English 10 - Los Angeles Unified School District

Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Mindsets for Resiliency and Success – Grade 10
Classroom Contract – Activity 1
Visual Text and Poem – Activities 2-5
Visual text: The Rose that Grew from Concrete Link to Visual Text
Shakur, Tupac. "The Rose That Grew From Concrete by Tupac Shakur." The Rose
That Grew from Concrete. New York: MTV, 2009. N. page. - Famous Poems,
Famous Poets. Web. 15 Aug. 2014. <http://allpoetry.com/The-Rose-That-GrewFrom-Concrete>. "The Rose that Grew from Concrete"
Resilience - Activities – 6-8
"Resilience." PBS. PBS, 2011. Web. 14 Apr. 2015.
Link to PDF of article
Visual text: Resilience. ReelYouth, 2013. Film. Link to Video
Mindset – Activities – 9-15
Holmes, Nigel. "Two Mindsets." Two Mindsets – Nigel Holmes Explanation
Graphics. Stanford Magazine, 2009. Web. 15 Aug. 2014.
Newspaper Article – Activities –16-19
Noriyuki, Duane. "His Own Path to a Life's Dream." Los Angeles Times. Los
Angeles Times, 03 Oct. 1997. Web. 15 Aug. 2014.
Video: Overcoming Obstacles – Activities 20-21
Claunch , Steven, perf. Overcoming Obstacles. Dir. Avi Ofer. TED Ed, 2013. Web.
24 Jul 2014. <http://ed.ted.com/lessons/there-s-no-dishonor-in-having-adisability-steven-claunch>.
Link to video transcript
Prompt Analysis and Essay – Activities 22-23
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Unit Description
The “Mindsets for Resiliency and Success” mini-unit is designed to be delivered during
the first few days of summer school to help with introducing students to habits of
discourse and thinking around reading, writing, speaking, and listening that will support
their learning throughout the summer session. Guidance is provided to teachers to help
with establishing norms for conversation and collaboration.
In this unit, students begin by collaborating on the creation of a “Classroom Contract” to
establish expected norms of behavior and interaction in their classroom. As they
engage with the content of the unit, students explore the themes of mindset and
resiliency through a variety of text types (visual, poetry, informational text, video, etc.).
The activities associated with the study of each text provide teachers with a variety of
approaches to addressing the shifts of the Common Core State Standards, with
opportunities to delve into academic vocabulary in complex texts, to build knowledge
through the study of informational texts, and to draw evidence from texts to support
reading comprehension, academic conversations, and writing pieces. Activities are
designed to promote students’ critical reading and thinking skills, with suggestions for
differentiation included to support all learners.
While the activities in this unit do not dictate the precise rituals and routines teachers
will want to establish in their classrooms (e.g., procedures for conducting classroom
business, setting up of Readers/Writers Notebooks, discussions of what good readers
and writers do, etc.), they do set out an instructional sequence that includes
pedagogical approaches designed to scaffold students through the analysis of complex
texts, guide them in engaging in collaborative, academic conversations, and prepare
them for academic writing that addresses a variety of purposes and formats.
Additionally, the activities provide teachers with multiple opportunities to formatively
assess students’ abilities and understandings within the first few days of the summer
session to support planning and instruction for the rest of the term.
As you work with this unit, please feel free to make adjustments to meet the needs of
your students as appropriate. The lessons and materials that follow are not a scripted
curriculum that must be followed absolutely. They are, rather, a place for you to begin…
Thank you,
The OCISS Secondary Literacy Team
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Common Core State Standards addressed in this unit:
RI 9-10.1 Cite textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RI 9-10.2 Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the
course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific
details; provide an objective summary of the text.
RI 9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text,
including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative
impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court
opinion differs from that of a newspaper).
W 9-10.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas,
concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection,
organization, and analysis of content.
W 9-10.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
SL 9-10.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (oneon-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts,
and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
SL 9-10.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of
formal English when indicated or appropriate.
L 9-10.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
L9-10.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
L9-10.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multi-meaning words and
phrases based on grades 9-10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
L9-10.5 Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, work relationships, and
nuances in word meanings.
