Soc 213/Deviant Behavior - The University of New Mexico

Soc 213/Deviant Behavior
Dodd Bogart
Test 3B
Part 1: Old Text Items
Ch. 08: Mental Disorder
01. _____ is more likely to strike people during the summer than during the winter months.
A. depression B. schizophrenia C. personality disorder D. obsessive-compulsive disorder
E. anxiety reaction (p. 159)
02. The vast majority of the mentally ill _____. A. are schizophrenics B. cannot be cured
C. require hospitalization at some time in their lives D. most of the time a psychiatrists has difficulty
differentiating them from the mentally healthy E. have some degree of obsessive-compulsion (p. 159)
03. Head trauma could cause which of the following mental disorders? A. psychotic, B. neurotic, C.
organic, D. character, E. all of the above. (p. 160)
04. _____ is the more serious mental disorder that involves losing touch with reality.
A. neurotic, B. organic, C. psychotic, D. character disorder, E. none of the above. (p. 161)
05. Stone age people were the first to: A. burn their mentally ill B. exhibit their mentally ill publicly C.
perform lobotomies D. administer moral treatment to their mentally ill E. revere their mentally ill as
sacred (p. 170)
06. _____ has proven highly effective in bringing deinstitutionalized patients back to normal life. A.
network therapy B. psychoanalytic therapy C. talk therapy D. aversion therapy
E. religious therapy. (p. 177)
07. Thomas Scheff concludes that _____ is the single most important factor in making a person become a
chronic mental patient. A. social stress B. genetics C. repressed conflict
D. labeling a person mentally ill E. environmental factors (p. 183)
Ch. 09: Heterosexual Deviance
08. According to your text, the amount of money spent on _____ is much larger than Hollywood's domestic
box office receipts. A. peep shows; B. house prostitutes;
C. streetwalkers; D. pornography; E. extramarital sex. (p. 189)
09. Elmer-Dewitt (1995) gave which of the following reasons why youngsters would consume cyber-porn?
A. curiosity, B. peer pressure, C. privacy, D. parental consent, E. none of the above. (p. 191)
10. Linz and Malamuth (1993) said what was a result of pornography? A. increased likelihood that men will
engage in deviant sexual activity, B. marriages become wrecked, C. the incidence of rape is increased, D.
society is threatened, E. all of the above. (p. 192)
11. According to Thio, which social factor is most likely to be held by someone that commits adultery? A.
male, B. lower-income, C. less religious, D. experienced premarital sex, E. all of the above. (p. 194)
12. Statistics provided by the Department of Defense show how many women in the military have been
sexually harassed? A. 0-25% B. 26%-45%, C. 46%-65%, D. 66%-80%, E. 81%-100%.
13. According to your text, _____ is harmless according to "real world" studies, but _____ is harmful as
shown by laboratory studies. A. violent pornography, nonviolent pornography;
B. cyberporn, sexual harassment; C. prostitution, extramarital sex; D. nonviolent pornography, violent
pornography; E. extramarital sex, prostitution. (p. 193)
