Instructor's Manual - OSU Chemistry

Instructor’s Manual
General Chemistry
What to Do
Who to Ask
Where to Find It
Table of Contents
General Chemistry Office
Lorem Ipsum
Office Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Production, Duplication & Distribution of Quizzes and Exams. . . . . . . . . . . 1
Room Reservations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Office of Disability Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Pre-Quarter Items
Syllabus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Office Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Lecture Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Lecture Room Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Lecture Demonstrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Before Activating Your Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Helpful Tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Quizzes & Exams
Quizzes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Midterm Exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Alternate Exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Make-Up Exams - Midterm & Final . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Final Exams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Labs & Staff Meetings
Labs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Staff Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Other Resources
All red text mark active hyperlinks. Please click on the words to go directly to the site.
General Chemistry Office
Office Staff
The General Chemistry Office is located in 100 Celeste (CE). The General Chemistry staff members
are here to help you. If you are not sure about anything, please ask.
• Diana Vanek, Undergraduate Office Manager
• Eric Heine, General Chemistry Course Coordinator
• Tami Sizemore, Office Associate
• Holly Wheaton, Office Associate
Please send all requests to the email address:
This email list includes many members of the 100 CE staff, and together, the staff will coordinate
amongst themselves to ensure that your request is completed on time.
Production, Duplication & Distribution of Quizzes and Exams
To allow for production, duplication and distribution set-up, we would like the following lead time:
• Quizzes: at least 3 business days (preferably one week)
Midterms and Finals: at least one week (minimum 5 business days).
Additionally, the document will need to be in 100 CE no later than 10:00 a.m. on the due date. Please
plan ahead. This means if you are giving a quiz on Thursday, your quiz will need to be received by 10:00
a.m. on Monday.
You can submit materials to be duplicated by hardcopy to 100 CE, or electronically to the gc_office
email. Adobe PDF format is preferred, but Word and Wordperfect are also accepted.
Please indicate what days, dates and times are required for distribution of the quiz so the office staff can
place the correct quiz into the appropriate mail slot. This is especially important if you have multiple
quizzes going out on the same day!
Room Reservations
If you need to reserve a room (for example, to use for a help session before a midterm or final), please
contact Tami Sizemore with as much notice as possible. You can put in a request in person or by using
the gc_office email. Room space is at a premium and available space fills up very quickly during the
quarter. Please indicate the following in your request to make scheduling as effective as possible:
• Name & type of event (exam, review, meeting, etc.)
• Date and Start/End times of event
• Number of seats needed
• Building preference (1st & 2nd choice)
• Additional resources needed (movable chairs, video projector, computer capable, etc.)
Office of Disability Services (ODS)
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On occasion,
will approach
who have
registered with the Office of Disability Services for
a documented learning, physical, or psychological disability. The syllabus states that they should inform
you, their instructor, so that you may be aware. You will also need to direct the students to 100 CE to
complete any paperwork needed.
Eric Heine will be your main contact person for ODS students. He will be responsible for having the
forms filled out and having quizzes and exams delivered (perhaps by email) to the ODS office. We need
to ensure that the instructor and the 100 CE office staff know about each ODS student, so we will ask
for you to initial the completed forms.
We will schedule the student’s exams at the same time as your regular exams. If the student requires
extra time, we will schedule their exam to start before your exam but still ensuring some overlap in the
administration time of the exams. You will need to resolve major exam conflicts, and please keep Eric,
Diana and the office staff in the information loop so that all concerned know what needs to be done.
You can use the gc_office email for this purpose.
Other information about ODS can be found on their website:
Pre-Quarter Items
The following items on the syllabus are your responsibility:
Lecture topics and schedule
Office hours, office location, phone number, e-mail, website
Quizzes: number and weeks given
However, be fully aware of ALL of the details in your syllabus - encourage your students to do the same.
If you have questions or problems concerning any part of the syllabus, please discuss your concerns
with Dr. Chris Hadad, the Vice Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Chemistry.
