Cyberethics, Cybersafety, & Cybersecurity Conference

8th annual C3
Cyberethics, Cybersafety,
& Cybersecurity
October 1-2, 2009
University of Maryland
College Park
Please wear your name badges at all times. As a courtesy to speakers and other attendees,
we ask that you turn off or set your cell phones and pagers to vibrate mode during all
Conference proceedings and additional information and pictures will be archived on the
2009 C3 conference website
Wireless access will be available during conference hours. Access codes are found in the
back of your badge holders. The registration Check-in desk can also provide you with an
access code.
Help us continue to keep our conference costs to a minimum by recycling your conference
badges. After your conference stay, drop your badges in the badge drop off bin located at
the registration check-in table.
Shortly after the conference, you will receive an email inviting you to complete an online
evaluation form (overall conference and individual sessions). Please complete the evaluation
( - your input helps us be aware of your
needs and develop next year’s event.
For more information about the 2008 National C3 Baseline Study please contact Davina
Pruitt-Mentle at – 410-531-3910. The National C3 Baseline Study
findings can be found at
2009 C3 Conference Committee
Davina Pruitt-Mentle
Zulma Whiteford
Portia Pusey
Jill Fosse
Clarise Jones
Linda Sweeting
Mimi Hoang
Lucinia Mundy
Bill Hess
Kelly Terrill
Bettina Grahek
Educational Technology Policy,
Research and Outreach
Dear Participants:
Educational Technology Policy, Research and Outreach (ETPRO) takes great
pleasure in hosting in partnership with the University Libraries the eighth annual
Cyberethics, Cybersafety, Cybersecurity (C3™) Conference. The core mission of
the C3 Conference is to inform the educational community about the ethical,
legal, safety, and security implications of technology use. Convening
stakeholders who share common goals and providing new knowledge and
materials to help them promote the Cyberawarness mission is a core value of the
C3 Conference.
We are particularly thankful for support from the National Science Foundation,
the CyberWatch Center, and the National Cyber Security Alliance.
While our primarily goal is to provide a forum for participants to learn and share,
another goal is to raise the national consciousness of current and needed
awareness training and research in the areas of Cyberawareness that impact
educators and students. Our speakers discuss the complexities of Cyberethics,
Cybersafety and Cybersecurity and the increasing intricate ways the three
intersect. The conference audience consists of a variety of teachers,
administrators, Department of Education personnel, library/media and technology
coordinators, and law enforcement, as well as a wide variety of local University
faculty, staff and students from various disciplines: computer science,
engineering, education, counseling, business, library science and criminal justice.
The audience is as diverse and complex as the C3 topics themselves.
At the closure of the conference, we hope that each participant has left with new
knowledge and insights into the vast resources that will help move this important
initiative forward. We also hope participants will continue to take part in other
events scheduled throughout the month of October. You can view some of these
activities in this program and online. We look forward to seeing you again on
October 7-8, 2010.
Davina Pruitt-Mentle, Ph.D.
Director, Educational Technology Policy, Research Outreach
C3 Conference Chair
October 2009
6131 McKeldin Library
College Park, Maryland 20742-7011
301.405.9128 TEL 301-314-9408 FAX
Dear Participants:
It is my privilege to welcome you to the eighth annual Cyberethics, Cybersafety,
& Cybersecurity Conference. The University of Maryland Libraries is proud to
co-sponsor this year’s conference, which addresses the important issue of
academic integrity.
While technology has had a very positive effect on the educational community, it
also has raised new issues that must be addressed. Academic dishonesty and
copyright infringement are just two of the areas having an effect on K-12,
colleges and universities. The C3 conference fits the University of Maryland
Libraries’ mission to provide education in the use of scholarly information
On behalf of the University Libraries, I welcome you to this timely and important
Patricia A. Steele, Ph.D.
Dean of Libraries
October 2009
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
We would like to thank the National Cyber
Security Alliance (NCSA) for their continuing
sponsorship of the C3 Conference as they kickoff the “October is National Cyber Security
Awareness Month” campaign. This October 1-2
event is just the first in a month-long series of
programs aimed at achieving their collective
goal: ensuring that home users, small businesses,
educators and students, and all Americans fully
understand the importance and the urgency of
safeguarding themselves while online.
National Cyber Security Alliance
The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) is a collaborative effort among experts in the
security, non-profit, academic and government fields to teach consumers, small businesses
and members of the education community about Internet security. The NCSA aims to
increase awareness about the risks associated with using Internet technologies and how to
help protect against them, while also providing free tips, checklists and best practices for
remaining safe while online.
