Homework#5 Solution Physics 1111 Spring2009 Physics 1111 HomeworkSet#5 Solution is trueor false.(a) Ashonautsorbitingthe Problen 1, Choosewhethereachofthe followingstatements gavitational Earth is so much less at their orbiting the attraction of th€ Earth feel w€ightlessbecause of staticandkineticfrictionhavevaluessuchthat l\ = 2.0 pkfor thatthe coefficients altitude.(b) Suppose a cratein contactwith a concr€tefloor. This meansthat the magnitud€ofthe static frictional force acting on the crateat rest is alwaystwice the magnitudeof the kineticfrictionalforce actingon the moving on a leveltrack.The tensionin th€ couplingbetweenthe engine crate.(c) A fteighttrain is accelerating andthe first ileight car would chaDgeif someofthe cargoin the last car were transfer€dto other cars.(d) on a level track.Thetensionin the couplingbetweenthe lasttwo freiglrt A fieight train is accelerating to othercars. oarswouldchangeif someofthe cargoir the lastcarweretransferred a normrl force;it hasnothingto do (a) Fals€:Astronautfeelweightlessbecause thiy don't experience gravity at their altiflrde. When the astronauts are orbitingEallh,theirnetforceis with thestrenglhof providedentirelyby gravity.Theyarein a "freefall", in whichtheykeepfallingtowardtheEarthasfast them. as it curvesawaybeneath (b) Fals€rwhile theforceofkinetic frictionisj = pN, only the maximumforceofstaticfrictioncanbe writtenasJ{.,"= F,N.Beforenotion, theforceofstaticfrictionli canbeanyvaluebetween0 andf,*"*.lf to movethe crate,fbr example, thestaticflictionalforcewill bezero. no forceis attempting (c) Fals€rRegardless ofwherethe cargoweightis,theengineis stillpullingthesametotalweight,sothe belweenit alrdthe first freightcarwon't change. tensioD (c) True: lfsome cargoin the Iastcarwerekansferred to theothercars,the lastcarwill havel€ssmass, forceis as before.This acceleration Deedlessforceto producethe sl,re acceleration andtherefore providedby thetensionit] thecoupling,so thetensiondecreases. Homework#5 Solution 1111 Physics Spring2009 hangingover a pulley;see the systemknown as Atwood'sMachine(two masses Problem 2. Consialer Example 6-7 in your textbook). Assume the two massesn r andrn2are not equal (a) nr andzz are increasedby the same multiplicativefactor (in other words, eaoh nass is Suppose multipli€d by the samenumber). What happensto the sccele@tionof the system? (b) Again, suppose by the samemultiplicativefactot what happensto the tensionin the rope?(c) ,, uid -, un increased Supposezrl aadzr, are increasedby the sameadditive factor (in other words, each masshas the same amountof extramassaddedto it), what happensto the accelerationofthe system? rQ) --l-le pf +U n*a"t in ot lt.Ji oaaalal-1-v't Vt^J:na is J fl,-ft1t - n -nr,+".