Subject & Grade Band Theme (if New Ohio Science Standards): Science: Grade Level: 4 Interconnections within Systems Strand of Science or Domain … highlight one (Life/Earth & Space/Physical): # of Students/class: Class Duration in minutes: 50 CMT’s Initials: Day 1-5 of 11 30 minutes each day MC Lesson Plan Template: Teacher Candidate’s Name: Hilary Edwards Date: 11/12/12 Lesson Rationale and/or Summary Summary: The study on glaciers starts out by having students do a graffiti wall on the smart board over what they know about glaciers. I have then prepared a prezi presentation to share with the students about other things that can change the earth’s surface. Students then go into a group activity where they explore the vocabulary words and are required, as a group, to write the word on a piece of paper, the definition, a sentence, and an illustration of the vocabulary word. The next day each group will present their vocabulary word and what they learned about it. While each group is presenting the rest of the students will be filling in their vocabulary worksheets that is similar to what they are presenting to the class. Each groups work will be hung up on a wall in the room for them to return back to. I will then do a presentation the following day about the different parts of a glacier (back to the vocabulary words from the previous days). Students will watch a short video about glaciers in Yosemite Park, California. Lastly, students will do another inquiry lab where they learn about the flow of glaciers. Content focus: Essential Question or Enduring Understanding How do glaciers affect Earth’s surface? Content, Cluster, Strand, or Standard Statement/Connection: New Model Curriculum Science- Standard Earth Grade: 4 Grade Band Theme: Interconnections within Systems Topic: Earth’s Surface Old Science Standards Benchmarks: B. Summarize the processes that shape Earth's surface and describe evidence of those processes. Indicators: 1 7- Describe how wind, water and ice shape and reshape Earth's land surface by eroding rock and soil in some areas and depositing them in other areas producing characteristic landforms (e.g., dunes, deltas, glacial moraines). 10- Describe evidence of changes on Earth's surface in terms of slow processes (e.g., erosion, weathering, mountain building, deposition) and rapid processes (e.g. volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides). Students will be able to: Describe the differences between each part of a glacier. Explain what a glacier is. Analyze how a glacier changes earth’s surface. Communicate about observations, investigations and explanations (Science Inquiry and Application, 5). Academic Language Glacier, C34 Terminus, C35 Moraine, C35 Glacial till, C35 Erratic, C37 Outwash plain, C37 Compare Contrast Analyze Determine Planned Assessments: Indicate the types of assessments you plan to utilize in your lesson, & then indicate within your plan where each will be implemented. (Not all are needed in each lesson.) Be sure assessments are clearly aligned with lesson objectives. Pre-assessment: Day 1: Students are asked to do a graffiti wall about what they know about glaciers. Formative Assessment: Day 2-3: Informal Observation of students while presenting and working in small groups. This is to make sure that each student is participating in the small groups and writing down the other vocabulary words to help them in the future. Day 5: Students will do an entrance slip about what they have learned about glaciers and how they change Earth’s surface. Summative Assessment: A summative assessment will be given later on over glaciers and soil. Differentiated Instructional Strategies: Student with hearing impairment- I will wear voice amplification system for this student to be able to hear the instruction for each day. Student with visual impairment- Student will sit close to the smart boards so that he will be able to see what is happening. I will also provide student with enlarged worksheets so that he will be 2 able to participate in class discussion and group work. All Learners- Students will volunteer to read text aloud during class. I will not force any student to read, unless they volunteer to read. Reading aloud in class will take pressure off of the students who struggle with reading and allow them to follow along. It also provides an opportunity for students who excel in reading to practice. Labs will be used throughout the lessons to give students hands-on learning and help kinesthetic learners. Lesson Resources: Day 1 Paper towel (a couple of rolls) Clean ice cube (21) Ice cube made with sand or gravel (21) Aluminum foil (a roll) Wood scrap (21) Plastic Plates (21) IANs (each student has one) Smart board Prezi over different things that can shape earth’s surface Inquiry Lab Worksheet (30 