For more information, visit
Conference Sessions
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Adele H. Stamp Student Union
Grand Ballroom
8:30 AM
9:00 - 9:15 AM
Director, Educational Technology Policy, Research and Outreach
C3 Conference Chair
9:15 -10:00 AM
Director of Education and Media Literacy
Cable in the Classroom
10:00 - 11:00 AM
Hear from a panel of key representatives who will describe current laws and frameworks for
hot issues such as sexting, as well as proposed legislation such as the AWARE Act, the
SAFE Internet Act, and the Megan Meir Cyberbullying Prevention Act. What should you be
aware of and what can students be held liable for? Participants will learn more about what
these bills propose and what impact they will have on schools and educators.
National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse National District Attorneys Association
Senior Manager, Policy, Common Sense Media
Safe Kids Consulting
Education Legislative Assistant to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, US House of
11:00 - 11:10AM
Thursday, October 1, 2009
11:10 AM – 12 Noon
What state and local efforts are underway? How does the Broadband Data Improvement Act
affect you and your school? What professional development efforts can you participate in?
What community efforts are available such as the Project Safe Childhood? Come hear from
members of State Departments of Education, national and local leaders to see what
initiatives they are focusing on and what implications these have on you and your students.
Panelists include:
Maryland State Department of Education
Mount de Sales Academy
Project Safe Childhood, US Attorney's Office
Fairfax County Public Schools
12 Noon – 1:00 PM
Symantec Internet Safety
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Exploration Session
2:00 - 3:00 PM
New Cutting Edge Interactive Games/Environments
to Promote Responsible Behavior
Lane JaBaay
Lyn Allen, Ph.D., & Esther Cookson
Scott Dow
3:00 – 4:00 PM
FREE Online Resources
Dr. Dipankar Dasgupta, University of Memphis
Marian Merritt, Symantec
Michael Kaiser, NCSA
4:00 PM
Closure and Give Aways
Friday, October 2, 2009
Theodore R. McKeldin Library
Special Events Room 6137
8:30 – 9:00 AM
9:00 AM – 1:30 PM with Working Lunch
Director, Educational Technology Policy, Research, & Outreach
C3 Conference Chair
Promoting Safe and Responsible Cyber Behavior
Need help finding materials and resources and understanding the latest topics and concerns?
This session will discuss everything from evaluating web sites and citing sources to hot
safety topics including sexting and cyberbullying to the latest focus on security issues.
Digital Literacy spans a broad spectrum of topics. Classroom curricula are already packed,
and the demands on teachers' time preclude them from developing and including stand alone
ethics, safety, and security units in their classroom. A stellar cast will share how to combine
available C3 content into existing curricula and lessons. Classroom examples will be shared.
Amy Ginther - Play Fair/Piracy
Marlene Johnson - Academic Integrity
Marsali Hancock - PROJECT PRO - Privacy and Reputation Online
Laurie Nathan - Sexting
Mala Bawer - Cyberbullying
Dr. Lyn Allen - Consequences of Making Unwise Decisions Online
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
The Forgotten Element: CyberSecurity
Bring your own laptop and find ways to protect it from hackers and Internet dangers.
Delivered by IT and education personnel experienced in information security issues, this
workshop provides a series of hands-on "how to's" to help educators and parents understand
the basics and critical security literacy that all citizens should know. Additionally, the
workshop will also include lesson plans to help teachers integrate information security
concepts into their classroom. Materials can be easily modified to fit both younger and older
3:30 PM
Closure and Give Aways
Speaker Biographical Sketches - 2009
Morning Speaker
Frank Gallagher
Director of Education and Media Literacy
Cable in the Classroom
Frank Gallagher is Director of Education and Media Literacy for Cable in the Classroom
(CIC). He is a specialist in the areas of media and information literacy, internet safety,
media education, and the impact of media on children. Gallagher manages CIC's work in
those fields and speaks frequently on those topics. He was a consulting editor to CIC's
publications, Cable in the Classroom Magazine and Threshold, and is also responsible for
tracking the cable industry’s work with schools, and writing briefing materials for both the
cable and education communities.
Gallagher serves on the board of directors of National PTA and the Partnership for 21st
Century Skills, and on the Interim Board of the National Forum on Information Literacy. In
addition, he is on the Communications Commission of California PTA, the national
advisory board for the Internet Keep Safe Coalition and on the Washington, DC, advisory
board of Common Sense Media.
