Soc 213/Deviant Behavior

Soc 213/Deviant Behavior
Dodd Bogart
Test 3C
Part 1: Old Text Items
Ch.08: Mental Disorder
1. According to Bower (1994) _____ of all adult Americans have experienced psychiatric disorder during their
lifetime. A. 50%, B. 90%, C. 10%, D. 100%, E. none of the above. (p. 158)
02. Which of the following is a classification of an organic disorder? A. psychosis, B. neurosis, C. personality
disorder, D. brain damage, E. none of the above. (p. 160)
03. Which of the following is NOT a Neurotic disorder? A. Schizophrenia, B. Anxiety reaction, C. Obsessivecompulsive behavior, D. depressive reaction, E. Psychophysiologic disorder. (pp. 161-162)
04. Which of the following is a classification of a functional disorder? A. Schizophrenia, B. anxiety reaction, C.
personality disorder, D. depressive reaction, E. all of the above. (pp. 160-163)
05. Which of the following is a Psychotic disorder? A. Psychopathic personality, B. Anxiety reaction, C.
Obsessive-compulsive behavior, D. Depressive reaction, E. none of the above. (pp. 161-162)
06. Which of the following best fits into a classification where mental illness is common? A. an upper-class
white, B. a woman living in the suburbs, C. an upper-class Hispanics, D. city dwelling Asian, E. a poor man.
(pp. 166-167)
Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance
08. According to Thio, which country is the largest producer of hard-core pornography? A. Denmark, B. United
States, C. Germany, D. Japan, E. none of the above. (p. 189)
09. According to Labaton (1995) laws against which type of cyberporn has been actively enforced? A. child
pornography, B. bestiality, C. gay sex, D. lesbian sex, E. sexually violent. (p. 191)
11. Which of the following is NOT a common social factor among those that have extramarital sex? A. less
religious, B. those that had premarital sex, C. men, D. higher income, E. none of the above. (p. 194)
12. Liberals find pornography distasteful, and _____ censorship because they view pornography as _____. A.
applaud, horrific; B. are indifferent to, economically beneficial; C. oppose, harmless; D. oppose, healthy; E.
none of the above. (p. 192)
13. According to the National Opinion Research Center (1994) an individual is more likely to have extramarital
sex if they possess which of the following social characteristics? A. female, B. regular church attendance, C.
household income between $30,000 and $39,999, D. those that had premarital sex, E. none of the above. (p.
14. A _____ is a type of prostitute that is most likely to dress well and adhere to a code of ethics. A. house
prostitute, B. child prostitute, C. street walker, D. call girl, E. none of the above. (p. 202)
Ch. 10: Homophobia and Its Targets
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15. Which of the following is NOT considered heterosexism? A. homophobia, B. homosexual prejudice, C.
homosexual discrimination, D. heterosexual discrimination, E. heterosexual bias. (p. 220)
16. According to Thio, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a homophobe? A. they stereotype as
"homosexual" any man that has feminine characteristics, B. they are less educated, C. they are negative toward
racial or ethnic minorities, D. knows many individuals that are gay or lesbian, E. they tend to be influenced by
peers. (p. 222)
17. The best term to describe a man that engages in sex with another man because he "doesn't get enough sex
from his wife" is a A. situational, B. trade, C. street hustler, D. bisexual, E. none of the above. (p. 227)
18. The best term that describes a lower-class teenaged boy that lets older men perform oral sex on him for
money is a A. situational, B. trade, C. street hustler, D. bisexual, E. none of the above. (p. 227)
19. Marcus (1933) defined "coming out" in all of the following stages EXCEPT A. coming out, B.
commitment, C. sensitization, D. dissociation, E. these are all stages of coming out. (p. 232)
20. "Sexual Orientation Disturbance" is characterized by which major classification of theory that attempts to
explain why some individual are homosexual while others are heterosexual? A. Psychiatric Theory, B.
