. Autoradiographic determination of the radon to radium activity ratio in hone. M. S. Physics. 1951. The autoradiographic quantitation of natural radioactive elements r human bone. Ph. D. Physics. 1953. Miller, Bruce Winsterd, Jr. A psychological study of a hoy with a s< reading disability. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Miller, Frank. The synthesis of 2-methyl-3, 5-morpholinedione by a new . action. M. S. Chem. 1957. Miller, Glenn Harold, Jr. Financing the boom in Kansas, 1879 to 1888, with special reference to municipal indebtedness and to real estate mortgages. M. A. Econ. 1954. Miller, Halsey Wilkinson, Jr. Stratigraphic and paleontologic studies of the Niobrara formation (cretaceous) in Kansas. Ph. D. Geol. 1958. Miller, Henry Laurence, Jr. An analysis of the powers of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to regulate the volume of bank credit, and proposals for modifying those powers. M. A. Econ. 1948. Miller, Kenneth Eugene. Political leadership in four Kansas communities. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1951. Miller, Marion Knapp. Preparation of 2-alpha-aminopyridyl -5- methylthiazoline and some of its derivatives. M. A. Chem. 1949. Miller, Marshall Baldwin. A study of the requirements for certification of teachers for the junior high school. D. Ed. 1957. Miller, Robert Edward. Testing and modifying a small subsonic wind tunnel. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1953. 72 University of Kansas Miller, Robert Pennington. Coefficients of discharge of short pipe orifices for incompressible flow at Reynolds' numbers of 10- to 10- . M. S. Mech. Engin. 1957. Miller, Robert R. Cenozoic geology of the Dixon area, north-central New Mexico. M. S. Geol. 1956. Miller, Rolla Elvin. The functions and responsibilities of the Kansas State Board of Education. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1948. Mills, Charles Parks. Suggestions for intramural athletic programs in large high schools. M. S. Ed. 1951. Mills, Glynn Virgil. County zoning in Douglas County, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin. 1954. Milne, Thomas Anderson. The magnetic deflection of molecular beams of fluorine and a thermodynamic determination of the dissociation energy of fluorine. Ph. D. Chem. 1955. Minor, John Threecivelous. The synthesis of fluorine derivatives of known medicináis. Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Mirsky, Jerome George. An analysis of the cuentos of Fernán Silva Valdés. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1951. Mitchell, Andrew D. Segmental renal function studies. M. S. Surgery. 1950. Mitchell, Robert Ralph. An administrative study of street and personnel problems in the City of Ferguson, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1958. Mitchell, William Henry. Joseph L. Bristow: Kansas insurgent in the U. S. Senate, 1909-1915. M. A. Hist. 1952. Mitchell, Willie B. An analysis of the organization and operation of selected Negro retail business establishments in Mississippi. M. Bus. Admin. 1958. Mix, Thomas O. Opinions of parents relative to junior high school physical education. M. S. Ed. 1949. Moddelmog, James D. A study of government underwriting of commercial bank loans with srjecial reference to urban real estate loans. M. A. Econ. 1952. Moffet, Wilmer Dale. The supervision of reading instruction in the elementary school. M. S. Ed. 1957. Mog, Hubertine Mary. A questionnaire survey of former students of the Kansas School for the Deaf to determine the relationship between their vocational training and their present occupations. M. S. Ed. 1955. Moler, Donald Lewis. An evaluation of gains in reading achievement of college students enrolled in the University of Kansas reading improvement programs. Ph. D. Ed. 1951. Moler, Margaret Ansdell. Parent education in the University of Kansas Nursery School. M. S. Ed. 1950. Monday, William Clair. Problems involved in parallel centrifugal fan operation. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1956. Montague, H. Gordon. Subspeciation of the pocket gophers of Wyoming. M. A. Zool. 1948. Montgomery, Homer Bichard. The interpretation of coaxial cable attenuation curves. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1958. Montgomery, John Gabriel C. Some economic aspects of accelerated amortization. M. Bus. Admin. 1951. Montgomery, K. Leon. Simple groups whose orders are less than 10,000. M. A. Math. 1958. 8 1 Graduate School Theses 73 Montgomery, Susan. An analysis of application blanks used by selected Kansas schools and credentials and application forms used by selected midwestern universities and colleges. M. S. Ed. 1957. Moody, Max Dale. Studies on the variation of Bacterium tularense. M. A.. Baet. 1949. Variation, pathogenesis, and immunity in Bacterium tularense. Ph. D. Bact. 1953. Moojen de Oliveira, Joao. Speciation in the Brazilian spiny rats (genus Proechimys, family, Echimyidae). Ph. D. Zool. 1948. Moon, Ralph Marks, Jr. The complex dielectric constant of eleetret materials. M. A. Phys. 1952. Moore, Fleming Stanley. The promises and prospects of early agricultural land-use programs in Kansas, 1872-1892. M. A. Gcog. 1953. Moore, John Hummel. Interpolation of embellishments in snare drum parts of twenty standard marches. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Moore, Richard Arthur. Gamma-ray yields from the proton bombardment of vanadium. M. S. Phys. 1954. Moore, Vaughn Clayton. A conrparison of the deposition patterns of radium and radio-strontium in bone. M. S. Radiation Biophysics. 1957. Moore, Warren Keith. Metrizable topological spaces. M. A. Math. 1948. • The characterizations of a class of transformations and of a class of differentiable functions. Ph. D. Math. 1951. Moranz, Norbert John. A study of clients self-referred to Family and Children's Service, Incorporated, Kansas City, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Morehead, Charles Galloway. An experimental evaluation of a small high school counseling program. D. Ed. 1953. Morehead, Jean Klussman. A study of sex differences in preference for musical tone. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. Morgan, Loy Weston. A revision of the genus Pissonotus (Homoptera, Ful goridae, Delphacinae). M. A. Ent. 1948. Morgan-Grenville, David Bevil. Some aspects of the growth, development and operations of the old line factor. M. Bus. Admin. 1952. Morris, John Eirwyn. Studies on specimens of the genus Dolerotheca from Kansas. M. A. Bot. 1958. Morris, Thomas Francis. An analysis of the items of grammar presented in the state-adopted English textbooks of Kansas for the junior high school. M. S. Ed. 1956. Morton, May Katherine. Color and abstract design as related to music. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1951. Morton, Veda Mignon. Uniform freight classification and equalization of class railroad rates in relation to the regional location of industry. M. Bus. Admin. 1948. Moser, Helen M. A study of fourth grade children's preferences for two contrasting song styles. M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Moss, Charles William. ,A system of records management for the city of Junction City, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin. 1956. Mourning, Donald McVeigh. Adapting standard band arrangements to small unbalanced organizations. M. Mus. Ed. 1951. Moutsanides, Demetrius Themistocleous. Major international aspects of double taxation of income and United States policy. M. A. Econ. 1956. 74 University of Kansas Moxley, J. David. Auditing applications of statistical sampling techniques, M. Bus. Admin. 1958. Moyer, Melvin Isaac. Studies on the structure and synthesis of the ipecac alkaloids. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Muckenthaler, Francis Joseph. Investigation of alcohol and argon mixtures for Geiger-Muller counters. M. S. Physics. 1949. Muehlherger, Eugene Bruce. Pismo Beach-Point Sal dune field, California. M. S. Geol. 1955. Mueller, Wilbert John. A study of adolescent adjustment using Shaffer's postulates as a model. D. Ed. 1956. Mulch, Merrill Frank. American and Australian diplomatic relations from 1930-1941. M. A. Hist. 1958. Muroff, Melvin M. Influence of temptation on cheating. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Murphy, Irene. The plays of Gamaliel Bradford in relation to some of his other work. Ph. D. Eng. 1953. Murray, Haraldean. An analysis of the visual aids of the World Book Encyclopedia. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1956. Murty, V. S. R. A study of the non-food departments in super markets of the U. S. A. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Musick, Mary Josephine. Studies of solutions of sodium salts of some substituted acetic acids in acetic acid as solvent. M. A. Chem. 1958. Mychajliw, Stephan. The Hydrometridae of the Western Hemisphere. M. A. Ent. J 956. Myers, Richard William. The alkanolamine degradation of tobacco Mosaic virus. M. A. Biochem. 1958. Myers, Walter Edwin. An inquiry into the adequacy of the Everest Rural High School. M. S. Ed. 1948. Myers, William Frederic. Studies on Histoplasma capsulatum. M. A. Bact. 1955. Host-parasite interrelationships involving Coxielia burnetii. Ph. D. Bact. 1958. Nachtigall, Andrew. Effect of fat-soluble carcinogens on phage liberation by a lysogenic strain of Bacillus megatherium. M. A. Bact. 1956. Namioka, Isaac (Isaku). On selection of sequences of functions. M. A. Math. 1953. Nance, Emma Joan. An introduction to entire functions. M. A. Math. 1958. Nansen, Faith Lorraine. A study of the knowledge of social work of a sample group of lawyers in Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1956, Nansen, Hope Constance. A study of the evolution of the love motif in the poetry of Amado Nervo. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1952. Nash, Donald Joseph. A new cervid from the Micocene of northeastern Colorado. M. A. Zool. 1957. Nasser, Karim Wadi. Cavitation. M. S. Civil Engin. 1952. Naylor, Kirk Eugene. The administrative activity and deterrents operating therein—236 third class city school districts, state of Kansas, 1952. D. Ed. 1952. Neal, Adolph Richard. A study of the knowledge and awareness of ministers of the function and policy of the Family Service Association Incorporated in Kansas City, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Neas, Beverly Jack. A study of the spontaneous babblings of three- and fouryear-old deaf children. M. S. Ed. 1953. Graduate School Tlieses 75 Nedzbala, James Michael. Separation of ions in solution. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1958. Needle, Frank William, Jr. Promotional advertising for a television network. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1953. Neely, Melvin E. A survey of present procedures in the selection of teacher personnel. D. Ed. 1957. Ncering, Thomasine. Morphological variations in Mesooelia mulsanti (Hemiptera, Mesoveliidae). M. A. Ent. 1953. Nelf, Thelma Virginia. A study of the metabolism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. M. A. Bact. 1948. Neihart, Carlene R. A survey of operettas suitable for children in grades four through six. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Neihart, James LeRoy. A handbook for the secondary school band director. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Nelson, Albert LeRoy. An administrator and audio-visual services. M. S. Ed. 1955. Nelson, Harry Blackburn. The language of art and the high school student. M. S. Ed. 1955. Nelson, Harry Lewis. Limiting processes for infinite sequences. M. A. Math. 1957. Nelson, Howard F. The relationship between a measure of general industrial arts information and selected factors resident in the teacher, in the pupil, and in the school. D. Ed. 1953. Nelson, John Armand. The determination of the effect of various cooling rates upon the temperature limits of the critical range in American malleable iron. M. S. Met. Engin. 1951. Nelson, John August. The continuum hypothesis and equivalent propositions. M. A. Math. 1956. Nelson, John Monninger. The adult-education program in occupied Japan, 1946-1950. Ph. D. Ed. 1954. Nelson, Lee Edward. Prestressed concrete: Bibliography and abstracts. M. S Civ. Engin. 1958. Nelson, Leland. An investigation of the water rates in Garden City, Kansas M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Nelson, R. Wayne. A handbook for secondary school vocal music directors. M. Mus. Ed. 1953. Nelson, Sylvia H. Home-school relationships: the report to parents. Special. in Ed. Curriculum. 1955. Nemcova, Bozena. People of Czech (Bohemian) descent in Republic County, Kansas. M. A. Sociol. 1950. Ncsselhof, John Morrison. The Negro in the prose of William Faulkner. M. A. Eng. 1950. Neuhart, Donald Ray. The relations between the Musicians' Union and the public school music departments in the Kansas City area. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Neuman, Bernard. Effect of nicotinic acid therapy of psychological functions in aged neuropsychiatry patients. M. A. Psychol. 1954. Neumann, David Henry. The movement to unite Canada and the United States, 1783-1900. M. A. Hist. 1950. 76 University of Kansas Neuringer, Charles. A statistical comparison of the Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence scale, form 1, and Wechsler adult intelligence scale for a college population. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Newland, Chester Albert. Public opinion on school segregation: a study of reactions to the Supreme Court decision. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1955. Legal periodicals and the United States Supreme Court. Ph. D. Pol. Sci. 1958. Newland, Mary Lucille. A study of contemporary painting in the Americas. M. S. Ed. 1949. Newman, Dorothy. A survey of the arts and crafts programs as found in welfare institutions in Kansas. M. S. Art Ed. 1958. Newman, Robert L. Blood calcium: a normal curve for pregnancy. M. S. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 1948. Newton, Merle Robert. A study in psychological ecology: the behavior settings in an institution for handicapped children. M. A. Psychol. 1953. Newton, Sherwood William. Some aspects of corporate business policy implied under the excess profits tax of 1950. M. Bus. Admin. 1952. Nicholas, Richard Ludlam. Stratigraphy and sedimentation of thè Conococheague formation (Cambrian) in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. M. S. Geol. 1954. Nichols, Neal D. An analysis of the high school libraries in Washington County, Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1952. Nicolas, Loretta R. An evaluation of five elementary social studies textbooks. M. S. Ed. 1952. Niedermann, Ernst Albert. A new reaction apparatus for measurement of the actual velocity of a gas through a nozzle. M. S. Mech Engin. 1951. Nielsen, Donald R. Part I. The synthesis and reduction of aromatic boronic acids and their derivatives. Part II. The Schmidt reaction of 1,1-Diarylethylenes. Ph. D. Chem. 1956. Nigh, Robert Russell. The effects of wheat acreage restrictions in northcentral Oklahoma, 1953-1954. M. A. Econ. 1955. Nilsen, Frode Elmar. Political claims and conflicts in the Antarctic. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1951. Nissan, Anwar. An analysis of the consumer expenditure-income patterns in the state of Kansas from 1938 to 1954. M. A. Econ. 1956. Nobles, William Lewis. Some potential chemotherapeutic agents derived from aralkyl ketones. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1952. Noland, Albert W., Jr. Special administrative problems in Ogden City, Utah. M. Pub. Admin. 1953. Nold, John Richard. Miss Ginny's Madonna. M. A. Eng. 1957. Noonan, James Edward. Some substituted diphenylamihes as possible antimalarial agents. M. A. Chem. 1949. Normand, William Clay. The effects of tetraethyl ammonium chloride on the peripheral neuromuscular system. M. A. Physiol. 1952. Norris, Delvin Thomas. A swimming skill test for boys of high school level. M. S. Ed. 1958. Norris, John Melvin, Jr. An evaluation of the criticism of Lord Byron's writings: 1924-1947. M. A. Eng. 1948. Norris, Martha R. Child welfare in Catholic Charities. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Norris, Robert Peter. The origin and sedimentation of Wilson Canyon, Caddo County, Oklahoma. M. S. Geol. 1951. Graduate School Theses 77 North, John William. Methods of improving stability on a high-voltage long tranmissionline. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1952. Northey, William Thomas. Characterization studies on the thermostable antigen extracted from the tissues of white mice infected with Bacterium tularemic. M. A. Bact. 1957. Novotny, Lena Lorene. A study of the reading interests of slow-learning children in the seventh grade. M. S. Ed. 1954. Nowlin, Dorothy O. Survey and analysis of keyboard experience in the elementary schools of the first-class cities in Kansas. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Nowlin, Roger Ernest. An experimental study of the effects of various surface treatments on the hardness and corrosion resistance of hard chromium plate. M. S. Metallurgical Engin. 1951. Nyquist, Norma. A study of Matthew Arnold's Sohrab and Rustum. M. A. Eng. 1952. Nystrom, Eila Anna. An analysis of residential housing data for Lawrence, Kansas, 1950. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Oberhelman, Harley Dean. The agrarian reform and its educational manifestations in modern Mexican short stories. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1952. A study of the Revista Azul. Ph. D. Spanish. 1958. O'Connell, Wilson E. Studies toward the origins of theatrical censorship in the United States. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1953. Odem, Wilbert Irwin. The delta of the diverted Brazos River of Texas. M. S. Geol. 1953. Oglesby, Dwayne LaVergne. Professionalization trends in the field of law enforcement. M. S. Soeiol. 1951. ' Oldham, Kenneth Lee. Recent trends in the training programs of superintendents of schools. M. A. Ed. 1948. Oldham, William Edward. A study to determine some of the reasons for the scarcity of tenor singers in high school choral ensembles. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Orme, Lillian Taylor. Building readiness for reading with first grade childrer hy means of special instruction. M. S. Ed. 1952. Orr, Carson Dudley. Allowable losses in handling petroleum products. M. Petrol. Man. 1957. Ortiz, Jose Dennis. A study of locomotor ability and its relationship to mental ability and reading comprehension. M. S. Ed. 1957. Orton, Danny Edward. Development of criteria for the study of the influence of music on children's drawings. M. Mus. Ed. 1953. Orton, Mary Ryder. Application of the iso-moodic principle in the use of music with psychotic and "normal" subjects. M. Mus. Ed. 1953. Oruc, Ali R. Modern Turkey in political transition. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1953. Osborn, Charles Robert. The political thought of Thorstein Veblen. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1957. Osborn, Lynn Robert. A study of the growth and development of commercial radio in Kansas—1900-1955. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1955. Osgood, Constance. Evaluation of a demonstration community leisure-time program, Kansas City Westside • Pilot Project, February 1, 1953-April 30, 1956. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Ostlund, Leonard Alexander. An experimental study of case-discussion learning. 'Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. 78 University of Kansas O'Sullivan, Margaret Maurine, A study of the understandability of a group of cleft palate children w h o wear prosthetic appliances. M. S. Ed. 1958. Ott, John L e w i s . The pharmacological properties of streptoccal products. M. A. Bact. 1 9 5 1 . Ott, Paul W a y n e . Electric resistance of thin films. M. S. Physics. 1949. Ottman, D o n a l d Kirk. A method of discrimanant analysis applicable to a general population comprised of an indefinite number of subpopulations. D . E d . 1956. Overend, D o n a l d Stewart. A semi-quantitative study of the effects of radiophosphorus on the spleen of Sigmodon. M. A. Z o o l . 1952. Overstreet, L e w i s Daniel. A study of five school districts of Cherokee County, Kansas, 1 9 4 4 - 4 5 , 1946-47, 1948-49, 1949-50. M. S. Ed. 1950. Owens, Robert Henry. A concept of endocrine inhibition as related to the treatment of carcinoma of the prostate. M. S. M e d . Urological Surg. 1953. Pack, L u d w i g . Administrative problems of job evaluation and merit rating in the American C o m p a n y , Inc. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Packard, Robert L e w i s . The tree squirrels of Kansas: their ecology and economic importance. M. A. Zool. 1955. Padcn, William H o w a r d . A descriptive study of the behavior and attitudes of thirty scholastic underachicvers and their families. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Padgham, John B. The structural geology of the Mound City-Pleasanton area, Linn County, Kansas. M. A. Geol. 1957. Pae, D o n . An analysis of trends in the use of commercial art in annual reports of American corporations for the years 1950 through 1955. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1957. Page, Tate Cromwell. A study of the variability of exceptional Kansas high school seniors in certain academic areas. D. Ed. 1955. Palm, William Arnett. The administrative control of state charitable and correctional institutions in Kansas, 1873-1947. M. Soc. Work. 1949. Palmer, E m m a B. A study of the German-Aanerican Turner Societies. M. S. E d . 1958. Palmer, William Packard. The intellectual background of The Vision of Piers Plowman, with particular reference to the English and Latin writings of John W y c l i f . Ph. D. Eng. 1957. Palmquist, Dan August. A survey of techniques employed in teaching the beginning s p e e c h course in fifty state-supported and municipal colleges and universities. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. Panayotopoulos, Panayotis C. Demonstration effect and economic development. M. A. E c o n . 1957. Panitchpakdi, P r o m . Extension of uniformly continuous transformations and hyperconvex metric spaces. Ph. D. Math. 1955. Pankratz, W a l d o C. A comparison of some group musical achievement tests as related to I. Q. and teacher rating. M. Mus. E d . 1950. Pannell, Lolita. Immunological studies on Bacterium tularense. Ph. D. Bact. 1950. Papahronis, Basil Trifon. Solubility, volumetric, and freezing point data for mixtures of methane in n-octane. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1954. Parekh, H e m e n d r a C. A work sampling investigation of white collar workers ( f e m a l e - c l e r i c a l ) . M. S. Mech. Engin. 1958. Parker, Harold Leftridge. A critical analysis of the anti-rationalism of Soren Kierkegaard. M. A. Phil. 1958. Graduate School Theses 79 Parker, Melba Burwell. A survey of the problems of university women, nonsorority—sorority. M. S. Ed. 1949. Parker, Olin Griffith. An evaluation of a district music festival. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Parker, William Edward. Ion pair formation in acetic acid-acetonitrile mixtures. Ph. D. Chem. 1956. Parsons, Iva Fern. A study of educational programs for gifted children. M. S. Ed. 1957. Partridge, Arthur Ray. The academic achievement of Kansas public junior college graduates who entered the University of Kansas in 1940. M. S. Ed. 1949. Patrick, Donald W. A comparative study of musical achievement of the general chorus and general music approach at the junior high school level. M. Mus. Ed. 1952. Patterson, Cornelia Murray. A socio-psychological study of twenty-nine chronically ill patients at General Hospital Number Two, Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1951. Patterson, E. Palmer, II. Constitutional history of the Gold Coast. M. A. Hist. 1953. Patton, Helen Mitchell. Some physico-chemical properties of aqueous solutions of sodium diethylbarbiturate. M. S. Chem. 1949. Patton, Leo Wesley. Acid catalyzed rearrangements of furfuryl alcohols. M. A. Chem. 1949. Paulson, Morris James. Psychological concomitants of pre-menstrual tension. Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Paulussen, Hans-Otto. Interaction of steady currents and magnetic fields in a superconductor. M. A. Physics. 1958. Pe, Ni Ta. Upper Cretaceous arenaceous Foraminifera from Lowndes and Oktibbeha Counties, Mississippi. M. S. Geol. 1956. Peak, Verone Vivian. A study of attitudes of residents of the Keyway Area in Topeka, Kansas, toward displacement because of the urban renew program. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Pearce, Leo J . , Jr. An investigation of the beginning of commereial t e n , vision in Great Britain. M. S. Radio and Television. 1958. Pearson, Charles Gephart. An application of the case method to the study of reporting. M. A. Journ. 1953. Pearson, Donald Curtis. The relationship between the results obtained on a motor fitness test and body size. M. S. Phys. Ed. 1958. Pebley, Evelyn McColloch. Tissue changes following administration of aminopterin. M. A. Med. Path. 1949. Pedrick, George. Theory of reproducing kernels for Hilbert spaces of vector valued functions. Ph. D. Math. 1957. Peery, David Benton. A retail trade area survey for shopping goods of Lawrence, Kansas. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Peltier, Edward Joseph. Pennsylvanian fusulinids from the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico. M. A. Geol. 1958. Penfold, Richard Lee. An anatomical study of the neural tube and cranial ganglia of the Amblystoma maeulatum. M. A. Anat. 1955. Penny, Lawrence Daniel. Follow-up study of fifty-one children released from the Kansas Receiving Home for Children in 1952. M. Soc. Work. 1955. 80 University of Kansas Penny, Lawrence L. A study of socio-economic status in relation to grades assigned and school achievement. D. Ed. 1958. Penzel, Zelda. A comparative study of Reinar Despues de Morir and La Relne Morte. M. A. French. 1957. Perkins, Hamilton Chesley. The use of insoluble residues in the study of limestone beds in the Shawnee group of the Kansas River Valley. M. S. Geol. 1952. Perlmutter, Howard Victor. A study of group and individual memory products. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Persky, A. Phillip. General semantics bibliography. M. A. Eng. 1950. Peters, Richard L. Vision as related to success in football passing. M. S. Ed. 1957. Peterson, Glenn Albin. A study of the value of the magnetic recorder in the voice studio. M. Mus. Ed. 1951. Peterson, Irvin L. A study of the breathing capacities of athletes and nonathletes. M. S. Ed. 1948. Peterson, Leonard Varr. A study of 130 cases to determine how the doctor uses the Social Service Department at the Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas City, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1951. Peterson, Roy Reed. The thyroid and reproductive performance in the adult female guinea pig, with a study of placental permeability. Ph. D. Anut. 1952. Peterson, Wilbur E. The status of the social studies in the high schools of the second class cities of Kansas, 1951-1952. M. S. Ed. 1952. Pettit, Marvin Ghent. Growth of a social agency through merger. M. S o c . Work. 1951. Petty, Roy Lee. I. The anodic oxidation of magnesium in aqueous solution. II. The oxidation of magnesium by triiodide ion. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Pfeltz, Clifford Norment. A plan for national reciprocity in elementary teacher certification in the United States. D. Ed. 1957. Pfister, Richard L. A history and evaluation of the Shelterbelt Project. M. A. Econ. 1950. Phelps, C. Kermit. An investigation and evaluation of two short forms of the Rorschach Test. M. A. Psychol. 1949. An analysis of the integrative aspects of the performance of normal and brain-damaged subjects on specially devised motor tests. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Phillips, Georgine. The effect of a large single dose of - on the bone marrow of the cotton rat, Sigmodon hispldus, M, A. Zool. 1952, Phillips, James Albert. An analysis of the Kansas state-adopted public school textbooks for the ninth grade English with regard to the uniformity and validity of content of nine usage items. M, S. Ed. 1950. Phye, Ned Willas, Jr. A recruitment program for Wichita, Kansas. M. Pub. Admin. 1957. Pick, Heribert Hans. The political function of interest groups. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1957. Pierce, Glenn Quimby, Jr. Producing a pageant: The Medicine Lodge Indian Peace Treaty Pageant—1957. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1958. Pierce, Marjorie Smith. A syllabus for a course in styles of acting. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1958. s Graduate School Theses 81 Fihlblad, Margaret Marie. On the generalized area of a ribbon and similar generalized measures. M. A. Math. 1949. Pilcher, Donald Martin. A study of referral requests by the Jackson County Welfare Office to Family Service of Kansas City, Missouri, during the fiscal year 1952-1953. M. Soc. Work. 1954. M e g g i , Felix Anthony. The efficiency of the chick embryo as a medium for the isolation of Histoplasma capsulatum. M . A. Bact. 1950. Pinet, Frank S. An analysis of estates probated in Kansas in 1940 and 1950. Ph. D. Econ. 1955. Pipes, Donald Ewin. Landfill-incineration-central grinding: a comparative cost study with application to Park Ridge, Illinois. M. Pub. Admin. 1955. Piskoty, Richard Steven. The teaching of fundamental football techniques through the use of motion pictures. M. S. Ed. 1956. Pitts, Raymond Earl. A partial evaluation of the 1947-48 University of Kansas program in remedial reading and study skills. M. A. Ed. 1948. Plantz, Don V. Investment banking and the Securities Act. M. Bus. Admin. 1950. Plath, Ernest C. Status of Kansas kindergartens: 1954-1955. D. Ed. 1955. Piatt, Dwight Rich. Ecology and behavior of the crow Corvus brachyrhijnchos Brehm in Harvey and Reno Counties, Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1954. Podrebarac, Eugene G. Phenylation of 2-Benzoyl-l, 2-Dihydroisoquinaldonitrile. M. S. Chem. 1957. Poje, John Anthony. Some physico-chemical properties of aqueous solutions of the three common sodium xylene sulfonates. Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Pollock, Bernard David. Equilibrium pressures and stabilities in the molybdenum-boron system. Ph. D. Chem. 1953, Ponder, Luke Harold. Microcrustacea in eastern Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1948. Ponteville, Jacques A. Application of American techniques of financial analysis to the Van der Heyden Corporation, a Belgian concern. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Poor, Clifford Wayne. A critical analysis of two United States history textbooks. M. S. Ed. 1948. Pope, Robert Eugene. A study of a continuous countercurrent multistage c o n tactor. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1958. P o p p , Frank Donald. Part I. Synthesis of papaverine from Reissert compounds. Part II. Approaches to the synthesis of emetine from Reissert compounds. Ph. D. Chem. 1957. Poppe, Kenneth H. G. The effect of distance and direction on the relative accuracy of one-hand and two-hand basketball shooting. M. S. Ed. 1953. Porter, Margaret Miriam. A study of factors related to success or failure of trial visit of thirty-seven veterans. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Porter, Marjorie Ruth. A study of the relationship of specified abilities in chemistry to each other and to intelligence. M. S. E d . 1957. Porter, Thomas Wayne. Taxonomy of the American Herbridae and the natural history of selected species. Ph. D. Ent. 1950. Post, James Paul. The elementary school principal's role in the improvement of instruction in Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1954. Postlethwaite, Raymond Deane. A study of professional licensing boards in Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1948. Potter, Richard Ralph. The design and construction of an audio spectrum analyzer. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1950. 82 University of Kansas Powell, Alletta (Fisher). An investigation of the operation of the arithmetic requirement at the University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1954. Powell, Donald Franklin. A study of intramural athletics in universities and colleges. M. S. Ed. 1948. A survey of the coverage area of a proposed educational television station at the University of Kansas. D. Ed. 1955. Powers, James Lowell. The effect of teletypesetter on Kansas newspaper eontent. M. A. Journ. 1953. Pownall, Jo Elaine. A study of responses of a national sample of female counselors and matching female teachers to items of an experimental attitude scale. M. S. Ed. 1954. Pratt, Bertha Maconda. A study of fourteen independent boarding and day care homes for children in Kansas City, Missouri, 1952-1953. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Pratt, Roland Everett. A study of the referrals made by the various disciplines within the Topeka State Hospital to its Social Service Department. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Prcis, Richard Ira. The Kentucky Tragedy in prose fiction. M. A. Eng. 1953. Price, Anna Mae. A sociomctric study of six primary classrooms for the deaf. M. S. Ed. 1954. Price, Harold Ashley. Fluid flow through an annulus with axial movement of the inner boundary. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1958. Price, Ray Russell. The use of social agency services in relation to a sample group of juvenile delinquents in Kansas City, Missouri, 1945-1954. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Price, Roger DeForrest. The survival of tularemia in lice and louse feces. M. A. Ent. 1953. Pasteurella tuliirensis in the human body louse. Ph. D. Ent. 1955. Prieb, Wesley John. An analysis of the poetry of A. E. Housman. M. A. Eng. 1950. Prince, Cyrus Edward, Jr. The thematic apperception test: a critical evaluation of the literature. M. A. Psychol. 1949. Pringle, Jack Bromwell. The congressional career of Edmond H. Madison (1907-1911). M. A. Hist. 1955. Prosser, Francis Ware, Jr. A study of the origin and decay of persistent charges in dielectrics. M. S. Physics. 1954. Gamma radiation from the excited states of M g . Ph. D. Physics. 1955. Pryor, Carlon Winston. Serological comparisons of Astacuran Crustacea. M. A. Zool. 1952. Purrington, Wealthy Elizabeth. Stratigraphic distribution of microfossils (exclusive of the Fusulinidae) in the lower part of the Shawnee group in the vicinity of Lawrence and Lecompton, Kansas. M. S. Gcol. 1948. Pursley, Theeron Lee. The effects of chlorpromazine hydrochloride on experimentally induced fixations. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Purzer, James Joseph. Lithologic variations in the Lamar fore-reef limestone tongue of the Capitan reef complex. M. S. Geol. 1955. Pyle, Claude Leonard. Ionization of mineral oil by X-rays. M. S. Physics. 1950. Quinlan, Robert Walter. An investigation of the refuse collection and disposal service for the city of Enid. M. Pub. Admin. 1951. 21 Graduate School Theses 83 Quiring, Frank Stanley. Eight units for a high-school-chernistry course organized for reflective teaching. M. S. Ed. 1957. Radcliff, Lester Gene. A quantitative study of the colon bacilli and streptococci in feces. M. A. Bact. 1952. Radcliffe, William Worth, Jr. An exploratory study in problem solving in marriage. M. A. Sociol. 1958. Ragle, Dan D. M. The nature and purpose of philosophy. M. A. Philos. 1949. • — Problems and problem-solving behavior of children in an American town. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. Ragsdale, Herbert Walter. Heriberto Frias and the historical social novel of Mexico. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1950. Raines, Sam Eugene. An analysis of speech training for adults in business and industry of Kansas City, Missouri, 1938-49 M. A. Speech and Drama. 1949. Rainey, Dennis Grant. The eastern woodrat, Neotoma jloridana: a study of its life history and ecology. Ph. D. Zool. 1955. Ralston, James Smiley. The influence of text on choice of choral numbers by high school choral members. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Ramaseshan, Padmini Hannah. Secondary education in the Madras State with emphasis in home economics education. M. S. Ed. 1955. Rambusch, Sigurd. American public opinion of Denmark during the German occupation, 1940-1945. M. A. Hist. 1957. Ramsey, Robert Diehl. An analysis of the readability and difficulty of two eighth grade American history textbooks. M. S. Ed. 1958. Rangnekar, Sharadkumar Shantaram. A proposed organization for marketing Indian leather handicrafts in the United States. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Rarick, Richard Stanford. The consolidation and development of an informal play group. M. A. Sociol. 1949. Rasmussen, Otho Mills. A determination of that part of the content of a college freshman mathematics course designed to prepare students for courses in departments other than the mathematics department at the University of Kansas. Ph. D. Ed. 1952. Rausch, Marvin Dean. The reduction of organic compounds by lower valen species of active metals. Ph. D. Chem. 1955. Rawlings, Jane Morton. The influence of foreign travel upon the novels of Charles Dickens. M. A. Eng. 1954. Raymond, Elgie Victor. Juvenile delinquency referrals to Jackson County Juvenile Court. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Raymond, Robert S., Jr. The economic history of a retail store, 1911-1949. M. Bus. Admin. 1951. Rea, Tom Pratt. An analysis of direction problems in a production of The Lady's Not for Burning. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1952. Read, William George. Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons by Na . Ph. D. Physics. 1956. Reader, Edna C. L. An experimental study of reflective teaching in a fifth grade classroom for a two-year period. M. S. Ed. 1953. Reardon, John D. Verse drama in America from 1765 to the Civil War. Ph. D. Eng. 1957. Reardon, William A. An investigation of the theory of the dispersion formula for nuclear reactions. M. S. Phys. 1949. 23 84 University of Kansas 3e 00 s 5 2 2 0 Neutron capture radiation from C l , C o , Mn «, V , Hg <> , and Cd"*. Ph. D. Physics. 1953. Reavis, James Lyndon. Studies on the lower oxidation states of nickel. M. A. Chem. 1950. Redding, Joann Gentry. The Kansas City and Jackson County chapter of the American Red Cross and disaster preparedness. M. Soe. Work. 1953. Redfield, Levi Gleason. An opinion study of the Kansas State Teachers Association Journal. M. S. Ed. 1948. Reed, Cornelius. Family service to clients living in census tracts where the average median income is $3,000 or more. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Reed, F. Jules. Surface decoration. ' M. Fine Arts. Design. 1953. Reed, Margaret Chastain. Some effects of frustration when the goal is not cognitively present. M. A. Psychol. 1951. Reed, Ronald Louis. The effect of interfacial temperature on the gas absorption coefficient. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. Formal aspects of the uncertainty relations. Ph. D. Physics. 1954. Reed, Vera Mae. A study of reasons for the acceptance, or rejection of requests for financial assistance in a private family agency. M. Soc. Work. 1951. Reeve, Wayne L. A taxonomic and distributional review of the horned lizard genus Phrynosoma. Ph. D. Zool. 1950. Reid, Kenneth Merlin. A comparison of certain tests of physical fitness. M. S. Ed. 1954. Reida, Ellis Desmond. The origin of the Communist Party of America. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1955. Reiff, Robert. Transpositional behavior in children (an investigation of phenomenal similarity). M.A.Psychol. 1953. Memory in hypnotic age regression. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Reisner, Hubert F. Implications of employment—and income—stabilization plans on management. M. Bus. Admin. 1957. Rejsek, Stanislav. Some ethical and logical aspects of Spinoza's Tractatus tie Intellectus Emendatione. M. A. Philos. 1952. Remple, Henry D. A personality study of three crime groups. Ph. D. Psychol. 1950. Rendina, George. The rates of intestinal absorption of certain 2-thiopyrimidines in rats. M. A. Biochem. 1953. The glutamic oxidase system in Bacterium tularense. Ph. D. Biochem. 1955. Renich, Paul William. Some physico-chemical properties of solutions of sodium benzene sulfonate and its mono-substituted derivatives. Ph. D. Chem. 1949. Requist, Norris N. A study of the Madison limestone in and around the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. M. S. Geol. 1949. Reynaud, Raymond Lucien. Carbohydrate metabolism of the early chick embryo as studied by filter paper chromatography. M. A. Zool. 1949. Reynolds, Jimmy Rex. Geology of southwestern Leavenworth County, Kansas. M. A. Geol. 1957. Reynolds, Mary Margaret. Neurotic clients in the private family agency. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Graduate School Theses 85 Rhodes, George Stryker. An investigation of response sets in the strong vocational interest blank for men and response set effects on scores of selected SVIB scales. D. Ed. 1956. Richards, H. Glenn. Fenestrate bryozoa of the Virgilian and Wolfcampian of Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1955. Richards, Robert LeRoy. Indian removal in Florida, 1835-1842. M.A. Hist. 1951. Richardson, George Harry, Jr. A study of the ownership and control aspects of the "big five" sugar agencies of Hawaii. M. Bus. Admin. 1951. Richardson, Paul Joslin. The vapor pressure and the heat of vaporization of cerium. M. S. Chem. 1951. Ridgway, Robert William. The administration of a remedial reading program in the Baldwin, Kansas, public schools, 1949-1950. M. S. Ed. 1950. A study of the readability, interest, and usefulness of selected materials for retarded readers in grades four to eight. D. Ed. 1955. Riggs, John L. Synthesis of fluorescent compounds and their use for labeling antibody. M. A. Bact. 1957. Righter, Jean Kirkham. A study of Blake's mythology. M. A. Eng. 1953. Righter, William Harvey. The sense of isolation. A study in the development of an underlying mood of romanticism. M. A. Eng. 1954. Riley, Glen Dale. A study of student problems before and after a counseling interview. M. A. Ed. 1957. Riley, James Daniel. The space of continuous functions and its universal character. M. A. Math. 1948. Contributions to the theory of functions of a bicomplex variable. Ph. D. Math. 1952. Riley, Richard Robert. An analysis of school philosophies and educational programs of 205 north-central schools in Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1949. Riney, Cecil J, A comparison of two methods of teaching choral music. M. Mus. Ed. 1954. Risser, Hubert E. A study of open-pit mining operations at Bingham mine. M. S. Min. Engin. 1953. Some basic changes in the bituminous coal industry, 1903-1953, and their economic implications. Ph. D. Econ. 1956. Rives, John Philip. A study of human arm motions as made under actual industrial operating conditions. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1956. Roark, Richard Basil. Evaluation of choral music as used in high schools in ten midwestern states. M. Mus. Ed. 1952. Robatel, Michel M. On filtration and centrifugation: a comparative study of the flow relationships in vacuum and centrifugal filtration. M.S. Chem. Engin. 1951. Robb, David D. A negative resistance unit for A. C. network analyzers. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Robb, George Seanor. Certain aspects of county reform in Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1948. Roberts, Audrey Nadine. A study on the growth of Rickettsia akari in the L strain mouse fibroblast. M. A. Bact. 1957. Roberts, Orville Arthur, Jr. The addresses of acceptance of eight presidential nominees: a study of content and language. M.A.'Speech and Drama. 1948. 86 University of Kansas Roberts, Stanley L. Henry Agard Wallace and American foreign policy, 19211948. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Roberts, William Henry. The development of Eugene O'Neill: an analysis and partial integration of the criticism of O'Neill's work. M. A, Eng. 1948. Robertson, Ross Marshall. Mathematical economics before Cournot. Ph. D. Econ. 1948. Robinson, David W. Blood loss from donor sites in skin grafting procedures. M. S. Surgery. 1948. Robinson, Florence Myrtle. A study of Mrs. Trollopc's views on American society. M. A. Eng. 1948. Robinson, Jack Loyd. A study of the development of the petroleum industry in western Canada, 1947-1950. M. A. Econ. 1955. Robinson, Lloyd R., Jr. Effects of coagulant aids on treatment of waters containing synthetic detergents. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1958. Robinson, Robert Leo. The arterenol and epinephrine content of the adrenal glands from dogs before and after anaphylactic shock. M. A. Physiol. 1954. , Influence of hemorrhage, histamine, anaphylactic shock and cerebral hyperthermia and hypothermia upon the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal gland of the dog. Ph. D. Physiol. 1958. Robinson, Sylvia Carol. Osteology of Mylagaulus laevis from the Upper Miocene of Colorado. M. A. Zool. 1956. Robinson, Thane Sparks. The ecology of bobwhites in South-Central Kansas. Ph. D. Zool. 1956. Robrish, Stanley Arthur. The bacterial dissimilation of uracil. M. A. Bact. 1955. Rodwell, Victor William. Purification and properties of phosphoglyceric acid mutase from yeast and muscle. Ph. D. Biochem. 1956. Roever, James E. A study to determine to what extent academically defensible criteria are employed in the judging of tournament debates. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1958. Rohr, Mary Margaret. A descriptive study of common factors in child research council cases recommended for a special adjustment room. M, Soc. Work. 1957. Roland, Albert. Edgar Allan Poe: a study in poetic technique. M. A. Eng. 1951. Rolfs, Hugo Quentin. Definitions and properties of the elementary functions. M. A. Math. 1949. Rollins, Fred R., Jr. The electret effect in high polymers. M. S. Phys. 1952. Ronald, Martha Joyce. Textural effects achieved by the silk screen printing process and their application in textile printing. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1957. Rooda, Jakob Gijsbert Eelknian. The welfare aspects of income and excise taxation. M. A. Econ. 1955. Roper, Bueford T. A comparative analysis of the attitudes and musical progress of two instrumental groups. M. Mus. Ed. 1950. Rose, Jess Clayton. Optimum reverberation time for vocal music rooms. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Rose, Myra N. Substitution in complex cyanides in aqueous solution. M. A. Chem. 1955. Rose, Norman Carl. The synthesis of potential medicinal agents from Ucissert compounds. Ph.D. Chem. 1957. Graduate School Theses 87 Rosenberg, Leonard Irwin. A comparison of Rorschach norms for normal adult subjects from two different communities. M. A. Psychol. 1954. A study of verbal conditioning and its relation to dependency. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. Rosenberg, Philip. I. Evaluation of the antiasthmatic action of arsenic and other potential sulfhydryl blocking agents. II. The testing of several flavanoids for estrogenic activity. M. S. Pharmacy. 1955. Rosenfield, Richard Julius. Measuring reaction time and force exerted by football players. M. S. Ed. 1951. Ross, Alec. Establishing a theatre arts library. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1956. Ross, Charles Richard. The C. N. S. stimulating effects of some terpene ketones. M. S. Pharmacy. 1954. Ross, Leah Helen. Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's short stories of New England villagers. M. A. Eng. 1957. Ross, Robert Greer. An experimental investigation on the perception of visual figures remembered for short periods of time. M. A. Psychol. 1950. Ross, Ruth Palmer. A comparison of the readability and interest of certain Kansas State Reading Circle books and a series written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. M. S. Ed. 1956. Roter, Mary Joan Flournoy. The use of music in medical reception rooms. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Roth, Alexander. A study of respiration and growtli of the toadfish embryo (Opsanus tau). M. A. Anat. 1948. Roth, Colleen P. A longitudinal study of children's responses on the Rorschach Test. M. A. Psychol. 1948. Roth, Elmer A. The anatomy and modes of preservation of the genus Cardiocarpus. M. A. Bot. 1954. Roth, Esther Stubbleficld. Studies on a round-cell form of Escherichia coli. M. A. Bact. 1950. Rounda, Rita Swearingcn. A study of five Costa Rican costumbristas. M. J Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1954. Rousey, Carol Grace. A comparison of subjects' responses in the areas of arithmetical computation and digit span recall between conditions of normal feedback and delayed feedback. M. A. Speech Correction. 1958. Rowland, Richard F. A discussion of some curricular changes as shown by class schedules in Marysville High School for the years 1926 to 1958. M. S. Ed. 1958. Royer, Bonnie Jean. No Exit and The Happy Journey as problems in play direction. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1954. Royer, Charles Frank. A music education program for the Church of the Brethren. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Royer, Donald Jack. The anodic behavior of copper in aqueous solution. Ph. D. Chem. 1956. Royer, Harold Leroy. The administration of funds for public school adult education. D. Ed. 1956. Rozin, Leonard Wallace. Studies on Rickettsia akari. M. A. Bact. 1952. Studies on Rickettsia akari. I. In vitro survival. II. Pathogenicity in the developing chick embryo and experimental animals. Ph. D. Bact. 1955. 88 University of Kansas Rubinstein, Dinah. The development of a procedure for testing physiognomic perception. M. A. Psychol. 1952. Ruggles, William L. A study of bond between concrete and steel. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1948. Ruhnke, Darwin Robert. Extent of use of the melody method for instruction of beginners on cornet and trumpet. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Rummer, Dale Ivan. Electronic flash vaporization analyzer. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1954. Runnels, Russell T. Characteristics of some Kansas high-calcium limestones. M. S. Min. Engin. 1951. Runyon, Kenneth Eugene. Some effects of success and failure upon the participatory behavior of group members. M. A. Psychol. 1949. Rupiper, Omer John. Multiple factor analysis of academic achievement: a comparative study of full-blood Indian and white children, D. Ed. 1956. Ruppenthal, Wayne Wilson. A study of the subjective organization of rhythm in musical context as indicated by motor activity. M. Mus. Ed. 1948, Ruscha, Mary Frances. A study of intracranial pressure as affected by nembutal, ether and inhalation of high and low O2 mixtures. M. A. Physiol. 1953. Rusco, Elmer Ritter. The Stevens Fair Employment Practices bill in the 1951 Kansas legislature. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1952. Rush, Robert K. Improving municipal fire services. M. Pub. Admin. 1950. Russell, Barbara Lee. (Edmonds) Studies on experimental streptococcal infections: factors relating to virulence. Ph. D. Bact. 1948. Russell, Marion Fore, Jr. An experimental approach to the origin of blood platelets. M. A. Anat. 1952. Russell, Robert R. Mechanisms of epoxide reactions. Ph. D. Chem. 1949. Russell, Ruth Elizabeth. A study of the folk songs and ballads of the Hebrides. M. Mus. Voice. 1949. Russell, Veda Marian. The personality of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (as revealed in her writings). M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1955. Ryan, Richard Walker. The Mann Act: congressional intent v. judicial construction M. A. Pol. Sci. 1950. Rydzel, Joseph S. The third partition of Poland and its immediate internal impact. Ph. D. Hist. 1958. Ryll, Erich. Factors that influence the production of the group carbohydrate of the streptococci. M. A. Bact. 1953. Ryther, Thomas Edward. Geology of the Willow Creek Area, Fremont County, Wyoming. M. S. Geol. 1956. Saber, Mamitua. Marginal leadership in a culture-contact situation. M. A. Sociol. 1957. Sadow, Harvey Seymour. Phenolic organosilicon compounds. M. S. Chem. 1949. Salaveria, Rodolfo A. A study of the public relations program of the city government of Kansas City, Missouri. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1956. Sallee, Eugene Everett, Jr. The effects of delay in reinforcement in the acquisition and extinction of a verbal response. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Sam, Joseph. Synthetic relatives of cortisone. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1951. Samii, Cyrus Babak. The Arab-Asian bloc in the United Nations. Ph. D. Pol. Sci. 1955. Graduate School Theses 89 Sammons, Wanda Glee. A study of the published plays of Antonio Buero Vallejo. M. A. Spanish. 1957. Samuelson, Everett V. A recommended plan for accrediting high schools in Kansas. D. Ed. 1958. Sanders, Donald Theodore. Sandstones of the Douglas and Pedee groups as possible ground water reservoirs in northeastern Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1957. Sandidge, Lewis L. Ecology of the opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in northeastern Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1951. Sanks, John Lester. An investigation of the recovery of silver from exhausted photographic fixing solutions. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. Santoro, Angelo Victor. The reduction of organic compounds by unipositive magnesium. Ph. D. Chem. 1958. Santoro, Thomas. Production of an antifungal antibiotic by a streptomyces Sp. M. A. Bact. 1957. Sapp, Ora William. The teen-age activity planning council. M. S. Ed. 1957. Sarcione, Edward James. An investigation of the mode of action and metabolism of iodothiouracil. Ph. D. Biochem. 1957. Sargent, Stanley Paul. An investigation of the administration of automobile financing by the commercial banks of Kansas. M. Bus. Admin. 1956. Sattler, Jerome Murray. Impressions of personality based upon statements in different temporal order. M. A. Psychol. 1953. Sauer, Helmut A. Teaching English as a second language! in German elementary schools. M. S. Ed. 1958. Saunders, Dolores Darlene. A comparative study of the formed elements of the blood of some fresh-water musssels. M. A. Zool. 1951. Saunders, Glenn Arthur. The effect upon accuracy in goal shooting with basketballs of different weights. M. S. Ed. 1957. Sauvan, Robert Ladoux. The effects of certain chemical substances upon the cultivation of the typhus rickettsiae. M. A. Bact. 1951. Scarborough, Homer C, Jr. I. Uracil anticonvulsants. II. Steroid hormone analogs. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1954. Schaechter, Moselio. Cytochcmical studies on alkaline phosphatases of bacteria. M. A. Bact. 1951. Schamp, Walter W. Evolution and problems of the export trade of the Belgian-Luxemburg economic union with the United States after World War II. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Senear, Bernice Larson. An examination of the plays of Christopher Fry. M. A. Eng. 1957. Schechter, Dale Lupfer. Reactions of some metal salts with alkali metal superoxides in liquid ammonia. Ph. D. Chem. 1954. Reaction of some calcium salts with alkali metal superoxides in liquid ammonia. M. S. Chem. 1952. Schechter, William Howard. Studies on the higher oxides of the alkali and alkaline earth metals. Ph. D. Chem. 1948. Scheihing, Geneva Rose. A study of spontaneous rhythmical activities of pre-school children. M. Mus. Ed. 1950. Schcll, James Senour. The administration and financing of poor relief in Kansas, 1855-1937. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1957. Schellenberg, Diana Blanche. Development of tetanus in parabiotic rats. M. A. Anat. 1957. 90 University of Kansas Schellenberg, James Arthur. Social choice and similarity of personal values. M. A. Sociol. 1955. Scherrer, Joseph H. The effects of powerfully electron-donating and electronwithdrawing substituents in the Schmidt reaction of benzhydrols. Ph. D. Chem. 1957. Schillinger, Ruth Carolyn. A follow-up study of counselees of the University of Kansas Guidance Bureau, 1945-46. D. Ed. 1949. Schlesinger, Herbert Julius. Cognitive attitudes in relation to susceptibility to interference. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Schlotterback, Thomas. Six pieces of art work with an explanation by the artist. M. Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint. 1956. Schlundt, Howard Arnold. Valuation of property with respect to the federal estate tax. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Schmidt, Jerome Paul. Studies on the growth inhibiting properties of normal rabbit serum for the V and W forms of Salmonella typhosa. M. A. Bact. 1952. Schmidt, Nicholas James, Jr. Evolving geographic concepts of the Kansas area with emphasis on the land literature of the Santa Fe Railroad. M. A. Geog. 1949. Schmitt, Mary Catherine. Willa Cather: apostle of the good life, M. A. Eng. 1948. Schnebel, William G. Pulse rate recovery time following exercise. M. S. Ed. 1950. Schneider, Elizabeth Mary. A comparative survey of the programs of the Boston, Chicago, and New York symphony orchestras of the past twentyfive years. M. A. Mus. 1950. Schneider, Erwin Henry. Relationships between musical experiences and certain aspects of cerebral palsied children's performance on selected tasks. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1956. Schonpfmg, Wolfgang. Acquisition, extinction and fixation of a response in a multiple choice situation with different proportions of rewarded response possibilities. M. A. Psychol, 1958. Schofer, Paul J. An analysis of procedures to aid athletes in maintaining scholastic eligibility, 1954-1957. M. S. Ed. 1958. Schoggen, Phil H. A study in psychological ecology: a description of the behavior objects which entered the psychological habitat of an eightyear-old girl during the course of the day. M. A. Psychol. 1951. A study in psychological ecology: structural properties of children's behavior based on sixteen day-long specimen records. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Scholes, James Bert. Comparative studies in the plays of Eugene O'Neill. M. A. Eng. 1949. Schooler, Eugene William. An examination of current theories of business fluctuation with special regard to the concepts of savings and investment. M. Bus. Admin. 1949. Schrader, George Robert. Cooperative purchasing: a management proposal for San Angelo, Texas. M. Pub. Admin. 1955. Schrempf, Richard. An analysis of the vocational rehabilitation closing ease reports of the Kansas Commission for the Blind covering the period from July 1, 1952 to June 30, 1957. M. S. Rehab. Couns. 1958. Graduate School Theses 91 Schuepbach, Dorothe Hazel. An elementary treatment of the Mordell-Weil theorem regarding the basis of rational points on a cubic curve and remarks thereon. M. A. Math. 1952. Schulte, George Shelby. The cottage grove and noxie sandstones ("Layton") in South-Central Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1958. Schulz, Calvin A. The relationship between balance and coordination. M. S. E d . 1950. Schwartz, Alice M. Experiments in materials and techniques for hand woven floor coverings. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1953. Schwartz, Mclvin LaVerne. Recreation programs in small high schools. M. S. Ed. 1954. Schwarz, Charlotte. Ideas in the works of Thornton Wilder. M. A. Eng. 1952. Scott, Beryl Aileen. Studies in the genus Rhizopus. M. A. Bot. 1956. Scott, Charles Lyman. Appeal to Reason: A study of the "largest political newspaper in the world." M. A. Hist. 1958. Scott, Derek Andrew. A study of the agencies of hazard in the physical setting of the mill department of the Lawrence Paper Company and the relationship of the safety program to them. M. Bus. Admin. 1956. Scott, Earl Donald. The effect of delayed reinforcement and trial distribution on the acquisition and extinction of an instrumental response. M. A. Psychol, 1955. Scott, James Frazier. The development of realism in the fiction of The Atlantic Monthly, 1857-1881. M. A. Eng. 1957. Scott, Robert Haney. An analysis of marginal cost in relation to price determination. M. A. Econ. 1950. Scott, William Richard. A study of the socialization process of student nurses in a small, denominational urban hospital. M. A. Sociol. 1955. Scritchfield, Floyd Case. Movements for Korean independence: a study in Asiatic politics. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1950. • A comparison of the effectiveness of two methods of teaching American government in high schools: government-process units and commonly used materials and methods. Ph. D, Ed. 1955. Seamans, David Alvin. A three-phase variable frequency power amplifier. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1956. Sears, Margaret Scholz. A study of the vascular changes in the capillaries as effected by music. M. Mus. Ed. 1954. Sears, William Wesley. Postural response to recorded music. M, Mus. Ed. 1951. Secrest, Mary Jane. Algebraic imbedding theorems. M. A, Math. 1958. Sedore, Robert N. An analysis of the increase and decrease in performance frequency of orchestra repertoire in America. M. Mus. Violin. 