14. According to Perkins (1991) which of the following statements about prostitutes is correct? A.
prostitutes are addicted to sex, B. prostitutes are addicted to drugs, C. prostitutes are unable to attain an
orgasm, D. prostitutes are generally indifferent to their clients, E. prostitutes were sexually abused as
children. (p. 198)
Ch. 10: Homosexual Deviance
15. According to Thio, _____ describes the prejudice and discrimination against people with same-sex
orientation. A. bigotry, B. homosexism, C. homophobia, D. sexism,
E. homosexual abomination. (p. 220)
16. Which of the following is NOT stated by Thio as a reason that same-sex orientation is deviant? A. sex
should only involve people of different sexes, B. the reproductive norm,
C. condemnation cited in Judeo-Christian literature, D. sex should only involve people in love,
E. Thio state that all of the above are reasons. (pp. 220-221)
17. The Reproductive Norm would indicate that _____ is NOT deviant? A. mutual masturbation, B. sex
between married people, C. protected sex between married people, D. oral sex,
E. premarital sex. (p. 221)
18. Troiden's four stages of how gay men came to acquire their gay identity are, in order:
A. coming out, sensitization, commitment, dissociation; B. public identification, commitment, coming-out,
dissociation; C. sensitization, dissociation, coming out, commitment;
D. orientation, dissociation, coming out, commitment; E. coming out, dissociation, sensitization,
commitment. (p. 234)
19. Gays and lesbians tend to be _____ than straights. A. more rural B. less well educated C. less
religious D. more conservative E. better educated. (p. 237)
20. In June, 1969, the _____ began when men and women protested violently against police harassment at
the Stonewall Inn. A. Daughters of Bilitis B. Matachine Society C. the gay power movement D. Queer
Nation E. same-sex marriage movement. (p. 240)
Part 2: Old Video & Lecture Items
V08: Search for Satan
21. Which of the following symptom(s) precede Mary's decision seek treatment? A. not being able to eat,
B. not being able to sit still, C. not being able to concentrate, D. panic attacks, E. all of the above. (p. 1)
22. Which of the following events in the community was coincident with the onset of her illness? A. a series
of church sermons on Satanic cults, B. a fire in the apartment building her family lived in, C. a shooting at
the neighborhood school, D. an increase in gang rapes in the area, E. people moving out of the neighborhood
because of the economy. (p. 1)
23. What was the psychiatric disorder associated with ritual abuse in the Satanic cult? A. MS,
B. MPD, C. SPD, D. MVD, E. none of the above. (p. 2)
24. Which of the following was included in Pat Burgess' history of the cult? A. matrilineal descent, B.
connections with Druids, C. connections with southern Slavic Europe, D. avuncular descent, E. connections
with eastern Balkan Europe. (p. 3)
25. What did Mary say surprised her about her doctors? A. their confidence and expertise,
B. they knew more about her family than she did, C. they interviewed her friends about her past, D. their
inability to confirm their diagnosis, E. their aversion to prescribing medications. (p. 4)
V10: The Transformation
26. Sara originally came from _____; however, Sara is now sorry for coming to the United States because
_____. A. El Salvador; people are not friendly here. B. Puerto Rico; her boyfriend left her for another
woman. C. Columbia; she misses her family back home. D. Cuba; in the United States without money you
are no one. E. Mexico; she is afraid of being caught by immigration officials.
27. Reference is made to a place called the Salt Mines which refers to _____. A. a salt storage area in New
York City. B. salt mines near Santiago where Cuban prisoners were forced to work. C. a cover name for
cocaine production labs in Columbia. D. an open salt pit in Puerto Rico where Sara's friend Hugo had
worked before coming to the United States. E. a club in New York City which was frequented by drag
28. Ricardo believed that all of the following statements about gay love (as compared to the love he had for
his wife) were true EXCEPT that gay love _____. A. was more passionate B. involved a lot of sex and
fighting. C. was more sweet and affectionate. D. was more carnal. E. involved more suffering.
29. Before he got married to Betty, Ricardo almost returned to the streets and to his life as a drag queen
when he _____. A. realized after talking to Hugo that he was not being true to himself. B. saw Gigi's
videotaped message. C. traveled back to New York City with Terry in order to bring his friends into the
Church. D. realized that he had nothing else to lose since he already was HIV positive. E. found out he
could not get married in his Church because of his past.
30. Ricardo and Hugo locate Giovanna living _____. A. in an apartment with his mother. B. living on the
streets of New York City. C. in his own apartment and going back to school. D. in the jail after being
busted for drugs. E. in a homeless shelter.
V11: The Godfather of Cocaine
31. Because of his success in organizing the cocaine trade, the video made a specific analogy that Pablo
Escobar was to cocaine like _____. A. Rockefeller was to the oil industry. B. General Schwartzkopf was to
the U.S. Army. C. Getty was to the world of finance. D. Ford was to the automobile industry. E. J. Edgar
Hoover was to law enforcement.
32. After dropping out of school, Escobar began his criminal career by _____. A. picking pockets. B.
stealing tombstones. C. smuggling coca. D. terrorizing people. E. stealing cars.
33. All of the following conditions favored the growth of the cocaine industry in Columbia EXCEPT _____.
A. the growth of the Mexican brown heroin trade. B. the success of Mexican authorities against the
marijuana trade. C. the proximity of Columbia to the United States. D. U.S. law enforcement focus on
activities in Mexico. E. smuggling was already common in Columbia.
34. The only American to sit on the council of the Medellin drug cartel was _____, who was responsible for
shipping _____ of cocaine to the United States. A. Mel Schabilion; 42 tons B. Ron Pettingill; 35 tons C.
