Study Abroad Scholarships Scholarships for Study Abroad are awarded by The School of Hospitality Business. The amount and number of scholarships are variable depending on funds available. To be eligible for a Study Abroad scholarship, an applicant: 1. Must be a student in The School of Hospitality Business and officially accepted in a Hospitality Business Study Abroad program. 2. Must currently be an active member of at least one of The School of Hospitality Business student organizations or events. 3. Must submit an essay addressing how the Study Abroad program chosen will enhance his/her academic experience in Hospitality Business. The essay of 500 words or less must be typed and attached to the application form. 4. Must submit a thank you letter to the Scholarship Committee and/or the specified donor upon award of a scholarship, before funds will be disbursed. 5. If awarded a scholarship, will have the funds deposited into their account after departure for the Study Abroad program. SUBMIT FORM AND ESSAY TO KAREN VAN ATTA IN 232 EPPLEY CENTER BY DEADLINE LISTED BELOW: For Summer and Fall Semester programs For Spring Semester and Winter Break programs Deadline is April 1 Deadline is November 15 The School of Hospitality Business Study Abroad Scholarship Application Form Application Due Dates: For Summer and Fall Semester programs, applications are due by 5 p.m. on April 1 For Spring Semester & Winter Break programs, applications are due by 5 p.m. on November 15 Submit applications to Karen Van Atta, 232 Eppley Center. Name ________________________________________ PID ______________________________ Local address _______________________________________ City ____________________________ State _____ ZIP ________ Local Phone: ________________ Email: ___________________________ Total number of credits completed at MSU:___________________ MSU grade point average:____________ GPA in Hospitality Business courses only:_____________________ Semester and year of expected graduation: _______________________________________________ Class: (circle one) Freshman Sophomore (fewer than 28 credits) (28-55 credits) Junior Senior (56-87 credits) (88 or more credits) The School’s Hospitality Business Study Abroad Program I am enrolled in: ____________________________________________________________ Semester: ___________ I am currently an active member of the following The School of Hospitality Business student organization(s) or event(s)___________________________________________________________________________ Is this your first Study Abroad experience? (circle one) Yes No Anticipated total cost of Study Abroad program (based on projections by the Office of Study Abroad): ___________________________________________________________________________________ In signing and dating this scholarship application, I confirm that the information I have provided is correct. I understand that before funds will be disbursed for my Study Abroad program, I must respond with a thank you letter to the Scholarship Committee and/or the donor. ____________________________________ Signature 3/22/10 ________________________ Date