Establishing a “Classroom Contract” for a Safe and
Productive Learning Environment
(Activity 1 approximately 30 minutes)
Classroom Contract
As the summer session begins, it is important to set norms with students for behavior
and participation within the classroom. These norms can be viewed as a “Classroom
Contract” that students generate and agree to abide by. Activity 1 provides a method
for establishing this contract with students. This entire activity should take no more than
30 minutes. To introduce this activity to students, you may want to briefly talk to them
about the importance of building a community where everyone takes ownership for
behavior and interactions so that success can be more readily achieved. The goal of the
activity is to establish norms for a classroom community where expectations are clear,
work is the focus, and anxiety is minimized. The goal of the summer session is to ensure
that students successfully pass the course with the skills and knowledge they need to
move forward next year.
Activity 1 – Classroom Contract
Quickwrite with Think Pair Share Square
Directions: Take a few minutes to respond to the following prompt:
What attitudes, behaviors, and environmental factors combine to create a successful
classroom community?
After you have responded to the prompt, find a partner and share your response. Once
you have exchanged ideas with your partner, square up with another set of partners and
share your ideas.
With your group of four, generate a list of 3-4 words or phrases that describe a
responsible classroom community member.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
After students have had the chance to share their ideas, open up the discussion to the
entire class. Record their ideas on the board, putting a check mark next to duplicates.
Make note of synonyms and choose one to represent the idea (e.g., “teamwork” and
“cooperation” might be close enough in meaning for cooperation to represent both and
receive a check mark). Once groups have shared out, ask the class to work together to
create a definition of a successful classroom community using the top choices from the
board. When they have come to consensus on the definition, record it on a piece of
chart paper and have all students sign it as an indication that they are part of this
community and agree to this “classroom contract.”
(Activities 2-4 approximately 60 minutes)
Be sure to provide brief instruction on the meaning and use of the conversation moves
and/or instructional activities before asking students to employ them.
Routines to Introduce:
Core Academic Conversation Moves - Rich and meaningful conversations can deepen
our understanding of concepts and ideas. Effective conversations provide us with the
opportunity to share ideas as well as listen to the ideas of others with the goal of
walking away with new ideas. Core Academic Conversation Moves are based on the
work of Jeff Zwiers.
 Support Ideas with Examples is the conversation move that will be introduced
during this sequence. This conversation move helps students strengthen their
ideas by prompting each other to provide evidence that supports statements
about a text or topic, and by responding to those prompts with specific
examples. This skill will be used throughout the lesson sequence. For a graphic
example, click here.
Check for Understanding: It is helpful to conduct regular formative assessments to
check for students’ understanding of new content and to allow time for students to
reflect on the information presented in class. The Check for Understanding activities in
this section may be used during class, at the end of the day as Exit Slips, or for
homework. These quick formative assessments should be used to determine
misconceptions that students may have around the content so that they might be
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Analysis of a Visual Text and Poem
One way to prepare students for the work that they will do during this unit is to have
them do a brief analysis of a visual text and a poem that connect to concepts and ideas
they will explore throughout the unit. Display the visual text (link to texts provided in
the Contents section) and have students respond to the questions in Activity 2.
Activity 2 – Reading a Visual Text
Directions: Respond to the following questions. Use the conversation move, Support
Ideas with Examples, to discuss your responses to the questions with a partner.
1. What is happening in this visual text?
2. What questions do you have about this visual text?
Support Ideas with Examples: Ideas for Prompting and Responding
Ideas for Prompting
Why do you say that?
Can you show me where it
says/shows that?
What is the evidence for that?
What is a real-world example?
How do you justify that?
Stems for Responding
For example…
In the text it said/showed that…
For instance…
Have you ever…?
In this situation…
After you have discussed the questions with a partner, respond to the question below.
Be prepared to discuss your response with the class using following conversation move:
Support Ideas with Examples.
 What is striking about this image? Why is it striking?
Listening and Reacting
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
After students discuss their responses to the questions in Activity 2, read the poem, “The
Rose that Grew from Concrete,” by Tupac Shakur, aloud to the class. You can also elect to
have a student read the poem aloud to the class. Project the poem or provide copies so that
the students can follow along as you read. Review the questions in Activity 3 prior to
reading the poem.
Use the questions in Activity 3 to propel the discussion of the poem. Have students work in
pairs to answer the questions prior to discussing them as a whole class.
Students should use the conversation move Support Ideas with Examples as they engage in
the discussion.
Activity 3 – Responding to “The Rose That Grew from Concrete,” by Tupac Shakur
Directions: Consider the following questions as your teacher reads the poem aloud to
you. Be prepared to discuss the questions using Support Ideas with Examples.
1. What is this poem about?
2. What does the rose symbolize?
3. What does the concrete symbolize?
4. The word autobiographical appears underneath the title of the poem. How does the
information that this poem was autobiographical add to or enhance your
understanding of what Tupac was saying?
