romeo and juliet - Grade 9 Academic English

1. Using the text, answer the following questions. Introduce all answers and write
in complete sentences.
2. Provide line references for each answer.
1. The prologue is a Shakespearian sonnet, which is a type of poem. How many
lines is the sonnet? The sonnet has three quatrains and a rhyming couplet. How
many lines are in a quatrain? How many lines are in a couplet?
2. The prologue is used to attract the audience’s attention to let them know that the
play is starting. As well, it introduces the setting, characters and plot of the play.
a) Quote lines from the prologue that introduce the following:
 Setting
 Characters
 Plot
b) Explain what each of these quotes means.
3. What does the Chorus ask the audience in the last two lines? Why?
Act 1, Scene 1: The Fight
1. Contrast Benvolio and Tybalt’s attitudes towards the fight (1.1.57-65).
2. What does the Prince say will happen if the two families fight again? (1.1.89-90)
3. Why are Montague and his wife concerned about Romeo’s behaviour? (1.1.125149)
4. What does Romeo tell Benvolio is the cause of his sadness? (1.1.207-223)
5. What solution does Benvolio suggest to Romeo? (1.1. 219)
6. What is an oxymoron? Find an example and state its importance.
Act 1, Scene 2: Where is Romeo and why is he so sad?
1. What does Paris ask Capulet and how does he respond? (1.2.6-11)
2. What reason does Benvolio give to Romeo to convince him to attend Capulet’s
party? (1.2.84-101)
3. How does Romeo respond to Benvolio’s request? (1.2.102-103)
Act 1, Scene 3: A Marriage Proposal
1. Why does the nurse have such a close relationship with Juliet? Provide 2
examples from the text to support this. (1.3.18-49)
2. About what does Lady Capulet want to talk to Juliet? (1.3.64-75)
3. What is Juliet’s answer? (1.3. 98-100)
Act 1, Scene 4: Going to the Capulet party
1. What is Romeo’s attitude about the party and how does Mercutio try to alter this?
2. Briefly discuss the content of the Queen Mab speech and state how it reflecs the
character who says it. (1.4.53-95)
3. In his last speech in this scene Romeo expresses some fear about going to the
party. What is he afraid of? What literary technique is being used?
4. In your own words, summarize what Romeo is saying in this speech. (1.4.106113)
Act 1, Scene 5: Romeo meets Juliet
1. When Romeo first speaks in this scene summarize what he say and to whom is he
referring? (1.5.43-52)
2. Contrast Tybalt’s and Lord Capulet’s reactions to Romeo’s presence at the party.
3. What do Romeo and Juliet learn about each other from the Nurse? (1.5.117-143)
Romeo and Juliet Questions: Act Two
Act 2, Scene 2: The Balcony Scene
1. Summarize Romeo’s first speech in Scene 2 (2.2.10-25)
2. Juliet says of Romeo, “Tis but thy name that is my enemy” (2.2.40). What does
she mean by this line? What does she suggest he should do with his name?
3. Read Juliet’s speech (2.2.122-130). What concerns does she have about this
4. What does Juliet say that Romeo must do to prove that his love is sincere?
Act 2, Scene 3: Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to perform marriage ceremony
1. Friar Lawrence is shocked by Romeo’s fickleness in love. Define fickleness.
Read Friar Lawrence’s speech (2.3.66-81) and summarize in your own words
what he says to Romeo.
2. Why does Friar Lawrence agree to perform the marriage? (2.3.90-95)
3. What advice does Friar Lawrence give Romeo at the end of this scene? (2.3.97)
Act 2, Scene 4: Juliet’s Nurse meets with Romeo
1. How does Mercutio insult the Nurse?
2. What two instructions does Romeo give to the Nurse regarding Juliet? (2.4.158162)
Act 2, Scene 5-6: The Wedding is Arranged
1. Why is Juliet frustrated with the Nurse?
2. How does the Nurse tease Juliet in scene 5? (2.5.48-65)
3. Summarize in your own words Friar Lawrence’s advice to Romeo just prior to the
wedding (2.6.9-20).
Act 3, Scene 1: Mercutio and Tybalt are slain
1. Why does Tybalt want to fight Romeo? (3.1.62-63)
2. What is Romeo’s response? (3.1. 64-68)
3. Why does Mercutio become involved in the fight? (3.1.69-70)
How does Mercutio get hurt? (3.1.81-88)
4. How does Romeo respond when he realizes that Mercutio has been killed?
5. What is Romeo’s punishment? (3.1.187-198)
Act 3, Scene 2: The Nurse breaks the bad news to Juliet
1. Why does the Nurse agree to bring Romeo to see Juliet? (3.2.134-147)
Act 3, Scene 3: The Nurse finds Romeo in Friar Lawrence’s cell
1. Friar Lawrence tells Romeo to stop feeling sorry for himself; then he tells him
three reasons why Romeo should be grateful. List the three reasons (3.3.112162).
Act 3, Scene 4: Lord Capulet makes wedding arrangements
1. What plans has Lord Capulet made? (3.4.20-29)
Act 3, Scene 5: Juliet’s refuses to marry Paris
1. Define soliloquy. Read Juliet’s soliloquy at the end of this scene (3.5.246-253).
Paraphrase the soliloquy into modern English using a line by line translation.
Act 4, Scene 1: Juliet’s desperate attempt to avoid marrying Paris
1. Why has Juliet come to visit Friar Lawrence? (4.1.52-69)
2. What is Friar Lawrence’s plan to help Juliet? (4.1.95-122)
Act 4, Scene 3: Juliet fakes her death
1. List three fears that Juliet has as she takes the potion. (4.3.22-39)
Act 4, Scene 5: Juliet’s Bedroom
1. Paraphrase into modern English Friar Lawrence’s speech. (4.5.65-83)
Act 5, Scene 1: Romeo learns of Juliet’s “death”
1. What news does Balthazar bring Romeo? (5.1.18-21)
2. Why does Romeo go to the apothecary? (5.1.52-56; 5.1.88-89)
Act 5, Scene 2: The letter was not delivered
1. Why was Friar Lawrence’s letter not delivered to Romeo in Mantua? (5.2.5-12)
2. How is Friar Lawrence going to correct the situation? (5.2.28-30)
Act 5, Scene 3: Romeo and Juliet die
1. Why is Paris at Juliet’s tomb? What does he think Romeo is doing there?
2. Explain how mistiming is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s deaths (5.3.119-175)
3. Who does the Prince blame for these deaths? (5.3.297-301)
4. What do Lord Capulet and Lord Montague do to show that they are sorry and the
feud is over? (5.3.302-311)