1950. Seever, Galen Lathrop. Sums of squares in fields. M. A. Math. 1957. Self, Edward Moss. The geology of the Livermore area, Larimer County, Colorado. M. S. Geol. 1952. Sell, Iva Mildred. Follow-up study of patients using the pre-natal clinic in Alfred Benjamin Dispensary. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Sell, Marion Walter. Preference for band and orchestra as an esthetic medium for music among public school students. M. Mus, Ed. 1950. Sells, John Calvin. An investigation of the effects of valves and bends on the resonant frequency of reciprocating compressor piping. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1953. 92 1 University of Kansas Sensintaffar, Jack Lee. Pliocene rhinoceroses from the Rhinoceros Hill Quarry, Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1952. Setzer, Henry Wilfred. Subspeciation in the kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordii. Ph. D. Zool. 1948. Seyb, Edgar J., Jr. The determination of superoxide oxygen and the attempted preparation of lithium and alkaline earth metal superoxides. Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Seymour, Virginia. An investigation of the arithmetic achievement of a group of gifted children. M. S. Ed. 1957. Shankar Narayan, D. Morphological, biological and ecological studies on the winter grain mite, Penthaleus major (Duges) (Penthaleidae: Acarina). Ph. D. Ent. 1957. Shanline, Rix Donald. A comparative study of foe paying and non-fee paying cases known to the Family Service Agency of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Shapiro, Rose. Social adjustment of twenty-five refugee families settled in Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Shaw, Arthur Alan. Means of communication used within the family as a variable in the language and scholastic achievement of deaf children. M. A. Psychol. 1957. Shaw, George Arthur. A reference manual for the clerk-collector of the city of Mexico, Missouri. M. Pub. Admin. 1956. Shaw, Warren Arthur. Stability of compression members subject to transverse loading. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1952. Shaw, William H. Simplified jewelry making. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1954. Shay, Thomas M. The University of Kansas Laboratory Theatre. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1951. Shea, Richard Joseph. Design and test of a heat-pump domestic water heater. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1949. Shea, Robert E. A study of the volunteer programs of selected public and private psychiatric agencies within an eighty mile radius of Kansas City for the period January 1, 1956, to April 1, 1957. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Shearer, Alan Kent. A course in legal advocacy for pre-lcgal students. M, A. Speech and Drama. 1955. Sheffield, Charles Warren. Relationship between the jump and reach and certain track and field events. M. S. Ed. 1956. Shen, Kwei-Ping. Studies of spatially hindered aromatic ethers. M, A. Chem. 1956. Sheppard, Hubert Ray. The disappearance of direct current distribution in metropolitan areas. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1950. Sherbenou, Edgar Laverne. A survey of recent political and social attitudes as revealed by the public opinion polls. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. The structure and method of political power in a small town. Ph. D. Pol. Sci. 1957. Sherwood, J. Morgan. An interpretation of Aristotle's theory of reversal and recognition applied to dramatic literature. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1956. Shields, Ivan Joseph. Some studies of oak leaf blister (Taphrina caemleuccns). Ph. D. Bot. 1952. Shields, Kenneth Dale. The Calvinist controversy and the Olney Hymns of William Cowper. M. A. Eng. 1954. Shirazi, Mehdi. Potential dieory. M. A. Math. 1954. Graduate School Theses 93 Shirk, David Lee. A study of mortality of athletes at the University of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1951. Shirley, John Melnnes. Electronic computers. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1951. Shoffner, David Ray. An experimental investigation of a proposed University of Kansas general utility wind tunnel. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1952. Shor, Ronald Edwin. A study of the influence of preinformation on the perception of personalities. M. S. Psychol. 1955. Short, James Harold. I. Attempts to incorporate the camoquin side chain into the 8-amino-G-methoxy-quinoline nucleus. II. The synthesis of 2substituted pyrrolidines as adrenergic blocking agents. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1954. Shoup, Dorothy Helen. The development of chamber music combinations containing keyboard instruments (1600-1800). M. Mus. Piano. 1950. Showalter, Alan B. Topics in the theory of primes. M. A. Math. 1951. Showalter, Wendell Vernon. The morphology and development of Placosphaera opaca Dangeard. M. A. Bot. 1951. • • Studies on the physiology of growth and pigmentation of Hehninthosporium gramineum Rabh. Ph. D. Bot. 1956. Shrift, Donald C. The galvanic skin response to two contrasting types of music. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Shull, Charles Scott. Synthesis of amebacidal acridines. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1951. Shupe, Eldon E., Jr. The development of various critical views of the Shakespearean character Falstaff. M. A. Eng. 1948. Siegal, Richard Spencer. The leveling-sharpening system principle, serial learning and retroactive interference. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. Siegel, Frederic Richard. The significance of trace elements in the study of recent and Pleistocene corals and related sediments of the Florida reef area. M. S. Geol. 1958. Sicgel, Ivens Aaron. I. The synergism between malonate and ouabain. II. The effects of a lowered catalase level on the action of cardiac glycosides. M. A. Pharmacology. 1958. Siemens, John, Jr. Student problems in three Mennonite colleges. M. A. Ed. 1950. Silady, Martin F. The effect of the divergence angle and the expansion area ratio on the performance of the supersonic conical nozzle. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1958. Silberg, Stanley Louis. The occurrence and properties of normal agglutinins in the sera of cold and warm blooded animals. M. A. Baet, 1952. Siler, Jerry Curtis. Correlations of subsurface Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician strata in Ellis County, Kansas, by insoluble residues.. M. S. Geol. 1958. Sills, D. Dwight. A study of the opinions of forty-six parolees concerning the reasons for parole violations. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Silverman, Allen Jules. Zermelo's axiom of choice and some equivalent assertions. M. A. Math. 1955. Silverthorn, Lee James, Jr. Temporal discrimination between visual stimuli of different intensities. M. A. Psychol. 1953. An experimental investigation of some of the psychological changes associated with the effects of mescaline sulfate. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. 94 University of Kansas Simmons, Otis Davis. The development of a general classroom manual for the instruction of beginners in music. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Simpson, B. Doyle. A study of base displacements on styrene oxide, 1-bromo2,3-epoxybutane and 3-bromo-l,2-epoxybutane. Ph. D. Ohem. 1957. Simpson, Frederick W. The applicability of multivariate discriminant analysis to the interpretation of classification test scores at the University of Kansas. D. Ed. 1958. Simpson, James Elliott. Social weather of children in the behavior settings of Midwest. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. Simpson, Loren Earl. An evaluation of usage errors made by 1135 Kansas high school seniors. M. S. Ed. 1955. Sims, Ward Leon. The development and evaluation of an in-service education program in elementary school science. D. Ed. 1957. Sinclair, Kenneth Iden. Taine and Michiels on England. M. A. Rom. Lang. and Lit. French. 1953. Singer, Frances L. A study of the single clients of a family service agency, M. Soc. Work. 1956. Sinha, Ranendra Nath. A subgeneric revision of the bees of the genus Osmia in America north of Mexico (Iiymenoptera, Megachilidae), and a revision of the species of the subgenus Centrosmia. Ph. D. Ent. 1956. Siqueira, Walter Moreira. Shear analysis of four span continuous concrete bridges. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1954. Six, Sally Newton. Adaptation of the Chinese drama to the American Children's Theatre. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1956. Skeen, Charles Howard. A history of the Van de Graaff electrostatic generator as a source of potential. M. A. Physics. 1949. Skillman, Herbert Clayton. I. Local anesthetic and antihistaminic screening of some gamma aryl ropylamines. II. Effect of some plant pigments on capillary permeability. M. S. Pharmacology. 1957. Skinner, Robert Lee. Motion picture censorship in Kansas. M. A. Pol. Sci, 1958. Slaughter, Forrest Edward. The effect of stimulative and sedative types of music on normal and abnormal subjects as indicated by pupillary reflexes. M. Mus. Ed. 1954. Sloanaker, Charles J. The geomorphology and Pleistocene drainage history of the Turkey Creek Basin, Dickinson County, Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1951. Sloop, Maxwell E. The first aid knowledge of school teachers. M. S. Ed. 1957. Small, Joe Richard. The investment possibilities of United States commemorative plate number blocks. M. Bus. Admin. 1949. Smart, Dorothy Caroline. The effect of disaster on a small rural community and the part played by the Red Cross in rehabilitation. M. Soc. Work. 1950. Smiley, Clara Pearl. A summary and bibliography of the criticism of the American short story, 1929-1950. M. A. Eng. 1950. Smith, Carroll Marshall. Pharmacology of some synthetic lactones and peroxides. I. Antiveratrinic action. II. Anthelmintic action. M. S, Pharmacy. 1956. Smith, Charles Francis. An anlysis of the results of the examinations of 200 stools from chickens. M. A. Zool. 1949. Graduate School Theses 95 Smith, Gordon Caldccott. The speeches of Mahatma Gandhi at the Second Indian Round Table Conference, London, 1931. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1950. Smith, Helen Stuart. An investigation of attitudes and practices of Kansas public school administrators in art education. M. S. Ed. 1952. Smith, James O. Pyorubrin, its properties and production. M. A. Bact. 1950. Smith, John Henry Mackay. Practices in the organization of staffs of instruction at civilian institutions of higher education. D. Ed. 1950. Smith, June Nickel. A study of curriculum adjustment for youths of limited mental ability in the public schools of Lawrence, Kansas. D. Ed. 1957. Smith, Louise C. The preparation and properties of potassium hydroxepentacyanocobaltate ( I I I ) . M. A. Chem. 1952. Smith, Luther W. Propagation velocity by a resonant cavity Kerr cell. M. S. Physics. 1956. Smith, Ralph Allen. Criteria for selection and use of current materials in secondary-school social studies. Ph. D. Ed. 1954. Smith, Rhoten Alexander, Jr. The financial powers and duties of the Board of County Commissioners in Kansas: a statutory definition. M. A. Pol. Sei. 1948. Smith, Robert Brubaker. The energies of gamma rays from the proton bombardment of vanadium. M. A. Physics. 1954. Smith, Roger Fenton. The effect of acute, partial and complete obstruction of the thoracic aorta in the clog. M. S. Med. Surgery. 1953. Smith, Ronald Kirk. An ion source for the University of Kansas electrostatic generator. M. A. Physics. 1952. Smith, Vernon Lomax. The integrability condition in the pure theory of consumer's behavior. M. A. Econ. 1951. Smitherman, Donald William. An investigation of empathy as a sociopsychological process in group marriage counseling. Ph. D. Sociol. 1954. Sneddon, Milton Sills. Clients who withdraw from counselling after one interview. M. Soe. Work. 1958. Snook, Persis Rozella. Decomposition of wheat straw by aerobic mesophiles. M. A. Bact. 1949. Snow, Lilburn Aubrey. A study of responses given by brief service clients to questions designed to determine why contact was interrupted prematurely. M. Soe. Work. 1956. Snyder, Eldon E. A determination on and analysis of student responses to stated social studies goals of the Topeka secondary schools. M. S. Ed. 1956. Snyder, Irvin Stanley. Studies on L-forms of beta hemolytic streptococci. M. A. Med. Microbi. 1958. Snyder, Murray Dean. Two studies in municipal administration. M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Snyder, Rebecca. Personality characteristics associated with the Kohnstamm phenomenon. Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Sobieski, Virginia Christine. A study of instrumental drop-outs of the Lawrence (Kansas) schools. M. Mus. Ed. 1951. Sobol, Ronald. The representation of social interaction in the doll play of children. M. A. Psychol. 1954. • An experimental study of time perspective in fantasy play. Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. 96 University of Kansas Soffcris, John W. An instructional automatic recording spectrophotometer. M.S. Phys. 1952. Solera, Rodrigo. Tres novelistas contemporaneous de Costa Rica. M. A. Spanish. 1958. Soler-Mari, Emilio Ivan. The family Dcsmognathidae. M. A. Zool. 1948. Sollncr, William Jarvis. An original play written and produced as an experiment in democratic education. M. S. Ed. 1951. Modern playwrights on dramatic theory: Anderson, Eliot and Fry. M. A. Eng. 1954. Sommer, Dorothy Twente. The effect of background music on frequency of interaction in group psychotherapy. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Sommer, Robert. Experiments in active autism. Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Sontheimer, Kurt. Conformity in American college life. M. A. Sociol. 1952. Sopor, Alice Ledford. A history of the Kansas City, Mo., Travelers Aid Society. M. Soc. Work. 1949. Sorcnsen, David Truman. Anodic oxidation of zinc and cadmium in aqueous solution. Ph. D. Chem. 1958. Sorge, Marlowe Benson. An inquiry into the development of the idea of the Atlantic Community. M. A. Pol. Sci, 1956. Soucy, George Richard. A statistical study of passenger automobile registrations in Kansas for the year 1951. M. Bus. Admin. 1953. Soucy, Robert Joseph. The personality of Napoleon Bonaparte as revealed in selected memoirs of his contemporaries. M. A. Hist. 1958. Spalding, Donald Hood. "Surface fixation": a technic for the study of antigenantibody reactions. M. A. Bact. 1953. Sparks, Joseph Theodore. Temperature pulses in lead and tin at liquid helium temperatures. Ph. D. Physics. 1956. Sparr, Bertram Irving. Some relative metallurgical intrinsic migratory aptitudes as observed in the application of the Schmidt reaction to several unsyinmetrical diarylethylenes. M. S. Chem. 1950. Spear, Karl E. The effect of distance and angle on basketball goal shooting accuracy. M. S. Ed. 1951. Spencer, Chester Wallace. A study of the effect of solution heat-treating temperatures and quenching rate upon the properties of 14S aluminum alloy. M. S. Metallurgical Engin. 1950. Spencer, Francis Warren. A comparative study of culture and personality traits of Fijians and East Indians. M. A. Sociol. 1948. Spencer, Millard C. A study of the effects of protein fast and internal irradiation on the bone marrow of the male albino rat. M. A. Anat. 1952. Spiegel, Donald Elwin. The effects of sensory input upon the autokinctie phenomenon. M. A. Psychol. 1955. The influence of prcinformation on the interpretation of interpersonal relationships. Ph. D. Psychol. 1958. Spicgelhalter, Roland R, Studies on the solubility and anodic oxidation of nickel ( I I ) and cobalt ( I I ) acetates in anhydrous acetic acid. M. A. Chem. 1950. Spillman, Patricia Rose. The "Social philosophy" of William A. Phillips as found in his book, Labor, Land and Law. A search for the missing wealth of the working poor. M. A. Hist. 1956. Spoelstra, Jennie. The incidence of intestinal parasites in one hundred thirty-four college students. M. A. Zool. 1949. Graduate School Theses 97 Sprague, Isabella Baud. The biology and morphology of Hydrometra martini Kirkaldy. Ph. D. Ent. 1953. Sprague, Robert Shepard. An analytical determination of the orbital motion of an artificial earth-satellite. M. S. Physics. 1957. Spreng, Alfred Carl. Mississippian cyclic sedimentation, Wapiti Lake area, British Columbia. M. A. Geol. 1948. Squires, Donald Fleming. Middle Pennsylvanian pleurotomariid gastropods from St. Louis, Mo. M. A. Geol. .1952. Squires, Jean Marie. Rhomboporoid bryozoans from the Pennsylvanian of eastern Kansas. M. A. Geol. 1952. Srabian, Krikor-Vahe. The distribution of hydrogen sulfide between n-heptane and diethanolamine-water solutions at equilabrium. M. S- Chem. Engin. 1955. Stains, Howard James. The raccoon in Kansas: natural history, management, and economic importance. Ph. D. Zool. 1955. Stark, Marvin B. A study of the duties and responsibilities of athletic coaches in the Class BB high schools in Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1957. Stallcup, William Blackburn, Jr. Myology and serology of the avian family Fringillidae: a taxonomic study. Ph. D. Zool. 1954. Standi ft, Ray Jones, Jr. An investigation of solid-liquid agitation by air sparging in unbaffled, cylindrical tanks. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. Scale-up of packed absorption towers: correlation of transfer coefficients from vvctted-wall columns. Plane surfaces, and packed towers for vaporization processes. Ph. D. Chem. Engin. 1951. Stanfield, Charles Leonard. An evaluation of music competitions in relation to individual participant's ratings. M. Mus. Ed. 1956. Starrott, Jacqueline Elizabeth. A comparison of two tests of sound discrimination. M. S. Ed. 1958. Steel, Mary Nan. Some psychological factors involved in the oral reading of young stutterers. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Steele, Jack Donald. A study of some of the effects of the Motor Carrier Act of 1935 upon the trucking industry with special reference to Midco an Company, Incorporated. M. Bus. Admin. 1951. Steele, Jerry Arthur. The development of a motor fitness test. M. S. Ed. 1950. Steimel, Raymond Joseph. Study of the relationship of recalled childhood indentification and association to masculinity-femininity of interest scores on the MM1T and SVIB among scholarship finalists. Ph. D. Ed. 1958. Stein, Kenneth B. Perceptual defense and perceptual sensitization under neutral and involved conditions. Ph. D. Psychol. 1952, Stellwagen, Walter Richard. An investigation of relationships between physiognomic perception and learning rate. M. A. Psychol. 1954. Stephanou, Stephen E. A study of the reaction between sodium peroxide and oxygen: the preparation and properties of sodium superoxide. Ph. D. Chem. 1949. Stephen, William Procuronoff. A revision of the genus Colletes in America north of Mexico (Hymenoptera, Colletidae). Ph. D. Ent. 1952. Stephens, Vcrlin Clark. Synthesis of unnatural amino acids for antimetabolic studies. Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem. 1951. Stephenson, Jack Ramsey. A study of children's reasons for participating in school music. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. 4—6699 98 University of Kansas A high school music curriculum planned in terms of the cultural pattern of a community and the needs of high school youth. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1955. Sternitzke, Vincent L. An evaluation of the reading and study methods program of the University of Kansas for the years 1953 to 1956. D. Ed. 1957. Stetzler, Maxine Grace. A study of public performance as it relates to the training and adjustment of the student musician. M. Mus. Piano. 1949. Stevenson, Elbert Kenneth. The displacement of miscible fluids from capillary tubing. M. S. Petrol. Engin. 1957. Stewart, Alan James. The Kansas soldier as a war correspondent. M. S. Journ. 1957. Stewart, Betty Rhea. The dynamics of decision in children of two ages. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Stewart, Bruce Reed. An integrated science-social science course for general education. Ph. D. Ed. 1957. Stewart, Clare A., Jr. The reaction between propylene oxide and hydrogen halides. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Stewart, Donald Charles. An evaluation of the influence of William Godwin upon Shelley's Queen Mab. M. A. Eng. 1955. Stewart, Jack Norton. A study of the sales training program of the Kansas City division of McKesson & Robbins, Inc., wholesale druggist. M. Bus. Admin. 1952. Stewart, Jay Junior. A study of the preparation of the amino-alpha-quinolinidylalkanes. M. A. Chem. 1948. Stewart, William Allen. Jeffersonian individualism: a critique of a heritage. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Stewart, William Ross. An investigation of twenty-eight volt vibrator power supplies, M. S. Elect. Engin. 1948. Stewart, Wilton Thaddeus. Multiple periods of hospitalization for the tuberculous. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Stillman, Richard Ernest. Effect of pressure and other variables on the formation of n-pentane through n-decane urea adducts. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1956. Stinson, Charles Delmar. Opinions of parents relative to junior high school physical education. M. S. Ed. 1949. Stites, Kenneth Dean. Proverb farces in the Recueil de Farces Françaises Inédiles du XV Siècle. M. A. French. 1958. Stock, Claudette. A description of selected psychological, physiological and educational problems of children in the orthopedic classroom. M. S. Ed. 1958. Stockdale, William Alexander. How Calvinism and deism influenced Mark Twain. M. A. Eng. 1950. Stocker, George Robert. Surface to subsurface correlation of the Madison group ( Mississippian) in eastern Montana and adjacent areas based on insoluble residues. M. S. Geol. 1954. Stoenner, Raymond William. An investigation of base exchange equilibria. Ph. D. Chem. 1949. Stoneburner, Roger Whitney. Mississippian stratigraphy and coral zones of the Wapiti Lake area, British Columbia, Canada. M. A. Geol. 1948. Stopher, Margaret Thomas. A course in music appreciation. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Graduate School Theses 99 Stoppel, Norman K. Survey of various state certification requirements for secondary school physical education teachers. M. S. Phys. Ed. 1958. Storer, Norman William. Patterns of change in the leadership of a small community. M. A. Sociol. 1956. Straight, Elmer Merle. A study of factors associated with the discontinuance of marital counseling after one in-person interview. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Strain, Emma Elizabeth. A history of the pianoforte. M. Mus. Piano. 1951. Straube, Melvin Donald. Determination of the reaction rate constants for vapor-phase hydration of ethylene oxide under flow conditions. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1949. Strickler, Arnold Nicholas. A study of accidents on the St. Louis Board of Education summer playgrounds, 1945-1950. M. S. Ed. 1951. Strohmeyer, Donald Francis. The status of cardiovascular measures as determiners of physical fitness. M. S. Ed. 1949. Strowig, Ronald Wray. The relationship between the amount of training of teachers and certain sources of revenue in four hundred one-teacher elementary schools with ten or more pupils in twenty selected Kansas counties. M. A. Ed. 1948. Strub, Paul. The undergraduate characteristics of successful public school music teachers. D. Ed. 1957. Stucker, Harry T. Preliminary design of tailless aircraft. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1948. Sturgeon, Halbert Lee. Special treatment of the farmer in the Federal income tax law. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Stutz, Richard Griffin. Construction and preliminary testing of a scale model subsonic wind tunnel. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1951. Stutz, Robert Louis. A kinetic study of the benzoylation of primary aliphatic alcohols in pyridine. M. S. Chem. 1957. Stutzman, Ralph Charles. A status report of man and the fine arts, a general education course at Baker University. M, Mus. Ed. 1951. Styrt, Leatrice S. Food aversions and related factors. M. A. Psychol. 194E Sudcrman, Elmer F. The Russo-German Mennonite theme in the American novel. M. A. Eng. 1948. Sudran, Mildred Berkson. An analysis of articles on the medical and psychiatric treatment of alcoholism appearing in two scientific journals from 1944 through 1953. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Sugawa, Sachiko. On the first edition of Tom Jones. M. A. Eng. 1955. Suhling, Otto. A comparison of amount and type of error in the in-class and out-of-class writings of college freshmen. M. S. Ed. 1955. Sujata, Henry Leo. Investigation of the distribution of pressure under a column base plate. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1952. Sulston, Kenneth Hartley. A preliminary investigation into the teaching of speech on the seminary level. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1952. Suptic, John M. Experimental determinations of some compressibility factors for "Freon-22" (monochlorodifluoromethane). M. S. Mech. Engin. 1954. Surface, James Richard. Franklin D. Roosevelt's attitude toward organized labor during his first two terms as President of the United States. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1948. Sutton, Frank Maynard. Turbine rotor blade cooling in gas turbines, M. S. Mech. Engin. 1950. University of Kansas 100 Sveinbjornsson, August G. Synthesis of fluorine substituted medicinals, Ph. D. Chem. 1948. Swanson, Harold Dueker. Genetic resistance to X-irradiation in mice. M. A. Zool. 1955. Swift, Carolyn Frances. The effect of place and number of direct feedings upon incentive motivation and subsequent instrumental performance. A. M. Psychol. 1957. Swift, George William. Apparatus and method for measuring liquid viscosities of normally gaseous compounds. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1957. Swisher, Ernest C, Jr. The elementary principalship in Kansas, 1953. D. Ed. 1953. Szabo, Ted Tibor. I. Variables affecting the counting of C in the liquid phase with a Geiger-Mueller tube. II. Determination of vapor-liquid equilibria of a ternary mixture with a radioactive tracer. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1953. Tack, Melva Pauline. Typical Spanish folk songs of northern New Mexico adapted and arranged for use in a program of music education. M. Mus. Ed. 1948. Taft, Dorothy L. The effects of habitat on stomatal frequency. M. A. Bot. 1950. Taft, Edgar Breck. The specificity of the methyl green-pyronin stain for nucleic acids. M. S. Oncology. 1950. Takashina, Naomitsu. A study of the syntheses of some substituted pyrroles and pyrrolidines. M. S. Chem. 1956. Talley, Harry Eugene. The use of scintillation counters for the detection of heavy particles. M. S. Physic. 1953. The lifetime of positrons in superconducting lead and tin. Ph. D. Phys. 1954. Talley, Robert Lee. The analysis of eclipsing binary systems. M. A. Astron. 1956. Tangari, Anthony Joseph. Richard Hakluyt. M. A. Hist. 1952. Tanner, Wilmer W. A comparative study of the throat musculature in the Plethodontidae of Mexico and Central America. Ph. D. Zool. 1949. Taral, Nicholas Louis. A study of the background, methods and problems of a sample of personnel counselors of greater Kansas City. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Tarpley, Harold Benjamin. An experimental study in the use of motion picture music in the junior and senior high school music class. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Tartamella, Natale John. The Foraminifera of the Saratoga chalk. M. S. Geol. 1952. Tate, Theodore Roosevelt. The setting up and preliminary evaluation of individual tachistoscopic and reading rate controller training for the improvement of reading at the college level. M. A. Ed. 1950. Tatsuguchi, Roland Kanami. The Japanese-Americans in process: a problem in acculturation with special reference to familial and linguistic bonds. M. A. Sociol. 1955. Taxachcr, Elizabeth Cecilia. Social types and conditions in Argentina of the late nineteenth century as portrayed in the works of Payr6 and Greca. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit, Spanish. 1948. Taylor, Carl. The elements and principles of design illustrated and discussed. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1951. 1 1 1 Graduate School Theses 101 Taylor, Chester Calvin. System planning in an electric utility. M. S. Elect. Engin. 1958. Taylor, Gerald Clark. Antigenic differences between strains of influenza virus isolated from one epidemic. M. A. Bact. 1951. • Investigations on the antigenic relationship between typhus rickettsiae and Proteus 0X19. Ph. D. Bact. 1955. Taylor, Grover Mack. A Geiger-Muller power supply and amplifier. M. S. Phys. 1950. Taylor, Harold Leland. A study of thiouracil and its 5-iodo derivatives as to general physiological effects and distribution in the rat. Ph. D. Biochem. 1955. Taylor, Herbert Ellis. Development of a guarded hot plate apparatus for determination of thermal conductivity of insulating solids. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1956. ' '• Taylor, Joseph Arthur. A study of the methods of local newspaper coverage and production employed by twelve daily newspapers during the great eastern Kansas flood of July, 1951. M. S. Journ. 1952. Taylor, Marilyn Jean. Standardization of a speech sound discrimination test. M. S. Ed. 1957. Taylor, Mary Jane. The pathogenicity of several strains of influenza virus in mice. M. A. Bact. 1951. Taylor, William Lloyd. Reactions of some alkali and alkaline earth metals with aluminum ( I I I ) iodide in liquid ammonia. Ph. D. Chem. 1954. Tebow, Kenneth Bishop. An experiment on some aspects of the pitch-intensity relationship. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. Teed, Agnes Margaret. School and clinic attitudes toward behavior problems of children as shown in public school referrals to the Kansas City Child Guidance Clinic during the school year 1950-1951. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Teener, James Wallace. Gamma ray resonances from proton bombardment of sodium 23. Ph. D. Physics. 1952. Tefft, Elden C. Ceramic sculpture. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1950. Tekeli, Yuksel. Social relations and group-morale. M. A. Sociol. 1957. Templeton, McCormick. A microchemical study of glycogen and total protei in the developing wing muscle of the chick. Ph. D. Anat. 1958. Tcnnant, James O. Civil defense for a small city. M. Pub. Admin. 1951. Tenney, Robert E. Complex ions of copper, nickel, cobalt and chromium with malic acid, M. S. Chem. 1949. Terr, Marjorie Austrian. Investigation of hearing acuity in adult aphasic and adult cerebral palsied subjects. M. S. Audiology. 1957. Terrill, Carol Jean. The Pleiade and the school of Fontainebleau. M. A. French. 1957. Terrill, Robert Starling. Studies on the Herpes simplex virus. M. A. Bact. 1951. Terry, Edwin F. Some aspects of competition and the petroleum refining industry. M. A. Econ. 1956. Terss, Robert Harold. Reactions of acyl-pyridinium and -quinolinium salts with nucleophilic agents. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Thalmann, Richard Eugene. Thermal conductivity of dry soils. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1950. Thayer, Charlotte Patricia. The political philosophy of Norman Thomas. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. 102 University of Kansas Thiele, John Robert. An attempt to trace non-luminous flame temperatures in an engine cylinder. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1950. Thomas, Alvin Earl. Concepts of working capital in relation to the development of accounting, banking and corporation finance in the United States. M. Bus. Admin. 1948. Thomas, Bradford Lewis. A quantitative analysis of the spatial variation in dilapidated farm housing in Missouri. M. A. Geog. 1958. Thomas, Earl Davis. A school administrator uses opinion inventories to locate and clarify administrative problems. D. Ed. 1955. Thomas, Luella M. Style and structure of the sixteenth century English sermon. M. A. Eng. 1952. Thomas, Rex Eugene. I. The determination of the liquid-vapor equilibrium data for the system methanol-ethanol using radioactive tracers. I I . The determination of the accuracy of analysis using radioactive ethanol at low concentration of ethanol in etbanol-methanol mixtures. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1951. Thomas, Richard Dwayne. A personnel program for Scottsbluff, Nebraska. M. Pub. Admin. 1958. Tliompson, Dennis Cook. The spring constant of bolted plates: an application of the two-variable relaxation technique. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1958. Thompson, Eugene Edward, Exercise in physical rehabilitation. M. S. Ed. 1948. Thompson, George Westley. A study of thirty-four patients returned from parole at Topeka State Hospital from July 1, 1955 through June 3 0 , 1950. M. Soc. Work. 1958. Tliompson, Grace Lucile. The similarities of Moliere to Lesage's Turcaret. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1951. Thompson, Joseph Kyle. Magnetic susceptibility measurements by the Gouy method. M. A. Chem. 1948. Studies on the oxidation of sodium, lithium, and the alkaline earth metals in liquid ammonia, Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Thompson, Louise Ingham. The nature of human relationships of a group of readmitted psychiatric hospital patients during the period between discharge and readmission. M. Soc. Work. 1956. Thompson, Robert Harry. Tripolar coordinates. M. A. Math. 1 9 5 1 . Thompson, William Donald, Jr. The effect of glutamic acid on maze performance following convulsive electroshock in the albino rat. M. A. Psychol. 1948. An experimental investigation of the effects of stimulant and depressive drugs on memory in rats. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Thomson, David Browning. Nuclear magnetic resonance absorption. M. S. Physics. 1951. Thorsteinson, Raymond. Geology of Cornwallis and Little Cornwallis Islands, Arctic Archipelago, Northwest Territories. Ph. D. Geol. 1955. Throckmorton, Jean L. Willa Cather: artistic theory and practice. Ph. D. Eng. 1954. Thrower, John Bayless. A study of certain factors in case work service to psychotic veterans on trial visit from Topeka Veterans Administration Hospital. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Graduate School Theses 103 Thurman, Arthur Odell. The operational problems of the principal involved in administering a program of integration in elementary schools in four MidWestern cities of 100,000 population and above, with implications for other cities of similar size. D. Ed. 1957. Thurnau, Donald II. Signal-to-noise ratio in the input stage of a slow linear amplifier. M. A. Physics. 1949. Tiedemann, Myra Anne M. Choral reading in Kansas secondary schools. M. A. Ed. 1957. Tietz, Raymond Frank. Part I. The Schmidt reaction of unsymmetrical benzhydrols. Part II. Reduction products of the rubremetinium cation. Ph. D. Chem. 1954. Tiffany, Donald Wayne. A construct validation study of Fordyce's dependency array. M. A. Psychol. 1957. Tillinghast, Gladys Deacy. The history of Kansas City unit of the George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University. M. Soc. Work. 1951. Timmons, Robert LeRoy. The relationship between balance and coordination. M. S. Ed. 1950. Timpe, Alice. Serological studies on various strains of Bacterium tularense. M. A. Bact. 1949. Titsworth, Elizabeth Louise. Preparation and teaching load of business teachers in Missouri high schools. M. S. Ed. 1957. Todd, Charles Odess. The development of methods of teaching art in public schools of the United States. M. S. Ed. 1948. Todd, Edward Lawrence. A preliminary study of the genus Mononyx (Hemiptera, Gelastocoridae). M. A. Ent. 1948. A taxonomic revision of the family Gelastocoridae (Hemiptera). Ph. D. Ent. 1950. Tomari, Sirpa. Diplomatic and commercial relations between the United States of America and Finland from 1917 to 1930 with special emphasis on the material and financial help granted to Finland after World War I. M. A. Pol. Sci/1955. Tomlinson, Richard Kent. The effects of practice and coaching on the speed of the football charge. M. S. Ed. 1954. Tompkins, Willis Lynn. Employee counseling in industry. M. Bus. Admin. 1948. Tongier, Carl Lloyd. Observations on four modern Mexican cuentistas. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1952. Townscnd, James Willard. A survey of practices in teacher meetings in the elementary schools of Kansas. M. S. Ed. 1952. Trahan, Robert G. Lipotropic activity of thyroid powder and vitamin B12 in weanling rats fed low-choline diets. M. S. Biochem. 1954. Train, George F, Development of atomic energy in the light of American politics. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Traldi, Giuseppe Alberto. 11 Progresso Italo-Americano, an Italian daily of New York, surveyed in the periods: October 1-31, 1952, and June 1-December 3 1 , 1953. M. S. Joum. 1954. Treitel, Thomas C. Some implications of the federal debt toward problems of monetary management. M. A. Econ. 1955. Triplett, John Roger. The theory of radioactive series. M. S. Physics. 1948. 104 University of Kansas Truffelli, George Thomas. A macroscopic and microscopic study of the mental hedonic gland-clusters of some plethodontid salamanders. M. A. Zool. 1952. Truxal, Fred Stone. A study of the genus Martarega (Hemiptera, Notonectidae). M. A. Ent. 1949. • A revision of the genus Buenoa (Notonectidae, Hemiptera). Ph.D. Ent. 1952. Tsao, Chao-Chiu. Fires and explosions in coal mines: their causes, behavior and control. M. S. Min. and Met. Engin. 1949. Tuncer, Mustafa Baran. American foreign aid and Turkey. M. A. Econ. 1957. Turkovich, Mary M. Available services for the blind and the blind counselor's role in meeting needs of clients. M. S. Rehab. Couns. 1958. Turner, Jesse Paul. The relationship between the neuromuscular coordination of athletes and non-athletes as measured by walking on a balance beam. M. S. Ed. 1951. Turner, Josiah Shelden. An experimental study of a method of high-temperature viscometry. M. S. Min. and Met. Engin. 1948. Turner, Thomas Arthur. Proposed census tracts for Kansas City, Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Tusher, Jack Elam. A study of the reading habits of students who read The University Daily Kansan. M. S. Journ. 1956. Tuttle, Lillian Margaret. The congressional career of Victor Murdock, 19091911. M. A. Hist. 1948. Tyagarajan, Meenakshi. Entrepreneurship as a factor in economic development. Ph. D. Econ. 1957. Umholtz, Robert Carl. An exploratory investigation in the use of energy methods to determine the effect of buckling on the fatigue failure of open section beams. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1956. Undercoffer, Kathryn Jane. A study of school phobic children seen by the child guidance clinic of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1957. Underwood, Prescott, Jr. Geology in the southwestern Big Snowy Mountains, Montana. M. S. Geol. 1955. Ungar, Irwin A. Some effects of controlled conditions on the morphology of Helianthus annum L. with particular reference to cuticle development, M. A. Bot. 1957. Unkefer, Robert F. The effect of music in insulin coma therapy. M. Mus. Ed. 1950. Unruh, Archie Dean. Pulse-ratio test as a measure of endurance efficiency of swimmers. M. S. Ed. 1954. Unruh, Carl Milford. A flame spectroscopic determination of the dissociation energy of TiO. M. S. Chem. 1954. Unruh, Otto Duane. Pulse rate in reference to a standard amount of exorcise. M. S. Ed. 1956. Urban, Emil Karl. Birds from Coahuila, Mexico. M. A. Zool. 1958. Vagtborg, Harold, Jr. A study of interfacial tensions between the liquidliquid phases of the methane, normal butane, water system. M. S. Petrol. Engin. 1954. Valenstein, Elliot Spiro. Sex drive in genetically heterogeneous and highly inbred strains of male guinea pigs. M. A. Psychol. 1953. Experimental, hormonal and genetic factors in the organization of sexual behavior in the male guinea pi?. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Graduate School Theses 105 Valentine, Jean Frances. Family relationships as an emotional component in children with rheumatic heart disease. M. See. Work. 1951. Valleroy, Vincent Vaeth. Comparison of resistances furnished by porous beds to liquid flow: as measured by a permeability cell, a vacuum test filter and an experimental centrifugal Alter. Ph. D. Chem. Engin. 1956, Valliere, Donald D. A study to determine the advantage of the home court in basketball. M. S. Ed. 1950. Vancil, Sarah May. A Spenser bibliography, 1936-1950. M. A. Eng. 1952. Van der Smissen, Eugene Theodore. Studies on the incidence of bacteria in the tonsillar and naso-pharyngeal areas showing an inhibitory effect on certain beta-hemolytic streptococci. M. A. Bact. 1950. Van Devander, Donald Mouzon. A comparative myological study of the rodents Neofiber alleni and Neotoma fioridana. M. A. Zool. 1949. Van Landingham, Nada Pauline. The adult musical activities and attitudes of the 1933, 1943, and 1953 members of a high school orchestra: A case study. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Van Sant, Jan F. Pennsylvanian fusulinids from Whiskey Canyon, New Mexico. M. S. Geol. 1958. Van Scyoc, Leo L. Benjamin Franklin's reputation among the Literati, 17901860. Ph. D. Eng. 1957. Vaqar, Nasrollah. The Iranian economy with special reference to the process of inflation in the 1941-47 period. M. A. Econ. 1951. • An evaluation of the liquidity of the assets of the commercial banks in the United States, 1939-1953. Ph. D. Econ. 1956. Varenhorst, Glenn Elmer. A study of the fringe areas of die city of Phoenix, Arizona. M. Pub. Admin. 1952. Varughese, Panavelil N. Some aspects of the representation elections conducted by the National Labor Relations Board, 1936-51. M. A. Econ. 1953. Teacher salary administration, United States, 1940-52. M. S. Ed. 1954 Vaughan, C. Kaye. The Kraus-Weber test compared with the results of th Kansas City self-testing activities. M. S. Ed. 1957. Vaughan, Terry A. Functional morphology of,three bats: Eumops, Myotis, Macrotus. Ph. D. Zool. 1958. Vaught, George Willits. Moment analysis of continuous concrete bridges by influence lines. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1949. Vazquez-Castro, Perla Nilda. A cross cultural study of popular responses in the Rorschach test. M. S. Psychol. 1958. Velez, Manuel J., Jr. The rotifer fauna of Douglas County, Kansas. M. A. Zool. 1951. Vermillion, Mary E. The effect of the menstrual cycle upon efficiency in a group of clerical workers. M. A. Psychol. 1948. Vigliano, Aldo. A psychological investigation of spatial "orientation schemata." Ph. D. Psychol. 1956. Vigliano, Helga Kemnitzer. The reception of German literature in the United States: 1933-1941. M. A. Germ, and Slav. Lang, and Lit. German. 1955. Vigneron, John Harry. An analysis of the factors involved in the reorganization and consolidation of secondary schools in Pottawatomie County, 1955-1956. M. S. Ed. 1956. Vignery, John Robert. Political ideas of Pierre-Victor Malouet, 1789-1791. M. A. Hist. 1957. 106 University of Kansas Vining, Stanley Arthur. Men and coal in Kansas: Their history and politics. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1957. Vinson, Wanda May. The Kansas Association for Youth. M. A. Ed. 1949. Voegele, Edward B. Visual aids for graphic processes. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1950. Voile, Lee Dean. The flora of Shawnee County, Kansas. M. A. Bot. 1950. Vollenweider, Rolf. Moment analysis of four span continuous concrete bridges by influence lines. M. S. Civ. Engin. 1951. von Bockelmann, Bernhard. Studies on fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugates. M. A. Bact. 1958. Von Riesen, Victor Lyle. Effects of anionic surface active agents upon the metabolism of certain bacteria. M. A. Bact. 1950. Studies on the effects of surface active agents on bacteria. Ph. D. Bact. 1955. Von Waaden, Carl Ernest. An investigation of the distribution of products obtained by the uncatalyzed and catalyzed batch hydration of ethylene oxide. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1951. Voos, William John. The principles of American trade booth design. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1953. VVackerle, Jerry Donald. Electron microscope studies of specimens of radium contaminated bone. M. S. Physics. 1954. Annihilation of positrons in liquid helium. Ph. D. Physics. 1956. Wade, Harry W. The political action committee of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1954. Wadkins, Charles LeRoy. Investigations on the succinoxidase system of Ptisteurella tularensis. Ph. D. Biochem. 1956. Wagenknecht, Burdette Lewis. Monograph of the genus Heterotheca section Chaetactis. Ph. D. Bot. 1958. Wagner, Carl E. Experimental evaluation of a method of teaching English composition. D. Ed. 1956. Wagner, Douglas H. A consideration and study of the refuse collection and disposal system of the city of Ontario, California. M. Pub. Admin. 1954. Wagner, Martha Cable. A study of analytic surfaces by means of certain systems of curves and their osculating linear complexes. M. A. Math. 1950. Wagner, Theodore O. Investigation of abrasive wear of automotive-type journal bearings. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1950. Wahrhaftig, Leon. Insoluble residues of the Wabaunsee group limestones of the upper Pennsylvanian in northeastern Kansas. M. S. Geol. 1952. Walker, Aaron Bret, III. Etching grounds. M. Fine Arts. Draw, and paint. 1958. Walker, Donald Arthur. Implied objectives of instruction in six standardized physics tests and in the selected supplementary activities of a high school physics textbook as revealed by an analysis based on the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. M. S. Ed. 1957. Walker, Elbert A,. Cancellation in direct sums of groups. Ph. D. Math. 1955. Walker, John A., Jr. A study of the present status of metallurgical slag viscosity measurements.. M. S. Met. Engin. 1951. Walker, Norma Eleanor. Modified summer and winter: the development and woven interpretations of an original method of writing drafts based upon a traditional hand weave. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1951. Graduate School Theses 107 Walker, Tatjana Plume. An experimental study of optical illusions in children. M. A. Psychol. 1952. Walker, Wendell J. Some aspects of the field service program of the Consumers Cooperative Association. M. Bus. Admin. 1954. Wallace, Herbert Stephen. Revision of the genus Aeoloplides (Orthoptera, Acrididae). M. A. Ent. 1948. Wallace, Richard M. The time dependence of surface tension in solutions of paraffin-chain salts. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Waller, Aaron Bret III. Etching grounds. M. F. A. Drawing and Painting. 1958. Walmer, Paul Milton. Important treatments of the Cupid and Psyche story in English literature. M. A. Eng. 1949. Walsh, Thomas. An examination of the Armed Neutrality of 1780. M. A. Hist. 1951. Walsh, Thomas Eugene. A study of brief service clients who fail to return for service. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Walters, James Theodore. A descriptive study of Randolph elementary school. M. S. Ed. 1957. Walters, Lee Rudyard. Condensation of Reissert compounds with electrophilic agents. Ph. D. Chem. 1958. Walz, Orry Carwin. The construction of a rural-urban index. Ph. D. Sociol. 1954. Wambsgans, Elden Harold. History of the Lutheran Children's Friend Society of Kansas. M. Soc. Work. 1951. Wambsgans, Marieta Delano. Factors affecting diet therapy in rheumatic heart disease. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Wampler, Joe Forrest. Liouville's methods. M. A. Math. 1952. Wang, Ting-Shun. Membrame analysis of hyperboloidal shells. M.S. Civ. Engin. 1958. Ward, Alvin Dugger. A comparative study of body measurements of male university students. M, S. Ed. 1950. Ward, June Ann. A group experiment in speech improvement. M. S. Ed. 1953. Ward, Marjorie Alice. The philosophical position of Henry James. M. A. Eng. 1953. Warger, Arnold E. Commercial and industrial buildings in selected cities in Kansas in 1947. M. Bus. Admin. 1948. Warkentin, Donald L. The construction of an index of rural-urban characteristics for the west North-Central area of the United States. M. A. Sociol. 1955. Warner, John Flood. An analysis of the modern shot put technique. M. S. Ed. 1956. Warner, Marita Skidmore. A study of the value of children's literature as a motivating force in creative art activities. M. S. Ed. 1952. Warner, Martha. Kansas populism: a sociological analysis. M. A. Sociol. 1956. Warner, Richard Ralph. The political philosophy of Walter Lippmann. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1956. Washington, Martina Pearl. Art in school publications. M. S. Ed. 1948. Waters, Russell Claude. A study of the epoxide linkage as a type of neighboring group in nucleophilic displacement reactions. Ph. D. Chem. 1952. Watkins, Ivan Warren. Radiation polymerization of liquid. M. S. Radialion Biophysics. 1957. 108 University of Kansas Watkins, Kermií C. Economic implications of state aid to local government in Kansas. Ph. D. Econ. 1955. Watrous, Mary Lenora. Administering the Benjamin Banneker School, Kansas City, Missouri, 1947-48. M. A. Ed. 1949. Watson, Bernard B. Studies on dermatophytes. M. A. Bot. 1955. Watson, Donald E. A study of the readability of current occupational information materials using the Flesch and Dale-Chali readability formulas. M. S. Rehab. Couns. 1958. Watson, Edwin P. A 1957 survey of professional preparation and practices of Catholics in the held of guidance and counseling psychology in the Catholic high schools, colleges, and universities throughout the United States. M. A. Ed. 1957. Waugh, Fannye Aliene. Community recreation in Little Rock, Arkansas, as a social movement. M. A. Sociol. 1951. Wayineyer, Walter Karl. On pulsations due to the discharge of reciprocating compressors. M. S. Mech. Engin. 1952. Weatherwax, John Thomas. An examination of certain instances in which the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 allows income tax accounting to more closely conform with generally accepted accounting principles and practices. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Weaver, Faye Helen. A ease study of twenty-one adolescents who were placed by the Family Service of Kansas City, Missouri. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Webb, Harry Edward. Serological studies among some distantly related species of arthropods and mollusks. M. A. Zool. 1952. Webb, John R. A study of school attendance at Lowther Junior High School, Emporia, Kansas, for the school year 1951-52. M. A. Ed. 1952. Webb, Mildred. A study of fifteen foster mothers who had difficulty separating from a foster child. M. Soc. Work. 1952. Weber, George Henry. An exploratory personality study of fifteen juvenile automobile thieves. M. A. Psychol. 1949. A social-psychological schema for the analysis of the Thompson Thematic Apperception Test. Ph. D. Sociol. 1954. Webster, James Bennett. A study of children's reasons for choice of instrument. M. Mus. Ed. 1955. Webster, Richard Curtis. Thiouraeil treatment of the female guinea pig: effect on reproduction and the offspring. Ph. D. Anat. 1950. Webster, Thomas Anderson. Community planning to improve the housing conditions of the Negro population of Kansas City, Missouri, 1940-1947. M. Soc. Work. 1949. Wedel, Arnold Marion. Karl Pearson's system of generalized frequency curves, M. A. Math. 1948. Weinberg, Louis. Sculpture in steel — why it looks the way it does. M. S. Ed. 1953. Weiner, Leonard. The performance of organic and normal individuals on a second administration of the Rorschach. M. A. Psychol. 1955. Weiner, Melvin Lawrence. The effects of training in space orientation on the perception of the upright. M. A. Psychol. 1952. The development of perception in adults. Ph. D. Psychol. 1954. Weissenberg, Lila. Difficulty of object attainment as a factor in subsequent object preference in children. Ph. D. Psychol. 1958. Graduate School Theses 109 Weitzer, Sara Janet. The mass education movement of James Yen in China: a program for peace. M. A. Ed. 1949. Welch, Frank Howard. Some physico-chemical properties of the aqueous solutions of sodium oxalate, sodium malonate and sodium succinate. M. A. Chem. 1948. Welch, Mary Gertrude. The arbelos. M. A. Math. 1949. Weldon, Lynn LeRoy. A study of relationships between relativism and general semantics. D. Ed. 1958. Wellhouse, William Templin. The food of the Corixidae with notes on their life histories. M. A. Ent. 1948. Wells, Eugene Tate. St. Louis and cities west, 1820-1880: a study in history and geography. Ph. D. Hist. 1951. Weltmer, Walton Keith. A comparative study of economic, enterprise and statutory income., M. Bus. Admin. 1948. Weltner, Edward B. The reasons for the growth of investment trusts since 1940. M. Bus. Admin. 1952. Wclton, Harold Lee. A study of the social, economic, and psychological factors apparent in a selected number of military desertion eases committed to the United States Disciplinary Barracks, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, January to March, 1952. M. Soc. Work. 1953. Welton, Lewis Donald. Studies on the pigments produced by Proactinomyces ruber. M. A. Bact. 1954. Wendt, Harley John, Sr. Kansas retailers' sales tax and the public schools. M. A. Ed. 1948. Wenger, Norman Edward. Cardiovascular and respiratory phenomena incident to thiopental [sodium 5-ethyl-5 (1-methylbutyl) thiobarbiturate] anesthesia in dogs. M. A. Physiol. 1956. Wernicke, Kenneth Gene. Helicopter stability in forward flight with control feedback. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1955. Werth, Kenneth Ervin. Base catalyzed reactions of Reissert compounds. M. S. Chem. 1955. Wertheimer, Lise. Cognitive units, complexity, and the formation of concep Ph. D. Psychol. 1957. West, Robert Albert. I. Syntheses of halogenated pyrimidine derivatives. II. Gross metabolic studies of pyrimidine derivatives. Ph. D. Biochem. 1955. West, Wilbur M, The development of criteria for the use of musical activities as an inter-related part of the elementary school curriculum. M. Mus. Ed. 1954. Westland, Roger Dean. Studies on the Schmidt reaction. M. S. Chem. 1952. Weston, Edward T. On some overt behavioral correlates of self-acceptance in one kind of interpersonal relationship. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Wetmore, John Marshall. An economic analysis of the nature and functions of time deposits in commercial banks. M. A. Econ. 1950. Whaley, Thomas Patrick. A contribution to the chemistry of the "ozonates." Ph. D. Chem. 1950. Wheatley, Quentin de Lattice. A thermodynamic determination of the dissociation energy of the gaseous TiO. Ph. D. Chem. 1954. Wheeler, Arline Zilpha. Securing social adjustment among Indian girls at Stewart, Nevada. M. S. Ed. 1955. Wheeler, Mary Esther. A study of the L forms of Proteus morganii. M. A. Bact. 1953. 110 University of Kansas White, Alberta Raye. An art education bibliography with annotations. M. S. Ed. 1949. White, Jack Edward. Variation in height and weight of male Haskell Indian students over a 25 year period. M. S. Ed. 1955. White, Jimmy Reeves. A revision of Osmia, subgenus Acanthosmicndes (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae). M. A. Ent. 1951. White, John Anderson. Chipmunks. Ph. D. Zool. 1953. White, Lendell Aaron. Studies on the antigenic differences of locally isolated strains of influenza A virus. M. A. Bact. 1955. White, Paul Lewis. Vehicular problems of a small city (Lawrence, Kansas). M. Pub. Admin. 1952. White, Richard Paul. Heparin content of blood and lymph in anaphylactic and peptone shock. M. A. Physiol. 1949. Quantitative studies on the release of heparin in anaphylactic, peptone, hemorrhagic, and histamine shock in the dog. Ph. D. Physiol. 1954. Whitham, Rishel L. Sooners in the Nebraska territory. M. A. Hist. 1953. Whitla, Russell Hanley, Jr. A study of five rural elementary schools to determine whether or not they approach the community school ideal. M. S. Ed. 1955. Whitniire, Carrie Ella. A comparative study of susceptibility of Syrian hamsters, inbred mice, and white mice and the effect of cortisone on the susceptibility of mice to murine typhus. M. A. Bact. 1953. The effects of cortisone on the pathogenesis of murine typhus in the experimental animal. Ph. D. Bact. 1955, Wiegman, Eugene William. Administration and supervision of Lutheran schools in the Kansas district, 1956. M. S. Ed. 1956. Wiens, Alvin Leo. Comparative serology of carnivores. M, A. Zool. 1955. Wiens, Arthur N. Psychiatric aide selection project at Topeka State Hospital. M. A. Psychol. 1952. Wiest, William Marvin. Children's psychological living conditions in communities differing in size as revealed by a projective test of the environment, M. A. Psychol. 1957. Wigglesworth, James H. Growth problems of a small community. M. Pub. Admin. 1956. Wight, Darlene Van Biber. Survey of little theater activities in Kansas City, Missouri, M. A. Speech and Drama. 1952. Wilhcrt, Louis Joseph, Jr. The Jacksonian stage in southeastern Arkansas. Ph. D. Geol. 1951. Wilcox, Archer Carl. Centrifligation. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. Wilcox, Sue Grosjean. Medicine in colonial Pennsylvania, 1680-1776. M. A. Hist. 1956. Wild, Jack W. A method of making thin metallic films for use in measuring the stopping power for alpha-particles. M. S. Physics. 1952. The effect of various external treatments on the equivalent surface charge of electrets. Ph. D. Physics. 1952. Wilen, Samuel Henry. The addition of chlorine acetate to allyl chloride and to propylene. Ph. D. Chem. 1956. Wiley, Bill Bcauford. The production and nature of streptolysin O. M. A, Bact. 1950. Wiley, James A. Variants from the Donald Wing short-title catalogue, or editions and books not found in the catalogue. M. A. Eng. 1956. Graduate School Theses 111 Wilhelm, Paul L. A study of the amino acid requirements of Bacterium tuhrense. M. S, Biochem. 1951. Wilhoit, Randolph Carroll. The physical properties of the metal alkoxides including an experimental study of aluminum iso-propoxide. M. A. Chem. 1949. Wilkerson, Clyde, Jr. Carry-over factors for the method of moment distribution as applied to beams stressed above the proportional limit. M.S. Aeron. Engin. 1950. Wilkinson, Etta Lou. A study of parent-child relationship problems in a family and children's service agency to determine cases appropriate for child guidance treatment. M. Soc. Work. 1954 Wille, Alvaro. Comparative studies of the thoracic musculature of bees. M. A. Ent. 1955. Wille, Maria Eugenia Bozzoli. A comparative study of ceramic traits within the Central Plains phase. M. A. Anthrop. 1958. Williams, Austin B. Speciation and distribution of the crayfishes of the Ozark Plateaus and Ouachita Provinces. Ph. D. Zool, 1951. Williams, Cecil Lee. A study of the relative effectiveness of the ACE psychological examination and the school and college ability test in predicting first semester grade point averages. M. S. Ed. 1957. Williams, Jack Alden. Studies on some dehydrogenation products of emetine. Ph. D. Chem. 1954. Williams, Mary Goshorn. Drinking patterns among high school students. Ph. D. Sociol. 1958. Williams, Terrence Josiah. Some bibliographical problems in Swift's Short Character of Wharton. M. A. Eng. 1957. Williams, Virginia Marie. The irregular priest and ex-eleric in the novels of Benito Pérez Galdós. M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. Spanish. 1948. Williamson, Ollie Clinton. A study of the microflora of a grassland soil and a forested soil. M. A. Bot. 1954. Wills, Arthur. George Kelly: A critical study of his plays. Ph. D. Eng. 1958. Wilson, Arthur ITendrix. An evaluation of the business management policies and practices of medical organizations compared with mercantile establishments; with specific reference to the Hobbs Medical Group. M. Bus. Admin. 1955. Wilson, Eugene Bruce. American Indian games. M. S. Ed. 1950. Wilson, G. Elizabeth. Studies of sorption and ion exchange equilibrium on Dowex 50. P h . D . Chem. 1953. Wilson, Glen Ralph. A study of the development of classic theory as revealed in three dramatic treatments of the David story. M. A. French. 1958. Wilson, John Coe. The Gypsum Spring formation (Middle Jurassic) of western Wyoming. M. S. Geol. 1955. Wilson, Johnnie Ilarrison. A comparative study of the music curricula of Negro and white state colleges and universities in sixteen states of the United States, M.A. Music. 1950. Wilson, Joseph Robert. Investigation of fluid flow on a spinning flat rotor. M . S . Mech. Engin. 1957. Wilson, Leland. A sociological study of Church of the Brethren men in alternative service. M. A. Sociol. 1957. Wilson, Lloyd C. Kansas cooperatives: their development and present position. M. Bus. Admin. 1949. 112 University of Kansas Wilson, Owen B. A study of the history and development of physical education in the Topeka public schools. M. S. Ed. 1955. Wilson, Richard Harold, Organizing for property management in the City of San Antonio, Texas. M. Pub. Admin. 