2014-15 Dance Appreciation Syllabus

Grade Level: High School
2014 – 2015 SYLLABUS!
! Appreciation
Subject: FA Dance
Teacher: Katy Conley
In this course, students will examine dance as a primary mode of human expression and
communication. Through viewing live and filmed performances and engaging in various
periodicals, we will place dance in a variety of historical, cultural and artistic contexts. We will
focus on developments and technological advances in dance within the twentieth century. In
weekly readings we will compare and contrast social, popular, and concert dance traditions in
the West and around the world. We will deepen our understanding of dance, choreography and
movement forms, and learn how to better articulate, through writing and discussion, what we
see, feel and perceive in dances.!
Upon completion of Dance Appreciation students will:!
Understand Fine Arts are defined as those that provide the opportunity to gain experience and
knowledge in production and performance; analysis, interpretation and evaluation; and historical
and cultural aspects of the visual and performing arts. This course will combine theory and
practice and include critical thinking and writing skills. Through discussion, lecture
demonstrations and especially through live and filmed dance performances, students will
develop an ability to evaluate and appreciate the various types of dance as dynamic art forms.!
REQUIRED MATERIALS Staying organized is an important skill that will help you to be more successful in the
professional world.
All the materials listed below will help you to keep your notes and materials organized. !
You are expected to bring these to our class EVERY day: !
School issued laptop !
Spiral-bound Notebook (with at least 100 pages inside) !
you can use this notebook only for our class !
Pencil with an eraser, Blue or black pen!
Headphones !
Positive Attitude! !
Attendance: Students must not only attend every class, but also be on time, be prepared, and
take an active part in class. !
Behavior: Clearly we have a lot of to discover and many goals to accomplish. In fact, one
school year is not nearly enough time to learn all that we need to learn unless we are focused
and determined to work hard everyday. In order to do this we must agree on classroom rules!!
Rule #2: Respect Yourself and Others!
- Use respectful language when addressing others - Actively listen to others
- Respect others’ property!
Rule #3: Be on Time and Come Prepared
- Bring everything listed under Classroom Materials everyday !
- Complete your homework before the class starts
- Come ready to learn!!
Rule #4: Stay in Your Seats (unless otherwise directed)
- Bathroom breaks: Every second of classroom instruction is crucial for your !
success. Therefore, any breaks that take you away from the instructional time !
undermine your ability to succeed. I ask you to take care of any business you !
have (bathroom, drink of water, etc.) BEFORE the class begins.!
- Dismissal: The clock does NOT dismiss the class, I Do.!
Plagiarism and Cheating: Plagiarism includes copying or paraphrasing another’s words, ideas,
or facts without crediting the source; submitting a work written by someone else, either in whole
or in part, as one’s own work; or submitting work previously submitted for another course or
instructor. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty on any assignment will
result in zero credit for assignment and further disciplinary action.!
Homework: To receive full credit on an assignment it must be turned in on the date due. Late
work will ONLY be accepted for half credit. All your homework assignments with due dates will
be available online at my website www.dhpadance.weebly.com!
Expect to have homework every week. Each assignment will be:!
- Completed before you come to class!
- Done to the best of your ability!
- Completed to be given credit!
Make-up/Late Work: It is your personal responsibility to get the work that you missed after
class or by email request. You can get all the handouts and assignments online at
www.dhpadance.weebly.com. Assignments not completed after an absence will receive a 0. !
Day Missed:
Assignment Due:
Daily Check-in (30% of total grade): With the exception of the first day, class may begin with a
short (five- to ten-minute) quiz on the readings for the day, at the instructor’s discretion. Quizzes
cannot be made up; if you miss a quiz due to absence or lateness, that grade will be regarded
as a 0. At the end of the semester, the lowest quiz grade will be dropped. You will find the daily
quiz at www.dhpadance.weebly.com and your answers will be submitted electronically.!
Classwork, Homework & Participation (10% of total grade): The purpose of classwork is to
help students make a connection to information that has been discussed in class. Participation
helps teachers see how each student has understood the course material, and it also helps
promote further student learning.!
Projects (3o% of total grade): Projects allow students the opportunity to recreate a piece of
history or investigate current events individually and collaboratively. They will teach students
about cultural aspects of the world while becoming proficient in map- making and the nature of
political rhetoric. Projects give students the opportunity to get involved in a unique way.!
Tests & Final (30% of total grade): Tests will conclude each Unit. Students will be provided a
Study Guide for which to prepare. All test questions are taken specifically from class
discussions, homework, readings, and films. As dance is a performing art, the Final will be
directly related to the production of the Winter Dance Performance on December 12, 2014 and
the 2nd Semester Performance on May 15, 2015.!
Technology is integrated in the course throughout the year. Students will utilize Microsoft Office,
including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, for assignments, presentations, activities and projects.
Students will also utilize the internet for project research, class lectures, primary documents and
alternative views.
Students will need to access the course website for download of assignments and homework at:!
*This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor!