Oedipus Rex: The Masks We Wear

Oedipus Rex: The Masks We Wear
100 Points Possible
As we begin to read and study Oedipus Rex, our knowledge about the different characters in the play will
change and evolve and hopefully, we will be able to connect on some level with some or all of the
characters and the challenges they endure.
Directions: Before creating a physical mask, it is essential to brainstorm, indentify and analyze character
traits and then synthesize your findings into a mask that depicts your dominant qualities as well as the
dominant qualities of one of the characters of Oedipus Rex.
For both Task I and Task II, you will be using the charts for your identification and analysis and sketch
templates for your synthesis.
Task I: Personal Connections
Prior to analyzing the characters of Oedipus, your task will be to conduct an inventory of your own
character traits and design and create a mask that expresses your dominant qualities.
1) List four dominant personality traits for yourself and provide an explanation for each
Personality Traits/Explanation:
Trait #1:
Trait #2:
Trait #3:
Trait #4:
2) Synthesis- Your Mask
You can make the mask out of whatever materials you choose; however, make sure that the materials you
select are in someway representative of yourself. For example, if you choose to focus on happiness, you
might decorate your mask with candy to demonstrate your joyful nature. Make sure that your mask
expresses in some way the major traits that you identified in the chart. Prior to construction, you are
required to use the template below to sketch your ideas.
Task II: Oedipus Characters
Applying your knowledge of the personality traits the characters in this play possess, select ONE character
to: write a character analysis and create a traditional Greek mask that expresses one of the character’s
dominant qualities.
1) List four dominant personality traits for ONE character and provide an explanation for each
Personality Traits/Explanation:
Trait #1:
Trait #2:
Trait #3:
Trait #4:
2) Character Analysis- based on your research and your knowledge of the play, compose a well-developed
paragraph that addresses the following:
 What is the character’s tragic flaw?
 How does this character embody one of the themes discussed throughout our examination of the
play- fate v. free will, sight v. blindness, ignorance v. truth, control and responsibility?
 What is one line or stanza that represents the character’s overall personality? Cite the example and
provide a justification.
Share your character analysis via Google docs- edaly@erschools.com
3) Synthesis- Character Mask
You can make the mask out of whatever materials you choose; however, make sure that the materials you
select are in someway representative of your character. For example, if you choose to do Jocasta, you
might decorate your mask with feathers to show the way she “lightly” tries to ignore the truth. Make sure
that your mask expresses in some way the major traits of your character that you identified in the chart and
your analysis. Prior to construction, you are required to use the template below to sketch your ideas.
The Masks We Wear Project
Personality TraitsIndividual
 The author provides (4)
traits and a detail
explanation for each.
Personality TraitsCharacter
 The author provides (4)
traits and a detail
explanation for each.
Character Analysis
 The author fully
addresses all of the
questions posed using
textual examples from
the play.
 The author successfully
shares their work via
Google docs.
 The writing exhibits
control wiring that
contains no run-on and
fragmented sentence,
no comma splices and
correct capitalization.
 The author brainstorms
their concepts for their
masks using the
templates provided.
 The author creates an
inspired and thoughtful
mask highlighting
his/her dominant traits.
 The author creates an
inspired and thoughtful
masks highlighting ONE
of the characters
dominant personality
traits from the play.
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