Max Merlestein; 56 tons D. Robert Vesco; 29 tons E. Barry Seal; 65 tons
35. In the video, The Godfather of Cocaine, it states that Pablo Escobar grew up during a rough time in
Columbia's history known as _____, during which time there was a guerilla war between the _____ and the
Columbian security forces. A. Los Tiempos Malos; Sandinistan guerilla troops B. La Revolucion;
Columbian Revolutionary Forces C. Anos de los Muertos; Medellin death squads D. La Violencia; Marxist
insurgents E. Viva Columbia; ethnic Indian villagers
Lecture VII: Conflict Theory
36. According to the lecture notes, the work of Shaw & McKay and the Gluecks showed that behind many
criminal acts by individuals lie groups struggling for power. Their work would support all of the following
statements EXCEPT _____. A. numerous crimes result from the direct political reform type of protest
movement. B. many crimes result from the clash of interests of company management and labor unions. C.
numerous crimes result as incidental episodes in jurisdictional disputes between labor unions. D. many
crimes result from clashes incidental to attempts to change, or to upset the caste system of racial segregation.
E. numerous crimes result from increased media coverage which supports one side of the story.
37. According to Joseph R. Gusfield in his work, Symbolic Crusade, the men who founded the Temperance
Movement in the 1820's had in mind a model of moral behavior fashioned in the view of _____. A. the
Puritan Ethic. B. New England Federalism. C. the Victorian Ethic.
D. Conservatism. E. the Reform Movement.
38. According to George Vold, in his 1958 work Theoretical Criminology, the process of law making, law
breaking, and law enforcement is _____. A. natural as societies evolve to higher levels of civilization. B. a
reflection of the basic conflict between interest groups and their struggle for control over the state's police
power. C. necessary until all deviants are identified and incarcerated. D. is only prevalent in democratic
countries where interests groups are allowed to compete for power. E. indicative of the ongoing struggle
between agencies of social control and politically radical groups.
39. According to Austin Turk in his 1966 work, Conflict and Criminality, one proposition for a theory of
criminalization states that when normative conflict has been interpreted by authorities in legal terms, the
probability that members of the opposition will be officially dealt with as criminals will depend on all of the
following EXCEPT _____. A. the congruence of the legal norm with the cultural and social norms of those
charged with enforcement. B. the status of the legal norm in the culture of the authorities. C. the relative
power of enforcers and resisters. D. the status of the opposing norm or illegal attribute in the culture of the
opposition. E. the presence of a charismatic leader in the opposition group.
40. In his work, The Poverty of the Sociology of Deviance: Nuts, Sluts, and Perverts, Alexander Liazos
describes biases he discovered during his study of textbooks which included all of the following biases
EXCEPT _____. A. the acceptance of current popular definitions of deviance. B. the tendency to not
classify white collar criminals as deviants. C. the portrayal of violence as the exclusive offense of the poor.
D. the evaluation of elite deviance. E. the continued focus on a standard list of labeled deviants such as
prostitutes, addicts, etc.
Part 3: New Text Items
Ch. 8: Mental Disorder
41. _____ has been called "the common cold of mental illness." A. schizophrenia B. manic-depression
C. anxiety disorder D. depression E. antisocial personality (p. 158)
42. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Approximately 1 to 2 percent of the U.S. adult
population suffer from schizophrenia. B. Most of the mental illnesses that occur every day are extremely
common. C. Depression is more likely to strike people during the summer months. D. The most common
symptoms of schizophrenia are apathy and inertia. E. When the mentally ill become violent, it is usually
outer-directed. (pp. 158-159)
43. Which of the following is classified as a character disorder? A. antisocial personality B. obsessivecompulsive behavior C. schizophrenia D. psychophysiologic disorder E. anxiety reaction (p. 161)
44. Bipolar disorder is also referred to as _____. A. schizophrenia B. sociopathic disorder C. social
phobia D. personality disorder E. manic-depression (p. 162)
45. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Women are more likely than men to suffer from
paranoia. B. The process of social selection suggests that lower-class people are less prone to mental
disorder because they are less likely to experience social stress. C. Severe depression and other serious
psychotic conditions are more prevalent among urban residents. D. Race and ethnicity have not
consistently been found to be related to mental illness in general. E. The increase in women's employment
over the last 30 years has caused an increase in their psychiatric distress. (pp. 166-168)
46. _____ is characterized by a deep sense of hopelessness, pervasive loss of initiative and a deterioration of
social skills. A. the pleasure principle B. psychophysiologic disorder C. hospitalitis D. hypochondria