Make sure that your lecture schedule is consistent with the presentation of material as listed on your
A generic syllabus for your course will be emailed to you as soon as possible before the beginning of the
quarter. (This is usually before the end of the previous quarter.) Please make your changes and submit
back to Eric Heine though the gc_office email no later than one week after you receive the generic
Office Hours
It is recommended that you have a minimum of 2 office hours per week, but many lecturers have 3 or 4.
When choosing your office hours, take care to avoid the times when your students have lab or recitation
as much as possible. Your office hours are listed on your syllabus and you should do your best to stick
to them.
If you are going to miss your office hours, please inform your students in lecture, provide notice on
Carmen and also by a note on your door. Please encourage your TAs to provide excellent service to our
students during their office hours.
Lorem Ipsum
Lecture Materials
You may check out a textbook, lab manual, and instructor’s media CD from 100 CE.
Lecture materials from previous instructors are available through Dr. Chris Hadad, Vice Chair for
Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Chemistry. (100 CE,
Other items you may need for lecture:
Lecture Item:
Where to Find It:
Extra Comments:
Wireless Microphones
OSU Classroom Services
You may check out wireless mics through OSU Classroom Services
for the quarter. Call 2-3131 or see
Dr. Rick Spinney (144 CE)
Limited supply; email
Laser Pointers
Materials Management
See Kevin Dill in 1136 NW
Materials Management
See Kevin Dill in 1136 NW. Rooms should have chalk already, this
is “just in case”.
Lecture Room Capabilities
Most General Chemistry lectures are held in 1000 McPherson (MP), 1015 MP, 1008 Evans (EL), or
2004 EL. It is recommended that you go to your lecture room ahead of time to see the layout and what
is available to you. The following is a list of capabilities for each room so you may prepare your materials
1000 MP
1015 MP
1008 EL
2004 EL
# of Video Projectors
# of Screens
Overhead Projector
Movable Chalkboards
There is one permanent computer in each lecture room. You may display the outlet of a computer to all
screens to this computer, or you may use your own laptop. For rooms with more than one
you may tie some screens to one computer and some to another. Contact Dr. Rick Spinney (rspinney@ with any questions or for assistance.
A Sympodium is also available for lectures. The Sympodium is an interactive pen display that allows
you to write over your presentation slides in digital ink and save your work. You may also use the
Sympodium as another computer in your lecture room. Contact Dr. Rick Spinney for questions and to
check for availability.
Classroom Services has a wealth of information about each lecture room, including hardware
capabilities, accessibility and photographs of each room. Visit them at If your
lecture room is not one of the four above, you can go to Classroom Services to see the capabilities of
your lecture room.
Lecture Demonstrations
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The Demonstrations lab prepares scores of demonstrations each quarter for our Chemistry lectures.
Demos can be a very useful tool for displaying the content of your course in a new and exciting way.
The staff members of the Demo Lab are:
Dr. Barry Friedman (
Trevor Buxton (
To request a demonstration for your course, go to the Demo Lab website:
Follow these instructions to ensure your request is accurate:
1. Login using your Windows username and password.
2. When you open the page, you will see the demo submission form and a link to the List of Available
3. Go to the List of Available Demonstrations. These are categorized by course and chapter.
4. Choose your demo from the list. Copy the information from the demo description into the request
details. Be as specific as you can. For example:
“Ch. 17.f.1. Solubility and pH:
Mix 1M MgCl2 (aq) and 1M NH3 (aq) to form Mg(OH)2(s); then add NH4Cl(s): NH4+
removes OH- to reform NH3, so Mg(OH)2 dissolves to replace OH-.”
5. Enter your Start and End Time. NOTE: The date should be the SAME on both lines, only the
TIMES should be different!
6. Enter your Name, Course Number and Location in the spaces provided.
7. Review that your request is accurate by clicking on the “Preview” button.
8. Click “Submit”. You can view your demo request on the Demo Calendar. (NOTE: The calendar
currently displays the end time, not the start time.)
We are hoping to make some changes to this website for a more user-friendly experience.