Prior to joining Cable in the Classroom in 1995, Mr. Gallagher was an educator and taught
in a Maryland middle school. Frank Gallagher is a graduate of the University of Arizona and
received a master's degree in Instructional Systems Design from the University of Maryland.
C3 Conference Chair
Davina Pruitt-Mentle, Ph.D.
Director, Educational Technology Policy, Research, and Outreach
Davina Pruitt-Mentle a researcher and policy analyst, serves as Director for Educational
Technology Policy, Research and Outreach (ETPRO). She has worked in the field of STEM
education & educational research since 1990. She holds a PhD from the University of
Maryland in educational technology policy and has spent over 10 years conducting research
on K12 cyberethics, safety and security awareness programs, & developing programs to
help increase the IS/IA workforce pipeline. Davina’s educational experiences include
research and program evaluation, project management, presentation delivery, and teacher
workshop/college course design and instruction.
Davina’s research and development interests have focused on the role of distance learning in
education, particularly cultivating the Internet as an environment in which to conduct
professional development (PD) opportunities, and cultural differences towards technology
use. A main initiative within this PD framework involves educators and students’
knowledge of Cybersecurity, Cybersafety and Cyberethics (C3). Another main research
initiative looks at technology as an empowerment vehicle by investigating the meaning of
technology in the lives of minority students with specific focus on recent Hispanic
immigrants. Current research includes Review of Research: The Status of Cyberawareness
in US Schools, Research Priorities in Cyberethics, Safety and Security: A Delphi Study,
Effects of C3 Curriculum Integration on Attitudes of Teachers and Students, Students’
Perceptions of Internet Safety Modules, School-Based Staff Development for Teaching
Cyberethics, Safety and Security Curriculum, and Gender Differences in Student Attitudes
Toward Internet Safety Curriculum.
Her Mindtools, Cyberwarrior Programs, and C3 Digital Literacy curriculum provide a
means for students to explore technology applications essential to workforce success while
also focusing on career possibilities that connect engineering, science, math and technology.
Critical need areas are emphasized such as IT/IA/IS and digital forensics with a special
focus on exposing students to the plethora of career opportunities in cybersecurity.
She has served as faculty lecturer within the College of Education at UMCP since 2001.
She served as Director of Educational Technology Outreach within the College of Education
at UMCP from 2001-2008. Before joining the College, she taught Chemistry (general
through AP) at Oxon Hill High School in Prince George’s County, Wheaton High School in
Montgomery County, and Charles County Community College, Montgomery College and
Central Virginia Community College. She also worked as a contractor in the Fuels Science
Division at the Naval Research Laboratory. She has acted as consultant to a number of
technology and education-related organizations, and has authored and presented at
numerous national, regional and state conferences. She serves as K12 PI the NSF funded
CyberWatch Center, PI for the CyberWATCH/UMD Digital Forensics Lab, PI of the MD
BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) –EIS-C MD grant, & serves as an external
evaluator on a number of cyberethics and internet safety programs.
Session/Workshop Speakers
Lyn Allen, Ph.D.
Vice President
Education and Corporate Relations
Web Wise Kids
Almost all of Lyn Allen's professional experiences involve utilizing the power of technology
to affect educational change. Her career began late in the 60's, teaching mathematics and
computer science at high school and college levels. Later, after earning a Ph.D. in
Educational Psychology at Michigan State University, she consulted in the area of
instructional technology at regional and state levels in MI and at Apple Computer and
directed Corporate Contributions for AT&T. Currently, Lyn is focusing on Internet safety
for children as the Vice President of Education and Corporate Relations at Web Wise Kids.
Jay Bansbach
Program Specialist, School Libraries
Maryland State Department of Education
Currently the Program Specialist in School Library Media for the Maryland State
Department of Education, Office of Instructional Technology & School Library Media, Jay
Bansbach has worked with numerous state and national organizations to help raise
awareness of C3 issues and to provide technical assistance to school systems in Maryland in
the integration of C3 resources into the instructional program
Most recently, he was part of the task force that helped the cable industry produce the
PointSmart.ClickSafe. Report - Task Force Recommendations for best practices for child
online safety released in June 2009, worked to help bring the first Anti-Defamation League
(ADL) Responding to Cyberbullying training to Maryland with nearly 80 educators
(including guidance counselors) from around the state in attendance, continues to work with
the C.L.I.C.K.S. Initiative (Community Leadership In Cyber Knowledge and Safety) through
the Maryland Office of the Attorney General, is part of the National Cyber Security Alliance
K-12 Work Group, and serves on the Maryland Instructional Technology Advisory Council
Jay holds a Master’s Degree in Instructional Technology from Towson University, has been
an elementary school library media specialist, adjunct professor at both Johns Hopkins
University and Capitol College, held leadership positions in the American Association of
School Librarians (AASL) and the Maryland Association of School Librarians (MASL), and
is the current Co-Chair for the AASL 14th National Conference and Exhibition taking place
in Charlotte North Carolina in November.
