"The Hitch-hiker" Worksheet: Roald Dahl Analysis

Activities: "The Hitch-hiker"
1. After reading the introduction, stop and try to plot the rest of the storyline in no more than 5 sentences.
“A Hitch-hiker can be a nuisance or an interesting travelling companion. Michael Fish is both. That strange
and fascinating character turns out to be an extremely helpful partner, after all.”
2. The narrator uses the following words to describe his car. What does this tell us about his personality?
exciting toy / terrific acceleration / genuine soft leather / finest quality
3. What motivates the driver to stop for the hitchhiker?
4. Roald Dahl's stories feature unique, easily imagined characters. Search the story for descriptions of the
hitchhiker and compare him to the policeman.
Character Comparison
The Hitchhiker
The Policeman
Personality &
5. What is your reaction to the comment 'I never bet on horses' he said. 'I don't even watch 'em run. That's
a stupid silly business' ?
6. At what point in the story do you begin to have suspicions about the intentions, background or behaviour
of the hitchhiker? (quote)
7. There are various examples of scenes where the tone, action or pace of the story changes. This would
be especially obvious if you were reading the story aloud. Quote 2 examples and explain what the writer
8. What do you think the author is suggesting to his readers about one of the below themes? Use 2 quotes
to support your view:
police and laws
crime and punishment
success and failure
truth and lies
wealth and poverty.