- ^ V'J r4t 01f ij LeL h"4it azeinaeq,p)td ^ ^"n -LL-4:' , n, --> f., ., -u-s f -, -LLe^ tht-hr a'= t44t+tta I rL > ---.-t hQ I -t!nA'*, i^ {td TI l'l J--' ,& H t I J+t l^1 V\ LJ yop4 i5 I n,, -, ulea ig \*Vu' *Ldt +t, -t^t,.,- \<l/ * j^'- I ^ Cfe'& 1o a.rc iqrtcnuol -Lu y'autu,,t(y''v-t'uq lJ"o'ttz, qb &./.v" yz<v,., ^l+ 5/..9 tL& 'ha4j t4t2 go u.t"o- llp n, te:.crr"s,J I m, o^ol uu a,,z ^/"1""11,,1a n "ts n, 1'6, +ut a4'b#,'*' H ----:.--- > : ^ ,., +hza y-t (^) uz kn a.,ele,rah;. tC ) l"la + +, f* e _ _ 1-- n' ( ^+J p"^ ///'.//' '--1- hrt"-* Q n . + * 2 7 1 r r t 6 n) :_=_:-__.___'q= Cm ' { - ) + ( n , + - ) d Ilt r--ln1t 74,+u11..t7ti4 -* qz^ htt ) r4tlo, mv) vtl?tt Homework#5 Solution 1111 Physics Spriry2009 Problem 3. Three identical blocks are attachedby ropes over a frictionless pulley, as shown in the diagam, and the systemis releasedfrom rest. Rankthe magnitudesof the following forces,from leastto grcatesf the tensionsin the ropesA and fs, andthe weight tr=mg of one block. Be sureto note if any of theseforcesare equal. # ,A-,";;';;" At-col- nacta- QF,fk: f- *(. 44 f -:^/ '4'l' A +L ui+-t^^J atp vll u'z[<tft a.rle *Jl hth +u oa"l"'rlt /"-t-, =n^ => Ta- ''/'(l+a)> 'n = vl -0 tF=Ta-ni na': rte t'y J U"'h la +te b,4*''St'+-t' u = ntf 'a) <:\3 = t"'t -e .T =r9. fs =na =) Ttz 5". P^V 1*"t''eQ a-JO 1 a 1 , ,a W u/e o-f ! tL' tuk"'d2 l^ r^ la t4 4 rlq Problem 4. Two blooksare oonnectedby a string,as shownin the figure below. The smoothinclined andtheblockon the inclinehasa massoftt r = surfacemakesan angleof r= 42.0owith thehorizontal, themassofthe hangingblockthatwill causethe systemto be in equilibrium.(The 6,94kg.Calculate pulleyis assumed to be ideal). -Btc^-tt +t" ,f.k^ tt h f l;Ltiln , Wa l'no".s +1,"f rfil n414'/ bl"?k ;t ,r,<4ld"dt4l. -rla bl"'han *-" a tyt'r. let r! 1,7"^sfue^'er" Auatl6 6 du c-.,l",h \a./al^*, - lt r nt. loi F'.4 fzfr,,r = rn,A-l *\< 1",< t-n|;n Y J / ,lw4:m T=."J - -O ^-z n1,d2r.: O :7 T:n,f ,.:,9 -O >F,l =N-nl7e)0 2,nta):c) + M= n,V.--A -_^@ zlt,x = T-/,1'9e,'"9= U Ito^ y"-i'n"s O ^l ntf =n'f a,0 :) 0- h/z aq /y:r mz-=m,1.yB +tt h'^"v4 nu,*, w. ll"6;^ f ,*a l*y c|.,e" ,ont ,,, f* = m,ax =o :> l r I , rn,=((.?+kl)sa4zo t v,( - Homework#5 Solution Physics 1111 2009 Spring Problem 5. The coefficentof staticftiction betweenthe floor ofa truck and a box restingon it is 0 39' The truck is traveling at 86.0knvh. whal is the leastdistancein which the truck car stopand ensurethat thebox doesnot slide? , +)z b"t is al* ir.le ern" ttu"k le /e.cvlwal"'6 't'A^t^ ;s 1'7i"'+ 7t'vdze+)te duJ-,$6.T1.4.A;(Frc loobr*{ oq .t e hx, wd:cApeus +. +Aaoyp.tb l-r d;r'.6'^ "[ +ke *tut'k nok'".. o.*.+ \ +.*'. 11l&v. )c., lh< mal:m*l"*;Llo +,.^"- =l.M ^nca thts :knA Jr.,"4:" lt"udcc A Y ( N = n X ; n c h ac.se ) +tLe (,ttfel.u! ) aue'leto{','- "l -u b'x. ma =^ /,1"43=> a= -/k0 . I ht0 au"br-Ana clo"s b,4t kx *1, + r*o[ /ou^ +o fzq( -f,"'r +/'a' '''f"^l tftl' a^. ntQ l' ,ie^ott<1"o'^ Ne *u"(un 4" l, c.l"J<ft 'eat ol;",>Lu^-1 I t ,'o = ,l,L 1 ra( ax), Jon "u+ ^/e {; = 7t:y,-/d=23.t1 a =_N0 't * / AX =-^ ui 2a ,1Y.--;-;-;- 'r" a = (.s.al-rt' 2 ( 0 . t 1 ) (f . s t - / s ' ) 4 Homework#5 Solution 1111 Physics 2009 Spring Problem 6. A ski that is placedon snowwill stick to the snow.However,when the ski is movedalong the snow,the rubbingwarmsand pafiially meltsthe snow,rcducingthe coefficient of liiction and promotingsliding. \iaxing the ski makesit waterrepellentand reducesfriction with the resultinglayer of water.A ;agazi;e reportsthat a new t?e of plastic ski is especiallywaterrepellentandthat, on a gentle skisto time from 61.60r with starrdard 200rl?slopein the Alps,a skierreducedhis top-to-bottom pair of skis acceleration with each ofhis average 40.00; with thenew skis.(a) Determinethemagnitudes 6(b) Assuminga 4.0' slope,computethe coefficient ofkin€tic friction for .A€€€l€.eti€{-.'\.itho+ eachcase(Old modelski coefficientof friclior andnewmodelskicoeffic;entof friction). y"bte";a t:-y'y F'te"{;es' \0)"tlt.fitt 7."( el+1"tr vka4 ( tve,t+l^z ltopl..zwe,t /o*" t'ht el"p L, a^ "';+t4 ,-" ca! =il , 6,-l '+Q +o<J u^e t. orz ta- 5/u< "l I w ua:'d: +Q a.<a(&/ X= il:t + )a+' 4 zl _ :>a=Z " ) a) lb ) tte fl^t t = 1);6+ !+f L= Ja( z ( ott: a = n/Ez2 7;:,, _-a tor4 :) 1 | t t t,tud) qtdlrq' lr42 t I v*" <r,!-o'L -l;;;Jfl 1 e , -t 5-_ o ^ /:_!_) ( a1t,,a1t- -[)- 6^d +hr cdrr'Jt^,,& agFft_ ate (L^sn 1""<z ,&,/as ia eaoLlwu(,V^ p12. =na' z F = n X t ' " " g - l += ' h t t : ' q - / { l x a\ 4 ,'. t,ke ."b/Q f -^-D >fi = M- nlo.r€ = nat 1 , ^ c eA 2 = 0 , 5 " , Z - F y . - / t ' n f . " e z r 1 a 1= o ) N > n n u ' . P nf^'"^O 8. af4'6^69. uttf,a l,I n6a't -nf ^'.0 ' Pu O /..tax + fth9- =) ilr. fuAc"e ' a* -a" .=+a,g f,^'a 3; a /VV'6 ia +A4 0 ,J* ,("r t), otl o-l ,r{:;::,* q"*.-@ A^ CJ^-ultLt"! c0"if':"4 of *a er"l*J d ne'"tsk;t a 4 : ttll, ltr^+4^$0" ##.r, -FGff, lvew. -_ f r f-4"1+.0' 's' 12v = ( 7 E t) C 6 ' v o 0 . 0+ + 4 --"(t 6" -O i,,ze Homework#5 Solution 1111 Physics Spring2009 across the floor with a sfap that is at anangleof Problem 7. At the airpoq you pull a ,7.I-kg suitcase (a) 47.1" abovethe horizontal. Calculatethe normal force in the strap,given that the suitcasemov€swith oonstantspeedandthat the coefficient of kinetic fiictioD betwe€ntie suitcaseand the floor is 0.352.