After you have shared your thinking with your classmates, discuss the following
question with a partner:
5. Resiliency is the ability to overcome challenges and bounce back. How is the image
of a rose growing from concrete an example of resiliency? Use evidence from both
the visual text and the poem to support your response.
After you have discussed your ideas, write your response and be prepared to engage in
a conversation with the class using the conversation move: Support Ideas with
Suggestions for Differentiation – Activity 3
It is important for all students, particularly English learners, to practice using language in
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
academic contexts, both orally and in writing. Jeff Zwiers’ “Stronger and Clearer Each
Time” strategy offers an opportunity for students to practice making their responses to
a question or prompt stronger and clearer through talking with partners. This activity
supports students in moving beyond their initial “fill in the blank” type of answer, in
critical thinking, in oral language development, and in clarifying their ideas on a topic.
In this activity, students meet with a partner and each person shares his/her initial
response to a prompt. Students make note of new or clearer ideas generated from what
their partner has shared then move to a second partner to share their responses, which
should be stronger and clearer as a result of their first conversation. After making more
notes on new, clearer, stronger ideas generated from the second conversation, students
move to a third partner to share and further fortify their thinking. Finally, students can
return to their seats and record their new stronger, clearer responses to the prompt. An
Interview Grid (Zwiers, et al., 2014) can be used to help student keep track of their
The process should be modeled for/with students so they understand how their
responses should evolve as they work with successive partners.
Post reading
Thinking Critically
After the discussion of “The Rose that Grew From Concrete,” inform the students that
over the next few days, they will be exploring resiliency and how our attitudes toward
difficult circumstances connect to our ability to bounce back when faced with
Activity 4 – Representations of Resiliency
In the poem, “The Rose That Grew from Concrete,” Tupac Shakur uses the image of a
rose growing from concrete to explain his ability to be resilient in the face of difficult
circumstances. (Resiliency is the ability to overcome challenges and bounce back.) Create
an image or write a poem (e.g., modeled on Tupac’s poem, a pantoum, a haiku, an “I
Am” poem, etc.) that represents an obstacle you face and shows how you are able to be
resilient when facing that obstacle. Write one paragraph that explains your image or
poem. Make sure to support your explanation with evidence from your text. Be
prepared to share your image or poem with a partner.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Tell students that at the end of class they will respond to the questions below on a piece
of paper. Instruct students that this will be their exit ticket or homework assignment.
Activity 5 – Check for Understanding
Directions: Respond to the following prompts on a piece of paper.
Content: Explain your understanding of resiliency. Use an example to illustrate your
Metacognition: How did our work today help you to build community, collaborate, and
communicate effectively with your classmates?
As you collect and read through the student responses, look for any misunderstandings
and address them during the next instructional segment.
(Activities 6-8 approximately 50 minutes)
Analysis of a Text
Be sure to provide brief instruction on the meaning and use of the conversation moves
and/or instructional activities before asking students to employ them.
Routines to Introduce:
Questioning the Text: Constructing questions about difficult or confusing places in a
text helps readers engage and re-engage with the text, to explore possible answers to
genuine, text-based question, and generate meaning both independently and
collaboratively. Kylene Beers’ suggestion for letting students create text-dependent
questions provides a protocol for Questioning the Text.
One strategy to help students formulate and develop opinions on a question relating to
an arguable issue is Jeff Zwiers’ Opinion Continuum. This strategy gives students the
opportunity to clarify their own thinking on an issue through successive interactions in
which they elaborate on their initial opinion. Choose an arguable issue for which
students could have opinions. Have students draw a continuum across the page, with
the opposing perspectives on each extreme. Students read the question and mark their
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
initial response on the continuum, on one side or the other of the middle line. Students
then meet with a partner taking turns to discuss their responses. While one person
provides evidence and explanations to justify their position, the other asks clarifying
questions. After both partners have had a turn to share and ask questions, each person
reviews their initial response and adjusts the position if necessary. Students repeat this
process two more times, working to refine their responses each time. After the third
interaction, students return to their seats and write a paragraph explaining their final
position and providing evidence and explanation to justify it.
Ineffectively represents resiliency
Effectively represents resiliency
One way to help students grapple with difficult places in a text is to allow them to
generate text-based questions, and answer those questions collaboratively, with
Tell students that you are going to read excerpts from an online article on resilience.