Biological Theory, C. Sociological Theory, D. Natural Theory, E. none of the above. (p. 243)
Part 2: Old Video & Lecture Items
V08: Search for Satan
21. Mary felt she might _____ when her insurance ran out. A. commit suicide, B. live life under a bridge as a
bag woman, C. never see her husband again, D. be committed to a state institution, E. disappear among the
homeless in another city. (p. 1)
22. Mary's problems included A. seizures, B. panic attacks, C. a childhood learning disability, D. depression, E.
all of the above. (p. 1)
23. In Children at Risk Geraldo Rivera interviewed A. members of Satanic cults, B. families of cult members,
C. well known therapists, D. clergy from Mary's church, e. academics who studied cults by infiltrating them. (p.
24. Mary's friends _____ A. were afraid she was dead, B. kept in touch with her through her school, B. sent her
frequent letters, C. organizing a group in her church, D. collected money for her medical expenses. (p. 4)
25. Children in MPD treatment were rewarded for A. telling good stories, B. telling on each other, C. doing
well on their lessons, D. their therapy art work, E. eating well and good behavior at meals. (p. 4)
V10: The Transformation
26. Evangelist Terry Lenton described _____ as the type of person who could sell tennis shoes to a paraplegic.
A. Sara, B. Gina, C. Gigi, D. Edwin, E. the Apostle Paul.
27. In the early part of "The Transformation", Ricardo says with respect to AIDS: A. AIDS has ruined my life.
B. I thank God I have AIDS. C. AIDS is God's punishment for being a homosexual. D. I went to church
seeking am miracle to cure me from AIDS. E. AIDS is a small part of my life.
28. Ricardo reveals in his discussion with Betty that the thing he enjoyed most when he was a woman was the
_____. A. Impression he made on others, B. friends he made while he was a drag queen, C. satisfaction with his
identity, D. the time he spent applying his makeup, E. the excitement of the street.
29. Hugo describes his fall into street life and then credits _____ with having rescued him. A. Ricardo, B.
Randy and Jim, C. Carlos Aparicio, D. Giovana, E. Terry Lenton.
30. In an exchange between Giovana and two friends focused on their experiences with breast implants, Terry
appears intent on drawing attention to A. the wickedness of this behavior, B. the need for Giovana to find a
regular place to stay, C. his offer to provide jobs those who leave the street, D. his having paid for Hugo's breast
surgery, E. his time constraints.
V11: The Godfather of Cocaine
31. The story of Pablo Escobar is the story of A. the international transportation of drugs, B. the establishment
of the drug industry as an equivalent to our leading legitimate corporations, C. the largest criminal
organizational the world has ever known, D. the boss of the Medellen cocaine cartel, E. all of the above. (p. 1)
32. Medellin can be described as a city where _____ is the norm. A. smugglers, B. contract killers, C. car theft,
D. violence, E. All of the above. (p. 1)
33. According to the video what gap in the drug distribution was filled by the development of the drug cartel in
the city of Medellin? A. heroine, B. marijuana, C. cocaine, D. alcohol, E. none of the above.
34. Escobar is portrayed as all but a _____. A. national folk hero, B. ruthless, C. lawyer, D. devoted family
man, E. statesman.
Lecture VII: Conflict Theory
36. According to Vold, what reflects the deep-seated and fundament conflict between interests groups and their
more general struggles for the control of the police power of the state? A. law making, B. law breaking, C. law
enforcement, D. only B and C., E, A, B, and C.
37. According to Shaw and McKay and the Gluecks what lies behind many criminal acts that appear to be the
acts of individuals. A. mental health problems, B. groups struggling for power, C. social disorganization, D.
high rates of social mobility, E. normlessness.
38. What does Turk's analysis indicate about the relationship between criminalization and legally relevant
facts? A. there is no relationship, B. there is a one to one relationship, C. criminal status does not necessarily
conform to legal definitions, D. legal norms are always consistent with cultural norms in the mind of the
community, E. none of the above.
39. According to Vold, why does struggle with another group for survival promote group harmony and self
sacrifice? A. each group compromises to conserve scarce resources, B. threat decreases group mobility, C.
groups are less likely to recruit new members during conflict, D. the loyalty of the group member is a
fundamental fact, E. none of the above.
40. According to Shaw and McKay and the Gluecks where do delinquent acts occur? A. in groups (a gang), B.
as isolated behavior of individuals, C. in the suburbs, D. in immigrant neighborhoods, E. in low income
Part 3: New Text Items
Ch. 8: Mental Disorder
41. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. The great majority of mental patients are not
prone to violence and criminality. B. The mentally ill are usually less violent than alcoholics. C.