1958. Wilson, Sherwood Ann. An investigation of the difference between the ideal and the "should be" self in a college population. M. A. Psychol. 1956. Wilson, Virginia Merritt. Variations in gastric motility due to musical stimuli. M. Mus. Ed. 1957. Wilson, William Dunsmore. Parasites of fishes from Leavenworth Comity State Lake, Kansas. M. A.'ZooI. 1954. Wimmer, Donn Braden. Photographic emulsion measurements of the energies of Ra-Be neutrons. M. S. Physics. 1951. Winblad, James Norman. Effects of narcosis on motility in the embryonic toadfish (Opsanus tau). M. A. Anat. 1951. Winchell, Richard L. Relationship of the Lansing group and the Tonganoxie ("Stalnaker") sandstone in South-Central Kansas. M . S . Geol. 1957. Winemiller, Gilbert L.' A study of tularemia in various rodents. M. A. Bact. 1949. Wingo, Ronald Carl. A comparison of the skills in music theory of high school seniors with the expectations of college music theory departments in the State of Kansas. M. Mus. Ed. 1958. Wise, Edward Nelson. Automatic coulometric titration with photometric detection of equivalence. Ph. D. Chem. 1953. Wiseman, Gordon Gray. An ultraviolet microspectrophotometer: a device for the determination of nucleic acids in individual cell structure. Ph. D. Physics. 1950. Witherspoon, Paul Adams, Jr. A study of interfacial tensions between the liquid-liquid phases of a mixture of methane, normal butane, and' water. M. S. Petrol. Engin. Phys. 1951. ' Witt, Robert Ray. An inquiry into the political and economic thought of Walt Whitman. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1949. Witter, Jasper Curtis. Some practices in western Kansas school bus transportation. D . E d . 1952. Wittlake, Eugene Bishop. The evolutionary significance of ventral scales in the Marchuntiales. Ph. D. Bot. 1954. Woellner, Alberta Lee. A phonetic study of the pronunciation of general American English spoken by selected foreign students from India and Pakistan. M. A. Speech and Drama. 1957. Wolf, Nancy Kesler. Krotok. M. Fine Arts. Design. 1952. Wolfe, Benny W. Teachers' attitudes toward teachers' organizations. M. A, Ed. 1948. Wolfe, Frances Lee. An introduction to Fourier series. M. A. Math. 1949. Wolfe, George Edgar. I'd Shelter Thee. M. A. Eng.' 1950. Wolfenbarger, Keith Arlo. Systematic and biological studies on North American chiggers of die genus Tromhicula, subgenus Eutrombicula '(Acarina, Tromhiculidae). M. A. Ent. 1951. Wong, David Richard. An investigation of buckling of pressure-stabilized thin-walled cylinders under axial compression. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1958. Wood, Barbara Ann. The volume division as a clue to the structure of Jane Austen's novels. M. A. Eng. 1953. 1 Graduate School Theses 113 Wood, Darrell Eugene. Philosophy of education in the undergraduate preparation of secondary school teachers: its prevalence, content, and method. Ph. D. Ed. 1953. Wood, Stephen Lane. A revision of North American Cryphalini (Scolytidae, Coleoptera). Ph. D. Ent. 1953. Woodruff, Robert M. Some special classes of sets in a complete separable metric space. M. A. Math. 1957. Woods, Joseph A. Gamma rays from the bombardment of natural silicon. M. S. Physics. 1957. Woodward, John Morrill. Immunogenic properties for the white mouse of various strains of Bacterium tularense. Ph. D. Bact. 1949. Woolfenden, Glen Everett. Comparative breeding behavior of Ammospiza caudacuia and A. maritima. M. A. Zool. 1956. Work, Alva Lyle. Twelve case studies of the musical interests and activities of selected seventh grade youngsters. M. Mus. Ed. 1952. Works, Mary E. A morphological comparison of the Central American genera of Didelphidae (Opossums). M. A. Zool. 1950. Wormington, Bill Lou. (With Bob Joe Wormington.) A study of low-cost television programs. M. A. Journ. 1950. Wormington, Bob Joe. (With Bill Lou Wormington.) A study of low-cost television programs. M. A. Journ. 1950. Wright, Beverly Sue. An analysis of the relationship between sound discrimination and articulation. M. S. Ed. 1958. Wright, Dorothy Joan. The origin and nature of the rhizophore in Selaginella rupestris. M. A. Bot. 1949. Wright, Emory Metz, Jr. Acute anesthetic emergencies. M. S. Anesthesiology. 1952. Wright, Paul Ernest. Studies on the benzoylation of reactive methylene compounds in various tertiary amines. M. S. Chem. 1954. Wright, Robert Perry. Attitudes of members of the Kansas City Chapter of the American Association of Social Workers toward licensing social workers. M.Soc. Work. 1954. Wyatt, Nita Mae. A study of the readability of selected social studies materials. M. S. Ed. 1956. Yang, John Yun-wen. Part I. The reduction of nitrobenzene by unipositive magnesium anodically generated. Part II. Initiation of styrcne polymerization at a cathode. Ph. D. Cheln. 1957. Yang, Peng-Chih. Investigation of the distribution of stresses in a braced-box frame. M. S. Civ. Engin, 1956. Yarnell, John Leonard. A critical survey of the theory of the chemical bond. M. A. Phys. 1949. Yeh, Chung-Chi. A general survey of the American single-family dwellings of today. M. Arch. 1949. Yeokum, Charles Floyd. A program for financing capital outlay in public schools of the state of Kansas with provision for state assistance. D. Ed. 1955. Yerkcs, Lois Hammond. Four units in American history designed as a continuation of the plan of Lawson M. Roberts. M. S. Ed. 1949. Yochelson, Ellis Leon. Gastropoda of the Middle Ordovician Peery and Murfreesboro formations of Virginia and Tennessee. M. S. Geol. 1950. 114 University of Kansas Yocum, Dale Morris. A study of exceptional students who entered the University of Kansas in the fall of 1954. D. Ed. 1957. Yoder, Lester Glenn. A study of families who came to the Mennonite Children's Home asking for service. M. Soc. Work. 1955. Yokoyama, Katsuyuki. Studies on the alga Synura uvella Ehr. M. A. Bot. 1951. Yost, Walter Arthur. Screen processing for the secondary schools. M. S. Ed. 1958. Young, Amelia Belle. An account of the negotiations for international control of atomic energy 1945-1950. M. A. Pol. Sci. 1950. Young, Charles Robert, Changes in the English agricultural system during the fourteenth century. M. A. Hist. 1950. Young, David A. A reclassification of Western Hemisphere Typhlocybinae (Homoptera, Cicadellidae). Ph. D. Ent. 1951. Young, James Mitchell. A study of the personal-social relationship between school administrators and teachers. M. S. Ed. 1952. Youngman, Phillip Merrill. Geographic variation in the pocket gopher, Tho- momys bottae, in Colorado. M. A. Zool. 1957. Yu, I-t'an. Solution of beam constants by Laplace transformations. M. S. Aeron. Engin. 1950. Yuan, Hong-Chien, Studies on the separation, chemical reactivity and infrared spectra of pyrroles in petroleum. Ph. D. Chem. 1957. Zack, Melvin Leon. Teaching college students to play piano by ear. M. Mus. Ed. 1949. — A study of the influence of selected socio-cullural characteristics on participation in instrumental music. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1953. Zajic, William Eugene. Geology of the Dry Creek area in Fremont County, Wyoming. M. A. Geol. 1955. Zarker, Keith E. The power characteristics of flat-paddle agitators. M. S. Chem. Engin. 1948. Zbranek, Anthony D. Schizophrenic reactivity to experimentally imposed monotony. Ph. D. Psychol. 1953. Zehna, Peter William. Regression as approximation in L - ( P ) . M. A. Math. 1956. Zeller, Edward J. The stratigraphic significance of endothyroid foraminifera. M. A. Geol. 1948. Zeller, Margaret Ann. Hawthorne's theories of fiction. M. A. Eng. 1949. Zepp, Raymond Howard. Effects of four factors on clarinet tone quality. Ph. D. Mus. Ed. 1954. Zickefoose, Paul W. Changes in Kansas income since 1900. Ph. D. Econ. 1954, Zingaro, Ralph A. The reactions of the silver salts of carboxylic acid with iodine in the presence of tertiary amines. M. S. Chem. 1949. Studies on positive iodine. Ph.D. Chem. 1950. Zinn, Norman Lee. The early American reception of Lamartine's poetry, M. A. Rom. Lang, and Lit. French. 1954. Zinser, Robert W. Stratigraphic distribution of the microfossils (exclusive of the Fusulinidae) in the Lansing group in east central Kansas. M. A. Geol. 1950. Zuegner, Charles W. An analysis and comparison of the coverage given die first one hundred days of the Eisenhower Administration by the Kaunas City Star and Times and the St. Louis Posl-Disimtch. M. S. Journ. 1957. PART II Departmental Index ( F o r titles reference should be made to the listing by author in Part I) Schellenberg, Diana Blanche. ( M . A. 1957) Spencer, Millard C. ( M. A. 1952 ) Templeton, McCormick. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 8 ) Webster, Richard Curtis. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 0 ) Winblad, James Norman. ( M . A. 1 9 5 1 ) AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Brizendine, John Calvin, Jr. ( M . S . 1950) Carpenter, Duane O n . ( M . S . 1951) Garrison, Walter Raymond. ( M . S. 1950) Herman, Ronald Dean. ( M . S. 1958) Higdon, Donald Thayer. ( M . S . 1956) Holman, Robert Ray. ( M . S . 1956) Johnson, Harry Wellington. ( M . S . 1951) Keller, Grovcr Raymond. ( M . S. 1 9 4 9 ) Levin, Alan David. ( M . S . 1957) Lyford, Rcid Booker, Jr. ( M . S. 1949) Miller, Robert Edward. ( M . S . 1953) Shoilner, David Ray. ( M . S. 1952) Silady, Martin F. ( M . S. 1958) Stucker, Harry T. ( M . S. 1948) Stutz, Richard Griffin. ( M . S . 1951) Wernicke, Kenneth Gene. ( M . S. 1 9 5 5 ) Wilkerson, Clyde, Jr. ( M . S . 1950) Wong, David Richard. ( M . S . 1958) Yu, I-fan. ( M . S. 1 9 5 0 ) ANESTHESIOLOGY Dcvine, Marguerite Mary. ( M . S . 1 9 5 2 ) Wright, Emory Met?:, Jr. ( M . S . 1 9 5 2 ) ANTHROPOLOGY Wille, Maria 1958) ARCHITECTURAL Bozzoli. ( M . A. ENGINEERING Conner, Harold Wayne. ( M . S . 1 9 5 5 ) ARCHITECTURE Drey, John Edmond, (M. Arch. 1 9 5 1 ) Hamacher, Howard Brockman. ( M . Arch. 1 955) Jordison, Richard Rhodes. ( M . Arch. 1953) Yeh, Chung-Chi. ( M . Arch. 1949) ANATOMY Antliff, Harold Roy. ( P h . D . 1 9 5 6 ) Batty, Thomas Victor. ( M . A. 1951) Besharnt, Jalal. (M. A. 1954) Bingham, Hal G. ( M . A. 1 9 5 2 ) Brown, Jerry William. (M. A. 1949) Brown, Jerry William. ( P h . D . 1951) Buie, Dan Horace, Jr. ( M . A. 1953) Catcs, Charles Herbert. ( M . A. 1954) Chapman, Arthur Owen. ( M . A. 1 9 4 9 ) Comer, Ralph Dudley. ( M . A. 1952) Davidson, Joseph. ( P h . D . 1 9 5 5 ) Dorang, Louis Albert. ( M . A. 1958) Fedinec, Alexander Augustin. ( M . A. 1957) Fedinec, Alexander Augustin. (Ph. D. 1958) Ford, Donald Herbert. ( P h . D . 1952) Foster, Jean Ann. ( M . A. 1 9 5 7 ) Grunt, Jerome Alvin. ( P h . D . 1952) Hnir, Walter Wyman. ( M . A. 1953) Hoar, Richard Morgan. ( P h . D . 1 9 5 6 ) Howieson, John Lionel. (M. A. 1952) Jakway, Jacqueline Sinks. ( P h . D . 1 9 5 8 ) Janosky, Ivan Dee. ( M . A. 1 9 5 3 ) Keller, Leland E. ( P h . D . 1 9 5 8 ) Lee, Gary Melvin. ( M . A. 1 9 5 1 ) Penfold, Richard Lee. ( M . A. 1955) Peterson, Roy Reed. ( P h . D . 1952) Roth, Alexander. ( M . A. 1 9 4 8 ) Russell, Marion Fore, Jr. ( M . A. 1 9 5 2 ) Eugenia ASTRONOMY Brownlee, Robert R. ( M . A. 1951) Talley, Robert Lee. ( M . A. 1956) ACOIOLOGY Terr, Marjorie Austrinn. ( M . S . 1 9 5 7 ) BACTERIOLOGY (115) Akagi, James Mnsuji. ( M . A. 1955) Altenbernd, Elvin Conrad. (M. A. 1952) Altringer, Mary Pauline. ( M . A. 1 9 5 0 ) Atchison, Robert Wayne. ( M . A. 1 9 5 5 ) Bahn, Arthur Nathanael. ( M . A. 1 9 5 2 ) Baker, Frederick Donald. (Ph.D. 1957) Becker, Robert Eugene. ( M . A. 1 9 5 3 ) Blumcnfeld, S t e w a r t N o r m a n . ( M . A. 1957) Brown, Eric Rocder. ( P h . D . 1 9 5 7 ) Buohele, Luther H. ( M . A. 1948) Carr, Dennis LeRoy. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Consigli, Richard A. ( M . A. 1956) Cridland, Patricia Jo. (M. A. 1 9 5 1 ) Cunnick, Chnrles Clemens. (M. A. 1953) Danguilan, Maria Ludan. (Ph.D. 1957) Doughty, Clyde Cnrl. ( M . A. 1 9 5 0 ) Dyck, Marvin Gustnve. ( M . A. 1 9 5 0 ) Dyke, Leland Wayne. ( M . A. 1 9 5 4 ) Fee, Chester Franklin. ( M . A. 1 9 5 2 ) Fevurly, James Robert. ( M . A. 1 9 5 4 ) Findley, John Eugene. ( M . A. 1 9 5 5 ) 116 Departmental Fleming, Leslie W. (M.A. 1954) Fowler, Earl Martyr. (M. A. 1955) Garrison, James Howard, (M. A. 1953) Glcason, Shirley Grace. (M. A. 1951) Gribbin, William John, Jr. (M. A. 1 9 5 3 ) Guardiola, Aida Luz. (M.A. 1953) Guardiola, Aida Luz. (Ph.D. 1958) linger, Lowell Paul. (M.A. 1950) Hausler, William John, Jr. (M.A. 1953) Hausler, William John, Jr. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 8 ) Hendrix, Lloyd E. (M.A. 1 9 5 2 ) Hooker, Ella Virginia. (M.A. 1957) Holper, Jacob Charles. (M.A. 1951) Jensen, Keith Edwin. (M.A. 1949) jungle, Norman Knight. (M.A. 1 9 5 0 ) Kaplan, Louis. (M.A. 1 9 5 0 ) Koonsc, Howard Joseph. (M.A. 1952) Learned, George Robert. (M.A. 1 9 5 2 ) Lewey, George Ralph. (M.A. 1951) List, Betty Louise. (M.A. 1953) Lockhurt, Marion Headley. (M.A. 1 9 5 3 ) Loebeck, Maude Elva. (M.A. 1950) Long, Keith Royce. (M.A. 1 9 5 3 ) McBride, Tom Joseph. (M.A. 1950) McCamish, Joan. (M.A. 1 9 5 2 ) MoLain, Arthur Lee (M.A. 1953) Marquis, George S., Jr. (M. A. 1952) Mauldin, James Norman. (M. A. 1950) Merriott, John Winston. (M. A. 1957 ) Metcnlf, Theodore Gordon. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 0 ) Meyer, Miriam Martin. (M.A. 1954) Moody, Мак Dale. (M.A. 1949) Moody, Max Dale. (Ph. D. 1953) Myers, William Frederic. (M. A. 1 9 5 5 ) Myers, William Frederic. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 8 ) Nachtigall, Andrew. (M.A. 1956) Neff, Thelma Virginia. (M.A. 1948) Northey, William Thomas. (M.A. 1 9 5 7 ) Ott, John Lewis. (M.A. 1 9 5 1 ) Pannell, Lolita. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 0 ) Pileggi, Felix Anthony. (M. A. 1950) Radcliff, Lester Gene. (M.A. 1952) Riggs, John L. (M.A. 1957) Roberts, Audrey Nadine. (M.A. 1957) Robrish, Stanley Arthur. (M.A. 1955) Roth, Esther Stubbleficld. (M.A. 1 9 5 0 ) Rozin, Leonard Wallace. (M.A. 1952) Rozin, Leonard Wallace. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 5 ) Russell, Barbara Edmonds. (Ph.D. 1948) Ryll, Erich. (M.A. 1953) Santoro, Thomas. (M.A. 1957) Sauvan, Robert Ladoux. (M.A. 1 9 5 1 ) Schaechter, Moselio. (M.A. 1951) Schmidt, Jerome Paul. (M.A. 1952) Silberg, Stanley Louis. (M.A. 1952) Smith. James O. (M.A. 1 9 5 0 ) Snook, Persis Rozella. (M.A. 1949) Spalding, Donald Hood. (M.A. 1953) Taylor, Gerald Clark. (M. A. 1951) Taylor, Gerald Clark. (Ph.D. 1955) Taylor, Mary Jane. (M.A. 1951) Terrill, Robert Starling. (M.A. 1951) Timpe, Alice. (M. A. 1949) Van der Smissen, E u g e n e T h e o d o r e . (M.A. 1950) von Bockelmann, Bernhard. (M.A. 1958) Von Ricsen, Victor Lyle. (M. A. 1950) Von Riesen, Victor Lyle. (Ph. D. 1955) Welton, Lewis Donald. (M.A. 1954) Wheeler, Mary Esther. (M.A. 1953) White, Lendell Aaron. (M.A. 1955) Whitmire, Carrie Ella. (M.A. 1 9 5 3 ) Whitmire, Carrie Ella. (Ph.D. 1955) Wiley, Bill Beauford. (M.A. 1950) Winemiller, Gilbert L. (M.A. 1 9 4 9 ) Woodward, John Morrill. (Ph.D. 1949) BIOCHEMISTRY Berger, Magdelena. (M.A. 1 9 5 0 ) Bures, George J. (M.A. 1954) Donaldson, Davenport. (M.A. 1949) Fellmnn, Jacob Harold. (M.A. 1952) Fellman, Jacob Harold. (Ph.D. 1954) Hill, Robert Lee. (M.A. 1951) Hill, Robert Lee. (Ph.D. 1954) Hiltibran, Robert Comegys. (M. S. 1951) Hiltibran, Robert Comegys. (Ph.D. 1954) Kann, Ellen Elise. (Ph.D. 1954) MacNair, Mina. (M.A. 1950) Myers, Richard William. (M.A. 1958) Rendina, George.' (M. A. 1953) Rendina, George. (Ph.D. 1955) Rodwell, Victor William. (Ph.D. 1056) Sarcione, Edward James. (Ph.D. 1957) Taylor, Harold Loland. (Ph.D. 1955) Trahan, Robert G. (M. S. 1954) West, Robert Albert. (Ph.D. 1955) Wadkins, Charles LeRoy. (Ph. D. 1956) Wilhelm, Paul L. (M.S. 1951) B I O P H Y S I C S , RADIATION. (See Radiation Biophysics.) BOTANY Anderson, Roland Giles. (M. A. 1954) Brewster, Margaret S. ( M. A. 1951) Cridland, Arthur Albert. (M. A. 1958) Emerson, Frank Henry. (M.A. 1948) Fearing, Olin S. (M.A. 1951) Goyetle, Lewis Edward. (Ph.D. 1951) Hartman, Emily Lou. (M.A. 1955) Hartmnn, Emily Lou. (Ph.D. 1957) Hctzer, William A. (M.A. 1950) Ireland, Robert R„ Jr. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Keith, William Morris, Jr. (M.A. 1957) Kramer, Charles Lawrence. (M.A. 1953) Kramer, Charles Lawrence. (Ph. D. 1957) Lathrop, Earl Wesley. (Ph.D. 1957) McGregor, Ronald L e i g h t o n . (Ph.D. 1954) Marsh, Daniel Lee. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Morris, John Eirwyn. (M.A. 1958) Roth, Elmer A. (M.A. 1954) Scott, Beryl Ailecn. (M.A. 1956) Shields, Ivan Joseph. (Ph.D. 1952) S h o w a l t e r , W e n d e l l Vernon. (M.A. 1951) Index S'howalter, W e n d e l l Vernon. (Ph.D. 1956) Taft, Dorothy L. (M. A. 1950) Ungar, Irwin A.. (M. A. 1957) Voile, Lee Dean. (M. A. 1950) Wagenkneeht, Burdette Lewis (Ph. D. 1958) Watson, Bernard B. (M. A. 1955) Williamson, Ollie Clinton. (M. A. 1954) Wittlnke, Eugene Bishop. (Ph. D. 1954) Wright, Dorothy Joan. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) ' Yokoyama, Katsuyuki. (M. A. 1951)BUSINESS AUMINISTHA-TION Baker, Roy. (M. B. A. 1957) ' Baker, William Earl. (M. B. A. 1950) Bonnavaud, Pierre Henri Albert. (M. B. A. 1958) Boukis, Sotirios D. (M. B. A. 1957) Briley, Paul Winfield. (M. B. A. 1948) Brooks, William Allen. (M. B. A. 1952) Cook, Burleigh D. (M. B.A. 1957) Davis, Robert Raymond. (M. B. A. 1955) Dobyns, Frank Perrian. (M. B. A. 1954) Evans, Homer Clark. (M. B. A. 1952) Farmer, Ivan Marlowe. (M. B. A. 1948) Foster, Thomas Alpheus, Jr. (M. B. A. 1957) Gob, Jean Arthur. (M.B. A. 1953) Gulick, Donald Wayne. (M.B, A. 1954) Haley, Eugene Wesley. (M;B. A. 1954) Hanson, C. Norman. (M.B. A. 1951) Helle, Horst Jürgen. (M.B. A. 1957) Hobbs, James Beverly. (M.B. A. 1957) Hops, James Henry. (M. B. A. 1953) Horner, Jonathan Philip Milton. (M. B.A. 1955) Hough, Williamson Thomas. (M.B. A. 1949) Hunt, Graham Thomas. ( M . B . A. 1957) H u n t i n g t o n , Virginia Ruth. (M.B. A. 1958) Jacob, Alain Jean-Marie. (M.B. A. 1954) Johnson, Donald Eric. (M.B. A. 1953) Jolliff, James Edwin. (M.B. A. 1951) Keller, Elwood Doyle. (M. B.A. 1955) Lee, Leon E. (M. B.A. 1952) Levy, Maro Alain. (M. B. A. 1954) Lewis, Richard Keith. (M.B. A. 1958) Lobb, William LeRoy. (M. B. A: 1949) MeBride, Robert Charles. (M.B. A. 1949) McCollum, Paul M. (M.B. A. 1950) Maekenthun, Harold Ernest. (M. B. A. 1958) Mann, William Aden. (M.B. A. 1950) Merrill, Kenneth Eaton. ( M . B . A. 1958) Messamer, John H. (M.B. A. 1954) Mickey, James O. (M. B. A. 1955) Mitchell, Willie B. (M. B. A. 1958) Montgomery, John Gabriel C, (M.B. A. 1951) Morgan-Grenville, David Bevil. (M.B. A. 1952) 117 Morton, Veda Mignon. (M. B.A. 1948) Moxley, J. David. (M. B. A. 1958) Murty, V. S.R. (M. B.A. 1957) Newton, Sherwood William (M.B. A. 1952) Nystrom, Eila Anna. (M.B. A. 1954) Pack, Ludwig. (M.B. A. 1955) Perry, David Benton. (M.B. A. 1957) Plants, Don V. (M.B. A. 1950) Ponteville, Jacques A. (M.B. A. 1957) Rangnekar, Sharadkumar Shantaram. (M. B. A. 1955) Raymond, Robert S., Jr. (M.B. A. 1951) Reisner, Hubert F. (M. B. A. 1957) Richardson, George Harry, Jr. (M.B. A. 1951) Sargent, Stanley Paul. (M.B. A. 1958) Schamp, Walter W. (M.B. A. 1 9 5 5 ) Schlundt, Howard Arnold. (M.B. A. 1954) Schooler Eugene Williami (M.B. A. 1949) Scott, Derek Andrew. (M. B. A. 1956) Small, Joe Richard. (M. B.A. 1 9 4 9 ) Soucy, George Richard. (M.B, A. 1953) Steele, Jack Donald. (M. B.A. 1951) Stewart, Jack Norton. (M. B.A. 1952) Sturgeon, Halbert Lee. (M.B. A. 1954) Thomas, Alvin Earl. (M.B. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Tompkins, Willis Lynn. (M. B.A. 1948) Walker, Wendell J. (M.B. A. 1954) Warger, Arnold E. (M. B. A. 1948) Wentherwax, John Thomas. (M.B. A. 1955) Weltmer, Walton Keith. (M.B. A. 1948) Weltner, Edward B. (M. B.A. 1952) Wilson, Arthur Hendrix. (M. B. A. 1955) Wilson, Lloyd C. (M. B. A. 1949) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Allen, William Daniel. (M. S. 1 9 5 6 ) Beck, Leonard Arley. (M. S. 1956) Behrmann, William Claus. (M.S. 1956) Benham, Alvin L. (M.S. 1954) Bertuzzi, Andrew F. (M. S. 1952) Bone, Bertram. (M. S. 1949) Bowdish, Frank William. (Ph.D. 1956) Brewer, Jerome..(M. S. 1957) Christy, Joseph Allen. (M. S. 1957) Davis, Philip Craig. (M. S. 1949) Davis, Philip Craig. (Ph. D. 1952) Faris, James Edward. (M. S. 1951) Forsyth, Sam E. (M. S. 1948) Foster, Charles Vernon. (M. S. 1948) Gerety, John Henry, Jr. (M. S. 1955) Gooding, Eugene Orion. (M. S. 1955) Gore, Truman L. (M.S. 1951) Graham, Ward Arnold. (M. S. 1949) Green, Kenneth J. (Ph.D. 1958) Harding, William Burriss. (M. S. 1949) Harold, Lane Ward. (M. S. 1955) Heckes, Albert Allen. (M. S. 1956) Hirsekorn, Fred S. (M. S. 1950) 118 Departmental Hoover, Richard McGaffey. (M. S. 1948) Hughes, Henry Edgar. (M. S. 1948) Hughes, Henry Edgar. (Ph. D. 1952) Inman, Arthur E. (M. S. 1951) Kei], Joseph Woodward. (M. S. 1952) Kohn, James Paul. (Ph. D. 1956) Lapple, Walter Christian. (M.S. 1957) Larkin, Bert Kenneth. (M. S. 1954) Mackie, Edwin John. (M.S. 1951) Paphronis, Basil Trifon. (M. S. 1954) Pope, Robert Eugene. (M. S. 1958) Reed, Ronald Louis. (M. S. 1948) Robatel, Michel M. (M. S. 1951) Sanks, John Lester. (M. S. 1948) Srabian, Krikor-Vahe. (M.S. 1955) Stanclift, Ray Jones, Jr. (M. S. 1948) Stanclift, Ray Jones, Jr. (Ph.D. 1951) Stillman, Richard Ernest. (M.S. 1956) Straube, Melvin Donald. (M. S. 1949) Swift, George William. (M. S. 1957) Szabo, Ted Tibor. (M. S. 1953) Thomas, Rex Eugene. (M. S. 1952) Valleroy, Vincent Vaeth. (Ph. D. 1956) Von Waaden, Carl Ernest. (M. S. 1951) Wilcox, Archer Carl. (M.S. 1948) Zarker, Keith E. (M. S. 1948) CHEMISTIIY Abrahamson, Earl A., Jr. (Ph.D. 1951) Ackermann, Raymond J. (Ph.D. 1955) Adams, Roy M. (Ph. D. 1949) Alsup, Richard Glenn. (Ph. D. 1952) Baldridge, Joseph Riley. (M. A. 1949) Barber, Herbert H., Jr. (M. A. 1948) Barney, James Enrl, II. (Ph. D. 1950) Bean, Claude Thomas, Jr. (Ph. D. 1949) Bechtle, Gerald Francis. (M. S. 1950) Bennett, William Earl. (Ph. D. 1951) Birdwhistell, Ralph K. (Ph. D. 1953) Bithos, Zoe J. (M. S. 1958) Bonnor, Oscnr Davis. (Ph. D. 1951) Bradlow, H. Leon. (Ph. D. 1949) Brandt, Robert Lloyd. (M. A. 1952) Bravo, Justo Baladjay. (Ph. D. 1953) Breed, Laurence Woods. (M, A. 1950) Burdick, Donald Lee (Ph. D. 1957) Cain, Joe Hilmon. (M. S. 1953) Cantor, Paul A. (Ph. D. 1957) Carpentior, Elizabeth Ann. (M. A. 1958) Carter, Gerald Bate. (M. S. 1948) Chamberlain, David LeRoy, Jr. (M. S. 1950) Christensen, Valdemar J. (Ph. D. 1952) Clark, Ronald Jene. (Ph.D. 1958) Cobb, R. Lynn. (Ph.D. 1955) Colton, Ervin. (M. S. 1952) Conrad, Walter E. (Ph. D. 1951) Coyne, Donald Manley. (Ph.D. 1955) Cronin, George Richard. (Ph.D. 1958) Curless, William Toole. (M. S. 1955) Dahlgard, Muriel. (Ph. D. 1956) Davies, Muriel Irene. (M. A. 1949) Davis, Paul. (M. S. 1957) DeFord, Donald Dale. (Ph.D. 1948) Delaney, Joseph Cornet. (M. A. 1948) Dittmann, John Fred. (M. S. 1950) Donahoe, Hugh Burkman. (Ph. D. 1950) Elliott, Irvin Wesley, Jr. (M. S. 1949) Elliott, Irvin Wesley, Jr. (Ph. D. 1952) Ellis, Carol Jeanne. (M. A. 1958) Feldstein, Aaron. ( P h . D . 1952) Ferm, Richard LeRoy. (Ph.D. 1948) Fuchs, Richard. (Ph. D. 19.53) Fuhlhage, Donald Wayne. (Ph.D. 1958) Gallup, Gordon Albnn. (Ph.D. 1953) Gier, Delta Wnrren. (Ph. D. 1957) Gilkerson, W i l l i a m R i c h a r d . (Ph. D. 1953) Gilliland, Evelyn Marie. (M. A. 1949) Glazier, Robert Henry. (Ph. D. 1952) Goodrich, Judson Enrl. (M. A. 1948) Green, Joseph. (M.S. 1 9 5 2 ) Grier, James S. (M. A. 1951) Gudmundsen, C a t h r y n H e l e n . (Ph.D. 1956) Hall, L u t h e r A x t e l l Richard. (Ph.D. 1950) Halperin, Bernard I. (M. S. 1955) Hammer, Robert Nelson. (M. A. 1949) Hart, Charlotte Anne. (M. S. 1949) Hazlett, Robert Neil. (Ph. D. 1950) Heisler, Robert Yard. (Ph. D. 1952) Helm, Arthur Francis. (Ph. D. 1950) Hill, Harold J. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Hoffman, Henry Allen, Jr. (M. A. 1948) Hoffman, William Dean. (Ph. D. 1958) Hoftiezer, Henry W. (M. A. 1950) Hubbard, Harold Mead. (Ph. D. 1951) Hughes, Roland L. (M. A. 1948) Hyde, Ernest Barlow, Jr. (M. S. 1949) Jackson, Donald Dean (M. S. 1958) Jackson, Peter H. (Ph. D. 1952) Jirik, Frank Ernest. (Ph. D. 1948) Johnson, Grnnnis S. (Ph. D. 1954) Johnson, Sam Houston, Jr. ( M. A. 1948 ) Jones, Mark Martin. (Ph. D. 1952) Kindall, James Vernon, M. A. 1949) Kirkland, Earl Vance. (Ph.D. 1948) Krishnan, V a t t a r m a d o m Rama. (Ph.D. 1953) Krska, Melvin J. (M. A. 1949) Kruger, Leo Henry. (Ph. D. 1955) Kruse, Carl William. (M. S. 1952) Kubitz, Karl A. (Ph. D. 1952) Lewis, Irwin Charles. (Ph. D. 1957) Lindenstruth, Albert F. (Ph. D. 1950) Lipschitz, Abraham. ( P h . D . 1955) Lowen, Warren K. (Ph. D. 1949) Luft, Ludwig. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 6 ) McElroy, Albert Dean. (Ph. D. 1951) McKinney, Robert Wesley. (Ph.D. 1957) Margrave, John Lee. (Ph. D. 1951) Marsi, Kenneth L. (Ph. D. 1955) Mathewes, David Andrew, Jr. (M. S. 1955) Index Mazzitelli, Alba. (M.S. 1949) Mehta, Nariman Boraansliaw. (Ph.D. 1952) Melaas, Bruce Allen. (Ph. D. 1958) Melzer, Marvin Stanley. (M. S. 1958) Meyer, Norman James. (Ph.D. 1956) Michaelis, Carl I. (M. A. 1949) Michelakis, Andrew M. (M. S. 1956) Miller, Frank. (M, S. 1957) Miller, Marion Knapp. (M. A. 1949) Milne, Thomas Anderson. (Ph.D. 1955) Minor, John Threecivelous. (Ph.D. 1950) Moyer, Melvin Isaac. (Ph. D. 1952) Musick, Mary Josephine. (M. A. 1958) Nielsen, Donald B. (Ph.D. 1956) Noonan, James Edward. (M. A. 1949) Parker, William Edward. (Ph.D. 1956) Patton, Helen Mitchell. (M.S. 1949) Pntton, Leo Wesley. (M. A. 1949) Petty, Roy Lee. (Ph. D. 1953) Podrebarac, Eugene G. (M. S. 1957) Poje, John Anthony. (Ph. D. 1950) Pollock, Bernard David. (Ph. D. 1953) Popp, Frank Donald. (Ph.D. 1957) Ilausch, Marvin Dean. (Ph.D. 1955) Reavis, James Lyndon. (M. A. 1950) Renich, Paul William. (Ph.D. 1949) Richardson, Paul Joslin. (M.S. 1951) Rose, Myra N. (M. A. 1955) Rose, Norman Carl. (Ph.D. 1957) Royer, Donald Jack. (Ph. D. 1956) Russell, Robert R. (Ph. D. 1949) Sadow, Harvey Seymour. (M.S. 1949) Santoro, Angelo Victor. (Ph.D. 1958) Schechter, Dale Lupfer. (M.S. 1952) Schechter, Dale Lupfer. (Ph.D. 1954) Schechter, William Howard. (Ph. D. 1948) Scherrer, Joseph H. (Ph.D. 1957) Seyb, Edgar J . , Jr. (Ph.D. 1950) Shen, Kwei-Ping. (M. A. 1956) Simpson, B. Doyle. (Ph.D. 1957) Smith, Louise C. (M. A. 1952) Sorensen, David Truman. (Ph.D. 1958) Sparr, Bertram Irving. (M.S. 1950) Spiegelhalter, Roland R. (M. A. 1950) Stephanou, Stephen E. (Ph.D. 1949) Stewart, Clare A., Jr. (Ph.D. 1953) Stewart, Jay Junior. (M. A. 1948) Stoenner, Raymond William. (Ph. D. 1949) Stutz, Robert Louis. (M. S. 1957) Sveinbjornsson, August G. (Ph.D. 1948) Takashina, Nnomitsee. (M.S. 1.956) Taylor, William Lloyd. (Ph.D. 1954) Teitz, Raymond Frank. (Ph.D. 1954) Tenney, Robert E. (M.S. 1949) Terss, Robert Harold. (Ph.D. 1953) Thompson, Joseph Kyle. (M. A. 1948) Thompson, Joseph Kyle. (Ph.D. 1950) Unruh, Carl Milford. (M.S. 1954) Wallace, Richard M. (Ph.D. 1953) 119 Walters, Lee Rudyard. (Ph.D. 1958) Waters, Russell Claude. (Ph.D. 1952) Welch, Frank Howard. (M. A. 1948) Werth, Kenneth Ervin. (M.S. 1955) Westland, Roger Dean. (M.S. 1952) Whaley, Thomas Patrick. (Ph.D. 1950) Wheatley, Quentin de Lattice. (Ph. D. 1954) Wilen, Samuel Henry. (Ph.D. 1956) Wilhoit, Randolph Carroll. (M. A. 1949) Williams, Jack Alden. (Ph.D. 1954) Wilson, G. Elizabeth. (Ph.D. 1953) Wise, Edward Nelson. (Ph.D. 1953) Wright, Paul Ernest. (M.S. 1954) Yang, John Yun-Wen. (Ph.D. 1957) Yuan, Hong-Chien. (Ph.D. 1957) Zingaro, Balph A. (M.S. 1949) Zingnro, Ralph A. (Ph.D. 1950) CIVIL ENGINEERING Altirnari, Philip Ellsworth. (M.S. 1958) Ansari, Mohammed All. (M. S. 1952) Baer, Charles John. (M.S. 1950) Barenberg, Ernest J. (M.S. 1958) Black, Charles Thomas. (M.S. 1952) Gray, Melville Wilfred. (M.S. 1958) Kasim, Hazim Abdul-Hamid. (M. S. 1955) Nasser, Karim Wadi. (M.S. 1952) Nelson, Lee Edward. (M.S. 1958) Robinson, Lloyd R., Jr. (M. S. 1958) Ruggles, William L. (M.S. 1948) Shaw, Warren Arthur. (M. S. 1952) Siqueira, Walter Moreira. (M. S. 1954) Sujata, Henry Leo. (M.S. 1952) Vaught, George Willits. (M.S. 1949) Vollenweider, Rolf. (M.S. 1951) Wang, Ting-Shun. (M. S. 1958) Yang, Peng-Chih. (M.S. 1956) ECONOMICS Angell, Wayne D. (M.A. 1953) Angell, Wayne D. (Ph. D. 1957 ) Argyris, Chris. (M.A. 1949) Atwond, Bayard Mcintosh, Jr. (M. A. 1954) Baqai, Moin Uddin. (Ph.D. 1956) Benton, Gaylord Nelson. (M.A. 1950) Campbell, Robert Wellington. (M.A, 1950) Casad, Robert Clair. (M.A. 1952) Cook, Arthur J. D. (Ph.D. 1957) Cook, Donald Everett. (M.A. 1958) Cory, Charles H., Jr. (M. A. 1956) Gerakis, Andreas Athanassios. (Ph. D. 1957) Ghaffari, Ahmad. (M.A. 1952) Gross, Norman. (M.A. 1954) Herd, G. Donald. (M.A. 1949) Hobbs, Alice Marilyn. (M.A. 1949) Jochnick, Adolf Bertil Jonas Af. (M. A. 1955) Johns, Vernon O. (Ph. D. 1948) Judy, Richard White. (M.A. 1955) 120 Departmental Kalambokidis, Evangelos N. (M. A. 1957 > Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad. (Ph. D, 1 9 5 6 ) Khare, Gopal Prasad. (Ph. D. 1956) KirehhofF, Edwin Ernest. (M. A. 1 9 5 1 ) Kohlik, Jiri. (M. A. 1954) Lefevre, Lucy Doris. (M. A. 1953) Malone, John Richard. (M. A. 1950) Masih, Nolin. (M. A. 1 9 5 3 ) Miller, Glenn Harold, Jr. (M. A. 1 9 5 4 ) Miller, Henry Laurence, Jr. (M. A. 1948) Moddelmog, James D. (M. A. 1952) Montsanides, Demetrius Themistocleous. (M. A. 1956) Nigh, Robert Russell. (M. A. 1955) Nissan, Anwar. (M. A. 1956) Panayotopoulos, Panayntis C. (M. A. 1957) Pflster, Richard L. (M. A. 1950) Pinet, Frank S. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 5 ) Risser, Hubert E. (Ph.D. 1956) Robertson, Ross Marshall. (Ph.D. 1948) Robinson, Jack Loyd. (M. A. 1955) Rooda, Jakob Gijsbert Eelkman. (M. A. 1955) Scott, Robert Hancy, (M. A. 1950) Smith, Vernon Lomax. (M. A.. 1951) Terry, Edwin F. (M. A. 1956) Treitel, Thomas C. (M. A. 1955) Tuncer, Mustafa Barnn. (M. A. 1957) Tyagarnjan, Meenakshi. (Ph. D., 1 9 5 7 ) Vaqar, Nasrolloh. (M. A. 1951) Vaqar, Nasrollah. (Ph.D. 1956) Varughese, Pnnavelil N. (M. A. 1953) Watkins, Kermit C. (Ph. D. 1955) Wetmore, John Marshall. (M. A. 1950) Ziekefoose, Paul W. (Ph. D. 1954) EDUCATION Abel, Clifford Lee. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Acker, William James. (M.S.Ed. 1955) Adams, Esther Young. (M.S.Ed. 1957) Alkire, G. Don. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 3 ) Allen, William II., Jr. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 4 9 ) Alnutt, John Carl. (M. A. 1948) Anderson, Lethia Mae. (M.S.Ed. 1952) Anderson, Verl Dean. (M. S. Ed. 1952) Andrews, Michael Frank. (M. S. Ed. 1948) Annis, Russell W. (M. S. Ed. 1953) Ashloclc, Bobert Allen. (Spec, in Ed. 1956) Atha, Quincy L. (Ed. D. 1954) Ayers, Solon G. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 2 ) Bacot, Eunice Rosctta. (M.S.Ed. 1 9 5 3 ) Bner, Clyde Joseph. (M. S.Ed. 1950) Baer, Clyde Joseph. (Ed. D. 1955) Bahr, Ehrhard. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Baker, Anna Belle Rees. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 7 ) Baker, Charles D. (Ed. D. 1957) Baker, Charles David. (M.S.Ed. 1 9 4 9 ) Bale, Lawrence James. ( M . S . E d . 1 9 5 7 ) Barker, Gerald Kermit. (M.S.Ed. 1 9 4 8 ) B a r l a n d , J e r o m e Kenneth. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Barnes, Guy Virgin. (M.S.Ed. 1957) Bartel, Roy Allen. (M. S. Ed. 1949) Baskett, Betty Lee. ( M . S . E d . 1958) Bell, James O. (M. S. Ed. 1952) Beninga, Max E. (M. S.Ed. 1957) Berger, Elvis Vernon. (M. S. Ed. 1951 ) Riddle, E m m a Wilhelmina. (M. S . E d 1958) Biery, Helen Bair. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Bigge, Morris L. (Ph.D. 1951) Billings, John Burnham. (M.S.Ed. 1 9 4 8 ? Billington, Joan Schlägel. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 8 ? Bird, Dorothy Jean. (Ed. D. 1958) Blea, William Alexander. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 8 ) Bolton, Merle Hay, Sr. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 5 ) Book, Howard A. (Ph.D. 1948) Boucher, Eli John Leo. (M. A. 1950) Bradley, Idnbelle. (M. A. 1948) Brewster, William Joel. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 7 ) Briggs, Robert Allen. ( M . S . Ed. 1 9 5 1 > Broadfoot, Clarence Peter, Jr. ( M . S . E d 1952) Brooks, Robert Scott. (M. S.Ed. 1954) Brown, Joseph Ross. (Ph. D. 1953) Broyles, Haskell LeRoy. ( M . S . E d . 1954) Brüning, Herbert Irving. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 4 ) Bunch, George Albert. ( M . S . E d . 1 9 5 8 ) Burke, Norris, Frank. ( M . S . E d . 1951) Butler, Lawrence B. ( M . S . E d . 1953) Butler, Lawrence B. (Ed. D. 1956) Butler, William R. (Ed. D. 195Ö) Calkins, Gilbert Wayne. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 3 ) Callahan, Fern Etta. ( M . S . E d . 1958) Calvert, Paul Leonard. (M. S.Ed. 1957 ) Camien, Laiten Lester. (Ph.D. 1948) C a m p h e l l , C a r l Woodrow. (M, S . E d . 1951) Carter, Arlenc Classen. (M.S.Ed. 1955 ) Carver, Edgar Charles. (M.S.Ed. 1954 > Caywood, Keith E. ( M . S . E d . 1951) Charles, Ramon L. (M. S. Ed. 1949) Charles, Ramon L. (Ed. D. 1953) Chenoweth, Jean B. (M. A. 1949) C l e n v i n g c r , Asa E u g e n e . ( M . S . E d . 1957) Cleavinger, Carolyn H. ( M . S . E d . 1 9 5 7 ) Clinesmith, Carl B e n j a m i n . (M.S. E e l . 1950) Clothier, Grant Martin. (M. S.Ed. 1951 ) Clothier, Grant Martin. (Ed. D. 1958) Coan, Clark. ( M . S . E d . 1 9 5 3 ) Coats, Ronald W. (M. S. Ed. 1949) Cochrane, William Henry, Jr. ( M . S . E d . 1955) Coffin, Werner Andrew, Jr. (M.S. E e l . 1954) Cole, Glenn Albert. (Ph.D. 1949) Coleman, Lee D. ( M . S . E d . 1956) Colver, Robert Merle. (Ed. D. 1952) Colyer, Luther Melvin. ( M . S . E d . 1 9 5 1 ) Conner,. Florence J. ( M . S . E d . 1958) Cooling, Mary Elizabeth. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 4 ) Index Corcoran, Agnes Marie. (M.S. Ed. 1958) Cordon, Marjorie Elnora. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Cornwell, William Oscar. (M.S. Ed. 1951) Covey, Basil H. (Spec, in Ed. 1954) Cowles, Frieda Eileen. (M. A. 1948) Cox, Joyce Wingrave. (M.S. Ed. 1958) Cox, Monte Gene. (M.S. Ed. 19,56) Cozart, Mazine B. (M. S.Ed. 1952) Cress, John Marshall, Jr. (M.S. Ed. 1949) Crow, Allen B. (M.S. Ed. 1948) Crump, James Wilson. (M.S. Ed. 1949) Dameron, Joseph Dean. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Dancy, Mary Jean. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Davidson, Dixie. (M. S. Ed. 1956) Davidson, Gene Edward. (M.S. Ed. 1953) Davis, Helen Boyersmith. (M.S. Ed. 1951) Dechant, Emerald V. (Ph.D. 1958) DeHavon, Fannie M a b e l . (M.S. Ed. 1952) Denny, George E. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Diehl, Walter Eugene. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Dietz, Bernard V. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Dodson, Lloyd Lee (M.S. Ed. 1954) Dowhowcr, Edna. (M.S. Ed. 1951) Dumler, Marvin J. (Ed. D. 1955) Dunford, Ruth Merchant. (M.S. Ed. 1958) Dunkak, F l o r e n c e Nelson. (M.S. Ed. 1958) Dunn, Randall R. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Dunwell, Robert Roy. (M.S. Ed. 1956) Ebel, Karl W. (M. S. Ed. 19S5) Edmondson, Sherman Edmond. (M. S. Ed. 1956) Edwards, Karl Drechsel. (Ed. D. 1951) Eidson, George Warren. (M, S. Ed. 1957) Embrey, James E. (M.S. Ed. 1955) Embrey, Roberta L. (M.S. Ed. 1955) Epps, M a r g a r e t Walker. (M.S. Ed. 1958) Ernst, Jack Ormond. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Estrada, Josef a Presbitero. (M.S. Ed. 1957) Estrada, Josef a Presbitero. (Ed. D. 1958) Everett, Jasper D. (M. A. 1950) Fagan, Esther Fried. (M. S. Ed. 1952) Fahrbach, Carl George, Jr. (Ed. D. 1958) F e r g u s o n , Hugh Thomas. (M.S. Ed. 1951) Fisher, Cleo William. (M.S. Ed. 1953) Fisher, William Edwin; (Ph. D. 1952) Fisk, Franklin Gregory. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Fite, Kenneth Austin. (Ed. D. 1954) Flint, Richard William. (M. S. Ed. 1952) Forbes, Fritz W. (Ed. D. 1952) Forman, John Warren. (Ph. D. 1953) Fort, Berneice DeSehns. (M.S.Ed. 1955) Foulks, James Reid. (M.S.Ed. 1956) 121 Fox, Wagoner Lee. (M.S.Ed. 1957) Franks, Beulah Baum. (M.S.Ed. 1957) Freeman, Bill L. (M.S.Ed. 1958) French, Clarence N. (M. S. Ed. 1950) French, Freeman G. (M.S.Ed. 1952) French, Marjorie Lomas. (M. S. Ed. 1951) Fulton, Helen L. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Galbraith, Francis. (M. S. Ed. 1952) Garder, Clarence Ellsworth, Jr. (Ed. D. 1953) Garrison, Ellis J. (M.S.Ed. 1951) Gaston, Gordon Irvin. (M.S.Ed. 1953) Gazda, John M. (M. S. Ed. 1953 ) Geoffroy, Melba Young. (M.S.Ed. 1951) George, Howard A. (Ed. D. 1957) George, Wellnard Madison. (M.S. Ed. 1952) Gerbcr, Charles Edward. (M, S. Ed. 1948) Gilbaugh, John Wesley. (Ed. D. 1953) Gilman, Joseph Richard, Jr. (M.S.Ed. 1954) Glasse, Clarence A., Jr. (M.S.Ed. 1950) Gleckler, Donald M. (M.S.Ed. 1954) Gordon, Shirley Joan. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Graves, Mary Adkins. (M.S.Ed. 1948) Graves, Perdue Brook. (Ed. D. 1949) Gray, Robert Trull. (Ed. D. 1953) Gray, Wanda Willmore. (M. S.Ed. 1957) Green, Margaret Mary. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Grossart, Rex Packard. (M.S.Ed. 1957) Guba, Egon G. (M. A. 1950) Gudgen, Marjorie Gloria. (M. S. Ed. 1952) Iiahn, Marcus Emerson. (Ph.D. 1954) Hanson, Floyd N. (M.S.Ed. 1948) Hanson, Marion French. (M. S. Ed. 1950) Harder, Donald Frederick. (M.S.Ed. 1949) Harder, Donald Frederick. (Ed. D. 1952) Haider, Richard Charles. (M. S. Ed. 1953) Hardwick, Harold Leonard. (M.S.Ed. 1956) Harkness, Charles Adam. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Harmon, Harlan Leroy. (M.S.Ed. 1952) Harmon, Roy T. (M. A. 1948) Harvey, Bernice Luella. (M. S.Ed. 1955) Hawkins, Phil R. (M. S. Ed. 1956) Hedrick, Joan Lippelmann. (M.S. Ed. 1955) Heob, Lawrence Joseph. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Henson, Owen M. (M. A. 1952) Herrman, William Lyndon. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Hinde, Thomas Robert. (M. A. 1951) Hird, Myrtle Lucile. (M.S.Ed. 1948) Hobson, Dale Turner. (Ed. D. 1954) Holder, Robert Danuel. (M.S. Ed. 1956) Holly, Joseph Victor. (Ed. D. 1948) Holmer, Robert Martin. (M.S.Ed. 1948) Holsinger, Justus G. (Spec, in Ed. 1956) Hood, Leroy Emil. (Ed. D. 1955) Houehins, Rollie Robie. (M.S.Ed. 1954) Houghton, George D. (M.S.Ed. 1956) 122 Departmental Howard, William R. (M.S.Ed. 1948) Hughes, E. Eileen. (M.S.Ed. 1955) Hughes, Mary Elizabeth. (M. A. 1949) Hughes, Shirley Winifred. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Isaacs, Dale Allen. (Ed. D. 1953) Isaacson, Lee Everett. (Ed. D. 1952) Iske, Gladys Fay. (M.S.Ed. 1958) James, Carl Andrew. (Ed. D. 1950) James, Charles Glenn. (Ed. D. 1955) Jeffress, James Alfred. (Spec, in Ed. 1954) Jent, H. Clay, Jr. (Ph.D. 1951) Jessup, William Carl. (M.S.Ed. 1951) Jester, James FranHin, Jr. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Johnson, Charles Andrew. (Ph.D. 1950) Johnson, Wallace R. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Jones, Pnul Allen. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Kaye, Paul E. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Kazem, Mohamed Ibrahim, (Ed. D. 1957) Keltcher, Otis Wesley. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Kennedy, Paul C. (Ed. D. 1955) Kufer, Vivo Hutton. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Killian, Robert Michael. (M. S. Ed. 1957) King, Irvill Courtner. (M. A. 1956) Kinkade, Ina Lee. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Kirkpatrick, Martha B. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Knight, Jnmes Louis. (M. S. Ed. 1952) Knox, Carl S. (Ed. D. 1955) Knudson, Betty Jane. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Kohl, Fred Baylis. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Koontz, Melton Doyle. (M. S. Ed. 1949) Koontz, Melton Doyle. (Ed. D. 1953) Kron, Ralph Ernest. (Ed. D. 1958) Küllstedt, Einar Valter. (Ph.D. 1955) Kurek, Adolph. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Kyle, Murray Donald. (M. S. Ed. 1953) Lndd, Carl E. (M. S. Ed. 1951) Ladd, Carl E. (Ed. D. 1955) Lnfferty, Charles William. (Ed. D. 1958) Lanter, Edith Brock. (M. S. Ed. 1948) Latenser, John Edward. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Lemon, Dale Delton. (M. S. Ed. 1949) Leocadio y Hate, Clodoaldo. (Spec, in Ed. 1956) Lesher, Merle Ralph. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Lessig, Bernice Milner. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Lilley, Agnes Bertha. (M. S. Ed. 1951) Lindsey, Mary Jeanne. (M. S, Ed. 1956) Lingo, Hazel Fleischer (M. S. Ed. 1957) Linscheid, John Willard. (M. A. 1951) Litchfield, William C. (M. S. Ed. 1956) Lockwood, Lloyd. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Longfellow, Arthur Kendall. (M.S. Ed. 1949) Lorenzen, Robert L. (Ed. D. 1956) Lowe, Janet Curry. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Lynch, Julian Dare. (M. A. 1950) McAdoo, Robert Eugene. (Ed. D. 1957) McAnarncy, H a r r y E d w a r d . (Ed. D. 1958) McArthur, Harvey John. (M. S. Ed. 1949) McCarty, Edris Louise. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 4 ) McClelland, W i l l i a m D e a n . ( M . S . Ed. 1953) McClure, Lloyd, Jr. (M. S. E d . 1 9 5 2 ) McConnoll, James A. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 2 ) McCord, Harold Bruce. (M. S. Ed. 1954) McEacheu, Howard D. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 5 ) McGill, Eunice Parr. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 1 ) McGrath, F r a n k E d m u n d . ( M . S . Ed. 1949) McKinnis, Leslie A. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) McMullen, R o b e r t E u g e n e . (M.S. Ed. 1958) McMurray, W e n d e l l H o w a r d . (M. A. 1952) McQueen, J i m m i e C a l v i n , (M.S. Ed. 1958) Martin, Burley Benton. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 5 ) Martin, Gorby Ray. (M. S. Ed. 1956) Martinez, John Paul. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 3 ) Maxey, Sylvia Belle. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 4 8 ) Mercer, Dolores Lee. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 7 ) Mercer, Willis J. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 6 ) Miehnel, Vernon Dwight. (M. A. 1951 ) Milan, Jesse. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 4 ) Miller, Marshall Baldwin. ( E d . D. 1 9 5 7 ) Mills, Charles Parks. (M. S. E d . 1 9 5 1 ) Mix, Thomas O. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 4 9 ) Moffet, Wilmer Dale. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 7 ) Mog, Ilubertine Mary. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 5 ) Moler, Donald Lewis. (Ph.D. 1951) Moler, Margaret Ansdell. (M. S. Ed. 1950) Montgomery, Susan. (M. S. E d . 1957) Morehead, Charles Galloway. (Ed. D. 1953) Morris, Thomas Francis. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Mueller, Wilbert John. (Ed. D. 1956) Myers, Walter Edwin. (M. S. Ed, 1 9 4 8 ) Naylor, Kirk Eugene. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 2 ) Ncas, Beverly Jack. (M. S. Ed. 1953) Neely, Melvin E. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 7 ) Nelson, Albert Leroy. (M. S. E d . 1 9 5 5 ) Nelson, Harry Blackburn. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Nelson, Howard F. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 3 ) Nelson, John Moiminger. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 4 ) Nelson, Sylvia H. (Spec, in Ed. 1 9 5 5 ) Newland, Mary Lucille. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 4 9 ) Newman, Dorothy. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 8 ) Nicolas, Loretta A. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 2 ) Nichols, Neal D. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 2 ) Norris, Delvin Thomas. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 8 ) Novotny, Lena Lorena. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 4 ) Oldham, Kenneth Lee. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Orme, Lillian Taylor. (M. S. Ed. 1952) Ortiz, Jose Dennis. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 7 ) O'Sullivan, Margaret Maurino. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Ottman, Donald Kirk. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 6 ) Overstreet, Lewis Daniel. ( M . S . Ed. 1950 ) Index Page, Tate Cromwell. (Ed. D. 195.5) Palmer, Emma B. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Parker, Melba Burwell. (M. S. Ed. 1949) Parsons, Iva Fern. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Partridge, Arthur Ray. (M. S. Ed. 1949) Pearson, Donald Curtis. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Penny, Lawrence L. (Ed. D. 1958) Peters, Richard L. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Peterson, Irvin L. (M. S. Ed. 1948) Peterson, Wilbur E. (M. S. Ed. 1952 Pfeltz, Clifford Norment. (Ed. D. 1957) Phillips, James Albert. (M.S. Ed. 1956) Piskoty, Richard Steven. (M. S. Ed. 1956) Pitts, Raymond E. (M. A. 1948) Plath, Ernest C. (Ed. D. 1955) Poor, Clifford Wayne. (M. S. Ed. 1948) Poppe, Kenneth H. G. (M. S. Ed. 1953) Porter, Mnrjorie Ruth. (M.S. Ed. 1957) Post, James Paul. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Powell, Alletta. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Powell, Donald Franklin. (M. S. Ed. 1948) Powell, Donald Franklin. (Ed. D. 1955) Pownall, Jo Elaine. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Price, Anna Mae. (M, S. Ed. 1954) Quiring, Frank Stanley. (M.S. Ed. 1957) Ramaseshan, Padmlni Hannah. (M. S. Ed. 1955) Ramsey, Robert Diehl. (M.S. Ed. 1958) Rasmussen, Otho Mills. (Ph. D. 1952) Render, Edna C. L. (M. S. Ed. 1953) Rcdfleid, Levi Gleason. (M. S. Ed. 1948) Reid, Kenneth Merlin. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Rhodes, George Stryker. (Ed. D. 1956) Ridgwny, Robert William. (M. S. Ed. 1950) Hidgway, Robert William. (Ed. D, 1955) Riley, Glen Dale. (M. A. 1957) Riley, Richard R. (M, S. Ed. 1949) Rosenfleld, Richard Julius. (M. S. Ed. 1951) Ross, Ruth Palmer. (M. S. Ed. 1956) Rowland, Richard F. (M. S. Ed. 1958) Royer, Harold Leroy. (Ed. D. 1956) Rupiper, Omer John. (Ed. D. 1956) Samuelson, Everett V. (Ed. D. 1958) Sapp, Ora William (M.S.Ed. 1957) Sauer, Helmut A. (M.S. Ed. 1958) Saunders, Glenn Arthur. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Schillinger, Ruth Carolyn. (Ed. D. 1949) Schnebel, William G. (M.S.Ed. 1950) Schofer, Paul J. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Schulz, Calvin A. (M.S.Ed. 1950) Schwartz, Melvin LaVerne. (M.S.Ed. 1954) Scritclviield, Floyd C. (Ph.D. 1955) Seymour, Virginia. (M.S.Ed. 1957) Sheffield, Charles Warren. (M.S.Ed. 1956) Shirk, David Lee. (M. S.Ed. 1951) Siemens, John, Jr. (M. A. 1950) Simpson, Frederick, W. (Ed. D. 1958) 123 Simpson, Loren Earl. (M.S.Ed. 1955) Sims, Ward Leon. (Ed. D. 1957) Sloop, Maxwell E. (M.S.Ed. 1957) Smith, Helen Stuart. (M.S.Ed. 1952) Smith, John Henry Mackey. (Ed. D. 1950) Smith, June Nickel. (Ed. D. 1957) Smith, Ralph Allen. (Ph.D. 1954) Snyder, Eldon E. (M.S.Ed. 1956) Sollner, William Jarvis. (M.S.Ed. 1951) Spear, Karl E. (M. S. Ed. 1951 ) Stark, Marvin B. (M.S.Ed. 1957) Starrett, Jacqueline Elizabeth. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Steele, jerry Arthur. (M.S.Ed. 1956) Steimel, Raymond Joseph. (Ph.D. 1958) Stcrnitzke, Vincent L. (Ed. D. 1957) Stewart, Bruce Reed, (Ph.D. 1957) Stock, Claudette. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Stoppel, Norman K. (M.S.Ed. 1958) Strickler, Arnold Nicholas. (M.S.Ed. 1951) Strohmeyer, Donald Francis. (M.S. Ed. 1949 ) Strowig, Bonald Wray. ( M. A. 1948 ) Strub, Paul. (Ed. D. 1957) Suhling, Otto. (M.S.Ed. 1955) Swisher, Ernest C, Jr. (Ed. D. 1953) Tate, Theodore Roosevelt. ( M. A, 1950 ) Taylor, Mnrilyn Jean. (M.S. Ed. 1957) Thomas, Earl Davis. (Ed. D. 1955) Thompson, Eugene Edward. (M. S. Ed. 1948) Thurman, Arthur Odell. (Ed. D. 1957) Tiedemann, Myra Anne M. ( M. A. 1957 ) Timmons, Robert LeHoy. (M. S. Ed. 1950) Titsworth, Elizabeth Louise, (M.S.Ed. 1957) Todd, Charles Odess. (M.S.Ed. 1948) Tomlinson, Richard Kent. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Townsend, James Willard. (M.S.Ed. 1952) Turner, Jesse Paul. (M.S.Ed. 1951) Unruh, Archie Dean. (M.S.Ed. 1954) Unruh, OttoDuane. (M.S.Ed. 1956) Valliere, Donald D. (M.S.Ed. 1950) Varughese, Panavelil N. (M. S. Ed. 1954) Vaughan, C. Kaye. (M.S.Ed, 1957) Vigneron, John Harry. (M.S.Ed. 1956) Vinson, Wanda Mae. (M. A. 1949) Wagner, Carl E. (Ed. D. 1956) Walker, Donald Arthur. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Wallers, James Theodore. (M. S. Ed. 1957) Ward, Alvin Dugger. (M. S, Ed. 1950) Ward, June Ann. (M. S. Ed. 1953) Warner, John Flood. (M.S. Ed. 1956) Warner, Marita Skidmore. (M.S. Ed. 1952) Washington, Martina Pearl. (M. S. Ed. 1948) Watrous, Mary Lenora. (M. A. 1949) Watson, Edwin P. (M. A. 1957) Departmental 124 Webb, John R. (M. A. 1 9 5 2 ) Weinberg, Louis. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 3 ) Wcitzer, Sara Janet. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Wcldon, Lynn LeRoy. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 8 ) Wendt, Harley John, Sr. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Wheeler, Arlinc Zilpha. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 5 ) White, Alberta Raye. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 4 9 ) White, Jack Edward. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 5 ) Whitla, Russell Hanley, Jr. (M.S. Ed. 1955) Wicgman, Eugene William, (M. S. Ed. 1956) Williams, Cecil Lee. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 7 ) Wilson, Eugene Bruce. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 0 ) Wilson, Owen B. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 5 ) Witter, Jasper Curtis. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 2 ) Wolfe, Benny W. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Wood, Darrell Eugene. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 3 ) Wright, Beverly Sue. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 5 8 ) Wyatt, Nita Mae. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 6 ) Yeokum, Charles Floyd. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 5 ) Yerkes, Lois Hammond. (M. S. Ed. 1 9 4 9 ) Yocum, Dale Morris. (Ed. D. 1 9 5 7 ) Yost, Walter Arthur. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 8 ) Young, James Mitchell. (M.S. Ed. 1 9 5 2 ) E L E C T R I C A L ENGINEERING Ashley, James Robert. (M.S. 1 9 5 6 ) Atchison, Donald Porter. (M. S. 1 9 5 2 ) Ballard, David Chapin. (M.S. 1 9 4 8 ) Beck, Charles H. (M.S. 1 9 5 8 ) Bimbaum, Morris Melvin. (M. S. 1 9 5 2 ) Brawn, Robert S. (M. S. 1 9 5 8 ) Bryant, Thomas Duane. (M.S. 1 9 4 8 ) Ching, Garland Edward. (M.S. 1 9 5 5 ) Chronister, Irvin G. (M. S. 1 9 5 8 ) Clement, Preston Hivcly. (M.S. 1 9 4 8 ) Coates, Clarence Lcroy, Jr. (M.S. 1 9 4 8 ) Cottom, Melvin Clyde. (M. S. 1 9 4 8 ) Curtain, Edwnrd Lee. (M. S. 1 9 4 8 ) Day, Robert Grinnell. (M. S. 1 9 4 8 ) Dios, Zoltan Bebie. (M. S. 1 9 5 3 ) Driver, Garth Edward. (M.S. 1 9 4 8 ) Faris, William Robert. (M. S. 1 9 5 1 ) Goodwyn, Thadeous A., Jr. (M.S. 1 9 5 8 ) Hoefer, William Gaines. (M. S. 1 9 4 8 ) Jordan, Edward Loren. (M. S. 1 9 5 2 ) Mandelkehr, Maurice Marks. (M. S. 1 9 5 0 ) Martin, Edwin J . , Jr. (M.S. 1 9 5 6 ) M o n t g o m e r y , Homer Richard, (M.S. 1958) North, John William. (M. S. 1 9 5 2 ) Potter, Richard Ralph. (M.S. 1 9 5 0 ) Robb, David D. (M. S. 1 9 4 8 ) Rummer, Dale Ivan. (M.S. 1 9 5 4 ) Seamans, David Alvin. (M.S. 1 9 5 6 ) Shea, Richard Joseph. (M. S. 1 9 4 9 ) Shcppard, Hubert Ray. (M. S. 1 9 5 0 ) Shirley, John Mclnnes. (M.S. 1 9 5 1 ) Stewart, William Ross. (M.S. 1 9 4 8 ) Taylor, Chester Calvin. (M.S. 1 9 5 8 ) ENGLISH Amcll, Karin. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Amini, Hannah Roberts. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Baird, John Sanford. (M. A. 1 9 5 6 ) Barnes, B. J. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Bates, Paul Allen. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 5 ) Bowman, Alden Elbert. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Brooks, Inn Beck. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Brooks, Wilma Nadine. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Brown, Robert Curtis. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Carter, Reta Norman. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Chamberlain, Dorothea May. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Chandler, James Barton. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Chitnis, Pratap Chidamber. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Cordonnier, Max Edward. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Craven, Peggy Jane. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Daruwalla, Mehra Naoroji. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Davis, Robert Murray. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Duree, Barbara Joyce. (M. A. 1 9 5 1 ) Feeney, William Jnckson. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Feighny, Geraldine Fidelia. (M. A. 1 9 5 3 ) Fenner, Julia H. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Gillespie, Vincent Elliott, Jr. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Goodwin, F r a n c e s McDonald. (M. A. 1953) Groff, Edward Burke. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 7 ) Gunn, James Edwin. (M. A. 1 9 5 1 ) Gustafson, Richard Clarence. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Habein, Margaret. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 2 ) Hafer-Hill, Patricia M. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Herman, George Richard. (M. A. 1 9 5 6 ) Hesser, Dale Cahiil. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 7 ) Hiebert, Phyllis Jean. (M. A. 1 9 5 2 ) Hill, John Stanley. (M. A. 1 9 5 6 ) Hutlon, William Harvey. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Jackson, Etta Mae. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Kuuffman, Herbert LeRoy. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Kendall, Jack Lehmer. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Lamb, John Plimpton. (M. A. 1 9 5 4 ) Leflar, Thomas Jerome. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) McGoughran, Jeanne Holloway. (M. A. 1950) Marcus, Mordecai. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 8 ) Meredith, Glen Uel. (M. A. 1 9 5 5 ) Murphy, Irene. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 3 ) Nesselhof, John Morrison. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Nold, John Richard. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Norris, John Melvin, Jr. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Nycmist, Norma. (M. A. 1 9 5 2 ) Palmer, William Packard, (Ph.D. 1 9 5 7 ) Persky, A. Phillip. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Prcis, Richard Ira. (M. A. 1 9 5 3 ) Prieb, Wesley John. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Rawlings, Jnne Morton. (M. A. 1 9 5 4 ) Heardon, John D. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 7 ) Righter, Jean Kirkham. (M. A. 1 9 5 3 ) Righter, William Harvey. (M. A. 1 9 5 4 ) Roberts, William Henry. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Robinson, Florence Myrtle. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Roland, Albert. ( M. A. 1 9 5 1 ) Ross, Leah Helen. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Senear, Bernice Larson. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Schmitt, Mary Catherine. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Scholes, James Bert. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Schwartz, Charlotte. (M. A. 1 9 5 2 ) Scott, James Frazier. ( M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Index Shields, Kenneth Dale. (M. A. 1954) Shupe, Elden E„ Jr. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Smiley, Clara Pearl. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Solhier, William Jnrvis. (M..A. 1954) Stewart, Donald Charles. ( M . A . 1955) Stookdale, William A l e x a n d e r . (M.A. 1950 ) Suderman, Elmer F. (M.A. 1948) Sugawn, Sachiko. (M.A. 1 9 5 5 ) Thomas, Luella M. (M.A. 1 9 5 2 ) Throckmorton, Jcnn L. (Ph. D. 1954) Vancil, Sarah May. (M.A. 1 9 5 2 ) Van Scyoc, Leo L. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 7 ) Wnlnier, Paul Milton. ( M . A . 1949) Ward, Marjorie Alice. ( M . A . 1953) Wiley, James A. (M.A. 1 9 5 6 ) Williams, Terrence Josiah. ( M . A . 1957) Wills, Arthur, (Ph.D. 1 9 5 8 ) Wolfe, George Edgar. ( M . A . 1950) Wood, Barbara Ann. ( M . A . 1953) Zeller, Margaret Ann. ( M . A . 1949) ENTOMOLOGY Bacon, John A. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 0 ) Brooks, George Tally. (Ph. D. 1949) Capelle, Kenneth Jerome. ( M. A. 1951) Chillcott, James Gordon Thomas. (Ph. D. 1958) Christian, Paul Jackson. (Ph. D. 1952) Cook, Paul P., Jr. (M. A. 1 9 5 2 ) Cross, Earlo A., Jr. ( M . A . 1955) C r o s s l c y , DeRyee Ashton, Jr. (Ph.D. 1957) Crowder, Harold Wayne. <Ph. D. 1951) Dailey, David Thomns. ( M . A . 1951) Daly, Howell Vann, Jr. ( M . A. 1955) Ehrlich, Paul Kalph. (M. A. 1955) Ehrlich, Paul Ralph. (Ph. D. 1957) Elbcl, Robert Edwin. (M. A. 1950) Enns, Wilbur Ronald. ( P h . D . 1955) Frederiokson, Richard W. (M.A. 1954) Gxeenberg, Bernard. ( M . A . 1951) Greenberg, Bernard. (Ph. D. 1954) Haines, Thomns Walton. (M.A. 1952) Hanson, Wilford Joseph. (M, A. 1955) Hodgden, Burton Bennett. (Ph.D. 1949) Hopla, Cluff Earl. ( P h . D . 1950) Hunter, Preston Eugene. (Ph.D. 1956) Knrdos, Ervin Herman. (M.A. 1953) LnBerge, Wallace Edmond. (Ph. D. 1955) Lattin, John Daniel. ( M . A. 1951) McDermott, Bernard Thomas, (M. A. 1951) Marks, Edwin Potter. ( M . A . 1948) Morgan, Loy Weston. ( M . A. 1948) Mychnjliw, Stephan. ( M . A . 1956) Neering, Thomasine. ( M . A. 1953) Porter, Thomas Wayne. (Ph.D. 1950) Price, Roger DeForrest. (M.A. 1953) Price, Roger, DeForrest. (Ph.D. 1955) Shnnknr Narayan, D. ( P h . D . 