If you have any problems or errors submitting your demo on the website, please email: or
It is VERY important to submit your demo request at least 24 BUSINESS HOURS in advance of your
class. This means if your class is Monday at 10:30 a.m., your request should be submitted no later than
the previous Friday at 10:30 a.m. The Demo Lab cannot guarantee the presence or accuracy of a demo
if less than 24 hours notice is given.
Most of the demonstrations are for lectures in 1000 MP, 1015 MP, 1008 EL and 2004 EL. If your
lecture is in a different location, please notify the Demo Lab in advance. Some demos may not be
available in other locations due to transportation and safety concerns.
If you have another demo that is not on the list, please let the Demo Lab have ample notice. They
may need to order additional chemicals that are not currently available. Some new demos may not be
approved due to safety concerns.
Lorem Ipsum
Carmen is OSU’s learning management system for sharing course content, grades, course discussion
boards and more. The website for Carmen is:
There are a wealth of tutorials, help sites and information on Carmen to assist you once you log on.
You will be able to access your course as well as the General Chemistry Lecturer’s Forum for further
information including test banks.
You will be responsible for the following things in Carmen:
Activating your course.
Posting any content (notes, links, etc) for your students.
Making sure your TA’s enter their grades in a timely manner.
Before Activating Your Course
Each course has a template that will be loaded into your content page with interactive tutorials, practice
midterms, end-of-chapter solutions, textbook multimedia content and more. Additionally, your
mandatory quizzes (COAM & Syllabus) and gradebook will be preloaded. Please do the following
BEFORE you activate your course:
Check the content of your page. Hide or change the release date of anything you don’t want the
students to see at the start of the quarter.
Check your timeframe for the COAM & Syllabus quizzes. The default timeframe is “no timeframe”
with unlimited tries to pass the quiz. If you would like to make changes to the timeframe or # of
tries allowed, do so before activation.
Report any gradebook changes to Eric Heine. Make sure they are changed before activation.
Helpful Tips
Eric Heine is the administrator for Carmen for the Department of Chemistry. He has put the following
information together:
CarmenID numbers: stress to your students about knowing them; they are found on the ‘Grades’
page. They will need to know these for their exams and finals.
Grade Display should be set to ‘Blank ABCDE not shown to students’ in ‘Grades’ using the “Setup
Get Carmen grade book changes to Eric Heine as early as possible.
Do not make changes to your grading scheme which would require a change in the Carmen grade
book after the ninth week of the quarter. Eric will not have time to change anything in Carmen
during Finals week.
Don’t get too fancy with the grade book. Dropping more than 2 quizzes is difficult to enter into
Carmen and tremendously slows down certain Carmen pages.
If a student’s exam grade is not on Carmen, the wrong Carmen ID was on the exam and the score
did not upload into Carmen. Do not send the students to Eric. Eric will have to enter the score
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to the student to make sure that they enter the correct Carmen ID the next time.
Quizzes & Exams
Mandatory Quizzes
There are two mandatory quizzes that all General Chemistry students must take: the COAM (academic
misconduct) Quiz and the Syllabus Quiz. Students are required to get a perfect score on both quizzes to
pass the course; they are alotted an unlimited number of attempts. Students must also pass both quizzes
before they can see any grades on Carmen. Both quizzes are to be taken online through Carmen. These
quizzes will be loaded on your Carmen course page for you.
Course Quizzes
Typically, six quizzes are given per quarter with the lowest score dropped. If you would like to change
the number of quizzes you give to your students, please discuss this with Dr. Chris Hadad and Eric
Heine. Quizzes are given in recitation, except for Chem 123 where they are given in lab.
Indicate how many minutes should be given for the quiz; generally 18 or 20 minutes are given to allow
for some time to cover topics in recitation. You should also indicate if the TA’s should give the quiz at
the beginning or end of the recitation. Typically the quiz is given at the beginning of lab in Chem 123
to allow for the most efficient use of lab time.
Lecturers provide the quiz answer key to the TAs. When and how you provide the key is up to you.