Mala Bawer
Co-Founder and Executive Director
CyberSmart! Education
Mala Bawer is the Co-founder and Executive Director of the CyberSmart! Education
Company and a veteran information industry executive and entrepreneur. She was part of
the senior management launch team for the earliest field trials for North America's first
consumer online service, a joint venture of AT&T and Knight-Ridder. She also played a
pivotal role, as head of the New York office, in the introduction of the first networked
interactive public video kiosk service, a partnership of Southam Inc.(the oldest and largest
cross-media group in Canada) and Times-Mirror Corporation. Prior to conceiving
CyberSmart! she co-founded the award winning interactive financial information service
Stockalert, Inc. whose customers included Citicorp, Merrill Lynch, the NASDAQ Stock
Market, MCI WorldCom, and the Washington Post, among others. In her pre-online
corporate life, she launched a new business publication for Fairchild Publications/Capital
Cities. Mala received her MBA degree from the Darden Graduate School at the University
of Virginia and her BA degree from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Mark Cohagan
Director of Technology
Mount de Sales Academy
Mark has participated in the technology field and related communications industries since
the late 80’s. Being a broadcast Director, Editor and Computer Animation specialist for
commercials and corporate industrial training projects, Mark established a keen sense for
the link between tech, talk and imagery issues. He attended technology institutes in both
Vancouver and Montreal Canada for specific 3D and media software packages designed for
the Feature film industry and scientific scene simulation. As Vice President, General
Manager / Creative Director at a Mid-Atlantic Video Production and Animation facility,
Mark headed may projects communicating ideas and launching new products for clients
such as National Geographic, Northrop Grumman, AAI, Metro Machine International,
John’s Hopkins, Baltimore County Police, to mention a few. Mark has been invited to speak
at numerous events including the International Television and Video Association
Convention in Las Vegas and Advertising Association chapter meetings throughout the
region. By focusing on the integration of media and presentation, Mark has represented
clients to members of Congress, the Senate as well as the Departments of Transportation,
Defense and Health and Human Services. Having a passion for how new emerging
technologies are fused with society, being a parent to three tech savvy kids and wanting to
educate children and young adults on “Digital Responsibility” has lead Mark to his current
position as Director of Technology at Mount de Sales Academy.
Esther Cookson
Director of Strategic Initiatives and Product Development
Web Wise Kids
Esther Cookson serves as the Director of Strategic Initiatives and Product Development for
Web Wise Kids, a national, non-profit organization whose mission is "Equipping Today's
Youth and Families to Make Wise Choices Online." She has nearly a decade of experience
working in the nonprofit sector on behalf of childrenand families. Her particular expertise is
in planning and implementing community initiatives, leading the development of interactive
resources forK-12 students, training adults and equipping them to help prevent the online
victimization of children, and developing partnerships with both the public and private
sector. Prior to joining Web Wise Kids, she served as director for the NetSmartz Workshop
at the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
Dr. Dipankar Dasgupta
Principal Investigator
ACT Online Project Director
Center for Information Assurance
Dept. of Computer Science
The University of Memphis
Dipankar Dasgupta obtained his bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering in 1981 and his
masters degree in Computer Engineering in 1986 in India. He received his Ph. D. in
Computer Science from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, in 1993. Before obtaining
his Ph. D., he was teaching Computer Science in India as an assistant professor.
