Format for Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism of the work plan and the Organizational Checklist by the Confederation This coordinating mechanism is a technical tool for capacity building of partner organisations with regard to the management of work plans, finances and the Organizational Checklist (OC). It contributes to providing insight into the processes of the workplan and the OC update, the stakeholders and their tasks and responsibilities and financial procedures. This coordinating mechanism is an example. The intention is that every partner organisation develops its own mechanism that suits their own situation. The coordinating mechanism is made up of the: Process Stakeholders Tools Financial procedure 1. Process The workplan and the Organizational Checklist (OC) both have their own process. In this chapter these two processes will be described. 1.1. Workplan process The workplan process is constituted of four phases: elaborate, implement, monitor and evaluate. Each phase has several stages. 1.1.1. Elaborate This phase includes four stages: 1st stage : Each sectoral organisation and the Confederation identify and formulate the problems relating to the working and living conditions, select the priorities and draw up a work plan to address the workers’ concerns, through a 3 day workshop. 2nd stage: Examine, through a national workshop, the proposals of sectoral organisation and the Confederation if they are feasible and eligible according to the following criteria: Feasible: The period (duration) The resources (availability) The urgency (immediate) The importance (number of people affected) Eligible: Availability of PME committee in the sectoral organisation; To be up to date for dues paying to the Confederation; Comply with PME method within the planning and the presentation of the work plan; Respect of the transmission term of various documents (work plan, monitoring reports, evaluation report, activities and financial report); Availability of a specific bank account for CNV sponsored project; Availability of updated data to be transmitted to the national PME committee. Format for Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism of the work plan and the Organizational Checklist by the Confederation 1 3rd stage: Finalize the work plan at sectoral organisation and the Confederation levels through a meeting. 4th stage: Compile sectoral organisation and the Confederation proposals through a national meeting. 1.1.2. Implement This phase includes four stages: 1st stage: Update or adjust, if necessary, by each sectoral organisation and the Confederation the activities’ implementing schedule after the work plan approval. 2nd stage: For each result provide to the national PME committee updated or adjusted activities’ schedule (notify the date of the first activity) and the planned budget. 3rd stage: Transfer the funds to the project bank account of each sectoral organisation 4th stage: Implement the activities result by result. 1.1.3. Monitor 6 stages are included in this phase. 1st stage: Collect data on the implementation of the activities and the corresponding budget; 2nd stage: Analyze available data (compare the plan and the realization) and write a report; 3rd stage: Examine the report and decide on the continuation of plan implementation; 4th stage: Apply the appropriate decision (correct or continue as planned); 5th stage: For each result, after the implementation of the activities, write the activities and financial report; 6th stage: Examine and validate the activities and financial report for each result and transfer it to the national PME committee during the plan implementation. 1.1.4. Evaluate The phase has 3 stages 1st stage: Evaluate each result, write an evaluation report and transfer the report to the national PME committee; 2nd stage: Evaluate the work plan of each sectoral organisation and the Confederation, write the evaluation report; 3rd stage: Evaluate the whole work plan of the Confederation and sectoral organisations through the assessment and the validation of the various activities and financial reports of affiliate unions and the national federation of labour. 1.2. Organisational Checklist (follow up) process Format for Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism of the work plan and the Organizational Checklist by the Confederation 2 The OC process is constituted of four phases: preparation, update, verification and completion. Each phase has several stages. 1.2.1. Preparation This phase includes 5 stages. 1st stage: Designate a person within the Confederation and sectoral organisations responsible for update OC; 2nd stage: Meeting with the OC responsible persons of the Confederation and the sectoral organisations to evaluate the previous OC (update), discuss the OC update to come and make a planning for the OC update, 3rd stage: Develop policy strategy on how the organisation will update the OC or, if there already is such a policy strategy, update the existing OC policy strategy; 4rd stage: Set up a database or, if there already is a database, update database; 5th stage: Timely inform sectoral organisations on the timeframe and the process of the OC update. 1.2.2. Update OC This phase has 3 stages. 1st stage: The Confederation and the sectoral organisations collect the necessary documents and data to update the OC; 2nd stage: The Confederation and the sectoral organisations update the OC 3rd stage: The Confederation and sectoral organisations send the updated OC to the national OC responsible. 1.2.3. Verification The verification includes 2 stages. 1st stage: The national PME team analyzes the data received; 2nd stage: If necessary and possible they try to get more reliable data. 1.2.4. Completion This phase has 2 stages. 