A meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council was held in the

A Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council was held in the Millennium Hall on
Monday 17 August 2009 at 7.30 p.m.
Cllrs Jones, Beattie, Callingham, Cutler, Deeley, Hutchison, Pearson,
Rowan, Trevor, Welburn and Wright
Also Present: County Cllr Fleetwood and Alex Bridgwood and 2 parishioners
Cllrs Andrews, Parrott and Robinson and PC Morgan
Before the meeting two parishioners raised objections to a planning application for an
extension at a property near them. There was a business running from the property
and they felt that if the extension went ahead there would be more noise and traffic in
the area.
The meeting started at 7.44 p.m.
There were none given.
2009/88 MINUTES
It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 20 July be confirmed and
signed as a true record.
Minute 2009/77 item 3 – all the land except the Cathedral View Play Area had now
been registered and the deeds had been returned. Item 4 the football tournament went
ahead but there had been an incident on the field which had resulted in an ambulance
being called. There had been problems with the locked gate and it was agreed that
future land users would be given a key and the Cherry Tree were to be asked to hold
another one again.
Minute 2009/83 – Cllr Deeley had checked up on LED lights and the transformer
would be smaller and he was looking into the possibility that it might fit in the
existing electric box or if not a smaller cabinet than previously discussed would be
suitable. The Clerk reported that the Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Concert Band had
been booked for the Christmas Fair and a donation of £50 had been agreed. They
would play on the concrete circle area.
Minute 2009/85 – The Clerk had received information on litter picking from 6 other
parishes. South Kesteven, East Lindsey and North Kesteven all partly financed litter
picking in the villages.
Minute 2009/86 item 3 – The Becke Arms stated that the weed problem was in hand.
They had sprayed them and would cut them back.
The following items were on the table for members to look at:
Shaw’s product information on registers, books etc
Lincolnshire Community Foundation – playing field association grant criteria
WLDC Credit Crunch leaflet
WLDC Gambling Act 2005 draft statement of principles
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LCC details on Sustainable Development Guide – on their website
WLDC Corporate Plan available on website
Pelican Trust details on joinery and business services
LALC Newsletter, AGM information for 7 November and training courses
including a Councillors and Chairman event on 21 October at Louth.
Mr Pitt’s playing field inspection sheets
Community Lincs Autumn Devate – Metheringham 24 September
The audit form had been returned and partly qualified because the closure
notice for 2008 had not been correct. The correct notice had been put up this
The Wicksteed playing field inspection report was discussed and it was agreed
to pass it to the Playing Field Committee.
The Co-op had sent a Community Dividend Healthcare Fund application form
in response to the Council’s request for help towards a bus shelter.
Mrs Noble the surgery caretaker had written regarding the pot hole in the
Parade car park outside the surgery. The Clerk had discussed it with her.
An NALC Employment briefing staff pay claim update of between 1 and 1.5%
was noted.
Eon - the electricity for the hall was now £61.71 in credit and the Direct Debit
reduced from £83 to £35.
Banks Long & Co had instructed contractors to fill in the pot holes on The
Parade as a matter of urgency. These had still not been done and the Clerk
was to contact them again.
2009/91 FINANCE
Balance at 17 August £44,041 (£13,425 to only be spent on capital projects) and
£19,970 for the Lady Meers Pond area. Total £64.011
Accounts paid during the month
Uniworld Communications – monthly phone line rental
Multidata broadband – monthly broadband charge
Eon – Hall electricity
Accounts to be paid
Staff salaries and expenses
E Pitt – Self employed work
Inland Revenue – tax and NI
Lincolnshire County Council pension fund payments for August
Veolia ES (UK) Ltd – July bill
Clement Keys – audit bill
Wicksteed Leisure – playing field inspections
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It was resolved that the accounts be paid. The Receipts and Payments book was
available for members to look at.
