Huck Finn Satire Unit Plan

Homework and Notetaking Packet for:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
By Mark Twain
Grade 10: Dreams and Destinations
Student Name:____________________________________
Huckleberry Finn
By Mark Twain
Grade 10: Dreams and Destinations
Unit Overview
“Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted;
persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished;
persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.”
~Mark Twain on Huckleberry Finn
Essential Questions:
How does telling the story from Huck’s point-of-view influence the facts
being presented?
What does this novel reveal about slavery/racism during the time period
of the novel?
How do satire and irony help the author make his point?
In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain tells the story of the friendship between a
young boy, Huck Finn and an escaped slave, Jim as they travel the Mississippi
River in search of freedom. We will be spending four weeks exploring
characters, themes and narrative structure. We will also explore some of the
controversies that have surrounded the novel since its publication in 1885,
which has caused the book to be banned in many schools. We will examine how
Mark Twain uses satire and irony to make a political statement through a
fictional text. The unit will conclude with an analytical essay.
 Long Composition style analytical essay
 Homework Notes and Packet
 Chapter Quizzes
 Circle Discussions
For each night of homework, please take notes (include page numbers) that
will prepare you to answer essential questions as well as possible essay
questions. At times, the assignment will also include a page of the packet.
Reading Schedule:
October 25
October 26
CW: p. 9-18
CW: p. 28-32
HW: p. 19-27
& “Character
List” in the
HW: p. 33-46
November 1
November 2
October 29
October 30
October 31
CW: “Pointof-View
Activity &
read p. 47-57
Mandarin Trip
Relationships” p. 88-98
& Read p. 74- & “Morals”
HW: p. 58-73
HW: 82-87
p. 99-107
CW: Seminar
HW: Study for
Vocab Quiz
November 5
November 6
November 7
November 8
November 9
CW: Vocab
List 4
(handout due
at the end of
CW: p. 138146 &
“Satire” from
the packet
CW: p. 157162
CW: p. 169-175
p. 108-116 &
Response” in
the packet
HW: Finish
November 12
No School
HW: p. 129137
HW: p. 147156
HW: p. 176-183
HW: p. 163168 &
Chapters 2123” in packet
November 13
November 14
November 15
November 16
CW: p. 184191 &
Ch. 24-26”
CW: p. 209218
CW: p. 232238
CW: p. 252-258
HW: p. 192208 and
in packet
HW: p. 259-271
HW: p. 219231 &
“Outlining” in
the packet
(Due Tuesday)
HW: p. 239251 & “Before
and After” in
the packet
November 26
November 27
CW: p. 272278 &
“Mapping” in
the Packet
CW: “Pointof-View” in
the Packet
HW: p. 279290
HW: p. 291307
November 28
November 29
November 30
Long Composition
The final assessment for the unit will be a long composition in the style of the
MCAS. You will be scored according to the same rubric used on the MCAS.
Your essay should have:
 five paragraphs (introduction, conclusion and three body paragraphs)
 a strong thesis
 three claims
 specific evidence from the text
 correct title (underlined) and author
 correct character names
It does not need to have:
 quotes
 page numbers
Sample MCAS Prompts (from previous years)
In many works of literature, a character must adjust to life in a new
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a
character who must adjust to life in a new environment. In a well-developed
composition, identify the character, describe how the character adjusts to life
in a new environment, and explain how the character’s adjustment relates to
work as a whole.
Works of literature often feature characters who overcome hardship and
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character
who overcomes hardship and misfortune. In a well-developed composition,
explain how the character overcomes adversity and why this success is
important to the work of literature.
Works of literature often feature characters with the ability to inspire or lead
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character
with the ability to inspire or lead others. In a well-developed composition,
identify the character, describe how the character inspires or leads others, and
explain why this character's ability is significant to the meaning of the work of
Often, works of literature include characters that change as a result of a
particular event.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character
that has been changed by a particular event. In a well-developed composition,
identify the character, describe the event, and explain why the character’s
change is important to the work of literature.
