Name: ______________ HERE COME THE HIPPIES . Anti-war movement in America After JFK’s death, the Vietnam War escalated & a large numbers of Anti-war protestors emerged…”The Hippies”. This movement grew to overwhelming numbers & took hold of the social culture of the 60s. Today you will be looking at a wide variety of Vietnam War protest. Using the internet, answer the questions below. Go to and answer the following questions: 1. From 1960-1963 there was another “movement” in full swing, name the movement: ____________ 2. The years between 1964-1967 marked major escalation of _______________________ in Vietnam. 3. What “event” happened that gave the US an excuse to enter the war? _____________________ 4. What Administration/President increased the amount of troops in Vietnam? ___________________ As the Anti-War movement grows, it takes over American Culture. Use any internet site to answer the following questions… 1. Find 5 protest songs from the Vietnam War. List the name, artist, and date. Put a check mark next to the title ones that you’ve heard before. Title Artist Year 2. Listen or read the lyrics to 2 of the songs you found. Below, write in 2-3 sentences what you believe the song is trying to tell America or what it wants America to do (what’s the message?) Give an example of at least 1 line of the song. Message to America Song 1 Song 2 Example of 1 line of the song 3. Now let’s look for some Hippies….Find 3 famous people who were against the Vietnam War. List them below. 1. 2. 3. 4. Find your ideal version of a hippie (no drug use being shown please) on the Internet. Copy the picture to the chart or print it out and attach it to this sheet. Then, list 4 characteristics that this person has that fits with your definition of a hippie. Picture (no drugs) 4 characteristics 1) 2) 3) 4) 5. Hippies LOVED protest buttons - they were huge during the 2nd half of the 60s! Find 3 anti-war buttons from the 60s and write what they say/describe them below… Button 1: Button 2: Button 3: 6. Come & get the “Are you a Hippie” Quiz & complete it to find out if you would be considered a “Hippie”! You must attach the quiz to this sheet. What are your results? Are you surprised? Explain why or why not. EC1: Go to and look for the “Top of the Pops” picture. Next to it, click on the 60s music quiz….see how you do! Write your score here & one crazy thing you learned. EC2: Find some other Anti-War quizzes…Write the link below!