Payments in
Hall rentals
Cremation plot purchase
CW Cricket Club – annual field rent
CW Football Club – annual field rent
Customs & Excise – VAT refund
CW News advertisers
2009/92 PLANNING
During the month the committee considered 2 applications
124449 – change of 15 house types on land to the rear of Jubilee Close for smaller
properties – no objections.
124502 – renewal of application for 10 High Street to erect a single garage and
conservatory – no objections.
Planning permissions/refusals
124271 – permission to erect a 2 storey extension at the side of 1 St John’s Avenue.
124343 – refusal to very condition 2 of application for land to the rear of Hawthorn
Road as it was felt that the road link was necessary.
It was noted that the Elm Avenue pathway was finished, the street cleaner had been
round the village and gullies had also been cleaned out. Cllr Fleetwood agreed to
discuss various trees with Noel Robinson. These included the two on High Street
obscuring street lights, the willow on the High Street/Fern Grove footpath, a leaning
one on Ancaster Close and one overhanging the footpath on the St Mark’s/St Paul’s
junction. Veolia were to be asked to strim at the side of the entrance to footpath 123.
The report was discussed including the minimum and maximum balances and agreed
upon. Possible future projects were discussed and Cllr Welburn suggested the
possible future purchase of a piece of land to connect Hawthorn Avenue to Green
Lane. Cllr Fleetwood stated that LCC had a policy where County Cllrs could put
forward sites for flashing signs with some being supported by the County Council. So
far the successful ones had been on A roads with high volumes of traffic but he was
willing to put a site forward if the Council came up with one.
A letter from WLDC was discussed. The burial ground subsidy of £400 would be
removed next year and they were also proposing gradually removing the per capita
subsidy of £2 per elector with a £1 reduction next year. This would result in nearly
£3,000 plus the £400 having to be financed through the Parish Council tax on top of
the usual amount resulting in an 11% rise on top of anything the Parish Council
needed. Overall the tax bill might not be any different but it would look like WLDC
had gone down and the Parish Council had risen. Cllr Welburn reported that the joint
bill for Cherry Willingham should actually result in £1.23 less than it had previously
been due to asset transfers that WLDC would be making, mainly to playing fields in
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Gainsborough. The Chairman and Clerk were to organise a letter to WLDC
complaining that it was too late in the year to put this forward and it was also agreed
that if this did go ahead a detailed item was required in CW News explaining the
changes to parishioners.
The Clerk reported that Veolia would do the extra cuts for around £20 a cut resulting
in approximately £200 extra on to the annual grass cutting bill. It was agreed to start
this with immediate effect. Cllr Callingham reported that he had discussed the litter
with the newsagent and it had been agreed that a paper boy could pick litter on the
Parade for half an hour each day early Saturday and Sunday morning. It was agreed
that £3.50 a week would be a reasonable donation towards this and the Council would
provide equipment. Cllr Callingham was to discuss it further with the newsagent.
Cllr Cutler felt that the traffic hump was not the right design to slow traffic down but
it was noted that it had been designed by Highways experts to fit certain criteria. It
was agreed to ask Amanda Bond to organise a sign as pedestrians were still walking
on to it without looking for traffic despite the yellow lines being painted on it.
The Hawthorn Road dog bin at the Hawthorn Avenue end was to be reported to
WLDC as it was in a poor condition.
Cllr Hutchison asked if there were any other suggestions for free trees besides the
Cathedral View Play Area.
The Chairman reported that Cllr Welburn had stepped down from the Lady Meers
Pond project. He thanked her for her work and reported that Cllr Deeley would be
taking over and the Clerk would keep the correspondence etc. He said the fence at the
top of the slope was in a poor state and he would like to propose as a possible future
project the replacement of it with a metal fence which would cost approximately
£2,520. Cllr Trevor seconded this proposal.
Cllr Welburn was to see if WLDC would hurry up and sort out the broken street sign
on Laburnum Drive and the missing one on Lady Meers Road near Milton Close.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.
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