1st stage: Last check of the OC and round off; 2nd stage: Updated OC is sent to CNV International 2. Stakeholders At politic level: - Confederation executive; - Sectoral organisation executive. Format for Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism of the work plan and the Organizational Checklist by the Confederation 3 At - technical level: Sectoral organisation PME committee; The Confederation PME committee; The national PME committee; The OC responsible. The PME committees are the key stakeholders in the present coordinating mechanism. Thus it’s important to know their composition and role in the coordination of the work plan. 2.1. PME committee of the sectoral organisation A PME committee is set up at each sectoral organisation level. 2.1.1. Composition The PME committee is made of three members (plus accountant or treasurer). The PME committee members are selected according to the following criteria: availability, competence and commitment. Among the committee members, one is chosen as coordinator of the sectoral organisation PME committee. Also, one member is chosen as responsible for the OC update, following the selection criteria in the document “The Organisational Checklist: A guideline for program officers CNV I, BCPA and PME coordinators of trade union organisations)”. The sectoral organisation PME coordinator is the representative of the sectoral organisation in the national PME committee. 2.1.2. Task of the sectoral organisation PME committee Tasks related to the workplan: Draw up the plan of action of the sectoral organisation at the end of a planning workshop in which participate the members of the committee, the sectoral organisation executive and one representative per branch within the sector of the sectoral organisation. Represent the sectoral organisation in the national planning workshop (coordinator of the national union and the accountant or the treasurer) Monitor the plan of action during its implementation through: - Field visit; - Data collection and analysis per implemented activity; Writing a monitoring report per activity (intermediate result) and per result. The monitoring report is sent to the national PME coordinator (PME officer) after the approval by the sectoral organisation executive and the members of sectoral organisation PME committee. Evaluate the sectoral organisation plan of action through: - Evaluation workshop in which, apart from the PME committee members, also participate the sectoral organisation executive, a representative per branch within the sector and the beneficiaries (one representative per category); - Writing evaluation report, which is sent to the national PME coordinator (PME officer) after its approval by the sectoral organisation executive and the members of sectoral organisation PME committee) within a one day meeting. • Verify the results: - For example: trainings can be verified by registration lists of participants, legal cases can be verified by means of official documentation. Format for Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism of the work plan and the Organizational Checklist by the Confederation 4 Write the activities and financial report of the sectoral organisation plan of action within a two days meeting (PME committee members). After adoption in a one day meeting with the sectoral organisation executive, the activities and financial reports are sent the national PME coordinator (PME officer) with the all expenses justification (invoices, receipts,…). NB: The sectoral organisation PME committee report throughout the process to the sectoral organisation executive according to the work plan implementing schedule. Tasks related to the OC update: Represent sectoral organisation in national PME committee meetings on the OC update; Develop or update the OC policy together with national PME committee; Coordinate the OC update within the sectoral organisation; Data verification; Report data OC update to national PME committee; Evaluation of OC update. 2.2. The Confederation PME Committee A PME committee is set up at the Confederation level 2.2.1. Composition The Confederation PME committee is made up of: • The national PME coordinator (PME officer); • The research officer; • The coordinator of gender commission; • The OC update responsible; • The accountant; 2.2.2. Tasks (ref. to 2.1.2.) 2.3. National PME committee of the Confederation and sectoral organisations In the perspective to ensure a better management of the plan of the Confederation and sectoral organisations, a PME committee is set up at the national level. It’s named national PME committee with the composition and task as follow. 2.3.1. Composition The national PME committee of the Confederation and sectoral organisations is made up of: The sectoral organisations PME committees’ coordinators; The national PME coordinator (PME officer) of the Confederation; The sectoral organisations OC update responsible; The OC update responsible of the Confederation; The accountant of the Confederation; The research officer; The coordinator of gender commission The PME officer of the Confederation is the coordinator of the national PME committee Format for Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism of the work plan and the Organizational Checklist by the Confederation 5 2.3.2. Tasks of the national PME committee (Mission) Tasks related to the workplan: Determine in consultation with the General Secretary the required conditions of the planning and the carrying out of the next plan of action: Selection of sectoral organisations to include in the plan of action according the appropriate