1957) Sinha, Hanendra Nath. (Ph.D. 1956) 125 Sprague, Isabelle Baird. (Ph. D. 1953) Stephen, William Procuronoff. (Ph.D. 1952) Todd, Edward Lawrence. (M. A. 1948) Todd, Edward Lawrence. (Ph.D. 1950) Truxal, Fred Stone. (M.A. 1949) Truxal, Fred Stone. (Ph.D. 1952) Wallace, Herbert Stephen. (M.A. 1948) Wellhouse, William Templin. (M. A. 1948) White, Jimmy Reeves. (M. A. 1951) Wille, Alvaro. (M.A. 1955) Wolfenbarger, Keith Arlo. (M.A. 1951) Wood, Stephen Lane. (Ph. D. 1953) Young, David A. (Ph. D. 1951) FrNE ARTS: DESIGN Allen, Jean Saffell. (M. F. A. 1954) Becker, Ellen Spurney. (M. F. A. 1951) Black, Esther F. (M.F. A. 1950) Bluett, Elizabeth Muriel. ( M . F . A. 1955) Bowers, Patrick Henry. (M. F. A. 1951) Boyle, Alexander L. (M. F. A. 1956) Edie, Richard W. ( M . F . A. 1957) Ellsworth, Elizabeth Swigart, ( M . F . A. 1958) Gaddis, Isabelle. ( M . F . A. 1955) Gray, Phyllis Ann. (M. F. A. 1955) Imel, William Franklin. ( M . F . A. 1952) Kane, Donald Ivan. (M. F. A. 1950) Morton, May Katherine. ( M . F . A. 1951) Murray, Haraldean. (M, F. A. 1956) Needle, F r a n k William, Jr. ( M . F . A. 1953) Pae, Don. ( M . F . A. 1957) Reed, F. Jules. (M. F. A. 1953) Ronald, Martha Joyce. (M.F. A. 1957) Schwartz, Alice M. (M.F. A. 1953) Shaw, William H. ( M . F . A. 1954) Taylor, Carl. (M. F. A. 1951) Tefft, Elden C. (M. F. A. 1950) Voegele, Edward B. (M. F. A. 1950) Voos, William John. (M. F. A. 1953) Walker, Norma Eleanor. (M.F. A. 1951) Wolf, Nancy Kesler. ( M . F . A. 1952) F I N E ARTS: DRAWING AND PAINTING Almon, Jean Marie. (M. F. A. 1953) C h a n d l e r , Alice Catharine, (M.F. A. 1954) Greaver, Harry. (M.F. A. 1952) Johnson, David Kendrick. (M. F. A. 1956) Kemper, Walter, III. (M. F. A. 1957) L o u t h i a n , Donald Eugene. (M.F. A. 1952) McCoy, Thomas F., Jr. (M. F. A. 1952) Schlotterback, Thomas. (M. F. A. 1956) Waller, Aaron Bret, III. (M.F. A. 1958) GEOGRAPHY Baker, Daniel Protheroe. (M.A. 1954) Dillingham, Harry L. (M.S. 1956) Duxbury, John Alan. (M. A. 1951) Edmonds, Leland Russell. (M.A. 1952) Elliott, Harry L., Jr. (M.A. 1951) 126 Departmental Gustafson, Robert Eugene. (M. A. 1956) Hannaman, Thomas Belton. (M. A. 1951) Heller, Charles F., Jr. (M. A. 1957) Hodgkins, Jordan Atwood. (M. A. 1949) Kingsbury, Patricia Reed. (M. A. 1951) Kingsbury, Robert Carriek. (M. A. 1951) Moore, Fleming Stanley. (M. A. 1953) Schmidt, Nicholas James, Jr. (M. A. 1949) Thomas, Bradford Lewis. (M.A. 1958) GEOLOGY Angino, Ernest Edward. (M.S. 1958) Arper, William B., Jr. (Ph. D. 1953) Asquith, Donald Owen. (M.S. 1952) Ball, Mnhlon Marsh. (M.S. 1957) Ball, Stanton Mock. (M.S. 1958) Bates, Wayne E. (M.S. 1957) Beck, Henry Voorhees. (Ph.D. 1955) Beu, Robert Dean. (M.S. 1952) Bigelow, Nelson, Jr. (M.A. 1954) Bishop, Samuel Willis. (M.S. 1952) Boker, Thomas Andrew. (M. S. 1956) Brown, William G. (M.S. 1958) Brown, William Lindop. (M.A. 1954) Carlson, William A. (M.S. 1952) Chakravorty, Sailendra Kumer. (Ph. D. 1951) Chapman, John Sherman. (M.S. 1958) Conkin, Barbara Moyer. (M. S. 1954) Conkin, James E. (M.S. 1953) Cooley, Douglas Robert. (M. S. 1952) Davis, Stanley Nelson. (M.S. 1951) Dietsch, Harold Alan. (M.S. 1956) Dodge, Harry Whitfield. (M. S. 195B) Douglass, Myrl Robert. (M.S. 1954) DuBar, Jules R. (Ph. D. 1957) Dubins, Mortimer Ira. (M.S. 1948) Dufford, Alvin Ellsworth. (M.S. 1953) Eastwood, William Parker. (M.S. 1958) Pairchild, Paul Walker. (M.S. 1949) Fisher, William L. (M. S. 1958) Foster, Glen Lloyd. (M.S. 1958) Franks, Paul Conaway. (M.S. 1956) Grey, Charles Edwin. (M.S. 1948) Grinnell, Robert Stone, Jr. (M.A. 1958) Gutentag, Edwin D. (M. S. 1958) Gwinn, Billy W. (M. S. 1951) Hager, Glenn G. (M.S. 1952) Hambleton, William Weldon. (Ph. D. 1951) Harbaugh, John W. (M.S. 1950) Hattin, Donald Edward. (M.S. 1952) Hattin, Donald Edward. (Ph.D. 1954) Hawryszko, Julian Walter. (M.S. 1957) Haynes, Edward Hamilton. (M.S. 1952) Hickox, John Ekstrom. (M.S. 1951) Hilpman, Paul Lorenz. (M.A. 1956) Hodson, Warren G. (M.S. 1956) Holland, Bill Deward. (M.S. 1956) Howe, Wallace Brady. (Ph.D. 1954) Ives, William, Jr. (M. S. 1954) Kelly, John Martin. (M. S. 1955) King, Ralph H. (Ph.D. 1956) Klapper, Gilbert John. (M.S. 1958) Kleihege, Bernard Wray. (M.S. 1950) Klein, George DeVries. (M.A. 1957) Koenig, John Waldo. (M.S. 1951) Lamb, Ralph Charles, Jr. (M. S. 1956) Lamerson, Pnul Richard. (M.S. 1956) Lane, Norman Gary. (M.S. 1954) Lane, Norman Gary. (Ph.D. 1958) Laughlin, Dwight James. (M.S. 1957) Laukel, Quinn Cassel. (M.S. 1956) Lewis, Paul Joseph. (M.A. 1948) Lins, Thomas Wesley. (M.S. 1950) McBcc, William, Jr. (M.S. 1948) McCrae, Robert O. (M.S. 1954) McGregor, Duncan J. (M.S. 1948) McLaren, Donald B. (M. S. 1958) McManus, Dean Alvis. (M. S. 1956) McMillan, Neil John. (Ph.D. 1955) Mack, Leslie E. (M.A. 1957) Mann, Christian John. (M.S. 1957) Martin, Charles Arthur, Jr. (M.S. 1954) Merriam, Daniel Francis. (M. S. 1953) Mettler, Don Elwin. (M.S. 1956) Miller, Halsey Wilkinson, Jr. (Ph. D. 1958) Miller, Robert R. (M.S. 1956) Muehlberger, Eugene Bruce. (M. S. 1955) Nicholas, Richard Ludlam. (M.S. 1954) Norris, Robert Peter. (M.S. 1951) Odem, Wilbert Irwin. (M.S. 1953) Padgham, John B. (M. A. 1957) Pe, Ni Ta. (M. S. 1956) Peltier, Edward Joseph. (M. A. 1958) Perkins, Hamilton Chesley. (M. S. 1952) Purrington, Wealthy Elizabeth. (M. S. 1948) Purzer, James Joseph. (M. S. 1955) Requist, Norris N. (M. S. 1949) Reynolds, Jimmy Rex. (M.A. 1957) Richards, H. Glenn. (M. S. 1955) Ryther, Thomas Edward. (M. S. 1956) Sanders, Donald Theodore. (M. S. 1957) Schulte. George Shelby. (M. S. 1958) Self, Edward Moss. (M. S. 1952) Siegel, Frederic Richard. (M. S. 1958) Siler, Jerry Curtis. (M. S. 1958) Sloanaker, Charles J. (M. S. 1951) Spreng, Alfred Carl. (M. A. 1948) Squires, Donnld Fleming. (M. A. 1952) Squires, Jean Marie. (M. A. 1952) Stocker, George Robert. (M. S. 1954) Stoneburner, Roger Whitney. (M.A. 1948) Tartamclla, Natale John. (M. S. 1952) Thorsteinson, Raymond. (Ph. D. 1955) Underwood, Prescott, Jr. (M. S. 1955) Van Sant, Jan F. (M. S. 1958) Wahrhaftig, Leon. (M. S. 1952) Wilbert, Louis Joseph, Jr. (Ph. D. 1951) Wilson, John Coe. (M. S. 1955) Winchell, Richard L. (M.S. 1957) Yochelson, Ellis Leon. (M.S. 1950) Index Zajic, William Eugene. (M. A. 1955) Zeller, Edward J. (M. A. 1948) Zlnser, Robert W. (M. A. 1950) GERMANIC AND SLAVIC LANGUAGE AND L I T E R A T U R E GERMAN Eeltz, Margaret Adah. (M. A. 1952) Buller, Beatrice R. (M, A. 1958) Duroche, Leonard LeRoy. (M.A. 1957) Viglinno, Helga Kemnitzer. (M. A. 1955) HISTORY Beall, Kenneth Ellsworth, Jr. (M. A. 1950) Berry, Dorothy Jeanne. (M. A. 1949) Bilderback, Dean Loy. (M. A. 1957) Boswell, Lenis. (M. A. 1949) Clinch, Veniie Clinel Francesco. (Ph. D. 1949) Colver, Vinita Eileen, (M. A. 1958) Connelly, Jnmes Leo, Jr. (M. A. 1958) Corey, Lelnnd Aubrey. (M. A. 1951) Coughlin, Rose Louise. (Ph. D. 1952) Dimmitt, Marius Albert. (M. A. 1958) Dolnn, Kenneth Francis. (M. A. 1950) Doty, Charles Stewart. (M. A. 1955) Ebcrle, Hugh Glenn. (M. A. 1954) Edwards, Anna Marie. (M. A. 1948) Etzler, Marilyn Child. (M. A. 1948) Ewing, Morgan R. (M. A. 1951) Fadenrecht, George H. (M. A. 1949) Flory, Raymond LoRoy. (Ph. D. 1955) Gagliardo, John Gnrver. (M. A. 1957) Good, Wallace E. (M. A. 1951) Gust, Kurt. (M. A. 1956) Hawcs, Lewis Clinton. (M. A. 1949) Hawley, Ellis Wayne. (M. A. 1951) Haywood, Clarence Robert. (M.A. 1948) Hlnes, Jack Wendell. (M. A. 1949) Hines, Jack Wendell. (Ph. D. 1957) Hixon, Harold Orval. (M. A. 1955) Homan, Gerlof Douwe. (M. A. 1956) Horaan, Gerlof Douwe. (Ph.D. 1958) Kjnr, Rollnnd William. (M. A. 1957) Knauer, Delbert Deane. (M. A. 1953) Lehmberg, Stanford Eugene. (M. A. 1954) Linn, Vera Maxine. (M. A. 1948) Lohrenz, Otto. (M.A. 1956) McBurney, Charles Reed. (M.A. 1948) McKinney, Margaret. (M.A. 1948) Masters, Jnmes Sterling. (M. A. 1950) Merritt, Joseph L. (M.A. 1950) Mitchell, William Henry. (M.A. 1952) Mulch, Merrill, Frank. (M.A. 1958) Neumann, David Henry. (M.A. 1950) Patterson, E. Palmer, II. (M.A. 1953) Pringle, Jack Bromwcll. (M.A. 1955) Rnmbuseh, Sigurd. (M.A. 1957) Richards, Robert LeRoy. (M.A. 1951) Rydzel, Joseph S. (Ph.D. 1958) Scott, Charles Lyman. (M.A. 1958) Soucy, Robert Joseph. (M.A. 1958) Spillman, Patricia Rose. (M.A. 1956) 127 Tangari, Anthony Joseph. (M.A. 1952) Tuttle, Lillian Margaret. (M.A. 1948) Vignery, John Robert. (M.A. 1957) Walsh, Thomas. (M.A. 1951) Wells, Eugene Tate. (Ph. D. 1951) Whitham, Rishel L. (M. A. 1953) Wilcox, Sue Grosjean. (M.A. 1956) Young, Charles Robert. (M.A. 1950) HOME ECONOMICS Brown, Margaret Kupfer. (M, A. 1957) Kite, Helen Marie. (M.A. 1958) Lancaster, Betty Conley. (M.A. 1955) JOURNALISM Adams, Use Hofbauer. (M. S. 1957) Bentson, Martin. (M.A. 1949) Bratton, Clayton Gene. (M.S. 1956) Browne, R. Edwin. (M. S, 1957) Doores, Robert Willard. (M.S. 1952) Edgar, Gerald Eugene. (M.A. 1950) Ferrell, Judith Ann. (M. S, 1955) Kliewer, Marion Waller. (M.A. 1952) Littlejohn, Warren Harold. (M.A. 1948) Lungren, Maurice C. (M. S. 1957) Pearson, Charles Gephart. (M. A. 1953) Powers, James Lowell. (M.A. 1953) Stewart, Alan James. (M.S. 1957) Taylor, Joseph Arthur. (M. S. 1952) Traldi, Giuseppe Alberto. (M.S. 1954) Tusher, Jack Elam. (M.S. 1956) Wormington, Bill Lou. (M.A. 1950) Wormington, Bob Joe. (M.A. 1950) Zuegner, Charles W. (M.S. 1957) MATHEMATICS Argabright, Loren Neil. (M.A. 1958) Baraett, Howard Hayden. (M.A. 1948) Benson, Vernon E. (M.A. 1948) Bowers, Francis Andrew Imaikalani, Jr. (M.A. 1956) Boyer, Delmar L. (M. A. 1952) Boyer, Delmar L. (Ph.D. 1955) Boyer, Dorothy Jane. (M.A. 1952) Bradt, Russell Newton. (M.A. 1951) Brown, Arthur Richard. (M.A. 1955) Brown, Joseph Ross. (M.A. 1949) Carlson, Joseph. (M.A. 1948) Cheney, Elliott Ward, Jr. (Ph.D. 1957) Chouteau, Charles Cyprian. (M.A. 1955) Correa, Hector. (M.A. 1956) Coyne, Lolafaye. (M.A. 1949) Crouch, Ralph Boyett. (Ph.D. 1954) Dewey, Daniel George. (M.A. 1958) Dukelow, Willis Howard. (M.A. 1958) Fisher, Robert Charles. (M.A. 1949) Fisher, Robert Charles. (Ph.D. 1952) Foreman, William Calvin. (Ph.D. 1952) Foulks, Sidney Marshall. (M.A. 1950) Gale, Kenneth Stanley. (M.A. 1954) Hartnett, William Edward. (Ph. D. 1957) Heaton, Robert Edwin. (M.A. 1951) Hollingsworth, Bobby J. (Ph.D. 1955) Holmes, Calvin Virgil. (Ph.D. 1955) Hoover, Norman C. (M.A. 1949) 128 Departmental Hsu, Kuo-Chih. (Ph. D, 1953) Irwin, John McCormick. (M. A. 1956) Jennings, Alan Kellerman. (Ph.D. 1954) Jones, Geraldine V. (M. A. 1950) Khabbaz, Samir A. (M. A. 1956) Kneale, Samuel George. (M. A. 1948) Kruse, Arthur Herman. (M. A. 1951) Ladner, George A, (M. A. 1955) Ladner, George A. (Ph. D. 1958) Lake, Kenneth Eugene. (M. A, 1951) Larkin, James Richard. (M. A. 1949) Larkin, James Richard. (Ph.D. 1952) Lieberstein, H. Melvin. (M. A. 1949) Liebnitz, Paul W. (M. A. 1957) Lucas, Kenneth Robert. (Ph.D. 1957) McLachlan, Eugene Kay. (Ph.D. 1955) Mack, Greta. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Marsh, Charles A. (M. A. 1958) Montgomery, K. Leon. (M. A. 1958) Moore, Warren Keith. (M.A. 1948) Moore, Warren Keith. (Ph.D. 19.51) Namioka, Isaac (Isaku). (M. A. 1953) Nance, Emma Joan. (M. A, 1958) Nelson, Harry Lewis. (M. A. 1957) Nelson, John August. (M.A. 1956) Panitchpakdi, Prom. (Ph.D. 1955) Pedrick, George. (Ph.D. 1957) Pihlblad, Margaret Marie. (M. A. 1949 ) Riley, James Daniel. (M. A. 1948) Riley, James Daniel. (Ph.D. 1952) Rolfs, Hugo Qucntin. (M.A. 1949) Schuepbach, Dorothe Hazel. (M.A. 1952) Secrest, Mary Jane. (M. A. 1958) Seever, Galen Lathrop. (M.A. 1957) Shirazi, Mehdi. ( M . A. 1954) Showalter, Alan B. ( M . A . 1951) Silverman, Allen Jules. (M.A. 1955) Thompson, Robert Harry. (M.A. 1951) Wagner, Martha Cable. (M.A. 1950) Walker, Elbert A. (Ph. D. 1955) Wampler, Joe Forrest. (M.A. 1952) Wedel, Arnold Marion. (M.A. 1948) Welch, Mary Gertrude. (M.A. 1949) Wolfe, Frances Lee. (M.A. 1949) Woodruff, Robert M. (M.A. 1957) Zehna, Peter William. (M.A. 1956) MECHANICAL ENGINEEIUNG Baker, John Norton. (M. S. 1953) Bodine, Robert Young. (M.S. 1958) Butcher, Philip John. (M.S. 1953) De Campos, Deeio Simch, (M.S. 1953) Dixon, Joseph Morton. (M. S. 1955) Evans, Fredrick Paul. (M.S. 1940) Forman, George WhJteman. (M. S. 1957) Fung, Tsun Kni. (M. S. 1949) Camber, Jesse Elbert. (M. S. 1951) Gibson, Aubrey Wylie. (M.S. 1954) Glancy, Walter Perry. (M.S. 1948) Hansen, Edward Phillip. (M.S. 1950) Hargiss, Willard Clarke. (M.S. 1948) Holben, Clair Dean. (M. S. 1952) Hsu, Kuo-Chih. ( M . S . 1949) Karagoz, Berc Y. ( M . S. 1952) Kipp, John Edward. ( M . S . 1955) Lindholm, John C, ( M . S . 1956) Love, Tom Jay, Jr. ( M . S. 1956) Maiden, Elmo Emory. ( M . S . 1950) Miller, Robert Pennington. ( M . S. 1 9 5 7 ) Monday, William Clair. ( M . S . 1 9 5 6 ) Nedzbala, James Michael, ( M . S. 1 9 5 8 ) Niedermann, Ernst Albert. ( M . S. 1 9 5 1 ) Parekh, Hemendra C. ( M . S . 1958) Price, Harold Ashley. ( M . S . 1958) Rives, John Philip. ( M . S. 1956) Sells, John Calvin. ( M . S. 1953) Suptic, John M. ( M . S . 1954) Sutton, Frank Maynard. ( M . S . 1 9 5 0 ) Taylor, Herbert Ellis. ( M . S . 1 9 5 6 ) Thalmann, Richard Eugene. ( M . S. 1950) Thiele, John Robert. ( M . S . 1 9 5 0 ) Thompson, Dennis Cook. ( M . S . 1 9 5 8 ) Umholtz, Robert Carl. ( M . S . 1956) Wagner, Theodore O. ( M . S . 1 9 5 0 ) Waymeyer, Waller Karl. ( M . S. 1 9 5 2 ) Wilson, Joseph Robert. ( M . S . 1 9 5 7 ) M E D I C A L MICROBIOLOGY Amelunxen, Remi Edward. ( M . A . 1 9 5 7 ) Costello, Richard Lynn. ( M . A. 1 9 5 8 ) Gempel, Julie Ann. ( M . A. 1956) Snyder, Irvin Stanley. ( M . A. 1958) MEDICINE: PATHOLOGY Chaney, George Carper. ( M . A. 1 9 5 0 ) Gibson, David M. (M. A. 1951) Hill, Jack Harold. ( M . A. 1949) Lee, Chih-Shang. ( M . S. 1950) Pebley, Evelyn McColloch. ( M . A. 1 9 4 9 ) M E D I C I N E : SURGERY Christianson, John Frederick. ( M . S. 1954) Guild, Carl Holmes, Jr. ( M . S. 1 9 5 0 ) Hardin, Creighton A. ( M . S . 1950) Harsha, William N. ( M . S . 1951) Henry, Clarke Latta. ( M . S. 1952) Jenson, Robert Lee. ( M . S. 1954) Kittle, C. Frederick. ( M. S. 1950 ) Mitchell, Andrew D. ( M . S. 1950) Owens, Robert Henry ( M . S. 1 9 5 3 ) Robinson, David W. <M. S. 1948) Smith, Roger Fenton. ( M . S. 1953) MINING AND M E T A L L U R G I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G Cooper, Anthony Lee. (M. S. 1 9 4 8 ) Haydt, Heliton Motta. (M.S. 1 9 5 4 ) Kay, Robert C. (M. S. 1958) Nelson, John Armand. (M.S. 1 9 5 1 ) Nowlin, Robert Ernest. (M. S. 1 9 5 1 ) Risser, Hubert E. (M. S. 1953) Runnels, Russell T. (M. S. 1951) Spencer, Chester Wallace. (M. S. 1 9 5 0 ) Tsao, Chao-Chiu. (M. S. 1949) Turner, Josiah Sheldon. (M. S. 1 9 4 8 ) Walker, John A., Jr. (M. S. 1951) Index Music Bleecker, Chester Vincent. (M. Mus. 1949) Brust, Mildred Louise. (M. Mus. 1949) Dunn, Margaret Anita. (M. Mus. 1948) Durkin, June R. (M. Mus. 1950) Ehrlich, John Henry. (M. Mus. 1950) Gayhart, Richard Milton. (M. Mus. 1956) Geist, Faylon Wayne. (M. A. 1951) George, Billie Iona. (M. Mus. 1952) Gordon, Stewart Lynell. (M. A. 1954) Hmmilton, Robert Jerald. (M. Mus. 1950) Jennings, Lawrence Eugene. (M. Mus. 1950) Kleim, Ursula. (M. A. 1958) Kliewer, Jonah C, Jr. (M. A. 1957) Russell, Ruth Elizabeth. (M. Mus. 1949) Schneider, Elizabeth Mary. (M. A. 1950) SedofG, Robert N. (M. Mus. 1950) Shoup, Dorothy Helen. (M. Mus. 1950) Stetzler, Maxine Grace. (M. Mus. 1949) Strain, E m m a Elizabeth. (M. Mus. 1951) Wilson, Johnnie Harrison. (M. A. 1950) Music E D U C A T I O N Allsup, Edward Leonard. (M. Mus. Ed. 1952) Ausherman, Robert Durham. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Badsky, Edward T. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Barkis, Betty Jane. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Behrens, L e o Otto. (M. Mus. Ed. 1954) Bierbaum, Miriam A. (M. Mus. Ed. 1958) Billings, Marlin Richard. (M. Mus. Ed. 1957) Brick, Samuel E. (Ph. D. 1952) Brown, Archie H. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Briggs, Robert LeRoy. (Ph.D. 1951) Brown, Robert Dale. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Burmeister, Clifton A. (Ph.D. 1953) Burnau, John Marcus. (M. Mus. Ed. 1953) Cary, Dorothy Elizabeth. (M. Mus. Ed, 1949) Cater, Maurice LeRoy. (M. Mus. Ed. 1949) Church, Ellen Wngenfleld. (M. Mus. Ed. 1949) Conrick, John Edward. (M. Mus. Ed. 1948) Covalt, Erleta Rosalind. (M. Mus. Ed. 1958) Dollins, Curtis Nels. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Doughty, Marcus Wayne. (M. Mus. Ed. 1954) Downing, Marian Louise. (M, Mus. Ed. 1948) Duerksen, George Louis. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Duncan, Clyde Herbert. (M. Mus. Ed. 1957) Fendorf, Frank W. (M. Mus. Ed. 1952) 5—6699 129 Geoffroy, Kenneth Wayne. (M. Mus. Ed. 1951) Gerren, Nicholas L'Ouverture. (M. Mus. Ed. 1948) Gerren, Nicholas L'Ouverture. (Ph. D. 1953) Glover, Barbara Elizabeth. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Goodwin, Carol Glen. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Graham, Richard Martin. (M. Mus. Ed. 1958) Gray, Richard Max. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Gregory, James Stanton. (M. Mus. Ed. 1953) Grimm, Guss L. (M. Mus. Ed. 1949) Grover, Paul Barton. (M. Mus. Ed. 1948) Gunn, Roland S. (M. Mus. Ed. 1951) Hallman, Robert Mason. (M. Mus. Ed. 1950) Hammer, James Wesley. (M. Mus. Ed. 1951) Hansen, Louis Arthur. (Ph.D. 1955) Hardy, James Lynn. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Hedberg, Floyd Carl. (M. Mus. Ed. 1954) Hooper, Clarence Scholes. (M. Mus. Ed. 1957) Horacek, Leo. (M. Mus. Ed. 1949) Horacek, Leo. (Ph.D. 1955) House, Keith Edward. (M. Mus. Ed. 1958) Humfeld, Ncill Hamilton. (M. Mus. Ed. 1952) Isern, Betty. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Jacobson, Harold Lee. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Jones, David. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Keiser, Grace Fredericka. (M. Mus. Ed. 1957) Kell, Richard Iden. (M. Mus. Ed. 1949) Kemm, Richard L. (M. Mus. Ed. 1949) Kroescn, Jack K. (M. Mus. Ed. 1954) Lamm, Charles Alfred. (M. Mus. Ed. 1958) Lancaster, Walter W. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Livingston, Frances Sartori. (M. Mus. Ed. 1951) McDonald, Dean Earl. (M. Mus. Ed. 1958) McMurry, Glenn Deal. (M. Mus. Ed. 1948) Mercer, Ruth Eileen. (M. Mus. Ed. 1948) Michel, Donald Edward. (M. Mus. Ed. 1950) Moore, John Hummel. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) 130 Departmental Morehead, Jean Klussmnn. ( M . Mus. Ed. 1948) Moser, Helen M. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Mourning, Donald McVeigh, (M. Mus. Ed. 1951) Neihart, Cnrlone H. (M. Mns. Ed. 1955) Neihart, James Leroy. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Nelson, H. Wayne. (M. Mus. Ed. 1953) Neuhart, Donald Ray. (M. Mas. Ed. 1957) Nowlin, Dorothy O. (M. Mus. Ed. 1958) Oldham, William Edward. (M. Mus. Ed. 1957) O r t o n , Danny Edward. ( M . Mus. Ed. 1953) Orton, Mary Ryder. (M. Mus. Ed. 1953) Pankratz, Waldo C. (M. Mus. Ed. 1950) Parker, Olin Griffith. (M. Mus. Ed. 1949) Patrick, Donald W. (M. Mus. Ed. 1952) Peterson, Glenn Albin. (M, Mus. Ed. 1951) Ralston, James Smiley. (M. Mus. Ed. 1958) Riney, Cecil J. (M. Mus. Ed, 1 9 5 4 ) Roark, Richard Basil. (M. Mas. Ed. 1952) Roper, Bueford T. (M. Mus. Ed. 1950) Rose, Jess Clayton. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Roter, Mary Joan Flournoy. (M. Mus. Eel. 1958) Royer, Charles Frank. (M. Mus. Ed. 1957) Ruhnke, Darwin Robert. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Ruppenthnl, Wayne Wilson. (M. Mus. Ed. 1948) Scheihing, Geneva Rose. (M. Mus. Ed. 1950) Schneider, Erwin Henry. (Ph.D. 1956) Sears, M a r g a r e t Scholz. (M. Mus. Ed. 1954) Sears, William Wesley. (M. Mus. Ed. 1951) Sell, Marion Walter. (M. Mus. Ed. 1950) Shrift, Donald C. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Simmons, Otis Davis. (M, Mus. Ed. 1958 Slaughter, Forrest Edward. (M. Mus. Ed. 1954) Sobieski, Virginia Christine. (M. Mus. Ed. 1951) Sommer, Dorothy Twente. (M. Mus. Ed. 1957) Stanfield, Charles Leonard. (M. Mus. Ed. 1956) Stephenson, Jack Ramsey. (M. Mus. Ed. 1948) Stephenson, Jack Ramsey. (Ph.D. 1955) Stopher, Margaret Thomas. (M. Mus. Ed. 1949) Stutzman, Ralph Charles. (M. Mus. Ed. 1951) Tack, Melva Pauline. (M. Mus. Ed. 1948) Tarpley, Harold Benjamin. (M. Mus. Ed. 1955) Tebow, Kenneth Bishop. (M. 1949) Unkefer, Robert F. ( M . Mus. E Van Laiulingham, Nada Pauline. Ed. 1958) Webster, James Bennett. (M. Mu 1955) West, Wilbur M. (M. Mus, Ed. 1 Wilson, Virginia Merritt. (M. Mu 1957) Wingo, Ronald Carl. ( M . Mus. E Work, Alva Lyle. (M. Mus.Ed. ] Zack, Melvin Leon. ( M . Mus. Ed Znck, Melvin Leon. (Ph. D. 195S Zepp, Raymond Howard. (Ph. D. NEUROSURGERY Cooper, Jack Richard. (M.S. 19* C-USTETIUCS A N D G Y N E C O L O G Y Ncwmnn, Robert L. (M. S. 1948 ONCOLOGY Tnft, Edgar Breck. (M. S. 1950) PUTROLEUM E N G I N E E R I N G Brinkmaa, Fred Hobson. (M. S. '. Clarke, Gene Francis. ( M . S . 195 Hughes, Douglas Franklyn, ( M , 5 Stevenson, Elbert Kenneth. (M. S Vagtborg, Harold, Jr. ( M . S. 195 P E T R O L E U M E N G I N E E R I N G PHYSICS Withcrspoon, Paul Adams, Jr. (fV 1951) PETROLEUM. M A N A G E M E N T Cheaney, Frank Hall, J r . (M, S. : McCowen, George Anderson. (M 1958) Orr, Carson Dudley. (M. S. 1957 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY Brinigar, William Seymour, Jr. (1 1957) Britton, Samuel B. (Ph. D. 1958) Caldwell, Henry Cecil, Jr. (Ph. E Campbell, John Robert. (Ph. D. | Chough, Yun Sung. (M. S. 1957 ; Dill, Dale Robert. (Ph. D. 1958) Durden, John A., Jr. (Ph. D. 195 Edgerton, William Howard. (Ph. 1950) Johnson, Sam Houston, Jr. (Ph. T Leib, Robert Ira. (Ph. D. 1957) Ling, Wei. (M. S. 1 9 5 0 ) Nobles, William Lewis. (Ph. D. ] Sam, Joseph. (Ph.D. 1951) Scarborough, Homer C, Jr. (Ph. Short, James Harold. (Ph.D. 19£ Shull, Charles Scott. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 Stephens, Verlin Clark. (Ph. D. 1 PHARMACOLOGY Beckloff, George N. (M. S. 1957 | Beckloff, Gerald L. (M. S. 1957) Kissil, Donald. (M.S. 1958) Lai, Harbans. (M.S. 1 9 5 8 ) Index Siegel, Ivens Aaron. (M. S. 1958) Skillman, Herbert Clayton. (M.S. 1957) PHARMACY Beal, Jack Lewis, (M. S, 1950) Blair, Frances I. (M. S. 1949) Brockmeyer, Eugene William. (M. S. 1952) Emick, Gilbert Harrison. (M. S. 1954) Gibson, Robert Desmond. (M. S. 1950) Guido, Arthur J. (M. S. 1952) Haskell, Albert Russell. (M. S. 1951) Keplinger, Morena Lavon. (M. S. 1952) Koff, Gilbert Yale. (M. S. 1955) Koh, Yun Shik. (M. S. 1957) Lathrop, Lyle B. (M. S. 1949) Rosenberg, Philip. (M. S. 1955) Ross, Charles Richard. (M. S. 1954) Smith, Carroll Marshall. (M. S. 1956) PHILOSOPHY Dewey, Ernest Wayne. (M. A. 1950) Dewey, Helen Seamell. (M. A. 1949) McClain, Richard Clarence. (M. A. 1956) Parker, Harold Leftridge. (M. A. 1958) Ragle, Dan D. M. (M. A. 1949) Rejsek, Stanislav. (M. A. 1952) PHYSICS Alexander, Warren Richard. (M. S. 1950) Alsmiller, Rufard G., Jr. (Ph. D. 1957) Amdahl, Lowell Dean. (M. S. 1952) Bnumami, Norman P. (M. S. 1952) Baumann, Norman P. (Ph.D. 1955) Beeler, Joe R., Jr. (M. S. 1950) Beeler, Joe R., Jr. (Ph. D. 1955) Bergen, Delmar W. (M. A. 1955) Brice, David Kenneth. (M. S. 1956) Brown, Harold Dean. (M. S. 1952) Brown, Harold Dean. (Ph. D. 1952) Brown, Harry Benjamin. (M.S. 1952) Burger, John Martin. (Ph.D. 1954) Byers, Don Harrison. (M. A. 1954) Byers, Don Harrison. (Ph.D. 1958) Carpenter, Raymon Thomson. (M. S. 1956) Cartwright, Lewis Merle. (M. A. 1953) Cheng, Hsien An. (M. A. 1951) Churchill, Dewey Ross, Jr. (M. S. 1953) Coflman, John William. (M. S. 1956) Cole, George Rolland. (M. A. 1954) Cole, George Rolland. (Ph.D. 1957) Corman, Emmett Gary. (M. S. 1954) Daniel, Thomas Bruce. (M. S. 1954) Davidson, David Leo. (M. A, 1951) Delord, Jean Frederic. (Ph. D, 1951) Drawbaugh, Donald Wayne. (M. A. 1954) Drnwbaugh, Donald Wayne. (Ph. D, 1957) Feaster, Gene R. (Ph.D. 1953) Fitch, Arthur Haines. (M.S. 1952) Foster, Manus Read. (Ph. D. 1952) Ginn, James Lawrence. (M. A. 1956) Glass, William A. (M. S. 1958) 131 Grifflng, G. Warren. (M.A. 1949) Gutzwiller, Martin C. (Ph. D. 1953) Hammer, F. Emmett. (M.A. 1948) Hicks, Grady Thomas. (M. S. 1952 ) Hubbard, Ralph Warren. (M.A. 1949) Hubert, Ronald Edward. (M.S. 1958) Johnson, Robert Wendel. (M.S. 1952) Jones, Kevin Rice. (Ph.D. 1957) Kloepper, Robert Mayer. (M.S. 1948) Lundquist, Charles Arthur. (Ph.D. 1954) McAneny, Laurence Raymond. (Ph. D. 1957) Merts, Athel L. (Ph. D. 1957) Miller, Bruce Linn. (M. S. 1951) Miller, Bruce Linn. (Ph. D. 1953) Moon, Ralph Marks, Jr. (M.A. 1952) Moore, Richard Arthur. (M.S. 1954) Muckenthaler, Francis Joseph. (M.S. 1949) Ott, Paul Wayne. (M. S. 1949) Paulussen, Hans-Otto. (M.A. 1 9 5 8 ) Prosser, Francis Ware, Jr. (M. S. 1954) Prosser, Francis Ware, Jr. (Ph. D. 1955) Pyle, Claude Leonard. (M.S. 1 9 4 9 ) Read, William George. (Ph.D. 1956) Reardon, William A. (M. S. 1 9 4 9 ) Reardon, William A. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 3 ) Reed, Ronald Louis. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 4 ) Rollins, Fred R., Jr. (M. S. 1 9 5 2 ) Skecn, Charles Howard. (M.A. 1949) Smith, Luther W. (M. S. 1956) Smith, Robert Brubaker. (M.A. 1954) Smith, Ronald Kirk. (M. A. 1 9 5 2 ) Softens, John W. (M.S. 1952) Sparks, Joseph Theodore. (Ph. D. 1956) Sprague, Rohert Shcpard. (M.S. 1957) Talley, Harry Eugene. (M.S. 1 9 5 3 ) Talley, Harry Eugene. (Ph.D. 1954) Taylor, Grover Mack. (M. S. 1 9 5 0 ) Teener, James Wallace. (Ph.D. 1952) Thomson, David Browning. (M. S. 1951) Thurnau, Donald II. (M.A. 1 9 4 9 ) Triplett, John Roger. (M. S. 1 9 4 8 ) Wackerle, Jerry Donald. (M, S. 1954) Wackerle, Jerry Donald. (Ph. D. 1956) Wild, Jack W. (M. S. 1952) Wild, Jack W. (Ph.D. 1952) Wimmer, Donn Braden. (M. S. 1951) Wiseman, Gordon Gray. (Ph.D. 1950) Woods, Joseph A. (M.S. 1957) Yarnell, John Leonard. (M.A. 1949) PHYSIOLOGY Ewy, Herbert Gene. (M.A. 1 9 5 5 ) Hillmer, Norman Roland. (M.A. 1956) Kapoor, Sita Ram. (M.A. 1 9 5 6 ) Kendrick, John Edsel. (Ph.D. 1957) Kirk, John Shaw. (Ph. D. 1 9 4 8 ) Normand, William Clay. (M. A. 1952) Robinson, Robert Leo. (M.A. 1954) Robinson, Robert Leo. (Ph.D. 1958) Ruscha, Mary Frances. (M.A. 1953) 132 Departmental Wenger, Norman Edward. (M. A. 1956) White, Richard Paul. (M. A. 1949) White, Hichard Paul. (Ph.D. 1954) POLITICAL SCIENCE Adams, William Walter, Jr. (M. A. 1954) Ahmed, Latheef Nazeer. (M. A. 1951) Ahmed, Latheef Nazeer. (Ph.D. 1955) Allen, Laurence A. (M. A. 1948) Ball, Floyd Neil. (M. A. 1950) Banks, Eugene M. (M. A. 1957) Beasley, Kenneth Ephraim. (M. A. 1949) Beasley, Kenneth Ephraim. (Ph. D. 1956) Binder, Johannes C. (M. A. 1958) Bock, Robert Leroy. (M. A. 1953) Brazda, Jaroslav Jan. (M. A. 1953) Budke, Myrta Anderson. (M. A, 1956) Buitrago, Ann Mari. (M. A. 1955) Button, Jack Blnir. (M. A. 1948) Button, Jean Stodard. (M. A. 1948) Cape, William II. (Ph. D. 1952) Christensen, Hans-Christian. (M. A. 1956) Cibulka, Karel J. (M. A. 1954) Cook, Jean F. (M.A. 1954) Corporon, John Robert. (M.A. 1953) Dial, Stanley Horatio. (M.A. 1952) Duffy, Robert Emmett. (M.A. 1955) Eberhardt, John Lawrence. (M. A. 1956) Eichhorn, Robert. (M.A. 1949) Goering, Nancy Jane. (M.A. 1949) Haggard, Marko L. (M. A. 1948) Hallman, Howard Wesley. (M.A. 1951) Harding, Horace Hunn. (M. A. 1957) Horna, Dagmar. (M.A. 1949) Jacobini, Horace Bowman. (Ph. D 1951) Janes, Frances Louise. (M.A. 1949) Johnston, Larry Dean. (M.A. 1955) Jones, Phillip Eugene. (M.A. 1958) Judy, Robert Dale. (M.A. 1950) Kappelman, Glenn L. (M.A. 1950) Kelley, Elmer Edwin. (M.A. 1948) Kelley, Stanley, Jr. (M.A. 1951) Kemish, Ruth Hurwitz. (M. A. 1958) Kittrie, N. Kronenberg. (M.A. 1951) Knudsen, Robert William. (M.A. 1955) Kyle, Lylo Chilton. (M.A. 1955) Lmnb, Bromleigh S. (M. A. 1953) Link, Barbara Ford. (M. A. 1948) Link, Wendell Hubbard. (M. A. 1949) Louaillier, Alfred R. (M. A. 1955) Lysaught, Jerome Paul. (M.A. 1954) McKay, Jack Frazer. (M.A. 1950) McKinley, Roger Matthew. (M.A. 1950) Madden, Eugene Harrison. (M.A. 1952) Meade, Marvin. (M.A. 1951) Michener, John Harold. (M. A. 1949) Miller, Kenneth Eugene. (M.A. 1951) Miller, Rolla Elvin. (M.A. 1948) Newland, Chester Albert. (M.A. 1955) Newlnnd, Chester Albert. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 8 ) Nilsen, Frode Elmar. (M.A. 1951) Oruc, Ali R. (M.A. 1953) Osborn, Charles Robert. (M. A. 1957) Pick, Heribert Hans. (M.A. 1957) Postlethwaite, Raymond Deane. (M. A. 1948) Heida, Ellis Desmond. (M.A. 1955) Robb, George Scanor. (M.A. 1948) Roberts, Stanley L. (M.A. 1949) Husco, Elmer Ritter. (M. A. 1952) Ryan, Richard Walker. (M. A. 1950) Salaveria, Rudolfo A. (M.A. 1956) Samii, Cyrus Babak. (Ph.D. 1955) Schcll, James Scnour. (M.A. 1957) Scritchfleld, Floyd Case. (M. A. 1950) Sherbenou, Edgar Laverne. (M.A. 1 9 4 9 ) Sherbenou, Edgar Laverne. (Ph. D. 1957) Skinner, Robert Lee. (M.A. 1958) Smith, Bhotcn A., Jr. (M.A. 1948) Sorgc, Marlowe Benson. (M. A. 1956) Stewart, William Allen. (M.A. 1949) Surface, James Richard. (M. A. 1948) Thayer, Charlotte Patricia. (M.A. 1 9 4 9 ) Tomari, Sirpa. (M.A. 1955) Train, George F. (M. A. 1949) Vining, Stanley Arthur. (M.A. 1957) Wade, Harry W. (M.A. 1954) Warner, Richard Ralph. (M. A. 1956) Witt, Robert Ray. (M.A. 1949) Young, Amelia Belle. (M.A. 1950) PSYCHOLOGY Albert, Don Keith. (M.A. 1956) Ayllon, Teodoro. (M. A. 1955) Barrientos-Monzon, Guido. (M.A. 1 9 5 7 ) Benle, Elizabeth Althea. (Ph. D. 1956 ) Berger, Stanley I. (M.A. 1955) Berger, Stanley I. (Ph. D. 1957) Broen, Carol Holland. (Ph.D. 1958) Brown, William Henry. (Ph. D. 1951) Brunk, Larry TJ. (M.A. 1954) Brunk, Larry U. (Ph. D. 1957) Casty, Albert. (M.A. 1956) Critcs, Barry Dee, (M.A. 1955) Daniels, Mary Brett. (M.A. 1953) Daniels, Neal. (Ph. D. 1954) Davis, Floyd Carlton. (M.A. 1956) Deeble, Charles T. (M.A. 1954) Deiter, John B. (Ph. D. 1954) Dickman, Harold R. (M, A. 1954) Diekman, Harold R. (Ph.D. 1956) Dreese, William Robert. (M. A. 1952) Dyck, Arthur James. (M.A. 1958) Ehrenreich, Gerald A. (Ph. D. 1956) Elliott, James Murray. (M.A. 1958) Each, Joy. (M.A. 1953) Fairchild, Granville C. (M.A. 1955) Fawl, Clifford LeHoy. (M. A. 1954) Fish, Jeanne Eloise. (M.A. 1956) Fisher, John Simon. (M.A. 1954) Gardiner, Jenn S. (Ph. D. 1952) Index Gardner, Riley Wetherell. (Ph. D. 1952) Gibson, Barbara Jeanne. (M. A. 1950 ) Greenbaum, Nathan. (Ph. D. 1951) Gudemun, Howard Earl. (Ph. D. 1958) Gullnhorn, Jeane E. (M. A. 1958) Hamby, Ronald. (M. A. 1958) al-Hamdani, Muwaffak M. (M. A. 1956) Hanford, Dana Bruee, (M. A. 1955) Hnnford, Dana Bruee. (Ph.D. 1958) Hershkowitz, Aaron. (Ph. D. 1954) Hooper, Gladys M. (M. A. 1952) Hirsoh, Ernest Albert. (Ph.D. 1952) Holzman, Philip S. (Ph. D. 1952) Horowitz, Milton Joshua. (Ph. D. 1952) Hozicr, Ann Quinton. (Ph.D. 1957) Huling, Maurice Dean. (Ph. D. 1956) Ihiig, Howard. (M. A. 1951) Ihrig, Howard. (Ph.D. 1953) Johnson, Dale Ladsworth. (M. A. 1954) Johnson, Dale Ladsworth. (Ph.D. 1957) Jones, Clinton William. (M. A. 1954) Jordan, Nehemiah. (M. A. 1950) Jordan, Nehemiah. (Ph. D, 1952) Kaplan, Solomon David. (Ph. D. 1955) Kntzenstcin, Alfred P. (Ph.D. 1952) Kincaid, Marvin Blaine, Jr. (M. A. 1954) Kintsch, Walter. (M. A. 1958) Kobler, Arthur Leon. (Ph. D. 1952) Koppe, William Aram. (Ph. D. 1954) Lndd, Forrest Earl, Jr. (Ph. D. 1957) Lnndried, Donald Eric. (M. A. 1956) Lewis, Albert Lessie. (M. A. 1954) Lewis, Benjamin G. (Ph. D. 1954) Lcventhal, Morton. (Ph.D. 1953) Levcnthal, Theodore. (Ph.D. 1953) Levinson, Harry. (Ph.D. 1952) Livingston, Donald Gene. (M. A. 1948) Livingston, Donald Gene. (Ph. D. 1951) Long, John Byron. (M. A. 1958) Lyons, Joseph. (Ph.D. 1952) McNamara, Harold J. (M. A. 1956) Madden, Harrison Eugene. (M. A. 1954) Madden, Harrison Eugene. (Ph. D. 1956) Mnrrs, CarlLavcrn. (M. A. 1955) Martin, Charles Herschel. (M. A. 1955) Mason, James Glendenning. (M. A. 1952) Mathae, David E. (M. A. 1954) Mnthae, David E. (Ph. D. 1958) Mnthae, Laurence Donald. (Ph. D. 1954) Mayman, Martin. (Ph. D. 1953) Mechem, Richard Strong. (M. A. 1957) Meister, David E. (Ph. D. 1951) Miller, Bruce Winsterd, Jr. (M. A. 1956) Muroff, Melvin M. (Ph.D. 1954) Neuman, Bernard. (M. A. 1954) Neuringer, Charles. (M. A. 1956) Newton, Merle Robert. (M. A. 1953) Ostlund, Leonard Alexander. (Ph.D. 1953) Paulson, Morris James. (Ph.D. 1956) 133 Perlmutter, Howard Victor. (Ph. D. 1953) Phelps, C. Kermit. (M. A. 1949) Phelps, C. Kermit. (Ph. D. 1953) Prince, Cyrus Edward, Jr. (M. A. 1949) Furslcy, Thecron Lee. (M. A. 1956) Ragle, Dan D. M. (Ph. D. 1957) Reed, Margaret Chastain. (M. A. 1951) Reiff, Robert. (M. A. 1953) Reiff, Robert. (Ph. D. 1954) Remple, Henry D. (Ph. D. 1950) Rosenberg, Leonard Irwin. (M. A. 1954) Rosenberg, Leonard Irwin. (Ph. D. 1957) Ross, Robert Greer. (M. A. 1950) Roth, Colleen P. (M. A. 1948) Rubinstein, Dinah. (M. A. 1952) Runyon, Kenneth Eugene. (M. A. 1949) Sallee, Eugene Everett, Jr. (M. A. 1956) Sattler, Jerome Murray. (M. A. 1953) Schlesinger, Herbert Julius. (Ph.D. 1953) Schoggen, Phil H. (M, A. 1951) Schoggen, Phil H. (Ph. D. 1954) Schonpflug, Wolfgang. (M.A. 1958) Scott, Earl Donald. (M. A. 1955) Shaw, Arthur Alan. (M. A. 1957) Shor, Ronald Edwin. (M. A. 1955) Siegal, Richard Spencer. (Ph. D. 1957) Silverthorn, Lee James, Jr. (M. A. 1953) Silverthorn, Lee James, Jr. (Ph. D. 1957) Simpson, James Elliott. (Ph. D. 1957) Snyder, Rebecca. (Ph.D. 1956) Sobol, Ronald. (M.A. 1954) Sobol, Ronald. (Ph.D. 1957) Sommer, Robert. (Ph.D. 1956) Spiegel, Donald Elwin. (M. A. 1955) Spiegel, Donald Elwin. (Ph.D. 1958) Steel, Mary Nan, (M.A. 1956) Stein, Kenneth B. (Ph. D. 1952) S'tellwngen, Walter Richard. (M. A. 1954) Stewart, Betty Rhoa. (Ph. D. 1954) Styrt, Leatrice S. (M.A. 1949) Swift, Carolyn Frances. (M.A. 1957) Thompson, William Donald, Jr. (M.A. 1948) Thompson, William Donald, Jr. (Ph. D. 1954) Tiffany, Donald Wayne. (M.A. 1957) Valenstein, Elliot Spiro. (M. A. 1953) Valenstcin, Elliot Spiro. (Ph. D. 1954) Vazmiez-Castro, Perla Nilda. (M. S. 1958) Vermillion, Mary E. (M. A. 1948) Vigliano, Aldo. (Ph.D. 1956) Walker, Tatjann Plume. (M. A. 1952) Weber, George Henry. (M. A. 1949) Weiner, Leonard. (M.A. 1955) Weiner, Melvin Lawrence. (M. A. 1952) Weiner, Melvin Lawrence. (Ph. D. 1954) Weissenberg, Lila. (Ph. D. 1958) Wertheimer, Lise. (Ph. D. 1957) Weston, Edward T. (Ph.D. 1953) Wiens, Arthur N. (M. A. 1952) 134 Departmental Wiest, William Marvin. (M. A. 1957) Wilson. Sherwood Ann. (M. A. 1956) Zhranek, Anthony D. (Ph. D. 1953) P U B L I C ADMINISTRATION Arnold, James DeArmond. (M. P. A. 1958) Bailey, Donald Hoy. (M. P. A. 1950) Ball, Homer B., Jr. (M. P. A. 1955) Bibb, James W., Jr. (M. P. A. 1950) Bien, E. Fredrick. (M. P. A. 1951) Bingham, Ralph Marshall. (M. P. A. 1952) Boos, Robert Franklin. (M. P. A. 1950) Brown, Robert Langford. (M. P. A. 1955) Brown, Walter J . , Jr. (M. P. A. 1957) Browning, Warren B. (M. P. A. 1954) Brownlec, Jerry Leon. (M. P. A. 1956) Busby, William C. (M. P. A. 1951) Case, William Robert. (M.P. A. 1950) Dieterich, Herbert R., Jr. (M. P. A. 1951) Ellis, Lee Allen. (M.P. A. 1957) Fettig, Lee Ernest. (M. P. A. 1955) Fisher, Stanley Dean. (M. P. A. 1953) Fuller, Murrey W. (M. P. A. 1951) Gish, Lawrence Lee. (M. P. A. 1954) Gunn, William Schuyler. (M. P. A. 1955) Hane, John Dean. (M.P. A. 1957) Harner, David Arthur. (M. P. A. 1953) Haworth, Lee Oran. (M. P. A. 1954) Holt, Horace H, Jr. (M. P. A. 1950) Horn, Harold Eugene. (M. P. A. 1950) Jackson, Charles Eisenhower, (M. P. A. 1956) Jenkins, Newell N. (M.P. A. 1952) Knsmer, Charles Walter. (M.P. A. 1958) Kipp, Robert Almy. (M.P. A. 1956) Koester, David Carl. (M. P. A. 1952) Lakin, Calvin M. (M.P. A. 1952) Larson, Lawrence Wayne. (M. P. A. 1952) Love, Bruce Webster. (M.P. A. 1952) Lovelace, Robert Adam. (M. P. A. 1951) Lynn, Alan. (M.P. A. 1957) McMahan, Howard D. (M. P. A. 1955) McMullin, Carleton E. (M. P. A. 1958) Maddy, Clarence Edgar. (M. P. A. 1957) Mills, Glynn Virgil. (M.P. A. 1954) Mitchell, Robert Ralph. (M.P. A. 1958) Moss, Charles William. (M.P. A. 1956) Nelson, Leland. (M.P. A. 1952) Noland, Albert W., Jr. (M.P. A. 1953) Phye, Ned Willas, Jr. (M.P. A. 1957) Pipes, Donald Ewin. (M. P. A. 1955 ) Quinlan, Robert Walter. (M. P. A. 1951) Rush, Robert K. (M. P. A. 1950) Selnader, George Robert. (M.P. A. 1955) Shaw, George Arthur. (M.P. A. 1956) Snyder, Murray Dean. (M. P. A. 1952) 'Pennant, James O. (M. P. A. 1951) Thomas, Richard Dwayne, (M. P. A. 1958) Varenhorst, Glenn Elmer. (M.P. A. 1952) Wagner, Douglas H. (M.P. A. 1954) White, Paul Lewis. (M.P. A. 1952) Wigglesworth, James H. (M. P. A. 1 9 5 6 ) Wilson, Richard Harold. (M. P. A. 1 9 5 8 ) RADIATION BIOPHYSICS Friesen, Benjamin S. (M. A. 1954) Gilbert, Lael O. (M. S. 1956) Han, Joon Taik. (M. S. 1958) Kunz, William Frederick. (M. S. 1954) McKenney, Joel R. (M. S. 1958) Moore, Vaughn Clayton. (M. S. 1957) Watkins, Ivan Warren. (M.S. 1957) RADIO A N D T E L E V I S I O N Hedrick, Thomas A. (M. A. 1958) Pearce, Leo J . , Jr. (M. S. 1958) R E H A B I L I T A T I O N COUNSELING Armntas, Philip J. (M. S. 1958) Baker, William T. (M. S. 1958) Boyle, Margaret M. (M. S. 1958) Schrempf, Richard. ( M . S . 1958) Turkovich, Mnry M. (M. S. 1958) Watson, Donald E. (M. S. 1958) R O M A N C E LANGUAGE A N D L I T E R A T U R E : FnENCH Adams, Howard C, Jr. (M. A. 1958) Devvis, Diane Isabel. (M. A. 1951) Dinneen, David Allen. (M. A. 1954) Farngher, Martha Jean. (M. A. 1949) Grisby, John Lambert, Jr. (M. A. 1 9 5 5 ) Hines, Joyce Thomas. (M. A. 1954) Hodgins, Rosemary Irene. (M. A. 1957) Hughes, Harry Lewis. (M. A. 1949) McKeon, Alba Frasco. (M. A. 1949) Malan, Ivo Robert. (M. A. 1949) Malun, Ivo Robert. (Ph.D. 1956) Maze, Jncques. (M. A. 1952) Pcnzcl, Zelda (M. A. 1957) Sinclair, Kenneth Iden. (M. A. 1953) Slices, Kenneth Dean. (M. A. 1958) Terrill, Carol Jean. (M. A. 1957) Thompson, Grace Lucile. (M. A. 1951) Wilson, Glen Ralph. (M. A. 1958) Zinn, Norma Lee. (M. A. 1954) R O M A N C E LANGUAGE AND L I T E R A T U R E : SPANISH Akers, Shirley Bartholomew. (M. A. 1949) Baca, John Elifaz. (M. A. 1948) Belt, William Thomas. (Ph.D. 1954) Benefiel, James Mearl. (M. A. 1952) Betöret, Consuelo Garcia de. (M. A. 1952) Betoret-Paris, Eduardo. (M. A. 1952) Betoret-Paris, Eduardo. (Ph.D. 1957) Bigelow, Helen Aline. (M. A. 1950) Chamberlin, Vernon Addison. (M. A. 1953) Chamberlin, Vernon Addison. (Ph.D. 1957) Index Chambers, Dwight Oliver. (M.A. 1951) Chambers, Dwight Oliver. (Ph.D. 1956) Cobb, Edna Haight. (Ph. D. 1952) Cook, Nancy Elaine Lydia. (M. A. 1948) Crayne de Rincones, Patricia Ann. M.A. 1958) Ehersole, Alva Vernon, Jr. (Ph.D. 1957) Engman, Bernice. (M. A. 1955) Finney, Laurence Malcolm. (M.A. 1952) Flores, Flora. (M.A. 1950) Goode, Helen Dill. (M. A. 1957) Harris, Laverla Dell. (M.A. 1949) Hartflel, Ann Corine. (M. A. 1957) Herman, Jack Chalmers. (Ph.D. 1950) Johnson, David Donovan. (M.A. 1958) Johnson, Kenneth Wilson. (M.A. 1949) Jones, Jean Elizabeth. (M. A. 1954) Krueger, Haven Calvert. (M.A. 1954) Lane, Nancy Anderson. (M.A. 1955) Lewis, Mary Helen. (M.A. 1948) Magner, Rosemary. (M. A. 1955) Markham, Velma. (M.A. 1948) Mikulski, Richard Michael. (Ph.D. 1956) Mirsky, Jerome George. (M.A. 1951) Nansen, Hope Constance. (M. A. 1952) Obcrhclman, Harley Dean. (M.A. 1952) Oberhelman, Harley Dean. (Ph.D. 1958) Ragsdale, Herbert Walter. (M.A. 1950) Rounda, Rita Swearingen. (M.A. 1954) Russell, Veda Marian. (M.A. 1955) Sanvmons, Wanda Glee. (M.A. 1957) Solera, Rodrigo. (M.A. 1958) Taxacher, Elizabeth Cecilia. (M. A. 1948) Tongicr, Carl Lloyd. (M.A. 1952) Williams, Virginia Marie. (M. A. 1948) SOCIAX. W O B K Abbott, Dorla Jane. (M. S.W. 1957) Amundson, Howard Lee Roy. (M. S. W. 1957) Bacchler, Marjorie Simmonds. (M. S.W. 1952) Baker, Catherine Smith. (M. S. W. 1949) Baxter, Hazel Scott. (M. S. W. 1951) Beekwith, Josephine Beatrice. (M. S. W. 1958) Blakely, Ruth Olive. (M. S. W. 1949) Boden, Nancy Jeannette. (M. S. W. 1955) Bolyard, Ada Ann French. (M. S. W. 1951. Born, Jean Marie. (M. S.W. 1951) Browne, Evelyn McGinnis. (M. S. W. 1958) Breedlovo, James Lewis. (M. S. W. 1954) Broadwater, Faye Worrel. (M. S. W. 1956) Byrnes, Clare Margaret. (M. S.W. 1955) Campbell, George Thomas. (M. S. W. 1953) 135 Campbell, Wendell Edwin. (M. S. W. 1953) Carey, Margaret E. (M. S. W. 1 9 5 7 ) Chun-ming, Kenneth, K. N. (M. S. W. 1958) Churchill, Eileen Louisa. (M. S.W. 1953) Clarke, Louise Thompson. (M. S. W. 1950) Gline, Doris Agatha. (M. S.W. 1955) Cohen, Julius I. (M. S. W. 1955) Cook, Keith Harding. (M. S.W. 1952) Copeland, Anna Lee. (M. S.W. 1 9 5 6 ) Coughenour, Phyllis Jean. (M. S. W. 1954) Courter, Carroll O. (M. S. W. 1 9 5 3 ) Crawford, Edsel Lester. (M. S.W. 1955) Crook, Virginia Elizabethanne. (M. S. W. 1952) Davis, Vivien. (M. S.W. 1957) Deutscher, Verda Goodman. (M. S, W. 1955) Devereux, Carolyn Denise Rogers. (M. S.W. 1956) Dewey, Ellen Hastings. (M. S.W. 1955) Dimont, Dorothy. <M. S.W. 1957) Dudley, Clynonia Nichols. (M. S.W. 1958) Eaton, W. Jean. (M. S.W. 1955) Elder, Ruth Nadine. (M. S.W. 1957) Epling, James Franklin. (M. S. W. 1957) Freeman, Jewel Virginia. (M. S. W. 1956) Gibson, Hugh Wesley. (M. S.W. 1956) Gittlemnn, Beverly. (M. S.W. 1953) Gullerud, Ernest Norman. (M. S. W. 1953) Häger, Richard. (M. S.W. 1955) Hale, Marcus Nathaniel. (M. S. W. 1954) Haynes, Ora Lee Kemp. (M. S. W. 1955) Hendrickson, Violet Bowman. (M. S.W. 1955) Hesselbarth, Maynard Deane. (M. S.W. 1949) Heydon, Charles Duncan. (M, S.W. 1955) Hurwitt, Nancy Lyon. (M. S.W. 1957) Johnson, Robert Ernest. (M. S. W. 1955) Jones, Emery Wallace. (M. S.W. 1956) Jones LaChn're Lisetta. (M. S.W. 1956) Kahn, Sybil. (M. S. W. 1954) Kelley, Marion Hope. (M, S.W. 1953) Kelly, Charles Gene. (M. S.W. 1952) Kepflelcl, Fred C„ Jr. (M. S. W. 1958) Kirkpatrick, Haleda Loy. (M. S. W. 1949) Kliwer, Janet Preston. (M. S.W. 1956) 136 Departmental Krantz, Betty Beierfeld. (M. S. W. 1953) Lacey, Mildred Alleen. (M. S. W. 1955) Latimer, Margaret Elizabeth. (M. S.W. 1955) Lee, Willa W. (M. S. W. 1956) Leedham, Jean Marie. (M. S. W. 1957) Loevengiith, Oscar P. (M. S. W. 1957) MacLaren, Margaret Kirchhoff, (M. S. W. 1958) McCoy, James Culbertson, Jr. (M. S. W. 1956) Mcllenry, Margie June Forsbach. (M.S.W. 1952) McMichael, Doris Meserve. (M. S. W. 1951) Majors, J. H. (M. S. W. 1952) Martin, Phyllis Helene. (M. S. W. 1956) Mengel, Paul Millard. (M. S. W. 1952) Michelson, Mary Diane. (M. S. W. 1951) Moranz, Norbert John. (M. S. W. 1957) Nansen, Faith Lorraine. (M. S. W. 1956) Neal, Adolph Richard. (M. S. W. 1952) Norris, Martha R. (M. S. W. 1955) Osgood, Constance. (M. S. W. 1958) Padcn, William Ploward. (M. S.W.1958) Palm, William Arnett. (M. S.W. 1949) Patterson, Cornelia Murray. (M. S. W. 1951) Peak, Verone Vivian. (M. S. W. 1958) Penny, Lawrence Daniel. (M. S. W. 1955) Peterson, Leonard Varr. (M. S. W. 1951) Pettit, Marvin Ghent. (M. S. W. 1951) Pilcher, Donald Martin. (M. S. W. 1954) Porter, Margaret Miriam. (M. S. W. 1958) Pratt, Bertha Maconda. (M. S. W. 1953) Pratt, Roland Everett. (M. S. W. 1952) Price, Ray Russoll. (M. S. W. 1956) Raymond, Elgie Victor. (M. S.W. 1957) Redding, Joann Gentry. (M. S. W. 1953) Reed, Cornelius. (M. S.W. 1955) Reed, Vera Mae. (M. S. W. 1951) Reynolds, Mary Margaret. (M. S, W. 1953) Hohr, Mary Margaret. (M. S. W. 1957) Sell, Iva Mildred. (M. S. W. 1955) Shanline, Rix Donald. (M. S. W. 1953) Shapiro, Rose. (M. S. W. 1953) Shea, Robert E. (M. S.W. 1957) Sills, D. Dwight. (M. S.W. 1958) Singer, Frances L. (M. S. W. 1956) Smart, Dorothy Caroline. (M. S. W. 1950) Sneddon, Milton Sills. (M. S. W. 1958) Snow, Lilburn Aubrey. (M. S. W. 1956) Soper, Alice Ledford. (M. S.W. 1949) Stewart, Wilton Thaddeus. (M. S. W. 1952) Straight, Elmer Merle. (M. S. W. 1956) 1 Sudran, Mildred Berkson. (M. S. W. 1955) Taral, Nicholas Louis. (M. S. W. 1 9 5 7 ) Teed, Agnes Margaret. (M. S. W. 1953) Thompson, George Westlcy. (M. S. W. 1958) Thompson, Louise Ingham. (M. S. W. 1956) Thrower, John Baylcss. (M. S. W. 1953) Tillinghast, Gladys Deaey. (M. S. W. 1951) Turner, Thomas Arthur. (M. S. W. 1953) UndcrcolTer, Kathryn Jane. (M. S. W. 1957) Valentine, Jean Frances. (M. S. W. 1951) Walsh, Thomas Eugene. (M. S. W. 1953) Wambsgans, Elden Harold. (M. S. W. 1951) Wambsgans, Marieta Delano. (M, S. W. 1952) Weaver, Faye Helen. (M. S. W. 1 9 5 5 ) Webb, Mildred. (M. S. W. 1952) Webster, Thomas Anderson. (M. S. W. 1949) Welton, Harold Lee. (M. S. W. 1 9 5 3 ) Wilkinson, Etta Lou. (M. S. W. 1 9 5 4 ) Wright, Robert Perry. (M. S. W. 1 9 5 4 ) Yoder, Lester Glen. (M. S. W. 1 9 5 5 ) SOCIOLOGY Abdussalam, (Ansnri) Mohammed. (M. A. 1955) Baali, Fuad. (M. A. 1957) Bishop, Frances Marian. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Carter, E. Russell. (M. A. 1951) Cochran, Louise Russel. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Edger, Richard Eugene. (M. A. 1 9 5 0 ) Hams, Henry Lewis. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Just, Lee Roy. (M. A. 1948) Kubat, Daniel. (M. A. 1957) Lamy, Bernard. (M. A. 1951) Nemcova, Bozena. (M. A. 1950) Oglesby, Dwnyne LaVergne. (M. A. 1951) Radcliffe, William Worth, Jr. (M. A. 1958) Harick, Richard Stanford. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Saber, Mamitua. (M. A. 1957) Schellenberg, James Arthur. (M. A. 1955) Scott, William Richard. (M. A. 1 9 5 5 ) Smitherman, Donald William. (Ph. D. 1954) Sontheimer, Kurt. (M. A. 1952) Spencer, Francis Warren. (M. A. 1948) Storer, Norman William. (M. A. 1 9 5 6 ) Tatsuguchi, Roland Kanami. (M. A. 1955) Tekeli, Yuksel. (M. A. 1957) Index Walz, Orry Carwin. (Ph.D. 1954) Warkcntin, Donald L. (M. A. 1955) Warner, Martha. (M. A. 1956) Waugh, Fannye Allene. (M. A. 1951) Weber, George Henry (Ph.D. 1954) Williams, Mary Goshorn. (Ph.D. 1958) Wilson, Leland. (M. A. 1957) SPEECH AND DHAMA Baier, George Wayne. (M. A. 1955) Barnes, Teddy John. (M. A. 1957) Battaglia, Mary Jane. (M. A. 1950) Commons, Milton Donal. (M. A. 1950) Conboy, William Andrew. (M. A. 1951) Courtney, Gene. (M. A. 1950) Courtney, Marjorie M. Shryock. (M. A. 1950) Davidson, Arnold F. (M. A. 1953) DeForest, Elsie Davis. (M. A. 1950) Dodrill, Charles Ward. (M. A. 1956) Drennen, Nina Loy. (M. A. 1950) Feist, Frances Wilson. (M. A. 1950) Hardy, Dorothy Jcmine. (M. A. 1950) Harvey, Harold Arnold. (M. A. 1950) Howlund, Kathleen Virginia Jones. (M.A. 1950) Kinnanc, Mary Teresa. (M. A. 1954) Lessenden, Edith Fleming. (M.A. 1952) Loganbill, G. Bruce. (M.A. 1958) Mather, Patricia Ann. (M.A. 1950) Merrell, Robert Henry. (M.A. 1956) O'Connell, Wilson E. (M.A. 1953) Osborn, Lynn Robert. (M.A. 1955) Palmquist, Dan August. (M.A. 1950) Pierce, Glenn Quimby, Jr. (M. A. 1958) Pierce, Murjorie Smith. (M.A. 1958) Raines, Sam Eugene. (M.A. 1949) Rea, Tom Pratt. (M.A. 1952) Roberts, Orville Arthur, Jr. (M.A. 1948) Roever, James E. (M.A. 1958) Ross, Alec. (M.A. 1956) Rousey, Carol Grace. (M.A. 1958) Royer, Bonnie Jean. (M.A. 1954) Shay, Thomas M. (M. A. 1951) Shearer, Alan Kent. (M.A. 1955) Sherwood, J. Morgan. (M.A. 1956) Six, Sally Newton. (M.A. 1956) Smith, Gordon Caldecott. (M.A. 1950) Sulston, Kenneth Hartley. (M.A. 1952) Wight, Darlene Van Biber. (M. A. 1952) Woellner, Alberta Lee. (M.A. 1957) Zooi.or.Y Anderson, Sydney. (M.A. 1952) Arvey, Martin Dale. (Ph.D. 1949) Baird, Irwin L. (M.A. 1949) Baker, Maurice Frank. (Ph.D. 1952) Baker, Rollin Harold. (Ph.D. 1948) Beck, Sidney L. (M.A. 1957) Brillaud, Andr6 Richard. (M.A. 1958) Chrapliwy, Peter Stanley. (M.A. 1956) Coekrum, Elmer Lendell. (Ph.D. 1951) 137 Dawson, Mary Ruth. (Ph.D. 1957) Delphia, Robert E. (M.A. 1949) Dolyak, Frank. (Ph. D. 1955) Durrant, Stephen David. (Ph.D. 1950) Ensing, Janet. (M. A. 1948) Fairbanks, Laurence Dee. (M. A. 1956) Findley, James Smith. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 5 ) Finley, Robert B., Jr. (Ph. D. 1957) Fitch, Kenneth Leonard, (M.A. 1952) Fleming, Richard Cornwell. (M.A. 1956) Freiburg, Richard Eighme. (M.A. 1951) Galhreath, Edwin C. (Ph.D. 1951) Goble, Cecil Raymond. (M. A. 1 9 4 9 ) Good, Wallace M. (M. A. 1950) Hall, Charles William. (M. A. 1 9 5 2 ) Harms, Clarence Eugene. (M.A. 1957) Heck, Oscar Benjamin, Jr. (M. A. 1951) Hobson, Mary Eloise. (M. A. 1957) Jakway, George E. (M.A. 1958) Janes, Donald Wallace. (M. A. 1 9 5 6 ) Johnson, Irving Stanley. (Ph.D. 1953) Jones, Forrest Henry. (M. A. 1950) Jones, J. Knox, Jr. (M. A. 1953) Keys, Charles Everel. (Ph, D. 1 9 5 2 ) King, Otis Morrison. (M. A. 1950) Krutzsch, Philip Henry. (Ph. D, 1 9 5 3 ) Long, Anita Lucille. (M. A. 1957) Loomis, Richard Bigger. (Ph.D. 1955) Lowery, George Hines, Jr. (Ph, D. 1949) Malewitz, Thomas D. (M. A. 1953 ) Martin, Edwin P. (Ph.D. 1955) Metcalf, Artie L. (M. A. 1957) Miles, Charles David. (M. A. 1 9 5 6 ) Montague, H. Gordan. (M.A. 1 9 4 8 ) Moojen do Oliveira, Joao. (Ph. D. 1948) Nash, Donald Joseph. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) Overend, Donald Stewart. (M.A. 1952) Packard, Robert Lewis. (M.A. 1955) Phillips, Georgine. (M.A. 1952) Piatt, Dwight Rich. (M. A. 1954) Ponder, Luke Harold. (M. A. 1 9 4 8 ) Pryor, Carlon Winston. (M.A. 1952) Rainey, Dennis Grant. (Ph.D. 1 9 5 5 ) Reeve, Wayne L. (Ph. D. 1950) Reynaud, Raymond Lucien. (M. A. 1949) Robinson, Sylvia Carol. (M.A. 1956) Robinson, Thane Sparks. (Ph. D. 1956) Sandidge, Lewis L. (M. A. 1951) Saunders, Dolores Darlene. (M. A. 1951) Sensintaffar, Jack Lee. (M.A. 1 9 5 2 ) Setzer, Henry Wilfred. (Ph.D. 1 9 4 8 ) Smith, Charles Francis. (M.A. 1949) Soler-Mari, Emilio Ivan. (M.A. 1948) Spoelstra, Jennie. (M. A. 1949) Stains, Howard James. (Ph.D. 1955) Stallcup, William Blackburn, Jr. (Ph.D. 1954) Swanson, Harold Dueker. (M. A. 1955) Tanner, Wilmer W. (Ph. D. 1949) Truffdli, George Thomas. (M.A. 1952) 138 Departmental Urban, Emil Karl. (M. A. 1958) Van Devander, Donald Mouzon. (M. A, 1949) Vaughan, Terry A. (Ph. D. 1958) Velez, Manuel J . , Jr. (M. A. 1951) Webb, Harry Edward. (M. A. 1952) White, John Anderson. (Ph.D. 1953) Wiens, Alvin Leo. (M. A. 1955) Williams, Austin B. (Ph. D. 1 9 5 1 ) Wilson, William Dunsmore. (M. A. 1 9 5 4 ) Woolf enden, Glen Everett. (M. A. 1 9 5 8 ) Works, Mary E. (M. A. 1950) Youngman, Phillip Merrill. (M. A. 1 9 5 7 ) PART HI Chronological Index (For titles reference should bo made to the listing by author in Part I) 1948 Allen, Laurence A. (M.A. Pol. Sci.) Alnutr, John Carl. (M. A. Ed.) Amini, Hannah Roberts. (M. A. Eng.) Andrews, Michael Frank. (M. S. Ed.) Baca, John Elifaz. (M. A. Spanish) Baker, Rollin Harold. (Ph. D. Zool.) Ballard, David Chapin. (M.S. Elect. Engin.) Barber, Herbert H„ Jr. (M. A. Chem.) Barker, Gerald Kennit. (M. S. Ed.) Barnett, Howard Hayden. (M.A. Math.) Benson, Vernon E. (M. A. Math.) Billings, John Burnham. (M.S. Ed.) Book, Howard A. (Ph. D. Ed.) Bradley, Iclabelle. (M.A. Ed.) Brilcy, Paul Whvficld. (M. Bus. Admin.) Bryant, Thomas Duane. (M.S. Elect. Engin.) Bnchelc, Luther II. (M. A. Bact.) Button, Jack Blair. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Button, Jean Stodard. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Camien, Laiten Lester. (Ph.D. Ed.) Carlson, Joseph. ( M. A. Math.) Carter, Gerald Bate. (M. S. Chem.) Carter, Rota Norman. (M. A. Eng.) Clement, Preston Rively. (M. S. Elect. Engin.) Coates, Clarence Leroy, Jr. (M.S. Elect. Engin.) Conrick, John Edward. (M. Mus. Ed.) Cook, Nancy Elaine Lydia. (M.A. Spanish) Cooper, Anthony Lcc. (M. S. Min. and Met. Engin.) Cottom, Melvin Clyde. (M.S. Elect. Engin.) Cowlcs, Frieda Eileen. (M. A. Ed.) Crow, Allen B. ( M . S . E d . ) Curtain, Edward Lee. (M. S. Elect. Engin.) Day, Robert Grinncll. (M. S. Elect. Engin.) DeFord, Donald Dale. (Ph.D. Chem.) Dclaney, Joseph Cornet. (M.A. Chem.) Downing, Marian Louise. (M. Mus. Ed.) Driver, Gnrth Edward. (M. S. Elect. Engin.) Dubins, Mortimer Ira. (M. S. Geol.) Dunn, Margaret Anita. (M. Mus.) Edwards, Anna Mnrie. (M.A. Hist.) Emerson, Frnnk Henry. (M.A. Bot.) Ensing, Janet. (M.A. Zool.) Etzler, Marilyn Child. (M.A. Hist.) Farmer, Ivan Marlowe. (M. Bus. Admin.) Feeney, William Jackson. (M.A. Eng.) Perm, Richard LeRoy. (Ph.D. Chem.) Forsyth, Sam E. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Foster, Charles Vernon. (M.S. Chem. Engin.) Gerber, Charles Edward. (M. S. Ed.) Gerren, Nicholas L'Ouvcrture. (M. Mus. Ed.) Glnncy, Walter Perry. (M. S. Mech. Engin.) Goodrich, Judson Earl. (M.A. Chem.) Graves, Mary Adkins. (M. S. Ed.) Grey, Charles Edwin. (M. S. Geol.) Grover, Paul Barton. (M. Mus. Ed.) Haggard, Marko L. (M.A. Pol. Sci.) Hammer, F. Emmett. (M. A. Phys.) Hanson, Floyd N. (M.S. Ed.) Hargiss, Willard Clarke. (M.S. Mcch. Engin.) Harmon, Roy Thomas. (M.A. Ed.) Haywood, Clarence Robert. (M.A. Hist.) Hud, Myrtle Lucile. (M. S. Ed.) Hoefer, William Gaines. (M. S. Elect. Engin. > Hoffman, Henry Allen, Jr. (M.A. Chem.) Holly, Joseph Victor. (D. Ed.) Holmer, Robert Martin. (M.S. Ed.) Hoover, Richard McGaffey. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Floward, William R. (M. S. Ed.) Hughes, Henry Edgar. ( M. S. Chem. Engin. ) Hughes, Roland L. (M.A. Chem.) Jackson, Etta Mae. ( M. A. Eng. ) Jirik, Frank Ernest. (Ph. D. Chem.) Johns, Vernon O. (Ph. D. Econ.) Johnson, Sam Houston, Jr, (M.A. Chem.) Just, Lee Roy. (M. A. Sooiol.) Kclley, Elmer Edwin. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Kendall, Jack Lehmer. (M. A. Eng.) Kirk, John Shaw. (Ph.D. Physiol.) Kirkland, Earl Vance. (Ph.D. Chem.) Kloepper, Robert Mayer. (M. S. Phys.) Kneale, Samuel George. (M. A. Math.) Lanter, Edith Brock. (M. S. Ed.) Leflar, Thomas Jerome. (M.A. Eng.) Lewis, Mary Helen. (M. A, Spanish) Lewis, Paul Joseph. (M. A. Geol.) Link, Barbara Ford. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Linn, Vera Maxine. (M. A. Hist.) Littlejohn, Warren Harold. (M. A. Journ. ) Livingston, Donald Gene. (M.A. Psychol.) McBee, William, Jr. (M. S. Geol.) McBurney, Charles Reed. (M.A. Hist.) McGregor, Duncan Junior. (M. S. Geol.) (139) 140 Chronological 1948—Concluded McKinney, Margaret. (M. A. Hist.) McMurry, Glenn Deal. (M. Mus. Ed.) Markham, Velma. (M. A. Spanish) Marks, Edwin Potter. (M. A. Ent.) Maxey, Sylvia Belle. (M. S.Ed.) Mercer, Birth Eileen. (M. Mus. Ed.) Miller, Henry Laurence, Jr. (M, A. Econ.) Miller, Holla Elvin. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Montague, H. Gordon. (M.A. Zool.) Moojen deOliveira, Joao. (Ph.D. Zool.) Moore, Warren Keith. (M. A. Math.) Morehead, Jean Klussman. (M, Mus. Ed.) Morgan, Loy Weston. (M. A. Ent.) Morton, Veda Mignon. (M. Bus, Admin.) Myers, Walter Edwin. (M. S. Ed.) Neff, Thelma Virginia. (M. A. Bnet.) Newman, Bobert L. (M. S. Obstetrics and Gynecol.) Norris, John Melvin, Jr. (M. A. Eng.) Oldham, Kenneth Lee. (M. A. Ed.) Peterson, Irvin L. (M.S. Ed.) Pitts, Baymond Earl. (M. A. Ed.) Ponder, Luke Harold. (M. A. Zool.) Poor, Clifford Wayne. (M. S. Ed.) Postlethwaite, Raymond Deane. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Powell, Donald Franklin. (M. S. Ed.) Purrington, Wealthy Elizabeth. (M. S. Geol.) Redfield, Levi Gleason. (M. S. Ed.) Reed, Ronald Louis. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Riley, James Daniel. (M. A. Math.) Robb, David D. (M. S. Elect. Engin.) Robb, George Seanor. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Roberts, Orville Arthur, Jr. (M. A. Speech and Drama) Roberts, William Henry. (M. A. Eng.) Robertson, Ross Marshall. (Ph. D. Econ.) Robinson, David W. (M. S. Surg.) Robinson, Florence Myrtle. (M. A, Eng.) Roth, Alexander. (M. A. Anat.) Both, Colleen P. (M. A. Psychol.) Ruggles, William L. (M. S. Civil Engin.) Ruppenthal, Wayne Wilson. (M. Mus. Ed.) Russell, Barbara Lee Edmonds. (Ph. D. Bact.) Sanks, John Lester. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Scnechter, William Howard. (Ph.D. Chem.) Schmitt, Mary Catherine. (M. A. Eng.) Setzer, Henry Wilfred. (Ph. D. Zool.) Shupe, Eldon E., Jr. (M. A. Eng.) Smith, Rhoten Alexander, Jr. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Soler-Mari, Emilio Ivan. (M. A. Zool.) Speneer, Francis Warren. (M. A. Soeiol.) Spreng, Alfred Carl. (M.A. Geol.) Stanclift, Ray Jones, Jr. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Stephenson, Jack Ramsey. (M. Mus. Ed.) Stewart, Jay Junior. (M. A. Chem.) Stewart, William Ross. (M. S. Elect. Engin.) Stoneburner, Roger Whitney. (M.A. Geol.) Strowig, Ronald Wray. (M.A. Ed.) Stucker, Harry T. (M. S. Aeron. Engin.) Suderman, Elmer F. (M. A. Eng.) Surface, James Richard. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Sveinbjornsson, August G. (Ph. D. Chem.) Tack, Melva Pauline. (M. Mus. Ed.) Taxacher, Elizabeth Cecilia. (M. A. Spanish ) Thomas, Alvin Earl. (M. Bus. Admin.) Thompson, Eugene Edward. (M. S. Ed.) Thompson, Joseph Kyle. (M.A. Chem.) Thompson, William Donald, Jr. (M. A. Psychol.) Todd, Charles Odess. (M. S. Ed.) Todd, Edward Lawrence. (M.A. Ent.) Tompkins, Willis Lynn. (M. Bus. Admin.) Triplett, John Roger. (M. S. Phys.) Turner, Josiah Sheldcn. (M. S. Min. and Met. Engin.) Tuttle, Lillian Margaret. (M. A. Hist.) Vermillion, Mary E. (M. A. Psychol.) Wallace, Herbert Stephen. (M. A. Ent.) Warger, Arnold E. (M. Bus. Admin.) Washington, Martina Pearl. (M. S. Ed.) Wedel, Arnold Marion. (M.A. Math.) Welch, Frank Howard. (M.A. Chem.) Wellhouse, William Templin. (M. A, Ent.) Weltmer, Walton Keith. (M. Bus. Admin.) Wendt, Horley John, Sr. (M. A. Ed.) Wilcox, Archer Carl. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Willinms, Virginia Marie. (M. A. Spanish) Wolfe, Benny W. (M. A. Ed.) Zarkcr, Keith E. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Zeller, Edword J. (M. A. Geol.) 1949 Adams, Roy M. (Ph.D. Chem.) Akers, Shirley Bartholomew. (M. A. Spanish) Allen, William H., Jr. (M. S. Ed.) Argyris, Chris. (M. A. Econ.) Arvcy, Martin Dale. (Ph. D. Zool.) Baird, Irwin L. (M. A. Zool.) Baker, Catherine Smith. (M. Social Work) Baker, Charles David. (M. S. Ed.) Baldridge, Joseph Riley. (M.A. Chem.) Bartel, Roy Allen. (M. S. Ed.) Bean, Claude Thomas, Jr. (Ph. D. Chem.) Beasley, Kenneth Ephraim. (M. A. Pol. Sei.) Bentson, Martin. (M.A. Journ.) Berry, Dorothy Jeanne. ( M. A. Hist.) Blair, Frances I. (M. S. Pharm.) Blakely, Ruth Olive. (M. Social Work) Bleecker, Chester Vincent. (M. Mus.) Bone, Bertram. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Boswell, Lenis. (M.A. Hist.) Bowman, Alden Elbert. (M.A. Eng.) Bradlow, H. Leon. (Ph. D. Chem.) Brooks, George Tally. (Ph.D. Ent.) Brooks, Wilma Nadine. (M.A. Eng.) Brown, Jerry William. (M.A, Anat.) Brown, Joseph Ross. (M. A. Math.) Index 1949—Continued Brust, Mildred Louise, (M. Mus.) Cary, Dorothy Elizabeth. (M. Mus. Ed.) Cater, Maurice LeRoy. (M. Mus. Ed.) Chamberlain, Dorothea May. (M. A. Eng.) Chandler, James Barton. (M. A. Eng.) Chapman, Arthur Owen. (M. A. Anat.) Charles, Hamon L. (M. S. E d . ) Chenoweth, Jean B. (M. A. Ed.) Church, Ellen Wagenfield. (M. Mus. Ed.) Clinch, Vernic Cfinel Francesco. (Ph. D. Hist.) Coats, Ronald W. (M. S. Ed.) Cochran, Louise Russel. (M. A. Socio!.) Cole, Glenn Albert. (Ph. D. Ed.) Coyne, Lolafaye. (M. A. Math.) Cross, John Marshall, Jr. (M. S. Ed.) Crump, James Wilson. (M. S. Ed.) Daruwalla, Mehra Naoroji. (M. A. Eng.) Davies, Muriel Irene. (M. A. Chem.) Davis, Philip Craig. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Dclphia, Robert E. (M. A. Zool.) Dewey, Helen Scamell. (M. A. Philos.) Dittmann, John Fred. (M. S. Chem.) Donaldson, Davenport. (M.A. Biochem.) Eichhorn, Robert. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Elliott, Irvin Wesley, Jr. (M. S. Chem.) Evans, Fredrick Paul. (M. S. Mech. Engin.) Fadenrecht, George H. (M.A. Hist.) Fairchild, Pnul Walker. (M. A. Geol.) Faragher, Martha Jean, (M.A. French) Fisher, Robert Charles. <M. A. Math.) Fung, Tsun Kai. (M. S. Mech. Engin.) Gjllilnnd, Evelyn Marie. (M.A. Chem.) Goblc, Cecil Raymond. (M. A. Zool.) Goering, Nancy Jane. (M, A. Pol. Sci.) Graham, Ward Arnold. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Graves, Perdue Brook. (D. Ed.) Gliding, G. Warren. (M.A. Pays.) Grimm, Guss L. (M. Mus. Ed.) Hammer, Robert Nelson. (M. A. Chem.) Hams, Henry Lewis. (M.A. Sociol.) Harder, Donald Frederick. (M. S. Ed.) Harding, William Burriss. (M. S. Chem. Engin.) Harris, Lavcrln Dell. (M.A. Spanish) Hnrt, Charlotte Anne. (M. S. Chem.) Hawcs, Lewis Clinton. (M.A. Hist.) Herd, G. Donald. (M.A. Econ.) Hesselborth, Maynard Deane. (M. Social Work) Hill, Harold J. (M. A. Chem.) Hill, Jnck Harold. (M.A. Path.) Hines, Jack Wendell.' (M. A. Hist.) Hobbs, Alice Marilyn. (M. A. Econ.) Ilodgden, Burton Bennett. (Ph. D. Ent.) Hodgkins, Jordan Atwood. (M.A. Geog.) Hoover, Norman C. (M.A. Math.) Horacek, Leo. (M. Mus. Ed.) Hornn, Dagmar, (M. A. Pol. Sci.) 141 Hough, Williamson Thomas. (M. Bus. Admin.) Hsu, Kuo-Chih. (M. S. Mech. Engin.) Hubbard, Ralph Warren. (M. A. Phys.) Hughes, Mary Elizabeth. (M. A. E d . ) Hughes, Harry Lewis. (M. A. French) I-Iutton, William Harvey. (M.A. Eng.) Hyde, Ernest Barlow, Jr. (M. S. Chem.) Janes, Frances Louise. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Jensen, Keith Edwin. (M. A, Bact.) Johnson, Kenneth Wilson. (M.A. Spanish) Kauffman, Herbert LeRoy. (M.A. Eng.) Kell, Richard Iden. (M. Mus. Ed.) Keller, Grover Raymond. (M.S. Aeron. Engin.) Kemm, Richard L. (M. Mus. Ed.) Kindal], James Vernon. (M.A. Chem.) Kirkputrick, Haleda Loy. (M. Social Work) Koontz, Doyle. (M. S. Ed.) Krska, Melvin J. (M.A. Chem.) Larkin, James Richard. (M.A. Math.) Lathrop, Lyle B. (M. S. Pharm.) Lemon, Dale Delton. (M. S. Ed.) Lieberstein, II. Melvin. (M.A. Math.) Link, Wendell Hubbard. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Lobb, William Leroy. (M. Bus. Admin.) Longfellow, Arthur Kendall. (M.S. Ed.) Lowen, Warren K. (Ph. D. Chem.) Lowery, George Hines, Jr. (Ph. D. Zool.) Lyford, Held Booker, Jr. (M. S, Aeron. Engin.) McArthur, Harvey John. (M.S. E d . ) MoBride, Robert Charles. (M. Bus. Admin.) McGrath, Frank Edmund. (M.S. Ed.) McKeon, Alba Frasco. (M.A. French) Malan, Ivo R. (M. A. French) Mazzitelli, Alba. (M.S. Chem.) Michuclis, Carl I. (M.A. Chem.) Michener, John Harold. (M.A. Pol. Sci.) Miller, Marion Knnpp. (M.A. Chem.) Mix, Thomas O. (M. S. Ed.) Moody, Max D. (M.A. Bact.) Muckenthnler, Francis Joseph. (M. S. Phys.) Newlnnd Mary Lucille, (M. S. E d . ) Noonan, James Edward. (M.A. Chem.) Ott, Paul Wayne. (M.S. Phys.) Palm, William Arnett. (M. Social Work) Parker, Melha Burwell. (M. S. E d . ) Parker, Olin Griffith. (M. Mus. E d . ) Partridge, Arthur Ray. (M.S. E d . ) Patton, Helen Mitchell. (M.S. Chem.) Patton, Leo Wesley. (M.A. Chem.) Pebley, Evelyn McColloch. (M. A. Path.) Phelps, C. Kermit. (M.A. Psychol.) Pihlhlad, Margaret Marie. (M.A. Math.) Prince, Cyrus Edward, Jr. (M.A. Psychol.) Ragle, Dan D. M. (M.A. Philos.) Raines, Sam Eugene. (M.A. Speech and Drama ) Rarick, Richard Stanford. (M.A. Sociol.) Reardon, William A. (M.S. Phys.) 142 Chronological 1949—Concluded Renich, Paul William. (Ph.D. Chcm.) Reguist, Norris N. (M.S. Geol.) Raynaud, Raymond Lucicn. (M. A. Zool.) Riley, Richard R. (M. S. Ed.) Roberts, Stanley L. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Rolfs, Hugo Quentin. (M. A. Math.) Rnnyon. Kenneth Eugene. (M. A. Psychol.) Russell, Robert R. (Ph.D. Chem.) Russell, Ruth Elizabeth. (M. Mus.) Sadow, Harvey Seymour. (M. S. Chcm.) Schillinger, Ruth Carolyn. ( D . E d . ) Schmidt, Nicholas James, Jr. (M. A. Geog.) Scholes, James Bert. (M. A. Eng.) Schooler, Eugene William. (M. Bus. Admin.) Shea, Richard Joseph. (M.S. Elect. Engin.) Sherbenou, Edgnr LaVerne. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Skeen, Charles Howard. (M. A. Phys.) Small, Joe Richard. (M.Bus. Admin.) Smith, Charles Francis. (M. A. Zool.) Snook, Pcrsis Rozella. (M. A. Bact.) Sopor, Alice Ledford. (M. Social Work) Spoclstra, Jennie. (M. A. Zool.) Stcphanou, Stephen E. (Ph.D. Chem.) Stetzler, Maxine Grace. (M. Mus.) Stewart, William Allen. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Stinson, Charles Dehnar. (M. S. Ed.) Stoenner, Raymond William. (Ph. D. Chem.) Stopher, Margaret Thomas. (M. Mus. Ed.) Straube. Melvin Donald. (M.S. Chem. Engin.) Strohmeyer, Donald Francis. (M. S. Ed.) Styrt, Leatrice S. (M. A. Psychol.) Tanner, Wilmer W. (Ph. D. Zool.) Tebow, Kenneth Bishop. (M. Mus. Ed.) Tenney, Robert E. (M. S. Chcm.) Thayer, Charlotte Patricia. (M.S. Pol. Sci.) Thunum, Donald H. (M. A. Phys.) Timpe, Alice. (M. A. Bact.) Train, George F. (M. A. Pol. Soi.) Truxal, Fred S. (M. A. Ent.) Tsao, Chao-Chiu. (M.S. Min. and Met. Engin.) VanDevander, Donald Mouzon. (M. A. Zool.) Vaught, George Willits. (M. S. Civil Engin.) Vinson, Wanda Mae. (M. A. Ed.) Walmer, Paul Milton. (M. A. Eng.) Watrous, Mary Lenora. (M. A. Ed.) Weber, George Henry. (M. A. Psychol.) W e b s t e r , Thomas Anderson. (M. Social Work) Weitzer, Sara Janet. (M. A. Ed.) Welch, Mary Gertrude. (M. A. Math.) White, Alberta Raye. (M. S. Ed.) White, Richard Paul. (M. A. Physiol.) Wilhoit, Randolph Carroll. (M. A. Chem.) Wilson, Lloyd C. (M.Bus. Admin.) Winemiller, Gilbert L. (M. A. Bact.) Witt, Robert Ray. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Wolfe, Frances Lee. (M. A. Math.) Woodward, John Morrill. (Ph.D. Bact.) Wright, Dorothy Joan. (M. A. Bot.) Yarnell, John Leonard. (M. A. Phys.) Yeh, Chung-Chi, (M. Arch.) Yerkes, Lois Hammond. (M.S. Ed.) Zack, Melvin Leon. (M. Mus. Ed.) Zeller, Margaret Ann. (M. A. Eng.) Zingaro, Ralph A. (M. S. Chem.) 1950 Alexander, Warren Richard. (M. S. Phys.) Altringer, Mary Pauline. (M. A. Bact.) Bacon, John A. (Ph. D. Ent.) Bacr, Charles John. (M. S. Civil Engin.) Baer, Clyde Joseph. (M. S. Ed.) Bailey, Donald Roy. (M. Pub. Admin.) Baker, William Earl. (M. Bus. Admin.) Ball, Floyd Neil. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Barnes, B. J. (M. A. Eng.) Barney, James Earl, II. (Ph. D. Chem.) Battaglia, Mary Jane. (M. A. Speech and Drama.) Beal, Jack Lewis. (M. S. Pharm.) Beall, Kenneth Ellsworth, Jr. (M. A. Hist.) Bechtle, Gerald Francis. (M. S. Chem.) Beeler, Joe R., Jr. (M. S. Phys.) Berger, Magdolcna. (M. A. Biochem.) Bibb, James W., Jr. (M. Pub. Admin.) Bigelow, Helen Aline. (M. A. Spanish) Bishop, Frances Marian. (M. A. Sociol.) Black, Esther F. (M. Fine Arts. Design) Boos, Robert Franklin. (M. Pub. Admin.) Boucher, Eli John Leo. (M. A. Ed.) Breed, Laurence Woods. (M. A. Chem.) Bri-zendine, John Calvin, Jr. (M. A. Aeron. Engin.) Brooks, Ina Beck. (M. A. Eng.) Brown, Robert Curtis. (M. A. Eng.) Campbell, Robert Wellington, (M. A. Econ.) Case, William Robert. (M. Pub. Admin.) Chamberlain, David LoRoy, Jr. (M. S. Chem.) Chancy, George Carper. (M. A. Path.) Clarke, Louise Thompson. (M. Social Work) Clinesmith, Carl Benjamin. (M. S. Ed.) Commons, Milton Donal. (M, A. Speech and Drama) Courtney, Gene. (M, A. Speech and Drama) Courtney, Marjorie M. Shryock. (M. A. Speech and Drama) Craven, Peggy Jane. (M. A. Eng.) DeForest, Elsie Davis. (M. A. Speech and Drama) Dewey, Ernest Wayne. (M. A. Philos.) Dolan, Kenneth Francis. (M. A. Hist.) Donahoe, Hugh Burkman. (Ph. D. Chem.) Doughty, Clyde Carl. (M. A. Bact.) Drennen, Nina Loy. (M. A. Speech and Drama) Durkin, June R. (M. Mus.) Durrant, Stephen David. (Ph.D. Zool.) Dyck, Marvin Gustave. (M. A, Bact.) Edgnr, Gerald Eugene. (M. A. Journ.) Edger, Richard E\igene. (M. A. Sociol.) Index 1950—Continued Edgerton, William Howard. (Ph. D. Pharm. Chem. ) Ehrlich, John Henry. (M. Mus.) Elbel, Robert Edwin. (M.A. Ent. ) Everett, Jasper D. (M. A. E d . ) Feist, Frances Wilson. (M. A. Speech and Drama ) Flores, Flora. (M. A. Spanish) Foulks, Sidney Marshall. (M. A. Math.) French, Clarence N. (M. S. Ed.) Garrison, Walter Raymond. (M. S. Aeron. Engin.) Gibson, Barbara Jeanne. (M. A. Psychol.) Gibson, Robert Desmond. (M. S. Pharm.) Glasse, Clarence A., Jr. (M.S. Ed.) Good, Wallace M. (M. A. Zool.) Guba, Egon G. (M. A, Ed.) Guild, Carl Holmes, Jr. (M. S. Surg.) Hager, Lowell Paul. (M.A. Baot.) Hall, Luther Axtell Richard. (Ph. D. Chem. ) Hallman, Robert Mason. (M, Mus. Ed.) Hamilton, Robert Jerald. (M. Mus.) Hansen, Edward Phillip. (M. S. Meeh. Engin.) Hanson, Marion French. (M. S. Ed.) Harbaugh, John W. (M. S. Gcol. ) Hardin, Creighton A. (M.S. Med. Surg.) Hardy, Dorothy Jeanne. (M. A. Speech and Drama ) Harvey, Harold Arnold. (M. A. Speech and Drama ) Hazlett, Robert Neil. (Ph.D. Chem.) Heliu, Arthur Francis. (Ph. D. Chem.) Herman, Jack Chalmers. (Ph. D. Spanish) Hetzer, William A. ( M. A. Bot. ) Hirsekorn, Fred S. (M. S. Chem. Engin,) Hoftiezer, Henry W. (M. A. Chem.) Holt, Horace H., Jr. (M. Pub. Admin.) Hopla, Cluff Earl. (Ph. D. Ent.) Horn, Harold Eugene. (M. Pub. Admin.) Howland, Kathleen Virginia Jones. (M. A. Speech and Drama) James, Carl Andrew. (Ed. D. ) Jennings, Lawrence Eugene. (M. Mus.) Johnson, Charles Andrew. (Ph. D. Ed.) Johnson, Sam Houston, Jr. (Ph. D. Pharm. Chem. ) Jones, Forrest Henry. (M.A. Zool.) Jones, Géraldine V. (M.A. Math.) Jordan, Nehemiah. (M. A. Psychol.) Judy, Robert Dale. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Jungk, Norman Knight. (M. A. Bact.) Kane, Donald Ivan. (M. Fine Arts. Design) Kaplan, Louis. (M. A. Bact.) Kappelman, Glenn L. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) King, Otis Morrison. (M. A. Zool.) Kittle, C. Frederick. (M. S. Surg.) Kleihege, Bernard Wray. (M. S. Geol.) Lee, Chih-Shang. (M. S. Path.) Lindenstruth, Albert F. (Ph. D. Chem.) 143 Ling, Wei. (M. S. Pharm. Chem.) Lins, Thomas Wesley. (M. S; Geol.) Loebcck, Maude Elva. (M. A. Bact.) Lynch, Julian Dare. (M. A. Ed.) McBride, Tom Joseph. (M. A. Bact.) McCollum, Paul M. (M. Bus. Admin.) McGoughrnn, Jeanne Ilolloway. (M. A. Eng.) McKay, Jack Frazer. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) McKinley, Roger Matthew. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) McKinnis, Leslie A. (M. A. Ed.) MacNair, Mina. (M. A. Biochem.) Maiden, Elmo Emery. (M. S. Mecb. Engin.) Malone, John Richard. (M. A. Econ.) Mandclkehr, Maurice Marks. (M. S. Elect. Engin.) Mann, William Aden. (M. Bus. Admin.) Masters, James Sterling. (M. A. Hist.) Mather, Patricia Ann. (M. A. Speech and Drama) Maulditi, James Norman. (M.A. Bact.) Merritt, Joseph L. (M. A. Hist.) Metcnlf, Theodore Gordon. (Ph.D. Bact.) Michel, Donald Edward. (M.Mus. Ed.) Minor, John Threecivelous. (Ph. D. Chem.) Mitchell, Andrew D. (M. S. Surg.) Moler, Margaret Ansdell. (M. S. E d . ) Nemcova, Bozena. (M.A. Sociol.) Ncsselhof, John Morrison. (M.A. Eng.) Neumann, David Henry. (M.A. Hist.) Overstreet, Lewis Daniel. (M. S. E d . ) Palmquist, Dan August, ( M. A. Speech and Drama) Pannell, Lolita. (Ph. D. Bact.) Pankratz, Waldo C. (M. Mus. Ed.) Persky, A. Phillip. (M. A. Eng.) Pfister, Richard L. (M. A. ECDO.) Pileggi, Felix Anthony. (M. A. Bact.) Plantz, Don V. (M. Bus. Admin.) Poje, John Anthony. (Ph. D. Chem.) Porter, Thomas Wayne. ( Ph. D. Ent.) Potter, Richard Ralph. (M. S. Elect. Engin.) Prieb, Wesley John. (M. A. Eng.) Pyle, Claude Leonard. (M. S. Phys.) Ragsdale, Herbert Walter. (M. A. Spanish) Reavis, James Lyndon. (M. A. Chem.) Reeve, Wayne L. (Ph.D. Zool.) Remple, Henry D. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Ridgway, Robert William. (M. S. Ed.) Roper, Bueford T. (M. Mus. Ed.) Ross, Robert Greer. (M. A. Psychol.) Roth, Esther Stubblefleld. (M. A. Bact.) Rush, Robert K. (M. Pub. Admin.) Ryan, Richard Walker. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Scheming, Geneva Rose. (M.Mus. Ed.) Schnebel, William G. (M. S. Ed.) Schneider, Elizabeth Mary. (M, A. Mus.) Schulz, Calvin A. (M. S. Ed.) Scott, Robert Haney. (M. A. Econ.) Scritchficld, Floyd Case. (M. A. Pol. Sci.) Sedore, Robert N. (M. Mus.) 144 Chronological 1950—Concluded Sell, Morion Waller. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Seyb, Edgar J„ Jr. (Ph. D. Chem.) Sheppard, Hubert Kay. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Sboup, Dorothy Helen. ( M . Mus.) Siemens, John, Jr. ( M . A. E d . ) Smart, Dorothy Caroline. ( M . Social W o r k ) Smiley, Clara Pearl. ( M . A. Eng.) Smith, Gordon Caldecott. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Smith, James O. ( M . A. Bact.) Smith, John Henry Mackey ( D . E d . ) Spur, Bertram Irving. ( M . S . Chem.) Spencer, Chester Wallace. ( M . S . Met. Engin.) Spiegelhalter, Roland R. ( M . A. Chem.) Stockdale, William Alexander. ( M . A. E n g . ) Sutton, Frank Maynard. ( M . S . Mech. Engin.) Taft, Dorothy L. ( M . A. Bot.) Taft, Edgar Breck. ( M . S. Oncology) Tate, Theodore Roosevelt. ( M . A. E d . ) Taylor, Grover Mack. ( M . S . Phys.) Tefft, Elden C. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Thalmann, Richard Eugene. ( M . S. Meeh. Engin.) Thiele, John Robert. ( M . S. Meeh. Engin.) Thompson, Joseph Kyle. ( P h . D . Chem.) Timmons, Robert LeRoy. ( M . S . E d . ) Todd, Edward Lawrence. ( P h . D . Ent.) Unkefer, Robert F. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Valliere, Donald D . ( M . S . E d . ) Van dor Smissen, Eugene Theodore. ( M . A. Bact.) Voegele, Edward B, ( M , Fine Arts. Design) Voile, Lee Dean. ( M . A. Bot.) Von Riesen, Victor Lyle. ( M . A. Bact.) Wagner, Martha Cable. ( M . A. Math.) Wagner, Theodore O. ( M . S . Mech. Engin.) Ward, Alvin Dugger. ( M . S . E d . ) Webster, Richard Curtis. ( P h . D . Anat.) Wetmore, John Marshall. ( M . A. Econ.) Whaley, Thomas Patrick. ( P h . D . Chem.) Wiley, Bill Beauford. ( M . A. Bact.) Wilkerson, Clyde, Jr. ( M . S. Aeron. Engin.) Wilson, Eugene Bruce. ( M . S. E d . ) Wilson, Johnnie Harrison. ( M . A. Mus.) Wiseman, Gordon Gray. ( P h . D . Phys.) Wolfe, George Edgar. ( M . A. E n g . ) Works, Mary E. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Wormington, Bill Lou. ( M . A. Journ.) Wormington, Bob Joe. ( M . A. Journ.) Yochelson, Ellis Leon. ( M . S . Geol.) Young, Amelia Belle. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Young, Charles Robert. ( M . A. Hist.) Yu, I-Tan. ( M . S . Aeron. Engin.) Zingaro, Ralph A. ( P h . D . Chem.) Zinser, Robert W. ( M . A. Geol.) 1951 Abrahamson, Earl A . , Jr. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Ahmed, Nozeer. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Batty, Thomas Victor. ( M . A. Anat.) Baxter, Hazel Scott. ( M . Social W o r k ) Becker, Ellen Spumey. ( M . Fine Arts. D e sign) Bennett, William Earl. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Berger, Elvis Vernon. ( M . S. E d . ) Bien, E. Fredrick. ( M , Pub. A d m i n . ) Biggc, Morris L. ( P h . D . E d . ) Bolyard, Ada Ann French. ( M . Social W o r k ) Bonner, Oscar Davis. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Born, Jean Marie. ( M . Social W o r k ) Bowers, Patrick Henry. ( M . Fine Arts. D e sign) Bradt, Russell Newton. ( M . A. Math.) Brewster, Margaret S. ( M . A. Bot.) Briggs, Robert Allen. ( M . S. E d . ) Briggs, Robert LeRoy. (Ph. D. Mus. E d . ) Brown, Jerry William. (Ph. D, Anat.) Brown, William Henry. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Brownlee, Robert E. ( M . A. Astron.) Burke, Norris Frank. ( M . S. E d . ) Busby, William C. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Campbell, Carl W o o d r o w . ( M . S. E d . ) Capelle, Kenneth Jerome. ( M . A. Ent.) Carpenter, Duane Ora. ( M . S. Aeron. Engin.) Carter, E. Russell. ( M . A. Sociol.) Cnywood, Keith E. ( M . S. E d . ) Chakravorty, Sailendra Kumer. (Ph.D. Geol.) Chambers, Dwight Oliver. ( M . A. Spanish) Cheng, Hsien An. ( M . A. Phys.) Clothier, Grant Martin, ( M . S. E d . ) Cockrum, Elmer Lendell. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Colyer, Luther Melvin. ( M . S. E d . ) Conhoy, William Andrew. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Conrad, Walter E. (Ph. D. Chem.) Corey, Leland Aubrey. ( M . A. Hist.) Cornwell, William Oscar. ( M . S . E d . ) Cridland, Patricia Jo. ( M . A. Bact.) Crowder, Harold Wayne. (Ph. D. Ent.) Dnilcy, David Thomas. ( M . A. Ent.) Davidson, David L e o . ( M . A. Phys.) Davis, Helen Boyersmith. ( M . S . E d . ) Davis, Stanley Nelson. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Delord, Jean Frederic. (Ph. D. Phys.) Dcwis, Diane Isabel. ( M . A. French) Dieterich, Herbert R., Jr. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Dowhower, Edna. ( M . S. E d . ) Drey, John Edmond. ( M . A r c h . ) Duree, Barbara Joyce. ( M . A. E n g . ) Duxbury, John Alan. ( M . A. G e o g . ) Edwards, Karl Dreehsel. ( D . E d . ) Elliott, Harry L., Jr. ( M . A. G e o g . ) Ewing, Morgan R. ( M . A. Hist.) Index 145 1951—Continued Faris, James Edward. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Faris, William Robert. <M. S. Elect. Engin.) Fearing, Olin S. ( M . A. B o t . ) Ferguson, Hugh Thomas. ( M . S. E d . ) Freiburg, Richard Eighme. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) French, Marjorie Lomas. ( M . S. E d . ) Fuller, Murrey W . ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Galbreath, Edwin C. (Ph. D. Z o o l . ) Camber, Jesse Elbert, ( M. S. M c c h , ) Garrison, Ellis J. ( M . S. E d . ) Geist, Faylon W a y n e . ( M. A. Music) GeofTroy, Kenneth W a y n e . ( M . Mus. E d . ) Geoffroy, Melba Young. ( M . S . E d . ) Gibson, David M. ( M . A. Med. Path.) Gleason, Shirley Grace. ( M . A. Bact.) Good, Wallace E . ( M . A . Hist.) Gore, Truman L. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Goyette, Lewis Edward. ( P h . D . B o t . ) Greenbaum, Nathan. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Greenberg, Bernard. ( M . A. Ent.) Grier, James S. ( M . A. Chem.) Gunn, James E d w i n . ( M . A. E n g . ) Gunn, Roland S. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Gwinn, Billy W. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Hallman, Howard Wesley. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Hambleton, William W e l d o n . (Ph. D. G e o l . ) Hammer, James Wesley. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Hannaman, Thomas Belton. ( M . A. G e o g . ) Hanson, C. Norman. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Harsh A, William N. ( M . S. Surg.) Haskell, Albert Russell. ( M . S. Pharm.) Hawley, Ellis W a y n e . ( M . A. Hist.) Heaton, Robert Edwin. ( M . A. Math.) Heck, Oscar Benjamin, Jr. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Hickox, John Ekstrom. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Hill, Robert L e e . ( M . A . Biochem.) Hiltibran, Robert Comegys. ( M , S. Biochem.) Hinde, Thomas Robert. ( M . A . E d . ) Holper, Jacob Charles. ( M . A. Bact.) Hubbard, Harold Mead. ( P h . D . Chem.) Ihrig, Howard. ( M . A. Psychol.) Inman, Arthur E. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Jacobini, Horace Bowman. (Ph. D. Pol. Sci.) Jent, H. Clay, Jr. (Ph. D. E d . ) Jessup, William Carl. ( M . S. E d . ) Johnson, Harry Wellington. ( M . S. Aeron. Engin.) Work) Peterson, Glenn Albin. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Peterson, Leonard Varr. ( M . Social W o r k ) Pettit, Martin Ghent. ( M . Social W o r k ) Quirjlan, Robert Walter. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Raymond, Robert S., Jr. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Reed, Margaret Chastain. ( M . A. Psychol.) Reed, Vera Mae. ( M . Social W o r k ) Richards, Robert LeRoy. ( M . A. Hist.) Richardson, George Harry, Jr. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Jollifl, James Edwin. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Kelley, Stanley, Jr. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Kingsbury, Patricia Reed. ( M . A. G e o g . ) Kingsbury, Robert Carriek. ( M . A. G e o g . ) KirchhorT, E d w i n Ernest. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Kittrie, N. Kronenberg. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Koenig, John W a l d o . ( M . S . G e o l . ) Kruse, Arthur Herman. ( M . A. Math.) Ladd, Carl E. ( M . S. E d . ) Lake, Kenneth Eugene. ( M. A. Math.) Lamy, Bernard. ( M . A. Sociol.) Lattin, John Daniel. ( M . A. Ent.) Lee, Gary Melvin ( M . A. Anat.) Lewey, George Ralph. ( M . A. Bact.) Richardson, Paul Joslin. ( M . S . C h e m . ) Robatel, Michel M. ( M . S . Chem. Engin.) Rolnnd, Albert. ( M . A . E n g . ) Rosenfield, Richard Julius. ( M . S . E d . ) Runnels, Russell T. ( M . S. Min. E n g i n . ) Sam, Joseph. ( P h . D . Pharm. C h e m . ) Sandidge, Lewis L. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Saunders, Dolores Darlcne. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Sauvan, Robert Ladoux. ( M . A. B a c t . ) Schaechter, Moselio. ( M . A . Bact.) Schoggen, Phil II. ( M . A . Psychol.) Sears, William Wesley. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Shay, Thomas M. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Shirk. David Lee. ( M . S. E d . ) Lilley, Agnes Bertha. ( M . S . Ed.) Linsc-heid, John Willard. ( M . A. E d . ) Livingston, Donald Gene. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Livingston, Frances Sartori. ( M . M u s . Ed.) Lovelace, Robert Adam. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) MeDermott, Bernard Thomas. ( M . A. Ent.) McElroy, Albert Dean. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) McGill, Eunice Parr. ( D . E d . ) McMichael, Doris Meserve. ( M . Social Work) Mackie, Edwin John. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Margrave, John Lee. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Meade, Marvin. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Meister, David E. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Michael, Vernon Dwight. ( M . A. E d . ) Michelson, Mary Diane. ( M , Social W o r k ) Miller, Bruce Linn. ( M . S. Phys.) Miller, Kenneth Eugene. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Mills, Charles Parks. ( M . S . Ed.) Mirsky, Jerome George. ( M . A. Spanish.) Moler, Donald Lewis. (Ph. D . E d . ) Montgomery, John Gabriel C. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Moore, Warren Keith. ( P h . D . M a t h . ) Morton, May Katherine. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Mourning, Donald McVeigh. (M. M u s Ed.) Nelson, John Armand. ( M . S . Met. Engin.) Niedermann, Ernst Albert. ( M . S . M e c h . Engin.) , Nilsen, Frodc Elmar. ( M . A. Pol. S c i . ) Norris, Robert Peter. ( M . S. Geol.) Nowlin, Robert Ernest. ( M . S. Met. Engin.) Oglesby, Dwayne LaVergne. ( M . A. Sociol.) Ott, John Lewis. ( M . A. Bact.) Patterson, Cornelia Murray ( M . Social 146 Chronological 1951—Concluded Shirley, John Mclnnes. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Showaller, Alan B. ( M . A. Math.) Showalter, Wendell Vernon. ( M . A. Bot.) Shull, Charles Scott. (Ph. D. Pharm. Chem.) Sloanaker, Charles J. ( M . S. Geol.) Smith, Vernon Lomax. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Sobieski, Virginia Christine. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Sollner, William Jarvis. ( M . S . E d . ) Spear, Karl E. ( M . S. E d . ) Stanclift, Bay Jones, Jr. ( P h . D . Chem. Engin.) Steele, Jack Donald. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Stephens, Verlin Clark. (Ph. D. Pharm. Chem.) Strain, Emma Elizabeth. ( M . Mus.) Strickler, Arnold Nicholas. ( M . S. E d . ) Stutz, Richard Griffin. ( M . S. Aeron. Engin.) Stutzman, Ralph Charles. ( M . Mus. Ed.) Taylor, Carl. ( M . Fine Arts Design) Taylor, Gerald Clark. ( M . A. Bact.) Taylor, Mary Jane. ( M . A. Bact.) Tennant, James O. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Terrill, Robert Starling. ( M . A. Bact.) Thomas, Rex Eugene. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Thompson, Grace Lucile. ( M . A. French) Thompson, Robert Harry. ( M . A. Math.) Thomson, David Browning. ( M . S . Phys.) Tillinghast, Gladys Deacy. ( M . Social Work) Turner, Jesse Paul. ( M . S. E d . ) Valentine, Jean Frances. ( M . Social W o r k ) Vaqar, NasroUah. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Velcz, Manuel J., Jr. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Vollenweider, Rolf. ( M . S. Civil Engin.) Von Waaden, Carl Ernest. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Walker, John A., Jr. ( M . S. Met. Engin.) Walker, Norma Eleanor. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Walsh, Thomas. ( M . A. Hist.) Wambsgans, Elden Harold. ( M . Social Work) Waugb, Fannye Allene. ( M . A. Socinl.) Wells, Eugene Tate. (Ph. D. Hist.) White, Jimmy Reeves. ( M . A. Ent.) Wilbert, Louis Joseph, Jr. ( P h . D . Geol.) Wilhelm, Paul L. ( M . S. Biochem.) Williams, Austin B. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Whnmer, Donn Braden. ( M . S. Phys.) Wiublad, James Norman. ( M . A. Anat.) Witherspoon, Paul Adams, Jr. ( M . S. Petrol. Engin. Phys.) Wolfenbarger, Keith Arlo. ( M . A. Ent.) Yokoyama, Katsuyuki. ( M . A. Bot.) Young, David A. ( P h . D . Ent.) 1952 Allsup, Edward Leonard, ( M . Mus. E d . ) Alsup, Richard Glenn. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Altenbernd, Elvin Conrad. ( M . A. Bact.) Amdahl, Lowell Dean. ( M . S. Phys.) Anderson, Lethla Mae. ( M . S. E d . ) Anderson, Sydney. ( M . S . Z o o l . ) Anderson, Verl Dean. ( M . S. E d . ) Ansari, Mohammed Ali. ( M . S. Civil Engin.) Asquith, Donald Owen. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Atchison, Donald Porter. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Ayers, Solon G. ( D . E d . ) Baechler, Marjorie Simmonds. ( M . Social Work) Bahn, Arthur Nathanael. ( M . A. Bact.) Baker, Maurice Frank. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Baumann, Norman P. ( M . S. Phys.) Bell, James O. ( M . S. E d . ) Beltz, Margaret Adah. ( M . A. German) Benefiel, James Mearl. ( M . A. Spanish) Bertuzzi, Andrew F. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Betoret, Consuelo Garcia de. ( M . A. Spanish) Bctoret-Paris, Eduurdo. ( M . A. Spanish) Beu, Robert Dean. ( M . S. Geol.) Bingham, Hal G. ( M . A. Anat.) Bingham, Ralph Marshall, ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Birnbaum, Morris Melvin. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Bishop, Samuel Wills. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Black, Charles Thomas. ( M . S. Civil Engin.) Boyer, Delmnr L. ( M . A. Math.) Boyer, Dorothy Jane. ( M . A. Math.) Brandt, Robert Lloyd. ( M . A. C h e m . ) Brick, Samuel E. (Ph. D. Mus. E d . ) Broadfoot, Clarence Peter, Jr. ( M . S. E d . ) Brockmeyer, Eugene William. ( M . S. Pharm.) Brooks, William Allen. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Brown, Harold Dean. ( M . S. Phys.) Brown, Harold Dean. ( P h . D . Phys.) Brown, Harry Benjamin. ( M . S. Phys.) Cape, William H. ( P h . D . Pol. S c i . ) Carlson, William A. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Casad, Robert Clair. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Christensen, Valdemar J. ( P h . D . Chem.) Christian, Paul Jaekson. (Ph. D. Ent.) Cobb, Edna Haight. ( P h . D . Spanish) Colton, Ervin. ( M . S . C h e m . ) Colver, Robert Merle. ( D . E d . ) Comer, Ralph Dudley. ( M , A. Anat.) Cook, Keith Harding. ( M . Social W o r k ) Cook, Paul P., Jr. ( M . A. Ent.) Cooley, Douglas Robert. ( M . A. G e o l . ) Cooper, Jack Richard. ( M . S . Neurosurg.) Coughlin, Rose Louise. ( P h . D . Hist.) Cozart, Mazine B. ( M . S. E d . ) Crook, V i r g i n i a Elizabethanne. ( M . Social Work) Index 1952—Continued Davis, Philip Craig. ( P h . D . Chem. Engin.) D e Haven, Fannie Mabel. ( M . S . E d . ) Devine, Marguerite Mary. ( M . S. Anesthesiology ) Dial, Stanley Horatio. ( M . A . Pol. S c i . ) Doores, Robert Willard. ( M . S . Journ.) Drecsc, William Robert. ( M . A . Psychol.) Edmonds, Leland Russell. ( M . A. G e o g . ) Elliott, Irvin W e s l e y , Jr. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Evans, Homer Clark. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Fagan, Esther Fried. ( M . S . E d . ) Fee, Chester Franklin. ( M . A. B a c t . ) Feldstcin, Aaron. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Fellman, Jacob H . ( M . A . Biochem.) Fendorf, Frank W . ( M . Mus. E d . ) Finney, Laurence Malcolm, ( M . A . Spanish) Fisher, Robert Charles. ( P h . D . Math.) Fisher, William Edwin. ( P h . D . E d . ) Fitch, Arthur Haines. ( M . S. Phys.) Filch, Kenneth Leonard. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Flint, Richard William. ( M . S . E d . ) Forbes, Fritz W . ( D . E d . ) Ford, Donald Herbert. ( P h . D . Anat.) Foreman, William Calvin. ( P h . D . Math.) Foster, Maus R e a d . ( P h . D . Phys.) French, Freeman G. ( M . S. E d . ) Galbraith, Francis. ( M . S. E d . ) Gardiner, Jean S. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Gardner, Riley Wethcrell. ( P h . D . Psychol.) George, Billie Iona. ( M . Mus.) George, Wcllnard Madison. ( M . S . E d . ) Ghaffari, Ahmad. ( M . A . E c o n . ) Glazier, Robert Henry. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Greaver, Harry. ( M . Fine. Arts. Draw, and Paint.) Green, Joseph. ( M . S . C h e m . ) Grunt, Jerome Alvin. ( P h . D . Anat.) Gudgen, Marjoric Gloria. ( M . S . E d . ) Guida, Arthur J. ( M . S. Pharm.) Habein, Margaret. ( P h . D . E n g . ) Hager, Glenn G. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Haines, Thomas Walton. ( M . A . Ent.) Hall, Charles William. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Harder, Donald Frederick. ( D . E d . ) Harmon, Harlan Leroy. ( M . S . E d . ) Hattin, Donald Edward. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Haynes, Edward Hamilton. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Heisler, Robert Yard. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Hendrix, Lloyd E . ( M . A . Bact.) Henry, Clarke Latta. ( M . S . Surg.) Henson, Owen M . ( M . A . E d . ) Hicks, Grady Thomas. ( M . S . Phys.) Hiebert, Phyllis Jean. ( M . A . E n g . ) Hirsch, Ernest Albert. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Holbcn, Clair Dean. ( M . S . Mech. Engin.) Holzman, Philip S. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Hooper, Gladys M . ( M . A . Psychol.) Horowitz, Milton Joshua. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Howicson, John Lionel. ( M . A . Anat.) Hughes, Henry Edgar. ( P h . D . Chem. Engin.) 147 Hum fold, Neill Hamilton. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Imel, William Franklin. ( M . Fine Arts. D e sign) Isaacson, Lee Everett. ( D . E d . ) Jackson, Peter H. ( P h . D . Chem.) Jenkins, Newell N. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Johnson, Robert Wendel. ( M . S . P h y s . ) Jones, Mark Martin. ( P h . D . Chem.) Jordnn, Edward Loren. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Jordan, Nehemiah. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Karagoz, Berc Y. ( M . S. Mech. E n g i n . ) Katzcnstein, Alfred P. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Keil, Joseph Woodward. ( M . S. C h e m . Engin.) Kelly, Charles Gene. ( M . Social W o r k ) Keplinger, Moreno Lavon. ( M . S. Pharm.) Keys, Charles Everel. (Ph. D. Z o o l . ) Kliewer, Marion Waller. ( M . A. Journ.) Knight, James Louis. ( M . S. Ed.) Kobler, Arthur Leon. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Koester, David Carl. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Koonse, Howard Joseph. ( M . A , B a c t . ) Kruse, Carl William. ( M . S . C h e m . ) Kubitz, Karl A. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Lakin, Calvin M. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Larkin, James Richard. ( P h . D . M a t h . ) Larson, Lawrence Wayne. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Learned, George Robert ( M . A. B a c t . ) Lee, Leon E. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Lessenden, Edith Fleming. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Levinson, Harry. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Louthian, Donald Eugene. ( M . Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint.) L o v e , Bruce Webster. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Lyons, Joseph. ( P h . D . Psychol.) McCamish, Joan. ( M . A . Bact.) MeClure, Lloyd, Jr. ( M . S. E d . ) McConnell, James A. ( M . S. E d . ) M c C o y , Thomas F., Jr. ( M . Fine Arts. Draw. and Paint.) McHenry, Margie June Forsbach. ( M. Social Work) McMurray, Wendell Howard. ( M . A . Ed.) Madden, Harrison Eugene. ( M . A . Pol. S c i . ) Majors, J. R. ( M . Social W o r k ) Margins, George S., Jr. ( M . A. B a c t . ) Mason, James Glendenning. ( M . A. Psychol.) Maze, Jacques. ( M . A. French) Mcbta, Nariman Bomanshaw. (Ph. D. Chem.) Mcngcl, Paid Millard. ( M . Social W o r k ) Mitchell, William Henry. ( M . A . Hist.) Moddelraog, James D . ( M . A . E c o n . ) M o o n , Ralph Marks, Jr. ( M . A. P h y s . ) Morgan-Grenville, David Bevil. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Moyer, Melvin Isaac. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Nanscn, Hope Constance. ( M . A. Spanish) Nasser, Karim Wadi. ( M . S. Civil Engin.) Naylor, Kirk Eugene. ( D . E d . ) 148 Chronological 1952—Concluded Neal, Adolph Richard. ( M . Social W o r k ) Nelson, Leland, ( M . Rub. A d m i n . ) Newton, Sherwood William. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Nichols, Neal D. ( M . S. E d . ) Nicolas, Loretta A. ( M . S. E d . ) Nobles, William Lewis. (Ph. D. Pharm. Chem.) Normand, William Clay. ( M . A. Physiol.) North, John William. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Nyquist, Norma. ( M . A. Eng.) Oberbelman, Harley Dean. ( M . A. Spanish) Orme, Lillian Taylor. ( M . S. E d . ) Overend, Donald Stewart. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Patrick, Donald W. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Perkins, Hamilton Chesley. ( M . S. Geol.) Peterson, Roy Reed. ( P h . D . Anat.) Peterson, Wilbur E. ( M . S. E d . ) Phillips, Gcorgine. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Pratt, Roland Everett. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Pryor, Carlon Winston. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Radcliff, Lester Gene. ( M . A. Bact.) Rasmussen, Otho Mills. (Ph. D. E d . ) Rea, Tom Pratt. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Rejsek, Stanislav. ( M . A. Philos.) Riley, James Daniel. (Ph. D. Math.) Roark, Richard Basil. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Rollins, Fred R., Jr. ( M . S. Phys.) Rozin, Leonard Wallace. ( M . A. Bact.) Rubinstein, Dinah. ( M . A. Psychol.) Rusco, Elmer Bitter. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Russell, Marion Fore, Jr. ( M . A. Anat.) Schechter, Dale Lupfer. ( M . S. Chem.) Schmidt, Jerome Paul. ( M . A. Bact.) Schuepbach, Dorothe Hazel. ( M . A. Math.) Schwartz, Charlotte. ( M . A . E n g . ) Self, Edward Moss. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Sensintaffar, Jack Lee. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Shaw, Warren Arthur. ( M . S. Civil Engin.) Shields, Ivan Joseph. (Ph. D. Bot.) Shoffner, David Ray. ( M . S. Aeron. Engin.) Silberg, Stanley Louis. ( M . A . Bact.) Smith, Helen Stuart. ( M . S. E d . ) Smith, Louise C. ( M . A. C h e m . ) Smith, Ronald Kirk. ( M . A . Phys.) Snyder, Murray Dean. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Soileris, John W. ( M . S. Phys.) Sontheimer, Kurt. ( M . A . Sociol.) Spencer, Millard C. ( M . A . Anat.) Squires, Donald Fleming. ( M . A. G e o l . ) Squires, Jean Marie. ( M . A. G e o l . ) Stein, Kenneth B. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Stephen, William Procuronoff. (Ph. D. Ent.) Stewart, Jack Norton. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Stewart, Wilton Thaddeus. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Sujata, Henry L e o . ( M . S. Civil Engin.) Sulston, Kenneth Hartley. ( M . A . Speech and Drama) Tangari, Anthony Joseph. ( M . A. Hist.) Tartamella, Natalc John. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Taylor, Joseph Arthur. ( M . S. Journ.) Teener, James Wallace. (Ph. D. Phys.) Thomas, Luella M. ( M . A. Eng.) Tongier, Carl Lloyd. ( M . A . Spanish) Townsend, James Willard. ( M . S. E d . ) Truffelli, George Thomas. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Truxal, Fred Stone. (Ph. D. Ent.) Vancil, Sarah May. ( M. A. E n g . ) Varenhorst, Glenn Elmer. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Wahrhaftig, Leon. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Walker, Tatjana Plume. ( M . A. Psychol.) Wambsgans, Marieta Delano. ( M , Soc. Work) Wampler, Joe Forrest. ( M . A. Math.) Warner, Marita Skidmore. ( M . S, E d . ) Waters, Russell Claude. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Waymeyer, Walter Karl. ( M . S. Mech. Engin,) W e b b , Harry Edward. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) W e b b , John R . ( M . A . E d . ) W e b b , Mildred. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Weiner, Melvin Lawrence. ( M . A . Psychol.) Weltner, Edward B. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Westland, Roger Dean. ( M . S. C h e m . ) White, Paul Lewis. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Wiens, Arthur N. ( M . A. Psychol.) Wight, Darlene Van Biber. ( M , A. Speech and Drama) Wild, Jack W. ( M . S. Phys.) W i l d , Jack W. (Ph. D. Phys.) Witter, Jasper Curtis. ( D . E d . ) Wolf, Nancy Kesler. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Work, Alva Lyle. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Wright, Emory M c t z , Jr. ( M . S. Anesthesiology) Young, James Mitchell. ( M . S. E d . ) 1953 Alkire, G . Don. ( D , E d . ) Almon, Jean Marie. ( M . Fine Arts. Draw. and Paint,) Angell, Wayne D . ( M . A . E c o n . ) Annis, Russell W. ( M . S. E d . ) Arper, William B . , Jr. (Ph. D. G e o l . ) Bacot, Eunice Rosetta. ( M . S. E d . ) Baker, John Norton. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Becker, Robert Eugene. ( M . A. Bact.) Benton, Gaylord Nelson, ( M . A . E c o n . ) Birdwhistell, Ralph K. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Bock, Robert Leroy. ( M . A. Pol. S c i . ) Bravo, Justo Baladjay. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Brazda, Jaroslav Jan. ( M . A. Pol. S c i . ) Brown, Joseph Ross. ( P h . D . E d . ) Buie, Dan Horace, Jr. ( M . A. Anat.) Burmeister, Clifton A. (Ph. D. Mus. E d . ) Burnau, John Marcus. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Butcher, Philip John. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Butler, Lawrence B. ( M . S. E d . ) Cain, Joe plilmon. ( M . S. Chem.) Calkins, Gilbert Wayne. ( D . E d . ) Campbell, George Thomas. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Index 1953—Continued Campbell, John Robert. (Ph. D. Pharm. Chem.) Campbell, W e n d e l l Edwin. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Cartwright, Lewis Merle. ( M . A. Phys.) Chamberlin, Verrion Addison. ( M . A . Spanish) Charles, Ramon L . ( D . E d . ) Churchill, D e w e y Ross, Jr. ( M . S. Phys.) Churchill, Eileen Louisa. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Coan, Clark. ( M . S. E d . ) Conkin, James E. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Corporon, John Robert. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Courter, Carroll O. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Cunnick, Charles Clemens. ( M . A. Bact.) Daniels, Mary Brett. ( M . A. Psychol.) Davidson, Arnold F. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Davidson, Gene Edward. ( M . S. E d . ) D e Campos, D e c i o Simch. ( M . S . Mech. Engin.) Dios, Zoltan Bebie. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Duiford, Alvin Ellsworth. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Esch, Joy. ( M . A . Psychol.) Feaster, Gene R. (Ph. D. Phys.) Feighny, Geraldine Fidelia. ( M . A. E n g . ) Fisher, Cleo William. ( M . S. E d . ) Fisher, Stanley Dean. ( M , Pub. A d m i n . ) Forman, John Warren. (Ph. D. E d . ) Fuchs, Richard. (Ph. D . C h e m . ) Gallup, Gordon Alban. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Garder, Clarence Ellsworth, Jr. ( D . E d . ) Garrison, James Howard. ( M . A. Bact.) Gaston, Gordon Irvin. ( M . S. E d . ) Gazda, John M. ( M . S. E d . ) Gerren, Nicholas L'Ouverture. (Ph. D. Mus. Ed.) Gilbaugh, John Wesley. ( D . E d . ) Gilkerson, William Richard. ( P h . D . Chem.) Gittleman, Beverly. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) G o b , Jean Arthur. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Goodwin, Frances M c D o n a l d . ( M . A . E n g . ) Gray, Robert Trull. ( D . E d . ) Gregory, James Stanton. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Gribbin, William John, Jr. ( M . A. Bact.) Guardiola, A i d a L u z . ( M . A . Bact.) Gullerud, Ernest Norman. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Gutzwiller, Martin C. ( P h . D . Phys.) Hair, Walter W y m a n . ( M . A. Anat.) Harder, Bichard Charles. ( M . S. E d . ) Harner, D a v i d Arthur. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Hausler, William John, Jr. ( M . A. Bact.) Hops, James Henry. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Hsu, Kuo-Chih. (Ph. D . Math.) Ihrig, Howard. (Ph. D . Psychol,) Isaacs, Dale Allen. ( D . E d . ) Janosky, Ivan D e e . ( M . A. Anat.) Johnson, Donald Eric. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Johnson, Irving Stanley. (Ph. D. Z o o l . ) Jones, J. Knox, Jr. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Jordison, Richard Rhodes. ( M . A r c h . ) Kardos, Ervin Herman. ( M . A. Ent.) 149 Kelley, Marion Hope. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Knauer, Delbert Deane. ( M . A. Hist.) Koontz, Melton Doyle. ( D . E d . ) Kramer, Charles Lawrence. ( M. A. B o t . ) Krantz, Betty Beierfeld. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Krishnan, Vattarmadom Bama. (Ph. D. Chem.) Krutzsch, Phillip Henry. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Kyle, Murray Donald. ( M . S. Ed.) Lamb, Bromleigh S. ( M . A. Pol. S c i . ) Lefevre, Lucy Doris. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Leventhal, Morton. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Leventhal, Theodore. ( P h . D . Psychol.) List, Betty Louise. ( M . A. Bact.) Loekhart, Marion Headley. ( M . A, Bact.) Long, Keith Roycc. ( M . A. Bact.) McClelland, William Dean. ( M . S . E d . ) McLain, Arthur Lee. ( M . A. Bact.) Malewitz, Thomas D . ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Martinez, John Paul. ( M . S . Ed.) Masih, Nolin. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Muyman, Martin. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Merriam, Daniel Francis. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Miller, Bruce Linn. ( P h . D . Phys.) Miller, Robert Edward. ( M . S. Aeron. Engin.) Moody, Max Dale. ( P h . D . Bact.) Moore, Fleming Stanley. ( M , A. G e o g . ) Morehead, Charles Galloway. ( D . E d . ) Murphy, Irene. ( P h . D . E n g . ) Namioka, Isaac (Isaku). ( M . A. M a t h . ) Neas, Beverly Jack. ( M . S . E d . ) Needle, Frank William, Jr. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Neering, Thomasine. ( M . A. Ent.) Nelson, Howard F. ( D . E d . ) Nelson, R. Wayne. ( M . Mus. Ed.) Newton, Merle Robert. ( M . A. Psychol.) Noland, Albert W . , Jr. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) O'Connell, Wilson E. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Odem, Wilbert Irwin. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Orton, Danny Edward. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Orton, Mary Ryder. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Oruc, Ali R. ( M . A. Pol. S c i . ) Ostlund, Leonard Alexander. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Owens, Robert Henry. ( M . S. Urolog. Surg.) Patterson, E. Palmer. ( M . A. Hist.) Pearson, Charles Gephart. ( M. A. Journ.) Perlmutter, Howard Victor. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Petty, Roy Lee, (Ph. D. Chem.) Phelps, C. Kermit. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Pollock, Bernard David. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Poppe, Kenneth H. G. ( M . S. E d . ) Powers, James Lowell. ( M . A. Journ.) Pratt, Bertha Maconda. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Preis, Richard Ira. ( M . A. E n g . ) Price, Roger DeForrest. ( M . A. E n t . ) Reader, Edna C. L. ( M . S. E d . ) Chronological 150 1953—Concluded Reardon, William A. ( P h . D . Phys.) Redding, Joann Gentry. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Reed, F. Jules. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Reiff, Robert. ( M . A . Psychol.) Rendina, George. ( M . A . Biochem.) Reynolds, Mary Margaret. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Righter, Jean Kirkham. ( M . A . E n g . ) Risser, Hubert E. ( M . S. Min. Engin.) Ruscha, Mary Frances. ( M . A . Physiol.) Ryll, Erich. ( M . A . Bact.) Sattler, Jerome Murray. ( M . A. Psychol.) Schlesinger, Herbert Julius. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Schwartz, Alice M. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Sells, John Calvin. ( M . S . Mech. Engin.) Shanline, Rix Donald. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Shapiro, Rose. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Silverthorn, Lee James. ( M . A. Psychol.) Sinclair, Kenneth Iden. ( M . A . French) Smith, Roger Fenton. ( M . A. Surg.) Soucy, George Richard. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Spalding, Donald Hood. ( M . A . Bact.) Sprague, Isabelle Baird. ( P h . D . Ent.) Stewart, Clare A., Jr. ( P h . D . Chem.) Swisher, Ernest G, Jr. ( D . E d . ) Szabo, Ted Tibor. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Talley, Harry Eugene. ( M . S . Phys.) Teed, Agnes Margaret. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Terss, Robert Harold. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Thrower, John Bayless. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Turner, Thomas Arthur. ( M , Soc. W o r k ) Valenstein, Elliot Spiro. ( M . S. Psychol.) Varughese, Panavelil N. ( M . A . E c o n . ) Voos, William John. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Wallace, Richard M. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Walsh, Thomas Eugene. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Ward, June Ann. ( M , S. E d . ) Ward, Marjoric Alice. ( M . A . E n g . ) Weinberg, Louis. ( M . S . E d . ) Welton, Harold Lee. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Weston, Edward T. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Wheeler, Mary Esther. ( M . A . Bact.) White, John Anderson. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Whitham, Rishel L. ( M . A . Hist.) Whitmire, Carrie E. ( M . A. Bact.) Wilson, G. Elizabeth. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Wise, Edward Nelson. ( P h . D . Chem.) W o o d , Barbara Ann. ( M . A , E n g . ) W o o d , Darrell Eugene. ( P h . D . E d , ) W o o d , Stephen Lane. ( P h . D . Ent.) Zack, Melvin L. (Ph. D. Mus. E d . ) Zbranek, Anthony D. ( P h . D . Psychol.) 1954 Adams, William Walter, Jr. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Allen, Jean Saffell. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Anderson, Roland Giles. ( M . A. Bot.) Atha, Quincy L. ( D . E d . ) Atwood, Bayard Mcintosh, Jr. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Baker, Daniel Protheroe. ( M . A , G e o g . ) Behrens, Leo Otto. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Belt, William Thomas. ( P h . D . Spanish) Benham, Alvin L. ( M . S, Chem. Engin.) Besharat, Jalal. ( M . A . Anat,) Bigelow, Nelson, Jr. ( M . A. G e o l . ) Breedlove, James Lewis. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Brinkman, Fred Hobson. ( M . S. Petrol. Engin,) Brooks, Robert Scott. ( M . S . E d , ) Brown, William Lindop. ( M . A . Geol.) Browning, Warren B. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Broyles, Haskell LeHoy. ( M . S . E d . ) Bruning, Herbert Irving. ( D . E d . ) Brunk, Larry U. ( M . A . Psychol.) Bures, George J. ( M . A. Biochem.) Burger, John Martin. ( P h . D . Phys.) Byers, Don Harrison. ( M . A. Phys.) Carver, Edgar Charles. ( M . S . E d . ) Cates, Charles Herbert. ( M . A. Anat.) Chandler, Alice Catharine. ( M . Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint.) Christianson, John Frederick. ( M . S . M e d . ) Cibulka, Karel J. ( M . A . Pol. S c i , ) Coffin, Warner Andrew, Jr. ( M . S . E d . ) Cole, George Rolland. ( M . A . Phys.) Conkin, Barbara Moyer. ( M . S . Geol.) Cook, Jean F. ( M . A . Pol. Soi.) Cooling, Mary Elizabeth. ( D . E d . ) Corman, Emmett Cary. ( M . S . Phys.) Coughenour, Phyllis Jean. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Covey, Basil R. (Specialist in E d . ) Crouch, Ralph Boyett. ( P h . D . Math.) Daniel, Thomas Bruce. ( M . S . Phys.) Daniels, Neal. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Deeble, Charles T. ( M . A . Psychol.) Deiter, John B. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Dickman, Hnrold R. ( M . A . Psychol.) Dietz, Bernard V. ( M . S. E d . ) Dinneen, David Allen. ( M . A . Rom. Lang. and Lit. French) Dobyns, Frank Perrian. ( M . Bus. Adrn/n.) Dodson, Lloyd Lee. ( M . S. E d . ) Doughty, Marcus W a y n e . ( M . Mus. E d . ) Douglass, Myrl Robert. ( M . S . Geol.) Drawbaugh, Donald Wayne. ( M . A . Phys.) Dunn, Randall R. ( M . S. E d . ) Dyke, Leland Wayne. ( M , A. Bact.) Ebcrle, Hugh Glenn. ( M . A . Hist.) Emick, Gilbert Harrison. ( M . S. Pharm.) Ernst, Jack Ormond. ( M . S. E d . ) Fawl, Clifford LoRoy. ( M , A. Psychol.) Fellman, Jacob Harold. ( P h . D . Biochem.) Fevurly, James Robert. ( M . A . Bact.) Fisher, John Simon. ( M . A . Phys.) Fite, Kenneth Austin. ( D . E d . ) Fleming, Leslie W. ( M . A. Bact.) Fredrickson, Richard W . ( M . A . Ent.) Friesen, Benjamin S. ( M . A. Radia. Biophys.) Gale, Kenneth Stanley. ( M . A . Math.) Gibson, Aubrey Wylie. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Oilman, Joseph Richard, Jr. ( M . S. E d . ) Gish, Lawrence Leo. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Gleckler, Donald M. ( M . S. E d . ) Index 1954—Continued Gordon, Stewart Lynell. ( M . A. Mus.) Greenberg, Bernard. ( P h . D . Ent.) Gross, Norman. ( M . A . E c o n . ) GuKek, Donald W a y n e . ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Hahn, Marcus Emerson. ( P h . D . E d . ) H a l e , Marcus Nathaniel. ( M . Soe. W o r k ) Haley, Eugene Wesley. ( M. Bus. A d m i n . ) Harkness, Charles Adam. ( M . S . E d . ) Hattin, Donald Edward. ( P h . D . G e o l . ) Haworth, L e e Oran. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Haydt, Heliton Motta. ( M . S. Met. Engin.) Hedberg, Floyd Carl. ( M . Mus. Ed..) Hershkowitz, Aaron. ( P h . D . Psych.) Hill, Robert Lee. ( P h . D . Biochem.) Hiltibran, Robert Comegys. (Ph. D. 151 Messamer, John H. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Meyer, Miriam Martin. ( M . A. Bact.) Milan, Jesse. ( M . S. E d . ) Miller, Glenn Harold, Jr. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Mills, Glynn Virgil. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Moore, Bichard Arthur. ( M . S. Phys.) Muroff, Melvin M. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Nelson, John Monninger. ( P h . D . E d . ) Neuman, Bernard. ( M . A. Psychol.) Nicholas, Richard Ludlam. ( M . S. Geol.) Novotny, Lena Lorene. ( M . S. E d . ) Nystrom, Eila Anna. ( M , Bus. A d m i n . ) Papahronis, Basil Trifon. ( M . S . Chem. Engin.) Biochem.) Hines, Joyce Thomas. ( M . A. French) Hohson, D a l e Turner. ( D . Ed^) Houchins, Rollie Robie. ( M . S. E d . ) H o w e , Wallace Brady. ( P h . D . G e o l . ) Ives, William, Jr. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Jacob, Alain Jean-Marie. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Jeffress, James Alfred. (Specialist in E d . ) Jennings, Alan Kcllerman. ( P h . D . Math.) Jenson, Robert Lee. ( M . S. M e d . ) Johnson, D a l e Ladsworth. ( M . A. Psychol.) Johnson, Grannis S. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Jones, Clinton William. ( M . A. Psychol.) Jones, Jean Elizabeth. ( M . A. Spanish) Kahn, Sybil. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Kann, Ellen Elise. ( P h . D . Biochem.) Kaye, Paul E. ( M . S. E d . ) Kincaid, Marvin Blaine, Jr. ( M . A. Pilcher, Donald Martin. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Piatt, Dwight Rich. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Post, James Paul. ( M . S. E d . ) Powell, Alletta. ( M . S . E d . ) Pownoll, Jo Elaine. ( M . S. E d . ) Price, Anna Mae. ( M . S. E d . ) Prosser, Francis Ware, Jr. ( M . S. Phys.) Rawlings, Jane Morton. ( M . A. Eng.) Reed, Ronald Louis. (Ph. D. Phys.) Reid, Kenneth Merlin. ( M . S. E d . ) Reiff, Robert. ( P h . D. Psychol.) Bigbter, William Harvey. ( M . A. Eng.) Riney, Cecil J. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Robinson, Robert Leo. ( M . A. Physiol.) Rosenberg, Leonard I. ( M. A. Psychol.) Ross, Charles Richard. ( M . S. Pharm.) Roth, Elmer A. ( M . A. B o t . ) Rounda, Rita Swcaringen. ( M . A. Spanish) Roycr, Bonnie Jean. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Psychol.) Kinnane, Mary Teresa. ( M . A. Speech and Drama ) K o h l , Fred Baylis. ( M . S. E d . ) Kohlik, Jiri. ( M . A. E c o n . ) K o p p e , William Aram. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Kroesen, Jack K. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Krueger, Haven Calvert. ( M . A. Spanish) Kunz, William Frederick. ( M , S. Radia. Biophys.) L a m b , John Plimpton. ( M . A . E n g . ) L a n e , Norman Gary. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Larkin, Bert Kenneth. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Lehmberg, Stanford Eugene. ( M . A. Hist.) L e v y , Marc Alain. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Lewis, Albert Lessie. ( M . A. Psychol.) Lewis, Benjamin G. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Lundquist, Charles Arthur. ( P h . D . Phys.) Lysaught, Jerome Paul. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) McCarty, Edris Louise. ( M . S. E d . ) M c C o r d , Harold Bruce. ( M . S. E d . ) McCrae, Robert O. ( M . S. Geol.) McGregor, Ronald Leighton. (Ph. D . B o t . ) Madden, Harrison Eugene. ( M . A. Psychol.) Martin, Charles Arthur, Jr. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Mathae, David E . ( M . A . Psychol.) Mathae, Laurence Donald. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Rummer, Dale Ivan. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Scarborough, Homer C, Jr. (Ph. D. Pharm. Chem.) Schechter, Dale Lupfer. ( P h . D . Chem.) Scblundt, Howard Arnold. ( M. Bus. Admin.) Schoggen, Phil H. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Schwartz, Melvin LaVerne. ( M . S. E d . ) Sears, Margaret Scholz. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Shaw, William H. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Shields, Kenneth Dale. ( M . A. E n g . ) Shirazi, Mehdi. ( M . A. Math.) Short, James Harold. (Ph. D. Pharm. Chem.) Sicmeira, Walter Moreira. ( M . S. Civil Engin,) Slaughter, Forrest Edward. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Smith, Ralph Allen. (Ph. D. E d . ) Smith, Robert Brubaker. ( M . A. Phys.) Smitherman, Donald William. (Ph. D. Sociol.) Sobol, Ronald. ( M . A. Psychol.) Sollner, William Jarvis. ( M . A. E n g . ) Stallcup, William Blackburn, Jr. (Ph. D. Zool.) Stellwagen, Walter Richard. ( M . A. Psychol.) Stewart, Betty Rhea. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Chronological 152 1954—Concluded Stacker, George Robert. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Sturgeon, Halbert Lee. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Suptic, John M. ( M . S. Mech, Engin.) Talley, Harry Eugene. (Ph. D. Phys.) Taylor, William Lloyd. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Thompson, William Donald. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Throckmorton, Jean L. (Ph. D. E n g . ) Tietz, Raymond Frank. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Tomlinson, Richard Kent. ( M . S. E d . ) Trahan, Robert G. ( M . S. Biochem.) Traldi, Giuseppe Alberto. ( M . S. Journ.) Unruh, Archie Dean. ( M . S. E d . ) Unruh, Carl Milford. ( M . S. C h e m . ) Vagtborg, Harold, Jr. ( M . S . Petrol. Engin.) Valenstein, Elliott Spiro. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Varughese, Panavelil N. ( M . S. E d . ) Wackerle, Jerry Donald. ( M . S. Phys.) W a d e , Harry W. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Wagner, Douglas H. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Walker, Wendell J. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) W a l z , Orry Carwin. (Ph. D. Sociol.) Weber, George Henry. (Ph. D. Sociol.) Wciner, Melvin Lawrence. (Ph. D, Psychol.) Welton, Lewis Donald. ( M . A. Bact.) West, Wilbur M. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Wbcatlcy, Quentin de Lattice. (Ph. D. Chem.) White, Richard Paul. (Ph. D. Physiol.) Wilkinson, Etta L o u . ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Williams, Jack Alden. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Williamson, Ollie Clinton. ( M . A. Bot.) Wilson, William Dunsmorc. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Wittlnke, Eugene Bishop. (Ph. D. Bot.) Wright, Paul Ernest. ( M . S. C h e m . ) Wright, Robert Perry. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Z e p p , Raymond Howard. (Ph. D. Mus. E d . ) Zickefoose, Paul W . ( P h . D . E c o n . ) Zinn, Norman Lee. ( M . A. French) 1955 Abdussalam, (Ansari) Mohammed. ( M . A. Sociol.) Acker, William James. ( M . S. E d . ) Ackermann, Raymond J. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Ahmed, Latheef Nazeer. (Ph. D. Pol. Sci.) Akagi, James Masuji. ( M . A. Bact.) Atchison, Robert Wayne. ( M . A . Bact.) Ayllon, Teodoro. ( M . A . Psychol.) Badsky, Edward T. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Baer, Clyde J. ( D . E d . ) Baier, George Wayne. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Ball, Homer B„ Jr, ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Barkis, Betty Jane. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Bates, Paul Allen. (Ph. D. E n g . ) Baumann, Norman Paul. (Ph. D. Phys.) Beck, Henry Voorhees. (Ph. D. G e o l . ) Beeler, Joe R., Jr. (Ph. D. Phys.) Bergen, Delmar W . ( M . A . Phys.) Berger, Stanley I. ( M . A. Psychol. ) Bluett, Elizabeth Muriel. ( M . Fine Arts. Dosign) Boden, Nancy Jeannctte. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Bolton, Merle Ray, Sr. ( D . Ed.) Boyer, Delmar L. (Ph. D. Math.) Brown, Arthur Richard. ( M . A. M a t h . ) Brown, Robert Dale. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Brown, Robert Langford. ( M . P u b . A d m i n . ) Buitrago, Ann Mari. ( M . A. Pol. S c i . ) Byrnes, Clare Margaret. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Carter, Arlene Classen. ( M. S. E d . ) Ching, Garland Edward. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Chouteau, Charles Cyprian. ( M . A. Math.) Cline, Doris Agatha. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Cobb, R. Lynn. ( P h . D . Chem.) Cochrane, William Henry, Jr. ( M . S. E d . l Cohen, Julius I. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Conner, Harold Wayne. ( M . S . A r c h . Engin.) Coyne, Donald Manley. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Crawford, Edsel Lester. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Crites, Barry Dee. ( M . A. Psychol.) Cross, Earlc A . , Jr. ( M . A. Ent.) Curless, William Toole. ( M . S. C h e m . ) Daly, Howell Vann, Jr. ( M . A. E n t . ) Dameron, Joseph Dean. ( M . S. E d . ) Dancy, Mary Jean. ( M . S . E d . ) Davidson, Joseph. ( P h . D . A n a t . ) Davis, Robert Raymond. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Deutscher, Vcrda Goodman. ( M . Soc. Work) Dewey, Ellen Hastings. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Dieh), Walter Eugene. ( M . S. E d . ) Dixon, Joseph Morton. ( M . S. M e c h . Engin.) Dolyak, Frank. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Doty, Charles Stewart. ( M . A. Hist.) Duffy, Robert Emmett. ( M . A. P o l . S c i . ) Dumler, Marvin J. ( D . E d . ) Eaton, W . Jean. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Ebel, Karl W. ( M . S. E d . ) Ehrlieh, Paul Ralph. ( M. A. E n t . ) Embrcy, James E. ( M . S. Ed.) Embrey, Roberta L. ( M . S. E d . ) Engman, Bernice. ( M . A. Spanish) Enns, Wilbur Ronald. ( P h . D . E n t . ) Ewy, Herbert Gene. ( M . A . Physiol.) Fairchild, Granville C. ( M . A. P s y c h o l . ) Ferrell, Judith Ann. ( M . S. Journ.) Fettig, Lee Ernest. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Findley, James Smith. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Findley, John Eugene. ( M . A . B a c t . ) Flory, Raymond LeRoy. ( P h . D . Hist.) Fort, Berneice DeSelms. ( M . S. E d . ) Fowler, Earl Martyr. ( M . A . B a c t . ) Gnddis, Isabelle. ( M . Fine Arts. D e s i g n ) Gerety, John Henry, Jr. ( M . S . Chem. Engin.) Glover, Barbara Elizabeth. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Index 1955—Continued Gooding, Eugene O r i o n . ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) G o o d w i n , Carol G l e n . ( M . Mus. E d . ) Gray, Phyllis Ann. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Gray, R i c h a r d M a x . ( M. Mus. Ed. ) Grisby, John Lambert, Jr. ( M . A . French) Gunn, W i l l i a m Schuyler. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Hagcr, Richard. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Halperin, Bernard I . ( M . S . C h e m . ) Hamacher, H o w a r d Brockman. ( M . A r c h . ) Hanford, Dana B r u c e . ( M . A . Psychol.) Hansen, Louis Arthur. ( P h . D . Mus. E d . ) Hanson, Wilford Joseph. ( M . A. Ent.) Harold, L a n e W a r d . ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Hartman, Emily L o u . ( M . A . B o t . ) Harvey, Bernice L u e l l a . ( M . S. E d . ) Playnes, O r a Lee K e m p . ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Hedrick, Joan L i p p c l m a n n . ( M . S. E d . ) H e e b , L a w r e n c e Joseph. ( M . S. E d . ) Hendrickson, Violet Bowman. ( M . Soc. Work) Heydon, Charles D u n c a n . ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Hixon, Plarold Orval. ( M . A. Hist.) Hollingsworth, B o b b y J. (Ph. D. Math.) Holmes, Calvin Virgil, ( P h . D . Math.) H o o d , L e r o y Emil. ( D . E d . ) Horacek, L e o . ( P h . D . Mus. E d . ) Horner, Jonathan Philip Milton. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Hughes, E . Eileen. ( M . S . E d . ) Jnmes, Charles G l e n n . ( D . E d . ) Jochnick, Adolf Bertil Jonas Af. ( M . A . Econ.) Johnson, Robert Ernest. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Johnson, Wallace E . ( M . S . E d . ) Johnston, Larry D e a n . ( M . A . Pol. Sci.) Judy, Richard W h i t e . ( M . A . E c o n . ) Kaplan, Solomon D a v i d . ( P h . D . Psychol.) Kasim, Hazira A b d u l - H a m i d . ( M . S. Civil Engin.) Keller, E l w o o d D o y l e . ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Kelly, John Martin. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Kcltcher, Otis W e s l e y . ( M . S . E d . ) Kennedy, Paul C . ( D . E d . ) Kiefer, V i v o Hutton. ( M . S. E d . ) Kipp, John Edward. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Knox, Carl S . ( D . E d . ) Knudsen, Robert W i l l i a m . ( M . A . Pol. S c i . ) Kolf, Gilbert Yale. ( M . S. Pharm.) Kruger, L e o Henry. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Kullstedt, Einar Vnlter. ( P h . D . E d . ) Kyle, L y l e Chilton. ( M . A . Pol. Sci.) LaBcrge, W a l l a c e E d m o n d . (Ph. D . Ent.) Lacey, Mildred A l l c e n . ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Ladd, C a r l E . ( D . E d . ) Ladner, George. ( M . A . Math.) Lancaster, Betty C o n l e y . ( M . A. Home Econ.) Lane, N a n c y Anderson. ( M . A . Spanish) Latimer, Margaret Elizabeth. ( M . Soc. Work) 153 Lipschitz, Abraham. ( P h . D . Chem.) L o c k w o o d , Lloyd. ( M . S . E d . ) Loomis, Richard Bigger. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Louaillier, Alfred R. ( M . A. Pol. Sei.) L o w e , Janet Curry. ( M . S. E d . ) McEachen, Howard D . ( D . E d . ) McLachlan, Eugene Kay. ( P h . D . Math.) McMahan, Howard D . ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) McMillan, Neil John. (Ph. D. Geol.) Magner, Rosemary. ( M . A. Spanish) Marrs, Carl Lavern. ( M . A. Psychol.) Marsi, Kenneth L . ( P h . D . Chem.) Martin, Burley Benton. ( M . S. E d . ) Martin, Charles HerscheL ( M . A . Psychol.) Martin, Edwin P. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Mathewes, David Andrew, Jr. ( M . S. Chem.) Meredith, Glen Uel. ( M . A. Eng.) Mickey, James O. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Milne, Thomas Anderson. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) M o g , Hubertine Mary. ( M . S. E d . ) Moore, John Hummel. ( M. Mus. E d . ) Muehlberger, Eugene Bruce. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Myers, William Frederic. ( M . A , Bact.) Neihart, Carlene R. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Neihart, James Leroy. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Nelson, Albert Leroy. ( M . S. E d . ) Nelson, Harry Blackburn. ( M . S. E d . ) Nelson, Sylvia H. (Specialist in Ed. Curric.) Newland, Chester Albert. ( M . A . Pol. S c i . ) Nigh, Robert Russell. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Norris, Martha R. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Osborn, Lynn Robert. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Pack, Ludwig. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Packard, Robert Lewis. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Page, Tate Cromwell. ( D . E d . ) Panitchpakdi, Prom. (Ph. D. Math.) Penfold, Richard Lee. ( M . A. Anat.) Penny, Lawrence Daniel. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Pinet, Frank S. (Ph. D. E c o n . ) Pipes, Donald Ewin. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Plath, Ernest C. ( D . E d . ) Powell, Donald Franklin. ( D . E d . ) Price, Roger Do Forrest. ( P h . D. Ent.) Pringle, Jack Bromwell. ( M . A. Hist.) Prosser, Francis Ware, Jr. (Ph. D. Phys.) Purzer, James Joseph. ( M . S. Geol.) Rainey, Dennis Grant. ( P h . D. Z o o l . ) Ramaseshan, Padmini Hannah. ( M . S. E d . ) Rangnekar, Sharadkumar Shantaram. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Rausch, Marvin Dean. ( P h . D. Chem.) Reed, Cornelius. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Reida, Ellis Desmond. ( M . A. Pol. S c i . ) Rendina, George. ( P h . D . Biochem.) Richards, H. Glenn. ( M . S. Geol.) Ridgway, Robert William. ( D . E d . ) Robinson, Jack L o y d . ( M . A . E c o n . ) Robrish, Stanley Arthur. ( M . A . Bact.) Rooda, Jakob Gijsbert Eelkman. ( M . A. Econ.) 154 Chronological 1955—Concluded Rose, Jess Clayton. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Rose, Myra N. ( M . A. Chem.) Rosenberg, Philip. ( M . S, Pharm.) Rozin, Leonard Wallace. ( P h . D . Bact.) Ruhnke, Darwin Robert. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Russell, Veda Marian. ( M . A. Spanish) Samii, Cyrus Babak. (Ph. D. Pol. Sci.) Schamp, Walter W. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Schelleuberg, James Arthur. ( M . A . Sociol.) Schrader, George Robert. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Scott, Earl Donald. ( M . A. Psychol.) Scott, William Richard. ( M . A. Sociol.) Scritchfield, Floyd C. (Ph. D. E d . ) Sell, Iva Mildred. ( M , Soc. W o r k ) Shearer, Alan Kent. ( M , A. Speech and Drama) Shor, Ronald Edwin. ( M . A. Psychol.) Shrift, Donald C. ( M . Mus. Ed.) Silverman, Allen Jules. ( M . A. Math.) Simpson, Loren Earl. ( M . S. E d . ) Spiegel, Donald Elwin. ( M . A. Psychol.) Srabian, Krikor-Vahe. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Stains, Howard James. (Ph. D. Z o o l . ) Stephenson, Jack Ramsey. (Ph, D. Mus. E d . ) Stewart, Donald Charles. ( M . A . Eng.) Sudran, Mildred Berkson. ( M , Soc. W o r k ) Sugawa, Sachiko. ( M . A . Eng.) Suhling Otto. ( M . S. E d . ) Swanson, Harold Dueker. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Tarpley, Harold Benjamin. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Tatsuguchi, Roland Kanami. ( M . A. Sociol.) Taylor, Gerald Clark. (Ph. D. Bact.) Taylor, Harold Leland. (Ph. D. Biochem.) Thomas, Earl Davis. ( D . E d . ) Thorsteinson, Raymond. ( P h . D . Geol.) Tomari, S'irpa. ( M . A . Pol. Sci.) Treitel, Thomas C. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Underwood, Prescott, Jr. ( M . S . Geol.) Vigliano, Helga Komnitzer, ( M . A. German) Von Riesen, Victor Lyle. (Ph. D. Bact.) Walker, Elbert A. (Ph. D. Math.) Warkcntin, Donald L. ( M . A . Sociol.) Watkins, Kermit C. (Ph. D. E c o n . ) Watson, Bernard B. ( M . A. Bot.) Weatherwax, John Thomas. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Weaver, Faye Helen. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Webster, James Bennett. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Weiner, Leonard. ( M . A. Psychol.) Wernicke, Kenneth Gene. ( M . S. Aeron. Engin.) Werth, Kenneth Ervin. ( M . S. Chem.) West, Robert Albert. (Ph. D. Biochem.) Wheeler, Arline Zilpha. ( M . S. E d . ) White, Jack Edward. ( M . S. E d . ) White, Lendell Aaron. ( M . A. Bact.) Whitla, Russell Hanley, Jr. ( M . S. E d . ) Whitmire, Carrie Ella. (Ph. D. Bact.) Wiens, Alvin Leo. ( M . A. Zool.) Wille, Alvaro. ( M . A. Ent.) Wilson, Arthur Hendrix. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Wilson, John Coe. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Wilson, Owen B. ( M . S. E d . ) Yeokum, Charles Floyd. ( D . E d . ) Yoder, Lester Glen. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Zajic, William Eugene. ( M . A. G e o l . ) 1956 Albert, D o n Keith. ( M , A. Psychol.) Allen, William Daniel. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Antliff, Harold Hoy. ( P h . D . Anat.) Ashley, James Robert. ( M . S . Elect. Engin.) Ashlock, Robert Allen. (Specialist in E d . ) Ausherman, Robert Durham. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Baird, John Sanford. ( M . A . E n g . ) Bacrni, Moin Uddin. (Ph. D. E c o n . ) Beale, Elizabeth Althea. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Beasley, Kenneth Ephrnim. (Ph. D. Pol. S c i . ) Beck, Leonard Arley. ( M . S. Chem, Engin.) B e h r m a n n , William Claus. ( M . S . Chem, Engin.) Boker, Andrew Thomas. ( M . S . G e o l . ) B o w d i s h , Frank William. ( P h . D . Chem. Engin.) B o w e r s , F r a n c i s Andrew Imaikalani, Jr. ( M . A. Math.) Boyle, Alexander L, ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Bratton, Clayton Gene. ( M . S. Journ.) Brice, David Kenneth. ( M . S. Phys.) Broadwater, Fayo Worrel. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Brown, Archie H. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Brownlee, Jerry Leon, ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Budke, Myrta Anderson. ( M . A . Pol. S c i . ) Bunch, George Albert. ( M . S. E d . ) Butler, Lawrence B. ( D . E d . ) Butler, William R. ( D . E d . ) Carpenter, Taymon Thomson. ( M . S . Phys.) Casey, Albert. ( M . A . Psychol.) Chambers, Dwight Oliver. ( P h . D . Spanish) Chrapliwy, Peter Stanley. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Christensen, Hans-Christian. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Clarke, Gene Francis. ( M . S. Petrol. Engin.) Coffman, John William. ( M . S . Phys.) Coleman, Lee D. ( M . S. E d . ) Consigli, Richard A. ( M . A , Bact.) Copeland, Anna Lee. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Correa, Hector. ( M . A . Math.) Cory, Charles H . , Jr. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Cox, Monte Gene. ( M . S. E d . ) Dahlgard, Muriel. (Ph. D. Chem.) Davidson, Dixie. ( M . S . E d , ) Davis, Floyd Carlton. ( M . A . Psychol.) Devereux, Carolyn Denise Rogers. ( M . Soc. Work) Dickman, Harold R. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Dietsch, Harold Alan. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Dillingham, Harry L. ( M . S. G e o g . ) Dodge, Harry Whitfield. ( M . S. Geol.) Dodrill, Charles Ward. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Dollins, Curtis Nels. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Index 1956—Continued Duerksen, G e o r g e L o u i s . ( M . Mus. E d . ) Dunwell, Robert R o y . ( M . S . E d . ) Eberhardt, John L a w r e n c e . ( M . A . Pol. S c i . ) Edmondson, Sherman E d m o n d . ( M . S. E d . ) Ehrenreich, Gerald A . ( P h . D . Psychol.) Fairbanks, Laurence D e e . ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Fish, Jeanne Eloise. ( M . A . P s y c h o l . ) Fleming, Richard Cornwell. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Foulks, James Reid. ( M . S. E d . ) Franks, Paul C o n a w a y . ( M . S. G e o l . ) Freeman, Jewel Virginia. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Gayhart, Richard Milton. ( M . Mus. Organ) Gempel, Julie Ann. ( M . A . M i c r o b i o . ) Gibson, Hugh W e s l e y . ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Gilbert, Lael O. ( M . S. Radia. Biophys.) Ginn, James L a w r e n c e . ( M . A. Physics) Gudmundsen, Cathryn Helen. (Ph. D. Chem.) Gust, Hurt. ( M . A . H i s t . ) Gustafson, Robert E u g e n e . ( M . A . G e o g . ) al-Homdnni, Muwaffak M . ( M . A . Psychol.) Hardwick, Harold Leonard. ( M . S. E d . ) Hardy, James L y n n . ( M . Mus. E d . ) Hawkins, Phil R . ( M . S . E d . ) Heckes, Albert Allen, ( M . S . Chem. Engin.) Herman, G e o r g e Richard. ( M . A . E n g . ) H i g d o n , D o n a l d Thayer. ( M . S . Aeron. Engin.) Hill, John Stanley. ( M . A. E n g . ) Hillmer, Norman R o l a n d . ( M . A, Physiol.) Hilpman, Paul L o r e n z . ( M . A . G e o l . ) Hoar, Richard Morgnn. (Ph. D . Anat.) Hodson, W a r r e n G . ( M . S . G e o l . ) Holland, Bill D e w a r d . ( M . S . G e o l . ) Holman, Robert Ray. ( M . S . Aeron. Engin.) Holsingcr, Justus G. (Specialist in E d . ) Homan, Gerlof D o u w e . ( M . A . Hist.) Houghton, George D . ( M . S . E d . ) H u g h e s , Douglas Franklyn. ( M . S . Petrol. Engin.) Huling, Maurice Denn. (Ph. D . Psychol.) Hunter, Preston E u g e n e . ( P h . D. Ent.) Irwin, John M c C o r m i c k , ( M . A . Math.) Isern, Betty. ( M . M u s . E d . ) Jackson, Charles Eisenhower. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Jacobson, Harold L e e . ( M . M u s . E d . ) James, D o n a l d W a l l a c e . ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Johnson, D a v i d Kendrick. ( M . Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint.) Jones, D a v i d . ( M . M u s , E d . ) Jones, Emery W a l l a c e . ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Jones, LaClairc Lissetta. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Kapoor, Sita R a m . ( M . A . Physiol.) Khabbaz, Samir A . ( M . A . M a t h . ) Khan, Imtiaz A h m a d . ( P h . D . E c o n . ) Khare, G o p a l Prasad. ( P h . D . E c o n . ) King, Irvill Courtner. ( M . A . E d . ) King, Ralph H . ( P h . D . G e o l . ) Kintsch, Walter. ( M . A . Psychol.) Kipp, Robert A l m y . ( M . P u b . A d m i n . ) Kliwer, Janet Preston. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) 155 Kohn, James Paul. (Ph. D. Chem. Engin.) L a m b , Ralph Charles, Jr. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Lamerson, Paul Richard. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Lancaster, Walter W . ( M . M u s . E d . ) Landfried, Donald Eric. ( M . A. Psychol.) Laukel, Quinn Cassel. ( M . S. Geol.) L e e , Willa W . ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Leocadio y Hate, Clodoaklo. (Specialist in Ed.) Lindholm, John C. ( M . S. M e c h . Engin.) Lindscy, Mary Jeanne. ( M . S. E d . ) Litchfield, William C . ( M . S . E d . ) Lohrenz, Otto. ( M . A. Hist.) Lorenzen, Robert L . ( D . E d . ) L o v e , T o m Jay, Jr. ( M . S. M e c h . Engin.) Luft, Ludwig. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) McClain, Richard Clarence. ( M . A. Philos. ) M c C o y , James Culbertson, Jr. ( M . Soc. Work) McManus, Dean Alvis. ( M . S. G e o l . ) McNamara, Harold J. ( M . A . Psychol.) Madden, Harrison Eugene. ( P h . D. Psychol. ) Malan, Ivo Robert. ( P h . D . French) Martin, Edwin J., Jr. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Martin, Gorby Ray. ( M . S . E d . ) Martin, Phyllis Helene. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Mercer, Willis J. ( M . S. Ed. ) Merrill, Robert Henry. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Mettler, D o n Elwin. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Meyer, Norman James. (Ph. D. Chem.) Michclakis, Andrew M. ( M . S. Chem.) Mikulski, Richard Michael. ( P h . D . Spanish) Miles, Charles David. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Miller, Bruce Winsterd, Jr. ( M . A. Psychol.) Miller, Robert R. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Monday, William Clair. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Morris, Thomas Francis. ( M . S. E d . ) Moser, Helen M. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Moss, Chnrles William. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Moutsanidcs, Demetrius Themistocleous. ( M . A. Econ.) Mueller, Wilbert John. ( D . E d . ) Murray, Haraldean. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Mychajliw, Stephan. ( M . A . Ent.) Nachtigall, Andrew. ( M . A . Bact.) Hansen, Faith Lorraine. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Nelson, John August. ( M . A . Math.) Neuringer, Charles. ( M . A . Psychol.) Nielsen, Donald R . ( P h . D . Chem.) Nissan, Anwar. ( M . A . E c o n . ) Ottman, Donald Kirk. ( D . E d . ) Parker, William Edward. ( P h . D . Chem.) Paulson, Morris James. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Pe, Ni Ta. ( M , S. G e o l . ) Phillips, James Albert. ( M . S. E d . ) Piskoty, Richard Steven. ( M . S. E d . ) Price, Ray Russell. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Pursley, Theeron L e e . ( M . A. Psychol.) Rend, William George. ( P h . D . Phys.) Rhodes, George Stryker. ( D . E d . ) 156 Chronological 1956—Concluded Risser, Hubert E. ( P h . D . Econ.) Rives, John Philip. ( M . S . Mech. Engin.) Robinson, Sylvia Carol. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Robinson, Thane Sparks. (Ph. D. Z o o l . ) Rodwell, Victor William. (Ph. D. Biochem.) Ross, Alec. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Ross, Ruth Palmer. ( M . S. E d . ) Royer, Donald Jack. ( P h . D . Chem.) Royer, Harold Leroy. ( D . E d . ) Rupiper, Omer John. ( D . E d . ) Ryther, Thomas Edward. ( M . S . Geol.) Salaveria, Hodolfo A. ( M . A . Pol. Sci.) Sallee, Eugene Everett, Jr. ( M . A. Psychol.) Sargent, Stanley Paul. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Schlotterback, Thomas. ( M . Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint.) Schneider, Erwin Henry. ( P h . D . Mus. E d . ) Scott, Beryl Aileen. ( M . A . Bot.) Scott, Derek Andrew. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Seamans, David Alvin. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Shaw, George Arthur. (M. Pub. Admin.) Sheffield, Charles Warren. ( M . S . E d . ) Shcn, Kwei-Ping. ( M . A . Chem.) Sherwood, J. Morgan, ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Showalter, Wendell Vernon. ( P h . D . Bot.) Singer, Frances L. ( M . Soc. Work) Sinha, Ranendra Nath. ( P h . D . Ent.) Six, Sally Newton. ( M . A . Speech and Drama) Smith, Carroll Marshall. ( M . S . Pharm.) Smith, Luther W. ( M . S. Phys.) Snow, Lilburn Aubrey. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Snyder, Eldon E. ( M . E . E d . ) Snyder, Rebecca. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Sommer, Robert. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Sorge, Marlowe Benson. ( M . A . Pol. Sci.) Sparks, Joseph Theodore. (Ph. D. Phys.) Spillman, Patricia Rose. ( M . A . Hist.) Steel, Mary Nan. ( M . A . Psychol.) Steele, Jerry Arthur. ( M . S . E d . ) Stillman, Richard Ernest. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Storer, Norman William, ( M . A . Sociol.) Straight, Elmer Merle. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Takashina, Naomitsee. ( M . S . Chem.) Talley, Robert Lee. ( M . A . Astron.) Taylor, Herbert Ellis. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Terry, Edwin F. ( M . A . Econ.) Thompson, Louise Ingham, ( M . Soc, Work) Tusher, Jack Elam. (M, S. Journ.) Umholtz, Robert Carl. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Unruh, Otto Duane. ( M . S. Ed.) Valleroy, Vincent Baeth. (Ph. D. Chem. Engin,) Vaqar, Nasrollah. ( P h . D . Econ.) Vigliano, Aldo. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Vigneron, John Harry. ( M . S. E d . ) Wackerle, Jerry. ( P h . D . Physics) Wadkins, Charles LeRoy. ( P h . D . Biochem.) Wagner, Carl E. ( D . Ed.) Warner, John Flood. ( M . S. E d . ) Warner, Martha. ( M . A . Sociol.) Warner, Richard Ralph. ( M . A . Pol. Sci.) Wengcr, Norman Edward, ( M . A . Physiol.) Wiegman, Eugene William. ( M . S . E d . ) Wigglesworth, James II. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Wilcox, Sue Grosjean. ( M . A . Hist.) Wilen, Samuel Henry. (Ph. D. Chem.) Wiley, James A. ( M . A. E n g . ) Wilson, Sherwood Ann. ( M . A. Psychol.) Woolfenden, Glen Everett. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Wyatt, Nita Mae. ( M . S . E d . ) Yang, Pcng-Chih. ( M . S . Civil Engin.) Zehna, Peter William. ( M . A. Math.) 1957 Abbott, Dorla Jane. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Adams, Esther Young. ( M . S. E d . ) Adams, Use Hofbauer. ( M . S. Journ.) Alsmiller, Rufard G., Jr. ( P h . D. Physics) Am ell, Karin. ( M . A . E n g . ) Amelunxen, Remi Edward. ( M . A . M e d . Microbiol.) Amundson, Howard Lee Roy. ( M . Soc. Work) Angell, Wayne D . ( P h . D . E c o n . ) Baali, Fuad. ( M . A . Sociol.) Baker, Anna Belle Rees. ( M . S. E d . ) Baker, Charles D. ( D . E d . ) Baker, Frederick Donald. ( P h . D . Bact.) Baker, Roy. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Bale, Lawrence James. ( M . S. E d . ) Ball, Mahlon Marsh. ( M . S . Geol.) Banks, Eugene M. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Barnes, Guy Virgil. ( M . S. E d . ) Barnes, Teddy John. ( M . A. Speech and Drama) Barrientos-Monzon, Guido. ( M . A . Psychol.) Bates, Wayne E. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Beck, Sidney L. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) BecklofF, George N. ( M . S. Pharmacology) Beckloff, Gerald L. ( M . S . Pharmacology) Beninga, Max E. ( M . S . E d . ) Berger, Stanley I. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Betorct-Parls, Eduardo. ( P h . D . Span.) Biery, Helen Bair. ( M . S . E d . ) Bilderback, Dean Loy. ( M . A. Hist.) Billings, Mnrlin Richard. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Blumenfeld, Stewart Norman. ( M . A. Bact.) Boukis, Sotirios D. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Brewer, Jerome. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Brewster, William Joel. ( M . S. E d . ) Brinigar, William Seymour, Jr. (Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem.) Brown, Eric Reeder. (Ph. D. Bact.) Brown, Margaret Kupfer. ( M . A . Home Econ.) Brown, Walter J., Jr. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Browne, R. Edwin. ( M . S. Journ.) Brunk, Larry U. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Burdick, Donald Lee. (Ph. D. Chem.) Index 1957—Continued Caldwell, Henry Cecil, Jr. (Ph. D. Pharmaceutical C h e m . ) Calvert, Paul Leonard. ( M. S. E d . ) Cantor, Paul A. ( P h . D. C h e m . ) Carey, Margaret E . ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Chamberlin, Vernon Addison. ( P h . D . Span.) Cheaney, Frank Hall, Jr. ( M . S. Petrol. Man.) Cheney, Elliott W a r d , Jr. ( P h . D. Math.) Chough, Yun Sung. ( M . S. Pharmaceutical Chem.) Christy, Joseph Allen. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Cleavinger, Asa Eugene. ( M . S. E d . ) Cleavinger, Carolyn R. ( M . S. E d . ) Cole, George Holland. (Ph. D. Physics) Cook, Arthur J. D. ( P h . D . E c o n . ) Cook, Burleigh D. ( M. Bus. A d m i n . ) Cordon, Marjorie Elnora. ( M , S. E d . ) Crosslcy, D c R y e e A s h ton, Jr. ( P h . D . Ent.) Danguilan, Maria Ludan. ( P h . D . Bact.) Davis, Paul, ( M . S . C h e m . ) Davis, Vivien. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Dawson, Mary Ruth. (Ph. D. Z o o l . ) Dimont, Dorothy. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Drawbaugh, Donald W . ( P h . D . Physics) DuBar, Jules R. ( P h . D . G e o l . ) Duncan, Clyde Herbert. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Durden, John A., Jr. (Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem.) Duroche, Leonard L e R o y . ( M . A . German) Ebersole, Alva Vernon, Jr. (Ph. D. Span.) Edie, Richard W. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Ehrlich, Paul Ralph. (Ph. D. Ent.) Eidson, George Warren ( M . S. E d . ) Elder, Ruth Nadinp. ( M , S o c . W o r k ) Ellis, L e e Allen. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Epling, James Franklin. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Estrada, Joscfn Presbitero. ( M . S. E d . ) Fodinec, Alexander Augustin. ( M . A. Anat.) Finley, Robert B., Jr. (Ph. D. Z o o l . ) Forman, George Whiteman. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Foster, Jean Ann. ( M . A. A n a t . ) Foster, Thomas Alphotis, Jr. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Fox, Wagoner Lee. ( M . S. E d . ) Franks, Beulah Baum. ( M . S. E d . ) Gagliardo, John Garver. ( M . A. Hist.) George, Howard A . ( D . E d . ) Gerakis, Andreas Athanassios. (Ph. D. Econ.) Gier, Delta Warren. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Gillespie, Vincent Elliott, Jr. ( M . A. E n g . ) G o o d c , Helen Dill. ( M . A . Span.) Gray, W a n d a Willmorc. ( M . S. E d . ) GrofT, Edward Burke. (Ph. D. E n g . ) Grossart, Rex Rickard. ( M . S. E d . ) Gustafson, Richard Clarence. ( M . A. Eng.) llano, John Dean. ( M . P u b . A d m i n . ) Harding, Horace Hunn. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) 157 Harms, Clarence Eugene. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Hartfiel, Ann Corine. ( M. A. Span. ) Hartman, Emily Lou. (Ph. D. B o t . ) Hartnett, William Edward. (Ph. D. Math.) Hawryszko, Julian Walter. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Helle, Horst Jiirgen. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Heller, Charles F., Jr. ( M . A. G e o g . ) Herrman, William Lyndon. ( M . S. E d . ) Hesser, Dale Cahill. (Ph. D. E n g . ) Hines, Jack Wendell. ( P h . D. Hist.) Hobbs, James Beverly. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Hobson, Mary Eloise. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Hocker, Ella Virginia. ( M . A. B a c t . ) Hodgins, Rosemary Irene. ( M . A. F r e n c h ) Hooper, Clarence Scholcs. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Hozicr, Ann Quinton. (Ph. D. P s y c h o l . ) Hunt, Graham Thomas. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Hurwitt, Nancy Lyon. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Ireland, Robert R., Jr. ( M . A. B o t . ) Johnson, Dale Ladsworth. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Jones, Kevin Rice. (Ph. D. Physics) Jones, Paul Allen. ( M . S. E d . ) Kalambokidis, Evangelos N . ( M . A . E c o n . ) Kazem, Mohamed Ibrahim. ( D . E d . ) Kciscr, Grace Fredericka. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Keith, William Morris, Jr. ( M . A. B o t . ) Kemper, Walter, III. ( M . Fine Arts. Draw. and Paint.) Kendrick, John Edsel. (Ph. D. Physiol.) Killian, Robert Michael. ( M . S. E d . ) Kinkade, Ina L e c . ( M . S. E d . ) Kjar, Rolland William. ( M . A . Hist.) Klein, George deVries. ( M . A . G e o l . ) Kliewer, Jonah C , Jr. ( M . A . M u s i c ) Knudson, Betty Jane. ( M . S . E d . ) Koh, Yun Shik. ( M . S. Pharmacy) Kramer, Charles Lawrence. ( P h . D . B o t . ) Kubat, Daniel. ( M . A . Sociol.) Kurek, A d o l p h . ( M . S. E d . ) Ladd, Forrest Earl, Jr. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Lapple, Walter Christian. ( M . S. C h e m . Engin.) Lntcnser, John Edward. ( M . S. E d . ) Lathrop, Earl Wesley. ( P h . D . B o t . ) Laughlin, Dwight James. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Lcedham, Jean Marie. ( M , Soc. W o r k ) Leib, Robert Ira. (Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem.) Lather, Merle Ralph. ( M . S. E d . ) Lcssig, Bernice Milncr. ( M . S. E d . ) Levin, Alan David. ( M . S. Aeron. E n g i n . ) Lewis, Irwin Charles. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Liebnitz, Paul W . , Jr. ( M . A . Math.) Lingo, Hazel Fleischer. ( M . S. E d . ) Locvenguth, Oscar P., Jr. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Long, Anita Lucille. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Lucas, Kenneth Robert. ( P h . D . Math.) Luagren, Maurice C. ( M . S . Journ.) Lynn, Alan. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) M c A d o o , Robert Eugene. ( D . E d . ) McAneny, Laurence Raymond. ( P h . D . Physics) 158 Chronological 1957—Continued McKinney, Robert Wesley. (Ph. D. Chem.) Mfick, Leslie E. ( M . A. Geol.) Maddy, Clarence Edgar. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Mann, Christian John. ( M . S. Geol.) Mechem, Richard Strong. ( M . A. Psychol.) Mengel, Irvin Floyd. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Mercer, Dolores Lee. ( M . S. Ed.) Merriott, John Winston. ( M . A. Bact.) Morts, Athel L. ( P h . D . Physics) Metcalf, Artie L. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Miller, Frank. ( M . S . Chem.) Miller, Marshall Baldwin. ( D . E d . ) Miller, Robert Pennington. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Moffct, Wilmer Dale. ( M . S. E d . ) Montgomery, Susan. ( M . S . E d . ) Moore, Vaughn Clayton. ( M , S. Rad. Biophysics ) Moranz, Norbert John. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Murty, V. S. R. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Nash, Donald Joseph. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Neely, Mclvin E. ( D . E d . ) Nelson, Harry Lewis. ( M . A . Math.) Neuhart, Donald Ray. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Nold, John Richard. ( M . A . Eng.) Northcy, William Thomas. ( M . A . Bact.) Oldham, William Edward. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Orr, Carson Dudley. ( M . S . Petrol. Man.) Ortiz, Jose Dennis. ( M . S. E d . ) Osbom, Charles Robert. ( M . A. Pol. Sol.) Padgham, John B. ( M . A . Geol.) Pae, Don. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Palmer, William Packard. ( P h . D . Eng.) Panayotopoulos, Panayotis C. ( M . A . E c o n . ) Parsons, Iva Fern. ( M . S. E d . ) Pedrick, George. ( P h . D . Math.) Penzel, Zelda. ( M . A . French) Perry, David Benton. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Peters, Richard L. ( M . S. Ed.) Pfeltz, Clifford Norment. ( D . E d . ) Phyc, Ned Willas, Jr. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Pick, Heribert Hans. ( M . A . Pol. Sci.) Podrebarac, Eugene G. ( M . S . Chem.) Ponteville, Jacques A. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Popp, Frank Donald. (Ph. D. Chem.) Porter, Marjorie Ruth. ( M . S. E d . ) Quiring, Frank Stanley. ( M . S. E d . ) Ragle, Dan D. M. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Rambus ch, Sigurd. ( M . A . Hist,) Raymond, Elgie Victor. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Reardon, John D. ( P h . D . Eng.) Reisncr, Hubert F. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Reynolds, Jimmy Rex. ( M . A. Geol.) Riggs, John L. ( M . A . Bact.) Riley, Glen Dale. ( M . A . E d . ) Roberts, Audrey Nndine. ( M . A . Bact.) Hohr, Mary Margaret. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Ronald, Martha Joyce. ( M . Fine Arts. D e sign) Rose, Norman Carl. ( P h . D . Chem.) Rosenberg, Leonard Irwin. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Ross, Leah Helen. ( M . A . Eng.) Royer, Charles Frank, ( M . Mus. E d . ) Saber, Mamitua. ( M . A . Sociol.) Sammons, Wanda Glee. ( M . A. Span.) Sanders, Donald Theodore. ( M . S. Geol.) Santoro, Thomas. ( M . A. Bact.) Sapp, Ora William. ( M . S. E d . ) Sarcione, Edward James. ( P h . D . Biochem.) Saunders, Glenn Arthur. ( M . S. E d . ) Schear, Bernice Larson. ( M . A. E n g . ) Schcll, James Senour. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Schcllcnberg, Diana Blanche. ( M . A. Anat.) Scherrer, Joseph H. (Ph. D. Chem.) Scott, James Frnzier, ( M . A . E n g . ) Seever, Galen Lathrop. ( M . A. Math.) Seymour, Virginia. ( M . S . E d . ) Shankar Naraynn, D. (Ph. D. Ent.) Shaw, Arthur Alan. ( M . A . Psychol.) Shea, Robert E. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Sherbenou, Edgar Laverne. (Ph. D. Pol. Sci.) Siegal, Richard Spencer. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Silvertbom, Lee James, Jr. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Simpson, B. Doyle. ( P h . D . Chem.) Simpson, James Elliott. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Sims, Ward Leon. ( D . E d . ) Skillman, Herbert Clayton. ( M . S. Pharmacology) Sloop, Maxwell E. ( M . S. E d . ) Smith, June Nickel. ( D . E d . ) Sobol, Ronald. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Sommer, Dorothy Twente. ( M , Mus. E d . ) Sprague, Robert Shepard. ( M . S. Physics) Stark, Marvin B. ( M . S. E d . ) Sternitzke, Vincent L. ( D . E d . ) Stevenson, Elbert Kenneth. ( M . S. Petrol. Engin.) Stewart, Alan James. ( M . S. Journ.) Stewart, Bruce Reed. (Ph. D. E d . ) Strub, Paul. ( D . E d . ) Stutz, Robert Louis, ( M . S. Chem.) Swift, Carolyn Frances. ( M . A, Psychol.) Swift, George William. ( M . S. Chem. Engin.) Taral, Nicholas Louis, ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Taylor, Marilyn Jean. ( M . S. E d . ) Tekeli, Yuksel. ( M . A. Sociol.) Terr, Marjorie Austrian. ( M . S. Audiology) Terrill, Carol Jean. ( M . A. French) Thurman, Arthur Odell. ( D . E d . ) Tiedemann, Myra Anne M. ( M . A. E d . ) Tiffany, Donald Wayne. ( M . A. Psychol.) Titsworth, Elizabeth Louise. ( M . S. E d . ) Tuncer, Mustafa Baran. ( M . A. E c o n . ) Tyagarajan, Meenakshi. (Ph. D. E c o n . ) Undercoffer, Kathryn Jane. ( M. Soc. W o r k ) Ungar, Irwin A. ( M . A. B o t . ) Van Scyoc, Leo L. (Ph. D. Eng.) Vaughan, C. Kaye. ( M . S. E d . ) Vignery, John Robert. ( M . A . Hist.) Vining, Stanley Arthur. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Walker, Donald Arthur. ( M . S. E d . ) Index 1957—Concluded Walters, James T h e o d o r e . ( M . S. E d . ) Watkins, Ivan Warren. ( M . S. Bad. Biophysics) Watson, Edwin P . ( M . A . E d . ) Werthcimer, Lise. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Wiest, William Marvin. ( M . A . Psychol.) W i n c h c l l , Richard L . ( M . S . G e o l . ) Williams, Cecil Lee. ( M . S. E d . ) Williams, Tcrrence Josiah. ( M . A . E n g . ) Wilson, Joseph Robert. ( M . S. Mech. E n g i n . ) W i l s o n , Leland, ( M . A . S o c i o l . ) Wilson, Virginia Morritt. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Woellner, Alberta L e e . ( M . A . Speech and Drama) Woodruff, Robert M . ( M . A . M a t h . ) W o o d s , Joseph A. ( M . S. Physics) Yang, John Yun-Won. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Yocuin, Dale Morris. ( D . E d . ) Youngman, Phillip Merrill. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Yuan, Hong-Chien. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Zuegner, Charles W. ( M . S. Journ.) 1958 Abel, Clifford Lee. ( M . S . E d . ) Adams, Howard C , Jr. ( M . A . F r e n c h ) Altimari, Philip Ellsworth. ( M . S . Civ. Engin.) Angino, Ernest Edward. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Argabrigbt, Loren Neil. ( M . A . Math.) Armatas, Philip J. ( M . S . Rehab. Counsel.) Arnold, James D e A r m o n d . ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Bahr, Ehrhnrd. ( M . S. E d . ) Baker, William T . ( M . S . Rehab. Counsel.) Ball, Stanton Mock. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Barcnbcrg, Ernest J. ( M . S. Civ. Engin.) Borland, Jerome Kenneth. ( M . S. E d . ) Baskett, Betty Lee. ( M . S . E d . ) Beck, Charles H. ( M . S. Elect. E n g i n . ) Beekwith, Josephine Beatrice. ( M . S o c . W o r k ) Biddlc, E m m a Wilhelmina. ( M . E d . ) Bierbnuin, Miriam A . ( M . M u s . E d . ) Billington, Joan Schlngel. ( M . S. E d . ) Binder, Johnnnes C . ( M . A . Pol. S c i . ) Bird, Dorothy Jean. ( D . E d . ) Bithos, Z o o J . ( M . S . C h e m . ) Blea, William Alexander. ( M . S. E d . ) Bodine, Robert Young. ( M . S. M e c h . Engin.) von Bockelmann, Bernhard. ( M . A . Bact.) Bonnavaud, P i e r r e Henri Albert. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Boyle, Margaret M . ( M . S . Rehab. Counsel.) Brillaud, Andre Richard. ( M . A . Z o o l . ) Britton, Sarmiel B. ( P h . D . Pharmaceutical Chem.) Broen, Carol Holland. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Brown, Robert S. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Brown, William G. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Browne, Evelyn McGinnis. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Buller, Beatrice R . ( M . A . German) Byers, D o n Harrison. ( P h . D. Physics) Callahan, Fern Etta. ( M . S. E d . ) 159 Carpenticr, Elizabeth Anne. ( M . A. C h e m . ) Carr, Dennis LeRoy. ( M . A. Bact.) Chapman, John Sherman. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Chilleott, James Gordon Thomas. ( P h . D. Ent.) Chitnis, Pratap Chidamber. ( M . A . E n g . ) Chronister, Irvin G. ( M . S. Elect. E n g i n . ) Chun-Ming, Kenneth K. N. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Clark, Ronald Jene. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Clothier, Grant Martin. ( D . E d . ) Colver, Vinita Eileen. ( M . A. Hist.) Connelly, James L e o , Jr. ( M . A. Hist.) Conner, Florence J. ( M . S. E d . ) Cook, Donald Everett. ( M . A . E c o n . ) Corcoran, Agnes Marie. ( M . S. E d . ) Cordonnier, Max Edward. ( M . A. E n g . ) Co.stello, Richard Lynn. ( M . A . M e d . Microbiol.) Covalt, Erleta Rosalind. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Cox, Joyce Wingravc. ( M . S. E d . ) Cruync de Rineoncs, Patricia Ann. ( M . A. Span.) Cridland, Arthur Albert. ( M . A. B o t . ) Cronin, George Richard. (Ph. D. C h e m . ) Davis, Robert Murray. ( M . A . E n g . ) Dechant, Emerald V . (Ph. D . E d . ) Denny, George E . ( M . S . E d . ) Dewey, Daniel George. ( M . A . Math.) Dill, Dale Robert. (Ph. D. Pharmaceutical Chem.) Dimmitt, Marius Albert. ( M . A. Hist.) Dorang, Louis Albert. ( M . A. Anat.) Dudley, Clynonia Nichols. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Dukelow, Willis Howard. ( M . A. M a t h . ) Dunford, Ruth Merchant. ( M . S. E d . ) Dunkak, Florence Nelson. ( M . S. E d . ) D y c k , Arthur James. ( M . A . Psychol.) Elliott, James Murray. ( M . A . Psychol.) Eastwood, William Parker, ( M . S. G e o l . ) Ellis, Carol Jeanne. ( M . A. C h e m . ) Ellsworth, Elizabeth Swigart. ( M . Fine Arts. Design) Epps, Margaret Walker. ( M . S. E d . ) Estrada, Josefa Prcsbitero. ( D . E d . ) Fahrbaeh, Carl George, Jr. ( D . E d . ) Fcdinec, Alexander Augustin. (Ph. D. Anat.) Fcnner, Julia H . ( M . A . E n g . ) Fisher, William L. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Fisk, Franklin Gregory. ( M . S. E d . ) Foster, Glen L l o y d . ( M . S. G e o l . ) Fublhage, Donald W a y n e . ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Fulton, Helen L. ( M . S. E d . ) Freemnn, Bill L. ( M . S. E d . ) Gloss, William A. ( M . S. Physics) Goodwyn, Thadcous A., Jr. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) Gordon, Shirley Joan. ( M . S. E d . ) Graham, Richard Martin. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Gray, Melville Wilfred. ( M . S. Civ. E n g i n . ) Green, Kenneth J. (Ph. D. Chem. E n g i n . ) Green, Margaret Mary. ( M . S. E d . ) 160 Chronological 1958—Continued Grinnell, Robert Stone, Jr. ( M . A. Geol.) Guardiola, Alda Luz. (Ph. D. Bact.) Gudeman, Howard Earl. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Gullahorn, Jeanne E. ( M . A . Psychol.) Gutentag, Edwin D. ( M . S. Geol.) Hafer-Hill, Patricia M. ( M . A. Eng.) Hamby, Ronald. ( M . A . Psychol.) Han, Joon Taik. ( M . S. Rad. Biophysics) Hanford, Dana Bruce. (Ph. D. Psychol.) Hausler, William John, Jr. (Ph. D. Bact.) Hedrick, Thomas A. ( M . A , Radio and Television) Herman, Ronald Dean, ( M , S. Aeron. Engin.) Hoffman, William Dean. (Ph. D. Chem.) Homan, Gerlof Douwe. ( P h . D . Hist.) House, Keith Edward. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Hubert, Ronald Edward. ( M . S . Physics) Hughes, Shirley Winifred. ( M . S. E d . ) Huntington, Virginia Ruth. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Iske, Gladys Fay. ( M . S. Ed.) Jackson, Donald Dean. ( M . S, Chem.) Jakway, George E. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Jakvvay, Jacqueline Sinks. (Ph. D. Anat.) Jester, James Franklin, Jr. ( M . S. E d . ) Johnson, David Donovan. ( M . A . Span.) Jones, Phillip Eugene. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Kasmer, Charles Walter. ( M . Pub. Admin.) Kay, Robert C. ( M . S. Metal, Engin.) Keller, Leland E. (Ph. D. Anat.) Kcmish, Ruth Hurwitz. ( M . A. Pol. Sci.) Kepfield, Fred C, Jr. ( M , Soc. W o r k ) Kirkpatrick, Martha B. ( M . S. E d . ) Kissil, Donald. ( M . S . Pharmacology) Kite, Helen Marie. ( M . A . Home E c o n , ) Klapper, Gilbert John. ( M . S. Geol.) Klein, Ursula. ( M . A . Music) Kron, Ralph Ernest. ( D . Ed.) Ladner, George A. (Ph. D. Math.) Lafferty, Charles William. ( D . E d . ) Lai, Harbans. ( M , S. Pharmacology) Lamm, Charles Alfred. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Lane, Norman Gary. ( P h . D . G e o l . ) Lewis, Richard Keith. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Loganbill, G. Bruce. ( M . A . Speech and Drama) Long, John Byron. ( M . A . Psychol.) McAnarney, Harry Edward. ( D . E d . ) McCowen, George Anderson. ( M . S. Petrol. Man.) McDonald, Dean Earl. ( M . Mus. E d . ) McKenney, Joel R. (M. S. Rad. Biophysics) McLaren, Donald B. ( M . S. Geol.) McMullin, Carleton E. ( M . Pub. Admin.) McMullen, Robert Eugene. ( M . S. E d . ) McQueen, Jimmie Calvin. ( M . S. E d . ) Mack, Greta. ( M . A . Math.) Mackenthun, Harold Ernest. ( M . Bus. Admin.) MacLaren, Margaret Kirchhoff. ( M . Soc. Work) Marcus, Mordecni. ( P h . D . E n g . ) Marsh, Charles A. ( M . A. Math.) Marsh, Daniel Lee. ( M . A. B o t . ) Mathae, David E. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Melaas, Bruce Allen. (Ph. D. Chem.) Melzer, Marvin Stanley. ( M . S . Chem.) Merrill, Kenneth Eaton. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Miller, Halsey Wilkinson. ( P h . D . G e o l . ) Mitchell, Robert Ralph. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) Mitchell, Willie B. ( M . Bus. A d m i n . ) Montgomery, Homer Richard, ( M . S . Elect. Engin,) Montgomery, K. Leon. ( M . A . Math.) Morris, John Eirwyn. ( M . A . B o t . ) Moxley, J. David. ( M . Bus. Admin.) Mulch, Merrill Frank. ( M . A. Hist.) Musick, Mary Josephine. ( M . A. C h e m . ) Myers, Richard William. ( M . A . Biochem.) Myers, William Frederic. ( P h . D . Bact.) Nance, Emma Joan. ( M . A . Math.) Nedzbala, James Michael. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Nelson, Lee Edward. ( M . S . Civ, Engin.) Newland, Chester Albert. ( P h . D . Pol. Sci.) Newman, Dorothy. ( M . S. E d . ) Norris, Dclvin Thomas. ( M . S. E d . ) Nowlin, Dorothy O. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Oberhelman, Harley Dean. ( P h . D . Span.) Osgood, Constance. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) O'SulIivan, Margaret Matirinc, ( M . S . E d . ) Paden, William Howard. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Palmer, Emma B. ( M . S. E d . ) Parekh, Hemendra C. ( M . S . Mech. Engin.) Parker, Harold Leftridge. ( M . A . Phil.) Paulussen, Hans-Otto. ( M . A , Physics.) Peak, Vcrone Vivian. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Pcarce, Leo J., Jr. ( M . S. Radio and Television ) Pearson, Donald Curtis. ( M . S . E d . ) Peltier, Edward Joseph. ( M . A. G e o l . ) Penny, Lawrence L. ( P h . D . E d . ) Pierce, Glenn Quimby, Jr. ( M . A . Speech and Drama) Pierce, Marjorie Smith. ( M . A . Speech and Drama) Pope, Robert Eugene. ( M . S . Chem. Engin.) Porter, Margaret Miriam. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Price, Harold Ashley. ( M . S . Mech. Engin.) Radcliffe, William Worth, Jr. ( M . A. Sociol.) Ralston, James Smiley. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Ramsey, Robert Dichl. ( M . S. E d . ) Robinson, Lloyd R., Jr. ( M . S . Civ. Engin.) Robinson, Robert Leo. ( P h . D . Physiol.) Roever, James E. ( M . A . Speech and Drama) Roter, Mary Joan Flournoy. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Rousey, Carol Grace. ( M . A . Speech and Correction) Rowland, Richard F. ( M . S . E d . ) Rydzel, Joseph S. (Ph. D. Hist.) Index 1958—Concluded Samuelson, Everett V . ( D . E d . ) Santoro, A n g e l o Victor. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Sauer, Helmut A. ( M . S. E d . ) Schofer, Paul J. ( M . S. E d . ) Schonpilug, Wolfgang. ( M . A . Psychol.) Schrempf, Richard. ( M . S . Rehab. Couns.) Schulte, George Shelby. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Scott, Charles Lyman. ( M . A . Hist.) Siegel, Frederic Richard. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Siegel, Ivens Aaron. ( M . S . Pharmacology) Silady, Martin F. ( M . S . Aeron. Engin.) Siler, Jerry Curtis. ( M . S . G e o l . ) Sills, D . Dwight. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Simmons, Otis Davis. ( M . Mus. E d . ) Simpson, Frederick W . ( D . E d . ) Skinner, Robert L e e . ( M . A . Pol. S c i . ) Sneddon, Milton Sills. ( M . Soc. W o r k ) Snyder, Irvin Stanley. ( M . A. M e d . Microbiol.) Solera, R o d r i g o . ( M . A . Span.) Sorensen, David Truman. ( P h . D . Chem.) Soucy, Robert Joseph. ( M . A . Hist.) Spiegel, D o n a l d Elwin. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Starrett, Jacqueline Elizabeth. ( M . S . E d . ) Steimel, Raymond Joseph. ( P h . D . E d . ) Stites, Kenneth D e a n ( M . A . French.) Stock, Claudette. ( M . S . E d . ) Stoppel, Norman K. ( M . S. Phys. E d . ) Taylor, Chester Calvin. ( M . S. Elect. Engin.) T c m p l e t o n , McCormick. ( P h . D . Anat.) Thomas, Bradford Lewis. ( M . A . G e o g . ) Thomas, Richard D w a y n e . ( M . Pub. Admin.) 6—6699 161 Thompson, Dennis Cook. ( M . S. Mech. Engin.) Thompson, George Westley. ( M . Soc. Work) Turkovich, Mary M. ( M . S. Rehab. Counsel.) Urban, Emil Karl. ( M . A. Z o o l . ) Van Landingham, Nadu Pauline. ( M . Mus. Ed.) Van Sant, Jan F. ( M . S. G e o l . ) Vaughan, Terry A. ( P h . D . Z o o l . ) Vazquez-Castro, Perla Nilda. ( M . S. Psychol.) Wagcnknecht, Burdctte Lewis. (Ph. D. Bot.) Walters, Lee Rudyard. ( P h . D . C h e m . ) Waller, Aaron Bret III. ( M . Fine Arts. Draw, and Paint.) W a n g , Ting-Shun. ( M . S. Civ. E n g i n . ) Watson, Donald E. ( M . S. Rehab. Counsel.) Weissenberg, Lila. ( P h . D . Psychol.) Weldon, Lynn LeRoy. ( D . E d . ) W i l l c , Marin Eugenia Bozzoli. ( M . A. Anthrop.) Williams, Mary Goshorn. ( P h . D . S o c i o l . ) Wills, Arthur. ( P h . D . E n g . ) Wilson, Glen Ralph. ( M . A . French) Wilson, Richard Harold. ( M . Pub. A d m i n . ) W i n g o , Ronald Carl. ( M . Mus. E d . ) W o n g , David Richard. ( M . S. Aeron. Engin.) Wright, Beverly Sue. ( M . S . E d . ) Yost, Walter Arthur. ( M . S. E d . ) PART IV Subject Index (For titles reference should be made to the listing by author in Part I) A Abbey theater Feeney, W. J. Abelian functions. See Functions, Abelian Ability Alkire, G. D. Ausherman, R . D . Briggs, R. A. Brown, J. R. B u m an, J. M . Cay wood, K. E. Cochrane, W. H., Jr. Davis, F. C. Fisher, C. W. French, M. L. Galbraith, F. Hanson, M. F. Page, T. C. See also Ability—Testing; Athletic ability; Leadership; Mental tests; Motor ability; Musical ability —Testing Acker, W. J. Bartel, R. A. Cole, G. A. Comwell, W . O . Dunn, R. R. Edmondson, S, E. Isaacson, L. E. Porter, M. R. Steele, J. A. Vaughan, C. K. Williams, C. L. Abnormal children. See Exceptional chil- dren; Handicapped children Accidents, Prevention Bingham, R. M. Hanson, C. N. See also Industrial safety Accounting, United States Brooks, W. A. Foster, T. A. Thomas, A. E. See also Amortization; Auditing; Financial statements; Municipal finance Accounts receivable Morgan-Grenville, D. B. Acculturation Saber, M. Tatsuguchi, R. K. Acetic acid Birdwhistell, R. K. Cronin, G. R. Jones, M. M. Musick, M, J. Parker, W. E. Acetone analysis Gooding, E. O. Acetyl salicylic acid Blair, F. I. Achievement tests. See Examinations Achromobacter Findley, J. E. Acid etching Ives, W . , Jr. Acids, Organic Davies, M. I. Elliott, I. W . Jr. Goodrich, J. E. 3 Abrcn Gomez, Ermilo Lindens truth, A. F. Tongier, C. L. Absenteeism ( L a b o r ) Helle, H. J. See also Labor and laboring classes; Personnel management Absorption (Physiology) Rendina, G. Abstract art. See Art Academic achievement James, G. G. Acarina. See Mites Acrididae Walla/le, H. S. Acridines Shull, C. S. Acting Courtney, G. Feist, F. W. Hardy, D. J. Pierce, M. S. See also Drama; Theater Activity coefficients (162) Bonner, O. D. Meyer, N. J. Index Acylation Gilkerson, W . R , Adjustment, Social, After-images Daniels, N. Sec Social adjustment Levinson, H. Age and employment Adolescence Mueller, W. J. Sapp, O . W . See also Youth Keller, E . D . Adopted children. See Children, Adopted Adoption Cohen, J. I. Heydon, C . D . Leedham, J. M. McHenry, M. J. F. See also Children, Adopted; Foster home care; Parent and child Adrenal glands Chaney, G. C. Robinson, R, L. Aged Blea, W . A . Browne, E. M. Davis, V. Agelaius phoeniceus Good, W . M . Agglutinins Silberg, S. L. Agitation, Power consumption Hirsekorn, F. S. Zarker, K. E. Agitation by air sparging Adrenalin E w y , H. G. Hillmer, N. R. Kendrick, J. E. Stanclift, R. J., Jr. Agricultural laborers Spillman, P. R. See also Migrant labor Robinson, R. L. Agricultural machinery, Production standards Adrenergic blocking agents Green, J. Short, J. H. Adult education. 163 Johnson, D. E. See Education of adults Adults Weiner, M. L. Advertising Evans, II. C. Needle, F. W . , Jr. See also Commercial art; Market survey; Public relations; Radio advertising; Salesmen and salesmanship Advertising—Newspaper Bratton, C, G. Doores, R . W . Littlejohn, W . H , Aeoloplides Wallace, H. S. Young, C. R. Air conditioning Glancy, W. P. Lynn, A. Airplanes. See Aeroplanes Airports Holt, H. ll., Jr. Aerobacter cloacae Akagi, J. M. Aerobic bacteria. See Bacteria Aerobic mesophiles Snook, P. R. Aerodynamics Levin, A . D . See also Gas flow; Stability of aeroplanes; Stability of helicopters; W i n d tunnels Aeroplanes Driver, G. E. Stucker, II. T. See also Jet planes; planes Africa, East. Commerce Hawes, L. C. Agriculture Elliott, H. L., Jr. Kelley, E. E. Meade, M. Miller, G. H., Jr. Moore, F. S. Nigh, R. R. Oberhelman, H . D . Pfister, R. L. Sturgeon, H. L. Stability of aero- Alcohol Fisher, J. S. Halperin, B. I. Koff, G. Y. Muckenthaler, F. J. Patton, L . W . Stutz, R. L. Alcoholoism Baechler, M. S. Carey, M. E. Mechem, R. S. Sudran, M. B. See also Liquor problem Aldehydes Conrad, W . E . Alfred Benjamin Dispensary, Mo. Campbell, G. T. Kansas City, 164 Subject Chun-Ming, K. K. N. Sell, I. M. Algae Yokoyama, K. Algebra Calvert, P. L. Chouteau, C. C. Foreman, W, C. French, M. L. Heaton, R. E. Ladner, G. Larkin, J. R. Lieberstein, H. M. Secrest, M. J. Soever, G. L. See also Groups, Theory of; Numbers, Theory of; Probabilities Alkaline earth metals Taylor, W. L. Thompson, J. K. Alkaline metals Margrave, J. L. Schechter, D. L. Schechter, W. H. Taylor, W. L. Alkaline phosphatase Schaechter, M. Alkaloids Moyer, M. I. Allyl chloride Wilen, S. H. Allyl halides Halperin, B, I. See also Halides Alpha rays Fitch, A. H. Hammer, F. E. Wild, J. W. See also Radiation; Radioactivity Aluminum Bennett, W. E. Burdick, D. L. Hicks, G. T. Jirik, F. E. McElroy, A. D. Mazzitelli, A. Spencer, C. W. Taylor, W. L. Wilhort, R. C. Aluminum alloys, Testing Spencer, C. W. Amblystoma maculatum Janosky, I. D. Keller, L. E. Penfold, R. L. Amebacides Brinigar, W. S. Shull, C. S. American Association of Social Workers Wright, R. P. American drama Reardon, J. D. See also Dramatists American economic assistance. nomic assistance American fiction Suderman, E. F. See also Short stories American folk drama. American humorists. American Indians. Sec Eco- Sec Folk-drama See Humorists Sea Indian children; In- dians of North America American literature, History and criticism Alnutt, J. C. American magazines Colvcr, V. E. See also The Atlantic Monthly; Defender Magazine American newspapers Doores, R. W. Kliewer, M . W . Littlejohn, W. H. Ijimgren, M. C. Powers, J. L. Scott, C. L. Taylor, J. A. See also Italian newspapers; Appeal to Reason; Kansas City Star; Kansas City Times American paintings. Sec Paintings, American American poets. See Poets, American American short stories. See Short stories American Standard Association, Specifications on flanges Gamber, J. E. Amides Bradlow, H. L. Krska, M. J. Amidone Campbell, J. R. Amines Alsup, R. G. Chamberlain, D. L., Jr. Emick, G. H. Johnson, S. II., Jr. Krska, M. J. Noonan, J, E. Skillman, H. C. Wright, P. E. Zingaro, R. A. Amino acids Bures, G. J. Fleming, L. W. Stephens, V. C. Wilhelm, P. L. Index Amino—Methoxy—Quinoline Short, J. H. Aminopterin Pebley, E. M. White, R. P. Denny, G. E. Anderson, Maxwell Sollner, W. J. Anesthesia Guild, C. H., Jr. Wenger, N . E . See also Spinal anesthesia Anesthesia in surgery Wright, E. M., Jr. Anesthetics Ruseha, M. F. Skillman, H, C. Thompson, J. K. Anger Ammospiza Lubach, J. E, W o o l f e n d e n , G. E. Aniline Barber, H, H„ Jr. A m o r h n , Enrique Animals, Sex in Lervis, M . H . Amortization Montgomery, J. G. C. Amplifiers, V a c u u m tube Hubbard, R . W . Seamans, D . A , Taylor, G . M . Thurman, D . H . A n a l o g o u s compounds Guardiola, A . L . Analysis (Mathematics) Barnett, H . H . B r o w n , J. R. Hartnett, W . E . Hsu, K-C. Irwin. J. M. Jennings, A. K. Khabbaz, S. A. Kruse, A. H. Larkin, J. R. McLachlan, E. K. M a e h , G. Moore, W. K. Namioka, I. N a n c e , E. J. Nelson, H. L. Panitchpalcdi, P. Pedrick, G. Pihlblad, M . M . Biley, J. D. Rolfs, H. Q. Shirazi, M. W a m p l e r , J. F. W o l f e , F. L. Sec also Functions Anaphylactic shock Kirk, J. S. Robinson, R. L. Anatomy, Human. Besharat, J. D. Aminopyridine Hall, L . A . B . Aminoquinolines Donahoe, H. B. Ammonia Bennett, W . E . Christensen, V. J. Curless, W . T . Gooding, E . O . Hammer, R . N . McElroy, A . D . Schechter, D . L , Taylor, W . L . Analytic chemistry. 165 See Chemistry, analytic Valenstein, E. S. Animism Dickman, H. B, Ihrig, H. Anions Barney, J. E. Von Riesen, V. L. Anisops Brooks, G. T. Antarctic regions, Claims Nilsen, F. E. Antenna (Electronics) Martin, E. J., Jr. Antennas, Radio, See Radio Anthelmintics Gibson, R. D. Smith, C. M. Anthropology Devereux, C . D . R . See also Acculturation; Man; W o m a n ; Also Names of races: A p a c h e Indians; Comanche Indians; Dakota Indians; Kiowa Indians; Missouri Indians; Potawatomi Indians Antibiotics Lockhart, M . H . See also Streptomycin Antigens and antibodies Fevurly, J. R. Gempel, J. A. Holper, J. C. Northey, W . T . Biggs, J. L. Santoro, T. S. White, L. A. Antihistamines Skillman, H. C. Subject 166 Aromatic compounds Span, B. I. Arresters Antimalarials Donahoe, H. B. Ling, W . Keller, G. R. Anura Chrapliwy, P. S. Arsenic, Physiological effect Sec also Toads Rosenberg, P. Aorta, Diseases Smith, fl. F. Apache Indians McBumey, G. R. Apidae LaBerge, W . E . Appeal to Reason, Girard, Kans. Scott, G. L. Apperception, Testing Horowitz, M. J. Prince, C. E„ Jr. Weber, G. H. See also Mental tests Applications for positions Montgomery, S. Sec also Interviewing Arab-Asian bloc in the United Nations Samii, C. B. Arbitration, Industrial. United States Khan, I. A. Archery Hedrick, J. L. Architecture Hamachcr, II. B. Jordison, R. R. See also Mercantile buildings; Office buildings; School houses; Skyscrapers Argentina, Social conditions Toxacher, E. C. Cridland, A. A. Arthropoda Hopla, C. E. Arginine Webb, H. E. Findley, J. E, Articulation (Education) Wright, B. S. Aryl halides Abrahamson, E. A., Jr. Colton, E. Ferm, R. L. Gallup, G. A. Goodrich, J. E. Heisler, R. Y. Helin, A. F. See also Halides Argon Muck en thaler, F. J, Aristotle, "Poetics" Sherwood, J. M. Arithmetic Cleavinger, C. R. Jeffress, J. A. Lorenzcn, R. L. Powell, A. F. Seymour, V. Aryl sulfonates Hubbard, H . M . A r m e d Forces, Supplies and stores Cheaney, F. H., Jr. Armed Neutrality, Art Cater, M. L. Lowe, J. C. Morton, M. K. Schlotterback, T. See also Architecture; Caricature; C o m mercial art; Costume; Decoration and ornam ent; D esi gn; Dr a win gs; E n graving; Etching; Interior decoration; Jewelry; Mural painting and d e c o r a tion; Music in art -—Study and teaching Andrews, M. F. Baker, A. B. R. Carter, A. C. Coccoran, A . M . Dietz, B. V. Lilley, A. B. L o w e , J, C. Maxey, S. B. Nelson, H. B. Smith, H. S. T o d d , C. O. Washington, M. P. White, A. R. •—Education, Sec Art, Study and teaching Arteries, Surgery Hardin, C. A. Arthrodcndron 1780 Neutrality, Armed Armenian question Merritt, J. L. Arnold, Matthew Rmpedoclas on Etna Hiebcrt, P. J. Sohrab and Rustum Nyquist, N. and 1800. See Arylpr opylam in es Emick, G. H. Skillman, II. C. Aspiration test Mechem, R. S. Assembly-line methods Dixon, J. M. 167 Index Assessment, Kansas Cook, D . E . See alto Real property; Taxation; Valuation Asturras, Spain Betoret, C. G. Atchison, Kan. Schools Knudson, B. J. Laffcriy, C . W . Atchison, Topcka and Santa Fe Railway Company Schmidt, N. J., Jr. Athcrogenesis in poultry Kissil, D. Athletes Bell, J. O. Briggs, R. A. Caywood, K. E. Collin, W. A . , Jr. Fisher, C. W. Foulks, J. R. Peterson, I. L. Schofcr, P. J. Shirk, D. L. Turner, J. P. Athletics Fox, W . L. Freeman, B. L. Grossart, R. R. Hanson, F. N. Johnson, W. R. Kohl, F. B. Mills, C. P. Powell, D. F. See also Coaching ( A t h l e t i c s ) ; College sports; Jumping; Physical education and training; Sports; Swimming Athletic ability Peterson, I. L. See also Ability, Testing Atlantic Monthly Scott, J. F. A t o m i c energy Train, G. F. Atomic power, International control Young, A. B. Atomization Wilson, J. R. Attention Baker, C. D. See also Apperception Attitude (Psychology) Ashlock, R. A. Charles, R. L. Crites, B. D. Freeman, B. L, Gardner, R . W . Gittleman, B. Hirsch, E. A. Holzman, P. S. Hooper, G. M. Jordan, N. Livingston, D. G. Madden, H. E. Martin, C. H. Pownall, J. E. Roper, B. T. Sattler, J. M. Schlcsingcr, II. J. See also Emotions; Empathy; Frustration; Public opinion; Social psychology Auburn, Kan. public schools Jones, P. A. Audio-visual education Atha, G. L. Duncan, C. H. Goodwin, C. G, Grimm, G. L, McMurry, G. D. Nelson, A. L. See also Phonograph in education; Radio in education Auditing Moxley, J. D. See also Accounting; Financial statements Auditoriums, Missouri Merrill, R. H. See also Theaters Austin, Jane W o o d , B. A. Australia, Foreign relations. United States Mulch, M. F. An thoritarian ism Madden, H. E. Autism Sommer, R. Authors, Venezuelan Maxkham, V. Automobiles Browning, W. B. Dial, S. H. Sargent, S. P. Soucy, G. R. Weber, G. H. White, P. L. Autonomic nervous system, Autonomic Axial compression Wong, D. R. Azides Gudmunsen, C. H. system. See Nervous Subject 168 B Bach, Johann Sebastian Hamilton, R. J. —Das Wold Temperkte Clavier George, B. I. Bacillus anthracis Brown, E. R. See also Rickettsiae; Streptococcus Bacillus cereus Brown, E. R. Bacillus megatherium Nachtigall, A. Bacillus mycoides Brown, E. R. Back swimmers Brooks, G. T. Truxal, F. S. Backward children. See Children, Retarded Bacteria CaiT, D . L . Hager, L. P. Loebeck, M. E. Van der Smissen, E. T. V o n Riesen, V . L . Bacteriophage Fleming, L . W . Gleason, S. G. Bacterium tularense Bcrger, M. Donaldson, D . Dyke, L . W . Fee, C. F. Fellman, J. H. Hcndrix, L. E. Hill, R. L. Kami, E. E. Moody, M. D. Northey, W. T. Pannell, L. Rendina, G. Timpe, A . Wilhelm, P. L. Woodward, J. M. See also Tularemia Baker University Curriculum Stutzman, R. C. Balancing (Gymnastics) McGrath, F. E. Timmons, R. L, Baldwin City, Kan. Public schools Ridgway, R . W . Ballads Gustafson, R. C. Bussell, B. E. See also Folk-songs Ballet Klein, U. Balzac, Honore de Hodgins, R. I. Bands ( M u s i c ) Brown, A. H. Clinesmith, C. B. Duncan, C. H. Kroesen, J. K. Mourning, D. M. Neihart, J. L. Sell, M. W. See also W i n d instruments Banks and banking Angell, W . D . Hunt, G. T. JolliiF, J. E. Judy, R. W. Moddelmog, J. D. Thomas, A. E. Vaqar, N. Wctmore, J. M. See also Investment banking; panies Barbiturates Trust c o m - Krishnan, V. R. Barbouromeryx Nash, D. J. Bark beetles W o o d , S. L. Barry, Philip. The Philadelphia Story Dodrill, C . W . Bart6k, Bela Jennings, L. E. Bartonella bacilliformis Fowler, E. M. Base-exchange. Base plates. Sec Ion-exchange See Plates, Iron and steel Baseball Cochrane, W. H., Jr. McGrath, F. E. Basketball Bartel, R. A. Broadfoot, C. P., Jr. Carver, E. C. Gihnan, J. B. Jr. Harmon, H. L. Poppe, K. H. G. Saunders, G. A. Spear, K. E. Valliere, D . D . Bassoon music Jones, D. Bats Vaughn, T. A. Beams. See Girders Bearings (Machinery) Wagner, T. O. Bedouins Baali, F. Bees Cross, E. A . , Jr. Index LaBerge, W . E . Sinha, K. N. Stephen, W. P. White, J. R. Wille, A. Beetles. Blindness Baxter, H. S. See Coleoptera Behavior, Human. 169 See Human behavior Behavior problems ( C h i l d r e n ) . See Prob- lem children Belgium, Commerce G o b , J. A. Schamp, W . W . Benes, Edvaicl Braza, J. J. Benjamin Banneker School, Kansas City, Mo. Watrous, M. L. Benzene Cain, J. II. Benzhydrols Scherror, J. H. Tietz, R. F. Benzoates Bahn, A. N. Benzotiazole Hall, L. A. R. Benzyl bolides Gallup, G. A. See also Halides Bernstein, Henry Grigsby, J. L., Jr. Bibliography, Editions Wiley, J. A. Bile-duets, Surgery Hardin, C. A. Binary stars. See Stars, Double Biogeoehemieal investigations Hnrbaugh, J. W. Birds Baker, R. II. Davidson, J. Lowery, G. H . , Jr. Urban, E. K. Bismarck, Otto, fiirst, v o n , 1815-1898 Gust, K. Homan, G. D. Bituminous coal Hisser, II. E. Blake, William Righter, J. K. Blasco Ibaiiez, Vicente Beloret-Paris, E. Blind Boyle, M. M. Kirkpatrick, H. L. McMichael, D . M . Schrempf, R. Turkovich, M. M. Blood Altringer, M. P. Brown, J. W. Devine, M. M. Fevurly, J. R. Hilhner, N. R. Learned, G. R. Russell, M. F., Jr. Saunders, D . D . White, R. P. See also Calcium in the b l o o d Bloom, Benjamin S., Editor. Taxonomy of 'Educational objectives Walker, D. A. Boards of education. Bobwhites. See School boards See Quails, Kansas Body measurements ( M a l e ) Ward, A . D . White, J. E. Bohemians. See Czechs Boisgelin de Cuce, Jean de Dieu Raumond de, Cardinal, 1732-1804 Connelly, J. L., Jr. Bolted plates, Elasticity Thompson, D. C. Bombardment with particles. See Collisions (Nuclear physics) Bone Friesen, B. S. Bone marrow. See Marrow Bones Cheng, H. A. Fitch, A. H. Miller, B. L. Robinson, S. C. Wackerle, J. D. Borger, Texas. Politics and Government Harner, D . A . Boron Pollock, B. D. Boron organic compounds Nielson, D . R . Bose, Subhas Chandra Book, R. L. Botany Anderson, R. G. Fearing, O. S. Lathrop, E . W . Showalter, W . V . Ungar, J. A. Voile, L . D . Boundary layer Price, H. A. Brachiopoda, Fossil Grinnell, E. S., Jr. Subject 170 Bradford, Gamaliel Murphy, I. Brain Cooper, J. R. Hamby, R. Hiltibran, R. C. Phelps, C. K. Brass instruments. See Wind instruments Brazos River Delta Odem, W . I . Breathing. See Respiration Bremsstrahlung Brown, H. B. Bridges Ansari, M. A. Siqueira, W . M . Vaught, G . W . Vollonwerder, R. Bright children. See Gifted children Brlstow, Joseph Little Mitchell, W . H . Broadcasting. See Radio broadcasting See Bronchiectasis Sorensen, D. T. Caenozoic period. See Geology, Strati- graphic, Cenozoic Caesium. See Cesium Caffeine Blair, F. I. Henry, C. L. Calamine lotion Koh, Y. S. Mazi, J. Brownian movements Carpenter, R. T. Drawbaugh, D . W . Paracelsus Hiebert, P. J. Brushes, Electrical Cottom, M. C. Bryozoa. See Polyzoa, Fossil Budget Bailey, D. R. Boos, R. F. Brownlcc, J. L. Buenoa Truxal, F. S. Bugs. Sea Back swimmers; Toad bug; Water boatman Bulwcr-Lytton, Edward George. See Lytton, Edward George Brinner, Henry Cuyler Brooks, I. B. Burckhardt, Jakob Christoph Horna, D. Cache Creek Indian Mission McBurney, C. R. Brook Fnrm Business Ball, H. B., Jr. C See Electric cables Cadmium Bromine organic compounds Johnson, G. S. Simpson, B. D, Browning, Robert. Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron 6th Baron Norris, J. M . , Jr. Cables, Electric. Brominntion Barber, H. II., Jr. Johnson, S. IT., Jr. Bronchi, Dilation. Bronchiectasis Kasmer, C. W. Mackenthun, H. E. Messamer, J. H. Schooler, E . W . Weltmer, W. K. See also Accounting; Advertising; A p p l i c a tions for positions; Financial statements; Salesmen and salesmanship —Education Barnes, G. V. —Letters. See Commercial correspondence —Teachers Titsworth, E. L. Butane Vagtborg, H., Jr. Butterflies. See Families: Papilionoidca; Satyridae Calcium Schechter, D. L. Calcium in the blood Newman, R. L. Calculating machines, Electronic. See E l e c - tronic calculating machines Calculus, Study and teaching Johnson, C. A. Calibration Davidson, D. L. Calorimetry Hill, H. J. Calvinism Shields, K. D. Stockdale, W . A . Cambrian period. See Geology, Stratigraphic, Cambrian Campaigns, Presidential. See Presidents, United States, Election Canada, Relations (general) with the United States Neumann, D. H. Cancer Hill, J. II. Index NachtignlJ, A. Owens, R. H. Catabolism. History Siegel, I. A. Catalysis D u r k i n , J. R. Werth, K. E. Capillaries Catfishcs Skillman, H, C. Harms, C. E. Capillarity Stevenson, E. K., Jr. V a g t b o r g , H., Jr. Witherspoon, P. A . , Jr. See also Surface tension C a p i t a l , United States Thomas, A. E. S e e also Banks and banking; Investments; Saving and investment C a p i t a l gains tax Gulick, D . W . Capitalism Dewey, E. W. Carbohydrate metabolism Behrmann, W . C . C n r b o n tetrachloride Ellis, C. J. Cathode ray oscillograph Beck, C. H. Catholic Church —Charities Norris, M. R. —Choirs McDonald, D . E . .—Education Latenser, J. E. Watson, E. P. Cavitation Cello. See Violoncello Cells Merriott, J. W. Wiseman, G, G. Cellulose Hager, L. P. Snook, P. R. C a r b o n i u m ion Lipschitz, A . Cnrboxylic acid Zingaro, R . A . See Cancer C a r d i a c diseases. Cather, Willa Sihert Schmitt, M. C. Throckmorton, J. L. Nasser, K. W. Reynaud, R. L. C a r b o n dioxide, Absorption in water Carcinoma. See metabolism Catalase See also Lungs, Cancer Cantatas, 171 See Heart, Diseases Cardiocarpus Roth, E. A. Cardiovascular system Dill, D. R. MeKenney, J. R. Strohmeyer, D . F . Wcnger, N. E. S e e also Heart Caricature Hardy, D. J. Caricatures and cartoons Al-IIamdani, M . M . Cnrlists Mikulski, R, M. Camivora Wiens, A. L. Carpets Schwartz, A. M. See also Rugs; W e a v i n g C a s e work, Social. See Social case work C a s o n a , Alejandro, pseud. See Rodricruez Alvarez, Alejandro Castration Grunt, J. A. Censorship Skinner, R. L. Sec also Theater Centralization in government. See D e - c e n tralization in government Centralization of schools. See Schools, C e n tralization Centrifugal fans. See Fans, Mechanical Centrif ligation Robatel, M. M. Valleroy, V . V . Wilcox, A. C. Ceramics Edie, R . W . Wille, M, E, B. Ceratoeombus Latlin, J. D. Cerebral palsy Adams, E. Y. Schneider, E. H. Terr, M. A. Cerium Jackson, D . D . Richardson, P. J. Certification of teachers. Certification Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel Bigclow, H. A. See Teachers, 172 Subject Chambers, D . O . Herman, J. C. Cervical lymph nodes. See Lymph nodes, Cervical Cesium-Isotopes Brown, H. B. Corman, E. G. Cestoda Heck, O. B., Jr. Chalk, Kansas Dubins, M, I. Chamber music Shoup, D. H. Character tests Williams, C. L. See also Personality, tests Charitable institutions, Kansas Palm, W. A. Charities Clarke, L. T. Schell, J. S. Charity organization Clarke, L. T. Chaucer, Geoffrey Chilnis, P. C Chnutauqua Hills, Kan. Lathrop, E. W. Cheating Muroff, M. M. Chemical engineering Gerety, J. II., Jr. Hughes, H. E. Chemical kinetics. See Chemical reaction, Bate of Chemical reaction, Rate of Benham, A. L. Brewer, J. Gilkerson, W . R . Graham, W . A . Straube, M. D. Stutz, R. L. Chemical reduction. See Reduction, Chemical; Reduction, Electrolytic Chemicals, Physiological effect Emick, G. H. Chemistry —Analytic Blair, F. I. — M e d i c a l and pharmaceutical Hurt, C. A. Ilelin, A. F. Johnson, S. H . , Jr. Lindenstruth, A. F. Minor, J. T. Rose, N. C. Sveinbjomsson, A. G. —Organic Baldridge, J. R. Benham, A. L. Davis, P. C. Graham, W . A . Rausch, M. D. Straube, M. D. V o n Waaden, C. E. —Physical and. theoretical Yarnell, J. L. See also Catalysis; Chemical reaction, Rate of; Electrochemistry; Polymers and polymerization; Quantum theory; Solution (Chemistry); Thermodynamics —Study and teaching Colyer, L. M. Porter, M. R. Quiring, F. S. —Textbooks Baker, C. D. Ch em other apy Edgerton, W . H . Nobles, W . L . Chest, Surgery Guild, C. H . , Jr. Cheyletidae Dailey, D . T . Chick embryo. Birds Chickens. See Birds; Embryology, See Poultry Chiggers (Mites) Crossley, D. A., Jr. Greenberg, B. Kardos, E. H. Loomis, R. B. Wolfenbarger, K. A. Child guidance clinics Courter, C. O. Teed, A, M. UndercofFer, K. J. See also Child psychiatry; Child study; Child welfare; Juvenile delinquency; Problem children; Psychiatric social work Child placing. See Adoption Child psychiatry Teed, A. M. Child psychology Fish, J. E. Child research. See Children, Research Child study Beale, E. A. Brown, M. K. Byrnes, C. M. Crawford, E. L. Daniels, M. B, Estrada, J. P. Hale, M. N. Hayner, O. L. K. Index Hooper, G. M. Kicfcr, V . H . Miller, B. W . , Jr. Paden, W . H . Eecd, M. C. Belli, R . Scheihing, G. R. Sehoggen, P. II. Sobol, R . Stewart, B. R. Teed, A. M. W a l k e r , T. P. Weaver, F. H. Weissenberg, L. Wiest, W . M . Children, Education. Children, Growth. Webb, M. Child welfare Churchill, E. L. Gullciud, E. N. Hesselbarth, M . D . Lee, W . W . Norris, M. R. Penny, L . D . Wnmbsgans, E . H . Yodcr, L. G. Sec alto Child guidance clinics; Children, Institutional c o r e ; Foster home care; Juvenile delinquency Children, Abnormal and backward. Sec Exceptional children; Handicapped children Children, A d o p t e d C o h e n , J. I. Children, Backward. tarded See Children, See Child Welfare See Cripples Children, Deaf Cozart, M . B . Born, J. M. Downing, M. L. Embrey, R. L. Fngan, E . F . Fort, B . D . Fulton, H . L . Houchins, R. R. Johnson, D. L. MeCarty, E. L. M o g , II. M . Neas, B. J. Price, A, M. Shaw, A. A. See also Deaf, Education Children, Diseases Schneider, E . H . Re- Children, Management Molcr, M. A. Stinson, C . D . Wilkinson, E. L. Children, Mentally handicapped. Sec M e n tally handicapped children Children, Mentally retarded. See Mentally handicapped children Children, Nutrition. Psychological aspects Styrt, L. S. Children, Research Rohr, M. M. Children, Retarded Hendrickson, V. B. Children as artists Warner, M. S. Children as musicians Kell, R. I. Webster, J. B. Children in institutions, Case studies Fisher, W . E . Children in literature and art Cobb, E. II. Children's illustrated books. See Illustrated books, Children's Children, Care and hygiene Lee, W . W . Pratt, B . M . Children, Crippled. See Education See Growth Children, Institutional care Byrnes, C. M. Campbell, W. E. Crawford, E. L. Dudley, C . N . See also Child guidance clinics; Parent and child; Play Children, Charities. 