Home and Family (Discussion Questions #3) Atmosphere of Love and Importance of Example In The Home. Introduction: We often talk about love but do we understand what it REALLY means in practical terms? Do we understand how important it is to live a life that is a proper example to those in our home and others around us? 1. Looking at a bible dictionary, find the meaning of at least two primary words translated love in the New Testament. 2. Define, in brief, each of the terms (taken from the NASV) describing love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a. Be prepared to make an application in class of how that plays out in the family relationship. Focus on the application part of this question. “Self” or “Selfishness” is the enemy of love! 1. Patient 2. Kind 3. Not jealous 4. Does not brag 5. Is not arrogant 6. Does not act unbecomingly 7. Does not seek its own 8. Is not provoked 9. Does not take into account a wrong suffered 10. Does not rejoice in unrighteousness 11. Rejoices with the truth 12. Bears all things 13. Believes all things 14. Hopes all things 15. Endures all things 16. Love never fails 3. What is the driving point of 1 Corinthians 13:13? 4. Find an example of a Bible family that showed love or did not act in love and its impact on that family. 5. Do these characteristics of love exist in your home? Where does your effort need to be concentrated to effect a positive change? The “real you” that other family members see at home is making a long lasting impression and having an impact for good or for bad.