File - Mrs. McDonald`s English Class

Part I Study Guide – Ch. 1-11
Harper Lee
Figurative Language – Define each term as well as provide a quote as an example for each of the following terms (cite
the page number).
1. Allusion –
2. Metaphor –
3. Simile –
4. Symbol –
5. Foreshadowing –
6. Alliteration –
7. Parallel Structure –
Example: (HINT – pages 36 and 51)
8. Humor –
9. Personification –
10. Suspense –
11. Irony –
12. Satire –
Example: (HINT – Chapter 2 and Education)
Chapter 1 – Maycomb Folks
1. Why does the author explain the Finch family history at the beginning of the novel? (author’s purpose)
2. Explain the narration of the story.
3. The story is set in 1932 in Maycomb, Alabama. What impression does Lee create in her description of the setting of the novel?
4. What is Atticus’ occupation and where is his wife?
5. How does the author establish a feeling of mystery in the first chapter?
6. What did the young Arthur Radley and his friends do to get themselves into trouble?
7. What are some of the childrens’ superstitions concerning Boo?
8. What is it about Dill, despite his puny physique and his unusual appearance, that make Jem and Scout accept him?
9. Why does Lee characterize Dill as a “pocket Merlin”?
10. What action does Jem take at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 2 – The First Day of School
11. What are Scout’s two “crimes” that upset her first grade teacher?
12. How does Scout learn to write?
13. What satirical points are made about education through Scout’s experiences in school?
14. Why does Scout explain Walter Cunningham’s situation to Miss Caroline?
Chapter 3 – The Cooties / Important Lesson
15. Why does Scout beat up Walter in the schoolyard?
16. Why does Walter take so long to make up his mind to accept Jem’s invitation to lunch?
17. What makes Scout decide she wants to quit school and run away?
18. What is the thematic significance of the advice that Atticus gives Scout? Cite the quote.
19. What compromise do Atticus and Scout agree on regarding school?
Chapter 4 – Mysterious Gifts
20. Where does Scout find two pieces of chewing gum?
21. How does Scout unexpectedly end up at the foot of the Radley’s stairs?
22. What is learned about Jem and Scout through their different reactions to the pennies in the knot-hole?
23. What characteristics of children, in general, are revealed through the Boo Radley game?
24. Why doesn’t Scout enjoy the games as much as the boys do?
Chapter 5 – Miss Maudie / Growing Up
25. Describe the relationship between Scout and Dill.
26. What is Miss Maudie Atkinson’s relationship to the children?
27. What opinion does Miss Maudie have of Atticus Finch?
28. How do the children plan to communicate with Boo Radley?
29. What does Atticus tell the children when he catches them playing Boo Radley games?
Chapter 6 – Missing Pants
30. What do the children find so fascinating about Mr. Avery?
31. The night before Dill leaves, where do the children go and what scares them?
32. What happens to Jem’s pants?
33. What does Dill say happened to Jem’s pants?
34. Why does Jem choose to go back and get his pants?
Chapter 7 – Cement
35. A week later, what does Jem tell Scout about his pants?
36. What grades are the children in now?
37. What are five more “treasures” they find in the knothole?
38. Who do the kids think placed the treasures in the tree?
39. Why does Jem cry when he realizes that the hole is cemented up?
Chapter 8 – Snow Day
40. What does Mr. Avery tell the children about unusual seasons?
41. How does Jem make the snowman?
42. How do the men of Maycomb react when Miss Maudie’s house is on fire?
43. What happens to Scout during the disaster that surprises her later?
44. Characterize Miss Maudie following the fire. Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Chapter 9 – Christmas
45. Why do Scout and Cecil Jacobs get into a fight?
46. What had Scout promised her father up until her encounter with her cousin Francis?
47. What is Atticus’ main reason for defending Tom Robinson?
48. How does this characterize Atticus?
49. How does Aunt Alexandra treat Scout in comparison to Francis?
50. How does Aunt Alexandra feel about the way Scout and Jem are being brought up?
51. Why do Scout and Francis fight?
52. What does Uncle Jack learn from his encounter with Scout and his conversation with Atticus?
53. What is Maycomb’s “usual disease” that Atticus hopes his children will not catch?
Chapter 10 – Mad Dog
54. What does Scout wish were different about Atticus?
55. What does Atticus say about mockingbirds? Explain what he means. Support your answer with evidence from the text.
56. Who is “old Tim Johnson”?
57. How is racial inequality shown when Calpurnia is alerting the neighbors about the mad dog?
58. How does Atticus finally impress his children?
59. Why had Atticus given up shooting?
60. How does Jem feel about his father after the mad dog incident?
Chapter 11 – Mrs. Dubose
61. Why do Jem and Scout dislike walking in front of Mrs. Dubose’s house?
62. What does Mrs. Dubose say to Jem that makes him go mad?
63. How does Jem “get even” with Mrs. Dubose?
64. What does Mrs. Dubose insist Jem do for a month?
65. What secret does Atticus reveal about Mrs. Dubose’s “fits”?
66. What promise does she make to herself before her death?
67. What is Mrs. Dubose’s gift to Jem, and how does he react to receiving it?
68. What does Atticus want Jem to see about Mrs. Dubose?
69. Cite the quote explaining the definition of courage.
70. Cite your favorite quote and explain its importance to the novel.