GM Food - The University of Hong Kong

Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Do you know what you are eating?
Student’s Version
Table of Contents
Activity 1: What is on the shelves?
Activity 2: Good or bad?
Activity 3: Should Genetic Modification continue?
Appendix 1: Alternative activity 3
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Activity 1
What is on the shelves?
What are your favourite snacks and drinks?
Do you know whether your favourite snacks contain GM ingredients?
According to a survey conducted by Choice Magazine in
2003, 35% of instant noodles and other snacks tested in
Hong Kong contain genetically modified ingredients.
The most common GM foods are soya bean, maize and
potato. They are usually processed to make food items.
Source: Choice Magazine, Volume 319
In 2003 around 80% of soya beans (‘soy beans’ in American English) grown in USA
was genetically modified, equivalent to 60 million acres (about 217 times the area of
Hong Kong SAR). (1 acre = 4000 square metres)
The major producers of GM crops and foods are the United States, followed by Argentina
and Canada, three of the world’s major agriculture producers.
Hong Kong does not grow any GM crops, but some local universities are conducting GM
research, and some companies import GM crops to manufacture their products here. e.g.
Soy Sauce
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
What is GM food?
With advances in technology, scientists are
able to change the genes controlling
different characteristics. Genes can be
transferred from one organism to another,
even between species. Foods with
ingredients from organisms which have
genetic modifications are known as
genetically modified (GM) food.
What is the biochemical basis which
allows characteristics from one
organism to be transferred to
another even if it is of a different
Would you choose to eat GM food?
❑ Yes
❑ No
Don’t know
Give your reasons:__________________________________________________
Hands up !!
Count the number of students accepting or not accepting GM food.
Number of students
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Activity 2
Good or Bad?
Here are two articles about the advantages and possible risks
of GM food. First, note down the claim(s) made in each
article. Second, find out whether the articles provide
evidence to support the claim(s). The table on the next page
will help you with this analysis.
Article 1
Wen Wei Po 2005-12-19
Genetic Engineering Solves Hunger
A breakthrough has been seen in genetic engineering research in Hong Kong. Professor 1
Samuel Sai-ming Sun, Chair Professor and the Head of the Department of Biology, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, claimed that genetic engineering is the essential way
to solve hunger.
Prof. Sun’s research finds that maize carries a C4 gene which promotes effective 5
photosynthesis and faster plant growth. Insertion of this gene into rice allows rice to
enjoy the same benefit. However, the insertion can only be achieved by genetic
engineering as rice and maize do not cross-breed.
Only 21.9% of the land in China is suitable for farming. In order to feed a population of
13 billions, China must maximize the crop yield per unit of farmland in addition to 10
providing the most suitable growth conditions. A recent breakthrough was made by
Professor Yuan Long-ping, a mainland agriculturist. He cross-bred different cereal crop
species to produce hybrid rice which possesses the strengths of each different species,
thereby increasing the crop yield. However, though it has higher yield, the hybrid rice has
lower nutritional value and a less favourable taste. Prof. Yuan also admitted that the
technique of hybridization has reached its limit and other ways are needed to further 15
improve the yield and quality of rice.
The nutrition level of hybrid rice is not satisfactory either. Its lysine content is below the
5.5% standard set by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO). Lysine is one of the essential amino acids needed for human growth. Prof. Sun 20
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
discovered that a gene in a nut from Hawaii can greatly increase the production of lysine.
When this gene is introduced into rice, the lysine content is increased. Laboratory tests
show that mice fed with such rice grow 40% faster than ordinary mice.
Rice is the major food source in Asia but its nutritional value is insufficient to sustain
human life. In South East Asia, 250 thousand children go blind due to lack of vitamin A 25
every year. In China alone, close to 1 million children die due to malnutrition.
Researchers from various countries are now making use of genetic engineering to
increase the nutritional value of ‘golden rice’, a GM rice. By hybridizing the improved
golden rice with species grown in poor countries, scientists hope to produce rice with
high nutrition value to fill local demand.
Remarks: Golden rice: Rice genetically modified to produce pro-vitamin A, which is the precursor of
vitamin A. without which children may become blind.
Evidence provided in the article
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Article 2
Sing Pao 2005-12-10
Pest-resistant gene research abandoned after decade’s effort to
prevent ecological disaster
The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry published last month revealed a complete 1
halt to a decade-long Australian research project. The project studied the modification of a
pea gene with insertion of a bacterial element to produce pest-resistant peas that were able
to kill predators in a ‘natural’ way. Scientists successfully extracted and inserted the desired
gene into peas and obtained peas that eliminated the pests. However, when the GM peas 5
were fed into mice, the mice showed inflammation of the lungs.
Local media described the failure of the research as ‘sudden brake’ to the project. It was
also said that as the government had called for a complete stop to the project, no research
results were released to the public. The chairman of Hong Kong Organic Farming
Association, Ms. Chu Pui Kwan told us she had heard of the news and believed it was true. 10
‘Mice are highly adaptable creatures. It is likely to cause similar damage to human beings if
it appears in mice.
