Student essay on “Thank You, M`am” by Langston Hughes

Letter to Avi on “Fortune Cookie”
859 South York Street
Denver, CO, 80209
Dear Avi,
Fortune cookie by Avi is about a young boy that on his thirteenth birthday he wanted to go to
dinner with his mom and dad but the father and mother were divorced, and the father didn't want
to go because the mother was coming along. So he just decided to go because it was his son's
birthday. Then when the mother was in the bathroom the father told the son to tell his mom, that
he had an important meeting to go to.
Have you ever been in a situation like Parker? Well I did and this is how it started. It was my
ninth birthday and I wanted to go some where with my mom and my father, but my father didn't
want to go because my mother was coming along. So he just decided to go because it was my
birthday, just like parkers father did. Then my father just left after we finished eating and my
mother was crying. Also do you think divorce is harder for children? Yes I do, it's like home
work on a Friday man I just can't deal with it any more, it's to much to deal with, when I go to my
father I have to travel, when I have to go back home I have to travel, man that's to much. Also
when I call my father sometimes he is not there, and if not when I call my mother she is on
vacation. Further more now look at how parker's life is, it's like living alone.
How does this affected others life? To me I think that this affects other, because some kids in the
world don't even live with there fathers or there mother and others do and the ones who do don't
apreshate that they live with there father and mother. Also they should apreshate living with there
mom and dad because with out them what we do. Further more I wish I lived with my mom and
dad because I want to have dinner with both of them, just like parker did for his thirteenth
birthday. Well that's what I think about divorce for the children.
Next do you think divorce is dumb? Yes it is, its so dumb I think this because, why would you get
married to get divorce that's dumb why would you do that, if you know that you going to get
divorce then don't get married. That's just putting more pressure on the children just like parkers
parents did, now his parents don't even talk. Also if you do get divorce just don't act different
around your child. Further more this is what happens in the story, the parents got the divorce and
they just did want to talk to each other, and parker was hurt because he loved them the same. So
this is how others live and have to deal with, like parker.
Now you know my thoughts about fortune cookie. Also this is why I say that you should always
apreshate what you have because other don't have what you have. Further more now go and so
some appreciation to your parents.