(Read just the “Resilience Defined” section.) As you read aloud, have students mark
difficult or confusing places in the text as they listen. Use the Questioning the Text
protocol to have students explore difficult passages or concepts and generate answers
to their questions. As students work on formulating their questions, circulate to check in
with students, to provide help with articulating questions, and to get a sense of places in
the text that students are finding challenging.
Activity 6 – Questioning the Text
1. Follow along as your teacher reads from PBS’s “Resilience” online article. As you
listen, mark spots in the text where you feel confused, have a question, or
wonder about something. (You should have 3 or 4 places marked by the end of
the reading.)
2. After your teacher finishes reading, re-read the text on your own. Pause each
time you reach a place you marked, and write a question about the text or a
comment about why you were confused at that point.
3. After you have written your questions, share with your table partners (2-4
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
people). As you work, look for similarities and differences in your questions. Was
there anything that you all had difficulty with? Is there anything that you can
clarify for each other? As a group, select two questions to share with the class.
These may be questions that you were unable to answer together, or that you
found interesting or important. Be prepared to explain why you chose your two
questions. Be sure to refer back to the text in your discussions and explanations.
As groups share their questions, have the class work together to come up with answers,
referring to the text as well as their own experience or other texts for evidence and
support. Have students take notes on the class conversation to record any new insights,
ongoing confusions, etc.
Connecting Ideas Across Media Formats – Video Text: “Resilience”
Tell students that they are now going to watch a brief video on resiliency and make
connections between the video and the texts they have read so far. As they watch the
video, they will need to have their copies of the PBS article close by for text-marking.
They will also want to have their copies of Tupac Shakur’s “The Rose that Grew from
Concrete” ready for use after watching the video.
Play the video for students and ask them to mark aspects of resiliency from the article
that they see or hear referenced in the video.
Activity 7 – Connecting ideas across media formats
Directions: As you watch the video, “Resilience,” mark places in your article that seem
to connect to what you are seeing and/or hearing.
After the video, jot down the connections that you made, making sure to explain what
connections you saw and why you felt the image or words connected with the ideas in
the article. Additionally, jot down any connections you made between the video and
the poem, explaining why you felt those connections were impactful.
After writing, you will participate in an Opinion Continuum conversation on the
following question:
How effective was the video in providing a clear representation of resiliency?
Use your notes and the texts to help you in your conversations.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Activity 8 – Check for Understanding
Directions - Respond to the following prompts on a piece of paper:
Content: Write a brief summary of the article, “What is Resilience”.
Metacognitive: Describe how your understanding of resilience has changed or been
enhanced after reading and discussing the poem and the article and watching the video.
Getting Ready to Read
(Activities 9-15 approximately 90 minutes)
Be sure to provide brief instruction on the meaning and use of the conversation moves
and/or instructional activities before asking students to employ them.
Routine to Introduce:
Surveying the Text: Previewing the text helps readers think about the text that they are
going to read. A routine for Surveying the Text is introduced in this section. Reviewing
the titles, headings, and sub headings along with the organizational structure of the text
can support reading comprehension.
Discovering What We Think
To prepare students to read the “Mind Set: Visual 1.2” infographic, use the survey to
determine their attitudes and beliefs on intelligence. Students should complete the
survey independently and use the Four Corners protocol to share and discuss the
Activity 9: Discovering What We Think - Survey on Intelligence
Directions: Read each statement and determine if you agree, somewhat agree,
somewhat disagree or disagree. Circle the choice that most accurately describes your
1. You have a certain amount of intelligence, and you really can’t do much to
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
change it.
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
2. It’s more important to have the right answer than it is to learn from your
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
3. No matter who you are, you can change your level of intelligence.
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
4. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change your basic intelligence.
Somewhat Agree
Somewhat Disagree
After students record their responses to the survey, use the Four Corners protocol to
share and discuss their results. Four Corners requires students to show their position
on a specific statement (agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, disagree) by
standing in a particular corner of the room. This activity elicits the participation of all
students by requiring everyone to take a position. By drawing out students’ opinions on
a topic they are about to study, it can be a useful warm-up activity.
After students return to their seats, remind them that in investigating the ideas
expressed in the various types of texts used in this mini-unit, they are learning about
resiliency and how our attitudes toward success and failure, or mindset, connect to our
ability to bounce back when faced with challenges. Tell them to keep the survey and
their responses in mind as they work through the rest of the mini-unit in order to
monitor their own understanding about mindset and resilience, and to make their
thinking stronger and clearer on the topic.