173 Children's literature Ross, R. P. Warner, M. S. ( Ihildren's plays Six, S. N . Children's poetry Dunknk, F. N. Children's stories Black, E. F. Chinese drama Six, S. N . Chipmunks White, J. A. See also Squirrels, Kansns Chlorine acetates Wilen, S. II. Chlorine organic compounds Abrahamson, E. A., Jr. Gibson, R. D. Hyde, E. B., Jr. Chlorpromazine hydrochloride Pursley, T. L. Choirs ( M u s i c ) McDonald, D . E . Subject 174 Clarinet music Zepp, R. H. Clark, Abraham Haywood, C, R. Cleft palates. See Palate, Cleft Clemens, Samuel Langhorne Cholera Becker, B. E. Cholerterol Beckloff, G. L. Kissil, D. Choline diets Burcs, G. J. Trahan, B. G. Stockdale, W. A. Clergy Doty, C. S. Gingerich, F. M. Jones, C. W. Jones, J. E. Neal, A. R. Williams, V. M. Choral music Cooper, J. J. Hansen, L. A. Ralston, J. S. Riney, C. J. lloark, R. B. Clerical psychology. Choral reading Tiedemann, M. A. M. Choral singing House, K. E. Oldham, W. E. Patrick, D. W. Chromium plating, Dillusion treatment Nowlin, R. E. Chronic diseases. See Diseases, Chronic Church and State in Germany Gust, K. Church of the Brethren Royer, C. F. Wilson, Lcland Church schools (Catholic) Latenser, J. E. Watson, E. P. Churches (Negro) Edger, R. E. Cicadcllidae Christian, P. J. Young, D. A. Cities and towns Janes, F. L. Wells, E. T. —Planning Dieterich, H. R., Jr. Gunn, W. S. Kipp, R. A. Wigglesworth, J. H. Citizenship, Textbooks Linschcid, J. W. City government. See Municipal government City manager. See Municipal government by city manager Civil rights, Kansas Jones, P. E. Civil service, Kansas Cape, W. H. Civilian defense Tennant, J. O. Clarinet Grimm, G. L. See Psychology, Pas- toral Clerks Pai-ekh, II. C. Clinical psychology Gardiner, J. S. Rosenberg, L. I. Clugston, W. G. Corporon, J. R. Coaching (Athletics), Kansas Stark, M. B. Tomlinson, R. K. See also College sports; Physical education and training; Sports Coal Fung, T. K. Hamhleton, W . W . Risscr, II. E. Tsao, C-C. Vining, S. A. See also Bituminous coal; Mining engineering Cobalt Smith, L. C. Spiegelhalter, R, R. Tenney, R. E. Coffee trade Lefovre, L. D. Cohen, Morris Raphael Link, B. F. Colby, Kan. Population Hannaman, T. B. Coleoptera Enns, W. R. See also Families: Meloidae; Scolytidac College and school periodicals Washington, M. P. Collecting of accounts Morgan-Grenville, D. B. College athletics. See Athletics; College sports; Track-athletics College entrance requirements. sities and colleges See Univer- 175 Index College life. See Students College sports Foulks, J. R. Powell, D. F. Sea also Intramural sports; School sports Colletidae Stephen, W. P. Collisions (Nuclear physics) Baumann, N. P. Colon bacilli Radcliff, L. G. Colonies, E c o n o m i c condition Kittrie, N. K. Color Bluett, E. M. Knne, D. I. Mathae, L . D . Color and music. See Music and color Columns, Iron and steel Sujata, II. L. C o m a n c h e Indians McBurney, C . B . Combustion Maiden, E . E . Comedy Battaglia, M. J. Comic, The Ilanford, D . B . Commemorative postage stamps Small, J. R. Commercial art Pae, D . Commercial banking. See Banks and banking Commercial buildings. See Mercantile buildings; OFice buildings Commercial correspondence D o b y n s , F. P. Commercial papers. Sea Negotiable instruments Commercial policy Kohlik, J. Commercial teachers. See Business teachers Commission government with city manager. See Municipal government by city manager Commission merchants Davis, R. R. Morgan-Grenville, D . B . Communist Party of the United States of America Reida, E . D . Community and school Whitla, R. H . , Jr. Community centers Whitla, R. H . , Jr. Community life Storer, N. W. Community music Burmeister, C. A. Doughty, M . W . Community organization Gibson, H . W . Community planning Webster, T. A. Community recreation. See Recreation Community singing. See Community music Competition Terry, E. F. Complex ions Colton, E. Curless, W . T . DeLaney, J. C. Hammer, R. N. Rose, M. N. Tenney, R. E. Composers Dunn, M. A. Geist, F. W. Schneider, E. M. Sedore, R. N. See also Musicians Composition (Rhetoric). See Rhetoric Compounds, Unsaturated Bechtle, G. F. Cantor, P. A. Halperin, B. I. Compressor piping Sells, J. C. Compressors Waymeyer, W, K. Concentration. See Attention Concepts Wertheimer, L. Concordia, Kan. Public schools James, C. A. Concrete bridges. See Bridges Concrete Nelson, L. E. Ruggles, W . L . Condensation products Walters, L. R. (Chemistry) Conductometric analysis Wise, E. N. Confederate States of America Dolan, K. F. Etzler, M. C. McKinney, M. Conformal mapping Brown, J. R. Congenital abrachia Cates, C. H. 176 Subject Congress of Industrial Organization, litical Action Committee Po- Wade, H. W. Corporate finance. Conodonts Chapman, J. S. Conscientious objectors Michener, J. H. Wilson, L. Consolidation of schools. See Schools, Centralization Consumers Angell, W . D . Nissan, A, Smith, V. L. Consumer credit, Lawrence, Kan. Jacob, A, J-M. Consumers Cooperative Association Walker, W. J. Contractors, Electric. See Electric contactors Convulsions Koff, G. Y. Beasley, K. E. Cooperative societies Kelley, E. E. Merrill, K. E. Wilson, L. C. Cooperative stores. See cieties Coordination compounds Brandt, R. L. Goodrich, J. E. Smith, L. C. Cooperative Tenney, R. E. Copying processes Davidson, D , Corals, Fossils Siegel, F. R. Siler, J. C. Stoneburner, R. W. See Education. Corixidae Wellhouse, W . T . Cornet, Studies and exercises Horacek, L. Ruhnke, D. R. Just, L. R, Cornwallis Island Thorsteinson, R. Electrolytic Cortical conductivity Mathae, D . E . Corticosteronc so- Cortisone Jackson, P. H. Sam, J. Whitmire, C. E. Corynebacterium diphteriae Doughty, C. C. Learned, G. R. Cost Scott, R. H. Costa Ricari fiction Rounda, R. S. Costume, Persian Kite, H . M . Cotton rat Keys, C. E. Cottontail ( R a b b i t ) . Copper Royer, D. J. Cornies, Johann See Corporations Corporations Baker, W. E. Brooks, W . A . Hobbs, J. B. Mickey, J. O. Newton, S. W. Thomas, A . E . See also Financial statements Correctional institutions, Kansas Palm, W . A . Corrosion, Electrolytic. See corrosion Corrosion and anti-corrosives Haydt, H . M . Nowlin, R. E. Koff, G. Y. Cooper, William Shields, K. D. Cooperative agriculture. See Agriculture. Cooperative Commonwealth Federation, Saskatchewan, Canada Core curriculum. Coronary arteries Kissil, D. See Rabbits Coumarim Kruse, C. W. Council Bluff's Jackson, C. E. Larson, L . W . Counseling Armatas, P. J. Bolton, B. R., Sr. Forbes, F . W . Gingerich, F. M. Graves, M, A. Hughes, M . E . Morehead, C. G. Pownall, J. E. Biley, G. D. Schillinger, R. C. Sneddon, M. S. Taral, N. L. Watson, E. P. See also Interviewing; Social case work Index Counseling of the blind Turkovich, M . M . County commissioners in Kansas Smith, R. A . , Jr. County government, Kansas R o b b , G. S. Smith, R. A . , Jr. County school system, Osage county, Kansas M c A d o o , R. E. Coin-not, Antoine Augustin Herd, G. D. Coxielia Burneti Myers, W . F , Crayfish Williams, A . B . Credit, United States Miller, H. L . , Jr. Credits, School. See School credits, Outside Work Cretacious period. See Geology, Stratigraphic, Cretaceous Crime and criminals Rexnple, H . D . Crinoidae, Fossil Lane, N. G. Cripples Stock, C. Crows IHatt, D . R . Crushing machinery Bowdish, F . W . Crustacea Fleming, R. C. Ponder, L . H . Pryor, C . W . Cryptostemmatidae Cytoplasm. See Protoplasm Czechoslovakia, Politics and government Brazda, J. J. Czechs in Kansas Ncmcova, B. D D D T (Insecticide) Casad, R. C. Dakota Indians Carter, E. R, Dancing Knight, J. L. Daumier, Honore-Victorin Hodgins, R. I. David, King of Israel Wilson, G. R. Deaf, Education Cozart, M. B. Downing, M. L. DcHavcn, F. M. Embrey, J. E. Neas, B. J. Sec also Children, Deaf; Vocational e d u cation Deaf, Employment Dancy, M. J. Deaf children. See Children, Deaf Deafness Callahan, F. E. Flint, R . W . See also Hearing Debates and debating Roev r, J. E. Debts, Public Beasley, K. E. Eberle, II. G. Treitel, T. C, Lnttin, J. D. Culture-contact* 177 See Acculturation Cupid Walmer, P, M. Curvature Gutzwiller, M. C. Curvuluria Brewster, M. S. Customs, Social DeForest, E . D . Cyanides Davis, P. Rose, M. N. Cylinders Wong, D. R. Cylinders in liquids, Heat transfer rates K i p p , J. E. Cytochemistry Schncchter, M . Decentralization in government Hincs, J. W. See also Public administration Decoration and ornament Reed, F. J. See also Carpets; Design; Jewelry; Mural painting and decoration Decorative design. Sec Design Deer Nash, D. J. Defective speech. See Speech, Disorders of Defender Magazine, Wichita, Kan. Buitrago, A. M. Defenders of the Christian Faith Buitrago, A. M. Deism Stockdale, W . A . Delinquency, Juvenile. See Juvenile d e linquency Subject 178 Delinquents, Education Hawkins, P, R. See also Juvenile delinquency; children Dickinson, Emily Marcus, Mordecai Problem Delinquents, Jackson County, M o . Mengel, I. F. Works, M. E. Die-casting, Repair Cooper, A. L. Delphacinae McDermott, B. T. Dielectrics Amdahl, L . D . Baumann, N. P. Beeler, J. R., Jr. Coffman, J. W. Feaster, G. R. Fisher, J. S. Moon, R. M., Jr. Prosser, F. W . , Jr. Rollins, F. R., Jr. Morgan, L. W. Deltas Odem, W. I. Deltocephalini Crowder, H. W. Democracy Jent, H. C, Jr. Sollner, W. J. Stewart, W . A . Denatured alcohol. Didelphidae W i l d , J. W. See Alcohol Denmark Rambusch, S. Wambsgans, M. D, Jacob son, II. L. Diets Department stores, Personnel Crook, V. E. Gibson, B. J. Dimethylglyoxime D erm atophy tes Dyck, M. G. Goyette, L. E. Watson, B. B. Desegregation, in education. tion in education Desertion, Military Dittmann, J. F. See Segrega- Welton, H. L. Design Kane, D. I. Taylor, C. See also Textile design Desmognatliidne Soler-Mari, E, I. See Cortieosterone Despotism Gagliardo, J. G. De Tabley, John Bryne Leicester Warren, Baron Cordonnier, M. E. Devonian period. See Geology, Strati graphic, Devonian Dewey, John Estrada, J. P. Dia zo-compounds Krska, M. J. Dickens, Charles Carter, R. N. Dawlixrgs, J. M. Tale of Two Cities Annis, R . W . The Pickwick Papers Daruwalla, M. N. Harold, L . W . Diet in disease Dewey, E. II. Dentistry, Psychological aspects Desoxycorticosterone. Dies (Plastics) Diphtheria Doughty, C. C. Guardiola, A. L. Learned, G. R. Dipicryl amine Lee, G. M . Diptera. See families: Muscidae; Psilidae; Stratiomyidae; Sea also Flies; and species Drosophila mclanogaster Disabled, See Handicapped; Handicapped children Disarmament Christensen, H. C. Disaster relief Redding, J. G. Smart, D. C. Discrimination in employment, Kansas Rusco, E. R. Diseases, Chronic Patterson, C. M. Disorders of speech. orders of See Speech, D i s - Dispersion analysis. mination See Particle size deter- Displaced persons ( W o r l d W a r , 1 9 3 9 - 1 9 4 5 ) . See World War, 1939-1945 Dissociation Margrave, J. L. Milne, T. A. Wheatley, Q. de L. Index Distance geometry Hartnett, W. E. Panitchpakdi, P. Distillation Green, K. J. Hughes, H. K. Dutch elm diseases, Ferguson, Mo. Arnold, J. D. Dwellings, United States Yeh, C. C See also Farmhouses Dyes and dyeing Dog diseases Hardin, C. A. Smith, R. F. Ellsworth, E. S. Dynamics, Topological Dogs Hillmer, N. R. Kirk, J. S. Robinson, R, I-.. Wenger, N. E. Brown, H. D. I )ynamos Alexander, W. R. Smith, R. K. E Earth satellite. See Space stations White, R. P. Dolerotheca, Kansas Morris, J. E, Dorner, Alexander Lilley, A. B, Dostoevski!, Fedor Mikhailovich Crayne de Rincones, P. A. Double stars, 179 See Stars Douglas, William O. Kemish, R. II. Douglas County, Kansas, Politics and government Budke, M. A. Drama De Forest, E. D. Dinnecn, D. A. Loganbill, G. B. Ross, A. Shay, T. M. Sherwood, J. M. Sollner, W. J. See also American drama; Children's plays; Comedy; Folk-drnma, American; Theater Dramatists GrofF, E. B. Sollner, W. J. Drapery Allen, J. S. Drawings Orton, D. E. Drill and minor tactics Duncan, C. II. Drill taps Hargiss, W. C. Drink question, Sec Lirpior problem, Kansas Drosophila melanogaster Hunter, P. E. Drum Moore, J. H. Dubamel, Georges, Et (Usert de Bi6vres Maz6, J. East Africa. Sec Africa, East East (Far East), Politics and government ScritchBeld, F. C. East Indians, Social life and customs Spencer, F. W. Echimyidae Mooj'en de Olivcira, I. Eclipses Talley, R. L. Ecology Lathrop, E. W. McGregor, R. L. See also Human ecology Economic assistance Tomari, S. Tunccr, M. B. Economic development Gerakis, A. A. Panayotopoulos, P. C. Tyagnrajan, M. See also Saving and investmentEconomic planning. Sec Russia; U* S. Pol icies Economics Gross, N, Herd, G. D. Houghton, G, D. Robertson, R, M, Smith, V. L. Wcltmer, W. K. Education Butler, L. B. Clothier, G. M. Coan, C. Colver, V. E. Cooling, M. E. Gazda, J. M. Harder, R. C. Houghton, G. D. Knox, C. S. Kullstedt, E. V. McAnarney, II. E. MeEackcn, H. D. Subject 180 Martinez, J, P. Strowing, K. W. Wood, D. E. Yeokum, C. F. See also Business, Education; Child study; Examinations; High schools; Physical education and training; Public schools; Students; Teachers; Teaching; Universities and colleges —Foreign countries Nelson, J. M. Ramaseshan, P. H. Weitzer, S. J. —Kansas Houghton, G. D. Knox, C. S. Knudson, B. J. Lynch, J. D. Overstreet, L. D, Plath, E. C. Ridgway, R. W. Riley, R. R. Eisenhower, Dwight David, President of United States, 1 8 9 0 Zuegner, C. W. El Dorado, Kan. Streets Horn, H. E. Elasticity Barenberg, E. J. Garrison, W. R. Rowland, R. F. —Psychology. See Educational psychology —Research. See also Ability, Testing; Character tests; Examinations; Grading and marking (Students); Mental tests Effective mass concept. See Mass concept, Effective Efficiency, Industrial Pack, L. See Educational research —Scientific. Sec Science —Societies Electrets Amdahl, L . D . Baumann, N. P. Beeler, J. R., Jr. Coffman, J. W. Feaster, G. R. Fisher, J. S. Moon, R. M., Jr. Wild, J. W. Rollins, F. R., Jr. Electric cables Montgomery, II. R. Wolfe, B. W. Electric charge and distribution —Vocational. See Vocational education Education of adults Graves, P. B. Nelson, J. M. Raines, S. E. Prosser, F. W . , Jr. Electric circuits Beck, C. H. Brown, R. S. Jordon, E. L. Mandelkehr, M. M. Robb, D . D . Royer, II. L. Education of children Glasse, C. A . , Jr. Isaacson, L. E. Ladd, C. E. Thurnau, D. H. Education of the blind. See Blind Education of the deaf. See Deaf, Education Educational guidance. See Personnel serv- ice in education Educational law and legislation, Kansas Beninga, M. E. Educational psychology Bigge, M. L. Clothier, G. M. Estrada, J. P. See also Apperception; Attention; Child study; Learning, Psychology of; Perception Educational research, Kansas Bolton, M. R., Sr. Educational sociology Bishop, F. M. Educational tests and measurements Forbes, F . W . Kullstedt, E. V. Electric conductivity Delord, J. F. McAneny, L. R. Paulussen, H-O Talley, H. E. Electric contactors Cottom, M. C. Stewart, W. R. Electric filters Clement, P. R. Goodwyn, T, A., Jr. Electric generators. See Dynamos Electric industries, Kansas Merrill, K. E. Electric lines Atchison, D. P. North, J. W. Electric measurements Shrift, D. C. Electric meters Kloepper, R. M. Electric motors, Synchronous Clung, G. E. Index Electric networks G o o d w y n , T. A , , Jr. Robb, D. D. Electric power industry. See Electric utilities Electric power plants Chronister, I. G. Gibson, A . W . Sheppard, H< R. Stewart, W. R. Electric power transmission. Sec Electric lines Electric resistance Hicks, G. T. Ott, P. W . Electric resistors Robb, D. D. Electric shock Thompson, W. D . , Jr. Electric utilities Campbell, R . W . McBride, R. C. Taylor, C. C. Electric waves Martin, E. J., Jr. See also Radio waves Electric welding Baker, J. N. Electro-acoustics Curtain, E. L. Electrocardiography Kissil, D. Electrochemistry Dittnuum, J. F. McElroy, A . D . Electrolytic corrosion Hnydt, H. M. Electrolytic oxidation. Set-' Oxidation, E l e c trolytic Electrolytic reduction. Sec Reduction, Electrolytic Electrolytes Meyer, N. J. Electromagnet ism Paulussen, H - O . Electrometer Hubbard, R . W . Electron beans Byers, D. II. Electronic apparatus and appliances Potter, R. R. Rummer, D. I. Electronic calculating machines Bryant, T . D . Chronister, I. G. Foster, C. V. Rummer, D. I, Shirley, J. M. 181 Electronic control Alexander, W. R. Electronic data processing Foster, T. A. Electronic pulse techniques techniques. See Pulse (Electronics) Electronics Hoefer, W. G. See also Pulse techniques (Electronics) Electrons Ginn, J. L. Grilling, G . W . Electrostatics Alexander, W. R, Byers, D . H . Mandelkehr, M. M. Skeen, C. H. Smith, R. K. Eliot, George Sollncr, W. J. —Silas Marncr Annis, R . W . Elm, Diseases and pests Kramer, C. L. Embryology, Birds Pileggi, F. A. Reynaud, R. L. Templcton, M. Embryology, Fishes Winblad, J. N. Emetine Bithos, Z. J. Hazlett, R. N. Mehta, N. B. Popp, F . D . Williams, J. A. Enimigration and immigration, Georgia Kjar, R. W. Emotions Leventhal, T. Lubach, J. E. Wilson, V . M . Empathy Smitherman, D . W . See also Attitude ( P s y c h o l o g y ) ; psychology Employee absenteeism. (Labor) See Social Absenteeism Employee counseling Tompkins, W . L . See also Personnel management Employee ownership Hobbs, J. B. Employees, Bating of Pack, L. See also Ability, Testing; Teachers Subject 182 Employment Heisner, H, F. Enzyme lipase Frederick, D . B . Sec also Age and employment; Woman Emporia, Kansas Davidson, J. Lovelace, R. A. Encephalomyelitis Amchmxen, R. E. Jensen, K, E, Endocrinology Owens, R. H. Endospores Loebeck, M. E. Endurance, Physical. See Physical fitness Energy, See Force and energy Enforcement of law. See L n w enforcement Engineering, Study and teaching Cole, G. A. Johnson, C. A. Engines Thiele, J. R. English drama ( C o m e d y ) BiUtaglia, M. J. English fiction Brown, R. C. English hymns. See Hymns, English English language Lingo, H. F. Simpson, L. E. StiMing, O. Wagner, C. E. Epilepsy Brown, W . H . Epinephrine. Woellncr, A. L. Snuer, H. A. —Textbooks Longfellow, A, K. Morris, T. F. Phillips, J. A. English literature Baskett, B. L. Biery, H. B. Bowman, A. E. Walmer, P. M. English poetry, Elizabethan period Bates, P. A. See Sermons, English Engraving Hughes, E. E. See also Etching. Entrepreneurship Tyngarajan, M. Sec Adrenalin Epoxides Adams, B. M. Conrad, W. E. Heisler, R. Y, Russell, R. R. Waters, R. C. Equisetum luevigatum Hnrtman, E. L. Erebia Ehrlich, P. R. Ernst, Paul Klein, U. Erythronium albidum Ireland, R. R., Jr. Escherichia coli Cridhmd, P. J. Fleming, L. W. Gleason, S. G. Hausler, W, J., Jr. List, B. L. Long, K. R. Roth, E. S. Estate tax. —Study and teaching Boskett, B. L. Davidson, G. E. Harvey, B. L. Keltcher, O. W. King, I. C. Knudson, B. J. English sermons. Enzymes See Inheritance and transfer tax Estates ( L a w ) , Kansas Pinet, F. S. Esters Adams, R. M. Estrogens Durden, J. A., Jr. Estrous cycle. See Estrus Estrus Chapman, A. O. Etching Waller, A. B. Ill See also A c i d etching Ethers Dahlgard, M. Shen, K. P. Ethics Dcwcy, H. S. Ethnopsychology Magner, R. Ethylene Gilliland, E. M. Ethylene oxide, Hydration Davis, P. C. Graham, W . A . Straube, M. D. Von Waaden, C. E. Index Ethylene oxides 183 Ethylene sulfides Alsup, R . G . Euclid's elements Irwin, J. M. Family and children's Service, Inc., Kansas City, Kan. Hager, Richard McCoy, J. C, Jr. Moranz, N. J, Neal, A. R. Europe, Description and travel 11 call, K. E. Family case work. Fuchs, R. Examinations Bell, J. O. Burke, N. F. Butler, W. H. Chenoweth, J. B. Crow, A. B. Gaston, G. I. Harder, D . F . See also Educational tests and measurements Exceptional children Glasse, C A . , Jr. Paden, W . H . Page, T. C. Stock, C. See also Gifted children; Handicapped children Excess profits tax Newton, S . W . Exchange control. See Foreign exchange, Law Excise tax Rooda, J. G. E. Exercise Holmer, R . M . McMullen, R . E . Sehnehel, W . G . Unruh, O . D . See also Physicnl education and training; Physical fitness Exhibitions V o o s , W. J. Explosions in mines. See Mine explosions Extraction ( C h e m i s t r y ) Hughes, H . E . See also Solution (Chemistry) Extrusion (Plastics) Harold, L . W . F Factors. See Commission merchants Fair Employment Practices Bill Rusco, E. R. Fairy tales Belts, M . A . Family Valentine, J. F. Wilkinson, E. L. See also Children; Foster day care; Foster home c a r e ; Parent and child; Social case work; Sociology; W o m a n Shea, R. E. See Social case work Family Service Association of America Reed, V . M . Reynolds, M. M. Family Service of Kansas City, M o . Abbott, D. J. Hale, M. N. Haynes, O. L. K. Latimer, M. E. Loevenguth, O. P., Jr. Majors, J. R. Martin, P. H. Pilcher, D . M . Reed, C. Shanline, R. D. Singer, F. L, Snow, L . A . Weaver, F. H. Family social work. Fanuiinae Chillcott, J. G. See Social case work Fans, Meehanieal Monday, W . C . Farm laborers. See Agricultural laborers Farmers, Washington, Adams County Heller, C. F„ Jr. Farmhouses, Missouri Thomas, B. L, Farms Dillingham, H. L. Hodgkins, J. A. Fasciola Hcpatiea Hobson, M . E . Faulkner, Harold U n d e r w o o d . can Way of Life The Ameri- Poor, C . W . Faulkner, William Nesselhof, J. M. Fauna. See Zoology Feces, Analysis Smith, C. F. Spoelstra, J. Federal income tax. See Income tax Ferguson, M o . Arnold, J. D. Mitchell, R. R. Fernan de Moratin, Leandro. Leandro Fernandez de Fibroplasia, Retrolental. fibroplasia See See Moratin, Retrolental Subject 184 Field mice Anderson, S. Martin, E. P. Fielding, Henry. T o m Jones Sugawa, S. Fijians, Social life and customs Spencer, F. W. Files and filing (Documents) Moss, C. W. Film music. See Moving-picture music Films, Metallic. Sec Metallic films Filter fabrics, Permeability Hoover, R. M. Filtration Robatel, M. M. Valleroy, V. V, Finance Kalambolcidis, E. N. Miller, G. H., Jr. Smith, R. A., Jr. Treitel, T. C. Watkins, X. C. See also Debts, Public; Municipal finance Financial statements Lewis, 11. K. Finland, Foreign relations. United States Tomari, S. First aid in illness and injury Sloop, M. E. Fishery law and legislation, United States Binder, J. Fishes Metcalf, A. Wilson, W . D . See also Catfishes; Crayfish Fitzgerald, Edward Duree, B. J. Fixations (Psychology ) Hiding, M . D . Pursley, T. L. SchUnpflug, W. Flame arrestors Brizendine, J. C, Jr. Flavanoids Rosenberg, P. Flavoring essences Lathrop, L. B. Fleas Elbel, R. E. Flies Baker, F. D. Greenberg, B. Haines, T . W . Hanson, W. J. Hunter, P. E. See also Lantern fly Floods, Kansas Taylor, J. A. Floor coverings. Flora. See Carpets; Rugs Sec Botany Florence Home, Kansas City, Mo. Majors, J. R. Flourescent compounds Cunniek, C. C. Riggs, J. L. Von Bockelmann, B. Flow measurement. See Flow meters Flow meters Evans, F. P. Niedermann, E. A. Flow of gas. See Gas flow Fluid dynamics Karagoz, B. Y. Miller, R. P. Price, H. A. Fluid mechanics Stevenson, E. K., Jr. Fluids Clarke, G. F. Karagoz, B. Y. Price, H. A. Wilson, J. R. Fluorine Milne, T. A. Fluorine compounds Hill, H. J. Fluorine organic compounds Ferm, R. L. Hnrt, C. A. Heisler, R. Y. Helin, A. F. Lindenstruth, A. F. Minor, J. T. Svcinbjornsson, A. G. Folk-drama, American Groff, E. B. Folk-lore, Costa Rican Rounda, R. S. Folk-plays. See Folk-drama Folk songs Horacek, L. Russell, R. E. Tack, M. P. See also Ballads; Folk-lore Fontainebleau Terrill, C. J. Food Good, W. E. Styrt, L. S. Football French, C. N. Peters, R. L. Index P i s k o t y , R. S. R o s c n f i o l d , R. J. T o m l i n s o n , R. K. French horn. See Horn ment ) French in Kansas Forauiinifcra, Fossil Pe, N . T . T a r t a m e l l a , N. J, Zeller, E. J. U m h o l t z , R- C. F o r d y c e ' s D e p e n d e n c y array Tiffany, D . W . F o r e i g n exchange, L a w K o h l i k , J. Sec Students F o r e n s i c orations Shearer, A. K. Forests a n d forestry, United States Baker, D. P. Fossils. Foster See Paleontology care, Institutional. See Children, Institutional care Foster d a y care, Kansas City, M o . Pratt, B . M . Foster h o m o care Gullerud, E. N. H a y n e s , O. L. K. Jones, L . L . MnTTenry, M. J. F. Webb, M. See also Adoption; Children, Adopted; C h i l d r e n , Institutional care; Foster day care Foundations A r g a b r i g h t , L. N. N e l s o n , J. A. Silverman, A. J. Founding Instru- " F r e o n - 2 2 ' \ Compressibility factors Suptic, J. M. Frequency control by magnetic circuit elements Jordon, E. L. Frequency modulation, Radio. See Radio frequency modulation Frequency standard Hoefer, W. G. Fresh-water flora Anderson, R. G. Fresh-water mussels. See Mussels, Freshwater Frias, Heriberto Ragsdale, H, W. Friction Harold, L . W . Wagner, T. O. Fringillidae Stallcup, W. B., Jr. Frontier and pioneer life, Kansas Black, E. F. Frustration Gudeman, H. E. Reed, M. C. Fry, Christopher Schcar, B. L. SoIIner, W. J. —The Lady's not for burning Rea, T. P. Fuel trade Good, W . E . See also Coal trade N e l s o n , J. A. Fulgoridae McDermott, B. T. F o u r i e r series L a r k i n , J. R. Morgan, L. W. W o l f e , F. L. France Clinch, V. C. F. C o n n e l l y , J. L., Jr. D o t y , C. S. V i g n e r y , J. R. F r a n k l i n , Benjamin V a n Scyoc, L. L. Franklin, Benjamin. (Musical Hughes, H. L. F o r c e a n d energy F o r e i g n students. 185 Academy Bunch, G. A. F r e e t r a d e and protection K o h l i k , J. F r e e m a n , Mrs. Mary Eleanor (Wilkins) Ross, L. H. F r e i g h t and freightage, Classification Morton, V. M. Functions Hsu, K - C . McLachlan, E. K. Moore, W. K. Namioka, I. Nance, E. J. Riley, J. D. Rolfs, H. G. Functions, Abelian Maek, G. Fungicides Broekmeyer, E. W. Funicular curves Barenberg, E. J. Funston, Edward Hogue Corey, L. A. Subject 186 Furniture industry nnd trade Raymond, R. S., Jr. Fusulinidae, Fossil Peltier, E. J. Van Sant, J. F. G Gald6s, Benito, See Perez Galdos, Benito Gallegos, Rormdo. Novels Markham, V. Galvanic skin response Shrift, D. C. Gamma rays Bergen, D . W . Brioe, D. K. Corman, E. G. Gilbert, L. O. Glass, W. A. Kunz, W . F . Moore, R. A. Prosser, F. W . , Jr. Smith, R. B. Teener, J. W. Woods, J. A. See also Badiation; X-rays Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Bock, R. L. Hallman, H. W. Smith, G. C. Garages (Municipal) Baker, R. Garcia Lorca, Federico Baca, J. E. Garden City, Kan. Nelson, L. Garnier, Robert Dinneen, D. A. Gas, Natural Brinkman, F. H. De Campos, D. S. Gas and oil engines Keller, G. R. Gas flow Lapple, W . C . Gas-pipes, Vibration Holben, C. D. Sells, J. C. Gas turbines Sutton, F. M. Gases Bebrmann, W. C. Churchill, D. R., Jr. De Campos, D. S. Faris, J. E. Gooding, E. O. Harding, W. B. Luft, L. Reed, R. L. Stanclift, R. J., Jr. See also Gas flow Gasteropoda Fairbanks, L. D. Miles, C. D. Squires, D. F. Yoehelson, E. L. Gastric juice Kittle, C. F. Gastropoda. See Gasteropoda Gaul, History Bildcrback, D. L. Geiger-Muller counters Muckenthaler, F. J. Taylor, G. M. Gelastocoridac Todd, E. L. Geochemical prospecting Harbaugh, J. W. Geochemistry, Kansas Dubins, M. I. Geography, Laboratory manuals Edmonds, L. B. Geological time Angino, E. E. Geology —Arkansas Wilbcrt, L. J., Jr. —British Columbia Brown, W . L . Grey, C. E. Lewis, P. J. MeBee, W . , Jr. Spreng, A. C. Stoneburner, R. W. •—Colorado Asyuith, D. O. Bates, W. E. Beu, R. D . Bishop, S. W. Franks, P. C. Gwinn, B. W. Hager, G. G. Haynes, E. II. Mann, C. J. Martin, C. A., Jr. Merriam, D. F. Self, E. M. —Economic Ives, W . , Jr. King, R. H. See also Coal; Petroleum —Kansas Ball, M. M. Ball, S. M. Beck, II. V. Bigelow, N., Jr. Index Carlson, W. A. Dufiord, A. E. Fairchild, P. W. Hattin, D. E. Hodson, W. G. L a m e r s o n , P. P. Litis, T. W. M c G r e g o r , D. J. McLaren, D. B. McManus, D. A. Mcttler, D. E. Purrington, W . E . R e y n o l d s , J. R. Sanders, D. T. S c h u l t e , G. S. S i l e r , J. C. W i n c h c l l , R. L. —Mississippi A r p e r , W . B., Jr. —Montana D o u g l a s s , M. H. •—Nevada Hilpman, P. L. Holland, B. D. — N e w Mexico M i l l e r , R. R. V a n Sant, J. F. — N o v a Scotia Klein, G. D. —Oklahoma Norris, R. P. —Stratigraphic B i g c l o w , N., Jr. Brown, W. G. C o n k i n , J. E. D a Bar, J. R. Eastwood, W. P. I l i c k o x , J. E. H o w e , W. B. Klnpper, G. J. I-iamerson, R. R. L a n e , N. G. L a u g h l i n , D. J. L n u k e l , G. C. Lins, T. W. McCrae, R. D. McLaren, D. B. Richards, H. G. U n d e r w o o d , P., Jr. Zeller, E. J. Zinser, R . W . —Stratigraphic, Cambrian Nicholas, R. L. Siler, J. C. See alio Geology, Stratigraphic, Paleozoic Cenozoic Miller, R. R. See also G e o l o g y , Stratigraphic, Quaternary; Geology, Stratigraphic, Tertiary 187 —Stratigraphic, Cretaceous Miller, H. W . , Jr. —Stratigraphic, Devonian MeBee, W . , Jr. Thorsteinson, R. —Stratigraphic, Jurassic Wilson, J. C. —Stratigraphic, Lower Carboniferous. See Geology, Stratigraphic, Ordovician; Geology, Stratigraphic, Mississippian —Stratigraphic, Miocene Nash, D. J. —Stratigraphic, Mississippian Chakravorty, S. K. Fisher, W. L. Grey, C. E. Spreng, A. C, Stocker, G. R. Stoneburner, R. W. •—Stratigraphic, Missourian Eastwood, W. P. Koenig, J. W. —Stratigraphic, Ordovician Siler, J. C. Yochelson, E. L. —Stratigraphic, Paleozoic Kleihege, B. W. —Stratigraphic, Pennsylvanian Gwinn, B. W. Hager, G. G. Laughlin, D. J. Laukel, Q. C. McManus, D . A . McMillian, N. J. Purrington, W. E. Squires, D. F. Wahrhaftig, L. —Stratigraphic, Permian Bigelow, N., Jr. Hattin, D. E. King, R. H. Lane, N. G. —Stratigraphic, Pleistocene Brown, W. L. Sloanaker, C. J. —Stratigraphic, Quaternary Carlson, W. A. Davis, S. N. Dufford, A. E. See also Geology, Stratigraphic, Pleistocene —Stratigraphic, Silurian Thorsteinson, R. —Stratigraphic, Tertiary Galbreath, E. C. Merriam, D. F. —Stratigraphic, Triassic Klein, G. D. Subject 188 Gide, Andre Paul Guillaurne FaTagher, M. J. —Structural Asquith, D. O. Beu, R. D . Kelly, J. M. Padgham, J, B. Sloanaker, C. J. Gifted children Cleavinger, C. R. Lafferty, C. W. Parsons, I, F. Seymour, V. See also Children as artists; Children musicians Gipsies Underwood, P., Jr. •—Texas Arper, W. B., Jr. Boker, T. A. Kleihege, B. W. Bowman, A. E. —Utah Giraudoux, Jean Chapman, J. S. Grigshy, J. L., Jr. —Virginia Girders Ansari, M, A. Garrison, W. R. Nicholas, R. L. —Wyoming King, R. H. Lamb, R. C, Jr. Recmist, N. N. Ryther, T. E. Wilkerson, C, Jr. Glucose DeLaney, J. C. Jenson, R. L. Zajic, W. E. Glutamic acid Geometry —Differential, Projective Coyne, L. Fisher, R. C. Thompson, W. D . , Jr. Ghitamohydroxamic acid Akagi, J. M. Glycogen Janosky, I. D. McCormick, T. Kneale, S. G. —Modern Jones, G. V. Thompson, R. H, Wagner, M. C. Templeton, M. Glycols Donahoe, H, B. Welch, M. G. —Projective Benson, V. E. Boyer, D. J. Hollingsworth, B. J. Hoover, N. C. —Projective, Differential. Differential, Glycolysis Hill, R. L. Glyclosides Siegel, I. A. See Geometry, Projective Geomorphology. See Geology, Structural; Physical geography Georgia, History. Colonial period Geriatrics Neuman, B. Stewart, D. C. Gold Coast. See Ghana Gonzalez de Eslava, Fernan. 16th Century Harris, L. D. Kansas German language, Textbooks Buller, B. R. German literature, 20th Century Vigliano, H. K. Germany Homan, G . D . Kappelman, G, L. Rambusch, S. Gestation. Godwin, William Goodland, Kan. Population Kingsbury, P. R. Gophers. See Pocket gophers; Squirrels, Kjar, R . W . Gerontology. as See Aged See Pregnancy Ghana Berry, D. J. Patterson, E. P.. II Gosudarstvenny Bauk Judy, R. W. Government centralization. See Decentralization in government Government employees. See U. S., G o v ernment agencies Government ownership Button, J. B. Eberhardt, J. L. Grading and marking {Students) Barkis, B. J. Hanson, M. F. Jeffress, J. A. Index King, I. C. Koontz, D . Grafting of skin. See Skin-grafting Growth Borland, J. K. Cox, M . G. Guatemalan fiction Gram trade Johnson, D . D . Davis, H. R. Graphic arts. 189 See Engraving; Painting; Graphic methods Voegele, E. B. Grasses, Kansas Hetzer, W . A . Grasshoppers W a l l n c e , H. S. Elconde Alarcos Chamberlin, V . A . Great Britain Berry, D. J. Button, J. B. Cougblin, R. L. Judy, R . D . Sinclair, K. I. Y o u n g , C. R. Guinea pigs Antliff, H. R. Atchison, R. W. Becker, R. E. Ford, D. H. Grunt, J. A. Hoar, R. M. Jakway, J. S. MacNair, M. Peterson, R. R. Webster, R. C. Valenstein, E. S. Gums and resins, Synthetic Lowen, W. K. Gymnastics Kyle, M . D . See also Television broadcasting. Gynecology Newman, R. L. Greca, Alcides Gypsum Fairchild, P. W. McGregor, D. J. Wilson, J. C. Taxacher, E. C. Greece Gernkis, A . A . Greek letter societies H Parker, M. B. Green, Patil Groff, E. B. Grignard reagents Glazier, R. H. Grimm, Jakob L u d w i g Karl. Kinder und Ilausmurchen Beltz, M . A . Grinding and polishing Eowdish, F . W . Grocery trade, Lawrence, Kan. Levy, M. A. Adams, E. Y. Grouping by Ability. Habit Gullahorn, J. E. Kintsch, W . Hakluyt, Richard Tangari, A. J. Halictidae Cross, E. A„ Jr. Halides Clark, R. J. Stewart, C. A., Jr. See also Allyl halides; Aryl halides; Benzyl halides Group therapy Group work, Social. See Personnel service in education Printing, Practical Grau, Jacinto. Guidance, Student. See Social group work See Ability Groups, Social. See Social groups Groups, Theory of Boyer, D . L . Crouch, R. B. Dewey, D. G. Holmes, C. V. Ladner, G . A . Lake, K. E. Montgomery, K. L. Walker, E . A . Halogens Bechtle, G. F. Kruger, L. H. Lewis, I. C. Hamsters Mauldin, J. N. Whitmire, C. E. Hand weaving Schwartz, A. M. See also Handicraft; W e a v i n g Handicapped Amundson, H. L. R. Jones, E . W . Subject 190 Heat, Conduction Hansen, E. P. Taylor, H. E. Thalmann, R. E. Newton, M. R. See also Delinquents —Children Bruning, H. I. Daucy, M. J. Eaton, W. J. Fort, B. D. Houchins, B. R* Isern, B. Jones, E, W. Kinkade, I. L. Kirkpatrick, M. B. Krantz, B. B. Newton, M. R. Novotny, L. L. O'Sullivan, M. M. Ridgway, R. W. Smith, J. N. Stock, C. Heat pumps Shea, R. J. Heat transmission Kipp, J. E. Love, T. J., Jr. Maiden, E. E. Heater design Maiden, E. E. Heaters, Water Shea, R. J. Heating Maiden, E. E. Heats of Vaporization See also Rehabilitation Richardson, P. J. Handicraft Davis, H. B. Gudgen, M. G. Newman, D , Hebbel, Friedrich Grigsby, J. L., Jr. Helianthus armuus Harlow, Ralph Volney. Story of America Harper County, Kan. History Linn, V . M . Hartford, Kan. Politics and government Shcrbenow, E. L. Harvey, James Madison Knauer, D . D . Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kan. Ayers, S. G. Gray, W . W . Lancaster, B. C. White, J. E. Hausman, Alfred Edward Prieb, W. J. Hawthorne, Nathaniel Meredith, G. U. Zeller, M. A. —Blithedale Romance Maze, J. Health education Bale, L. J. Hobson, D. T. Hearing Blea, W . A . Callahan, F. E. Terr, M. A. See also Deafness Heart Blerbaum, M. A. Kapoor, S. R. Keplinger, M. L. Heart, Diseases Deutscher, V. G. Ungar, I, A. Helicopters, Stability. Dowhower, E. See Stability of helicopters Helium Wackerle, J. Helminthosporium gramineum Showalter, W . V . Helminths Heck, O. B., Jr. Hemagglutination. See Blood Hemagglutinin Altenbernd, E. C. Learned, G. R. See also Agglutinins; Blood; Immunity Hemingway, Ernest Am ell, Karin Hemiptera. See Families: Corixidaa; C r y p tostemmatidae; Gelastocoridae; H y d r o metridae; Mesoveliidae; Notonectidae; Saldidae; Veliidae Hemopoietic organs Brown, J. W. Henry, Stuart Oliver Chamberlain, D. M. Heparin White, R. P. Hepaticae McGregor, R. L. Herbridae Porter, T. W. Heredity Valenstein, E. S. Herpes simplex Terrill, R. S. Index Hesse, H e r m a n n Duroche, L. L. Hesston C o l l e g e and Bible School, Hesston, Kan. Terss, R. IT. Heteroptera Marks, E. P. 'i'itsworth, E. L. •—Kansas Barnes, G . V . Baskett, B. L. Boucher, E. J. L. Butler, L. B. Charles, R. L. Coats, B . W . Davidson, A. F. Fite, X . A . Forman, J . W . Geoffroy, X . W . Gerber, C . E . Graves, M . A . Hanson, F . N . Hinde, T . R . Howard, W. R. Knox, C. S. Koontz, M . D . Kullstedt, E . V . McMurray, W . H . Myers, W . E . Nelson, A . L . —Junior. See Junior high schools High seas, Jurisdicition over. See Maritime law Histology Hobson, M. E. Histoplusma capsulatum Myers, W . F . Pileggi, F. A. Hitler, Adolf Gust, X. Hobbs Medical Group, H o b b s , New Mexico Wilson, A . H . Hofanannstbal, H u g o von. Ariadne auf NaxosKlein, U. Heterotheoa W a g e n k n e c h t , B. L. Hexahydrogallio acid Bithos, Z. J. High Schools Alnutt, J. C. Church, E . W . Gnston, G. I. Gnzdn, J. M. Jester, J. F., Jr. Merrill, B . H . Mills, C . P . Morehead, J. X. Stephenson, J. R. Peterson, W . E . Samuelson, E. V. Schwartz, M. L. Simpson, L. E. Stark, M. B. Holsingcr, J. G. Heterocyclic c o m p o u n d s Breed, L . W . Cantor, P . A . Davis, P. G o o d r i c h , J. E. Grier, J. S. Hall, L. A. 11. Kruse, C . W . Melons, B . A . Miller, F. Miller, M. K. Fodrebarac, E . G . Stewart, J. J. High school libraries. 191 H o m e economics Gray, W . W . Ramaseshan, P. H. See School libraries Homoptera. See Families: Cicadellidae; Fulgoridae; Membracidae Honesty Mason, J. G. Hoover, Herbert Clark, President of the United States 1874Hawley, E . W . Hormones Antliff, H. R. Scarborough, H . C , Jr. Valenstein, E. S. Horn (Musical instrument) Goodwin, C. G. Horned lizards Reeve, W . L . Hospital social work. See Medical social work Hospitals, Military Kliwer, J. P. Hospitals, Nurses. See Hospitals, Staff; Nurses and nursing Hospitals, Staff Scott, W . R . Hot water heating Shea, R. J. Housing Gibson, H . W . Nystrom, E . A . M . Yeh, C. C. Human anatomy. See Anatomy, Human Human arm. Movements in industry Rives, J. J. Subject 192 Hypnotism Human behavior Deeble, C. T. Dickinan, H. R. Ehrenreich, G. A. Esch, J. Gardner, R. W. Jordan, N. Marrs, C. L. Runyon, K. E. Sallee, E. E„ Jr. Rciff, R. Hypothermia Kapoor, S. R. Robinson, R. L. I Ictalurus Harms, C. E. Ideals (Psychology) Scott, E. D. Wertheimer, L. Human ecology Dyck, A. J. Koppc, W. A. Schoggen, P. H. Human relations. Ikat Ellsworth, E. S. II Progresso Italo-Americano See Interpersonal relations Humidification and dehumidification Faris, J. E. See also Unmarried mothers Stanclift, R. J., Jr. Illusions, Optical Humorists, American Lamb, J. P. Hutchinson, Kan. Gish, L. L. Huxley, Aldous Leonard Davis, R. M. —Brave Ncto World McKeon, A. F. Hydi'azoic acid Conrad, W. E. Hydrins Kruger, L. H. Lewis, I. C. Hydrocarbons Elliott, I. W„ Jr. Hydrocermalus Cooper, J. R. Hydro-electric plants. Traldi, G. A. Illegitimacy Baker, C. S. See Water-power electric plants Hydrogen Davis, P. Hydrogenation Elliott, I. W . , Jr. Hydrometra martini Sprague, I. B. Hydrometridae Myehajliw, S. See also Hydrometra martini Hymenoptera Wille, A. See also Families: Apidae; Colletidae; Halictidae; Megachilidae Hymns, English Shields, K. D. Hyperboloid Wang, T-S. Hypertension Beckloff, G. N. Walker, T. P. Illustrated books. Children's Bowers, P. H. Imagination Sobol, R. Immigrants. See Emigration and immigration Immunity Hendrix, L. E. McCamish, J. Marquis, G. S., Jr. Imperialism Kittrie, N. K. Inelan, Ramon del Valle. Ram6n del Income Khare, C. P. Nissau, A. Reisner, H. F. Weltmer, W. K. Zickefoose, P. W. Income tax Gulick, D . W . Huntington, V. R. Messamer, J. H. Moutsanides, D. T. Rooda, J. G. E. Sturgeon, II. L. Weatherwax, J. T, India Bock, R. L. Hallman, H . W . Judy, R. D. Smith, G. C. Indian children (American) Ladd, C. E. Rupiper, O. J. Wheeler, A. Z. See Vallc-Inclan, Index Indian Hound Table Conference, London, Nov. 1 2 , 1930-Jan. 19, 1931 Smith, C. C. Indians, East. See East Indians Indians, Treatment of. United States Carter, E. It. Johnson, K. W. Clark, R. J. Kaplan, S. D. Individualism Stewart, W . A . See Arbitration, Industrial Industrial arts, Study and teaching Nelson, II. F. Industrial buildings, Kansas Wargcr, A . E . Industrial efficiency. See Efficiency, Industrial See Exhibitions Reorganization Bonnavaud, P. H, Industrial safely Hanson, C. N. Industrial workers of the World Dully, R. E. Industries, Operating conditions Rives, J. P. Infants (Premature) Baxter, I I . S. Infinite processes. See Processes, Infinite Inflation ( F i n a n c e ) Iran Vaqar, N . Influenza Altenbernd, E. C. Hausler, W. J., Jr. Taylor, G. C. Taylor, M. J. White, L . A . 7—6699 Sec Spectrum, Infra-red Inheritance and transfer tax Long, J. B. Injections, Intraperitoneal Bingham, H. G. Brown, J. W. Comer, R. D. Injuries from sports. and See Sports, Accidents injuries Inorganic technology. Sec Technology, Inorganic Insecticides Bean, C. T., Jr. Hall, L. A. R. Installment plan, Kansas Sargent, S. P. Instrumental music Ferguson, H. T. Roper, B. T. Sobrieski, V, C. Van Landingham, N. P. Individuality Industrial Brown, 11. S. Infra-red Spectrum. Inhibition Lanfried, D. E. Indians of North America Ensing, J. Kelly, C. G. Ladd, C. E. Lamm, C. A. Lancaster, B. C. M c B u o r y , C. B. Bangnekar, S. S. Richards, R. L. W h i t e , J. E. Wilson, E. B. Sea also Apache Indians; Comanche Indians; Dakota Indians; Kiowa Indians; Missouri Indians; Potawntomi Indians Indium Industrial exhibitions. Information theory Schlundt, H. A. Indians of Mexico Industrial arbitration. 193 Zack, M. L. Insulation (Heat) Love, T. J., Jr. Taylor, II. E. Insulin shock therapy Unkefer, R. F. Insurance Cory, C, II., Jr. Lobb, W. L. Snyder, M . D . Insurance companies, Investments Lobb, W. L. Integration in education. See Segregation in education Interfacial temperatures in absorption Reed, R. L, Interior decoration Ahnon, J. M. Johnson, D. K. Internal revenue c o d e of 1 9 5 4 Weatherwax, J. T. International Harvester Company Johnson, D, E. International law Cibulka, K. J. Jacobini, H. B. International relations Sorge, M. B, 194 Subject Interpersonal relations Argyris, C. Bishop, F. M. Brunk, L. U. Gudeman, H. E. Hershkowitz, A. Spiegel, D. E. Ion-exchange Bonner, O. D. Lowen, W. K. Meyer, N. J. Stoenner, R. W. Wilson, G. E. Ionization Weston, E. T. Pyle, C. L. Interviewing Button, J. M. S. Cochran, L, B. Riley, G. D. See also Counseling; Social case work Intestinal absorption. See Absorption (Physiology) Intestinal phosphatase Howieson, J. L. Intestines Malewitz, T„ D. Spoelstra, J. Intracranial pressure Ruseha, M. F. Intramural sports Fox, W . L. Powell, D. F. See also College sports; School sports Intraperitoneal injections. See Injections, Intraperitoneal Invariants Liindquist, C. A. Invertebrates, Fossil Haltin, D. E. Investment and saving. investment See Saving and Investment banking, United States Plnntz, D. V. See also Banks and Banking; Investments Investment trusts Wcltner, E. B. Investments Baqai, M. U. Benton, G. N. Lobb, W. L. Small, J. R. See also Finance; Saving and Investment Iodides Ionization chambers Friesen, B. S. Ionones Lai, H. Ions Byers, D. H. Cronin, G. R. Hill, H. J. Jones, M. M. Meyer, N. J. Nedzbala, J. M. Parker, W. E. Smith, R. K. Iran, Economic conditions Ghaffari, A. Vaqar, N. Iraq Baali, F. Iron DeLaney, J. C. Iron, Metallography Nelson, J. A. Iron and steel columns. See Columns, Iron and steel Iron in the b o d y Christianson, J. F. Irradiation Dolyak, F. Spencer, M. C. Swanson, H. D, Irving, Washington Lamb, J. P. Isolation, Social. See Social isolation Italian newspapers Traldi, G. A. Italians in the United States Traldi, G. A. Petty, R. L. J Iodine Colton, E. Goodrich, J. E. Zingaro, R. A. Jackson County, Mo, Pilcher, D. M. Price, R. R. Iodine, Isotopes James, Henry Ward, M. A. Harsha, W. N. Iodine organic compounds Hoftiezer, H. W. lodotlu'ouracil Sarcione, E. J. Japanese in the United States Tntsuguchi, R. K. JefFers, Robinson Kendall, J. L. 195 Index Jefferson, Thomas Hincs, J . W . Stewart, W . A . Jet planes H o l m a n , R. R. Levin, A. D. Jewelry Shaw, W . H . See also Silversmithing Jewish Community Center, Kansas City, M o , Kahn, S. Jewish Juvenile delinquency Churchill, E. L. Cline, D . A . Gullerud, E. N. Hesselbarth, M . D . Price, R. R. Raymond, E. V. Weber, G. II. See also Child welfare; Child guidance clinics; Exceptional children; Problem children Jute industry Kingsbury, R. C. question Buitrngo, A . M . Jewish refugees. Jiggers ( M i t e s ) . See Chiggers ( M i t e s ) Job analysis Ellis, L . A . Kangaroo rat Setzer, H. W. —The Kansan Tusher, J. E. Pack, L . Job evaluation. K See Refugees, Jewish See Job analysis Jones, Thomas Sugaiva, S. Journalism, Study and teaching Pearson, C. G. Journals ( M a c h i n e r y ) . See Bearings (Machinery) Juana Ines de la Cruz, Sister Russell, V . M . Judith (Jewish h e r o i n e ) , Drama Grigsby, J. L., Jr. Jumping Ebel, K. W. See also Athletics; College sports; Sports Jumping M i c e Krutzsoh, P. H. Junction City, Kan. Browning, W . B . Moss, C . W . Junior colleges Partridge, A. R. See also Universities and colleges Junior high schools C o w l e s , F. E. Cress, J. M . , Jr. D a m e r o n , J. D. Knight, J. L. Kohl, F. B. M c E a o h e n , II. D . Miller, M. B. Mix, T . O . Morris, T. F. See ulso Education Jurassic period. See Geology, Stratigraphic, Jurassic Juvenile courts Hesselbarth, M . D . Heydon, C. D. Raymond, E. V. Kansas Inman, A. E. Kirchhoff, E. E. McCollum, P. M. Schmidt, N. J., Jr. Zickefoose, P. W. See also American newspapers •—Departments, Commissions, and Associations Armatas, P. J. Broadfoot, C. P., Jr. Boden, N. J. Cape, W . H . Cohen, J. I. Cory, C. H., Jr. Davidson, D. Dimmitt, M. A. Haggard, M. L. Harmon, R. T. Howard, W . R . Kyle, L. C. Miller, K. E. Miller, H. E. Osgood, C. Ross, R. P. Schrempf, R. Skinner, R. L. Vinson, W . M . —Schools, Hospitals, and Institutions Bolyard, A , A . F . Breedlove, J. L. Byrnes, C. M. Carey, M. E. Caywood, K. E. Cook, K. H. Courter, C. O. Davis, V. De Haven, F. M. Dimont, D . Epling, J. F. Fagan, E. F. Subject 196 Fisher, C. W. Fisher, W. E. Hawkins, P. P.. Johnson, R. E. Kelley, M, H. Kepfield, F. C, Jr. Mog, H. M. Penny, L. D. Pratt, R. E. StanBeld, C. L. Thompson, G. W. Weins, A. N. Peak, V. V. Kidney, Diseases Mitchell, A. D. Kierkegaard, Soren Parker, H. L. Garrison, E. J. Kilpatrick, William Heard Turner, T. A. Estrada, J. P. Kindergartens Plath, E. C. Kansas City, Mo. Brewster, W. J. Browne, E. M. Case, W. R. Deutscher, V. G. Gustafson, R. E. Isaacson, L. E. Kasmer, C. W. Latenser, J. E. Lynn, A. Martinez, J. P. Patterson, C. M. Salaveria, R. A. See also Child study; Nursery schools Kinesthesia. See Muscular sense Kinetics of grinding Bowdish, F. W. Kiowa Indians McBurney, C. R. Wells, E. T. •—Kansas City Star Zuegner, C. W. —Kansas City Times Zuegner, C. W. Kansas infantry, 20th Regiment, 1898-1899 Stewart, A. J. Kansas River, Floods McCrae, R. O. —Kansas State Teachers Association Journal Redfield, L. G. Kansas Turnpike Gray, M. W. See University of Kansas Kanwaka Township, Kansas Hodgkins, J. A. Karachi social conditions Abdussalam, (Ansari) M. Kelly, George Wills, A. Kennecott Copper Corporation Risser, H. E. The Kentucky tragedy in prose and fiction Preis, R. I. Kerr cell Smith, L. W. Ketones Hoffman, W. D. Hoftiezer, H. W. Ross, C. R. Keyway area, Topeka, Kail. Kilns Kansas City, Kan. Blakely, R. O. Lysaught, J. P. Kansas University. Koff, G. Y. Ling, W . Nobles, W . L . Klebsiella Koonse, H. J. Knowledge, Theory of Ragle, D . D . M . See also Apperception; Perception; Relativity Kolmstamn, Oskar Snyder, R. Korea, Politics and government Scritchfield, F. C. Kuder Preference Record Kemm, R. L. Kurmark Gagliardo, J. G. L Labor absenteeism. See Absenteeism ( L a bor) Labor and laboring classes, United States Helle, H. J. Surface, J. R. Labor, Migrant. See Migrant labor Labor laws and legislation Jochnick, A. B. J. A. Labor Party (Great Britain ) Button, J. B. Labor turnover Bonnavaud, P . H . Labor unions. See Trade unions Lactation Buil, D. H., Jr. Kunz, W. F. Lactones Adams, R. M. Keplinger, M. L. Index Kirkland, E . V . Kubitz, K . A . Smith, C . M . Ladd, Forest Earl Brunk, L . V . Lawrence Paper Company, Lawrence, Kan. Cook, B. D. Scott, D . A . Lawyers Nansen, F. L. La Fayette, Marie Madelene (Pioche De la V e r g n e ) Cointesse de. Dewis, D. I. Lagomorpha Delphia, R . E . Jakwny, G . E . Lamartine, Alpbonse Marie Louis de Zinn, N . L . Lamesa, T e x . Traffic Safety Commission Bingham, R. M. Lancefleld serological groups M c B r i d e , T. J. Land M o o r e , F. S. Spillman, P. R. Sea also Agriculture; Cities and towns, Plnnning; Farms; Real property Landivnr, Rafael. liusticatio Mexicana Hartfiel, A. C. Landscape painting Louthian, D . E . See also Painting Langland, William Palmer, W . P . Lantern fly M c D e r m o t t , B. T. Morgan, L . W . Laplace trnnsformations Yu, I-T. Larvae Elbel, R . E . Latin American writers Jacobini, II. 13. Law Knudsen, R . W . Newland, C. A. Ryan, R . W . Lead Sparks, J. T. Talley, H. E. Leadership Madden, II. E. Barick, R. S. Saber, M. See also Ability; Social groups; Social psychology; Sociology Leaf hoppers Young, D. A. Learning, Psychology of Berger, E. V. Bird, D. J. Book, H. A. Fairchild, G. C. Fawl, C. L. Grover, P. B. Gullahorn, J, E. Hird, M. L. Kintsch, W . Lewis, A. L. MeNamarn, H. J. Mason, J. G. Meister, D. E. Ostlund, L. A. Perlmutter, H . V . Rciif, R. Sallce, E. E., Jr. Scott, E. D. Siegal, R. S. Stellwagen, W. R. Swift, C. F. Thompson, W. D . , Jr. Watson, E. P. Leather work (Indian) Rangnekar, S. S. Leather craft. See Leather work Leavenworth, Kans. Clothier, G. M. Shearer, A. K. L a w enforcement Legal style. Oglesby, D . L . Lawrence, Kan. Dial, S. H. Harvey, B . L . Nystrom, E . A . M . Rariok, R. S. Hotar, M. J. F. Smith, J. N. Sobicski, V. C. White, P. L. W i g g l e s w o r t h , J. II. —Lawrence Daily Journal Kan. Edgar, G . E . 197 Public schools See Law Legislation, Kansas Janes, F. L. Le6n, Luis Ponce de —Los Nombres de Crista Goode, H . D . —Poetry Akers, S. B. Lepidoptera. See Satyridae World, Lawrence, Leporidfle, Fossil Dawson, M. R. Families: Papilionoidea 198 Subject Le Sage, Alan Rene Thompson, G. L, Liquor problem, Kansas Letterpress Lithium Seyb, E. J., Jr. Williams, M. G. Becker, E. S. Thompson, J. K. Leucocytes Lithium aluminum hydride Feldstein, A. Fuchs, R. Atchison, R . W . Leukemia Pebley, E. M. Lithium borohydride Lever food and fuel control act Fuchs, R. Good, W . E . Little Rock, Ark. Recreational activity Levulose Waugh, F. A. De Laney, J. C. Liberalism Link, B. F. See also Political science; Social sciences Libraries, High school. See School libraries Libraries, Special collections Ross, A. Licenses Ball, H. B., Jr. Kasrner, C. W. Postlethwaite, R. D. Lichens Fearing, O. S. Light, Speed Smith, L. W. Limestone Brown, W. G. Conkin, B. M. Cooley, D. R. Dietsch, H. A. Eastwood, W. P. Ives, W . , Jr. McManus, D . A . Perkins, H. G. Purzer, J. J. Requist, N. N. Runnels, R. T. Wahrhaftig, Lizards Long, A. L. See also Horned lizards Loans Jacob, A. J-M. Moddelmog, J. D. Sargent, S. P. Lobotomy research Greenbaum, N. Local government Miller, K. E. Watkins, K. G. See also County government; Decentralization in government; Municipal government; Public administration Locke, John Bunch, G. A. Lockjaw. See Tetanus Locomotor ability. See Motor ability Long, Chester Isaiah Flory, R. L. Longevity Foulks, J. R. See also Aged L6pez, y Fuentes, Gregorio Johnson, K. W. Tongier, C. L. Lorca, Federico Garcia. See Garcia Lorca, Federico Lice Price, R. D. See also Parasites L. Limited partnership, Kansas Haley, E . W . See also Partnership Lionville, Joseph, Methods Wampler, J. F. Lippman, Walter Warner, R. R. Liquid-liquid phase equilibrium Mackie, E. J. Liver, Diseases Christianson, J. F. Jenson, R. L. Lee, C-S. Louse. See Lice Love poetry Bates, P. A. data Liquidity (Economics) Vaqar, N. Liquids Kipp, J. E. See also Viscosity of liquid propane L o w temperature research Beck, L. A. Bertuzzi, A. F. Davis, P. G. Gore, T. L. Kolm, J. P. Larkin, B. K. Papahronis, B. T. Sparks, J. T. Index Lowther Junior High School, Emporia, Kans. Bell, J. O. W e b b , J. R. Loxoecrn Capelle, K. J. L u b b o c k , Tex. Police Department Brown, R. L. L u m b e r trade Briley, P. W. L u n g s , Cancer Gibson, D . M . Lutheran Children's Friend Society of Kansas Magnetoehemistry Thompson, J. K. Mahatma Gandhi. Karamchand Maladjusted children. Malaria. Siegel, I. A. Malleable cast iron Nelson, J. A, Malouet, Pierre-Victor, Baron Vignery, J. R. Malraux, Andr6 Michaelis, C. Malan, I. R. Mammals Cockrum, E. L. Durrant, S. D. Ensing, J. W h i t e , R. P. L y m p h nodes, Cervical Brown, J. W. Lymphatics, Diseases Hill, J. H. Lytton, Edward George (Edward BulwerLytton; 1st Baron Lytton) Fenner, J. N. M M. M, P. L Sec Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory McCarthy, Joseph Raymond Kubat, D . Magnetic recorders and recording Peterson, G. A, Magnetism T h o m p s o n , J. K. Man Baxter, H. S. Stutzman, R. C. Sec also F o o d Manganese cyanide Hammer. R. N. Manichaeism Hixon, H. O. Mansur-ihn-Mahmucl Besharat, J. D. M c C l o y Classification Index A b e l , C. L. Edmondson, S. E. Magnesium, Isotopes Bricc, D. K. Prosser, F. W . , Jr. See Problem children See Malarial fever Malic acid Lymph Magnesium Burdick, D . L . Michelakis, A. M. Petty, R. L. Santoro, A . V . Yang, J. Y - W . Mohandas Malarial fever Noonan, J. E. See also Antimalarials W a m b s g a n s , E. II. Madison, E d m o n d Haggard Pringle, J. B. See Gandhi, Maier, Norman Raymond Frederick Brunk, L. V. Lutheran schools, Kansas Wiegman, E. W. Lulidlne Hoffman, H. A . , Jr. McKesson and Robbins, Inc., Kansas Division Stewart, J. N. M a d u r a pomifera. Sec Osage orange 199 City Manual dexterity Carver, E. C. Cochrane, W. H., Jr. Gilman, J. R., Jr. Mapping, Conformal. See Conformal mapping March ( M u s i c ) , Drum Moore, J. H. Marchantiales Wittlake, E. B. Maritime law McKinley, R. M. Market surveys Bratton, C. G. Peery, D. B. Marriage counseling Hurwitt, N. L. Radcliffe, W. W . , Jr. Smitherman, D . W . Straight, E. M. See also Counseling; Social case w o r k ; Social service; Youth Marrow Bingham, H. G. 200 Subject Phillips, G. Medical economics Spencer, M. C. Wilson, A. H. Martarega Truxal, F. S. Marx, Karl Kelley, S., Jr. Marysville, Kan. Public schools Rowland, R. F. Mass concept, Effective Marts, A. L. Masters, Edgar Lee Feighny, G. F. Materials, Strength of. See Strength of materials Maternal and infant welfare Baker, C. S. Majora, J. R. See also Unmarried mothers; Child welfare Mathematical economics. Mathematical Carlson, J, Foster, M. Foulks, S. Marsh, C. See Economies physics R. M. A. Merts, A. L. Mathematical recreations Calvert, P. L. Mathematical statistics Bradt, R. N. Correa, H. Wedel, A . M . See also Probabilities Mathematics, Study and teaching Alkire, G. D. Brown, J. R. Green, M. M. McQueen, J. C. Hasmussen, O. M. See also Algebra; Groups, Theory of; Numbers, Theory of; Probabilities M a y o , Elton Kelley, S., Jr. Shea, R. E. Medicine, Islamic Besharat, J. D. Medicine, Pennsylvania Wilcox, S. G. Medicine Lodge Indian Peace Treaty, 1867 Pierce, G. Q., Jr. Megachilidae Sinha, R. N. White, J. R. Melissodes La Berge, W. E. Meloidae Enns, W. R. Melville, Herman. Moby Dick McGoughran, J. H. Membracidae Cook, P. P., Jr. Memory Perlmutter, H. V. Reiff, R. Ross, R. G. Sommer, R, Mennonite Children's Home, Kansas City, Kans. Yoder, L. G. Mennonites Fadenrecht, G. H. Just, L. R. Siemens, J., Jr. Suderman, E. F. Menothian opera Loganbill, G. B. Menstruation Paulson, M. J. Vermillion, M. E. M a y o , George Elton. Meadow mice. Medical social work McCoy, J. C, Jr. Patterson, C. M. Peterson, L. V. See Mayo, Elton See Field mice Meat industry and trade Gustafson, R. E. Keller, E . D . Mechanical engineering, Curriculum Form an, G. W. Mediation, Rectal. by See Rectum, Mediation Medical care Campbell, G. T. Chun-Ming, K. K. N. See also Aged; Medical social work Mental hospitals. Mental illness Thrower, J. B. Mental stereotype. See Psychiatric hospitals See Stereotype (Psychology) Mental tests Ehrenreieh, G. A, Esch, J. Neuringer, C. Pankratz, W. C. Roth, C. P. Simpson, F. W. Williams, C. L. Mentally handicapped children Glover, B. E. Index See also Child psychiatry; Children, Retarded; Handicapped children Mentally ill Breedlove, J. L. Bolyard, A. A. F. C o p eland, A. L, Epling, J. F. Glover, B. E. Johnson, R. E. Jones, L. L. Kelley, M. H. Shea, R. E. Thompson, L. I. See also Neuroses Mercantile buildings Warger, A. E. See also Stores, Retail Merovingians Bilderback, D . L . Mescaline sulfate Silverthorn, L. J., Jr. Mesovcliidae Nccring, T. Metabolism Berger, M. Buie, D. H., Jr. Consigli, R. A. Doughty, C. C. Findlcy, J. E. Kami, E. E. Nelf, T. V. 5 or clone, E. J. V o n Riescn, V. L. Metallic films Hammer, F. E. Hicks, G. T. Ott, P. W . Wild, J. W. Metallurgy Nowlin, R. E. Turner, J. S. Methane in n-hexane Beck, L. A. Methanol. See Wood-alcohol Method of study. See Study, Method of Methodist church (United States) Beckwith, J. B. Methylene compounds Wright, P. E. Metric spaces. See Distance geometry Mexican fiction Ragsdale, II. W. Mexico Finney, L. M. Masters, J. S. Oberhclman, H . D . Mexico City, Universidad Benefiel, J. M. Mexico, M o . Politics and government Busby, W. C. Shaw, G. A. Mice Amehmxen, R. E. Beck, S. L. Fitch, K. L. Hcndrix, L. E. Hill, R. L. Howieson, I. L. King, O. M. Northey, W . T . Roberts, A. N. Swanson, H. D. Taylor, M. J. Whitmore, C. E. Woodward, J. M. See also Field mice; Jumping Pocket mice Michiels, Joseph Alfred Xavier Sinclair, K. I. Micrococcus pyogenes mice; List, B. L. Metals AlsmiUer, U. G., Jr. Kay, R. C. L o v e , T. J., Jr. Schechter, W . H . Seyb, E. J., Jr. Spencer, C . W . Umholtz, R. C. See also Alkaline metals; Corrosion and anti-corrosives Metamorphism Kleihcge, B . W . Metaphysics McClain, R. C. Meters, Electric. 201 Sec Electric meters Methane Hughes, D . F . Michaelis, C . Vagtborg, H., Jr. Micro-organisms Fellman, J. H. Hill, R. L. Micropaleontology Conkin, B. M. Zinser, R. W. Microspcctrophotometer Wiseman, G. G. Microtus. Sec Mice Middle age and employment. See Age and employment Middle aged workers. See A g e and employment Migrant labor Blakely, R. O. Military discipline Welton, H. L. Military hospitals, See Hospitals, Military 202 Subject Military Pipeline System McCowen, G. A. More, Sir Thomas, Saint, 1478-1535 Lehmberg, S. E. Mine explosions Tsao, C-C. Mineral oils Pyle, C. L. Morgan's Raid, 1803 Mc Kinney, M. Mines and mining. See Mining engineering Mining engineering Risser, H. E. See also Coal Ministers of the gospel. See Clergy Minnesota multiphase personality inventory Steimel, R. J. Mississippian epoch. See Geology, Stratigraphic, Mississippian Missouri Indians Ensing, J, Missouri Valley, History Wells, E. T. Missouri Valley Authority (Proposed) Link, W. H, Mites Crossley, D. A., Jr. Dailcy, D. T. Greenberg, B. See also Chiggers (Mites); Winter grain mites Myography Yost, W. A. Modern geometry. See Geometry, Modern Modern music. See Music Molecular beams Milne, T. A. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelm Thompson, G. L. — L e Bourgeois gentUhomme Klein, U. Mollusks Goble, C. R. Miles, C. D. W e b b , II. E. Molybdenum Pollock, B. D. Money, United States Kalambokidis, E. N. Miller, II. L., Jr, Mononyx Todd, E. L. Moon, G. W. and MacGowan, John H. The Story of our Land and People Ramsey, R. D. Moore, Clyde B. Building a Free Nation Ramsey, R. D, Moral judgment Albert, D. K. Morfitin, Leandro Fernandez de Engman, B. Morphine Campbell, J. R. Morphology (Animals) Works, M. E. Morphology (Plants). See Botany Mortgages, Kansas Miller, G. H., Jr. Mosaic disease Myers, R. W. Mothers Sell, I. M. See also Family; Maternal and infant welfare; Parent and child; Prenatal care; Unmarried mothers; W o m a n Motion McClain, R. C. Motion study Rives, J. P. Motivation (Psychology) Swift, C. F. Motor ability Anderson, V. D. Callahan, F. E. Clcavinger, A. E. Eidson, G. W. Jessup, W. C. Ortiz, J. D, Ruppenthal, W . W . See also Manual dexterity Motor Carrier Act of 1935 Steele, J. D. Motor dexterity. See Motor ability Motor fitness Pearson, D. C. Steele, J. A. Motor psychology. chology of Motor-truck freight. Automotive See Movement, See Psy- Transportation, Motor trucks, Repairing Horner, J. P. M. Motor vehicles Lakin, C. M. Mouse. See Mice Movement, Psychology of Berger, E. V. Brown, W. H. Comwell, W . O . Mathae, L . D . Phelps, C. K. Sommer, R. See also Muscular sense; Rhythm Moving-picture music Tarpley, H. B. 203 Index Moving-pictures Nelson, A . L . Fiskoty, R. S. Skinner, R. L. Wolf, N. K. Municipal Murdoek, Victor Btiswcll, L. Edwards, A. M. Tuttle, L. M. administration. See Municipal government Municipal bonds, Kansas Bensley, K. E. Miller, G. H., Jr. Municipal buildings, Emporia, Kan. Lovelace, B. A. Municipal finance Beasley, K. E. Bibb, J. W . , Jr. Boos, R. F. Brownlee, J. L. Fisher, S. D. Fuller, M . W . Gish, L. L. Holt, H. II., Jr. Jenkins, N. N. Lakin, C. M, Schroder, G. R. See also Licenses; Municipal bonds Municipal garage. See Garages (Municipal) Munieipnl government Allen, L. A. Baker, H, Janes, F. L. Love, B . W . Lovelace, R. A. McMaban, H . D . McMullin, C. E. Moss, C. W. Noland, A. W . , Jr. Rush, R. K. Shaw, G. A. Snyder, M. D. Municipal government by city manager Allen, L . A . Bailey, D . R . Busby, W . C . Case, W . R . Cook, J. F. Gish, L. L. Hnne, J. D. Horner, D . A . Howorth, L. O. Jenkins, N. N. Koester, D . C . Larson, L . W . Munieipnl ownership, Kansas McBridc, B. C. Municipal research Varenhorst, G. E. Municipalities. See Municipal government Mural painting and decoration Johnson, D. K. Kemper, W „ III Murine typhus Whitmire, C. E. Muscidae Chillcott, J. G. Muscles Delphin, R. E. Rodwell, V . W . Stallcup, W. B., Jr. Van Devander, D. M. Muscular coordination. See Motor ability Muscular sense Anderson, V . D . Ayllon, T. Cornwell, W . O . Kyle, M . D . Spiegel, D. E. See also Movement, Psychology of Music Clinesmith, C, B. Dunn, M. A. Geist, F. W. Loganbill, G. B. Neuhart, D. R. Stanfield, C. L. Stelzler, M. G. Wilson, J. H. See also Chamber music; Bands ( M u s i c ) ; Choral music; Instrumental music; Music therapy; Operetta; School music; V o c a l music; Organ music; Orchestral music —Acoustics and physics Bndsky, E. T. Rose, J. C. —Appreciation Stopher, M. T. Torpley, H. B. —Choral. See Choral music —Competitions Kroesen, J. K. Stanfield, C. L. See also Music festivals —-Influence of Allsup, E. L. Bierhaum, M. A. Cater, M. L. Dollins, C. N. Gerren, N. L. Gray, R. M. Iscrn, B. Jacobson, H. L. Lancaster, W . W . Mathae, D. E. Michel, D . E . Orton, D. E. Subject 204 Orton, M. R. Ralston, J. S. Schneider, E. H. Shrift, D. C. Slaughter, F. E. Unkefer, R. F. Zack, M. L. See also Music, Physiological effect; Music therapy —Instruction and study Behrens, L. O. Brick, S. E. Briggs, R. L. Burmcister, C .A. Conrick, J. E. Gleckler, D. M. Grover, P. B. Hardwick, H. L. Hardy, J. L. Hedberg, F, C. Hooper, C. S. Humfeld, N. H, Keiser, G. F. Kemm, R. L. McMurray, G. D. Moser, II. M. Parker, O. G. Patrick, D. W. Roark, R. B. Roper, B. T. Hoyer, C. F. Simmons, O. D, Stephenson, J. R. Tack, M. P. West, W. M. Wilson, J. H. Wingo, R. C. Work, A. L. See also Instrumental music; Music teachers —Physiological effect Sears, M. S. Sears, W. W. —Psychology Cater, M. L. Church, E. W. Hahn, M. E. Michel, D. E. Morehead, J. K. Stephenson, J. R. See also Music and color; Music therapy —Theory Grover, P. B. —Vocal. See Vocal music Music and color Cater, M. L. Livingston, F. S. Morton, M. K. Music as a profession Gunn, R. S. * Music as recreation Behrens, L. O. Gunn, R, S. Work, A. L. See also Community music Music festivals Parker, O. G. See also Music, Competitions Music in art Livingston, F. S. Orton, D. E. Music in universities and colleges Wilson, J. H. Music rooms and equipment Badsky, E. T. Music teachers Billings, M. R. Brown, R. D. Strub, P. See also Musicians Music therapy Dollins, C. N. Glover, B. E. Graham, R. M. Jacobson, H. IL. Michel, D . E . Roter, M. J. F. Scars, M. S. Sommer, D. T. Unkefer, R. F. See also Music, Physiological effect; M u sic, Psychology; Occupational therapy Musical ability Briggs, R. L. Burnau, J. M. Hansen, L. A. Hedberg, F. C. Garder, C. E., Jr. Gerren, N. L. Pankratz, W. C. Patrick, D . W . Musical education. and study See Music, Instruction Musical instruction. and study See Music, Instruction Musical instruments Gregory, J. S. Webster, J. B. Musical meter and rhythm Ruppenthal, W . W . Musical pitch T e b o w , K. B. Musicians Garder, C. E., Jr. Hansen, L. A. Kell, R. I. Stetzler, M. G. See also Composers; Music teachers Index Mussels, Fresh-water Saunders, D . D . Networks, Electric. Fredrickson, R , W . Mythology in literature Righter, J. K. N N. A. T. O. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization Naphoquinone Holder, R. Y. Napoleon I Soucy, R. J. National Industrial Recovery A c t Hawley, E . W . See Gas, Natural Nebraska territory Whithaxn, R. L. Negotiable instruments Mickey, J. O. Negroes Anderson, L. M. Crump, J. W. Edger, R. E. Eichhorn, R. Freeman, J. V. Hams, H . L . Holder, R . D . Webster, T . A , Waugh, F. A. Sec also Music Negroes as businessmen Mitchell, W . R . Negroes in business. businessmen Negroes in literature NcsselhoF, J. M. Nervo, A m a d o Nansen, IT. C. Tongier, C. L. Nervous system Green, J. Jnnosky, I. D. Keller, L. E. Keplinger, M. L. Kittle, C. F. Lai, H. Penfold, IL L, Ross, C. R. See Electric networks Neuromuscular coordination M u z z e y , D a v i d Saville. A history of our Country Poor, C . W . Mycobacterium tuberculosis Neff, T, V. M y c o l o g y . See Muscles Mylagaulus laevis Robinson, S. C. Myriapoda Natural gas. 205 See Negroes as Turner, J. P. Neuromuscular system Normand, W . C . Neuropsychiatry Neuman, B. Neuroses Reynolds, M. M. Neutrality, Armed • Walsh, T. Neutrons Cartwright, L . M . Johnson, R. W. Kay, R. C. Reardon, W. A. Wimmer, D. B. Newspaper advertising. See Advertising, Newspaper Newspapers. See American newspapers; Italian newspapers; also under individual titles: Appeal to Reason; The Kansan; Kansas City Star; Kansas City Times; Lawrence Daily Journal World; St. Louis Post-Dispatch Newton, Kan. Kipp, R. A. Snyder, M. D. Nickel Curless, W. T. Reavis, J. L. Spiegelhalter, R. R. Tenney, R. E. Nicotinamide Bradlow, H. L. Nicotine Becklotf, G. L. Kissil, D, Neuman, B. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm Bahr, E. Nitriles Cobb, R. L. Michelakis, A. M. Parker, W. E. Nitrobenzen Hubbard, H . M . Yang, J. Y - W . Nitrobenzoic acid Halperin, B. I. Nitrodiols Donahoe, II. B. Nitrogen Daniel, T. B. Nitrogen compounds Danguilan, M . L . 206 Subject Nitrogen Isotopes Hubert, R. E. Nitrotion of benzene Pope, R. E. Noise Cottom, M. C. Thurnau, D . H . Non-aqueous solvents Bennett, W. E. Christensen, V. J, Curless, W . T . Hammer, R, N. Johnson, S. H., Jr. McElroy, A . P . Schechter, D. L. Taylor, W. L. Thompson, J. K. Non-wage payments Cook, B. D. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Sorge, M. B. Norway rat King, O. M. Notonectidae Brooks, G. T. Truxal, F. S. Novelists, Costa Bican Solera, B. Novels, American. See American fiction Novis, Emile, Pseud. Nozzles, Supersonic. See Weil, Simonc See Supersonic nozzles Nuclear magnetic resonance Burger, J. M. Thompson, D . B . Nuclear physics Reardon, W . A . Skeen, C. H. Nucleic acids Keller, L. E. Taft, E. B. Wiseman, G. G. Numbers, Theory of Buyer, D. L. Brown, A. R. Dukelow, W . H . Gale, K. S. Schuepbnch, D. H. Showalter, A. B. See also Groups, Theory of Nursery schools Moler, M. A. See also Kindergartens Nurses and nursing Gordon, S. J. Kron, R. E. Scott, W. R. See also Children, Care and hygiene; Diet in disease Nuts, Production Masih, N. Oak leaf blister Shields, I. J. O'Casey, Sean Feeney, W. J. Occupational aptitude tests. See Ability, Testing Occupational (guidance Watson, D. E. Occupational index Kenim, R. L. Occupational therapy Newman, D . See also Handicraft; Music therapy Office buildings Wnrger, A. E. Ogden City, Utah, Polities and government Noland, A. W . , Jr. Oil field flooding Clarke, G. F. Oil well pumps Clarke, G. F. Old age. See Age and employment; A g e d ; Geriatrics Olefins Bechtlc, G. F. Omar Khayyam, Riib&iydt Durce, B. J. O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone Roberts, W. H. Scholes, J, B. Ontario, Calif. Wagner, D. II. Opera Loganbill, G. B. Operetta Neihart, C. R. Opisthorchis Simensis Hobson, M. E. Opossums Sandidge, L. L. Works, M. E. Optical illusions. See Illusions, Optical Oratory Baler, G. W. Raines, S. E. See also Debates and debating Orbits Sprague, R. S. Orchestral music Sell, M. W. Van Landingham, N. P. 207 Index Ordovician formation. See Geology, Stratigraphic, Ordovician Oxides Schechter, W . H . Organ, Construction Oxygen Stcphnnow, S. E. Gnyhart, R. M. Organ music Hamilton, R. J. Organometallio compounds Hyde, E. B., Jr. Poje, J. A. Renich, P. W. Wilhoit, R. C. Orientation ( P s y c h o l o g y ) Vigliano, A. Weiner, M. L, Orientation (Students). Sec Students Orifice coefficients in fluid flow Miller, R. P. Orphans and orphan asylums Wambsgans, E . H . Orthoptera. See Family; Acrididae Osage orange Beal, J. L. Brockmeyer, E . W . Osage City, Kan. Hughes, II. L. Osawatomie, Kan. Social conditions. Eichhom, R. Oscillators, Electric Davidson, D. L. Jordan, E. L. Oscillograph, Cathode ray. Sec Cathode ray oscillograph Osmia Sinha, R. N. Ostiacoda, Fossil Foster, G. L. Gutentag, E. D. Oswald, Richard Lohrenz, Otto Ottawa, Kans. Public schools Burke, N. F. Ouabain, I. A. Siegel, I. A. Oxidation Jirik, F. E. Mazzitelli, A. Thompson, J. K. —Electrolytic Bennett, W. E. Burdick, D. L. Petty, R. L. Sorensen, D. T. Spiegelhalter, R. R. Oxidation of sodium sulfate Allen, W . D . Bone, B. Forsyth. S. E. Ozonates Whnley, T. P. P Paeonia olficianalis, Physiological effect Haskell, A. R. Pain Lancaster, W . W . Painters, Kansas Bird, D. J. Painting Almon, J. M. Chandler, A. C. McCoy, T. F., Jr. Newland, M. L. See also Interior decoration; Landscape painting; Mural painting and decoration; "Water-color painting Paintings, American Newland, M . L . Pakistan, Economic conditions Baqui, M. U. Khan, I. A. Palate, Cleft Kirkpatrick, M. B. O'Sullivan, M . M . Paleobotany Crklland, A. A, Roth, E . A . Paleoeeology, Florida Du Bar, J. R. Paleontology Conkin, J. E. Dietsch, H. A. Dodge, H . W . Galbreath, E. C. Grinnell, R. S., Jr. Hattin, D. E. Klapper, G. J. Lane, N. G. Laughlin, D. J. Laukel, Q. C. McBee, W . , Jr. Miller, H. W . , Jr. Purrington, W . E . Peltier, E. J. Zeller, E. J. —Cretaceous Pe, N. T. —Devonian McRce, W . , Jr. •—Miocene Robinson, S. C. —Pennsylvania]! Laughlin, D. J. 208 Subject Laukel, Q. C. Squires, J. M. —Permian Dietsch, H. A. Purzer, J. J. Partnership Messamer, J. H. Partnership, Limited. ship Paleozoic period. Sec graphic, Paleozoic Papaverine Popp, F. D. Paper box industry Cook, B. D. Geology, Strati- Pastures, Kansas Scott, D. A. Hetzer, W. A. Papilionoidea Pattern making Ehrlich, P. R. Gray, P. A. Paraboloid, Rectangular Payro, Robert Gorge Altimari, P. E. Taxachcr, E. C. Paraffins Fisher, J. S. Hughes, R. L. Peasantry, Persia Gagliardo, J. G. Penetration theory (Chemical engineering) Behnnann, W. C. Pennsylvanian epoch. Sec Geology, Stratigraphic, Pcnnsylvanian Penthalcidae Shankar Narayan, D. Perception Ayllon, T. Embrey, R. L. Dickman, H. R. Hartford, D. B. Wallace, R. M. Parasites Harms, C. E. Heck, O. B., Jr. Myers, W. F. —Man Gribbin, W. J., Jr. Price, R. D. Spoelstra, J. —Poultry Smith, C. F. Parent and child Charles, R. L. Dyek, A. J. Hendrickson, V. B. Loevenguth, O. P. MoHenry, M. J. F. Martin, C. H. Nelson, S. H. Paden, W. H, Stinson, C. D. Valentine, J. F. Wilkinson, E. L. See Children, Hubert, R. E. Park Ridge, 111. Pipes, D. E. Parole Sills, D. D. Thompson, G. W. Particle size determination Reardon, W. A. Particles Talley, H. E. Pasteurella tulnrensis Atchison, R. W. Merriott, J. W. Price, R. D. Wadkins, C. L. Pastoral poetry, English Bates, P, A. Paper making and trade Parent education. ment Parity (Physics) See Limited partner- Hozier, A. Q. Manage- Kaplan, S. D. Ladd, F. E., Jr. Leventhal, M. Lewis, B. G. Livingston, D. G. Lyons, J. Ross, R. G. Rubinstein, D . Shor, R. E. St'.in, K. B. Stellwagen, W. R. Weiner, M. L, Sec n/.vo Apperception; Subccption Peredn, Jose Maria de Jones, J. E. Perez de Ayala, Roman Betoret, C. G. Perez Galdos, Benito Belt, W. T. Chambcrlin, V. A. Cobb, E. H. Cook, N. E. L. Crayne de Hincones, P. A. Flores, F. Herman, J. C. Lane, N. A. Index Mikulski, R. M. Williams, V. M. Perfection Spring and Equipment Company. Kansas City, M o . Evans, H. C. Permeability Skillman, H. C. Permian formation. Sec Geology, Stratigraphic, Permian Peroxides Margrave, J. L. Schechter, D. L. Seyb, E. J., Jr. Smith, C. M. Persia, Foreign relations. Great Britain Coughlin, R. L. Personal property, Kansas Cook, D. E. Personality Conrick, J. E. Dickman, H. R. Hahn, M. E. Hanford, D. B. Johnson, D. L. Levinson, H . Lewis, B. G. McClure, L . , Jr. Remple, H . D . Roth, C. P. Sattler, J. M. Schellenberg, J. A. Shor, R. E. Snyder, R. Wilson, S. A. —Tests Harder, D . F . Steimel, R. J. Sec also Character tests Personnel management Gibson, B. J. Tnral, N. L. Thomas, R . D . Personnel service in education Graves, M. A. Hughes, M. E. Morehead, C. G. Sehillinger, R. C. Siemens, J., Jr. Petrography. See Petrology Petroleum Atwood, B. M . , Jr. Black, C. T. Cheaney, F. H., Jr. Hough, W . T . McCowen, G. A. Orr, C. D . Terry, E. F. Petroleum engineering Brinkman, F. H. See also Phase behavior 209 Petroleum industry and trade Ghartari, A. Hough, W . T . Robinson, J. L. Terry, E. F. Petrology Bishop, S. W. Dubins, M. I. Hambleton, W . W . Hickox, J. E. Lamcrson, P. R. McMillian, N. J. Phagocytosis Atchison, R. W. Pharmaceutical chemistry. See Chemistry, Medical and pharmaceutical Phamacology Smith, C. M. Pharyngeal flap operation McClelland, W . D . Pharynx Carr, D. L. Phase behavior Bertuzzi, A. F. Davis, P. C. Gore, T. L. Kohn, J. P. Larkin, B. K. Papahronis, B. T. Phase equilibrium Srabian, K. Phase meter, Electrical Day, R. G. Phase space Foster, M. R. Phenols Johnson, S. H, Jr. McKinney, R . W . Sadow, H. S. Phillips, William A. Labor, Land and Law Spilhnan, P. R. Philosophy Bigge, M. L. Ragle, D . D . M . Philosophy of education. See Education Phlox Marsh, D. L. Phoenix, Ariz. Suburbs and environs Varenhorst, G. E. Phoenetics Courtney, M. M. S. See also Speech Phonograph in education Clinesmith, C. B. Humfeld, N . H . Phosphates Hill, H. J. Phosphoglyccric acid Rodwell, V. W. 210 Subject Phosphonic acid Marsi, K. L. Physical geography Douglass, M. R. Phosphorus organic compounds Bean, C. T., Jr. Beckloff, G. N. Coyne, D. M. Marvin, S, M. Math ewes, D. A., Jr. Photoconductivity Cole, G. R. Photoengraving Becker, E. S. Photographic wastes. See Photography, Wastes, Recovery of Photography. Wastes, Recovery of Sanks, J. L. Photometric titration McKInney, R. W, Photons Physics, Textbooks (Secondary) Ginn, J. L. Phylogeny Arvey, M. D. Marks, E. P, Physical culture. training See Physical education and Physical education and training Barker, G. K. Cress, J. M., Jr. Diehl, W. E. Edmondson, S. E. Galhraith, F. Holder, R. D. Hughes, S. W. Johnson, W. R. Kyle, M. D. Martin, B. B. Mix, T . O. Palmer, E. B. Pearson, D. C. Peterson, I, L. Schulz, C. A. Stinson, C. D. Stoppel, N. K. Timmons, R. L. Wilson, O. B. See also Athletics; Coaching (Athletics); College sports; Gymnastics; Health education; Physical fitness; School sports; Sports. Physical education for women Coleman, L. D. Physical fitness Martin, B. B. Milan, J. Pearson, D. C. Reid, K. M. Steele, J. A. Strohmeyer, D. F. Thompson, E. E. Unruh, A. D. Walker, D. A. Physiognomy Rubinstein, D. Stellwagen, W. R. Piaget, Jean Fish, J. E. Piano Brust, M. L. Hallman, R. M. Nowlin, D. O. Stetzler, M. G. Strain, E. E. Zack, M. L. Piano music Gordon, S. L. Jennings, L. E. Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Lehmberg, S. E. Picoline Goodrich, J. E. Pigments Cunnick, C. C. Welton, L . D . Pipe flanges Gam her, J. E . Piperidines Chough, Y. S. Pipes, Vibration in Waymeyer, W. K. Pissonotus Morgan, L. W. Pitch, Musical. See Musical pitch Pittsburg, Kim. Politics and government Haworth, L. O. Koester, D. C. Placenta Peterson, R, R, Placosphaera opaca S ho waiter, W. V. Plant cells and tissues Hiltihran, R. C. Plants, Chemical analysis Bcal, J. L. Plates, Iron and steel Sujata, H. L. Play Kiefer, V. H. McCarty, E. L. Rarick, R. S. Sobol, R. Play direction (Theater). See Theater Playground's, Accidents Strickler, A. N. Playwrights. See Dramatists Index Pleistocene period. Stratigraphic See Geology, Pleistocene, Plethodontidiie Tanner, W . W . Polyzoa, Fossil Chakravorty, S. K. Koenig, J. W. Richards, H. G. Squires, J. M. Pneumonia Poor relief. Koonse, H. J. Pocket gophers Montague, H. G. Youngman, P. M. See also Squirrels, Kansas Pocket mice Jones, J. K., Jr. Poe, Edgar Allan Roland, A. Poetry Dunknk, F. N. Jackson, E. M. Poetry for children. See Children's poetry Poets, American Kendall, J. L. Poland, Third partition, 1795 Rydzel, J. S. Polarization (Electricity) Amdahl, L . D . Baumann, N. P. Coffman, J. W. Feaster, G. R. Moon, R. M„ Jr. Rollins, F. H., Jr. Wild, J. W. Polarograph and polarography Abrahamson, E, A . , Jr. Carter, G. B. Hubbard, H. M. Kirkland, E. V. Kubitz, K. A. See Charities; Public welfare Population Ottman, D. K. Populist Party, Kansas Warner, M. Positrons Alsmiller, R. G., Jr. Ginn, J. L. Talley, H. E. Wackerle, J. Postage stamps. See Commemorative postage stamps Posture Sears, W . W . Potassium bromide Ellis, C. J. Potassium chloride Cole, G. R. Potassium hexacyanomanganate Christensen, V. J. Potassium hydroxopentacyanocobaltate Smith, L. C. Potassium ( M e t a l ) Curless, W. T. I-Iammer, R. N. Potawatomi Indians Kelly, C. G. Potential, Theory of Shirazi, M. Poultry Brilland, A. R. Hocker, E. V. Smith, C. F. Police Brown, R. L. Power spectral estimates Oglesby, D . L . Brown, R. S. Poliomyelitis Prairie hens Kaye, P. E. Baker, M. F. Political interest groups Pick, H. H. Political science Bradley, I. Scritchfield, F. C. Political speeches. Sea Speeches, Addresses, Etc, Politics, Practical Budke, M . A . Polymerization. 211 See Polymers and polymeri- zation Polymers and polymerization Han, J. T . Rollins, F. E., Jr. Watkins, I. W. Yang, J. Y - W . Prairies, Kansas Hetzer, W. A. Preaching Sulston, K. H. Pregnancy Bahn, A. N. Crook, V . E . Keys, C. E. Newman, R. L. Sell, I. M. Prenatal care Sell, I. M. Presidents, U. S. Election Roberts, O. A., Jr. Subject 212 Projective differential geometry. See G e o m etry, Differential, Projective Projective geometry. See Geometry, Projective Propaganda Press Adams, I, H. Madden, H. E. Press law Bentson, M. Prestressed concrete. See Concrete Prices Gross, N. Scott, R. H. McKay, J. F. See Education Printing, Practical Hughes, E. E. Malone, J. R. Voegele, E. B. Privacy, Right of Bentson, M. Proactinomyces ruber Welton, L . D . Probabilities Bowers, F. A. I., Jr. Carpenter, R. T. Drawbaugli, D . W . Foster, M. R. Zehna, P. W. See also Algebra; Mathematical statistics Problem children Beale, E. A. Born, J. M, Newton, M. R. Simpson, J. E. See also Child guidance clinics; Juvenile delinquency Process inventory Dixon, J. M. Processes, Infinite Nelson, H. L. Production standards Johnson, D. E. Productivity Bonnavaud, P. H. Proechmvys Moojen de Oliveira, J. Professional licensing boards in Kansas Postlethwaite, R. D. Progesterone Ford, D . H . Progressive Party Boswcll, L. Dimmitt, M. A. Edwards, A. M. Tuttle, L. M. Prohibition, Kansas Haggard, M. L. Projection welding. See Real property Property tax Johns, V. O. Lemon, D . D . Scott, K. H, Primary education. Madden, H. E. Property, Real. Price policy- See Electric welding Propylene oxide hydration Benham, A. L. Propylene oxides Stewart, C. A., Jr. Wilen, S, H. Propylthiouracil MacNair, M. Prostate gland, Cancer Owens, R. H. Prosthesis O'Sullivan, M. M. Prosthetics. See Prosthesis Prostitution Ryan, R. W. Protein McKcnney, J. R. Templeton, M. Protens morganii Wheeler, M. E. Proten 0 x 19 Taylor, G. C. Protons Baumann, Churchill, Moore, R. Read, W . Smith, R. N. P. D, R., Jr. A. G. B. Teener, J. W. Protoplasm Brillaud, A. R. Prussia, History Gagliardo, J. G. Pscudocurycea Baird, I. L. Pseudomonas Cunnick, C. C. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Kaplan, L. Psilidae Capelle, K. J. Psyche (Goddess) Walmer, P. M. Psychiatric hospitals Graham, R. M. Index Michel, D . E . See also Kansas, Schools, Hospitals and Institutions Psychiatric nursing Wiens, A . N . Psychiatric social work Breedlove, J. L. Mengel, P. M. Pratt, R. E. Sudran, M. B. See Municipal owner- See also Advertising; Public opinion Psychoanalysis Ehrenreich, G. A. Psychological ecology Newton, M. R. Psychological research Silverthorn, L. J., Jr. Psychological tests Greenbaum, N. See also Character tests; Mental tests Sec School music Public schools Allen, W. H., Jr. Butler, L. B. George, W . M . Lesher, M. R. McArthur, H. J. Phillips, J. A. Riley, R. R. Tiedemann, M. A. M. Vigncron, J. H. Wcndt, II. J., Sr. Yeokum, C. F. See also High schools; Rural schools See Clinical Psychology Educational. See Educational psychology —Pastoral Gingerieh, F. M. Jones, C. W. See also Counseling; Psychiatric social work —Physiological Fairchild, G. C. Fawl, C. L. Leventhal, T. Thompson, W. D . , Jr. —Sexual. Public ownership. ship Public relations Case, W. R. James, C. A. Martin, P. H. Nansen, F. L. Salaveria, R. A. Public school music. Teed, A. M. Psychology Clinical. 213 See Color Psychology of learning. See Learning, Psy- chology of Psychology of movement. Psychology of Psychotherapy Katzenstein, A. P. KHwer, J. P. Sommer, D . T . Public administration Ahmed, L. N. Bailey, D. R. Goering, N. J. Publics opinion Button, J. M. S. Eberle, H. G. Madden, PI. E. Merritt, J. L. Nowland, C. A. Rambusch, S. Public opinion polls Shcrbenow. E. L. Public welfare Courter, C. O. Michael, V . D , Newman, D. Palm, W. A. Schell, J. S. Sec also Orphan and orphan-asylums; Psychiatric social work; Social service Pueblo, Colo. Politics and government Love, B. W. See Sex Psychology of color. Public utilities Bien, E. F. Eberhardt, J. L. See Movement, Pulse Denny, G. E. Holmer, R. M. MeMullen, R. E. Schnebel, W. G. Unruh, A. D. Unruh, O. D. Pulse generators. See Oscillators, Electric Pulse techniques (Electronics) Beck, C. H. Kloepper, R. M. See also Electronics; Radio waves Pulverized coal. See Coal Punishment Ayllon, T. Mason, J. G. Pyorubrin Smith, J. O. Pyridine Abrahamson, E. A., Jr. Burdick, D. L. 214 Subject Gilkerson, W. R. Radar Ashley, J. R. Stutz, R. L. Fyridopyridazine Breed, L . W . Radiation Bingham, PL G. Friesen, B. S. Hair, W . W . Han, J. T . Reardon, W. A. Gier, D . W . Pyrimidines West, R. A. Pyrrol Cantor, P. A. Takashina, N. Yuan, H-C. Watkins, I. W. Radio Ballard, D. C. Coates, C. L., Jr. Goodwyn, T. A., Jr. Pyrrolidines Short, J. PI. Hedrick, T. A. Pyrroline Fuhlhage, D. W. Radio advertising, Kansas. Q Radio broadcasting Faris, W. R. Q fever Holper, J. C. Louaillier, A. R. Quails, Kansas Radio frequency modulation Driver, G. E. Faris, W. R. Robinson, T. S. Quantum theory Brown, H . D . Drawbaugh, D . W . Griffing, G. W. Gutzwiller, M. C. Yarn ell, J. L. See also Neutrons; Radiation Quaternary period. See Geology, graphic, Quaternary Qucrcus prinus Keith, W. M„ Jr. Quiuoline Colton, E. Quinolinol Brinigar, W. S., Jr. Edgerton, W. II. Leib, R. I. R History Osbom, L. R. Radio in education Faris, W. R. Kinnane, M. T. Radio journalism Ferrell, J. A. Strati- R. S. Cuti Brownlee, R. R. R. V. Tauri Brownlee, R. R. Rabbits Balm, A. N. Beckloff, G. L. Janes, D . W . Kissil, D. McKenney, J. R. Race problems Banks, E. M. Freeman, J. V. See also Acculturation; Emigration and immigration Race problems, Spanish-America Magner, R. Raccoons, Kansas Stains, H. J. Radio stations Ferrell, J. A. Kinnane, M. T. Osborn, L. H. Radio Waves Hoefer, W. C. Radioactive iodine. See Iodine, Isotopes Radioactive substances Triplett, J. R. Radioactive tracers Hughes, H. E. Szabo, T. T. Thomas, R. E. Radioactivity Cheng, IT. A. Fitch, A. H. Hammer, F. E. Johnson, R . W . Miller, B. L. Radiochromntogram scanner Gilbert, L. O. Radiography Cheng, II. A. Radios trontium Moore, V. C. Radium Buie, D. H., Jr. Cheng, H. A. I-Iiltibran, R. C. Kunz, W. F. Miller, B. L. Index DcIIaven, F . M . Dumler, M. J. Geoffroy, M. Y. Jester, T. F., Jr. Ortiz, j . D . M o o r e , V. C. Waokerle, J. D. Radium chloride Bingham, H. G. B r o w n , J. W. Comer, R. D. —Elementary McAnarney, H. E. Moffet, W . D . Radon Miller, B. L. Railroads, Novotny, L . L . Freight rates. Railroads, Rates Morton, V. M. Ramdn Menendoz Cid Lanter, E. B. Pidal. Sec Railroads, Rates La Espnfifl del Randolph, John H i n e s , J. W. R a n d o m walk problem Carpenter, R. T. Drawbaugli, D . W . Rats Bingham, H. G. B r o w n , J. W. Buehele, L. H. Buie, D . H „ Jr. Bures, G. I. Comer, R. D. F e d i n e c , A. A. Foster, J. A. Hair, W . W . Hiltibran, R. C. Kunz, W. F. Maudin, J. N. O v e r c n d , D. S. Rendina, G . Sehellcnberg, D . B . Spencer, M. C. Taylor, H. L. T h o m p s o n , W. D . , Jr. See also Cotton rat; Kangaroo rat; Norw a y rat; Spiny rats; Wood-rats R a v e l , Maurice G o r d o n , S. L. Reaction rate (Chemistry). See Chemical reaction, Rate of Reaction-time Martin, G. R. Rosenfleld, R. J. Silverthorn, L. J. Sec also Mental tests Reactor design Pope, R. E. Readability (Literary style) Annis, R . W . Reading Annis, R . W . Biery, H. B. Broen, C. H. Cordon, M. E. Cox, J. W . 215 —Psychology of Dechant, E. V. Molcr, D . L . See also Reading, Remedial teaching —Remedial teaching Bruning, H. I. Cowles, F. E. Miller, B. W . , Jr. Moler, D . L . Novotny, L. L. Pitts, R. E. Ridgway, R . W . Sternitzke, V. L. Reading circles. See Kansas, Departments, Commissions, and Associations Reading habits Edgar, G. E. Reading machines Dumler, M. J. Tate, T. R. Real estate. See Real property Real estate business, United States Huntington, V. R. Moddelmog, J. D. Real property Fuller, M. W. Huntington, V. P. Lemon, D . D . Moddelmog, J. D. Wilson, R. H. Realism in children Fish, J. E. Reality Hozier, A. Q. Reasoning Huling, M . D . Recognition (International law) Cibulka, K. J. Recreation Hceb, L. J. Schwartz, M. L. Waugh, F. A. Rectum, Mediation by Guida, A. J. Reeuerl de Farces Francaises Inpdites du X V e Siecle Stites, K. D. Red Cross, U. S. American National Red Cross Redding, J. G. Smart, D . C . 216 Subject Reduction Remedial arithmetic. See Arithmetic Remedial reading. See Reading, Remedial teaching —Chemical Christensen, V. J. Hammer, R. N. Hoffman, W . D . Rausch, M . D . Santoro, A. V. Yang, J. Y - W . —Electrolytic Hubbard, H . M . Redwing Good, W . M . Reefs, Florida Siegel, F. R. Siler, J. C. Reflexes Renel diseases. See Kidney, Diseases Reporters and reporting Pearson, C. G. Reports, Corporation. See Corporations Reproduction Hoar, R. M. Peterson, R. R. Webster, R. C. Republican County, Kansas Nemcova, B. Research, Kansas Inman, A. E. Reserpine Britton, S. B. Gray, R. M. Slaughter, F. E. Reformatories, Kansas Resins, Synthetic. Synthetic See Gums and resins, Hawkins, P. R. Refrigerants as lubrication Lindholm, J. C. Respiration Metcalf, T. G. Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery Glancy, W. P. Lindholm, J, C. Respiratory organs, Diseases Blumenfeld, S. N. Carr, D. L. Refugees, Jewish Gittleman, B. Shapiro, R. Retail stores. Refuse and refuse disposal Jackson, C. E. Pipes, D. E. Quinlan, R. W. Wagner, D. H. Rehabilitation Amundson, II. L. R. Baker, W. T. Thompson, E. E. Rehabilitation of the tuberculous. berculosis Reinforced concrete. Peterson, I. L. See Concrete Reissert compounds Cobb, R. L. Davis, P, Elliott, I. W . , Jr. Glazier, R. H. Hazlctt, R. N, Kindall, J. V. Popp, F . D , Rose, N. C. Walters, L. R. Werth, K. E. Rel ativity Weldon, L. L. See also Knowledge, Theory of Religious liberty, Kansas Jones, P. E. See Tu- See Stores, Retail Retail trade Hops, J. H. L e c , L. E . Levy, M. A. Nissau, A. Peery, D. B. See also Advertising; Salesmen and salesmanship; Stores, Retail; Supermarkets Retail trading areas. See Market surveys; Retail trade Retarded children. See Handicapped children Rctrolental fibroplasia Baxter, II. S. Reubell, Jean-Francois Homan, G. D. —Rcvista Azul Oberhelmnn, H. D. Rhagovelia Bacon, J, A. Rhenium Bravo, J. B. Rhetoric Wagner, C. E. Rheumatic fever Wambsgans, M . D . Rheumatic heart disease Valentine, J. F. See also Heart, Diseases Index Rhinoceroses Sensintaffar, J. L. Rhizopus Scott, B. A. Rhythm Downing, M , L . Knight, J. L. Ruppenthal, W . W . Scheihing, G. R. R i c c i a fruit ans Hartman, E . L . Richelieu, Arm and Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, Due de. Drama Fenner, J, H, R i c h m o n d , Mary Ellen Lacey, M. A. Rickettsiae Consigli, R. A. Guardiola, A , L . Hooker, E . V . Marquis, G. S., Jr. Metcalf, T. G. Meyer, M . M . Roberts, A. N. Rozin, L , W . Sauvan, R. L. Taylor, G. C. R i e n o w , Robert. Calling all citizens Linscheid, J. W. Right of Privacy. See Privacy, Right of Riss & Company, Inc. Kansas City, M o . Horner, J. P. M. R i v a Pahncio, Vincente Tongier, C. L. Roberts, Lawson M. Yerkes, L. H, Roberts-Ycrkcs course of study Campbell, C . W . R o c k s , Sedimentary Grey, C. E. Gwinn, B . W . Hnger, G. G. Hattin, D . E . Sprang, A. C. See also Sandstone Rodentia Jakway, G. E. V a n Devander, D . M . Winemiller, G. L. See also M i c e ; Rats; Squirrels R o d r i q u e z Alvarez, Alejandro Krucger, H. C. Romanticism Meredith, G. U. Righter, W . H . Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Surface, J. R. 217 Rorschach test Berger, S. I. Dreese, W. R. II am by, R. Horowitz, M. J. Phelps, C. K. Rosenberg, L. I. Roth, C. P. Vazquez-Castro, P. N. Wein er, L. Rotifer Velez, M. J., Jr. Rugs Imel, W. F. Schwartz, A. M. See also carpets Ruiz de Alarcon y Mendosa, Juan Ebersole, A. V . , Jr. Running Coffin, W. A., Jr. Martin, G. R. See also Track athletics Rural high schools. See Rural schools Rural schools, Kansas Billings, J. B. Crow, A. B. Drennen, N. L. Dunwell, R. R. McCord, H. B. Myers, W. E. Strowing, R. W. Whitla, R. H., Jr. Rural stability. See Stability Rural-urban index Walz, O. C. Warkentin, D. L. Buskin, John Barnes, B. J. Russia Ball, F. N. Harding, H. H. Judy, R. W. Ruthenium DeFord, D . D . S S. V. I. B. Ecales Rhodes, G. S. Steimel, R. J. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Long, K. R. Sadness Lubach, J. E. St. Louis, M o . Srrickler, A. N. Wells, E. T. St. Louis Park, Minn. government Hane, J. D. Politics and Subject 218 —St. Louis Post-Dispatch Zuegner, C. W. Salamanders Baird, I. L. Hall, C . W . Janosky, I. D. Malewitz, T. D. Truffelli, G, T. Saldidae Sec also Investments Scale analysis (Psychology). See Attitude (Psychology) Scales (Botany) Hodgden, B. B. Sales tax, Kansas Kirchhoff, E. E. Wendt, H. J., Sr. Salesmen and salesmanship Stewart, J. N. Salicylic acid Blair, F. I. Salientia. Satyridae Ehrlich, P. R. Saving and investment Benton, G. N. Schooler, E. W. See Anura Saliva Guardiola, A. L. Salmonella typhosa Jungk, N. K. Schmidt, J. P. Salts, Soluble Barney, J. E. Birdwhistell, K. K. Musick, M. J. Sampling (Statistics) Lee, L. E. Moxley, J. D. San Angelo, Texas, Politics and government Schrader, G. R. San Antonio, Texas Wilson, R. H. Sand-dunes Boker, T. A. Mettlcr, D . E . Muehlberger, E. B. Sandia Mts., New Mexico Peltier, E. J, Sandstone, Kansas Lins, T . W . Sanders, D. T. Schulte, G. S. Winchell, R. L. Sandzen, Birger Bird, D. J. Sangre de Cristo Mountains Haynes, E. H. Santayana, George Brooks, W . N . Sartre, Jean Paul Hines, J. T. Saskatchewan, Canada, Politics and government Beasley, K. E. Witlake, E. B. Schizophrenia Hanford, D. B. Hozier, A. Q. Ihrig, H. Johnson, D. L. Leventbal, M. Lyons, J. Zbranek, A. D. Schmidt reaction Gilliland, E. M. Grier, J. S. Gudmunsen, C. H. Mehta, N. B. Nielsen, D. R. Scherrer, J. H. Sparr, B. I. Tietz, R. F. Westland, R. D. Schonhofer Theory Durden, J. A., Jr. Scholastic achievement tests. See Examinations School accidents Brewster, W. J. Strickler, A. N. School attendance Herrman, W. L. Isaacs, D. A. W e b b , J. R. School boards Camien, L. L. Gilbaugh, J. W. School buildings. Sec School-houses School buses. See School children, Transportation School children, Transportation Witter, J. C. School credits, Outside work Gerber, C. E. School decoration Bluett, E. M. School districts, Kansas Ernst, J. O. George, H. A. Killian, R. M. Naylor, K. E. Overstreet, L. D. Index S c h o o l houses, Kansas Dodson, L. L, Jones, P . A . School reports Nelson, S. H. See also Grading and marking (Students) Yeokum, C. F. School social service S c h o o l hygiene Hobson, D. T. S c h o o l law. See Educational law and legislation S c h o o l leaving. See School attendance S c h o o l libraries Nichols, N . D . S c h o o l management and organization Allen, W . H „ Jr. Bacot, E . R . Bolton, M. R., Sr. Butler, L. B. Camien, L . L . Dunwell, R. R. Ernst, J. O. Holly, J. V. Kennedy, P. C. L y n c h , J. D. McArthur, II. J. MeEachen, H . D . McMurray, W . H . Naylor, K. E. O l d h a m , K. L. Penny, L . L . Post, J. P. Swisher, E . C , Ji. Thomas, E . D . Vigneron, J. H. Walrous, M . L . See also Educational law and legislation; School superintendents and principals; School supervision; Teaching S c h o o l music periodicals See also College sports; Intramural sports School superintendents and principals Everett, J. D. Gilbaugh, J. W. Holly, J. V. Kennedy, P. C. Koontz, M . D . Lynch, J. D. Oldham, K. L. Post, J. P. Smith, H. S. Swisher, E. C, Jr, Young, J. M. School supervision, Elementary Post, J. P. Thomas, E . D . Schools, Centralization Billings, J. B. Dunwell, R. R. M c A d o o , R. E. Vigneron, J. H. Schools, Parochial. See Church, Schools (Catholic) Sciatic nerve Dorang, L . A . Foster, J. A. Stewart, B. R. Science fiction Gunn, J. E. See School manage- ment and organization S c h o o l periodicals. Michael, V . D . School sports Fox, W . L. Kohl, F. B. Koontz, D . Mills, C. P. Science Fisk, F. G. Guba, E. G. Leshcr, M. R. Mercer, D . L . Sims, W. L. Aucherman, R . D . Barkes, B. J. Biddle, E . W . Billings, M . R . Brown, R . D . Fendorf, F . W . Fite, K . A . Garder, C. E., Jr. Geoffroy, K. W. Gunn, R. S. Hardy, J. L. Kell, R. I. Kroesen, J. K. Mourning, D . M . Neuhart, D . R . Nowlin, D . O . Sell, M . W . Stephenson, J. R. Strub, P. ' West, W . M . S c h o o l organization. 219 See College and school Scientific apparatus and instruments Luft, L. Scintillation counters Cartwright, L. M. Cole, G. R. Talley, H. E. Scolytidae W o o d , S. L. Score reading and playing Hansen, L. A. Scott, Charles Frederick Ewing, M. R. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe Annis, R. W. Subject 220 Sex Antliff, H. R. Scottsbluff, Nebr. Thomas, R . D . Valenstein, E. S. Screen process printing Ronald, M. J. Sculpture, Technique Tefft, E. C. Sculpture in steel Weinberg, L . Secondary education. Security, See Education International Christensen, Hans-Christian School discipline Bacot, E. R. Dameron, J. D. Screening (Printing) Yost, W. A. Sedimentation and deposition Baer, C. J. Hnwryszko, J. W. Nicholas, R. L. Norris, R. P. Segregation in education Newland, C. A. Thurman, A. O. Selaginella rupestris Wright, D. J. Self Mayman, M . Weston, E. T, Wilson, S, A. Self-government (in education) Bahr, E. Semantics Persky, A. P. W e l d o n , L. L. Seminole W a r , 2nd, 1835-1842 Richards, R. L. Senses and sensation Mathae, D. E. Silverthorn, L. J. Spiegel, D . E . Stein, K. B. Weiner, M. L. Sermons, English Thomas, L. M. Serum Christianson, J. F. Schmidt, J. P. See also Serum proteins Serum proteins Dolyak, F. Hill, R. L. Wiens, A . L . Servomechanisms Beeler, J. R., Jr. Sewage disposal Gray, M . W . Sexual instinct Valenstein, E. S. Shaffer, Lawrence Frederic. of Adjustment Mueller, W. J. Shakespeare, William —Characters The Psychology Shupe, E. E., Jr. —Hamlet Leflar, T. J. Shale, Kansas Hattin, D. E. Shaw, Irwin. Bury the Dead Harvey, H. A. Shawnee-Mission Junior High School Fox, W . L . Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Queen Mab Stewart, D. C. Shelter belts. See Windbreaks Shielding (Radiation) Wild, J. W. See also Radiation Shock White, R. P. See also Anaphylactic shock} Electric shock Shock tube Herman, D. H. Shock waves Hsu, K - C . Short stories Lewis, M. II. Oberhelman, H. D. Smiley, C. P. Tongier, C. L. Shrews Findley, J. S. Sight reading ( M u s i c ) Burnau, J. M. Sigillaria hallowellia Cridland, A. A. Sigmodon. See Rats Silicon Glass, W. A. Woods, J. A. Silicon organic compounds Sadow, H. S. Silk screen printing. printing Silva Valdes, Fernan Mirsky, J. G. Silver Dittmann, J. F. Sanks, J. L. See Screen process Index Silver oxide Brandt, R. L. Silversmithing Gaddis, I. Reed, F. J. Singing Barkis, B. J. Cary, D. E. Doughty, M. W. Oldham, W. E. See also Choral singing Siphonaptera Elbel, R. E. Skin-grafting Hardin, C. A. Robinson, D . W . Skunks, Kansas Jones, F. H. Skyscrapers Drey, J. E. See also Office buildings Slag Turner, J. S. Walker, J. A., Jr. Slow learning children. See Children. Retarded Slow learners. See Children, Retarded Snails Fairbanks, L. D. Snare drum. See Drum Social adjustment Bacr, C. J. Bolyard, A. A. F. Copeland, A. L. Flint, R. W. Kelley, M. H. Lee, W . W . Mueller, W. J. Wheeler, A. Z. See also Social psychology; Sociology Social case work Abbott, D. J. Amundson, H. L. R. Coughenour, P. J. Devcreux, C. D. R. Elder, R. N. Gittleman, B. Hager, R. Hale, M. N. Latimer, M. E. McCoy, J. C, Jr. Martin, P. H. Nansen, F. L. Pettit, M. G. Pilcher, D. M. Porter, M. M. Reed, C. Reed, V. M. 221 Reynolds, M. M. Shanlinc, R. D. Singer, F. L. Snow, L. A. Thrower, J. B. Walsh, T. E. Yoder, L. G. See also Counseling; Family; Interviewing; Marriage counseling; Social service. Social contact Dyck, A. J. Social group work Adams, E. Y. Kahn, S. Tekeli, Y. Social groups Crites, B. D. Deeble, C. T. Jordan, N. Livingston, D. G. Madden, H. E. Runyon, K. E. Sontheimer, K. See also leadership; Social phychoiogy Social interaction Bishop, F. M. Sobol, R. Social isolation Righter, W. H. Social participation Jordan, N. Schellenberg, J. A. Scott, W. R. See also Social groups Social problems Kincaid, M. B., Jr. Ladd, F. E. Penny, L. L. Social psychology Madden, H. E. Rarick, R. S. Smitherman, D. W. Storer, N. W. See also Attitude (Psychology); Discrimination in employment; Empathy; Interviewing; Leadership; Public opinion; Social adjustment; Social interaction; Social isolation; Sociomctry. Social sciences French, F. G. Knudsen, R. W. Mercer, D. L. Nicolas, L. R. Peterson, W. E. Smith, R. A. Snyder, E. E. Stewart, B. R. Wyatt, N. M. Subject 222 Social Service Boden, N. J. Cochran, L. R. Dimont, D . Dudley, C. N. Lacy, M. A. Neal, A. R. Pettit, M. G. Price, R. R. Tillinghast, G. D. See also Phychiatric social work; Public relations, Social Service; Public welfare; School social service; Social case work Social surveys Sherbcnow, E. L. Social welfare. See Public welfare; Social service Social work. See Social service Social workers Wright, R. P. See also Public welfare; Social service Socialism Gross, N. Thayer, C. P. See also Labor and laboring classes; Trade-unions Socially handicapped children. See Problem children Sociology Albert, D. K. Devereux, C. D. R. Lamy, B. Sociometry Price, A. M. Sodium Thompson, J. K. Sodium azide Alsup, R. G. Heisler, R. Y. Sodium barbital Patton, I-I. M. Sodium, Isotopes Baumann, N. P. Brice, D. K. Read, W . G . Teener, J. W. Soil micro-organisms Emerson, F. H. Williamson, O. C. Soil moisture Hansen, E. P. Soils, Heat transfer Thalmann, R. E. Soldiers, Recreation Davis, H. B. Solid solutions. See Solutions, Solid Solubility Barney, ] . E . Birdwhistell, R. K. Cain, J. H. Ellis, C. J. Spiegelhalter, R. R. Soluble salts. See Salts, Soluble Solution (Chemistry) Beck, L. A. Cronin, G. R. Renich, P. W. Solutions, Solid Keil, J. W. Sororities, Greek letter. Sound Curtain, E. L. Lindsey, M. J. Starrett, J. E. Taylor, M. J. Wright, B. S. Sound-waves Potter, R. R. Soviet Ball, F. N. Space frame Johnson, H. W. Space stations Sprague, R. S. Spaces, Generalized Jennings, A. K. Riley, J. D. Spain, History. Revolutionary period, 1868-1875 Sodium malonate Lane, N. A. Welch, F. H. Spanish-American Sodium oxalate Welch, F. H. Sodium peroxide Stephanou, S. E. Sodium succinate Welch, F . H . Sodium sulfite, Oxidation of. See Oxidation of sodium sulfite Soil fungi. See Soil micro-organisms See Greek letter societies fiction Magner, R. Spanish fiction, 19th century Lanter, E. B, Mikulski, R. M. Spargers Allen, W . D . Bone, B. Forsyth, S. E. Sparrows Woolfenden, G. E. Spectra. See Spectrum analysis Index 223 Spectrometer Bergen, D . W . Spinal cord Cates, C. H. Spectrophotometer Spinning Imel, W. F. Spinoza, Bonedictus de. Tractatun de Intellectus Emandatione Sofieris, J. W. Spectroscopy. Sec Spectrum analysis Spectrum analysis Dahlgard, M. Potter, R. R. Unruh, C . M . Spectrum, Infrn-red Yuan, I I - C . Spectrum, Ultra-violet Duvies, M. I. Speech Courtney, M. M. S. D i m f o r d , R. M. Eidson, G . W . Fort, B . D . M c C a r t y , E. L. MoClelland, W . D . Raines, S. E. l\auscy> C. G. T a y l o r , M. J. Sea also Phonetics; Speech therapy; V o i c e culture Speech correction. See Speech therapy Speech, Disorders of Drennen, N. L. Knye, P. E. Kirkpatrick, M. B. M c C l u r e , L., Jr. W a r d , J. A. Sec also Stammering Speech, Study and Teaching Baier, G . W . Conhoy, W. A. D a v i d s o n , A. F. Lessenden, E. F. Lockwood, L. Farmquist, D . A . Sulston, K. H. Speech therapy A d a m s , E. Y. Brooks, R. S. Dunford, R. M. Hotichins, R. R. Ktefer, V . H . Lindsey, M. J, Steel, M . N . W a r d , J. A. Speeches, Addresses, etc. Roberts, O. A., Jr. Spencer, Herbert D e w e y , H. S. Spenser, Edmund V a n c i l , S. M. Spinal anesthesia Devine, M. M. Rejsek, S. Spiny rats Moojcn de OKveira, J, Sporeforming bacteria. See Bacteria, Sporeforming Sports. See Archery; Athletics; Baseball; B a s k e t b a l l ; C o a c h i n g (Athletics); College sports; Football; Gymnastics; Jumping; Physical education and training; School sports; Swimming; Track (Athletics) •—•Accidents and injuries Coats, R. W. Hanson, F. N. Howard, W. R. Sports for women Coleman, L. D. Spot welding. See Electric welding Sprinting McConnell, J. A. See also Running Squirrels, Kansas Heck, O. B., Jr. Packard, R. L. Stability Brown, H . D . Heller, C. F., Jr. Stability of aeroplanes Higdon, D. T. Stability of electric lines North, J. W. Stability of helicopters Wernicke, K. G. Stage lighting Commons, M . D . Stains and staining (Microscopy) Taft, E. B. Stammering Franks, B. B. Steel, M. N. See also Speech, Disorders of Stars Brownlee, R. R. Talley, R. L. State aid to local government Watkins, K. C. State rights Hincs, J. W. Static electricity. Set Electrostatics Statistical mechanics Jones, K. R. 1 Subject 224 Statistics, Mathematical. See Mathematical statistics Statistics of sampling. See Sampling (Statistics) Stencil making Yost, W. A. Stephens, Kate Hahein, M. Stereotype (Psychology) Al-Hamdani, M. M. Steroids Emick, G. H. Scarborough, H. G, Jr. Feldstein, A. Stimulants Lai, H . Ross, C. R. Siegel, I. A. Stock and stock breeding, Kansas Gustafson, R. E. Stock ownership for employes. See Employee ownership Stomata Taft, D. L. Stores, Retail Raymond, R. S., Jr. Strain gages Harold, L. W. Strains and stresses Barcnberg, E, J. Garrison, W. R. Hargiss, W. C. Johnson, H. W. Ruggles, W. L. Shaw, W . A . Siqueira, W. M. Sujata, H. L. Vaught, G. W. Vollenweider, R. Wang, T-S. Wilkerson, C, Jr. W o n g , D. R. Yang, P-C. Yu, I-T. Stratigrapbie geology. Stratigraphic Van der Smissen, E. T. Streptomycin Altringer, M. P. Fee, C. F. Santoro, T. S. Stresses and strains. See Strains and stresses Stringed instruments Hardwiek, H. L. Strontium Cole, G. R. Structure, Theory of Johnson, H . W . Wilkerson, C , Jr. Yu, I-T. Structural geology. See Geology, Structural Student advisers Bolton, M. R., Sr. Student aid Kurek, A. Student employment Boucher, E. J. L. See also Student aid Student guidance. Sec Personnel service in education Student nurses Gordon, S. G. See Geology, Stratiomyidae Hanson, W. J. Streets Fettig, L. E. Horn, H. E. Maddy, C. E. Mitchell, R. R. Yang, P-C. Streptococcus Garrison, J, H. Lewey, G. R. McBridc, T. J. McClain, A. L. Ott, J. L . Radcliff, L. G. Russell, B. L. E. Ryll, E, Snyder, I. S. Streptolysin Altringer, M, P. Wiley, B. B. Stilbene oxides Strauss, Richard. Klein, U. Strength of materials Wong, D. R. Ariadne auf Naxos Kron, R. E. Student teaching Ashlock, R. A. Edwards, K. D. See also Teachers, Training of Students Adams, W. W . , Jr. Baer, C. J. Barland, J. K. Bird, D. J. Brown, J. R. Cleavinger, A. E. Coleman, L. D. Index Epps, M . W . Fahrbach, C. G., Jr. Forman, J. W. Gnston, G. I. Gray, R. T. Haider, D, F. House, K. E. Kazom, M. I. Kullstedt, E. V. McGill, E. P. Martin, C. H. Nelson, II. B. Page, T. C. Riley, G. D. Snyder, E. E. Sobieski, V. C. Sontheiiner, K. Tusher, J. E. Ward, A . D . Williams, M. G. Yocum, D. M. Summerfield Scholarships. Sunflower Village, Kansas Gibson, H. W. Sunflowers Ungar, I. A. Superconductivity. Sec Electric conductivity Superior children. See Gifted children Supermarkets Levy, M. A. Murty, V. S. K. Supersonic nozzles Silady, M. F. Supervision of employees Boukis, S. D. Cook, A. J. D. Supervisors Broyles, H. L. Sternitzke, V. L. Surface tension Hughes, R. L. Vagtborg, H., Jr. Wallace, R. M. Witherspoon, P. A., Jr. Surfaces Wang, T-S. Surfaces of constant curvature See Stammering Styrene Simpson, B. D. Yang, J. Y - W . Gutzwiller, M. C. Surgery, Plastic Hardin, C. A. Robinson, D. W. Subeeption Casey, A. Deiter, J. B. Surplus military property, American Mann, W. A. Susato, Tylman See also Perception Subsonic aerodynamics. Subsonic jets. See University of Kansas Sea also Personnel service in education; Student aid; Universities and colleges Students in art. Sec Art Study, Method of Geoffrey, M. Y. Gray, R. T. Pitts, R. E. Stuttering. 225 See Aerodynamics See Jet planes Subsonic wind tunnel Lyford, R. B., Jr. Miller, R. E. Stut/., R. G. Sugar trade, Hawaii Richardson, G. H . , Jr. Sulfanilamide Ounrdiola, A. L. Sulfoxides Carter, G. B. Sulfur dioxide Hoffman, II. A., Jr. Sulfur dioxide, Absorption in water Behnnanii, W. C. .Sulfur organic compounds Hoffman, II. A., Jr. Sulfuric acid Davies, M. I. 8—6699 Kliewer, J. C, Jr. Suscineidae Miles, C. D. Swift, Jonathan. Short Character of Wharton Williams, T. J. Swimming Norris, D. T. Symbolism in art Chandler, A. C. Symbolism in literature Cook, N. E. L. Sympathetic nervous system. See Nervous system Symphony orchestras, United States Bleecker, C. V. Schneider, E. M. Sedore, R. N. Synge, John Millington, Plays Howland, K. V. J. Szondi test Kobler, A. L. Subject 226 . . . . . Tachistoscope Dumler, M. J. T Tate, T. R. Tailless aeroplanes. See Aeroplanes Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe Sinclair, K. I. Talented children. See Gifted children Taphrina caerulescens Shields, I. J. Taphrina ulmi Kramer, C. L. Taxation Gulick, D. W. Moutsanides, D. T. Teachers Andrews, M. F. Ashlock, R. A. Beninga, M. E. Broyles, H. L. Carter, A. C. Davidson, G. E. Dunford, R. M. Harmon, R. T. Montgomery, S. i•• Neely, M. E. Pankratz, W. C. Sloop, M. E. Smith, J. H. M. Townsend, J. W. Varughese, P. N. Wolfe, B . W . Young, J. M. See also Business teachers; Women as Teachers —Certification Iske, G. F. Miller, M. B. Pfeltz, G. N. —Training of Carter, A. C. Charles, R. L. Edwards, K. D. Guba, E. G. Harder, R. C. Stoppel, N. K. Strowing, R. W. W o o d , D. E. See also Student teaching Teaching Baer, C..J, Book, H. A. Clothier, G. M. Cowles, F. E. Koontz, M . D . McKinnis, L. A^ Reader, E. C. L. Yerkes, L. H. See also Audio-visual education; Child study; Education; Education of chil- dren; Educational psychology; Examinations; Kindergartens; Study, Method of; Teachers —Aids and devices Lorenzen, R. L. Teasdale, Sara Amini, H. R. Technology, Inorganic Hughes, H. E. Technology on workers .. Bonnavaud, P. H. Teen-age. See Adolescence Telemeter system Driver, G. E. Teletype Powers, J. L. Television Hedriek, T. A. Needle, F. W . , Jr. Television audiences, Kansas Powell, D. F. Television broadcasting Pearce, L. J., Jr. Wormington, B, J. Wormington, B. L. Television in education Browne, R. E. Powell, D. F. Temptation Beale, E. A. Muroff, M. M. Terpen es Emick, G. II. Kofi, G. Y. Ross, C. R. Tertiary period. See Geology, Strati graphic, Tertiary Testing Nelson, J. A. Testosterone propionate Grunt, J. A. Tests and measurements in education. See Educational tests and measurements Tetanus Fedinec, A. A. Schcllenberg, D. B. Tetrachlorides Lee, C-S. Textbooks, United States Bradley, I. . . See also Particular branches of study, with or without the subdivision textbooks Textile design Allen, J. S. Boyle, A. L. 227 Index Textile industry and fabrics Allen, J. S. Boyle, A . L . Duffy, R . E . Gray, P . A . Kite, H . M . See also Dyes and dying; Weaving Textile p r i n t i n g Spinning; Ronald, M. J. Theater Commons, M, D. Dodrill, C . W . Harvey, H . A . Mather, P . A . O'Connell, W. E. Rea, T . P . Ross, A . Roycr, B. J. Sollncr, W . J . W i g h t , E>. V. Sec also Stage lighting Theophylline Guidn, A . J . Theory of groups. Rives, J. J. See Groups, Theory of Theory of numbers. of See Numbers, Theory Therapeutics Katzenstein, A. P. titration Toad hug Todd, E. L. Toad-fish Batty, T. V. Roth, A. Winblad, J. N. Toads Chrapliwy, P. S. Freiburg, R. E. Thermal clifTusity Gerety, J . H , Jr. T h e n n o d y n amies M a r g r a v e , J. L. Milne, T . A . W h o n t l e y , Q. de L. Thinking. See Bacteria See Thought and thinking Thiopyrimidinea R e n d i n a , G. Thiourncil Bures, G. J. R c n d i n n , G. T a y l o r , I I . L. Webster, R. C. T h o m a s , N o n n a n Mattoon T h a y e r , C. P. T h o m p s o n Thematic Apperception Test W e b e r , G. H. Thorntic surgery. See Chest, Surgery Thorius Hall, C . W . T h o u g h t and thinking E l l i o t t , J. M. Huling, M. D. Time perception Barrientos-Monzon, G. Daniels, M. B. Ihrig, H. Sobol, R. Tin Sparks, J. T. Talley, H. E. Tissue culture Brillaud, A. B. Pebley, E. M. Titanium compounds Unruh, C. M. Wheatley, Q. de L. T i t r a t i o n , Photometric. Thermal conductivity Taylor, I I . E. Tbalmann, R. E. T h c n n o p h i l i c bacteria. Throat masculature Tanner, W . W . Thymus gland Comer, R . D . Thyroid gland, Diseases Harsha, W. N. Thyroid powder Trahan, R. G. Time and motion study Butcher, P. J. Parekh, H. C. Time-measurements Tobacco Duxbury, J. A. Myers, R. W. Tolstoi, Leo Nikolaevich, Barnes, B. J. Topeka, Kans. —Education French, F. G. Graves, P. B. Henson, O. M. Isaacs, D. A. Lingo, H. F. Litchfield, W. C. Mercer, W. J. Mix, T. O. Snyder, E. E. Walters, J. T. Williams, M. G. Wilson, O. B, See Photometric 228 Sub feet —Water supply Davis, S. N. Trollope, Francis Milton. Domestic manners of the Americans Robinson, F. M. Trombiculidae. See Chiggers ( M i t e s ) Trombone Duerksen, G. L. Topology Argyris, C. Cheney, E. W . , Jr. Liebnitz, P. W . , Jr. Lucas, K. R. Moore, W. K. Woodruff, R. M. Tournaments Troy, Kans. Public schools Biddle, E . W . Truck equipment, Distributors Evans, H. C. Roever, J. E. Toxins and antitoxins Gibson, R. D. Track athletics Sheffield, C. W. Warner, J. F. See also Athletics; Running; Sports Trade. See Business Trade unions Surface, J. R. Varughese, P. N. Vining, S. A. Traffic accidents Bingham, R. M. Traffic regulation White, P. L. Training of teachers. Sea Teachers, Training of Tranquilizing drugs Carpenter, E. A. Transformations, Laplace. See Laplace transformations Transformations (Mathematics) Barnett, H. H. Khabbaz, S. A. Moore, W. K. Panitehpakdi, P. Transient labor. See Migrant labor Transients (Electricity) Ching, G. E. Transmission of sound. See Sound Transportation, Automotive. Freight Steele, J. D. Travelers Aid Society, Kansas City, M o . Sopcr, A. L. Travelers, English Beall, K. E. Traveling wave tubes Martin, E. J., Jr. Tree planting Pfister, R. L. Treehoppers Cook, P. P., Jr. Treponema pallidum Balm, A. N. Triassic period. Sec Geology, Stratigraphic, Triassic Trumpet, Studies and exercises Ruhnke, D. R. Trust companies, Kansas City, Mo. Hunt, G. T. Trust property Hunt, G . T , Trusts, Investment. See Investment trusts Tuberculosis Baker, W. T. Costello, R. L. Stewart, W. T. Sea also Mycobacterium tuberculosis Tuition. See Education Tularemia Buchele, L. H. Grihhin, W. J., Jr. Hill, R. L. Hopla, C. E. McCamish, J. Mauldin, J. N. Price, R. D. Winemiller, G. L. See also Bacterium tularcnse Turkey Oruc, A. H. Tuncer, M. B. Turner-Burrell adsorption fractionator Harding, W. B. Tnrnverein Palmer, E. B. Typewriting Hird, M. L. Typewriting with music Allsup, E . L . Typhlocybinae Christian, P. J, Young, D . A . Typhus fever Fevurly, J. R. Marquis, G. S., Jr. Metcalf, T. G. Sauvan, R. L. Taylor, G. C. See also Murine typhus Tyrosine Fellman, J. H. 229 Index u Ultra-violet rays Wiseman, G. G. Uncertainty principle Reed, R . L . Underdeveloped areas Baqai, M. V. Underground water. See Water, Underground Unemployed, France Clinch, V. C. F. Unemployment insurance. See Insurance Union management cooperation Cook, A. J. D. Union of South Africa, Race question Banks, E. M. Union of S o v i e t Socialist republic. Russia United Jewish Social Services Gittleman, B. Sell, I. M. United Nations Ahmed, L. N. Christensen, II. C. Samii, C. B. United States —Foreign Relations Cibulka, K. J. Mulch, M . F . Roberts, S. L. Tomari, S. Tuncer, M. B. •—Government Agencies Amundson, H. L. R. Baker, D. P. Benton, G. N. Covalt, E. R. Harkness, C. A. Jones, L. L. Kelley, G. G. Kurek, A . Mengel, P. M. Miller, H. L., Jr. Thompson, L. I. Thrower, J. B. Varughese, P. N. Wheeler, A . Z . —History and Government Battaglia, M, J. Campbell, C . W , Covey, B. R. Dolan, K. F. Dowhowor, E. Etzler, M. C. Harkness, C. A. H a y w o o d , C. R. Hines, J. W. Johnston, L . D . Lefevre, L . D . Lessig, B. M. See Lohrenz, O. McKinney, M . Madden, II. E . Neumann, D . H . Poor, C . W . Ramsey, R . D . Robinson, F . M . Scritchfield, F. C. Stewart, A. J. Stewart, W . A . Train, G. F. Yerkes, L. H. —Policies Jochnick, A. B. J. A. Neumann, D . II. Riesner, H. F. Schamp, W . W . Whitham, R. L. —Supreme Court Jochnick, A. B. J. A. Johnston, L. D, Newland, C . A . Universities and colleges Baker, C . D . Chcnoweth, J. B. Diehl, W . E . Hams, IT. L. Smith, J. H, M. University City, M o . Politics and government Dieterich, H. R., Jr. McMahan, H . D . University of Kansas Acker, W. J. Adams, W . W . , Jr. Alexander, W , R . Armntas, P. J. Barland, J. K. Brown, M. K. Butlor, W . R . Calkins, G . W . Coan, C. Cole, G. A. Colver, R . M . Dunn, R. R. Edwards, K. D. Fnhrbach, C. G., Jr. Form an, J. W. Foulks, J. R. Fredrickson, R. W. Geoffrey, M. Y. G o b l c , C. R. Hallman, R. M. Herman, R . D . Holman, R. R. Hughes, S. W. Knsim, H. A - H . Kinnane, M. T. Ladd, C. E. Leocadio y Plate, C. MacLaren, M. K. Miller, R. E. Subject 230 Vapor-liquid equilibrium Szabo, T. T. Thomas, R. E. Moler, D. L. Moler, M. A. Partridge, A. R. Peterson, L. V. Powell, A. F. Rasmussen, O. M. Schillinger, R. C. Shay, T. M. Shirk, D. L. Simpson, F. W. Smith, R. K. Stemitzke, V. L. Tusher, J. E. Williams, C. L. Yocum, D. M. Vaporization, Heats of Richardson, P. J. Vapors Beeler, J. R., Jr. Variation (Bacteriology) Fee, C. F. Jungk, N. K. Vasconcelos, Jose. Unmarried mothers Baker, C. S. Majors, J. R. Michelson, M. D. See also Illegitimacy; Maternal and infant welfare Uracil Keplinger, M. L, Robrish, S. A. Scarborough, II. C., Jr. Uranium dioxide Aelcermann, R. J. Urea, Adducts with hydrocarbons Stillman, R. E. Utopias Maz6, J. V Vacuum-tube Memorias Finney, L. M. ampliflers. See Amplifiers, Vacuum-tube Valdes, Fernan Silva. See Silva Valdes, Fernan Valencia, Spain Betorct-Paris, E. Valle-InclAn, Ram6n del Lane, N. A. Mikulski, R. M. Vallejo, Antonio Buero. Plays Sammons, W. G. Valley View School, Merriam, Kan. Conner, F. J. Valuation Schlundt, H. A. Value Angell, W. D. Vanadium Moore, R. A. Smith, R. B. Van de Graff generator Byers, D. H. Mandelkehr, M. M. Skccn, C. H. Vnn der Heyden Corporation , Ponteville, J. A. Vascular system Ewy, H. G. Kendrick, J. E. Veblen, Thorstein Osborn, C. R. Vector analysis Argyris, C. Khabbaz, S. A. Pedrick, G. Vegetation mapping Baker, D. P. Velez de Guevara y Duenas, Luis. Reinar Dcspucs de Marir, and, La Heine Mortc Pcnzel, Z. Veliidae Bacon, J. A. Vera tram in e Caldwell, H. C, Jr. Veterans Amundson, IT. L. R. Barker, G. K. Copclnnd, A. L. Porter, M. M. Veteran's hospitals. See Hospitals, Military; United States, Government Agencies Vibration Bodine, R. Y. Waymeyer, W. K. Vibrio comma Becker, R. E. Victoria, Australia. State Electricity C o m mission Eberhardt, J. L. Vigotsky Sorting Test Brunk, L. W. Esch, J. Vinylpridine Grier, J. S. Violin, Studies and exercises Mercer, R. E. Violoncello, Studies and exercises Ehrlich, J. H. Virus diseases Blumenfcld, S. N. Terrill, R. S. Index Virus research Amelunxen, R. E. Viscometry. See Viscosimetry Viscosimetry Turner, J. S. Viscosity Turner, J. S. Walker, J. A . , Jr. Viscosity of liquid hydrocarbons Heckes, A. A. Viscosity of liquid propane Christy, J. A. Viscosity of liquids Swift, G . W . Visual aids Murray, II. Voegelc, E. B. Visual discrimination Embrey, R. L. Vitamins Hiltibran, R. C. Lathrop, L. B. Long, K. R. Trahan, R. G. V o c a l Music Horacek, L. Nelson, R. W. Rose, J. C. Vocational education Ayers, S. G. George, W . M . Martinez, J. P. Mog, II. M . Rhodes, G. S. See also Blind; Deaf, Education; Engineering, Study and teaching Vocational guidance Boyle, M. M. Vocational Rehabilitation, Kansas Armatas, P. J. Schrcmpf, R, V o i c e culture Cary, D. E. Voles. See Field m i c e Vortex tube Hou, K - C . W Wallace, Henry Agard Roberts, S. L. W a r and emergency powers Good, W . E . W a r correspondents, American Stewart, A. J. W a r material surplus. Sec Surplus military property, American 231 Washington University, George Warren Brown School of Social Work Tillinghast, G. D. Water Purification Robinson, L. R., Jr. Water boatmen Wellhouse, W . T . Water-color painting Greaver, IT. Water flooding of oil fields. See Oil field flooding Water-measures Mychajliw Sprague, I. B. Water-power electric plants Birnbaum, M. M. Dios, Z. B. Water-supply Bien, E. F. Brown, W. J., Jr. Hodson, W. G. Lynn, A. Mack, L. E. Nelson, L. Water, Underground Beck, IT. V. Brown, W. L. Carlson, W. A. Davis, S. N. Dufford, A. E. Hodson, W. G. Mack, L. E. Sanders, D. T. Water works management Bien, E. F. Wave mechanics Gutzwiller, M. C. Waxwings Arvey, M, D. Wealth, Kansas Pinet, F. S. See also Income Weaving Ellsworth, E. S. Gray, P. A. Imel, W. F. Kite, H. M. Walker, N. E. See also Hand weaving; Textile industry and fabrics Wechslcr, David, 1896—The measurement of adult intelligence Neuringer, C. Weight lifting Ebel, K. W. See also Athletics Weil, Shnone, L'Enracinement Malan, I. R. 232 Subject Welding Baker, J. N. Cooper, A. L. Welfare work. Sec Public welfare Westwood, Kan. Westwood View School Mercer, D. L. Western Civilization Examination Chenoweth, J. B. Wharton, Earl of, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Williams, T. J. Wheat (acreage restrictions) Oklahoma Nigh, Tt. R. Wheat straw Snook, P. R. White collar workers. See Clerks White-slave traffic. Sec Prostitution Whitman, Walt Hesser, D. C. Witt, R. R. Wichita, Kan. Boos, R. F. Lamb, B. S. Phye, N. W . , Jr. Wilder, Laura Ingalls Ross, R. P. Wilder, Thornton Niven Schwarz, C. W i n d tunnels Carpenter, D. O. Lyford, R. B., Jr. Miller, R. E. Shoffner, D. R. Stutz, R. G. Windbreaks Pfister, R. L. W i n d instruments Hammer, J. W. See also Bands ( M u s i c ) Wing, Donald Goddard Wiley, J. A. Winnetka, 111. Ellis, L. A. Winrod, Gerald Burton Buitrago, A. M. Winter grain mite Shankar Nnrayan, D. Winter Veterans Administration Hospital, Topeka, Kan. See United States, Government Agencies Wireker, Nigel. The Mirror of Fools Chandler, J. B. Wirth, Fremont Philip. United States History Dowhower, E. Woman Baechler, M. S. DeForest, E. D. Hobbs, A. M. Parekh, II. C. Vermillion, M. E. See also Physical education for women; Sports for women Women as teachers Pownall, J. E. Women in education. See W o m e n as teachers Wood-alcohol Cain, J. H. Ellis, C. J. Woodrat Chapman, A. 0. Wood-rats Finley, R. B., Jr. Rainey, D. G. Woolf, Virginia (Stephen) Brown, R. C, Wordsworth, William Vincent, E. G., Jr. Work relief, France Clinch, V. C. F. Work sampling Parekh, II. C. Working classes. See Labor and laboring classes Working girls. See Woman Workshop for the blind Kirkpatrick, H. L. The World Book Encyclopedia Murray, PI. World War, 1939-1945 Mann, W . A . Peak, V. V. Worth Hershkowitz, A. Writing Goodwin, F. M. See also Typewriting Wycliff, John Palmer, W. P. X X-Rays Coffman, J. W. Cole, G. R. Howieson, J. L. Pyle, C. L. Swanson, PI. D. Y Yarnpa River Birnbaum, M. M. Yeast Rodwell, V . W . 233 Index Yen, James Yn Chuen Weitzer, S. J. Young Men's Christian Association, Kansas Hinde, T. R. Yourcenar, Marguerite Zone system. See Zoning Zoning Gunn, W. S. Mills, G. V. Zoning laws, Lawrence, Kansas Wigglcsworth, J. H. Adams, H . C , Jr. Youth Zoology Sapp, O. W. Yugoslavia, Relations ( general ) with Russia •—Ecology Baker, M. F. Finley, R . B „ Jr. Freiburg, R. E. Goble, C. R. Jones, J. K., Jr. King, O. M. Packard, R. L. Piatt, D . R . Sandidge, L. L. Harding, H. H. Z Zapus Krutzsch, P. H. Zinc Sorensen, D. T. Zinc alloys Cooper, A. L. Zinc and lead mining district, Kansas Harhaugh, J. W. —Kansas Velez, M. J., Jr. • 28-6699