Unit 5 Review Optional

Unit 5 Review Optional
Chapters 10&11
The Roman World
Review the following:
Chapter 10:
 Latins
 Aeneas
 Romulus and Remus
 Etruscans
 Republic
 Dictators
 Cincinnatus
 Plebeians and patricians
 Tripartite
 Magistrates and Consuls
 Roman Senate
 Veto
 Latin
 Checks and Balances
 Twelve Tables
 Roman Forum
 Legions
 Punic Wars
 Hannibal
 Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
 Gaius Marius
 Lucius Cornelius Sulla
 Spartacus
Julius Caesar
Marc Antony
Pax Romana
Romance Languages
Civil Law
Jesus of Nazareth
Justinian and Theodora
Byzantine Empire
Hagia Sophia
Chapter 11:
In chapter 10, we discussed the creation of Rome and the Roman Republic. Review
the following events, concepts, and/or people.
Compare and contrast the geography of Italy to that of Greece.
Explain the Foundation of Rome.
What was the first form of government?
What is meant by 7 Kings and 7 Hills?
Why is Cincinnatus seen as an ideal leader?
Compare and contrast the Roman Republic and the United States Republic.
Before the Twelve Tables, how did Romans know the laws?
8. The Roman territory grew geographically and economically mainly in response to
outside threats. What group of people attacked Rome and took over the city
around 387 BC?
9. The Romans soon defeated their attackers and took control of the entire Italian
Peninsula. One reason for the roman success was an organized army. Explain
how the Roman Army was organized.
10. What did Roman farmers do when they could not grow enough food to sustain the
11. The Romans fought many battles; however, the fiercest were the Punic Wars.
Complete the chart below.
a. Who was fighting?
b. Why were they fighting?
c. How many battles were in the Punic Wars?
d. What was the outcome of the Punic Wars (be specific)?
12. Who was the general of the Carthaginian Army?
13. How did conquering Greece change Rome?
14. As Rome grew externally, internal problems progressed. What changed about
Roman politics after the death of two Roman leaders: Tiberius and Gaius
15. Other leaders like Gaius Marius and Lucius Cornelius Sulla changed Roman
politics as well. However, what did Spartacus do that gained a place in Roman
In Chapter 11, the Roman Republic is in shambles and after some strife; Rome will
take a political turn for the better. Review the following events, concepts, and/or
16. Why was Cicero unsuccessful in his efforts to revive the Republic?
17. The Senate did not want Julius Caesar to command the army; who did they want
to run Rome?
18. To ensure the Senate’s wishes did not come true, what did Caesar do to the person
they wanted to run Rome?
19. Why was Julius Caesar killed? How did most Romans feel about the death of
Caesar? Why did the common people like Julius Caesar?
20. What is March 15, 44 BC known as?
21. What two people (in particular) wanted to avenge Caesar’s death? What
happened to Caesar’s killers?
22. Who was the last dictator of Rome?
23. Caesar’s avengers were friends, but why did one turn against the other?
24. How and why did Marc Antony and Cleopatra die?
25. Who was the 1st Emperor of Rome and takes Rome from a republic to an empire?
26. What areas did the Romans take over by the early 100s?
27. What kinds of economic resources did the Romans want?
28. Why did the Romans build their roads?
29. How long did Pax Romana last?
30. Be able to explain or identify the following Roman Achievements:
a. Galen
b. Cement
c. Roads
d. Arches
e. Aqueducts
f. Vaults
g. Mosaics
h. Domes
i. Colosseum
j. Aeneid
k. Romance Languages
l. Civil Law
m. Roman Numerals
31. Of all the achievements given to the world, what is Rome’s greatest influence?
32. Explain how Romans reacted towards religion in general?
33. Why did they clash with the Jews? Why did the Jews revolt against the Romans?
34. Christianity is rooted in the ideas and traditions of what other faith?
35. What did the Jews believe about the Messiah?
36. Which part of the Bible is the Hebrew part?
37. Which part of the Bible is more sacred to Christians?
38. Where was Jesus born? Who were his parents? Where did he grow up? What age
did he start traveling and teaching?
39. Why do Christians celebrate Easter and Christmas? Which holiday is more sacred
to Christians?
40. Who is responsible for arresting and crucifying Jesus? Why did they do this to
41. Why do many Christian believe that Jesus is the Messiah?
42. What are some themes of Jesus’ teachings?
43. What are the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John called?
44. Why is Paul considered the most important figure in the spread of Christianity
after Jesus’ death?
45. When Christianity began to grow in Rome, what did the Romans do?
46. What emperor reversed the ban on Christianity in the Roman Empire?
47. What Emperor divided the Roman Empire?
48. What was the Roman Empire in the East called?
49. List 5-6 problems that led to the fall of the Roman Empire in the West.
50. From AD527-AD565 who ruled the Byzantine Empire? Who was his wife?
51. What was the name of his law code and what did it guarantee?
52. What was the name of the church that was built under Justinian’s rule? What was
different about Christianity in the east?