One method is to provide the answer key to the General Chemistry office with the quiz. The office staff
can provide the answer key to the TAs with the quizzes in their section box. Other methods would be
to distribute the key in the staff meeting or to email the key. (Note: always use caution with email!) You
should also provide a grading rubric with each quiz to your TA graders.
PLEASE work through your quizzes and check for mistakes and correct answers. You could also have
a TA or a colleague work through the quiz to get a fresh pair of eyes.
Stress the ‘Calculator Rule’ with both your students and your TAs - and be aware of potential misuse of
cell phones (think cameras, texting and internet access). Check the syllabus for approved calculators.
See “Production, Distribution and Duplication of Quizzes and Exams” for further instructions about
Midterm Exams
Two midterms are given per quarter, usually in the 5th and 8th weeks. The midterms are 78 minutes
long and are in the evening to avoid losing lecture time. Some lecturers have scheduled their midterms
during their lecture, and you may do so but must ensure coverage of all of the conceptual material for
the term. If you would like to change the time of your midterm, please discuss this with Chris Hadad
and Eric Heine well before the quarter starts.
All of your TAs will proctor the midterm. If all of your students are in one or two rooms, Eric Heine
will assign a Head Proctor(s). Alternatively, you may have students in several rooms taking the midterm;
this will depend on room availbility on the evening of your midterm. If you know of a TA conflict with
a proctoring assignment, inform Eric Heine immediately. Ideally, the TA should find a replacement.
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The TAs will pick up the exam box from 100D CE and deliver them to the midterm
office staff will provide the following in the exam box:
exam booklets and scantrons
extra pencils
blank seating charts to be filled out by the TAs
confirmation of your room reservations
transparencies and markers for announcements (if necessary)
a list of approved calculators
any other instructions from you (provide these to Eric Heine in advance)
Extra calculators are NOT provided by the GC Office - to students or to instructors. Encourage your
students to remember their calculators and to check that their calculators are working BEFORE the
exam! Stress the ‘Calculator Rule’ with both your students and your TAs - and be aware of potential
misuse of cell phones (think cameras, texting and internet access). Check the syllabus for approved
Students will need to provide their CarmenID number on the exam scantron. Encourage your students
to bring their CarmenID to the exam, and tell your TAs to bring a list of their student’s CarmenID’s.
(These can be found on Carmen.) Any scantrons without a CarmenID will be graded and posted much
The students should sit with their lab/recitation section. This gives the TAs a focused area to proctor.
You may want to provide a section map (where the students should sit by section) of the room to the
Head Proctor(s). Eric Heine can email you a copy of the room diagram if you would like it. You may
also want your TAs to create a seating chart of where the students are sitting during the exam. (i.e. Joe
Smith next to Sara Jones, etc.) Several blank seating charts will be provided with the exams. Some
lecturers have done this to address any possible cases of academic misconduct.
If you wish to have the Midterm Exam booklets collected, have the appropriate TAs keep them and
return them to the students in lab or recitation. Do not expect the General Chemistry Office to hold,
sort & distribute exam booklets after the exam.
Consult the General Chemistry Lecturer’s Forum on Carmen for available test bank questions for
your midterms. Additionally, see the General Chemistry Office staff if you would like to see previous
midterms from other lecturers.
PLEASE work through your exams and check for mistakes and correct answers. You could also have a
TA or a colleague work through the exam to get a fresh pair of eyes. This will prevent “dropping” exam
questions due to mistakes.
See “Production, Distribution and Duplication of Quizzes and Exams” for further instructions about
Alternate Exams - Midterm Only
Because the midterms are typically in the evening, time conflicts can often arise. Alternate exams are
given to students who have a documented University conflict only - we encourage you to request and
to check the student’s class schedule. If you have a student with another type of conflict, for example
a job where the shift cannot be changed, use your own discretion. However, you must apply the policy
exception consistently and fairly across your class.
Typically, alternate exams are given on the same day as your midterm, but at an earlier and/or later time.