Approximately one-half of all schizophrenics spontaneously get better over the course of 20 years. D. The
symptoms of apathy and inertia constitute the core of schizophrenia. E. When mental patients turn to violence,
it is usually outer-directed. (p. 159)
42. _____ is the most common type of psychosis. A. schizophrenia B. bipolar disorder C.
psychophysiologic disorder D. obsessive-compulsive behavior E. anxiety reaction (p. 161)
43. _____ is a generalized, vague, free-floating apprehension, the object of which cannot be identified. A.
phobia B. obsession-compulsion C. psychophysiologic disorder D. anxiety disorder E. manic-depression
(p. 162)
44. Which of the following is more likely to be experienced by women rather than men? A. alcohol abuse
disorders B. anxiety attacks C. antisocial personality D. paranoia E. drug abuse disorders (p. 167)
45. The _____ is also known as the "right-or-wrong test." A. M'Naghten rule B. product test C. moral
treatment decree D. defense shift E. Durham rule (p. 174)
46. Emotional conflict is the underlying concept of _____. A. the medical model B. stress theory C. sociallearning theory D. the labeling model E. psychoanalytic theory (p. 177)
47. Using people's responses during times of war as an example, R. D. Laing (1967) refers to psychosis as a
_____. A. physical disease B. failure of the ego to mediate between the id and the superego C. sane response
to an insane world D. chemical imbalance E. residual, leftover category of deviance (p. 183)
Ch. 9: Heterosexual Deviance
48. Which of the following statements regarding pornography is TRUE? A. During the period from 1960 to
1969, the availability of pornography and the rate of rape in the U.S. increased substantially. B. Most of the
pornographic materials in the U.S. are not violent. C. Both politically conservative and feminist groups crusade
for tougher anti-pornography laws on the grounds that it degrades women. D. U.S. cities with high circulation
of sexually oriented magazines have higher rates of rape than cities with low circulation. E. Laboratory studies
have supported the contention that violent pornography is harmless. (pp. 191-193)
49. More than other types of prostitutes, _____ are more likely to be abused by customers and the police. A.
adolescent prostitutes B. house prostitutes C. baby pros D. call girls E. streetwalkers (p. 199)
50. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Women are ten times more likely to get the AIDS
virus from men than men are to get it from women. B. Prostitutes who use drugs intravenously have a high
incidence of the AIDS virus. C. The percentage of prostitutes with the AIDS virus are higher in poor countries
than in the U.S. D. House prostitutes are more likely to ensure that their clients use condoms. E. The U.S.
Center for Disease Control found that the incidence of being diagnosed with the AIDS virus varied from 50 to
60 percent among house prostitutes in Nevada and San Francisco. (pp. 201, 205)
51. In Roberta Perkins' study, WORKING GIRLS, the LEAST IMPORTANT reason given by the respondents
for entering prostitution was _____. A. money B. sexual enjoyment C. unemployment D. support of a drug
habit E. supporting a family (p. 205)
52. Of the five types of prostitutes described by Thio, _____ are less alienated from conventional society than
their counterparts due to their association with people outside the profession. A. streetwalkers B. baby pros
C. adolescent prostitutes D. house prostitutes E. call girls (p. 206)
53. The concept of "strengthening sexual morality" as a reason for prostitution is key to _____ theory. A.
feminist B. social-psychological C. labeling D. functionalist E. psychoanalytic (p. 213)
54. Predisposing and precipitating factors are components of _____ theory. A. feminist B. socialpsychological C. labeling D. functionalist E. psychoanalytic (p. 215)
Ch. 10: Homophobia and Its Targets
55. According to survey results cited in the text, OVER HALF of the respondents indicated that they are in
agreement with the idea of equal rights for gays and lesbians in the area of _____. A. the workplace B.
marriage C. adoptions D. same-sex relationships E. holding political office (pp. 221-222)
56. According to Thio's profile, homophobes are MORE likely to be _____. A. well educated B. progressive
C. younger D. resilient to peer pressure E. men (p. 222)
57. According to Thio's myths about the sexual minority, which of the following statements is TRUE? A.
Most same-sex couples utilize the same dominant and submissive gender roles as most heterosexual couples.
B. The majority of child molesters are gay men. C. Same-sex couples are more likely to treat sex as play, while
heterosexual couples are more likely to treat sex as work. D. Most people are concentrated at both ends of
Kinsey's heterosexual-homosexual continuum. E. The American Psychiatric Association characterizes samesex orientation as a symptom of mental illness. (pp. 225-226)
58. Lesbian youths tend to view their same-sex attraction as _____. A. non-sexual B. traditional C. deviant
D. primarily bisexual E. promiscuous in nature (p. 232)
Which of the following is NOT a stage of gay identity acquisition? A. sensitization B. disturbance C.