He was a post doctorate researcher at the University of New Mexico from January of 1994
until August of 1995 and worked on an immune system based model for Novelty Detection
in sensory data. He was a visiting faculty at the University of Missouri - St. Louis until
December of 1996. Since January of 1997, he has been at the University of Memphis and is
currently a professor of Computer Science. He is a senior member of IEEE/IEEE Computer
Society and also member of ACM and other societies
Justin T. Fitzsimmons
Senior Attorney
National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse
Justin Fitzsimmons is a Senior Attorney with NDAA’s National Center for Prosecution of
Child Abuse in Alexandria, Virginia. He organizes three national conferences a year about
online crimes against children: Unsafe Havens I, Unsafe Havens II and Safety Net. NDAA
presents Unsafe Havens I, an intermediate course designed to facilitate prosecutors
understanding of complex issues in cases of technology facilitated crimes against children.
Unsafe Havens I is offered in various locations across the country. Unsafe Havens II, an
advanced trial advocacy course, takes place at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia,
South Carolina. Safety Net trains multidisciplinary teams who investigate online crimes
against children. Additionally, Mr. Fitzsimmons also trains at other events pertaining to
online crimes against children as well as other sexual and physical abuse crimes against
Training prosecutors around the country is just one area of Mr. Fitzsimmons’ profession. He
also updates a comprehensive outline of cases involving online exploitation of children and
he also distributes a weekly case law update to hundreds of prosecutors and child abuse
professionals both nationally, as well as globally. Additionally, he collaborates with the
following groups to develop strategies informing parents about online crimes against
children: the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children, the Department of Justice, and Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
Prior to coming to NDAA in June of 2009, Mr. Fitzsimmons was an Assistant State’s
Attorney in Kane County, Illinois. While employed as an Assistant State’s Attorney, Mr.
Fitzsimmons supervised the Special Prosecutions Unit; he also prosecuted cases of arson,
elder abuse, complex financial crimes, Internet crimes, and public integrity. The unit was
responsible for prosecuting online crimes against children. Additionally, Mr. Fitzsimmons
prosecuted numerous cases involving sexual abuse and severe physical abuse to children,
adults and disabled individuals. His background includes attending SANE/SART training.
Amy Ginther
Coordinator, Policy Development and Education
Project NEThicssm
University of Maryland
Amy has been at the University of Maryland since 1994, serving first in the Office of
Student Conduct where she advised the Student Honor Council and adjudicated cases of
academic dishonesty. Her prior work was also in the field of student affairs administration
in residential life settings at the University of California Davis, Minnesota State University,
Mankato, and Carnegie Mellon University.
She is currently the coordinator of the Project NEThics group in the Office of Information
Technology. Project NEThics is the group charged with promoting acceptable use of
information technology and investigating incidents of computing resource misuse. In this
role, Amy works with graduate assistant staff members who manage the processing of
copyright infringement notices, provides user education on a variety of issues, consults with
web developers on copyright and intellectual property questions, serves on the university's
trademark committee, coordinates the response to cases involving abuse of information
technology resources, and serves as a liaison to departments as cases require (university
Police, Office of Student Conduct, Office of the Victim Advocate). Amy also serves as a
member of the university's Peer Consultant Network of the Center for Leadership and
Organizational Change. She has presented at EDUCAUSE national conferences, the
EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic regional conference, as well as at local meetings on topics of
policy development, copyright and intellectual property, protection against identity theft, the
pluses and perils of social networking, and others.
Bonnie S. Greenberg
Assistant United States Attorney
District of Maryland
Project Safe Childhood Coordinator
In September 1985, Ms. Greenberg began working as a prosecutor in the Department of
Justice’s Antitrust Division. She transferred to the Criminal Division in July 1997, and was
a Trial Attorney in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice until March
1991. During a portion of that time she was assigned as Special Assistant United States
Attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia. Currently, Ms. Greenberg is an Assistant United
States Attorney in the District of Maryland, which she has held since March 1999, and is the
Project Safe Childhood Coordinator. Her caseload is primarily crimes against children,
fraud, and reactive crimes. She has been an adjunct professor, teaching Trial Advocacy, at
the University of Baltimore since Fall 2006, and teaches Trial Advocacy at the National
Advocacy Center and for NITA.
Todd Haiken
Senior Manager, Policy
Common Sense Media
Todd is Senior Manager of Policy for Common Sense Media. Common Sense Media is a
non-profit organization dedicated to improving the media and entertainment lives of kids
and families. As a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization, Common Sense Media provides
trustworthy information and tools, as well as an independent forum, so that families can
have a choice and a voice about the media they consume.
Having spent more than a decade working in education – in government, for-profit, and nonprofit – Todd brings a unique perspective to the intersection of policy, kids, media and
technology. Before joining Common Sense Media, Todd was Manager of Policy for the
National PTA, a Jacob K. Javits Senate Fellow in the office of U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman
of New Mexico, and Director of Research for The Princeton Review.