Scientists in China showed interested in this bacterial gene and have successfully
transferred it to rice, aiming to make profits out of it. Such act has aroused concerns of
environmentalists. Project Manager of Greenpeace, Mr. Lam Chi Kwong, expressed that 15
mishandling GM food and casual approval of its marketing without careful prior
assessment could bring disaster to the 1.3 billion people in China.
Production of GM rice for commercial use must obtain approval through independent
testing, release to the environment, production testing and biological safety before
permission from the Ministry of Agriculture is granted. However, recently an unapproved 20
GM rice, the ‘Bt rice’, has entered the market in many provinces in China. The seeds of ‘Bt
rice’ share the same appearance and life cycle as all rice, except that this rice contains a ‘Bt
protein’ which kills pests by affecting their digestive system. There have been reports that
the same effect occurs in human or that it may lead to other food allergy.
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Evidence provided in the article
After reading the articles, can you accept GM food now?
❑ Yes
❑ No
Don’t know
Give your reasons:__________________________________________________
Have you changed your mind?___________________________________
Hands up
Count the number of students accepting or not accepting GM food.
Number of students
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Activity 3
Should Genetic Modification continue?
Part A: Arguments have been going on worldwide since the introduction of GM
food. You are assigned to one of the following situations.
Situation 1
You are representatives of the world’s largest company, Monsanto, producing GM
soya beans.
Situation 2
You are the representatives of a non-government organization such as Greenpeace
against GM food.
Situation 3
You are members of a team of scientists working on GM rice. You believe that GM
rice can help to solve the problem of food shortage in the world.
Situation 4
You are the representatives of an ethical group who believe that humans have no right
to modify the genes of organisms.
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
First, choose from the table below to find claims that are in favour with your situation.
Then match the evidence from the List of Evidence (on the next page) which might be
used to support each of the claims that you might want to put forward in your case.
There may be more than one piece of evidence for some of the claims.
Supporting evidence
1 GM food will improve human health.
2 GM food is safe for human.
3 GM food is likely to cause health problems to
4 GM food can benefit farmers.
5 GM food benefits the environment as fewer
pesticides / herbicides need to be used.
6 GM food will cause serious damage to ecosystems.
7 GM food can be used to increase food supply and
quality of nutrition in poorer countries.
8 Patents for GM technology should not be granted to
prevent a few large companies having too much
control of the GM industry and food supply.
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
List of evidence
A GM rice (Golden rice) has been developed
to contain vitamin A.
J No research has been done so far on the
influence of GM on human intelligence.
B The antibiotic resistance marker genes in K Large multinational companies have been
GM crops may transfer to pathogens,
given patents on many modified plant
causing the development of super pests.
genes and can make profits from selling
the genomes.
C Laboratory
L The inter-relationships of all species of
butterflies had a lower survival rate when
living organisms in an ecosystem means
their larvae fed on GM plants.
that the results of changes in one species
may cause unexpected changes in other
parts of the ecosystem.
D There is some evidence that Bt protein in M GM maize (sweet corn) is more resistant
GM rice may cause allergy in humans.
to pests such as the sweet corn borers.
E It is known that genes can transfer from
N GM rice gives a higher yield (greater
crop plants to similar species of wild
weight of rice per plant) than non-GM
F Insecticides and herbicides affect the areas O GM food has to pass safety assessment
surrounding the crops and run off into
before entering the market.
rivers causing further damage. GM crops
need less herbicides and pesticides.
G The first GM food was marketed only in
1994. Long term effects on human health
P There is no evidence of harm to human
health so far.
cannot yet be assessed.
H The cost of insecticide is the main Q The cost of buying GM seeds may be
expense for farmers who are not using
higher than non-GM seeds. (Farmers are
GM crops
not allowed to trade or save GM seed
I Trials for food safety of GM crops are
usually carried out by the companies that
from one harvest to the next. Farmers
need to buy GM seed every season.)
independent body.
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Part B: Having identified the claims that you want to make for your case, now
your task is to design a poster to convince others to support your claim(s). The
poster should contain the supporting evidence for your claim(s). You can also
search the libraries, internet and newspapers for information.
Part C: Read all the posters designed by your classmates. Again decide whether you
accept or reject food made from GM plants or animals.
After reading all the posters in your class, can you accept GM food
❑ Yes
❑ No
Don’t know
What are your views about GM now?_________________________________
Have you changed your mind?___________________________________
Hands up
Count the number of students accepting or not accepting GM food.
Number of students
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Extension activity: Rice genome project
When we are going to modify the genetic
material of an organism, it is better to
understand the genetic makeup of that
organism. In 1997, the International Rice
Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP) was
established to obtain a high quality,
Job allocation of participating countries. Rice
carries 12 pairs of chromosomes. The Academia
Sinica of Taiwan is responsible for the 5th pair.
map-based genetic sequence of rice.
Project (IRGSP): Contribution of countries.
(Rice has 12 pairs of chromosomes)
Which countries have participated in the project?
Can you suggest why the research into rice is dominated by these countries?