The GC Office will request a room for your alternate exams if you provide the dates and times. You can
request TAs who have a ‘conflict’ with the main exam time to proctor an alternate exam.
wish to have the Midterm Exam booklets collected, have the appropriate TAs keep them and
8 you
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return them to the students in lab or recitation. Do not expect the General Chemistry Office to hold,
sort & distribute exam booklets after the exam.
Extra calculators are NOT provided by the GC Office - to students or to instructors. Encourage your
students to remember their calculators and to check that their calculators are working BEFORE the
exam! Stress the ‘Calculator Rule’ with both your students and your TAs - and be aware of potential
misuse of cell phones (think cameras, texting and internet access). Check the syllabus for approved
See “Production, Distribution and Duplication of Quizzes and Exams” for further instructions about
Make-Up Exams - Midterm & Final
A proctored Make-up Midterm is scheduled for the last Wednesday of each quarter from 5:30 to 7:30
pm for those students who missed an exam for an excusable reason. Students should email you to sign
up for the Make-up Midterm. You can then verify the student’s eligibility to take the exam. You should
then send your list of students by email to Eric Heine (
The proctored Make-up Midterm is only for those students who missed an exam. It is not for students
who wish to better their grade on an exam they have already taken.
Make-up Finals are not to be scheduled in 100 Celeste. A single proctored Final Make-up will be
scheduled (and proctors will be organized) by the General Chemistry Office for 8:30 am on the Friday
of Final’s week.
If you schedule a make-up exam outside of a time scheduled by Eric for one or more students, then you
as the instructor are responsible for arranging the room and for proctoring the exam.
Final Exams
Procedures for the Final Exam are very similar to the Midterms, with these exceptions:
All exam booklets are numbered and collected at the end of the exam. All booklets must be put in
numerical order by the TAs and all must be accounted for.
Students need to give their BuckID to the TA to get an exam. The TA will return the BuckID when
the student turns in his exam booklet & scantron.
Labs & Staff Meetings
Refer all questions from students about lab assignments, due dates, make-up labs, etc. to Dr. Bob Tatz,
the Instructional Laboratory Supervisor (
Check the syllabus for the lab schedule and explanations of other aspects of the laboratory component
of the course. You may check out a lab manual from the GC Office to familiarize yourself with the
Lab space is at a premium and any available spaces are offered to waitlisted students in the second week
of the quarter on a first-come, first-served basis in the GC Office. If a student doesn’t have a space in a
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lab, they cannot be enrolled in the lecture or recitation.
Any changes to the laboratory portion of the course (even an extra lab report question) must be approved
by Dr. Tatz prior to the start of the quarter. Points are carefully allocated and any changes must be
We cannot stress this enough -- refer all questions about labs to Dr. Tatz.
Staff Meetings
Each course has a weekly staff meeting with Dr. Bob Tatz, the lecturers and the TAs. Dr. Tatz schedules
the staff meetings every quarter to avoid lecture, lab and recitation times. If you have another time
conflict, let Dr. Tatz know before the quarter starts so he can try to schedule around it.
After the lab experiment is discussed, you will have a chance to talk with your TAs. Recitation-only TAs
do not attend the staff meeting, these are for lab TAs only. If you would like to schedule your own staff
meeting for the recitation TAs, you may do so on your own.
Depending on what course you teach, there may also be a weekly lecturer’s meeting with Dr. Chris
Hadad, the Vice Chair for Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Chemistry.
Senior grades are due the Friday morning of Final’s week.
For lectures with a final on Monday or Tuesday, you should receive your Grading Report by Wednesday.
For lectures with a final on Wednesday, you should receive your Grading Report by Thursday. For
lectures with a final on Thursday, you should receive a Grading Report by Friday.
The Grading Report will include suggested cuts between grades in order to provide some degree of
consistency between sections. You will then have the opportunity to “adjust” the grade cutoffs with the
provided spreadsheet from Eric Heine.