criteria; The direction of the plan of action, taking into account: - The lessons learnt throughout the evaluation of the implemented plan of action; - The importance and the urgency of the problems at the national and sector levels; - The indicative allocation of available resources to the sectoral organisations included in the work plan and the Confederation, taking into account first the orientation of the plan and then the internal and external resources available. Examine within a national planning workshop, the proposals (work plan) of the Confederation and sectoral organisations according to the appraisal criteria of the work plan (ref. to PME format 5) Compile, finalize and submit to the Confederation Executive for approval; Collect information on the implementation of the work plan (monitoring reports of the activities and the results at the Confederation and sectoral organisations’ level; Centralize and assess the sectoral organisations’ implementing reports (activities and budget); Evaluate the entire plan of action (Confederation and sectoral organisation) within a national workshop with the participation of the Confederation Executive, the members of Federation committees, the Confederation accountant and the beneficiaries (one per category); Elaborate the activities and financial reports of the entire plan of action (Confederation and sectoral organisations). Result verification of the workplan implemented and the reports submitted. This takes place by means of consultation with leadership and field visits to enterprises (meetings with workers/beneficiaries. Tasks related to the OC update: Develop or update the OC policy; Coordinate the OC update within the entire organisation (Confederation and sectoral organisations); Data verification; Evaluation of OC update; Send updated OC to CNV International. 3. Tools • • The manual for result-based four year and one year planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) The annexes to PME manual for result-based four year and one year planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) Format for Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism of the work plan and the Organizational Checklist by the Confederation 6 - The The The The The The The four year work plan PME format 2 annual work plan PME format 5 annual work plan PME report format 7 four year work plan PME report format 9 Organisational checklist OC update policy format for coordination and monitoring mechanism of the workplan and the OC 4. Financial procedure 4.1. In order to facilitate financial management of the plan of action and to promote transparency, every sectoral organisation needs to make available a specific bank account for the work plan sponsored by CNV. This account will allow the transfer of the plan allocation from the Confederation specific account. 4.2. For the implementation of the activities, budgeted allocation is transferred from the Confederation project account to the project account of the sectoral organisation . Moreover, the transaction is submitted to a joint signature of the Confederation General Secretary, the coordinator of the national PME committee and the treasurer/accountant; 4.3. The transfer of the funds will be effective when the sectoral organisation sends the updated workplan to the Confederation PME Coordinator. The Confederation may choose not to transfer the entire budgeted allocation at once, but, for example, to spread it over 4 transfers (one transfer every quarter of a year). After receiving the quarterly report the next transfer can be effected. 4.4. The funds are transferred according to the budget and the updated implementation schedule of the work plan; 4.5. Each sectoral organisation must confirm the funds reception by a letter with the bank statement to the Confederation General Secretariat; 4.6. Every bank transaction must be done with the consultation of the sectoral organisation PME committee, referring to the budget of the plan. Moreover, the transaction is submitted to a joint signature of the General Secretary and the coordinator of the sectoral organisation PME committee; 4.7. Every expense within the budget implementation must be materialized by accountant justification under required format: • Signed and sealed receipt; • Signed and sealed invoice; • Individual form of expense with the specification of the budget items such as: transport, meals, media coverage, resource person expenses, secretariat expenses, etc.). The expenses’ form can be accepted it’s signed by the beneficiary and the responsible with the stamp of the sectoral organisation. 4.8. The expenditure is registered in a book, specifying the date, the nature, the amount, the settlement, the responsible and his signature; 4.9. The follow up report per result (activities and budget) is written and sent to national PME committee after the realization of each result; 4.10. The evaluation report of the plan of action must be transmitted to the national PME committee immediately after the evaluation workshop of the sectoral organisations’ work plan; Format for Coordination and Monitoring Mechanism of the work plan and the Organizational Checklist by the Confederation 7 4.11. The activities and financial reports must be written according to PME annual reporting format 7 (ref. annexes of the PME manual); 4.12. The reports and expenses’ justification must be transferred to the national PME committee a week after the implementation of the activities; 4.13. The national PME committee will have to ensure the respect of the contract between CNV Internationaal and the Confederation on the plan of action. 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