Quick Write #2

Quick Write #1:
1) Brainstorm a list of heroes from literature, entertainment media (comics, movies, television, video
games, etc.), and real life. 2) Which heroes from your list have set out on a quest of some kind? Are any
of their quests similar? How?
Quick Write #2
The search for everlasting life is a persistent theme in mythology and literature. Think about the epic
stories you know.
Why do you think so many epic stories that you’ve read or movies you’ve seen end in some ironic twist
that surprises you or they end in failure or disaster for the hero?
Quick Write #3:
Some people feel that the awareness of the inevitability of death makes people more aware that life is
precious and that they should make the most of their time here on earth. Other people feel that knowing
life must eventually come to an end makes it impossible to enjoy life’s pleasures fully. In a 4-5 sentence
Explain what you feel or believe about this issue and why.
Judging from the excerpt we have just read from “Gilgamesh,” how do you think the ancient
Sumerians felt about it? Be specific and use examples from the story
Write using complete sentences with details and support.
Quick Write #5:
Think about a time when you felt like an outsider as if you didn’t belong or fit in. Write a thoughtful
account of this time explaining what caused you to feel this way. Then write about who or what helped
you to overcome this feeling.
Quick Write #6
For the Ancient Greeks the Oedipus myth was a striking example of how human fortunes can suffer
unexpected, drastic reversals. Write about some other examples of sharp reversals in literature that you
have read, movies or TV you’ve seen, or from real life.
Were the people involved responsible for their reversal of fortune or were they innocent victims? How do
people explain and cope with such tragedies? Write a thoughtful 4-5 sentence response and turn in when
Quick Write #7
Write a thoughtful paragraph in response to the following:
Think about the video segment from Dead Poet’s Society. The instructor teaches his students what Carpe
Diem means: “Seize the day.” Do you believe in “seizing the day”—that is living each day to its fullest,
as though it were your last day? Do you feel it is wiser to postpone enjoyment in order to assure greater
rewards in the future? What does “seize the day” mean to you at this time in your life?
Quick Write #8- 10/26/09
What qualities do you associate with night? How does it make you feel?
Quick Write 9 – 10/28/09
When you encounter problems or decisions that are difficult to make, where do you go for wise guidance
and support? Write a thoughtful paragraph about a time you needed advice and support and where or to
whom you went for help.
Quick Write 10 - 10/30/09
Free write about an emotion (love, hate, sadness, anger, despair, hope, fear, etc.)
NOTE: I am collecting quick writes on Monday 11/2/09
Quick Write 11 – 11/2/09
Suppose you wanted to create an image such as a drawing, painting or photograph to show a scene or
emotion that means something to you. Free write for a few minutes, describing the content of your image
and what meaning it has for you to tell.
Quick Write 12 – 11/11/09
People often talk about the power of stories. Scheherazade’s stories were so powerful that they kept her
alive for one thousand and one nights. What kinds of powers do stories have? Write about a time when a
story had a powerful effect on you or someone you know.
Quick Write 13 – 11/12/09
Write about a time someone was able to convince you. What made their argument persuasive?