Activity 10 – Discovering What We Think- Four Corners
As your teacher reads each statement aloud, move to the corner of the room that
represents your opinion.
Once you are in your corner, discuss as a group why you chose your position using the
conversation move: Support Ideas with Examples. Refer to evidence as well as other
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
relevant information from your experiences to support your position. As a group, be
prepared to share your justification with the rest of the class.
After all of the groups have shared, switch corners if someone presents an idea that
causes you to change your mind.
Repeat this process until you have had the chance to discuss all of the statements.
Surveying the Text
Before you ask students to read “Mindset: Visual Text 1.2,” remind them that surveying
the text is a habit of good readers. Students can then use their first impressions of the
topic and style of the document to make predictions about its content. Give students
two to three minutes to survey the graphic by examining the elements of the text listed
in Activity 11.
Activity 11 – Surveying the Text
Directions: Use the following process to survey the text prior to reading. Be prepared to
share what you discovered about the text from your initial survey.
Set a Purpose:
1. What is the text about?
2. What does this text say about the topic?
Preview the Text: Analyze the following elements of a text to determine the purpose:
(note: all elements may not be present in every text)
Captions and/or background
Column and row headings
Key or legend
The sources of the graphic(s)
Organization of information
adapted from Reader’s Handbook
After students have surveyed the text, they should discuss their initial reactions to the
text using the core academic conversation move Support Ideas with Examples.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Understanding Key Vocabulary
Have students complete the Modified Vocabulary Self-Assessment (link to template)
for the following words:
Activity 12: Understanding Key Vocabulary – Modified Vocabulary Self- Assessment
Directions: The following words are used in the text that you will soon read:
static tendency fruitless plateau
Below are the definitions of these words. In the left column, write the word from the list
above that you think matches the definition in column two. In the third column, explain how
you decided to match each word with its definition. Discuss your decisions with your small
group using the conversation move Support Ideas with Examples. You will complete the
fourth column as you read the text. Complete final column after you have read the text.
What helped you
Sentence from the
decide this word fit text where the
the definition?
word appears
How does this
word relate
Leaning toward a
particular kind of
thought or
Unproductive or
Showing little or
no change,
action, or
A stable level or
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Discuss the responses to the Modified Vocabulary-Self Assessment Chart as a class.
Make note of any words that students seem to struggle with and provide additional
instruction as needed. Remind students to keep their chart handy, as they will return to
it after they finish reading the text.
Reading for Understanding
The first reading of a text is intended to help your students understand the text and
confirm the predictions they made when surveying the text. Explain to students that
“Mindset Visual 1.2” is an infographic. An infographic is a visual representation of
information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and
clearly. Students can use the questions in Activity 13 to analyze the infographic.
Activity 13 – Reading For Understanding - Read to Get the Gist
Read the document independently or with a partner and mark your text to support your
understanding of its purpose. After you finish the document, respond to the following
1. What did you notice about this infographic?
2. What information does this infographic provide?
3. How is the information in this infographic organized?
After students have read the document and answered the questions, prepare to open
the discussion to the entire class. Use the conversation move: Support Ideas with
Summarizing and Responding
For Activity 14 students will be working independently and in pairs to create a summary
statement of the infographic, “Mindset: Visual Text 1.2.” This activity is adapted from
the 95 Percent Group’s “Eight Important Words.”
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Activity 14 – Summarizing and Responding - Five Key Words
Directions: You are going to share the information that you just read from the text. You
will need a piece of paper for this activity.
1. Make a list of at least five key words that you feel will be the most useful for
sharing information from the text.
2. Share your words with a partner. Select the five key words that you both agree
are significant or necessary for sharing information from the text.
3. Place the five key words in a logical order.
4. With your partner, take turns sharing information from the text using the five
key words.
5. After you and your partner have shared, make any changes to the key words that
you have selected by eliminating or adding words.
6. Use your five words to write a summary statement of the text.
After teams have shared their summary statement, tell students that they will respond
to the questions below on a piece of paper. Instruct students that this will be their exit
ticket or homework assignment. As you collect and read through the responses, look for
any misunderstandings and address them during the next instructional period.
Activity 15 – Check for Understanding
Directions: Use a piece of paper to respond to the following questions.
1. Content: What is a growth mindset? What is a fixed mindset?
2. Metacognitive: How did our work today help you understand the concept of
mindset? How does mindset connect to resiliency?
Preparing to Read
(Activities 16-19 approximately 75 minutes)
Be sure to provide brief instruction on the meaning and use of the conversation moves
and/or instructional activities before asking students to employ them.
