ENGL 335 - Lake Superior State University

College of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
ENGL 235 Survey of Native Literatures (3,0)
Fall 2010
3 Credits
Prerequisites: Corequisite: ENGL111.
Dr. Chad Barbour
LBR 324
Office Hours:
Required Texts:
Nothing but the Truth, Purdy and Ruppert
Welch, Fools Crow
Erdrich, The Birchbark House
Alexie, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
King, Medicine River
Recommended Text: None
Course Description:
Students will examine various types of Native American literatures, including traditional stories, nonfiction, fiction and poetry from authors of numerous different nations. A variety of themes, including
Native American identity and the role of culture in literature, will be covered.
Course Goals: To read and analyze prose, poetry, and film by Native authors and about Native
themes and experiences.
Course Objectives:
1. To become familiar with major Native authors.
2. Be able to practice literary analysis
3. Communicate clearly, in discussion and in writing, observations and interpretations of the
Grading Scale and Policies:
Reading Quiz-10%
Mid-Term Essay-40%
Final Essay-40%
Daily Work and Attendance-10%
College of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
ENGL 235 Survey of Native Literatures (3,0)
Fall 2010
3 Credits
Reading Quiz
The quizzes will cover material covered in the previous class’s discussion and the current day’s reading
assignment. They will not be announced ahead of time. I will drop the lowest one from consideration.
Each paper will follow the conventions of an academic essay: 1) Establish the main idea or thesis, 2) Follow
a clear and logical pattern of organization, 3) Develop ideas through discussion, details, and paragraph
construction, 4) Provide necessary evidence to support ideas and claims, and 5) Employ writing that is
clear and error-free. Papers are to be typed and double-spaced, use Arial or Times New Roman font, and
use MLA style.
I will provide you with more specific essay assignments separately.
Daily Work and Attendance
Our class meetings revolve around daily work including discussion, writing, and group projects. I will lecture
when necessary, but as little as possible. The bulk of class time will be spent in activities that you must be
present to complete. Therefore, your attendance is required and necessary for this class. Your absence not only
hurts your own standing in this course, but takes away from the mutual benefit of our class as we learn together.
For each missed daily work assignment, your grade for this portion drops 1 point. I will also allow 1 missed
daily work assignment without penalty (say you miss 2, you’ll only be penalized for 1).
You are allowed 2 absences without penalty. After 2 absences, your Daily Work grade will be deducted for each
absence as follows: 3 absences = -2 points, 4 = -3, 5=-4. On the 6th absence, you risk failing the class. I am not
obligated to warn you about your absences so it is your responsibility to keep up. If you have a legitimate reason
for missing classes, you must let me know as soon as possible.
Late Policy
All assignments are due at the beginning of our class meeting. Any assignment turned in after that deadline will
automatically be docked 2 points for each day late. If an assignment is not turned in within 48 hours of its
deadline, it automatically fails. (For instance, an essay due on Tuesday and not turned in by Thursday fails.)
Missed Work
You are allowed to make up missed daily work due to a legitimate absence. You must turn in the work within
two days of the missed class. You should contact me prior to missing a class to work out the details of making
up your work.
Plagiarism is copying another’s work, either exactly or paraphrased, without proper acknowledgment.
Plagiarism will be sanctioned accordingly.
Please see L.S.S.U.’s Academic Integrity Policy:
College of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
ENGL 235 Survey of Native Literatures (3,0)
Grading Scale:
Fall 2010
3 Credits
Ground Rules:
1. Completing assignments on time and keeping up with the class material is important for
success in this course and in college. Late assignments will not be accepted except for
legitimate pre-approved reasons as determined by the instructor. Examples of legitimate
reasons are: severe illness, death in family, etc.
2. Students are expected to perform all assigned work themselves. Any form of cheating or
plagiarism will be handled in accordance with the Honor Code Procedures. Violations of the
Honor Code may result in an F for the course grade.
3. Use of head phones, cell phones and hats during exams is prohibited.
4. Cell phones must be turn off for all class and lab sessions. If the cell phone is on and rings,
the student will be asked to leave the class for the day and this will count as an absence.
University Policies and Statements:
The Americans with Disabilities Act & Accommodations
In compliance with Lake Superior State University policies and equal access laws, disability-related
accommodations or services are available to students with documented disabilities.
If you are a student with a disability and you think you may require accommodations you must register with
Disability Services (DS), which is located in the KJS Library, Room 130, (906) 635-2355 or x2355 on
campus. DS will provide you with a letter of confirmation of your verified disability and authorize
recommended accommodations. This authorization must be presented to your instructor before any
accommodations can be made.
Students who desire such services should meet with instructors in a timely manner, preferably during the
first week of class, to discuss individual disability related needs. Any student who feels that an
accommodation is needed – based on the impact of a disability – should meet with instructors privately to
discuss specific needs.
IPASS (Individual Plan for Academic Student Success)
If at mid-term your grades reflect that you are at risk for failing some or all of your classes, you will be
contacted by a representative of IPASS. The IPASS program is designed to help you gain control over your
learning through pro-active communication and goal-setting, the development of intentional learning skills
and study habits, and personal accountability. You may contact 635-2887 or email ipass@lssu.edu if you
would like to sign up early in the semester or if you have any questions or concerns.
College of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
ENGL 235 Survey of Native Literatures (3,0)
Fall 2010
3 Credits
NBT: Nothing but the Truth
The first page of each selection is given: read the entire essay, story, or author’s set of poems.
Week 1
8/31 Intro
9/2 NBT: Castillo 15 and Ortiz 120
Week 2
9/7 Holiday
9/9 NBT: Cook-Lynn 23 and Gunn Allen 62
Week 3
T 9/14 NBT: Silko 159 and Swann 172
R 9/16 Alexie 194 and 203
Deloria 39
Week 4
T 9/21 Alexie, Absolutely True Diary; at least through p. 117 (“Rowdy Gives Me Advice about Love”)
R 9/23 Alexie, finish Absolutely True Diary
Week 5
9/28 Smoke Signals
9/30 finish and discuss film
Week 6
(Readings for weeks 6-9 are from NBT)
T 10/5 Alexie, poems, 416-430
R 10/7 Zitkala-Sa, 406
Erdrich, 232
Johnson, 282
Week 7
T 10/12 Cook-Lynn, 218
Sarris, 345
R 10/14 TallMountain, 375
Silko, 358
College of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
ENGL 235 Survey of Native Literatures (3,0)
Week 8
T 10/19 Silko, 362 and 367
R 10/21 Revard, 333
King, 289
Week 9
T 10/26 Tapahonso, 391
Hogan, 266
R 10/28 Erdrich, poems 464-474
Week 10
T 11/2 Erdrich, The Birchbark House, at least Ch. 1-8
R 11/4 Erdrich, finish novel
Week 11
T 11/9 King, Medicine River, first half
R 11/11 King, finish novel
Week 12
(next 2 weeks from NBT)
T 11/16 Harjo, poems 474-486
R 11/18 Momaday, 510-515
Week 13
T 11/23 Ortiz, 515-520
R 11/25
Thanksgiving Break
Week 14
T 11/30 Welch, Fools Crow Parts 1 and 2
R 12/2 Welch, finish novel
Fall 2010
3 Credits
College of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences
ENGL 235 Survey of Native Literatures (3,0)
Week 15
12/7 Powwow Highway
12/9 finish and discuss film
Final Exam: Final Essay due; see time and date online
Fall 2010
3 Credits