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Bennett Collison
In the name of god amen I Bennett Collison of Pirton in the County of Hertford
yeoman being ill of body but of perfect memory blessed be God doe make this my last
will and testament as followeth Imprimis I bequeath my soule unto the hands of
Allmighty God my maker trusting and assuredly believing by the sole merritts of
Jesus Christ my Saviour to have all my sinnes remitted and to bee made assured of
eternall life for my body I comitt to the earth whereof it was made to bee buried in
such seemly sort that my executrix hereafter named shall thinke fitt And for those
worldly assets which God hath blessed me withall I dispose thereof as followeth
First I give and devise unto Elizabeth my daughter in law late wife of my sonne
Bennett Collison deceased all my messuages lands tenements and hereditament with
the appurtenances in Pirton aforesaid holden of the Mannor of Pirton Doddingsells in
the County of Hertford aforesaid by Coppy of Courte Roll to have and to hold the
same unto the said Elizabeth for and untill such time as Johanne Collison my
granddaughter shall accomplish her full age of one and twenty yeares and then I give
and devise the same messuages lands tenements and hereditaments with the
appurtenances unto the said Johannes Collison my Granddaughter and to her heires
and assignes for ever according to a Surrender I have made thereof to the use of my
will Alsoe I give and devise unto the said Johanne Collison my Granddaughter and to
her heires for ever All that acre and a halfe more or lesse of freehold arrable land with
the appurtenances lying in Pirton aforesaid whereof one acre thereof lyeth in
Idlesmeer the land of John Hamond lying on the East and the other halfe acre thereof
lyeth on Priors Hill the land of John Ffarmer lying on the South
Item I give and
devise unto my Grandsonne in lawe John Davice sonne of the said Elizabeth my
daughter in lawe All those three acres more or lesse of arrable land with the
appurtenances being holden of the Mannor of Pirton in the County of Hertford
aforesaid by Coppy of Courte Roll hereafter in those presents particularly menconed
and exppressed vizt one halfe acre thereof lying in Millway the Land nowe or late of
Michaell Turner lying on the East and other halfe acre thereof lying in Northend
corner the land nowe or late of Edward Samme lying on the East one other halfe acre
thereof lying in Charmewell the land of John Roberds lying on the west one one other
halfe acre of land in Harthill the land of John Roberds lying on the west one other
halfe acre thereof lying on Stoneylands the land of John Roberds lying on the west
and one other halfe acre residue of the said three acres lying on Blackwell the land of
John Ffarmer lying on the west to have and to hold the said three acres of land with
the appurtenances unto the said John Davice my Grandson and the heires of the body
of the said John and by default of Surrender of the other I give the said three acres of
land with the appurtenances unto the said Johanne Collison and to her heires and
assignes forever of which last mencioned premisses heretofore made a Surrender to
the use of my will Item I give and devise unto the said Johanne Collison one
standing bedd in the parlor and the table in the hall and the stooles belonging to it
Item I give and devise unto the said Elizabeth my daughter in law all that messuages
lands tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances being in Pirton aforesaid
holden of the said Mannor of Pirton which are not formerly
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