Routines to introduce:
Annotating Texts: Annotating is an essential component of the critical reading process.
It is through our annotations that we engage in a dialogue with the author as well as
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
with ourselves. These conversations open the door to a world of understanding as well
as to deeper questioning. In this section, the annotation routine is introduced. While an
annotation routine is provided, you are encouraged to use the annotation routine that is
most familiar to you and your students.
In preparation to read the Los Angeles Times article, “His Own Path to a Life’s Dream,”
review the definitions of resiliency and mindset, and clarify any misconceptions that
students might have based on the data collected from the check for understanding.
Understanding Key Vocabulary
Pre-teaching a select number of key vocabulary words prior to reading a text is a
practical way to ensure that students are prepared to negotiate meaning within the
text. Pre-teaching vocabulary is also a great way to generate interest in the text and
topic. (Link to template)
Activity 16 – Assessing Knowledge of Key Vocabulary
Directions: Review the sentences below. Based on the two sentences, discuss your
understanding of the meaning of the word with your group and write your definition. If
necessary, use a dictionary to check your definition. The first sentence is from the text
that you will be reading. The second sentence provides another example of how the
word can be used.
relentlessly defined fared
Text: “Son of immigrant parents, Jose Trejo worked relentlessly toward his goal of
attending Stanford.”
Example: Although the runner was exhausted after 20 miles, he drove himself
relentlessly on, finishing the marathon in record time.
Los Angeles Unified School District
Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
Text: “….but Trejo’s was more winding, less defined and, at times, barely visible…”
Example: “He had never in his life seen a horizon so cleanly defined, a pencil line
drawn without a breath of haze.”
Text: “He worked hard in school and fared well.”
Example: When our boat began to sink, I swam easily to shore. My brother fared less
well and had to be rescued.
Text: “A sense of shame was compounded by helplessness, his parents say.”
Example: My fear of bees was compounded by the news that I am allergic to them.
Discuss student definitions and predictions about the words as a class. Remind students
to use the conversation move, Support Ideas with Examples, when appropriate. Make
note of any words that students seem to struggle with and provide additional
instruction as needed.
Reading for Understanding
Remind students that a thorough understanding of a text requires reading it more than
once. The first reading of “His Own Path to a Life’s Dream,” should be fairly quick to get
the main idea. Depending upon the needs of your students, this reading may be done
aloud by the teacher, or with students reading aloud in pairs.
For the second read, have students annotate the text. Annotating a text is one good
habit that readers develop to help them understand a text. As you introduce the
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Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
Secondary Literacy/English Language Arts
routine for annotating a text, encourage students to use annotation to highlight areas in
the text that may seem confusing, or places that help them to understand the important
ideas and concepts presented in the text. If you have an annotation routine that you
prefer, introduce at this point in the lesson.
Activity 17 – Reading for Understanding
Annotating a Text
Directions: As you read the text, use the following guidelines to help you annotate the
text in a meaningful way.
1. Establish a purpose for reading.
2. Use the following symbols to annotate the text as you read:
 for important ideas that you understand or agree with
 for things that interest you and that you want to find out more about
? for ideas that seem confusing
 when you are able to make a connection to something that you already know
Build vocabulary by boxing words that:
o Get repeated
o Seem important or are unknown
Use the margin to write questions or comments that come to mind as you read.
Suggestions for Differentiation – Activity 17
Model annotating in the first paragraph or two of the text before asking students
to annotate on their own
Now, have students discuss their annotations in small groups using the First Turn/Last
Turn protocol. As students prepare to share, encourage them to share annotations:
that capture the most important point
that represent areas of the text that were confusing
where they were able to make a personal connection
Activity 18 – First Turn/Last Turn
Directions: Use the following process to discuss your annotations from the text. If
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Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
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someone shares an annotation that you were planning to share, be prepared to share
another one.
1. Select 2-3 items that you have annotated in your text.
2. After the group has determined who will go first, that person will take the First
Turn, sharing an annotation without making any comment.
3. Moving to the right, each group member will comment on the annotation
whether s/he annotated it or not. Some things to consider as you comment are:
a. Did you annotate the same item? If so, explain why.
b. Does this annotation represent something that is important in the text?
c. Does the annotation represent a part of the text that was confusing or
difficult for you to understand? If so, explain why.
4. When the rotation returns back to the person that shared the annotation, they
get the Last Turn to share their thinking about the highlighted item.
