LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL NOTICE PAPER No. 178 Wednesday, 28 July 2010 The President takes the Chair at 9.30 a.m. GENERAL BUSINESS [Pursuant to Standing Order 6.14, a Notice of Motion and an Order of the Day, other than for the consideration of a Bill, will be discharged from the Notice Paper after 20 consecutive sitting days.] BUSINESS TO TAKE PRECEDENCE 94* MR D.M. DAVIS — To move — That in accordance with Sessional Order 21, there be tabled in the Council by 12 noon on 10 August 2010 a copy of all staff rosters produced by each police station, Criminal Investigation Unit, crime desk, Sexual Offences and Child Abuse Unit and Traffic Management Unit in Victoria for the pay periods ending in July 2009, including the rank of each Member (with name and other personal details deleted). [Notice given on 27 July 2010 — Listed for 1 day]. 96* MR HALL — To move — That in accordance with Sessional Order 21, there be tabled in the Council by 12 noon on 31 August 2010 a copy of the following documents — (1) the Business Plan for the Sugarloaf Pipeline Project and Annexures; (2) the initial Business Plan and Annexures for the Foodbowl Modernisation Project prepared by the State Owned Enterprise for Irrigation Modernisation in Northern Victoria and submitted to the Treasurer and Minister for Water in August 2008; and (3) the revised Business Plan and Annexures for the Foodbowl Modernisation Project prepared by the State Owned Enterprise for Irrigation Modernisation in Northern Victoria and submitted to and endorsed by the Treasurer and Minister for Water in June 2009. [Notice given on 27 July 2010 — Listed for 1 day]. 88 MR BARBER — To move — That in accordance with Sessional Order 21, there be tabled in the Council by 12.00 noon on Tuesday, 10 August 2010 a copy of all documents held by the Government relating to Origin * To take precedence over all other General Business pursuant to an Order of the Council on 27 July 2010. Indicates new entry 2 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 Energy's application and subsequent approval for exploration in the Bay of Islands Coastal Park under section 40 of the National Parks Act 1975. [Notice given on 22 June 2010 — Listed for 4 days]. 95* MR BARBER — To move — That this House — (1) notes the failure of the Government to comply with the Resolution of the Council of 25 November 2009 to table a copy of all documents relating to proposals to transfer control of Yarra Park to the Melbourne Cricket Ground Trust or the Melbourne Cricket Club; (2) notes the Attorney-General’s letter of 8 December 2009, indicating that the Government was seeking to comply with the resolution by early 2010 and further notes that 33 weeks have passed and the Government has still failed to comply; and (3) demands that the Leader of the Government urgently comply with the Resolution of the Council of 25 November 2009 and lodge all documents with the Clerk by 12 noon on Thursday, 12 August 2010. [Notice given on 27 July 2010 — Listed for 1 day]. 1 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — PROSECUTION CASE AGAINST FORMER ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER OF POLICE — Motion calling for the production of certain Office of Police Integrity documents (Mr Dalla-Riva) — Resumption of debate (Mr Finn). [Listed for 17 days]. 2 SELECT COMMITTEE ON VICTORIA PLANNING PROVISIONS AMENDMENT VC67 — Motion to appoint a Select Committee (Mr Barber) and amendment of Mr D.M. Davis — Resumption of debate (Mr Madden). [Listed for 4 days]. 77 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House calls on the Government to establish a civilian-managed body, independent of Victoria Police, to investigate all police shootings, incidents involving serious injury, deaths and serious injury in police custody, and complaints against police that involve allegations of human rights abuses. [Notice given on 6 May 2010 — Listed for 11 days]. 84 MR KAVANAGH — To move — That this House — (1) notes that on 20 May 2010 the Herald Sun reported on the recently released 2007 annual report of the Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity which showed that 54 out of 181 late term foetuses who were aborted for “abnormalities” survived late term abortions but all of them in the period studied died “post-natally”; (2) further notes that babies born after around 22 weeks of gestation have a significant chance of survival which increases sharply with each further week of gestation to, at around 26 weeks, achieving a very high chance of survival if given even minimal care, and that the death of every one of these babies in the period studied therefore suggests that they were neglected to death, if not deliberately killed; and (3) therefore requires the Family and Community Development Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the post-natal deaths of babies born alive in Victoria after failed abortions, with particular reference to the 2007 Annual Report of the Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity. [Notice given on 27 May 2010 — Listed for 8 days]. Notice amended pursuant to Standing Order 6.04. 28 July 2010 3 92* MR DALLA-RIVA — To move — This House expresses its serious concern at the terrible series of incidents of unprovoked violence on, or in the vicinity of, Victorian public transport and believes that after eleven years in power the Brumby Labor Government should have done more to prevent this violence and further believes that — (1) Victorian commuters have a right to travel on public transport in safety; (2) increased numbers of Victorian police must be deployed to patrol public transport; (3) increased numbers of Victoria Police Protective Services Officers have a key role in ensuring the safety of commuters; and (4) Victoria Police Protective Services officers should be on each and every metropolitan and major regional railway station from 6.00 p.m. until the last train at night, seven days a week. [Notice given on 27 July 2010 — Listed for 1 day]. 93* MS PENNICUIK — To move — That the Linking Melbourne Authority cease all work on the Peninsula Link project until such time as a final design for the road is publicly available and the preliminary design is altered so as to — (1) avoid encroaching on any part of the Westerfield property, with reference to the recommendations in the Environmental Effects Statement report; (2) avoid to the greatest extent possible the Pines Flora and Fauna reserve, either by rerouting the roadway or tunnelling under the Reserve; (3) minimise and impact on the other flora and fauna reserves; and (4) rehabilitate areas already “accidentally” destroyed by the contractor, Abigroup. [Notice given on 27 July 2010 — Listed for 1 day]. NOTICES OF MOTION 33 MR VOGELS — To move — That this House — (1) notes with concern the failure of the Brumby Government to release the report of the Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate on Colac Otway Shire Council dated 6 November 2009; (2) expresses its disappointment that the Brumby Government has determined that the release of this report would be prejudicial to the public interest; (3) calls on the Attorney-General to respect the will and role of the Legislative Council’s request to table this report inclusive of relevant documentation; and (4) calls on the Attorney-General to explain how appointing a Chief Executive Officer of a Shire Council in Victoria would reveal high-level confidential processes of the Executive Government. [Notice given on 10 March 2010 — Listed for 20 days]. 36 MS LOVELL — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Minister for Planning for — (a) failing to consult with local councils and communities across Victoria regarding planning approvals for social housing developments; and (b) rushing through planning approvals that do not meet local planning regulations; and From the commencement of the 2010 sittings, notices of motion are given a unique number and numbered consecutively. 