The Training College, situated on the quay of J

The Training College, situated on the quay of J.Kalinčiaka 4 in
offers possibility of gaining professional education for students, as
well as appropriate preparation for their future work in the field of exquisite
workmanship, and ability to prosper from skills obtained through our training
college. The college grants theoretical education, hands- on training (regular
working experience), computer- based training. Our Training College
emphasizes the importance of education and training of our students outside the
school, in outdoor environment. The Training College provides their working
activities and functions according to the general mandatory instructions. The
special schooling of our students lasts 3 years, the education and courses
typically conclude with final exams and obtaining of the vocational certificate.
The Special Practical School provides education and appropriate
preparation for easier work in compliance with student’s mental handicap level
and obstacles that avoid them the education and preparation in the training
college. The importance of The Practical School’s work and activities includes
the preparation of students for family life, self-service, gaining practical utilities
and manual skills for work in household and the sheltered employments.
Students get a final certificate after the end of their special education courses,
that last 3 years.
About us
The Training College, situated on the quay of J.Kalinčiaka 4 in Prievidza,
provides a special preparation and education courses with necessary addapted
special education plans :
trade- food preparation
services trades and domestic service
building activities- construction worker, bricklayer
agriculture production – gardencraft : florist, vegetable dealer, orchard
 confectionery
The Training College represents the alternative education and working
preparation for mentally handicapped students. While the special education
takes place in the school, practical preparation is based on hands- on training in
various workplaces in Prievidza or its surroundings. The education, practical
preparation and various trainings are concluded with the final exams and
acquirement of vocational certificate after 3 years of studies.
The building of the training college is situated in the centre of the city Prievidza.
Our college educates students not only from Prievidza, but also from various
other regions all around the Slovakia. We take for granted the provision of
accommodation, food and necessary additional services for our commuting
students in modern equipped boarding of The Special Elementary Boarding
School in Prievidza. The presence of the beautiful town Bojnice, surrounded by
the castle, ZOO and the famous spa, puts the final touches to the pleasant
environment for education and life of our students.
The Training College was founded on September, 1st, 1985, established by the
Regional school authority in Trenčín.
The Practical School was founded on January, 1st, 2001, established by the
Regional school authority in Trenčín.
The vision of our school
There is a number of barriers that make various difficulties for people with
mental handicap to access an appropriate education and the future employment.
The students with different learning disability levels need enhanced support to
develop their skills. The main vision of our school is to provide the appropriate
education, training, special leisure and social programme with the aim to meet
the needs of students with learning difficulties according to their future
employment programmes. We believe in the professional endeavours of our
teachers and the close cooperation between our highly qualified staff, students
and their parents. The objectives of our schools are to empower the students
with mental handicap, to facilitate their communication skills and to enhance the
co-operation between persons engaged in work with people with learning
disabilities, and in this way help our students to break-up barriers in society, as
well as support them in the first steps of the full participation and integration to
the society.
 the training course: trade - food preparation
( boys and girls )
the profile of graduates : graduates are able to prepare and deal with basic
materials used for food cooking, cooking utensils and kitchen-stuff, to prepare
various kinds of hot and cold drinks, meals of the day, to clean the kitchen after
the work
subject courses : technology
works sections
 the trainig course: service trade and domestic
service (girls only)
the profile of graduates: the girls are able to care properly about clothes and
napery, neeedlework, to make gardments, to work up acous- textile,
the girls are also able to cook and prepare hot and cold
drinks, they are prepaired to take care for children and elderly people
subject courses: clean cloth
industrial arts
clothing technology
food preparation technology and dining
work in the leisure amenities
 the training course: building activities- construction worker, bricklayer
(boys only)
the profile of graduates : the graduates are able to do various construction
activities, to fill bearing walls and dadoing, are able to prepare mixture of
mortar, concrete etc, facade rendering, external rendering, work with concrete
subject courses: proffesional drawing
building technology
 the training course: agriculture production – gardencraft :
florist, vegetable dealer, orchard worker
(boys and girls)
the profile of graduates: the graduates are able to work in the field of ground
space, carpet bed (bed out) and parks, to care about flowers, lawns,
ornamental wood, know how to prepare seeds for sowing and plant,
collection work and size preparation
subject courses: orchard working
vegetable dealer
gardening machines and constructions