5. The process continues until all group members have shared one annotation.
 Remember to use the conversation move: Support Ideas with Examples.
After students have discussed their annotations in their small groups, discuss the
question below as a whole class using the conversation move: Support Ideas with
Did the annotations and discussion support your understanding of the text in any
way? If so, how? If the annotations did not support your understanding of the
text, what areas of the text are still unclear to you? Why?
Post reading
Be sure to provide brief instruction on the meaning and use of the conversation moves
and/or instructional activities before asking students to employ them.
Routines to Introduce:
Responding to Evidence-Based Questions: Evidenced-Based Questions are used to
explore ideas in the text by requiring the use of evidence to support our ideas and
interpretations. Evidence-Based Questions will be formally introduced in this section.
While students will be responding to these questions in writing, it is important that
these questions are used to spark a deeper conversation around the text where
students continue to use evidence to support their analysis.
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Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
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Thinking Critically
Evidence-based questions are an effective tool used to support students with thinking
deeply about a text. The evidence-based questions below should be used to foster
conversation about the text.
Activity 19 – Responding to Evidence-Based Questions
Directions: Work with a partner to answer the following questions. Be prepared to
discuss your responses with the class.
1. Trejo’s path to Stanford is described as “more winding, less defined and at times
barely visible.” What does the author mean by this statement? Provide an
example from the text that illustrates this statement.
2. Resilience is the ability to bounce back when presented with challenges. How did
the Trejo family exhibit resiliency when both parents lost their jobs?
3. How have Trejo’s experiences contributed to his success?
Discuss the response to the Evidence-based questions. Use these questions to engage
students in a deeper conversation about this text. Encourage students to share any
questions that they might have about the text or the ideas presented in the text.
Thinking Critically
(Activities 20 -23 approximately 90 minutes)
Be sure to provide brief instruction on the meaning and use of the conversation moves
and/or instructional strategies before asking students to employ them.
Routine to Introduce:
Core Academic Conversation Move - Elaborate and Clarify: Rich and meaningful
conversations can deepen our understanding of concepts and ideas. Effective
conversations provide us with the opportunity to share ideas as well as listen to the
ideas of others with the goal of walking away with new ideas.
Elaborate and Clarify is the conversation move that will be introduced during this
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sequence. As a conversation move, Elaborate and Clarify helps us to make our point
clearly and effectively by providing detailed examples when necessary. This skill will be
used throughout the lesson sequence along with the move Support Ideas with
Examples. If your students need continued practice with Support Ideas with Examples,
introduce Elaborate and Clarify when they are ready. For more information, please click
Thinking Critically - Responding to a Video: Steven Claunch
Students will watch a short video clip of the former Homestead High School basketball
player Steven Claunch who was born with no fingers on his right hand, three toes on his
right foot and a right leg that was several inches shorter than his left leg. In the video,
Claunch explains how obstacles can provide an opportunity grow and develop character.
Activity 20 supports students with watching video media in a purposeful and meaningful
way that deepens their understanding of the topic being explored.
Video link:
Activity 20 - Thinking Critically - Responding to the Video
Directions: As you watch the video, think about the following question and annotate the
video transcript to mark places where you see examples of growth or fixed mindset.
Question 1: What details in the video provide examples of growth or fixed mindset and/or
After watching the video, use the two-column chart to note the most important details from
the transcript and explain how those details connect to mindset and/or resiliency.
In small groups, discuss the details that you have selected using the conversation move
Elaborate and Clarify. After your discussion, collaboratively write a paragraph explaining
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Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
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something that you learned about mindset and/or resiliency from the video. Be prepared to
share your paragraph with the class.
Discuss your observations as a class, using the following question to frame your discussion:
Question 2: How does this video connect mindset and resiliency?
In Activity 21 students will have the opportunity to discuss the issues explored
throughout the unit, as well as an opportunity to practice the skill of paraphrasing. Have
students consider the following prompt:
Resiliency is defined as one’s ability to bounce back when faced with challenges. What
impact can your mindset have on your ability to be resilient?
Students should review their notes on Carol Dweck’s infographic, and on Claunch’s video to
help them as they consider this question. On a separate piece of paper, each student should
write down two or three statements addressing the prompt.
Arrange the classroom so that students can sit comfortably in groups of 3 or 4. Make sure
that students can see each other. You will need to model the process, Paraphrase Passport,
with your students prior to letting them engage in their small groups. Be sure that students
have a clear understanding of what it means to paraphrase another person.
You can use the prompt below to model the process described in Activity 21:
Prompt for Model: Why is resiliency a critical component of success?