4 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 (2) notes that the Minister for Planning has failed to assess the need for additional services, which will be required to meet the needs of the residents of the social housing developments, and the effect this will have on the local community and the tenants of the development. [Notice given on 23 March 2010 — Listed for 18 days]. 39 MR KOCH — To move — That this House — (1) notes that the demand for public housing waiting lists in Geelong has increased by over 100 percent from 946 in 1999 to 2,285 in December 2009; (2) also notes that less public housing is currently available in Geelong than 10 years ago with only 3490 properties listed in 2009 against 3585 in 1999; (3) further notes that the present planning procedures to develop a further 15 social housing projects to accommodate 474 tenancies will not accommodate public housing applicants as a first requirement; and (4) condemns the Minister for Planning and the Brumby Government for failing to adequately provide for public housing needs in the Geelong community. [Notice given on 23 March 2010 — Listed for 18 days]. 40 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House notes that — (1) on 12 March 2010 the Minister for Roads and Ports, together with the Members for Gembrook and Narre Warren South, met at Soldiers Road, Berwick to make an announcement about, amongst other things, new wire-rope barriers on the Princes Freeway; (2) in response to a question from a constituent, the Minister advised that wire-rope barriers would not be erected in the median strip but rather along the road side to stop run-off-road crashes; (3) this advice was wrong and was later corrected by VicRoads; (4) neither the Member for Gembrook nor the Member for Narre Warren South corrected the Minister on this basic and fundamental factual error; (5) the Minister for Roads and Ports, the Member for Gembrook and the Member for Narre Warren South are so out of touch with their portfolios and communities that they make announcements without knowing what they are announcing; (6) the Brumby Labor Government and its Parliamentary members are so focused on photo opportunities and media events, that they don’t know or care what they are even announcing; and (7) although the announcement was made in March 2010, construction is not intended to commence until October 2010, just before the election, and will not be completed until 2011. [Notice given on 23 March 2010 — Listed for 18 days]. 42 MR D.M. DAVIS — To move — That this House — (1) expresses its serious concern at the Minister for Planning’s false claim that he had fast tracked the development of an Aldi supermarket on the corner of the Doncaster Road and Tannock Street, Balwyn North, when in fact the truth as outlined by the City of Boroondara shows that the Minister had himself delayed dealing with these planning matters for nine months and ignored requests from the City of Boroondara; (2) notes the failure of a ‘media advisor or spokesman’ to answer genuine questions put to Mr Madden by a Progress Leader journalist; and (3) calls on the Minister to explain the reason his office delayed responding to the City of Boroondara. [Notice given on 23 March 2010 — Listed for 18 days]. 28 July 2010 5 43 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about the nature and cost of advertising campaigns undertaken by the departments, agencies and authorities for which he has Ministerial responsibilities and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin principles of good governance and calls on the Treasurer to reject this secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government and to uphold the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility to the Parliament to which he is elected. [Notice given on 24 March 2010 — Listed for 17 days]. 44 MRS COOTE — To move — That this House condemns the Brumby Labor Government for awarding the contract for the Victorian Air Ambulance to Pelair and in particular — (1) notes the doubtful safety record of Pelair due to the ditching of a Pelair aircraft into the sea near Norfolk Island in 2009, jeopardising the safety of all the passengers and crew on board; (2) notes that Pelair has had three aircraft crashes — one in Sydney, one in Alice Springs, and one on Norfolk Island; (3) calls on the Government to — (a) outline what safety checks were undertaken by Ambulance Victoria before awarding the tender; (b) explain what reviews of the reports prepared by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau and Civil Aviation Safety Authority on a safety review on Pelair were undertaken prior to the contract being awarded to Pelair; and (4) calls on the Treasurer to — (a) detail what information he had of the impending purchase of new aircraft by Pelair whilst the tender process was being conducted; and (b) explain if the Government gave guarantees regarding the awarding of the contract to Pelair before they made deposits on their new aircraft. [Notice given on 24 March 2010 — Listed for 17 days]. 45 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about travel allowances paid to the Treasurer and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 24 March 2010 — Listed for 17 days]. 46 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about residential allowances paid to the Treasurer and staff in the Treasurer’s department and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin good governance; and 6 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 24 March 2010 — Listed for 17 days]. 47 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about recruitment agencies which were used by Departments under the Treasurer’s administration and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 24 March 2010 — Listed for 17 days]. 48 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) expresses its serious concern at the failed Brumby Government TAFE reforms which tripled fees for second and subsequent diploma and advance Diploma courses and introduced a new HECS style loan scheme so students could pay the increased costs, resulting in an alarming reduction in the number of students enrolling in TAFE courses, confirming concerns that this fee hike will worsen an existing serious shortage of skills in Victoria; (2) notes comments from Mr David Williams, Victorian TAFE Association Executive Director, who said "We've heard of cases where people were actually turning up to enrol, but when they heard about the fee increases, a number of them walked away”; and (3) further notes that these concerns were raised by the Victorian Coalition and ignored by the Brumby Labor Government at the time the TAFE policy was released. [Notice given on 24 March 2010 — Listed for 17 days]. 49 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about media research and public opinion polling conducted by Departments, agencies and authorities under the Treasurer’s administration and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 24 March 2010 — Listed for 17 days]. 50 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about media training for the Treasurer or the Treasurer’s personal staff and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian 28 July 2010 7 taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 24 March 2010 — Listed for 17 days]. 