pre-test - prestera fx

Learning Assessment Quiz
1) Organizational psychology is concerned with _____
a) Understanding behavior and enhancing the well being of employees in the workplace.
b) Efficient job design, performance appraisal, employee selection, and training
c) Organizational efficiency
d) Studying the structure of organizations
2) Who developed the application form?
a) Hugo Munsterberg
b) Walter Dill Scott
c) Frederick Winslow Taylor
d) Robert Yerkes
3) The two fathers of I/O psychology are:
a) William James and Bruce V. Moore
b) Hugo Munsterberg and Frederick Winslow Taylor
c) Walter Dill Scott and Hugo Munsterberg
d) Walter Dill Scott and Frederick Winslow Taylor
4) _____ developed Scientific Management principles as an approach to handling production
workers in factories:
a) Hugo Munsterberg
b) Walter Dill Scott
c) Frederick Winslow Taylor
d) Robert Yerkes
5) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it illegal to make employee status decisions based on _____.
a) Physical disability
b) National origin
c) Marital status
d) Mental disability
6) I argued that basic experimental work is needed to establish psychology as a legitimate science.
I argued that applied psychology couldn't contribute new knowledge to science. Who am I?
a) Hugo Munsterberg
b) Wilhelm Wundt
c) James McKeen Cattell
d) Frederick Winslow Taylor
7) The US Army began to use I/O psychologists in _____, in the first large-scale application of
psychological testing to place individuals into jobs.
a) World War I
b) The 1920s
c) The 1930s
d) World War II
8) I/O psychology is concerned with _____
a) The study and treatment of emotional problems in the workplace.
b) The development and application of scientific principles to the workplace
c) The development and application of scientific principles into the workplace for the benefit of
d) The psychological study of idiots (I) and oddballs (O)
9) Industrial psychology is concerned with _____
a) understanding behavior and enhancing the well-being of employees
b) efficient job design, performance appraisal, employee selection, and training
c) studying the structure of organizations
d) psychoanalyzing sick industries (e.g., the US automobile industry in the 70s)
10) Which of the following is NOT a principle of Scientific Management?
a) Each job should be analyzed to determine the best way of doing it.
b) Employees should be carefully trained at their jobs
c) Employees should be rewarded for productivity
d) Employees should be selected so as to get along with other members of their group
11) In a well-known Hawthorne study, employees were taken to a special room where lighting levels
were varied from day to day to see how performance would be affected. They found that _____
a) Performance depended not only on lighting level, but also on whom an employee was
working with that day.
b) Newer employees did better with more light, while more experienced employees were
unaffected by light conditions.
c) No matter how light levels were changed, productivity remained the same unless established
work groups were broken up.
d) Over the course of the study, productivity increased and seemed to have little to do with
lighting levels.
12) Why was the Army Beta test created?
a) The Army Alpha test was a failure
b) The Army Alpha test was too easy
c) Many soldiers were illiterate, and therefore unable to perform well
d) They liked the name Army Beta test more than the Army Alpha test
13) Who received the first Ph.D. in what was then called Industrial Psychology?
a) James McKeen Cattell
b) Bruce V. Moore
c) Hugo Munsterberg
d) William James
14) The American's with Disabilities Act _____
a) Established a glass ceiling
b) Made it illegal to discriminate against only Americans with physical disabilities
c) Tried to decrease the unemployment rate of qualified disabled people
d) Only refers to psychological disorders
15) In 1991, the Department of Labor stated that there is a glass ceiling in many companies and
corporations. What is meant by the term "glass ceiling?”
a) The idea that the only way to get management level job is to know other upper level
management people
b) It is the idea that minorities and women are blocked from management-level positions
c) The idea that only people with certain types of personalities can be offered management level
d) None of the above
16) I was Wundt's grad student. I believed that applied psychology could generate new knowledge
and profit. Who am I?
a) Hugo Munsterberg
b) Walter Dill Scott
c) Frederick Winslow Taylor
d) James McKeen Cattell
17) I studied individual differences and developed the Psychological Corporation. Who am I?
a) Hugo Munsterberg
b) Walter Dill Scott
c) Frederick Winslow Taylor
d) James McKeen Cattell