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God's Love Bible Study Lesson

There is Hope
Bible Studies
God is Love
Study Lesson 1
In a world where the word love has lost its meaning, God’s
word has come to man to restore the true meaning of the
word we call love. The love God wants the world to know is a
love that comes seeking after man, not a love that waits for
man to come after Him. Let us explore God’s word together
in order to discover God’s love for you.
1. What does the Bible say about God’s character? 1 John 4:8,
8. What does it show the world when we allow Christ to show
God’s love through us? Matthew 5:45
9. What is the motivation for our love for God? 1 John 4:19; 2
Corinthians 5:15
10. What will God’s love do through us in relations to our
brothers and sisters? John 13:34, 35
11. How is God’s unconditional love describe in the bible?
2. How has God shown His love for you? Romans 5:6-10
12. What two things did Jesus do to demonstrate God’s love for
you? Luke 23:34, 46
3. How does the Bible define God’s love? 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Is it your desire to receive God’s love for you? ____________
4. Is this kind of love only for those who believe? John 3:14-17
5. How is God’s love for you so different from how the world
loves? Matthew 5:44
6. Can we love this way naturally? John 15:4, 5
7. What is the only way we can love this way?
Ephesians 3:16, 17; Romans 5:5
God’s Action Plan for Today
1. Thank God for loving you independently of your
2. Ask God to shed His love your heart by His Spirit
3. Ask God to shine His love through for someone else