51 MRS COOTE — To move — That this House — (1) notes that state-wide violent crime (crime against the person) has increased from 31,372 in 1999-2000 to 43,971 in 2008-09, a 40.2 per cent increase under the Labor Government; (2) notes that offences on public transport as reported in the Victoria Police Crime Statistics – August 2009 were 9,412; (3) expresses its disappointment at the ongoing lack of response by the Premier, the Minister for Public Transport and the Minister for Police and Emergency Services to Victoria’s surging violent crime rates and violent attacks on our trains, trams and buses; (4) congratulates the Victorian Coalition’s Stopping Crime in its Tracks policy announcement of 8 November 2009 to — (a) establish a dedicated unit of 940 uniformed and trained Victoria Police Protective Services Officers that will be permanently stationed on every train station in Metropolitan Melbourne and the major regional centres from 6.00 p.m. until the last train, seven days a week; and (b) provide an additional 100 Victoria Police Officers to be recruited to the Transit Safety Division to patrol train, tram and bus networks; and (5) notes that this $200 million, four-year policy will not leave Victorians vulnerable and alone at stations and will have uniformed officers at every station and in particular at — South Yarra; Prahran; Windsor; Balaclava; Ripponlea; Elsternwick; Gardenvale; North Brighton; Middle Brighton; Brighton Beach; Hampton; and Sandringham stations from 6.00 p.m. until the last train, seven days a week. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 52 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about consultancies commissioned by the Departments, agencies and authorities under the Treasurer’s administration and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin good governance; and 8 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 54 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about laptops, notebooks and palm computers that have been lost or stolen from each Department, authority and agency within the Treasurer’s portfolios and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles of good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 55 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Minister for Roads for his plan to install dedicated 24 hour bus lanes, reducing the capacity of Centre Dandenong Road through Dingley Village by 50 per cent, reducing the amenity of the village, a system of courts reliant on good through traffic flow to gain ingress and egress into local streets; (2) condemns the Member for Mordialloc, Ms Janice Munt, for her attempt to conceal her knowledge of her own Brumby Government’s plan to install dedicated 24 hour bus lands through Dingley Village, which she announced with the Minister for Roads and Ports in a press release dated 9 September 2009 and her attempt to blame others in her email correspondence to constituents dated 5 February 2010 by claiming that she was unaware of these works; and (3) calls on the Brumby Labor Government to dump this plan and find a suitable alternative for the planned Brumby bus expressway. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 56 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about the prioritisation of State Government grants for key marginal seats by the Departments, agencies and authorities under the Minister’s control and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles of good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 57 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about personal leadership coaches and trainers hired for senior officials in the Departments, agencies and authorities under the 28 July 2010 9 Minister’s control and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles of good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 58 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about graphic design companies engaged by the Departments, agencies and authorities under the Minister’s control and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 59 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about media monitoring and clipping services expenses incurred by the Treasurer or his Departments and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles which underpin principles of good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 60 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the Treasurer, who in his role as Minister for Financial Services and Minister for Information and Communication Technology has arrogantly refused to answer Questions on Notice which seek information about entertainment expenses incurred by the Treasurer or his Departments and in doing so, condones the expenditure of Victorian taxpayer funds without accepting the transparency and accountability principles of good governance; and (2) calls on the Treasurer to end the secret State culture of the Brumby Labor Government by upholding the long standing Westminster traditions of Ministerial responsibility and Parliamentary accountability. [Notice given on 25 March 2010 — Listed for 16 days]. 63 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House condemns the Attorney-General for his contempt of the Parliament of Victoria and abuse of his role as Deputy Premier in directing the staff of the Premier and the 10 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 Minister for Planning to ignore a summons from the Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration in a deliberate attempt to cover-up the hoax communication of the Windsor Hotel planning process and the involvement of the Minister for Planning and the possible involvement of the Premier of Victoria. [Notice given on 13 April 2010 — Listed for 15 days]. 68 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) condemns the actions of the former Chief Commissioner of Police and the current head of the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority, Ms Christine Nixon, for deserting her post on Black Saturday to go out to dinner at the Metropolitan Hotel and for failing to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the Bushfire Royal Commission; (2) calls on the Premier to disclose all details including when the Premier was first made aware of when Ms Nixon removed herself from her post to attend dinner; and (3) notes the Premier views that Ms Nixon’s position as the Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery Authority is still tenable when clearly it is not. [Notice given on 13 April 2010 — Listed for 15 days]. 71 MS HARTLAND — To move — That this House requires the Family and Community Development Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the provisions of the Medical Treatment Act 1988 relating to end-oflife medical treatment and palliative care options, with particular regard to — (a) whether those provisions are sufficient to meet contemporary community expectations; (b) whether those provisions are sufficient to prevent end of life suffering; (c) whether those provisions continue to facilitate and support best practice; (d) input from a variety of stakeholders and the community; and (e) whether to make recommendations to the Attorney-General to refer any matter to the Victorian Law Reform Commission. [Notice given on 14 April 2010 — Listed for 14 days]. 