Todd holds a master’s degree in public administration, concentrating in education policy,
from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs and a bachelor’s
degree from Hampshire College.
Marsali S. Hancock
Internet Keep Safe Coalition
Ms. Hancock currently serves as the president of the Internet Keep Safe Coalition and
brings over 16 years of public service, education and business management experience to
her position.
She founded the Mountain West String Academy, a highly successful music education
program funded by public and private grants and through donations. Gathering university
staff, school principals, professional musicians, college students, and parent volunteers, she
created the program that currently carries up to 300 students. Ms. Hancock also founded the
Science Summer Workshop, a hands-on, advanced youth science tutoring program, where
she organized curriculum, lessons and activities that cover basic chemistry, virology and
A highly talented musician, Ms. Hancock worked as a professional violinist for over 25
years, completing a solo CD and numerous studio recordings for films and symphonic
soundtracks. She served as an adjunct faculty member for the Utah State University School
of Music and is an occasional substitute for the Utah Symphony. Ms Hancock earned her
violin performance degree in music from Brigham Young University and is the mother of
six children. She enjoys gourmet cooking, gardening and hiking with her children.
Eric Hsu
Safe Kids Consulting
Eric Hsu is an attorney and training consultant based in Richland, Washington. In his
capacity as a training consultant, he provides training on topics related to child abuse and
Internet facilitated child sexual exploitation to prosecutors, law enforcement and allied
A graduate of the University of Oregon School of Law’s Class of 1997, Eric has spent
almost a decade working in law enforcement and prosecution starting out as a police officer
in Corvallis, Oregon in 1998. After medical separation from law enforcement due to a duty
related injury, he went on to work as a Deputy District Attorney in Linn County, Oregon,
where he came to specialize in Internet facilitated child exploitation cases and work closely
with the Oregon Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce. While at the Linn County
District Attorney’s Office, he also served as a legal instructor at the Oregon Police
Academy. Most recently, Mr. Hsu served as a civil Deputy Prosecutor and the legal advisor
to the Benton County Sheriff’s Office in Washington State.
Throughout his career, Eric has placed particular emphasis in training law enforcement
officers and prosecutors. As a legal instructor at the Oregon Police Academy, he was
responsible for the delivery of a large portion of the Academy’s legal curriculum and as
such, taught hundreds of classes to new police recruits on topics including search and
seizure, juvenile law, use of force, and substantive criminal law. He has also designed and
delivered numerous classes on the investigation and prosecution of Internet facilitated child
sexual exploitation through local law enforcement groups in Oregon and Washington, the
National District Attorney’s Association, and the American Prosecutor’s Research Institute.
Lane JaBaay
CEO / Founder
Healthy Heroes
Lane JaBaay, is an experienced business professional and entrepreneur. She is the Founder
and CEO of Healthy Heroes, a mutli-media entertainment company that develops healthy
lifestyle programs for kids. Her career has included successful leadership roles with such
vanguard organizations as Symantec, Oracle Corporation and Homeboyz. While at Oracle,
Lane was responsible for launching a division of Oracle’s National Alliance program and
ran a division of their consulting organization implementing multi-million dollar consulting
engagements. After leaving Oracle she became Chief Operating Officer for Homeboyz a
for-profit organization training disadvantage youths in web-development. She founded,
Innergy, an innovative “clubhouse” in Chicago’s Bucktown neighborhood focusing on
community and she founded Liguria Lane, a real estate company in Italy that organized
Italian Villa rentals back to Americans. Lane has a Bachelor of Science degree in computer
science from Northern Illinois University and studied for her Master’s degree at DePaul
University’s School for New Learning.
Marlene Johnson
Instructional Technology Specialist
Maryland State Department of Education
Currently an Instructional Technology Specialist for the Maryland State Department of
Education, Office of Instructional Technology and School Library Media, Marlene has
primary responsibility for administering and monitoring State and Federal instructional
technology initiatives. She administers the federal Enhancing Education through
Technology Program disseminating millions of dollars to local school systems. She was also
instrumental in the development of Maryland’s Educational Technology Plan, which defines
technology’s role in supporting teaching and learning, and its implementation. She
frequently collaborates with other state and federal agencies/disciplines on the integration of
technology into the instructional process.