For more information about rice as a central part of many cultures, visit (last visited on 20 -2- 2006)
For more information about the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP),
visit (last visited on 20 -2- 2006)
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Extension activity: How to engineer a crop?
Engineer a crop by yourself!
- A flash game showing the general procedure for genetically engineering a plant.
Extension activity: Watch the video “鏗鏘集 — 變種食物 (2001)”
The video discusses the labeling system of GM food. It discusses the issue in the views of
consumer, and food producers.
What are the difficulties encountered when introducing such a labelling system?
Do you think a labelling system for GM foods should be introduced in Hong Kong?
Explain your reasons.
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Below are some web sites containing information about GM food. Go and browse!
Food and Environment
Hygiene Department,
The website contains general information about GM food
and a list of approved GM food product.
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
World Health Organization
(Biotechnology – GM food)
The website contains 20 questions on GM food.
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
A Chinese version is available in pdf format.
Harvest of fear
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
Monsanto Co.
Click “Quick links”
Then browse under “Biotech Sites”
The site contains argument for and against GM food.
Monsanto Co. is the major GM crop producer. In the
website, you can find genetic modifications produced by
the company and their advantages.
people who support GM food.
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
The website also contains interviews of farmers and those
Click “ Say no to genetic engineering”
Greenpeace is an environmental organization against GM
food. In the site, you can find articles against GM food.
The Greenpeace China site:
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
BBC Action network
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
The site contains arguments for and against GM crops.
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth (FOE) is an environmental
organization opposing GM food. In the site, you can find
articles against GM food.
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
Choose your food
 The site provides links to other web sites containing
arguments for GM food.
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
Golden rice
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
TIME Magazine (Vol. 156
No. 5)
The site also provides a local GM food forum for
 The site contains information about “golden” GM
 The site contains the story of golden rice.
(last visited on 1-2- 2006)
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Appendix 1: Alternative for activity 3
Part A: Finding evidence
Arguments are going on worldwide since the introduction of GM food. Below are
claims in favor or against GM food. Match evidence from the next page which
might be used to support each argument. (There may be more than one piece of
evidence for some of the arguments.
Supporting evidence
1 GM food will improve human health.
2 GM food is safe for human.
3 GM food is likely to cause health problems to
4 GM food can benefit farmers.
5 GM food benefits the environment as fewer pesticides
/ herbicides need to be used.
6 GM food will cause serious damage to ecosystems.
7 GM food can be used to increase food supply and
quality of nutrition in poorer countries.
8 Patents for GM technology should not be granted to
prevent a few large companies having too much
control of the GM industry and food supply.
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
List of evidence
A GM rice (Golden rice) has been developed
to contain vitamin A.
J No research has been done so far on the
influence of GM on human intelligence.
B The antibiotic resistance marker genes in K Large multinational companies have been
GM crops may transfer to pathogens,
given patents on many modified plant
causing the development of super pests.
genes and can make profits from selling
the genomes.
C Laboratory
L The inter-relationships of all species of
butterflies had a lower survival rate when
living organisms in an ecosystem means
their larvae fed on GM plants.
that the results of changes in one species
may cause unexpected changes in other
parts of the ecosystem.
D There is some evidence that Bt protein in M GM maize (sweet corn) is more resistant
GM rice may cause allergy in humans.
to pests such as the sweet corn borers.
E It is known that genes can transfer from
N GM rice gives a higher yield (greater
crop plants to similar species of wild
weight of rice per plant) than non-GM
F Insecticides and herbicides affect the areas O GM food has to pass safety assessment
surrounding the crops and run off into
before entering the market.
rivers causing further damage. GM crops
need less herbicides and pesticides.
G The first GM food was marketed only in
1994. Long term effects on human health
P There is no evidence of harm to human
health so far.
cannot yet be assessed.
H The cost of insecticide is the main Q The cost of buying GM seeds may be
expense for farmers who are not using
higher than non-GM seeds. (Farmers are
GM crops
not allowed to trade or save GM seed
I Trials for food safety of GM crops are
usually carried out by the companies that
from one harvest to the next. Farmers
need to buy GM seed every season.)
independent body.
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.
Senior Form Biology – Do you know what
you are eating?
Part B: Should Genetic Modification continue?
The development of GM food is highly controversial. Debates occur in many parts of
the world, including Hong Kong. How about you? Do you support the continued
development of GM food?
(1) Design a poster to convince others about your stance. You have to present your
poster to the whole class. The poster should contain the supporting evidence for your
choice. You can search for information about GM food from the libraries, internet,
newspapers, magazines, etc. A list of recommended websites is on p.14.
(2) Read all the posters designed by your classmates. Reconsider whether you can
accept or reject food made from GM plants or animals.
After reading all the posters in your class, can you accept GM food
❑ Yes
❑ No
Don’t know
What are your views about GM now?_________________________________
Have you changed your mind?___________________________________
Hands up
Count the number of students accepting or not accepting GM food.
Number of students
©2007 The University of Hong Kong – Faculty of Education. All rights reserved.