Notes – Romeo and Juliet

Notes – Romeo and Juliet
Act I Notes
Provides an introduction (summary) of the play
Two equal families – of same social level
Two lovers, one from each family – star-crossed (destined) to fall in love and die
List of Characters – p. 3
 Romeo
 Lady and Lord Montague (Romeo’s parents)
 Mercutio
 Benvolio
 Servants – feel allegiance (loyalty) to family
 Juliet
 Lady and Lord Capulet (Juliet’s parents)
 Nurse (raised Juliet [like a nanny])
 Tybalt
 Servants – feel allegiance to family
Act I, Scene i – Verona – argument between servants of the two houses
Sampson and Gregory (two servants of the house of Capulet) are walking along, talking
about who is the most macho.
They also say that they are against all from the house of Montague.
If anyone from the house of Montague comes along, they will fight them. They say that
after they fight the men, they will cut off their heads (maidenheads – take their virginity).
The two Capulet servants see Abraham and Balthasar (from the house of Montague)
coming along. Sampson and Gregory decide to provoke a fight by thumbing their nose at
the two Montague servants. Ultimately, the two pairs fight.
Benvolio (a friend of Romeo Montague’s) arrives and tells them to stop fighting. He strikes
down their swords. Then, Tybalt (Lady Capulet’s nephew) enters and challenges Benvolio, who
says he was trying to stop the fight. Tybalt and Benvolio fight.
Lord and Lady Capulet and Lord and Lady Montague show up and argue. Then, Prince Escalus,
Prince of Verona, shows up and scolds everyone. He tells them that if anyone fights again, he
will be killed for disturbing the peace.
Benvolio tells the Capulets that he tried to stop the fight, but Tybalt started a fight with Benvolio.
He also tells them that he saw Romeo walking early in the morning, walking in the forest and
thinking. Lord Montague says that something is going on with Romeo – he seems sad and
Benvolio, seeing Romeo entering, tells the Montagues that he will find out what is wrong with
Romeo. Benvolio learns that Romeo is in love, but the girl (Rosaline) he is in love with says that
she will never love. Benvolio counsels Romeo to forget her and to look at other women. Romeo
says he will never forget her.
Act I Scene ii
Paris is with Capulet to ask him a question
o Paris wants to marry Juliet, who is 13.
o Capulet tells Paris to wait two years before he marries her – she is too young.
o Paris says that other women who have married have been younger than Juliet
o Capulet says Juliet is her only child; Paris should try to win her over
o Capulet tells Paris about a party at the Capulets and tells Paris to look at other
o Capulet sends a servant to invite guests  servant can’t read
o Still tries to convince Romeo to find another girl
o Romeo – not interested
o Romeo reads the guests list  sees Rosaline’s name on the list
o Benvolio learns that Rosaline is Romeo’s beloved
o Benvolio tells Romeo to compare Rosaline to other girls
o Romeo – says no one will compare positively to Rosaline
Act I Scene iii
Lady Capulet:
o Tells the nurse to get Juliet
o Tells nurse to leave  then tells her to stay (Lady Capulet is nervous)
o Listens to the Nurse make a long speech about Juliet (gets distracted):
 Nurse talks of her own daughter Susan, who died
 Nurse nursed Juliet  talks of when Juliet was weaned
 Nurse talks about Juliet falling on her face, and her husband jokes that
Juliet will fall on her back when she gets older
o Wants to know how Juliet feels about getting married
o Says other girls are getting married
Was married when she was Juliet’s age
Believes Paris is a good match for Juliet (Nurse agrees)
Tells Juliet to look at Paris at the party that night – “read him like a book”
Says she will look at Paris (check him out) but she is not promising anything
Act I Scene iv - Streets of Verona
Romeo and friends are on the way to the Capulet’s masquerade party, talking and
carrying torches
o Talk about how they will get into the party – will just stay for 1 or 2 dances
Romeo doesn’t want to dance – he is sad – “lead in his shoes”
Mercutio – tries to cheer Romeo up – wants him to dance and have fun
Romeo says it’s not a good idea to go to the party – says he had a dream
Mercutio says he did too – says dreams lie – doesn’t believe in dreams – dances around,
joking around about dreams – says DREAMS MEAN NOTHING!
o Queen Mab – folktale woman who delivers dreams (like the Sandman)
Rome – says tonight’s party will ultimately bring about an untimely death
Act I Scene v – Capulet party
The servants rush around, getting ready for the party.
Lord Capulet good naturedly welcomes the guests, including the masked Romeo and
others; Lord Capulet will not dance because he’s too old
Romeo sees Juliet and inquires as to who she is – he is fickle (changes feelings quickly)
o Compares her to a rich jewel in an Ethiopian’s ear
o Compares her to a snowy dove among crows (beauty among less beautiful girls)
o Plans to talk with her and touch her hand
Tybalt recognizes Romeo as a Montague – he is furious - asks for his sword
Lord Capulet:
o tells Tybalt to leave Romeo alone
o says he hears Romeo is a virtuous/well-mannered youth
o does not Romeo harmed in his house
o Argues
o Says Romeo is a villain
o Will not endure him (stand for him to be there)
Lord Capulet:
o Tells Tybalt to obey him because he is the master
o Says Tybalt is rude and impertinent
o Tells Tybalt to be quiet  Tybalt leaves
o speaks to Juliet
o tells her he is not worthy to touch her hand
o tells her she is a shrine – holy place
o wants to kiss her
o kisses her
o Welcomes the kiss – “You kiss by the book.”
The nurse comes to get Juliet  Juliet leaves
Romeo asks the nurse who this young girl is
Then nurse tells Romeo she is a Capulet – “my life is my foe’s debt” – he is in love with
his enemy’s daughter
Benvolio – says it’s time to go
Romeo agrees – is afraid because he knows now that the girl he kissed is Juliet
o asks her nurse who that boy is – says if he is married, her wedding bed will be her
grave (Foreshadowing)
o she learns he is Romeo, the son of her family’s enemy
o says what a terrible beginning to love that she may love her enemy