dissociation D. coming out E. commitment (p. 234)
60. According to _____, people are born, rather than bred to be, gay. A. hormone theory B. sexual orientation
disturbance C. brain theory D. genetic theory E. the social construction model (p. 242)
Part 4: New Video & Lecture Items
Video 08: The Search for Satan
61. Which of the following was NOT a presenting symptom when Mary S. first approached a psychiatrist for
medication and treatment? A. depression B. panic attacks C. hallucinations D. seizures E. blackouts
62. Meredith Schreiner, Mary S.'s friend, did not see Mary over the course of several months because _____.
A. she feared for her own safety B. Mary's husband refused to allow her to contact Mary C. she couldn't get
along with Mary's doctors D. she disapproved of Mary's drug problem E. Mary's doctors feared that
Meredith's MPD would adversely affect Mary
63. According to Dr. Corydon Hammond's theory, the term "gamma program" refers to _____. A. deception
B. general programming C. sexual programming D. killing E. medication dosage
64. Pat Burgus's son, John, relates the details of cutting open a man's stomach to Dr. Bennett Braun; later, Pat
Burgus recognizes the story as _____. A. the result of hypnotic suggestion B. one that she'd told John when
he was younger C. the result of drug-induced hallucinations D. a scene from a Star Wars movie E. the idle
fantasy of a 5-year-old child
65. After seven years of investigating claims of ritual abuse, the FBI concluded that _____. A. the issue
requires further investigation B. little or no evidence exists of organized Satanic conspiracies C. the doctors
who treated Mary S. and Pat Burgus are, themselves, Satanists D. the dissociative disorders unit at Rush
Hospital be closed E. large scale baby breeding and human sacrifice are widespread problems across the U.S.
Video 10: The Transformation
66. During their conversations, Ricardo and Hugo wonder about Terry's _____. A. homosexual tendencies B.
family background C. attraction to Ricardo's wife D. qualifications as a church leader E. obsession with drag
67. When speaking of her sex life with Ricardo, Betty describes it as _____. A. adequate B. occurring too
often C. disappointing D. extremely passionate E. a spiritual experience
68. Jovanna states that her idea of the American Dream is _____. A. being treated like a regular human being
B. earning enough money as a prostitute to support her mother C. having children D. living out her days as a
born-again Christian E. accepting and embracing her masculinity
69. How were Terry and Ricardo able to locate Jovanna? A. through people at the Salt Mines B. the
telephone directory C. "wanted" posters D. hospital records E. through relatives
70. At the end of the video, as Ricardo contemplates his death, he states that if he had to choose how to live his
life over again, he would choose to be _____. A. a born-again Christian B. a woman C. back in Cuba D.
living with Betty E. a father
Video 11: The Godfather of Cocaine
71. According to the narrator of the documentary, rich children in Columbia brag primarily about their parents'
_____. A. homes B. automobiles C. relationship to government officials D. bodyguards E. planes
72. As a result of Escobar's reign of terror, _____'s administration declared a war on drugs in the United States.
A. Richard Nixon B. Gerald Ford C. Bill Clinton D. Ronald Reagan E. Jimmy Carter
73. Villagers from Barrio Pablo Escobar describe Escobar as being _____. A. the next saint B. ruthless and
violent C. undereducated D. a neglectful husband and father E. shy
74. "The greatest drug bust in the history of the world" occurred at _____. A. Barrio Pablo Escobar B.
Tranquilandia C. Club Medellin D. Los Pepes E. La Catedral
75. The term, _____, was coined after money from drugs was used to finance car bomb attacks. A. narcocracy
B. contra C. narco-terrorism D. narcolepsy E. la violencia
Lecture VII: Conflict theory
76. Contemporary conflict theorists are most inclined to focus on _____ in explaining much about social
deviance. A. power relations, B. socialization processes, C. individual differences, D. the mass media, E. status
77. Vold: "Society, in fact, is dependent on _____ for its essential existence and processes." A. social change,
B. social integration, C. "social loafing", D. group conflict, E. group dysfunctions.
78. In contrast to traditional views that crime is _____, Turk (1966) emphasized that crime is often _____. A.
individual, social; B. pathological, realistic; C. political, economic; D. inevitable, preventable; E. socially
constructed, real.
79. According to Gusfield (1963) we can expect "symbolic crusades" to turn moral issues into criminal ones
when dominant social classes A. obtain unprecedented power, B. become class conscious, C. begin to have
problems hiring household help at low cost, D. start to fight among themselves, E. sense they are losing social
status and political power.
80. According to Liazos (1972), the sociology of deviance is plagued with _____ which has as its (their)
purpose to obscure the role of power in creating deviance. A. personal anecdotes, B. editorial comments, C. the
use of "the plausible passive" and "rampant reifications", D. selective omissions and stratic scare stories, E. all
of the above.