(b) Calculalethetensionin liat strap. o(+ws;t"* 1il Tlz ?t6,i2.c^A!r- hl2 /'7"* a* thq' otrf(' .r n't* lr"^ a,t ly^* r a b- u.ttit /o". 1*t"^t Srcw -{-t"s al*S x aJ I J;rua'n- : ZF =Tc"rs-Jv>Ta;,4- li,tr =-na.r 4) : . 8 = T e r . r r i v ^ n J- n a ) 4^c2 tto t'(6 ^1,'A y /tte.ul",a*4 +tt v"t,^f, "t7 y ltu"^na ia /m4o*(, 10, at-a)=o, T 4s___ w1,40 Fo- {t{ ahve a.1"-t"'^. de u^ te'(: ^:JT:.":^_! ,.;::^= (e _i" _?.. r._ {*',o**, 'T-lkM G-s-, tvb4:l^h -bL;..I+t4,vA 7 *a e|^ao- @ -Tr:.0:-Bf -.(/ => -> /= #!ra ; -2r' :) -/v/ lr.Ma.a.F=nf mi l-1llcr*0 ?v4-"1;^ t\t rtu^h,.rc h,etl1 pr= 1vtkd)(ftt 7c? - t^t olM t|._. = /----1 IlJ' o !!=4 '*(07t2)ta^tt\lo- tb) I he +.ba4:r^ a'^l'?aol+'a"Q'l -7= h fuv 7,7.r-a .!# t,: T=Q.o:)L!-') crya7.l" =wT4 Homework#5 Solution Physics l1l1 Spring2009 of 4.25kg each,corneoted by a shing,slidedowna rampmakinganangleof Probfem 8. Two masses mr atrdlhe rarnpis 0.29.The 32' with thehorizontal.Thecoefficientof kinotiofrictionbetween ofthe acceleralion coefficientofkinetiofriotionbetweenmzandthemmpis 0.14.(a)Findthemagnitud€ of the masses.(b) What is the tensionin the strinS? +t^t /uy," {a ,*L 6l,A @) Ttr.)*yar,.,t tfia elt"ws t'x*-b/) al*'V -u. +^*,'-,n"^-(|nq, ta*'("("^"| l-,0,o"( f,,,t,*4,t*ro. LLr,".d4t 4 cAosr 6*,1,i/1 af,len, hle ca^ wv,'l<o"t t ue -fqe c.z*ft*l+ l', l,U^ At-i+ 1lvr- blo.F t , t ,tlt . - 4< >t :' F t- - t + n ' t a , ' "-P' J ,= n ' a " =n'a, I7or.r,-n,fle'>o a l t ' f- /'l*hr" li r,' '2'""6 -, t. -,,", l4Fu'w, ,"3c-g- r,a, eau,v1a4 a-) s'^<6,-6 / l T y = 1 1 6 = a ) 7"^,* ;":;u:^:;:f Jn |lvooll,t., n.s, I,v 1,,t, blaAs l"wo +ts fa*e o.,.ahft.l,bna 1,. t + illlAe- f, : t\q --l + r4Jt:u0 - -f =h^ " *O -O AJd0 a*dO. u< c^^ : 2Tl^ip-"f,-l,.saa. -O Stt 1t.l +wo ,o: $.4,,ut =p,-6*4 cJ^(&l-b1 l^ctn-t'"'", "f,r. -1" PtI +,il t,+'z7n,'{t"0. ," ",-y!' zna =.zn|a:o0 ' /^, nf .ct9 1-t,nla.,g ) /k*, ->o.=re'oYt*, t+'l =l '/v'' /)""14"0 2rta=zrt\- p- 04 tp";n;c,>B o,ff,o,f pn ,n +t, nn*b.r,: a 4f6D,, (f,rt)/,e,2" r", _ tbt fr"^ "1"4b-0. weca.^ : f 3.41 n/ro l--n"-htt\0+1, : n^- r,dr,,g1 [r nnc"ef= ,4(a+AArB+f,fc--o S = 4, r L ^ u'(fa)t; tz"+..(t 2 aUa,ezz ") =Fe;71 #5 Solution Homework 1111 Physics Spring2009 Problem 9. A blockwith a massof 2.91kg is plac€dat reston a surfaceinclinedat anangleof45 1" aboveth€ horizontal.The coefficient of staticfriction bets,'eenthe block and the surfaceis 0 440, anda force of magnitudeF pushesupward on the block, paBllel to the inclined sltrface The block will remain at rest only ifF is greaterthan a minimum value,F.i., and lessthan a maximumvalue, F *. (a) Calculate F-.. (b) Calculate 4."". (tt) \+ v. i'lh.l ?"a1.. s, ilwk c+ ,tt watl e[la l"a +b alo4, "ll ,'",t P;,t1 4u rl"yt. 9o4 ,,c.o1yttr-1t, n,Lrnn*n ( s,-d+Latf,to. $ ,iJ^".o".f'.f tns nalJ 6 V"7* bbokn't"'-lt+ it sa;llw.A>t el,k lo*^ pf 4'.t +byr t't"|" v7 4" bt'ok ^Jg. a-Jcr-&. +* {rlro" ",rl(ld,t flo ft,r A,{Jr"y'^ *+ rf .ts'.l,aafrAtovnb"ul" *l;" r,"*-,6. 