73 MRS PEULICH — To move — That this House — (1) expresses its concern at the state of the Building Education Revolution Program (BER) under Federal and State Labor Governments, noting that — (a) the Federal Government is facing a showdown with public school teachers over next month's NAPLAN tests; (b) the Australian Education Union voted to boycott the national literacy and numeracy tests because it is concerned data from the exams would be used to compile league tables on the Government's My School website; (c) the Federal Minister for Education, the Hon. Julia Gillard says the Government will consider asking parents to cross picket lines to assist with supervising the tests; and (d) the union has vowed the tests will not go ahead unless the Government dropped its plans for league tables, which the union says brands students as failures; (2) notes the absence of any transparency or demonstration of leadership by the Victorian Minister for Education and calls on the Minister to — (a) take immediate action to allay concerns about the lack of transparency in the expenditure and implementation of the Building Education Revolution Funding; and (b) immediately and fully account for her actions and the action taken by the Brumby Labor Government and to demonstrate openness and accountability by answering crucial questions about the administration of BER as other Australian States already have; 28 July 2010 11 calls on the Minister for Education to disclose — (a) the full list of closed and merged Victorian schools since 2006; (b) the amount of State and Federal money expended on each school site during this term of the Victorian Government, including ongoing maintenance of closed school sites and operational schools, the Department's plans for the management of school assets, including the ongoing future maintenance funding given the increased school space made possible through BER; and (c) the amount of open space per student in April 2010 compared with 2006; and (4) expresses its disappointment at the failure by the Minster for Education to demonstrate educational leadership causing school communities and Victoria’s education to suffer from controversy and lack of transparency in the administration of this important portfolio. [Notice given on 15 April 2010 — Listed for 13 days]. (3) 74 MR DALLA-RIVA — To move — That this House — (1) notes with concern the recent Engineers Australia Infrastructure Report Card for Victoria, 2010 and in particular the disappointing number of C and D ratings which are to require major or critical changes respectively in areas of roads, rail, ports, potable water, storm water, irrigation, electricity, gas and telecommunications; (2) notes that there has been a deterioration in Victoria's infrastructure since the last Infrastructure Report Card for Victoria undertaken in 2005; and (3) condemns the Bracks and Brumby Labor Governments lack of attention to providing the necessary infrastructure development over the past decade. [Notice given on 15 April 2010 — Listed for 13 days]. 75 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House notes — (1) the strong population growth currently being experienced in Beaconsfield, Officer and Pakenham and congratulates the existing government secondary colleges that are servicing this growth, in particular Berwick, Pakenham and Koo Wee Rup; (2) that in recent years numerous private schools have opened in the Cardinia growth corridor to meet the demand resulting from this population growth; (3) the failure of the Brumby Government to adequately plan for and invest in the future educational needs of the growth corridor; and (4) the announcement of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Ted Baillieu, that if elected, the coalition will invest $20 million to buy land, plan, construct and open a new secondary college in Officer within the first term of a Baillieu Government; and calls on the Government to match the commitment made by the Coalition to build a new Officer secondary college. [Notice given on 5 May 2010 — Listed for 12 days]. 78 MS PENNICUIK — To move — That this House calls on the Government to establish an independent statutory body, reportable directly to Parliament, to provide external scrutiny of Victoria's custodial services, to conduct investigations, and to publish information and findings on the standards and operational practices of custodial services in Victoria. [Notice given on 6 May 2010 — Listed for 11 days]. 86 MR O’DONOHUE — To move — That this House notes that — (1) the Premier has recently completed a huge back flip from opposing to supporting the establishment of an anti-corruption commission in Victoria; 12 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 (2) this back flip is just the latest in a long line of back downs and policy position changes from the Government which has included the adoption of over 60 policies advocated by the Opposition; (3) these back flips include but are not limited to — (a) promising to not take water from north of the divide for Melbourne and then building the north south pipeline; (b) describing desalination as a "hoax" and "extraordinarily expensive", only to later announce the Wonthaggi desalination plant; (c) denigrating the Coalition plan to abolish suspended sentences as costing "hundreds of millions of dollars", only to later adopt the same policy; (d) promising to build the Scoresby Freeway without tolls, only then to build the "freeway" as a "toll way"; (e) criticising privatisation of the public transport system from Opposition, only to retain privatisation once in Government; (f) copying the Opposition position on anti-hoon laws; and (g) copying the Opposition policy to eliminate Zone 3 on public transport; and (4) these back flips by the Premier demonstrate that the Government is tired, out of touch and bereft of ideas and solutions to solve the problems that Victoria is facing, unlike the Opposition which has a clear vision for Victoria and the challenges it must confront. [Notice given on 9 June 2010 — Listed for 6 days]. 91 MR BARBER — To move — That pursuant to section 40(6) of the National Parks Act 1975, the Minister’s notice of 20 May 2010 of consent to explore for petroleum in the Bay of Islands Coastal Park, tabled in the Council on 27 May 2010, be revoked. [Notice given on 23 June 2010 — Listed for 3 days]. CONTINGENT NOTICE OF MOTION 81 MR BARBER — Contingent upon the Members of Parliament (Standards) Bill 2010 being committed, To move — That it be an instruction to the Committee that they have power to consider an amendment and a New Clause to amend the Members of Parliament (Standards) Bill 2010 to create an indictable offence of serious misconduct of a Member of Parliament. ORDERS OF THE DAY 3 SUMMARY OFFENCES AMENDMENT (BODY PIERCING) BILL 2007 — (Mr Drum) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Tee). 4 TOBACCO (CONTROL OF TOBACCO EFFECTS ON MINORS) BILL 2007 — MESSAGE FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY — To be considered. 5 RESIDENTIAL TENANCIES AMENDMENT (HOUSING STANDARDS) BILL 2009 — (Mr Barber) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Pulford). 6 GOVERNMENT (POLITICAL) ADVERTISING BILL 2010 — (Mr D.M. Davis) — Second reading. 7 DICKSON STREET, SUNSHINE PLANNING PROCESS — MINISTER’S ANSWER TO SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 23 MARCH 2010 — To be considered. [Listed for 18 days]. 28 July 2010 13 8 ALDI SUPERMARKET DEVELOPMENT — MINISTER’S ANSWER TO SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 25 MARCH 2010 — To be considered. [Listed for 16 days]. 9 CLARINDA CONCRETE CRUSHER — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 13 days]. 10 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH CRIME STATISTICS — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 13 days]. 11 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ACT EXEMPTIONS — PETITION — To be considered. [Listed for 13 days]. 12 GOVERNMENT SERVICES — Motion expressing concern at deterioration of critical services provided to the Victorian community (Mr O’Donohue) — Resumption of debate (Ms Mikakos). [Listed for 13 days]. 13 FREIGHT TERMINAL LAND PURCHASE, BEVERIDGE — MINISTER’S ANSWER TO SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE, 25 MAY 2010 — To be considered. [Listed for 10 days]. 14 REGISTER OF THE EXERCISE OF DELEGATED POWERS, DISCRETIONS AND FUNCTIONS BETWEEN THE MINISTER FOR PLANNING AND DEPARTMENTAL STAFF — To be considered. [Listed for 10 days]. 15 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — VARIOUS DOCUMENTS AND APPOINTMENT OF INDEPENDENT LEGAL ARBITER — LETTER FROM ATTORNEY-GENERAL, 31 MAY 2010 — To be considered. [Listed for 7 days]. 16 PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS — HEALTH SERVICES INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE REPORTS, YARRA PARK AND SHINE AND WORKING VICTORIA DOCUMENTS AND LETTERS FROM ATTORNEY-GENERAL, 27 JULY 2010 — To be considered. [Listed for 1 day]. GOVERNMENT BUSINESS NOTICES OF MOTION 2 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House expresses its concern at the public statement by Mr Barber that he plans to have a 25 year old young woman physically “dragged” before a public hearing of the Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration and notes that: (1) the Committee is an all-male Committee; (2) the young woman has admitted to making a mistake at work; (3) she has already been held accountable for her mistake by her employer; and (4) she would have no representation at such a hearing, a right that any other employee would normally be entitled to and expect. [Notice given on 23 March 2010 — Listed for 18 days]. 3 MR VINEY — To move — That Mr Barber, Mr Guy, Mr Hall and Mr Rich-Phillips step down from the Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration’s Inquiry into Victorian Government Decision Making, Consultation and Approval Processes because they have pre-judged the 14 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 outcome of the inquiry as evidenced by their contributions in debate in the House on 10 March 2010 and their subsequent vote on the want of confidence motion in the Minister for Planning. [Notice given on 23 March 2010 — Listed for 18 days]. 4 MR VINEY — To move — That this House rejects the Opposition’s cowardly allegation made under parliamentary privilege in Question Time on 14 April 2010 that implied that Mr Eddie McGuire and the Collingwood Football Club are corrupt. [Notice given on 15 April 2010 — Listed for 13 days]. 5 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House — (1) condemns Mr Matthew Guy, MLC, for his ill-informed and inaccurate Media Release “Madden in Conflict of Interest Planning Scandal”; (2) notes the front page headline in The Standard on 15 April 2010 “The Scandal that wasn’t” from which it is clear that Mr Brendan Howard and the local community are angry and dismayed with the beat up based on false information; and (3) calls on Mr Guy to apologise to Mr Howard and the Minister for Planning for calling their integrity into question. [Notice given on 15 April 2010 — Listed for 13 days]. 7 MR TEE — To move — That this House — (1) notes that, in Victoria, smoking costs around 4000 lives each and every year; (2) notes that tobacco giant British American shelled out $140,000 in political donations to the Liberal/National Coalition in one year; (3) congratulates the Australian Labor Party on not accepting political donations from tobacco companies; (4) condemns the Liberal/National Coalition for its filthy habit and its addiction to political donations from tobacco companies; and (5) calls on the Liberal Party and The Nationals to stand up for the community, particularly the young who are targeted by tobacco companies, by saying no to receiving a slice of tobacco company profits. [Notice given on 26 May 2010 — Listed for 9 days]. 8 MR TEE — To move — That this House — (1) congratulates the Brumby Labor Government for environmental polices that have resulted in the creation of wind farms with the capacity to power over 700,000 Victorian homes; (2) notes that Victorian wind farms save over 400,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent of taking 94,000 cars off the State’s roads each year; (3) expresses concern and alarm at the Liberal/National Coalition policy that will see an end to wind farm development in Victoria and which — (a) will send Victorian jobs interstate; (b) was developed without industry consultation; (c) was developed without any understanding of the existing comprehensive planning processes; and (d) hands planning approval over to local councils when many councils ask the State Government to make the planning assessments because they do not have the resources and expertise to evaluate wind farm proposals; and 28 July 2010 15 (4) condemns the Liberal/National Coalition for a policy which reveals that they are climate change sceptics who don't care about the environment. [Notice given on 8 June 2010 — Listed for 7 days]. 9 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House expresses its grave concern that the Liberal Party and The Nationals are misleading Victoria’s regional and rural communities and notes that — (1) The Nationals have an established track record of failing to stand up to the Liberal Party when in government, rather than doing what is best for regional and rural Victoria; (2) when last in government, the Coalition closed 178 schools, 12 hospitals and 6 rail lines in country Victoria and presided over unemployment in excess of 12 per cent; (3) a $1 billion headline on a media release is no substitute for detailed policy work in building strong, vibrants and liveable Victorian towns; (4) the $1 billion over 8 years in the Liberal/National Growth Fund will rapidly evaporate when allocated to delivering essential government services in health, early childhood and road projects; (5) prosperity and growth for regional Victoria is best achieved through proper planning and in partnership with communities and not through a slush fund approach resulting in actual cuts to the level of government investment in Victoria’s regional communities; and (6) these actions of the Liberal/National Coalition put the economic and social wellbeing of Victorian communities at risk. [Notice given on 8 June 2010 — Listed for 7 days]. 13 MR LEANE — To move — That this House expresses concern that delays to the Victoria Planning Provisions Amendment VC67 will cause economic damage to Victoria and force up house/land prices for young Victorians. [Notice given on 24 June 2010 — Listed for 2 days]. 14 MR SCHEFFER — To move — That this House notes the progress of the Brumby Government’s commitment to rebuild, renovate or extend 500 schools in this term. [Notice given on 24 June 2010 — Listed for 2 days]. 15 MS DARVENIZA — To move — That this House congratulates the Hon. Julia Gillard, MP on becoming Australia’s first female Prime Minister and notes — (1) the new Prime Minister’s achievements in industrial relations reform; (2) the Federal Government’s recent achievement in legislating for paid maternity leave; (3) that under the Howard Government the gap between male and female earnings increased; (4) that the Liberal Party’s approach to industrial relations puts at risk the pay and conditions of Victoria’s casual and part time workforce; (5) the Brumby Government’s recent commitment to provide pay justice to Victoria’s predominantly female social and community sector workforce; (6) that the next Equal Pay Day is on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 and symbolises how far into 2011 women must work to earn what men earned in 2010; (7) that 27 businesses and organisations from across Victoria have been formally recognised for their progressive workplace practices and family friendly working conditions as part of the Brumby Labor Government’s Fair and Flexible Employer Recognition Awards, including commendation awards to: ACER, Baker and McKenzie, Benetas, the Building Commission, City of Melbourne, Civic Home Timber and 16 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 Hardware Colac, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Country Road, DASSI, Hobsons Bay City Council, IBM Australia, KPMG, Maddocks, Manningham City Council, Maribyrnong City Council, Mercy Health, Villa Maria, Vision Australia, Western Region Health Centre and Yarra Ranges Shire Council; and recognition to: Child and Family Services Ballarat, ConnectEast, Dairy Food Safety Victoria, Maroondah Halfway House, Monash University, Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency, and the YMCA; and (8) that while celebrating the achievements of these employers we need to reflect on how best practice work and family arrangements can be promoted by State and Federal Governments. [Notice given on 24 June 2010 — Listed for 2 days]. 