Marlene holds a Master’s Degree in Information Management from the University of
Maryland University College and has been a State of Maryland employee for almost 37
Michael Kaiser
Executive Director
National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA)
Mr. Kaiser joined NCSA in 2008. Prior to joining NCSA, Mr. Kaiser spent 25 years in the
field of victim’s services and rights at National Center for Victims of Crime where held the
positions of Director of Program Development and the Director of Programs, and at Safe
Horizon in New York City, where he held a variety of senior staff positions, including
Associate Director for Development and External Affairs and Associate Director for
Throughout his career, Mr. Kaiser has been involved in developing new programs and
expanding the capacities of communities to respond to victims of crime. He has worked on
numerous efforts to raise public awareness about the impact of crime and to encourage
victims to seek help. Among those accomplishments are: developing programs and that
engage teens in creating public education and outreach programs for their peers; conducting
a nationwide training and technical assistance program on stalking to improve the law
enforcement, victim services, and prosecutorial response to the crime; and developing
housing alternatives for intimidated victim/witnesses in three communities.
In the areas of technology, Mr. Kaiser has developed training and other programs on the use
of technology in crimes such as stalking and identity theft, and worked on programs
exploring the use of technology to improve community policing. Along with his wife Laura
Fisher Kaiser, he co-authored The Official eBay Guide to Buying, Selling, and Collecting
Just About Anything (Simon and Shuster, 1999). He was one of a small group of eBay
University instructors and has personally trained more than 8,000 eBay users on expanding
their eBay businesses.
Mr. Kaiser has served on several non-profit Boards. He is currently the Chair and a
founding Board Member of SPINUSA a national non-profit based in Massachusetts, and has
served on the Board of Trustees of the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor, Maine, and
New Destiny Housing Corporation in New York City.
Regina King
Elementary Instructional Technology Specialist
Fairfax County Public Schools
Regina is currently an Instructional Technology Specialist with Fairfax County Public
Schools. She works with curriculum specialists and 139 elementary schools to seamlessly
integrate technology into the school day and the curriculum. Her responsibilities include
reviewing software, websites, and current technology trends for use by elementary teachers
and students, K-6. She works closely with the School Based Technology Specialists,
Content Lead Teachers, Librarians, ESOL, Music, and Art teachers to provide training and
integration ideas for using technology. More recently, Regina was instrumental in the
development of the Internet Safety Curriculum for all elementary students. This curriculum
is a collection of integrated lessons and teachable moments that teachers can use to teach
Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship. As elementary students in Fairfax County Public
Schools become more connected to the global world through their studies and participating
in initiative like the Global Awareness Technology Project and the Global Classroom, it is
important for students to have the skills to participate in online communities. Regina is
passionate about giving students the opportunity to bring the world to their fingertips
through the use of all kinds of technology tools, but more importantly keeping students safe
as they learn about the world outside of their classroom.
Regina previously was a School Based Technology Specialist and a 5th and 6th grade
teacher. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Middle Education and a Master’s degree in
Instructional Technology from George Mason University. She also holds an Educational
Specialist’s degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Virginia Tech. She
has taught online classes for University of Phoenix Online and for the Fairfax County Public
Schools Academy.
Marian Merritt
Internet Safety Advocate
Marian Merritt is Symantec’s Internet safety advocate, providing consumer-friendly insights
into technology issues impacting people. In this role, Marian is the official spokesperson for
Symantec’s “Norton Connected and Protected Family Safety Initiative,” which is dedicated
to raising awareness of Internet safety.
Marian authored Symantec’s “Family Online Safety Guide,” a practical guide for parents
and educators that focuses on age-specific solutions for protecting children online.
She also serves as editor-in-chief of Symantec's Family Resource Web site
(, which offers tips, resources and information on a broad
array of Internet security topics. On this site, consumers can submit technology-related
questions to be answered by Marian, listen to podcasts and read columns about keeping safe
on the Internet.
Laurie Nathan
Outreach Coordinator
Laurie Nathan is the Manager of Outreach for the NetSmartz Workshop, an educational
program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), and brings
with her a background in child exploitation and child abuse prevention to the fight against
child endangerment on the Internet. Laurie analyzed Internet-related child exploitation cases
and worked closely with law enforcement to have them resolved while working as a staff
analyst in the Exploited Child Division (ECD) at NCMEC. As the Director of Programs at
Prevent Child Abuse of Metropolitan Washington, she focused on child abuse prevention
outreach campaigns for the Washington, D.C. metro area and trained hundreds of volunteers
to handle calls on a support line for children.