Activity 21 – Thinking Critically - Small Group Discussion
Paraphrase Passport
Discussion Question: Resiliency is defined as one’s ability to bounce back when faced
with challenges. What impact can your mindset have on your ability to be resilient?
The purpose of this discussion is to explore ideas around the topic of resiliency and to
practice paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is an essential skill that is necessary for engaging in
meaningful conversation.
1. Determine who will go first. The first person will initiate the conversation by making a
statement related to the question/topic. (You may refer to your pre-discussion
2. The person on the right must build on the statement by first paraphrasing the
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Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
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previous speaker before adding related ideas, offering their opinion or perspective or
asking a question.
3. The discussion will continue until everyone has had the opportunity to paraphrase.
adapted from Groups at Work
Suggestion for Differentiation – Activity 21
 Provide students with sentence stems to help them add to, extend or disagree
with ideas, or to offer a new perspective or ask a question.
 Provide students with time to practice paraphrasing with a partner before they
must paraphrase in a group setting.
After the small groups have had the opportunity to discuss the prompt, bring the class back
together to share the highlights of their conversations. Remind students to use the conversation
moves, Support Ideas with Examples and Elaborate and Clarify when appropriate.
Connecting Text to Self
Preparing for the Task
Be sure to provide brief instruction on the meaning and use of the conversation moves
and/or instructional activities before asking students to employ them.
Routine to Introduce:
Task Analysis: To be successful on a writing task, students need to understand what
each part of the task is asking them to do. Completing a task analysis is a helpful
strategy for students to use when they encounter writing prompts. One approach to
task analysis is to color-code each element of the task and then create I will statements
based on each color-coded element.
After having read several informational and literary texts on resiliency and mindset,
write a brief (1-2 page) essay in which you discuss a challenge you have faced (or are
facing) and evaluate the extent to which you feel resilience and mindset (growth and/or
fixed) can positively or negatively impact outcomes in your life. Support your position
with evidence from the text/s and from your own experience.
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Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support
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I will read informational and literary texts about resiliency and mindset
I will write an essay that is 1-2 pages long
I will discuss a past or present challenge of my own
I will evaluate how much of an impact resilience and having a growth and/or
fixed mindset can have (good or bad) in my life
I will use evidence from the text and from my own life to support my position
Considering the Writing Task
For the final writing assignment in this mini-unit, students will evaluate the extent to
which they feel resiliency and mindset can impact outcomes in their own lives. Before
asking students to write, it is helpful to conduct a task analysis activity with them to
ensure that everyone understands every part of the prompt and what they are being
asked to do.
Activity 22 - Preparing for the Writing Task – Analyzing The Writing Prompt
Directions: Read the writing prompt below. Working with your small group, analyze the
writing task by working with your small group to:
1) Color-code the prompt. Highlight each element that you must complete using a
different color for each.
2) Create “I will” statements to define what each element is asking you to do.
Prompt: After having read/viewed several informational and literary texts on resiliency
and mindset, write a brief (1-2 page) essay in which you discuss a challenge you have
faced (or are facing) and evaluate the extent to which you feel resilience and mindset
(growth and/or fixed) can positively or negatively impact outcomes in your life. Support
your position with evidence from the text/s and from your own experience.
Suggestion for Differentiation – Activity 22
 Work with students to identify and highlight the verbs in the prompt.
 Model for students how to use the verbs (or synonyms) to create “I will”
 Demonstrate how the “I will” statements can be used as a checklist to remember
to do a certain number of specific things in order to fully address the prompt.
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After students have analyzed the writing prompt in small groups, open up the discussion
to the class and answer any questions that they have about the prompt or differences in
their interpretations of what they are to do.
Activity 23 – Responding to the Prompt
Directions: Read the writing prompt below. Make sure that you understand what is
expected of you. When you are ready, draft your response using your notes, the texts,
and your own experiences to help you.
Prompt: After having read several informational and literary texts on resiliency and
mindset, write a brief (1-2 page) essay in which you discuss a challenge you have faced
(or are facing) and evaluate the extent to which you feel resilience and mindset (growth
and/or fixed) can positively or negatively impact outcomes in your life. Support your
position with evidence from the text/s and from your own experience.
Instruction on the process of essay writing has been intentionally omitted from this Start
Smart mini-unit. Students’ responses to the prompt should be used as a formative
assessment to assist in identifying areas of strength and need in writing early on, in
order to facilitate strategic instructional planning.