16 MS MIKAKOS — To move — That this House expresses its dismay at the failure of the Opposition and the Australian Greens to coherently explain to Victorian families why they continue to obstruct planning scheme amendments that seek to make housing more affordable. [Notice given on 24 June 2010 — Listed for 2 days]. 17 MS HUPPERT — To move — That this House expresses its serious concern at the interference of the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Ted Baillieu, MP in the operation of the Legislative Council by overruling an agreement between the Government and the Opposition to adjourn Mr Barber’s motion to establish a Select Committee of 7 Members to be appointed to inquire into Amendment VC67 to the Victoria Planning Provisions, that would enable the parties to negotiate an agreement on this vital issue for Victoria’s future growth. [Notice given on 24 June 2010 — Listed for 2 days]. 18 MS PULFORD — To move — That this House — (1) expresses its serious concern about the Shadow Treasurer’s pessimistic outlook on the Victorian economy, which has caused runs on banks, predicted recessions which have not eventuated, and put into jeopardy the jobs of thousands of hard working Victorians; and (2) expresses serious concern about the Shadow Treasurer’s irresponsible spending policies which would ultimately skyrocket State debt, lead to the abandonment of projects like Bendigo and Box Hill Hospitals and the Regional Rail Link, or lead to the sacking of hundreds of teachers, doctors and nurses. [Notice given on 24 June 2010 — Listed for 2 days]. 19 MS TIERNEY — To move — That this House congratulates the Brumby Government on its continued support for regional and rural Victorian communities as outlined in the Ready for Tomorrow: A Blueprint for Regional and Rural Victoria document. [Notice given on 24 June 2010 — Listed for 2 days]. 20* MR MADDEN — To move — That pursuant to section 46AH of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, Amendment VC68 to the Victoria Planning Provisions be ratified. [Notice given on 27 July 2010; 10 days remain for resolving]. 21* MR MADDEN — To introduce A Bill for an Act to amend the Bail Act 1977 and the Magistrates’ Court Act 1989 and for other purposes. Indicates sitting days remaining, including this day, for resolution of motion to be within statutory approval provisions. 28 July 2010 22* 17 MR MADDEN — To introduce A Bill for an Act to revise the statute law of Victoria as a consequence of the enactment of the Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009, to provide for the implementation of that Act and for other purposes. ORDERS OF THE DAY 1 CONTROL OF WEAPONS AMENDMENT BILL 2010 — (from Assembly — Mr Madden) — Second reading — Resumption of debate. 2 TRANSPORT LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (PORTS INTEGRATION) BILL 2010 — MESSAGE FROM THE ASSEMBLY — To be considered. 3 SEVERE SUBSTANCE DEPENDENCE TREATMENT BILL 2009 — (from Assembly — Mr Jennings) — To be further considered in Committee. 4 DOMESTIC ANIMALS AMENDMENT (DANGEROUS DOGS) BILL 2010 — (from Assembly — Mr Pakula) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Lovell). 5 GAMBLING REGULATION AMENDMENT (LICENSING) BILL 2010 — (from Assembly — Mr Madden) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Guy). 6 SUPPORTED RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (PRIVATE PROPRIETORS) BILL 2010 — (from Assembly — Mr Jennings) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr D.M. Davis). 7 WATER AMENDMENT (VICTORIAN ENVIRONMENTAL WATER HOLDER) BILL 2010 — (from Assembly — Mr Jennings) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Ms Lovell). 8 WORKING WITH CHILDREN AMENDMENT BILL 2010 — (from Assembly — Mr Madden) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Rich-Phillips). 9 VICTORIA PLANNING PROVISIONS AMENDMENT VC67 — Motion to ratify Amendment (Mr Madden) and amendment of Mr Guy — Resumption of debate (Mr Guy). [5 days remain for resolving]. 10 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT (STANDARDS) BILL 2010 — (from Assembly — Mr Lenders) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Rich-Phillips). 11 ANNUAL STATEMENT OF GOVERNMENT INTENTIONS FOR 2010 — Motion to take note of Statement — Resumption of debate (Ms Tierney). 12 LIQUOR CONTROL REFORM AMENDMENT BILL 2008 — (from Assembly — Mr Madden) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Guy). BILL REFERRED TO PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES COMMITTEE 1 PUBLIC FINANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY BILL 2009 — (from Assembly — Mr Lenders) — Referred on 27 July 2010. Indicates sitting days remaining, including this day, for resolution of motion to be within statutory approval provisions. 18 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 THURSDAY, 29 JULY 2010 STATEMENTS ON REPORTS AND PAPERS [Pursuant to Standing Order 9.10] 1 Auditor-General’s Report on Managing the Requirements for Disclosing Private Sector Contracts, June 2010 (Mr Dalla-Riva). 2* Auditor-General’s Report on Access to Social Housing, June 2010 (Mrs Coote). 3* Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Report, 2008-09 (Mr Eideh). * * * * * TUESDAY, 10 AUGUST 2010 GOVERNMENT BUSINESS ORDERS OF THE DAY 1 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL 2010 — (Mr Lenders) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Rich-Phillips). 2 TOURIST AND HERITAGE RAILWAYS BILL 2010 — (Mr Pakula) — Second reading — Resumption of debate (Mr Koch). WAYNE TUNNECLIFFE Clerk of the Legislative Council ROBERT F. SMITH President 28 July 2010 19 DAY AND HOUR OF MEETING Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday — — — — 2.00 p.m. 9.30 a.m. 9.30 a.m. (or 12 noon, if a Select Committee is meeting) 9.30 a.m. ROUTINE OF BUSINESS TUESDAY Messages Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) Government Business At 8.00 p.m. Legislation Committee (if ordered) Adjournment WEDNESDAY Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) General Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice General Business (continues) Government Business At 8.00 p.m. Legislation Committee (if ordered) Adjournment THURSDAY Messages Formal Business Members’ Statements (up to 15 Members) Statements on Reports and Papers (60 minutes)1 Government Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Government Business (continues) At 8.00 p.m. Legislation Committee (if ordered) Adjournment FRIDAY Formal Business Government Business At 12 noon Questions Answers to Questions on Notice Government Business (continues) Adjournment (30 minutes for Members’ issues) Note: Unless otherwise ordered, the Adjournment of the House will be moved automatically at 10.00 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and at 4.00 p.m. on Friday. 1 Statements on Reports and Papers are not taken if the time of meeting is 12 noon pursuant to Sessional Order 1. 20 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 DEPUTY PRESIDENT AND ACTING PRESIDENTS DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Mr Atkinson. ACTING PRESIDENTS — Mr Eideh, Mr Elasmar, Mr Finn, Ms Huppert, Mr Leane, Ms Pennicuik, Mrs Peulich, Ms Pulford, Mr Somyurek and Mr Vogels. * * * * COMMITTEES DISPUTE RESOLUTION (JOINT) — Mr D.M. Davis, Mr Hall, Mr Jennings, Mr Lenders and Ms Pennicuik. DRUGS AND CRIME PREVENTION (JOINT) — Mrs Coote, Mr Leane and Ms Mikakos. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE (JOINT) — Mr Atkinson, Mr D.M. Davis and Mr Tee. EDUCATION AND TRAINING (JOINT) — Mr Elasmar and Mr Hall. ELECTORAL MATTERS (JOINT) — Ms Broad, Mr P.R. Davis and Mr Somyurek. ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (JOINT) — Mr Murphy and Mrs Petrovich. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (JOINT) — Mr Finn and Mr Scheffer. FINANCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION — Mr Barber, Mr Guy, Mr Hall, Mr Kavanagh, Mr Rich-Phillips, Mr Tee and Mr Viney. HOUSE (JOINT) — The President, Mr Atkinson, Ms Darveniza, Mr Drum, Mr Eideh and Ms Hartland. LAW REFORM (JOINT) — Mrs Kronberg and Mr Scheffer. LEGISLATION — Mr Atkinson, Ms Broad, Mrs Coote, Mr Drum, Ms Mikakos, Ms Pennicuik and Ms Pulford. OUTER SUBURBAN/INTERFACE SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT (JOINT) — Mr Elasmar, Mr Guy and Ms Hartland. PRIVILEGES — Ms Darveniza, Mr D.M. Davis, Mr Drum, Mr Jennings, Ms Mikakos, Ms Pennicuik and Mr Rich-Phillips. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS AND ESTIMATES (JOINT) — Mr Dalla-Riva, Ms Huppert, Ms Pennicuik and Mr Rich-Phillips. ROAD SAFETY (JOINT) — Mr Koch and Mr Leane. RURAL AND REGIONAL (JOINT) — Ms Darveniza, Mr Drum, Ms Lovell, Ms Tierney and Mr Vogels. SCRUTINY OF ACTS AND REGULATIONS (JOINT) — Mr Eideh, Mr O’Donohue, Mrs Peulich and Ms Pulford. STANDING ORDERS — The President, Mr D.M. Davis, Mr Dalla-Riva, Mr Hall, Mr Lenders, Ms Pennicuik and Mr Viney. TRAIN SERVICES — Mr Atkinson, Mr Barber, Mr Drum, Ms Huppert, Mr Leane, Mr O’Donohue and Mr Viney. 28 July 2010 21 QUESTIONS ON NOTICE Questions appearing for the first time and a list of all other questions remaining unanswered will appear in each edition of the Notice Paper. All unanswered questions will be reprinted and circulated separately towards the end of each sitting month. The provisions of Standing Order 8.11 [the "30 day rule"] apply in relation to answers to questions on notice. Notice Paper No. Notice received Questions remaining unanswered 20 23 May 2007 No. 351. 30 19 July 2007 No. 687. 34 21 August 2007 No. 796. 38 19 September 2007 Nos. 946 and 947. 39 20 September 2007 Nos. 962, 968, 978, 990, 996, 997 and 1000. 40 9 October 2007 Nos. 1027, 1036 and 1037. 44 31 October 2007 Nos. 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200 and 1201. 51 6 December 2007 Nos. 1409, 1414, 1417 and 1419. 54 7 February 2008 No. 1744. 55 26 February 2008 No. 1759. 58 11 March 2008 No. 1888. 61 8 April 2008 No. 2040. 62 9 April 2008 Nos. 2118, 2119, 2120, 2121, 2122, 2123, 2124, 2125, 2126, 2128, 2129, 2130 and 2132. 64 15 April 2008 No. 2190. 65 16 April 2008 Nos. 2277, 2317, 2324, 2355, 2357, 2364, 2370, 2371, 2379, 2380 and 2400. 67 7 May 2008 Nos. 2513, 2551, 2553, 2560, 2566, 2567, 2575, 2576 and 2600. 70 27 May 2008 Nos. 2809, 2849, 2889, 2953 and 2955. 22 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 73 10 June 2008 Nos. 2990, 3032, 3036, 3037, 3040, 3041, 3097 and 3105. 75 12 June 2008 No. 3152. 77 25 June 2008 Nos. 3266 and 3283. 80 30 July 2008 No. 3370. 82 19 August 2008 Nos. 3531 and 3634. 85 9 September 2008 Nos. 4731, 4732 and 4740. 87 11 September 2008 Nos. 5240, 5241, 5242, 5246, 5247, 5248, 5249, 5253, 5254, 5255, 5256, 5260, 5261, 5262, 5263, 5267, 5268, 5269, 5270, 5274, 5275, 5276, 5277, 5281, 5282, 5283, 5284, 5288, 5289, 5290, 5291, 5295, 5296, 5297, 5298, 5302, 5303, 5304, 5305, 5309, 5310, 5311, 5312, 5316, 5317, 5318, 5319, 5323, 5324, 5325, 5326, 5330, 5331, 5332, 5333, 5337, 5338, 5339, 5340, 5344, 5345, 5346, 5347, 5351, 5352, 5353, 5354, 5358, 5359, 5360, 5361, 5365, 5366, 5367, 5368, 5372, 5373, 5374, 5375, 5379, 5380, 5381, 5382, 5386, 5387, 5388, 5389, 5393, 5394, 5395, 5396, 5400, 5401, 5402, 5403, 5407, 5408, 5409, 5410, 5414, 5415, 5416, 5417, 5421, 5422, 5423, 5424, 5428, 5429, 5430, 5431, 5435, 5436, 5437, 5438, 5442, 5443, 5444, 5445, 5449, 5450, 5451, 5452, 5456, 5457, 5458, 5459, 5463, 5464, 5465, 5466, 5470, 5471, 5472, 5473, 5477, 5478, 5479, 5480, 5484, 5485, 5486, 5487, 5491, 5492, 5493, 5494, 5498, 5499, 5500, 5501, 5505, 5506, 5507, 5508, 5512, 5513, 5514, 5515, 5519, 5520, 5521, 5522, 5526, 5527, 5528, 5529, 5243, 5250, 5257, 5264, 5271, 5278, 5285, 5292, 5299, 5306, 5313, 5320, 5327, 5334, 5341, 5348, 5355, 5362, 5369, 5376, 5383, 5390, 5397, 5404, 5411, 5418, 5425, 5432, 5439, 5446, 5453, 5460, 5467, 5474, 5481, 5488, 5495, 5502, 5509, 5516, 5523, 5530, 5244, 5251, 5258, 5265, 5272, 5279, 5286, 5293, 5300, 5307, 5314, 5321, 5328, 5335, 5342, 5349, 5356, 5363, 5370, 5377, 5384, 5391, 5398, 5405, 5412, 5419, 5426, 5433, 5440, 5447, 5454, 5461, 5468, 5475, 5482, 5489, 5496, 5503, 5510, 5517, 5524, 5531, 5245, 5252, 5259, 5266, 5273, 5280, 5287, 5294, 5301, 5308, 5315, 5322, 5329, 5336, 5343, 5350, 5357, 5364, 5371, 5378, 5385, 5392, 5399, 5406, 5413, 5420, 5427, 5434, 5441, 5448, 5455, 5462, 5469, 5476, 5483, 5490, 5497, 5504, 5511, 5518, 5525, 5532, 28 July 2010 23 5533, 5534, 5535, 5536, 5537, 5538, 5539 and 5540. 89 7 October 2008 Nos. 5542, 5543, 5544, 5545, 5551, 5552, 5553, 5556, 5557, 5560, 5561, 5562, 5563, 5564, 5567, 5568, 5569, 5570, 5571, 5574, 5575, 5576, 5577, 5578, 5581, 5582, 5583, 5584, 5585, 5588, 5589, 5590, 5591, 5592, 5595, 5596, 5597, 5598, 5599, 5602, 5603, 5604, 5605, 5606, 5609, 5610, 5611, 5612, 5613, 5616, 5617, 5618, 5619, 5620, 5623, 5624, 5625, 5626, 5627, 5630, 5631, 5632, 5633, 5634, 5637, 5638, 5639, 5640, 5641, 5644, 5645, 5646, 5647, 5648, 5651, 5652, 5653, 5654, 5655, 5658, 5659, 5660, 5661, 5662, 5665, 5666, 5667, 5668, 5669, 5672, 5673, 5674, 5675, 5676, 5679, 5680, 5681, 5682, 5683, 5686, 5687, 5688, 5689, 5690, 5693, 5694, 5695, 5696, 5697, 5700, 5701, 5702, 5703, 5704, 5707, 5708, 5709, 5710, 5711, 5714, 5715, 5716, 5717, 5718, 5721, 5722, 5723, 5724, 5725, 5728, 5729, 5730, 5731, 5732, 5735, 5736, 5737, 5738, 5739, 5742, 5743, 5744, 5745, 5746, 5749, 5750, 5751, 5752, 5753, 5756, 5757, 5758, 5759, 5760, 5763, 5764, 5765, 5766, 5767, 5770, 5771, 5772, 5773, 5774, 5777, 5778, 5779 and 5780. 5547, 5558, 5565, 5572, 5579, 5586, 5593, 5600, 5607, 5614, 5621, 5628, 5635, 5642, 5649, 5656, 5663, 5670, 5677, 5684, 5691, 5698, 5705, 5712, 5719, 5726, 5733, 5740, 5747, 5754, 5761, 5768, 5775, 5550, 5559, 5566, 5573, 5580, 5587, 5594, 5601, 5608, 5615, 5622, 5629, 5636, 5643, 5650, 5657, 5664, 5671, 5678, 5685, 5692, 5699, 5706, 5713, 5720, 5727, 5734, 5741, 5748, 5755, 5762, 5769, 5776, 90 8 October 2008 No. 5823. 92 10 October 2008 Nos. 6239 and 6275. 95 28 October 2008 No. 6428. 98 11 November 2008 Nos. 6856, 6857, 6858, 6863, 6864 and 6865. 99 12 November 2008 Nos. 7291, 7294, 7295, 7296, 7298, 7301, 7302, 7303 and 7315. 100 13 November 2008 Nos. 7613, 7615 and 7644. 102 3 December 2008 No. 8023. 24 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 103 4 December 2008 Nos. 8398, 8404, 8407, 8413, 8416, 8422, 8425, 8431, 8434, 8440, 8443, 8449, 8639, 8640, 8641, 8642, 8643, 8644 and 8645. 107 24 February 2009 No. 8965. 124 23 June 2009 No. 9345. 127 28 July 2009 Nos. 9422, 9423, 9424, 9425, 9426, 9430, 9435, 9436, 9437, 9438, 9439, 9440, 9441, 9442 and 9443. 131 12 August 2009 Nos. 9511, 9517, 9522, 9523, 9524, 9529, 9530, 9531, 9536, 9537, 9538, 9543 and 9544. 133 1 September 2009 Nos. 9555, 9557, 9565, 9579, 9583, 9584, 9586 and 9589. 134 2 September 2009 Nos. 9595, 9611 and 9612. 