Your “modified” grade cuts should be submitted to the Vice Chair on the day following the receipt of
your Grading Report (unless you have two lectures of the same course with finals on different days). For
those receiving a Grading Report on Friday, your grade cuts should be submitted to Vice Chair before
noon on the following Monday.
Remember that the Vice Chair will provide feedback on your suggestions, and the grades are not final
until all parties are in agreement.
For any other questions about grades, contact Dr. Chris Hadad, the Vice Chair for Undergraduate
Studies in the Department of Chemistry. ( You can also go to the
OSU Office of the Registrar for any further information.
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Other Resources
The Learning Resource Center
(160 CE, aka: The TA Help Room)
Tutor List
Younkin Success Center.
University Center for the Advancement of Teaching (UCAT).
Counseling and Consultation Service (CCS).
Student Advocacy Center.
OSU Office of the Registrar.
OSU’s Faculty & Staff Page.
The Learning Resource Center is where the TAs hold their office hours. It is open from 8:30
to 5:30, Monday-Friday (fewer hours in Summer Quarter). Here students can get help from
any TA in the room with lab, homework, or simply understanding course content.
The GC Office maintains a list of TAs who are available to tutor students one-on-one for a fee. TAs are not able to tutor students in the course they are teaching, but they can tutor
other courses. **The GC Office does not endorse or recommend certain TA’s as a tutor, but
provides the list of willing tutors as a service to interested students.
The Younkin Success Center is a unique collaboration between the Offices of Academic
Affairs, Student Life, Department of Athletics, and the College of Education and Human
Ecology that brings together learning and teaching, students and faculty, career and holistic
counseling services, and undergraduate and graduate students and student athletes. Several
offices are involved in this collaboration including Career Connection, UCAT (below), CCS
(below), Student-Athlete Support Services (SASSO), Success Support Resources & Services,
and the Walter E. Dennis Learning Center.
Formerly Faculty & TA Development, UCAT exists to assist all those who teach at The Ohio
State University to excel in teaching, support student learning, and experience the satisfaction
that results from teaching well. They have multiple resources on their website including OSU
Handbook on Teaching, Teaching Portfolios and various other resources.
CCS provides counseling and consultation to currently enrolled students. They also provide
consultation to faculty and staff who are concerned about the well-being and academic
success of OSU students.
The Student Advocacy Center helps students resolve problems and answer questions, offers
support and directs students to appropriate staff and departments, and provides general guidance on university policies and procedures.
The Registrar’s page has an abundance of information including topics such as course
information, SIS, grades, rosters, and many other areas.
If you’re looking for something at OSU, this is a great place to start. A wealth of information
is at your fingertips on this webpage.
Lorem Ipsum
activating your course 5
alternate exams 7
mandatory quizzes 6
make-up exams 8
midterm exams 6
before activating your course 5
Carmen 5
Classroom Services 3
COAM quiz 5, 6
Counseling & Consultation Service (CCS) 10
Demo Lab 4
demonstrations, lecture 4
Disability Services, Office of 2
duplication, quizzes & exams 1
exams, alternate 7
exams, final 8
exams, make-up 8
exams, midterm 6
Faculty & Staff Page, OSU 10
final exams 7
General Chemistry Lecturer’s Forum 5, 7
General Chemistry office 1
grades 9
helpful tips, Carmen 5
labs 8, 9
Learning Resource Center 10
lecture demonstrations 4
lecture materials 3
lecture rooms 3
| 11
office, General Chemistry 1
office hours 2
Office of Disability Services 2
Office of the Registrar 9, 10
pre-quarter items 2
quiz, COAM 5. 6
quiz, syllabus 5, 6
quizzes 6
recitations 4
Registrar, Office of the 9, 10
requesting a demo for lecture 4
room capabilities, lecture 3
room reservations 1
staff meetings 9
Student Advocacy Center 10
syllabus 2
syllabus quiz 5, 6
sympodium 3
test banks 5, 7
tutor list 10
University Center for the Advancement of Teaching
(UCAT) 10
Younkin Success Center 10
Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, 120 W. 18th Ave ¤ Columbus, OH 43210 ¤