P2 The main tissue types of the body and the role these play in two

Nasreen Salih P2 Tissues
P2 The main tissue types of the body and the role these play in
two named organs of the body.
Epithelial simple.
A simple epithelial tissue covers the whole body it’s made up of cells packed
together and ranged in one or more layers.
Simple Cuboidal
The cell of a cuboidal tissue looks like a cube. It has a large spherical
nucleus placed in the middle of it, they are found in glands and the
kidney and in the centre of a woman’s ovaries. It has a single layer of
Simple Columnar
This is a uni-layered cell in humans. It lines the organs such
as the stomach and big and small intestine it also lines the
uterus they are put in to two categories non- ciliated and
ciliated. The height is four times its width.
Simple Squamous
This is a single layer of flat cells in a square shape. They are in
contact with the basement of the membrane of the epithelium.
This type of epithelial is permeable (lets liquids and gases pass
through, this is found in your mouth and blood vessels. They are
found in capillaries also and other tissues where fast diffusion is
Simple Ciliated
Ciliated cells contain hair like structures beating in synchrony to
move organic process or objects around. It has cilia on the surface
and is not attached to another cell structure. They make mucus
and help kill bacteria.
Simple compound
This has a few layers of cells the top cells are flat and scaly and it can be
keratinised or not keratinised.
Keratinised compound epithelium
This is found on the human skin. There is Keratinized and non keratinized the
difference between the two is that keratinized covers the dry areas of the skin
where as non keratinized covers moist areas such as the
larynx, vagina.
Nasreen Salih P2 Tissues
Muscles need food and oxygen in order to work properly so if they are
working hard but have not got enough food or oxygen then it causes pain and
The strongest muscle is the ones on the side of your mouth that help you bite
and chew food.
Cardiac Muscle
the heart is made of a muscle called the cardiac muscle unlike other muscles
in the body the cardiac muscle never gets tiered its constantly working and
never stops. It squeezes blood out of the heart and then relaxes it to fill it back
with blood again in and this process continues and happens
everyday until you are dead. The heart beats non stop this is
achieved because of the cardiac Muscle.
The cells of a cardiac muscle are Y shaped and wider and
shorted than a skeletal muscle however they are stripped like
skeletal muscles.
The cardiac muscle is supplied by the nerves, but the nervous
system only helps correct the speed and strength of its
contractions. Unlike the other muscles in the body the cardiac is mostly
dependant on oxygen that’s take in by the human to function.
Skeletal muscle
A skeletal muscle covers the skeleton which gives you your body shape. You
have full control of what your skeletal muscles do this is knows as voluntary
So all the movements made by you such as nodding you head or
bending down is made by you moving your skeletal muscles. Your
skeletal muscle keeps your joint in place and makes sure they are
not dislocated. Some of your skeletal muscles are already attached
to your face.
50 % of your body weight is made up of skeletal muscles they are
arranged in layers over your bones. The ones that are closest to the
inside of your body are called deep muscles and the ones nearest to
the skin are called superficial muscles.
Smooth muscle
Smooth muscles are found in the stomach, big and small
intestines, blood vessels and bladder.
Smooth muscles are arranged in layers and have fibres in
each layer which is running in to different directions. Unlike a
skeletal muscles a smooth muscle is involuntary this means
Nasreen Salih P2 Tissues
you are not able to control your smooth muscle as they are controlled by the
nervous system.
They work automatically without you being aware. The smooth muscles help
the walls of your intestines contract to move and push food through the body
and helps the bladder expels urine from the body and for women in pushes
babies out from the uterus during childbirth.
There is also a smooth muscle in your eye called the pupillary sphincter
muscle this shrinks the size of your pupils.
Blood this is the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins it carry’s
oxygen and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.
Bone this is the pieces of hard whitish tissue making up skeleton
in humans.
Bones protect the brain and other internal organs in the body. It
allows the movement of limbs. The bone is hard as iron but cant
be fractured or broken during accident than involve falling on ice
car crash or falling of walls. It takes a number of weeks or
Adipose this is used for the storage of fat. It protects and insulates our
organs nerves and blood vessels. It protects us from heat loss and
increase of heat.
Areola this is tissue that surrounds the nipple it helps the nipple
expand when breast feeding. To help prevent irritation the areola has
sebaceous glands
The areola is composed of areolar tissue that surrounds the nipple. To keep
the nipple moisturized when breast feeding the areola contains Montgomery’s
Cartilage this is the firm, whitish, flexible tissue that’s found in various
forms in the larynx in the external ear and in the articulating surface
of joints supports softer than bone and other tissues.
Neurons – this is a nerve cell. They are like other cells in the body
but have many differences to other cells such as being able to
transmit information through out the body which other cells can’t
Neuroglia theses are cells that help the nervous system.
They help support and protect neurons so they can do there job of
transmitting impulses this is also known as action potentials.