E. drift (p. 175)
47. Which of the following descriptions pertains to the labeling model? A. biological origin B.
antipsychiatric C. treatment-oriented D. explanatory E. psychosocial (p. 177)
Ch. 9: Heterosexual Deviance
48. Sociobiologists regard the _____ difference in adultery as the most significant finding because it exists
in virtually all societies. A. income B. religious C. gender D. racial E. legal (p. 194)
49. Which of the following statements regarding prostitutes is FALSE? A. Most prostitutes have the same
desire as conventional women to be married and raise children. B. Most prostitutes have a lower level of
education than conventional women. C. Most prostitutes do not have a history of child abuse. D. Most
prostitutes are not addicted to drugs. E. Most prostitutes are not promiscuous in their private lives. (pp.
198, 204)
50. According to Perkins' study, _____ is the most important reason for entering prostitution. A. money
B. nymphomania C. excitement/adventure D. curiosity E. independence (p. 204)
51. Most prostitutes who contract the AIDS virus do so through _____. A. a failure to use condoms B.
oral sex C. blood transfusions D. intravenous drug use E. their pimps (p. 205)
52. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Prostitution is more prevalent in the developing world
than in the West. B. The Third World's patriarchal culture imposes a heavier burden of filial and familial
duty on sons rather than daughters. C. Marxist theorists blame prostitution in the Third World on gender
inequality. D. Rural poverty explains why the overwhelming majority of prostitutes in developing countries
are women. (pp. 212-213)
53. The concept of supply and demand is associated with _____ theory. A. labeling B. socialpsychological C. feminist D. psychoanalytic E. functionalist (p. 214)
54. In discussing why some women become prostitutes, the primary difference between psychological and
sociological theory rests on the assumptions of _____ and _____. A. abnormality; normality B.
promiscuity; monogamy C. patriarchy; matriarchy D. functionalism; feminism E. addiction;
rehabilitation (p. 215)
Ch. 10: Homophobia And Its Targets
55. Which of the following does NOT apply to Thio's description of trades? A. low socioeconomic status
B. Roman Catholic C. heterosexual D. unmarried E. masculine self-image (p. 227)
56. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Most bisexuals are married to members of the
opposite sex. B. A "LUG" is an example of a situational lesbian. C. Most bisexuals identify themselves as
gay. D. Street hustlers are primarily heterosexual. E. All trades are male. (pp. 227-229)
57. According to Thio, it is _____ that ensures "marital" happiness among male couples. A. sexual
compatibility B. power equality C. bisexual leanings D. desire for fatherhood E. public versus private
identity (p. 231)
58. Open hostility toward other gays is characteristic of the _____ stage of gay identity acquisition. A.
sensitization B. disturbance C. dissociation D. coming out E. commitment (p. 234)
59. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. When AIDS first broke out in the early 1980s, it was
referred to as the "gay plague" because almost all the victims were gay men. B. In the 1980s, the Justice
Department approved discrimination against individuals with AIDS based on the contamination factor. C.
Conservative politicians have opposed the development of a vaccine to fight AIDS because they think gays
should be punished. D. The gays' anti-AIDS crusade has helped to slow the spread of the disease among
heterosexuals. E. Although a growing number of heterosexuals have been afflicted with AIDS, the majority
of new AIDS cases are still among gay men. (pp. 239-240)
60. According to _____, how gays and lesbians live their lives depends on how they are treated, not on their
sexual orientation. A. constructionists B. biologists C. functionalists D. psychoanalysts E. essentialists
(p. 244)
Part 4: New Video & Lecture Items
Video 08: The Search for Satan
61. Which of the following was NOT a factor in Mary S.'s conviction that she was part of a Satanic cult?
A. the urging of her friend, Meredith Schreiner B. the preachings of the minister at her church C.
reinforcement of her Satanic involvement by her husband D. a seminar attended by her therapist E. media
coverage of Satanic cults
62. Mary S. persevered in her treatment despite fears and misgivings because of _____. A. the advice of
her best friend that she remain in treatment B. her children's urgings D. a certainty that she was a
descendant of cult royalty D. her doctors' reputations E. her secret knowledge of the "gamma program"
63. Mary finally left the hospital after _____. A. her husband insisted that she be released and returned
home B. her insurance company demanded a change in status and a permanent move to a nursing home C.