copies) Day 2 Smart board Vocabulary Worksheet (30 copies) Textbook: Daniel, L. H. (2005). Macmillan/McGraw-Hill science. New York: Macmillan/McGrawHill. Color paper (4 sheets per group 24 total) Each group a different color (green, blue, orange, pink, white, coral) Day 3 Smartboard Vocabulary Worksheet (30 copies) Textbook: Daniel, L. H. (2005). Macmillan/McGraw-Hill science. New York: Macmillan/McGrawHill. Day 4 Smart board Vocabulary Worksheet Picture of glacier to place up on board Textbook: Daniel, L. H. (2005). Macmillan/McGraw-Hill science. New York: Macmillan/McGrawHill. IANs Glacier picture for students (30 copies) Video Day 5 3 Goggles (1 for each student) Prepared cornstarch mixture Mixture of sand, gravel, and soil Waxed paper (1 roll) Metal spoon (7 total for each class) Ruler (7 total for each class) IANs (each student has one) Smart board Video Entrance (30 copies) Procedures (Four Components) I. Readiness/Motivation for Lesson: Engage Good morning everyone! How are you doing? Allotted Time: Day 1- 50 minutes Today we are going to start talking about how earth’s surface is shaped. First of all, what are some things that can shape the earth? Possible Student Responses: water, wind, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, erosion, landslides, glaciers, tornadoes, ect. Show students prezi of different ways earth surface can be shaped. Today we are going to focus on glaciers. What do you know about glaciers? Come up to the board and write what comes to your mind when you think of glacier. Possible Student Responses: snow, ice, cold, big, ect. Students will then get out their IANs (Interactive Notebook) In their IANs students will glue inquiry lab sheet in notebook and answer the questions as they go along on the opposite side. Start Inquiry Lab: How do glaciers scratch and move rocks? Form a hypothesis: Look at the two ice cubes. Which do you think will cause more changes as it moves across a surface? Record your answers, which is a hypothesis. Explain why you think it is correct. Experiment: Design an experiment to test your hypothesis. Use only the materials that the teacher provides. Record the results. Observe: Place the ice cubes on a folded paper towel. Allow them to melt. Observe and record what they leave behind. Drawing Conclusions: How did each ice cube feel as you rubbed it over a surface? Did the observations support your hypothesis? Explain. Describe what was inside each ice cube. Walk around and make sure that each group is on task. Ask probing questions to get students back on task or go further in thinking. How do glaciers scratch and move rocks? Which ice cube do you think will cause more changes as it moves across a surface? How did each ice cube feel as you rubbed it over a surface? Did your observation support your hypothesis? Explain. How would a heavier glacier affect how the land changed? What type of experiment could you set up to test that? 4 Closure Day 1: After students are done with the inquiry lab. Go further into a class discussion on what glaciers are and contain that changes Earth’s surface. Ask questions: What did you find out from this lab about glaciers? What do glaciers contain that change Earth’s surface? How do glaciers change the surface of the Earth? Can we add or change anything to our graffiti wall? Tomorrow we are going to go into further discussion about glaciers and their features. Assessment: Pre-Assessment at the beginning with the graffiti wall to see what students already know about glaciers. II. Lesson Development: Explore, Explain, Extend EXPLORE: (INDICATE TIME ESTIMATE) Day 2: 50 minutes • Engagement/Introduction Day 2: Yesterday we learned about what is in a glacier and how they would change the surface of the earth. Today we are going to go into more detail about glaciers and the different features of a glacier. Body of Lesson: Directions: I am going to split you all into six groups of five students. I will assign your group a specific task. However, the reading may be done individually or aloud. It is up to your group. Each group will be given 4 pieces of color paper and they are to write the vocabulary word on page, the definition on another page, a content sentence on another, and lastly an illustration. These will be placed up in the room after students present them to the class the following day. However, students will also be given their own vocabulary worksheet for all of the words to fill out while students are presenting. Each person in your group is required to say something about your vocabulary word. Group 1: Read pages C 34 - C 35 and you are responsible for filling out the vocabulary worksheet for the vocabulary word glacier. Group 2: Read pages C 37- C 38 and you are responsible for filling out the vocabulary word erratic. Group 3: Read pages C 34 – C 35 and you are responsible for filling out the vocabulary word moraine. Group 4: Read pages C 37 – C 38 and you are responsible for filling out the vocabulary word outwash plain. Group 5: Read pages C 34 – C 35 and you are responsible for filling out the vocabulary word glacial till. Group 6: Read pages C 34 – C 35 and you are responsible for filling out the vocabulary word terminus. As groups are working go around and answer questions and help guide them and keep them on task. Closure Day 2: Alright it is time to wrap up. Make sure that your group is prepared to explain your 5 vocabulary word tomorrow. I will hold onto your work so that no one in your group loses it. Assessment: Informal Observation: I will be walking around observing students to make sure that they are actively participating in the group discussion. Checklist: Day 2 Student was working well with other group members. Student helped in making the definition, sentence and illustration. Student was collaborating with the group. Student read aloud or individually. Day 3 Student spoke about their vocabulary word when presenting. Student appeared knowledgeable about their vocabulary word Student was writing down information about the other vocabulary words while the other groups were presenting. EXPLAIN: (INDICATE TIME ESTIMATE) Days 3-4: 100 minutes • Engagement Day 3: Good morning everyone! How are you doing this fine morning? Yesterday, you guys explored a specific vocabulary word. Today your group is going to present that word to the rest of the class. Body of Lesson: Make sure to note that while each group is presenting the students are to be filling out their vocabulary worksheet. I will ask questions to each group as we go along. For example, Group 1- vocabulary word is glacier. What is a glacier? Looking back from the lab that we did earlier this week what do you know about glaciers? How can a glacier change earth’s surface after reading the textbook? I will do this for each group. The questions I ask will be based off of the information that they present. It will be done on the fly if so to speak. Tape the words up on the wall with their definition, sentence and illustration. Closure for Day 3: Today we have learned a lot about glaciers and how they impact earth’s surface. Tomorrow we are going to go into more detail about the different parts of a glacier. Engagement Day 4: Today we are going to look at the parts of a glacier. Bring up the glacier picture on the smart board. Handout the glacier picture to everyone to glue into their IANs so that they are all following along with what is happening up on the smart board. Body of Lesson: 6 Pull up the glacier picture and have students try to fill in each part of the glacier. However, the class or student has to explain why that is the correct name for that feature of a glacier on the picture. Students will be able to use the wall of vocabulary words that we created the day before and their textbook. Watch video on glaciers. Closure Day 4: Can someone tell me one feature of a glacier and what it is? How do you know? Can someone tell me something that they learned about glaciers from the video? Tomorrow we are going to explore the flow of a glacier. Be prepared to have fun! EXTEND: (INDICATE TIME ESTIMATE) Day 5- 50 minutes Engagement Day 5: Good morning everyone! How are you doing? Today we are going to do a lab on the flow of a glacier. What do we mean when we say that a glacier flows? In this activity you will make and observe a model to see how glacier ice flows. Then you will be able to define glacial ice flow based on your experiences and observations. Have students record answers in their IANs. Body of Lesson: Lab Procedures: Wear Goggles. Make a model: Place a spoonful of the cornstarch mixture on a piece of waxed paper. This represents a glacier. Record what happens. Observe: Place another spoonful on top of the first. This represents new snow. Record what happens. Sprinkle some of the sand mixture in a 3 cm band around the edges and on top. Mark the edges of the sand on the waxed paper. Observe: One at a time, add four more spoonfuls of the cornstarch mixture. Each time, mark how far the glacier moves and the sand’s position. Lastly, flip the glacier over onto another piece of waxed paper. Measure and draw the bottom. Possible Questions to ask: Did the sand mixture sprinkled on top in Step 3 eventually reach the bottom? What do you think happens when a real glacier moves over rocks and boulders? Closure Day 5: After doing the lab can you now define glacial ice flow? Let several students respond and then give actual definition. Glacial ice flow- the movement of the ice down the side of the mountain. Show students video This video shows, for the first time, the complete motion of ice throughout Antarctica as measured by satellite data. The animations do not show where ice is melting, but they do show how ice is naturally transported from the interior regions to the coast. The colors represent the speed of the ice flows in meters per year, with areas in reads and purples flowing the fastest. EVALUATE: (INDICATE TIME ESTIMATE) Day 5- 10 minutes •Students will be given a quick entrance slip where they have to write about what a glacier is? This is just for me to gage if the students learned anything about glaciers throughout the past several days. 7 SCIENCE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: Wear goggles during Flow of a Glacier Lab on Day 5 III. Lesson Closure: Summarize, Link Allotted Time: Day 5: 5 minutes Closures have been provided throughout the lesson for how I would close each day according to each day. I also did not put in any homework throughout these lessons because I did not feel that the students needed to homework to further explore these concepts because we are going into a lot of depth throughout the lessons. However, to conclude on day 5 and wrap the whole last several days together, I would say that this concludes our study on glaciers and the Earth’s surface, now we are going to explore soil and how that can change the earth’s surface. IV. Evaluate: Put Formative Assessment here - if not embedded in plan. V. Enrichment Activities (Optional, as prescribed by instructor) 8 Candidate’s Name: ____________________ Target (90 – 100%) Candidates Total Score ________ /400 Acceptable (75 - 89 Not Met (Below 75 %) %) RUBRIC FOR EFFECTIVE SCIENCE TEACHING DESIGN The unit plan included appropriate 100 inquiry techniques including: 0 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: discovery/play, guided and/or openended inquiry. Students had the opportunity to investigate their own questions and/or make decisions during the inquiry. The unit plan includes a thoughtful 100 integration of real world science learning 0 (authentic) that pertain to the content. The unit integrated science and 100 technology ideas as well as integrated 0 technological resources throughout the unit plan when appropriate. The unit integrated effective 100 cooperative/ collaborative learning 0 strategies as well as other effective “best science teaching practices” learned throughout the semester in EDTL 4480. The unit plan was comprehensive and 100 included all of the outlined expectations 0 in a meaningful and valuable way. Task 1a: SCORE FOR Unit Plan Design = _______/ 100 5- E lesson plan was age-appropriate 100 and aligned to state standards for 4 – 0 9th grades. Each of the 5E lesson plans includes an 100 opportunity for the students to apply 0 their knowledge in a hands-on or mindson (inquiry-based) manner, teacher questions are included and are diverse (including higher order questions), and closure of the content big ideas is clearly stated. Each of the 5E lesson plans includes a 100 section that details the safety and/or 0 9 differentiated learning modifications and plans of action to be carried out during the lesson The 5E lesson plan depicted a true 100 learning cycle and each phase of the 0 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 85 70 55 Comments: 55 Comments: lesson depicted appropriate activities/events for that phase of the 5E model The lesson plan was comprehensive and 100 included all of the outlined expectations 0 in a meaningful and valuable way. Task 1b: SCORE FOR Lesson Plan Design - _______/ 100 The Formative Assessment effectively 100 assesses one or more of the learning 0 outcomes (clearly identified) and clearly shows what students have mastered during the lesson (a checklist /rubrics/scoring key is included) The reflective analysis of the formative 100 assessment data is comprehensive, 0 clearly communicated, and provides valuable information regarding what was learned in terms of effect of the effectiveness of your design on student learning. Task 3: SCORE FOR Formative Assessment - _______/ 100 Task 4: The reflective analysis of the 100 entire unit design and implementation is 0 85 70 comprehensive, clearly communicated, and highly valuable for further professional growth. 10 Earth’s Surface Vocabulary Word Definition Content Sentence Glacier Terminus Moraine Glacial Till Erratic Outwash Plain 11 Illustration Lateral moraine Moraines Glacial till Terminus Glacier Names will not be provided on this picture when put up on the board or when given to students to put in the IANs. 12 Name: ___________________________________ Entrance Slip What are glaciers and how do they change Earth’s surface? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Name: _______________________ Entrance Slip What are glaciers and how do they change Earth’s surface? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 13