Heroism can mean different things to different people. Literature is full of
characters that can be considered heroic.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character
that, in your opinion, is heroic. In a well-developed composition, identify that
character and explain why he or she is heroic.
Often in works of literature, a character’s life is affected by a single act or
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character
whose life is affected by a single act or mistake. In a well-developed
composition, identify the character, describe how he or she is affected by a
single act or mistake, and explain how the character’s experience relates to
the work as a whole.
Often in works of literature, characters gain wisdom through experience.
From a work of literature you have read in or out of school, select a character
who gains wisdom through experience. In a well-developed composition,
identify the character, describe how the character gains wisdom through
experience, and explain how this wisdom relates to the work as a whole.
Long Composition Rubric
Rich topic/idea development
Careful and/or subtle organization
Effective/rich use of language
Full topic/idea development
Logical organization
Strong details
Appropriate use of language
Moderate topic/idea development and organization
Adequate, relevant details
Some variety in language
Rudimentary topic/idea development and/or organization
Basic supporting details
Simplistic language
Limited or weak topic/idea development, organization, and/or details
Limited awareness of audience and/or task
Limited topic/idea development, organization, and/or details
Little or no awareness of audience and/or task
Scoring Guide for Standard English Conventions
Select a score point in the table below to view the sample student response
Control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics (length and complexity of
essay provide opportunity for student to show control of standard English conventions)
Errors do not interfere with communication and/or
Few errors relative to length of essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and usage,
and mechanics
Errors interfere somewhat with communication and/or
Too many errors relative to the length of the essay or complexity of sentence structure,
grammar and usage, and mechanics
Errors seriously interfere with communication AND
Little control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics
Character List
Chapters 1-4 Response (p. 9-27)
List Each Character’s Name and anything you know about him/her:
Traits/Role/Relationship to Other
Characters/Related Events
Point-of-View Activity: Chapters 5-7 (p. 28-46)
Describe the major events of the chapter from Pap’s point-of-view.
(~200 words in paragraph form)
Analyzing Relationships: Chapters 8-11 (p. 47-73)
Choose ONE:
A. Describe Huck’s relationship to Jim. Use evidence to support your
B. Create three panels of scenes that show Huck’s relationship to Jim.
Choice B: Graphic Art
Morals: Chapter 12-15 (p. 74-98)
List some instances where Jim and Huck have to decide the “right” thing to do.
Describe how they understand their dilemma.
What is the dilemma?
How do they react?
Open Response: Chapter 16 & 17 (99-116)
Question: Huck’s position as a child gives him a special point-of-view. How
might these chapters be different if Huck were an adult? (200-300 words)
Satire: Chapter 18-20 (117-146)
According to Study Guide, “Satire…tries to open people’s eyes to the need for
change by exposing the flaws of a person or society.”
Instructions: List characters and their flaws.
**Challenge Option: What do these flaws reveal about society?**
What do these flaws
reveal about society
Summarize: Chapters 21-23 (p. 147-168)
Summarize what the king and duke do in these chapters. How do Huck
and Jim react?
Summarize: Chapter 24-26 (p. 169-191)
Summarize chapters 24-26 from the perspective of the king or duke.
Pros/Cons: Chapters 27 & 28 (p. 192-208)
What has made Huck decide to turn against the duke and king?
Make a list of the pros and cons he might be considering.
Reasons to continue the friendship
with the King and Duke
Reasons to turn against the King and
Outlining: Chapters 29-31 (p. 209- 231)
What’s important?
Instructions: Outline the 10 most important events in this section.
Before and After: Chapters 32-34 (p. 232-251)
How does Huck and Jim’s relationship change once they both arrive at
Aunt Sally’s house?
How did Huck and Jim act towards
each other when they’re on the river?
How do Huck and Jim act towards
each other once they arrive at Aunt
Mapping: Chapter 35-38 (p. 252-278)
Instructions: Map or list Tom’s strategies for Jim’s rescue.
Point-of-View:Chapter 39-40 (p. 279-290)
Instructions: Write a conversation between Aunt Sally and Uncle Silas.
Ending: Chapters 41-End of Book (p. 291-307)
Instructions: Write your reaction to the ending.