MANIAC MAGEE WEBQUEST Maniac Magee is the story of a homeless orphan who is always running. Maniac finds himself in Two Mills and learns that the town is divided by race. Not understanding the segregation, Maniac tries to unify the town. He becomes famous when he overcomes bullying, being racially discriminated, and finding a place where he belongs. This WebQuest will focus on racism. Through this WebQuest, you will think about how Maniac experienced racism in Two Mills. You will explore what racism is and also ways to stop racism. Imagine that you are Jeffrey "Maniac" Magee and you have been invited to a Multicultural Fair to talk about racism. You'll need to create a poster board that will explain the following topics: 1. About Me Who are you, where were you born, and what brought you to Two Mills? 2. My Experience With Racism What did you experience in Two Mills? 3. How to Stop Racism What are ways that we can promote racial unity today? Follow the activities from this WebQuest. Use the information you have gathered to create and decorate your poster board. About Me You will need to introduce yourself at the Multicultural Fair. Character Map - Fill out this character map and paste it onto your poster board. Then write a paragraph with at least 3 details from your concept map. Make sure you give an explanation for each detail that you mention! My Experience With Racism What is Race? Two Mills was divided by race--Black people lived on the east and White people lived on the west. Sorting People - Check out this website! 1. Click "Begin Sorting" and play the game. Click "Next" when you're done. 2. Look at your results. Right-click anywhere on the screen and select "Print." (Ask me if you need help printing!) 3. Paste this on your poster board! Think about how you did in the game. Why is it silly to categorize people by race? On an index card, write 1 detail about how Maniac felt about skin color and give an explanation. Remember, you are writing as if you are Maniac! Put this on your poster board too! What is Racism? Some people in Two Mills were treated unfairly because of their race. Racism Takes Many Different Forms - Go to this website and take a look at the 3 different forms of racism. Pick one of the forms of racism and relate it to one of Maniac's experiences. Draw a picture to show what happened. You may use speech bubbles to show what people are saying or thinking. Somewhere on your paper, write what type of racism it is. You guessed it--paste this on your poster board! How to Stop Racism What are ways that we can promote racial unity today? List 5 ways that we can stop racism or be kind to people. Give an example for each! Don't forget to paste this one on your poster board! The following websites can help you: How You Can Help - This website gives ways that you can help stop racism. How To Stop Racist Abuse - This website gives ways to stop racism if it is happening to you. WebQuest Completion Check List Are you sure you're done? Use this check list to make sure you have completed everything! I have filled out a Character Map. I have written a paragraph with 3 details and explanations from my Character Map. I have played the "Sorting People" game and printed it out. I have written 1 detail and an explanation about how Maniac feels about skin color. I have made a drawing that shows how Maniac experienced racism. I have listed 5 ways that racism can be stopped, and I gave 5 examples. I have pasted all of the following on a poster board: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Character Map "About Me" paragraph "Sorting People" results The index card explaining how Maniac feels about skin color The drawing about racism A list of 5 ways to stop racism EVALUATION Beginning Developing (4 pt) 1-2 bubbles are filled. Some information is inaccurate. (6 pts) 4-5 bubbles are filled. Some information is inaccurate. (8 pts) All bubbles are filled and information is accurate. About Me Paragraph 1-2 details are given. There are no explanations. No ideas are used from the Character Map. At least 2 details are given. The explanation does not support the detail. 1 or less ideas are used from the Character Map. All details are given with supporting explanations. All of the ideas are used from the Character Map. How Maniac Feels About Skin Color The detail is not accurate with the book. There is no explanation. The detail is not accurate with the book, but there is an explanation that tries to support it. (Or there is an accurate detail but no explanation.) The detail is accurate with the book and has a supporting explanation. Racism Drawing The drawing does not represent racism. The drawing does not relate to any events from the book. There is no indication of the type of racism it is. Less than 3 ideas are listed. There are no examples. The drawing represents racism but does not relate to any events from the book. The type of racism is indicated. The drawing depicts racism in an event from the book. The type of racism is indicated and relates to the picture. 3- 4 ideas are listed. There are at least 2 examples. The examples correlate with the ideas. 5-6 of the components are included. The components are scattered all over the poster board. All ideas are listed with examples that correlate with the idea. Character Map How to Stop Racism List Poster Board Less than 4 components are included. The components are scattered all over the poster board. Accomplished Distinguished All components are included. There is a title. The components are neatly pasted on the poster board. (10 pts) All bubbles are filled. The information is accurate and detailed. Additional lines are added to the concept map. All details are given with supporting explanations. All ideas are used from the Character Map. It is written in 1st person and geared towards an audience. The detail is accurate with the book and has a supporting explanation. It is written in 1st person. There is reference made to the “Sorting People” activity. N/A All ideas are listed with examples that correlate with the idea. The list can apply to events from the book. N/A Total Points ______/56 Congratulations! You're all done! I hope you've enjoyed reading Maniac Magee. I also hope you had fun with this WebQuest! Now you will present your poster boards to the class. Remember that you are presenting as if you are Maniac Magee. In this WebQuest, we have learned.... how to use a Concept Map, what "race" and "racism" is, how to write details with explanations, how to explain an event through an illustration, how to research the Internet, and how to be nice to others!