1 - WJHS Team 7C

Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Period:
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary for these chapters BEFORE you start reading.
1. Translate the following slang words as you read: taw, up a stump, honest injun, dander up.
2. List three adjectives to describe Tom Sawyer. _______________ ______________ ______________
2b. Write one quote that supports an adjective above.
3. What is Sid and Tom’s relationship? ________________________________
4. How is Tom able to trick many of his friends in Ch. 2? What did he make them believe?
5. Why does Aunt Polly have a hard time punishing Tom?
Please write two questions that you have
on the back of this sheet!
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-Chapters 1-4
6. What does Tom think of church? What are the yellow tickets for?
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Period:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-Chapters 5-6
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary for these chapters BEFORE you start reading.
A theme is a central message, concern, or insight into life expressed in a literary work. A theme
can usually be expressed in one word or a short phrase. Uncovering a theme requires you to
look at the setting, conflict, characters and plot.
As you read Chapter 5-6 and the rest of the novel, annotate examples of when you believe Twain is expressing
his message, insight or concern about GROWING UP. Highlight or make notes in the margins using the definition
above as your guide.
Example:-Page 29
Tom bent all his energies to the memorizing of five verses, and he chose part
of the Sermon on the Mount,
because he could find no verses that were shorter. At the end of half an
hour, Tom had a vague general
idea of his lesson, but no more, for his mind was traversing the whole field
of human thought, and his hands
were busy with distracting recreations. Mary took his book to hear him
recite, and he tried to find his way
through the fog.
Name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________
Period: ________
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapters 7-8
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary for these chapters BEFORE you begin
1. What mistake does Tom make with Becky?
2. Why won’t Tom “fall” (die) when he and Joe are “sword-fighting”?
3. Like many of his friends, Tom believes in superstitions. Give two examples of
superstitions found in these chapters.
4. Comment on how you view Tom Sawyer so far in the book. Is he immature? Responsible?
Mean? Find an example from the chapters to support your answer.
5. Please think about the theme of “Growing Up”. Based on what you have read and your
annotations, what do you think Twain believes about Growing Up?
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Period:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-Chapters 9-10
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary for these chapters BEFORE you start reading.
1. From the glossary, what is a half-breed?
2. List the three men that Tom and Huck saw in the graveyard.
3. What were these men doing? What tragic event occurs in the graveyard?
4. What was Tom and Huck’s secret oath?
5. What punishment did Tom get for coming home late that night? Why was it worse than any other?
6. At the end of chapter 10, what happened that is the feather that broke the camel’s back?
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ________________ Period: ________
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapters 11-12
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary for these chapters BEFORE you start reading.
1. When Injun Joe tells his version of the events in the graveyard, Tom and Huck are amazed that something doesn’t happen. What do
they expect to happen? What do they think the reason behind it is?
2. “It’s blood, it’s blood, that’s what it is!” Who is talking and what is this person talking about?
3. How did Tom ease his conscience about Muff’s situation?
4. Why didn’t the villagers punish Injun Joe for bodysnatching?
5. What were some of the remedies Aunt Polly gave to Tom? What cures Tom’s illness?
6. What does Tom do when Becky finally comes back to school? What is her reaction?
Name: ________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ________
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapters 13-17
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary for these chapters BEFORE you start reading.
1. How has Tom changed over the course of the book? Do you believe that he has grown as a person?
(Consider the relationship he has with Aunt Polly and Becky Thatcher and the friendships he has with
Huckleberry Finn and Joe Harper.) Please find two examples from the book that supports your explanation
and include page numbers.
Name: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: _______
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-Chapters 18-19
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary for these chapters BEFORE you start reading.
1. How does Sid seem to know that Tom lied to Aunt Polly about his actions being ‘a dream’?
2. How did the kids react to Tom when he returned to school?
3. How does Becky respond to Tom’s return to school? Why does she act this way?
4. Why was Alfred Temple humiliated and angry? What did he do to get Tom in trouble?
5. In Chapter 19, why was Aunt Polly so upset with Tom? What made her forgive him?
Name: _________________________________ Date: _________________
Period: _______
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapters 20-22
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary BEFORE you begin reading.
1. From the glossary, what is gilded?
2. Why does Tom say that Becky will get caught, even if he doesn’t tell on her?
3. “Tom, how could you be so noble?” (last line of chapter 20) Who is talking and what
Name: _____________________________________ Date:
__________________ Period: ______
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapters 23-25
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary BEFORE your begin reading.
1. “Little hands, and weak- but they’ve helped Muff Potter a power, and they’d help him
more if they could.” Who is talking and why is this ironic (if you are not sure what
this means, look it up!)?
2. After reading chapter 23, why do you think Tom decided to break the oath?
3. After the trial, Tom’s days were __________________________ but his nights were
4. How does Tom want to spend any treasure they find? Huck? What do the differences in
what they want tell us about their personalities or outlooks on life?
5. Give two reasons why Tom says they don’t find the treasure like they should.
Name: ____________________________________ Date:
_________________ Period: ______
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapters 26-27
Please reference the glossary BEFORE you begin reading.
1. Using the vocabulary section, what are auspices?
2. Where do you think “Number Two” is? What do you think this means? Why?
Name: ________________________________ Date:
__________________ Period: ________
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapters 28-31
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary for these chapters BEFORE
you start reading.
Over the past few weeks, we have talked about the theme of Growing Up in
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. We have discussed how Tom has grown as a
person, and also how the relationships that Tom has have changed. During
your readings this weekend (chapters 28-31), please find THREE examples
(including page numbers) of the theme. How has Tom changed as a person?
Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________ Period:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapter 32-33
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary BEFORE you begin reading.
1. Using the vocabulary section, what is a chasm?
2. “Tom turned as while as a sheet.” Why? What happened?
Name: ____________________________________ Date: __________________ Period:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer- Chapter 34-35
Please reference the glossary and vocabulary BEFORE you begin reading.
1. Define: insipid
2. What is the secret that Sid is talking about?
3. What made Huck more uncomfortable….his new clothes or the stares and praise that he got from the
4. How much money did Tom and Huck have altogether? What did they do with the money?
5. Who does Huck live with now and why doesn’t he like it? Be specific.
6. What does Tom convince Huck to do and how does he do it?