139 13 October 2009 Nos. 9662, 9665, 9667, 9678, 9737, 9765, 9766, 9768, 9769, 9770, 9771, 9772, 9773, 9778, 9782, 9792, 9900, 9902, 9903, 9948, 9959, 9960, 9966, 9967, 9968, 9981, 9982, 9983, 9984, 9985, 9986, 9987, 9988, 9989, 9990, 9991, 9992, 9993, 9994, 9995, 9996, 9997, 9998, 9999, 10000, 10001, 10002, 10003, 10004, 10006, 10007, 10008, 10009, 10010, 10011, 10012, 10013, 10014, 10015, 10016, 10017, 10018, 10026, 10028, 10029, 10036, 10054, 10073, 10074, 10075, 10076, 10077, 10078, 10079, 10080, 10081, 10082, 10083, 10084, 10085, 10086, 10087, 10088, 10089, 10090 and 10091. 145 24 November 2009 Nos. 10158, 10163, 10166, 10170, 10178, 10181, 10182, 10185, 10187, 10193, 10218, 10219, 10220, 10221, 10222, 10223, 10224, 10225, 10226, 10227, 10228, 10251, 10255 and 10256. 149 8 December 2009 No. 10324. 150 9 December 2009 Nos. 10325, 10361, 10362, 10364, 10372, 10373, 10374, 10378, 10379, 10381, 10389, 10390, 10391, 10427, 10438, 10440, 10441, 10442, 10455, 10456, 10457, 10461, 10462 and 10463. 9518, 9525, 9532, 9539, 9519, 9526, 9533, 9540, 9520, 9527, 9534, 9541, 9521, 9528, 9535, 9542, 28 July 2010 25 152 2 February 2010 Nos. 10513, 10514, 10532, 10533, 10548, 10549, 10550, 10569, 10575, 10578, 10579, 10591, 10592, 10599, 10616, 10618, 10619, 10620, 10631, 10633, 10648, 10652, 10653, 10654, 10660, 10674, 10675, 10682, 10688, 10693, 10699, 10701 and 10714. 10535, 10577, 10610, 10632, 10658, 10689, 153 3 February 2010 Nos. 10858, 10860, 10873, 10893, 10900, 10901, 10902, 10903, 10911, 10915, 10916, 10923, 10924, 10926, 10939, 10940, 10941, 10943, 10956, 10958, 10977, 10983, 10985, 10991, 10999, 11000, 11002, 11007, 11018, 11025, 11026, 11027, 11028, 11032, 11034, 11035, 11036, 11039, 11040, 11042, 11044, 11045, 11046, 11047, 11050, 11051, 11052, 11053, 11054, 11056, 11057, 11059, 11060, 11061, 11063, 11064, 11065, 11067, 11068, 11077, 11078, 11080, 11081, 11082, 11088, 11090, 11092, 11098, 11099, 11102, 11103 and 11106. 10899, 10914, 10935, 10957, 10998, 11024, 11033, 11041, 11048, 11055, 11062, 11069, 11084, 11101, 154 4 February 2010 Nos. 11107, 11109, 11122, 11132, 11149, 11151, 11152, 11153, 11164, 11166, 11174, 11185, 11186, 11187, 11193, 11206, 11207, 11208, 11227, 11235, 11248, 11269, 11275, 11276, 11278, 11279, 11288, 11290, 11291, 11293, 11299, 11310, 11311, 11312, 11318, 11331, 11332, 11333, 11340, 11357, 11359, 11360, 11361, 11365, 11373, 11374, 11375, 11381, 11392, 11394 and 11400. 11143, 11165, 11191, 11233, 11277, 11292, 11316, 11351, 11370, 11393, 155 23 February 2010 Nos. 11404, 11405, 11406, 11412, 11424, 11425, 11426, 11437, 11438, 11447, 11458, 11459, 11460, 11464, 11467, 11468, 11474, 11479, 11480, 11489, 11500, 11501, 11502, 11506, 11524, 11525, 11526, 11527, 11528, 11540, 11541, 11543, 11544, 11549, 11551, 11553, 11555, 11556, 11567, 11569, 11570, 11571 and 11578. 11422, 11439, 11466, 11481, 11508, 11529, 11550, 11568, 156 24 February 2010 Nos. 11582, 11602 and 11614. 157 25 February 2010 Nos. 11666, 11669, 11671, 11675 and 11676. 158 9 March 2010 Nos. 11678, 11679, 11686, 11692, 11698, 11699 and 11700. 159 10 March 2010 No. 11705. 26 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 178 161 23 March 2010 Nos. 11733, 11734, 11735 and 11736. 162 24 March 2010 Nos. 11739, 11741, 11743, 11744, 11745 and 11749. 165 14 April 2010 No. 11772. 166 15 April 2010 Nos. 11775 and 11776. 167 5 May 2010 Nos. 11781, 11782, 11784, 11786, 11787, 11788, 11789, 11790, 11791, 11792, 11793, 11794, 11795, 11796, 11798, 11799, 11800, 11801, 11802, 11803, 11804, 11805, 11806, 11807, 11808, 11809, 11810, 11811, 11812, 11813, 11814, 11815, 11816 and 11818. 168 6 May 2010 Nos. 11836, 11838, 11839 and 11840. 169 25 May 2010 Nos. 11843, 11844 and 11857. 171 27 May 2010 Nos. 11867, 11868, 11869, 11870, 11871, 11872, 11873, 11874, 11875, 11877, 11878, 11879, 11880, 11881, 11882, 11883, 11884, 11885, 11886, 11887, 11888, 11889, 11890, 11891, 11892, 11893, 11894, 11895, 11896, 11897, 11898, 11899, 11900, 11901, 11902, 11903, 11904, 11905, 11906, 11907, 11908 and 11910. 172 8 June 2010 Nos. 11912, 11913, 11914, 11915, 11917, 11918, 11919, 11920, 11921, 11923, 11924, 11925, 11926, 11927, 11929, 11930, 11932, 11933, 11934, 11937, 11938, 11939, 11940, 11941, 11943, 11944, 11945, 11946, 11947, 11949, 11950, 11952, 11953, 11954, 11956, 11957, 11958, 11959, 11961, 11963, 11964, 11965, 11966, 11967, 11969, 11970, 11971, 11972, 11973, 11975, 11976, 11977, 11978, 11979, 11988, 11989, 11990, 11991, 11992, 11994, 11995, 11996, 11997, 11998, 12000, 12001, 12002, 12003, 12004, 12006, 12007, 12008, 12009, 12010, 12012, 12013, 12014, 12015, 12016, 12018, 12019, 12020, 12021, 12022, 12024, 12025, 12026, 12027, 12028, 12030, 12031, 12032, 12033, 12034, 12036, 12037, 12038, 12039, 12040, 12042, 12043 and 12045. 173 9 June 2010 Nos. 12046, 12047, 12048, 12049, 12065, 12066 and 12067. 11916, 11922, 11928, 11936, 11942, 11948, 11955, 11962, 11968, 11974, 11980, 11993, 11999, 12005, 12011, 12017, 12023, 12029, 12035, 12041, 28 July 2010 176 27 23 June 2010 Nos. 12068, 12069, 12070, 12071, 12072, 12073, 12074, 12075, 12076, 12077, 12079, 12080 and 12081. (Notice received 27 July 2010) 12082 MR GUY — To ask the Minister for Planning (for the Minister for Multicultural Affairs): In relation to the Victorian Interpreting and Translating Service (VITS): (1) What bonuses and dividends did VITS pay to the Government in each year from 1999 to 2009. (2) What are the current operational reserves of VITS. 12083 MRS COOTE — To ask the Minister for Environment and Climate Change: (1) Will the Minister provide a copy of the original Committee of Management (COM) agreement between the Department of Crown Lands and the Lady Foster Kindergarten at 186 Esplanade West, Port Melbourne, circa 1928 from the folio of Crown lands for the Lady Foster Kindergarten site. (2) Will the Minister provide a copy of the new COM agreement between the Department and the City of Port Phillip 2009-10. 12084 MRS COOTE — To ask the Minister for Environment and Climate Change: (1) Will the Minister provide a copy of the original Committee of Management (COM) agreement between the Department of Crown Lands and the Katherine Woodruff Baby Health Centre at 85 Liardet Street, Port Melbourne. (2) Will the Minister provide a copy of the new COM agreement between the Department and the City of Port Phillip 2009-10. 12085 MRS COOTE — To ask the Minister for Public Transport: In relation to the maintenance siding depot at the Brighton Beach railway station: (1) When was the recently redeveloped maintenance siding depot constructed and at what cost. (2) When was the maintenance siding depot removed and who was the person responsible for this decision. (3) What is the cost of removal and reinstatement. 12086 MS LOVELL — To ask the Minister for Environment and Climate Change (for the Minister for Housing): In relation to the commitment in the Victorian Government response to the Rooming House Standards Taskforce Chairperson’s Report to provide a “separate, formal response to the Coroner”: Has the Government produced a “separate, formal response to the Coroner” in relation to the Coroner’s report which resulted from his investigation into the deaths of Leigh Sinclair and Christopher Giorgi in a 2006 Brunswick rooming house fire — (a) if not, why not; and (b) if it has been produced, can the Minister please provide me with a copy of the response. 12087 MRS PEULICH — To ask the Minister for Environment and Climate Change (for the Minister for Water): In relation to the ‘Quiet Lakes’ system in Patterson Lakes, what is the historical recording of E. coli in each of the three lakes between January 1999 and May 2010. 12088 MRS PEULICH — To ask the Minister for Environment and Climate Change (for the Minister for Water): In relation to the ‘Quiet Lakes’ system in Patterson Lakes, what is the agreed water level for each of the three Quiet Lakes. 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