3*,,5 "" +t" d*s.?^a-din,la tl.+'-.+," r,^ "|.(*as ;^ x.1dnd*l' N zQ= n3e;,0-{+- 1.,,n-nax zFy = N-un co,e= ha9 Jt"to 1'lo hln',l<is n"fn"b{, , 9o Qr = AJ =O 'l +rut-r< < coSt( Q-11 ,h64k p- {, -T^; =--o -14e 41"4. ?te M'nnc*t0 =gt furn nely +, 94 a^ &, ,\axira'6 9o, W,^ =- r",J1.." A- {> = raXr.,0 _ /o\,/ 1,./r 0 ' in nv-bt+ : p =,,,/ (r."A_/^,a,ra) ltr^/:- t,/r:.p - /),tf ?^,e ,- F"n=YL2)(rot*/', k:,ca,t"-Q 'too)ar+t.,. ). (b) tLv rf -, yut^ *ii+* "^ ,r^ ,tnrt., ad +\' at'f +' op>+'h+k -4u^.. * "*';I[,!':,f,|,to' v./w "f {t..u = p, n, k*r. ;1-,11tf,,r,up+ao4"pt.^r .Np,,"r {1o60_ lvtc v:tt.bn+[, (Vlat Fn" 1t,.0" _{*lurU 'u^"x;'-^ ht^<i''^^r=t^''^-.tF4,f/^^a"</-y-<. ,::^"^ 2la - n6 tt p a {r*^, -T^^, = r4ax :o =S fi,*= n6a.rg + /^, M :> T-*= rld^rP1y'"ql c+ro= tyd (t,t + f l^rccre ) =., rt *,s"tf s,,,, ot,r "+ | o.44.)c^-4r,I, f !-U1 =Ei-'JL Homework#5 Solution Physics1l l l Spring2009 Problem 10. Two blocks,stackedoneontop ofthe other,slideon a fiichonlesshorizontalsurfaceThe surfacebetweenthetwo blocksis rough,however,with a coefficientofstatictriotionequalto 0.52 The topblockhasa massof 3.0kg, andthebottomblock'smassis 4 4 kg. (a)Ifa horizontalforceF is applied to thebottomblock.whatis themaximumvalue-Foanhavebeforethetop blockbeginsto slip?(b) If the thenthemaximumvalueofI' massofthe bottomblockincreases, lty-^+ $ l< eco\"f 4o +-o bl""ks(-,*h utt tk {ta-6! flr 4"-k l '- +.f '+ v.) a.tt sl'.-" o'( ttrt*. A/o{t <Le+ t'f-r *\a dt.;.ltr.".f+u" {,r*'u j-< ^a.,t o- +tt +,ybl*h tu +).t ton. o(irn o4 +,, ^yyl;J .{_* F fo""t,'d"+"tn et" +to h+k* S* "f zF, H*lt . 61a a*{ra c,^ wr;tq J*,n ltt Pus .n +u! -Lol?b/*h i" x -,ol X ,/,t "'t,t,... = t =- tahAy >Fry= M -r,3 - ^,aJ=o + M - n,j ),aa -LAt.upbl."h l;.4 $lv ';lf to, +=,PM - f+vtft :fltrAy "+ tt'fft'',4\e --'\.:t' c,.^ h Viren i(tuori,,n^ /') Jiwa no tut4ln ,,.oa'r^Mveau +ro +wo b/-A., +t1 Oacbt^,(tl-, A, ,t,ol^ 44^, jan,":(it el^.lr( L".a +b s^ae- b;1: ^ .- a= | =(-,+r,.1 +6 ,t"te Ar..-a, .Zf^".(r',^(D c^^ 22 tov,ll+" "+ u e ' r t '-Ar r , * _ :> F - _l , J ( n 6 r n s ) (3-ki*u.*o)rffi l.,t\, y^ i^ thtn*Lectf =Q,t^2rt,tt) /Voln , A'""t no rt'1."1"u4v"g4"^ n"il;* +or,** ::7: X":.:#' r#*:m," +\4+. \' ' l("A prfr4,\ (n, +tb") . t"./e.k6o,!, tl o;+tr:,^",<t t,,reo5a4. 442_r F = l^.f