Beowulf Writing Assignment CP.doc

Choice:__1___ & _____
For this assignment, you must write # 1. It is then up to you to choose what other
option you would like to write. See each option for the requirements. The due date is
#1: For this option, you are to write an analysis paper in which you explore your
opinion to one of the following questions. See other handout on help for writing a
literary analysis paper. This must be at least 2 pages, use MLA format in your
handbook, and be double spaced 12 point font or extremely neatly written.
In this paper, you must use quotes from the text of Beowulf and correlate them to the
ideas in your paper. In other words, go back through the reading and find passages
and events that seem to connect well with your thesis and explain how each supports
your assertions about the text.
Questions to choose from (if you have a great idea, ask for approval.):
How does Beowulf grow as a hero throughout the epic poem?
How does the setting (Herot, the lake, dragon’s cave) affect the plot?
What role does Wiglaf play in Beowulf’s status as an epic hero?
What role does Unferth play in Beowulf’s quest to kill Grendel and Grendel’s
Using either the hero’s cycle or the steps of a Quest, show how Beowulf fits into the
How does the Christian influence on the poem affect the story?
What is the code of loyalty in Beowulf? How is the society structured? What is
important to the warriors in Beowulf? What qualities did they feel a good king should
Discuss the role of reputation in Beowulf.
What attitudes and actions lead to Beowulf’s downfall?
Option A: For this option you are to modernize the story of Beowulf, up to his defeat
of Grendel. To do so, you will need to place Beowulf in modern times, of course.
However, there aren't many guys running around in armor with swords these days.
Beowulf will need a job. Heorot will become something important to today’s society.
Grendel will be someone who threatens it. Beowulf will need to defeat him somehow.
He does not have to kill Grendel in your story. Think of an interesting, funny, or just
ordinary job. (Try to be creative. Grendel does not have to be a robber or a terrorist.)
An important aspect of Beowulf is the way in which it is told/written. The scop uses
kennings, alliteration, and foreshadowing in telling his story. He also takes great care
in describing Beowulf’s appearance as he readies for battle, as well as other parts of
the story. For this assignment, you should use three kennings to refer to Beowulf and
what his responsibilities are. Example: A cashier: "Beowulf, giver of change.” A
cabbie: "Beowulf, driver of tourists.” (You may wish to be more serious, too. Pick
whether you want to be serious of funny. It is your choice.) You should also describe
what the modern-day Beowulf and Grendel look like. Does Beowulf still look like a
warrior? Or like an ordinary guy? This writing assignment must be at least 1 page,
double spaced, with 12 point font or extremely neatly written. Underline the
kennings you create.
Option B: For this option, you are to write an analysis paper in which you explore
how the story of Beowulf is reflected in the recent terrorist events. You may include
other historical events as examples if you so choose. You must define our modern-day
Beowulf, as well as our modern-day Grendel. How does this Grendel attack our way
of life? What is central to our society? How are our values reflected in Beowulf and
his actions? How might Beowulf defeat this Grendel? Are there relatives of Grendel
lurking about waiting their turn to attack? This Beowulf does not have to kill this
Grendel. What other outcomes might there be and are they acceptable?
In this paper, you must use quotes from the text of Beowulf and correlate them to the
ideas in your paper. In other words, go back through the reading and find passages
and events that seem to connect well with your ideas about the current issue and
explain how each relates to your modern situation. This must be at least 1 page, use
MLA format in your handbook for the quotes, and be double spaced, 12 point
font or extremely neatly written.
Option C: For this option, you are to identify some of your own personal dragons.
Analyze these dragons and your struggle with them, looking for similarities to the
story of Beowulf. You are Beowulf. What are your values and how are they
manifested? How do you fight your dragons? Are you able to defeat them as Beowulf
defeats Grendel, or are there some that you continue to battle, unsure of the ultimate
outcome? In what ways are your personal dragons like Grendel? Like Grendel,s
In this paper, you must use quotes from the text of Beowulf and correlate them to the
ideas in your paper. In other words, go back through the reading and find passages
and events that seem to connect well with your personal struggles. Explain how each
correlates to your personal struggles. Why can't/don't we defeat all of our dragons?
Will they defeat us? Answer these questions in terms of your own personal
experience. This must be at least 1 page, use MLA format in your handbook for
the quotes, and be double spaced, 12 point font or extremely neatly written.
Exemplary:109 points
Above Average: 8 Average: 7
Below Average: 6 or less
Topic is interesting
and narrowed
appropriately for
the length of paper
AND takes an
Topic is narrowed
appropriately for the
length of paper AND
takes an
argumentative slant
Topic is
appropriately for
the length of
paper AND takes
a less
slant. Paper
boarders on
Topic is not narrowed
appropriately or strays off topic
AND/OR does NOT take an
argumentative slant. Paper
reads as summary and not
Writer uses
appropriate quotes
to support
paragraphs AND
ALL citations are
correctly written
and placed.
Writer uses
appropriate quotes to
support most
paragraphs AND most
citations are correctly
written and placed.
Writer uses
quotes or to
support some
paragraphs AND
some citations
are correctly
written and
Writer uses unsatisfactory
amount of supporting quotes
paragraphs AND most citations
are incorrectly written or placed.
The paper reads
evenly with
thoughtful analysis
of idea
relationships in
ALL paragraphs.
The paper reads
evenly with thoughtful
analysis of idea
relationships in almost
all paragraphs.
The paper reads
evenly with
analysis of idea
relationships in
The paper reads evenly with
thoughtful analysis of idea
relationships in few to no
Paper exhibits
organization that
link and develop
ALL ideas in entire
paper. Reader can
easily see a
Paper exhibits
paragraph organization
that link and develop
most ideas in paper.
Reader can see a
logical organization
among paragraphs
Paper exhibits
organization that
link and develop
some ideas in
paper. Reader
can somewhat
Paper exhibits paragraph
organization that link and
develop few ideas in paper.
Reader has difficulty seeing a
logical organization among
paragraphs, which hurts the
development of the topic.
paragraphs that
enhances the
that somewhat
enhances the topic.
see a logical
paragraphs that
enhances the
topic a little.
Paper exhibits
VERY strong
fluency of ideas
with transition
sentences or
Paper exhibits strong
fluency of ideas with
transition sentences or
Paper exhibits
fluency of ideas
with transition
sentences or
Paper exhibits limited fluency of
ideas with few to no transition
sentences or phrases.
Length and
Paper meets the
length requirement
content quality
AND follows MLA
all formating.
Paper meets length
requirement, but some
content quality is
compromised AND
follows all MLA
Paper meets
requirement, but
much content
quality is
AND/OR follows
most MLA
Paper does not meet length
requirement (either it is too short
or too long) AND content quality
is compromised. Most MLA
formating is not present.
Writer uses
quotes, examples,
and details to
support their
thesis and analyze
the text.
Writer uses some
quotes, examples, and
details to support their
thesis and analyze the
Writer doesn’t
Writer simply summarizes the
story without analysis or quotes.
quotes, details,
or examples to
support their
thesis and
analyze the text.
More like a
The Thesis Statement
Remember, a literary analysis paper requires you to pose an argument and provide detailed
examples from the text to support that argument. The thesis statement establishes the overall
point of your essay, and it fulfills two main objectives:
1. The thesis must state your topic.
2. The thesis must convey what you will prove about your topic (your opinion about that topic).
Each time you use a specific reference to your story, be sure to explain the significance of that evidence in
your own words.