Entering the World Stage.doc

Major Concept: Entering the
World Stage 1898-1917
Global competition for empire led
the United States into war against
Spain and into military conflicts in
Mexico. These actions forged the
new role for the United States as a
world power.
American Imperialism
Spanish American War
Roosevelt in Latin America
Wilson and the Mexican
U.S. II Learning Standards:
USII.6 Analyze the causes and course of America’s growing role in world affairs from the Civil War to World
War I. (H, E)
The purchase of Alaska from Russia
America’s growing influence in Hawaii leading to annexation
The Spanish-American War
U.S. expansion into Asia under the Open Door policy
President Roosevelt’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
America’s role in the building of the Panama Canal
President Taft’s Dollar Diplomacy
President Wilson’s intervention in Mexico
Pacing Guide: October 20—November 4 (11 days)
Key Questions:
Skills and Outcomes: When students have finished Formative/Summative Assessments:
What motivated the imperialist
activity of the late 1800s and is it
still relevant today?
studying this topic, they will know and be able to:
Interpreting Visuals: Examine the picture on pp. 550551. What kind of leader does this painting suggest
Roosevelt was?
Predict: What kind of president do you think he would
Why do you think industrialized
nations become imperialist nations?
What do you think of imperialists
who want to spread western culture?
What key factors led to the SpanishAmerican War?
Do the media influence political
Preview The Lure of Imperialism using PIC Method
 Take Notes on imperialism using the
positive-negative GO ( GO Transparencies
 Summarize The Inside Story on why the
United States purchased Alaska. (p. 552)
o Analyze Political Cartoon, The
Fruits of Imperialism (Skills HB p.
Students will complete the following products/other
assessments to demonstrate the skills and
understandings they have acquired
Write a brief informative summary of the U.S.
takeover of Hawaii based on your time line.
Open-Response Question: Predict the likely
consequences for the United States if other western
powers had divided China into colonies instead of
accepting the Open Door Policy? Provide evidence
from your class notes to support your answer.
When should the United States
intervene in another nation?
Why was the building on the Panama
Canal so vital to economic growth?
How did the Roosevelt Corollary
influence American foreign policy?
 Examine chart on causes of U.S.
expansionism p. 553 and rank the importance
of each cause. Give reasons to justify the top
Interpreting Voices of History: Read John Hay’s
quote from his letter to Theodore Roosevelt on p.
562. Re-write the quote in your own words and
interpret its meaning. Take a Stand, is there such a
thing as a “splendid little war.” Justify your answer.
 Create an annotated time line showing the
steps to the annexation of Hawaii beginning
with Cook’s visit in 1778 and ending with
U.S. annexation. Think/Pair/Share and make
 Interpret the visual on the Boxer Rebellion
on p. 556.
 Identify cause and effect: What motivated
the Boxers to attack foreigners in Beijing?
 Identify Main Idea concerning U.S.
influence in Japan on p.557. Record notes on
GO Transparency #11.
Preview The Spanish American War using PIC
 Critically read the Inside Story, “You
Furnish the PICTURES, I’ll Furnish the
WAR.” Take a stand and decide if the media
was responsible for instigating unrest in Cuba.
 Analyze primary source from the New York
Journal Editorial on the sinking of the U.S.S.
Maine on p. 560. (Skills HB p. 28)
 Interpreting Maps: Examine the maps on
the Spanish-American War on p. 561. (Skills
Handbook H19)
 Analyze the political cartoon that reflects
the debate at the end of the Spanish-American
war over what should be done with new U.S.
territories p. 566. How does this cartoon
portray bias towards people of the acquired
lands and the U. S.? Your answer should
include specific visual examples to support
your position. (Rubric 27 Alternative
Assessment HB)
 You are a reporter for a national news service,
CNN. Your job is to expose the hardships
faced by Panama Canal workers. You are to
provide pictures and captions to heighten
public awareness of the plight of the canal
workers. Use text and reliable internet
resources for your informative news expose
Identify the Causes and Effects of the
American annexation of the Philippines using
GO transparency #5.
Preview Roosevelt and Latin America using PIC
 Analyze the political cartoon “Speak Softly
and Carry a Big Stick” on page 565 (Skills
Handbook p. 31)
 Take notes on the U.S. Intervention in Latin
America Using a web GO
Write a persuasive essay on U.S.
imperialism in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
In your essay take a position on the overseas
activities of the United States during this time
period. Take a stand on whether the United
States was justified in annexing foreign
territories and expanding its control over
other nations during this period? Support
your point of view with reasoning and
examples from your reading and studies.
(Focus on Writing Activity from the Chapter
Resources provide directions and rubric)
Interpreting the Map on Building the
Panama Canal pp.570-.571. (Skills
Quizzes and Topic Tests
Handbook p. H20)
 You may select either of the required
 Identifying Problems and Solutions: Create
assessments depending upon availability of
a graphic organizer to show Roosevelt’s need
to announce the Roosevelt Corollary.
 Select one other assessment of your choice
 Contrast the differences between President
Taft’s U.S. dollar diplomacy and President
Wilson’s moral diplomacy.
Preview Wilson and the Mexican Revolution using
PIC Method
 Sequencing: Record the major sequence of
the Mexican Revolution from the overthrow
of Diaz to the Constitution of 1917. Record
your answers on GO Transparency #6.