Most recently, Laurie’s focus has been on spreading awareness of the importance of Internet
safety education. She has presented on this issue at many educator and law enforcement
conferences, including the National Sheriffs’ Association Conference, T + L Conference
sponsored by the National School Boards Association, and the Internet Crimes Against
Children National Conference. Laurie’s goal is to educate and engage communities on ways
to better protect children on- and offline.
Laurie is an alumna of Emory University in Atlanta, GA where she graduated with highest
honors in Psychology.
Brooks Whiteford
Technology Department
Calvert Hall College High School
Brooks Whiteford, a recent college graduate, has worked in many different areas of
technology. Before receiving his degree in Computer Science in 2008 from St. Mary's
College of Maryland, Brooks lead an effort to revive the college's radio station, resulting in
a flourishing program with strong student involvement. The facility was renamed after
Brooks shortly before his departure.
Brooks now works for the Technology Department at Calvert Hall College High School,
where he graduated from in 2004. There, he assists faculty, staff and students with their
most challenging technology needs and projects. Brooks also continues to volunteer at Our
Lady of Perpetual Help School, where he has worked to help advance learning through the
use of technology. Through the implementation of resources such as classroom video
projection systems, the school's dynamic webpage, and an advanced e-learning system,
OLPH continues to remain on the forefront of development in the field of educational
Brooks is looking forward to continuing his growth in his passion for academic technology,
as well as expanding his interests even further.
About the University of Maryland Libraries
The University of Maryland Libraries knows that the scholarly
information needed to drive the academic enterprise will come in
many formats--print, digital, analog and archival formats--and that
it is the UM Libraries mission to make access to this body of
knowledge as seamless and uninhibited as possible. The pledge to
the UM community is that they will exploit information
technology fully to do so. You may see the practical evidence of
this effort mediated through the Libraries' Website where virtually
all the electronic resources provided are accessible using a
standard Internet browser.
UM Libraries also know that the best "interface" to information is
the personal dialog that goes on between the individual student or
faculty member and the librarian. To really learn how the
University of Maryland Libraries can meet your information needs,
you will want to visit us physically as well as "virtually." Inside
the Libraries you will find staff who are the experts in navigating
the complex world of information
About CyberWatch
CyberWatch is a consortium of 2 and 4 year higher education institutions and
businesses, and government agencies that is focused on building and maintaining a
stronger information security/assurance workforce. In addition, CyberWatch is
committed to improving the quality and increasing the awareness of information
security/assurance in the education and business communities.
Consortium members collaborate to share best practices, methodologies, curricula, course
modules and materials, and provide faculty training and support to schools who want to
develop an information security/assurance curriculum.
CyberWatch is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
About Educational Technology Policy,
Research & Outreach
ETPRO was created to help facilitate effective uses of
technology to educators at all levels by providing researchbased applied curricular experiences in Instructional
Technology and Educational Technology Policy.
ETPRO offers expertise to you by providing opportunities
focusing on the following areas:
 Professional Development
 Curricular Reform
 Evaluation and Assessment
 Research and Dissemination
 Collaboration
For more information, visit:
About the C3TM Institute
The Cyberethics, Cybersafety and Cybersecurity (C3™) Institute provides outreach services
to the educational community about the ethical, legal, safety, and security implications of
technology use.
Our goals are to:
1. raise community awareness of ethical, legal, safety, and security implications of
technology use
2. provide guidance to parents, educators, students and policy makers regarding
effective strategies, techniques and protocols to assist themselves and young
people in gaining the knowledge and skills about ethical, legal, safety, and
security implications of technology use
3. provide professional development opportunities for educators, and
4. help increase the workforce pipeline of information security, information
assurance and information technology professionals in the MD/VA/DC area and
Visit to learn more or contact Davina Pruitt-Mentle – 410-531-3910
Cable in the Classroom
National Center for
Prosecution of Child Abuse
National District Attorneys
Common Sense Media
Safe Kids Consulting
Maryland State Department
of Education
Archdiocese of Baltimore
US Attorney's Office
Project Safe Childhood
Fairfax County Public
S.H.A.K.T.I. Warrior
Web Wise Kids
Woogi World
ACT Online
Save the Date
2010 C3 Conference
October 7-8, 2010
Stamp Student Union Floor Plan
Please fill out the conference evaluation:
Cyberethics, Cybersafety, &
Cybersecurity Conference
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