she gained perspective after refusing medication for several weeks D. she saw the damage it was doing to
her children E. her doctors released her with a "clean bill of health"
64. According to the nurses at Spring Shadows Glen in Houston, Dr. Peterson utilized _____ in order to
interrogate her patients. A. a complex system of rewards and punishments B. regression therapy C. data
collected from family members D. sleep deprivation E. restraints
65. According to Dr. Jack Leggett, who reviewed mental health claims for insurance companies, the
common denominator of MPD patients around the country was _____. A. richer benefits plans B. a long
history of Satanic worship C. a history of child abuse D. treatment by doctors practicing without proper
medical credentials E. a history of marital instability
Video 10: The Transformation
66. Terry and Sara met each other _____. A. in a church B. at the Salt Mines C. on the streets of Dallas,
Texas D. in a rehab clinic E. in jail
67. The function of Jim and Robby in Ricardo's life was _____. A. to help him choose a wife B. to
convince him to stay on the streets C. to assist him in locating a rehab program D. to disciple him E. to
assist him in getting a formal education in the U.S.
68. After adopting a masculine image, Ricardo states that the reason he was gay is because _____. A. he
was born gay B. he liked to wear woman's clothing as a young boy C. people called him a faggot when he
was growing up D. he didn't do well in school E. the gay culture is much more liberal in Cuba
69. Gigi, Ricardo's friend from the streets, attributes Ricardo's transformation to his _____. A. deep and
abiding religious faith B. fear of dying alone in the streets C. domineering mother D. absent father E.
lack of friendships
70. When discussing the transformations of Ricardo and Hugo, Giovana suggests that they _____. A. take
a lie detector test B. attend Bible classes C. take more time to repent their past lives D. find jobs as social
workers E. move in with her
Video 11: The Godfather of Cocaine
71. The residents of Pablo Escobar's home town compared him to _____. A. Ronald Reagan B. the
Columbian Minister of Justice C. Christopher Columbus D. Robin Hood E. Al Capone
72. Escobar got his start in the drug trade by _____. A. supplying ether B. driving coca paste C. serving
as in-house counsel to the Ochoa family D. flying heroin and marijuana between Columbia and the United
States E. hiring himself out as a contract killer
73. According to the narrator of the documentary, there was nothing Escobar feared more than _____. A.
the Cali cartel B. the Columbian police force C. the American justice system D. Lt. Col. Oliver North
E. the Ochoa family
74. Escobar's power base was had its roots in _____. A. La Catedral B. the DEA C. Tranquilandia D.
the Palace of Justice E. the barrios
75. In Rachel Ehrenfeld's book, EVIL MONEY, she used the term, _____, to explain the change in the
political system in Colombia. A. narco-terrorism B. caleta C. narcocracy D. muerte a los sequestadores
E. Iran-Contra
Lecture VII: Conflict theory
76. The general conflict theory model of social deviance is most clearly congruent with the view that those
who become proficient in understanding this theory should pay particular attention to the sociology of A.
education, B. the family, C. religion, D. organizations, E. politics.
77. Vold (1958): "Behind many kinds of criminal acts which appear to be the acts of individuals lie A.
groups struggling for power." B. the ideologies in which individuals have been indoctrinated." C. the
distortions and misinformation supplied by the mass media." D. the pathological histories of these
individuals." E. the distorting forces of collective behavior."
78. According to Turk (1966), norms are seen as "legal" to the degree that A. theyorginate in popular
opinion, B. they are congruent with the self interest of the population as a whole, C. the norm of deference to
authority has been established, D. their enforcement is almost certain, E. they are infrequently violated.
79. Gusfield (1963) argued that status threatened classes in America elected to use the temperance
movement to achieve A. religious reform, B. educational reform, C. assimilative reform, D. coercive reform,
E. voluntary reform.
80. According to Liazos (1972), the sociological of deviance has been disinclined to focus on A. deviance by
the clergy, B. deviance of the powerful, C. ethic deviance, D. victimless deviance, E. "pseudo-deviance".