Connecticut Technical High School System CIVICS/AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 09/09 Unit 5: Political Parties and the Election Process Goal: Students will examine the election process in our two-party system. Big Idea (s): Political parties play a major role in the American democratic process. Political parties provide organized policy options. Voting is an important right and fundamental opportunity for citizen participation in a democracy. Each vote is significant that’s why it is important to be an informed voter. The right to vote has been expanded throughout our history as more groups demanded an equal role in the political process. Being informed during the election process is important in selecting the best candidate. It is the duty of citizens to think critically about the information received through the media and the success of the republic depends on citizen participation. Public opinion makes government responsive to the needs of the people. Elections are the direct expression of the power of the people to create a government of elected officials they believe best represents them. Primaries and national conventions give voters greater input in the candidate selection process. Voter turnout has decreased in recent years as more Americans become disillusioned with the election process. Political parties are important for many reasons including making the voice of the people heard, to help people become interested in national and local politics and to help citizens appreciate the importance of playing an active role in the electoral process. Incumbents and the party in power have a greater chance of being elected and re-elected. Mass media influences public opinion. 21 Connecticut Technical High School System CIVICS/AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 09/09 Essential Question (s): How does the American political system provide for individual choice and opportunities for participation? What is the role of a citizen in a democracy? Elections and voting- why should they matter to you? What is the purpose of the Electoral College? Is it necessary institution today? How can citizens participate in the political process? How do we elect candidates? Do we need political parties? Do political parties and the electoral process serve the common good? Why don’t more Americans vote in elections? What forms public opinion? What is the role of media? To what extent do the media influence your political views? Why is public opinion important in a republic? Learning Outcomes Students will: Literacy 1. Define and apply key vocabulary/concepts. Suggested strategies: Paraphrase/summarize Compare/contrast Classify Categorize Discuss/explain Illustrate Demonstrate Reflect/relate Infer 10.25 Identify the distinctive characteristics of American society, the American political culture, and the values and principles basic to the American constitutional democracy: I. Role of Political Parties A. How Parties help Government. B. How Parties help Citizens. II. Our Two Party System A. Background of the two Party system. B. Role of Third Parties C. Characteristics of today’s political parties. As evidenced by written, oral or visual: Vocabulary journals Narrative descriptions 2-3 Column Notes (i.e. term/definition/illustrate/paraphrase/relate) Lincs/Frayer Visual representation (i.e concept diagram/map, graph, chart, drawing, poster, comic strip, cartoon) Discussion Oral presentation Short answer Essay Summary of distinctive characteristics of political parties and the two party system. 1.8 Apply historical thinking skills, including chronological thinking, and recognize change over time. 22 Connecticut Technical High School System CIVICS/AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 09/09 10.26 Evaluate demographic factors related to elections and political parties. Evaluation of graphic data regarding demographics and voting. To determine patterns and cause/effect. 10.27 Demonstrate knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizens to participate in and shape public policy and contribute to maintenance of democratic way of life: III. Choosing Candidates A. Nominating Candidates B. Choosing Presidential Candidates C. Choosing delegates D. National Convention Description of the election process. Analysis of a current election using multiple sources. IV. Election Process A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Issues Candidates Platforms Campaign Lobbyists Political Action committees (PACs) Media coverage Polls Voter response Electoral College V. Past or present election case study. a. Issues b. Campaign Finance c. Third Party Influence d. Voting demographics Resources: PH Civics CH 22-23 Links to History. Pg. 597 Analyze Diagrams. Pgs. 598-599 Citizen Profiles. Pg. 600 Analyze charts. Pg.602 Debating the Issues. Pg.604 Comparing and Contrasting. Pg. 610 Interactive Diagram Web Code mpp-8221 Web Code mpp-8222 Magruder’s Ch 5-9 Voting 23 Connecticut Technical High School System CIVICS/AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 09/09 Current Issues Voting Surveys: Beyond Red vs. Blue - Political typology test,Advocates for Self Government - Citizenship Political Cartoons US Government Extension Activity: Simulate a political campaign and election. Conduct a schoolwide mock election. Teacher(s) Designed Formative Assessments TBD District-wide Trimester Assessment(s) TBD 24 Connecticut Technical High School System CIVICS/AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 09/09 Concepts Skills Students need to know about: Students need to be able to do: 10.25Distinctive Characteristics of : American society American political culture Principles of American democracy 10.26 Citizens role in a democracy 10.27 Election process: Case study of a campaign Identify ( characteristics of American society, American political culture & principles of American democracy) Demonstrate (knowledge of citizens role in shaping public policy) Describe and analyze (election process) 25