Integrative Studies 105 Volunteering in Your Community Fall 2010

Integrative Studies 105
Volunteering in Your Community
Fall 2010
.5 credits - P/W
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
- Margaret Mead
Janice King
Office in Berg Hall, Admission Advising and Career Center, Elko campus
Phone: 775.753.2361
Fax: 775.753.2311
Text: None
Definition: Community Service is assistance provided to a not-for-profit organization or social
service agency that benefits the community in some way.
Why volunteer?
- Setting Goals: Volunteering can help you determine your interests and strengths.
- Professional Development: Volunteering can open doors into new careers, help you build
your résumé, and develop leadership skills.
- Personal Growth: Volunteering can provide new experiences and awareness.
- Relationships: Through volunteering you may meet new people with similar interests and
values. It can also increase your ability to relate to people from a wide range of
backgrounds and life situations.
- Giving back to your community.
Your instructor can provide some volunteer suggestions or you are welcome to make your own
proposal. However, make sure to get approval for your plan beforehand; do not wait until after
the work is complete to ask. I urge you to do something you have never undertaken before, so
that this will be more of a learning experience.
Activities not eligible for Community Service:
- Work for which you are paid.
- Work that is part of a college fund-raising endeavor.
- Work done for the immediate family.
- Work for a for-profit organization.
- Work for someone who is capable of doing the job without help, but just wants to use
students to get it done more quickly and cheaply.
What you need to do:
(1) Contact the instructor and get pre-approval for whatever community service
endeavor you plan to undertake.
(2) Work a minimum of 8 hours, keeping track of your time on the timesheet, and
getting a signature from an authorized person with the organization.
(3) Write a reflection paper.
Learner Outcomes
Spend 8 or more hours performing
community service.
Consider the value of volunteerism and
its place in your life.
Completed timesheet signed by both the
student and a supervisor.
Reflection paper.
Grading Criteria:
This is a P/W course. In order to receive a Pass, you must complete the 8 hours of pre-approved
community service and submit a thoughtful, grammatically correct reflection paper no later than
December 4, 2009. An explanation of the paper follows.
Reflection Paper:
This paper should include your thoughts on your community service experience. You can focus
on whatever aspect(s) you would like. Some possibilities: what you learned that you didn’t
previously know, what your feelings were about the experience, what you have heard in the
media about issues related to volunteerism in general or your volunteer experience in particular,
what you liked or disliked about the hours you spent, what you might do in the future to help
your community (or the world).
The paper should be approximately 1½ to 2 pages. It also must be grammatically correct. If
there are significant errors, it will be returned and you will you not receive credit until it is
corrected, so it is a good idea to turn the paper in early enough to make corrections, if
Important Dates:
August 30, 2010 – Please email the instructor as soon as you register for the class so that she
has your email address. If you do not receive a confirmation email in return within 24 hours,
please call (sometimes spam detectors are overly ambitious). Instructor contact information is
on the preceding page.
September 13, 2010 – Your proposal for your community service work is due. Of course, you
are welcome to turn it in much earlier.
December 6, 2010 – Reflection paper is due.
INT 105: Volunteering in Your Community
Student’s Name: ___________________________
Semester: __________________
Student’s Phone Number & Email: _____________________________________________________
Volunteer plan (where will you be working, what will you be doing—this must be approved by the
course instructor before you do your community service):
Instructor’s approval: __________________ (can be obtained by email)
Time In
Time Out
Daily Total
Total Hours
I completed a minimum of 8 hours of volunteer work.
Student’s signature
The above student spent a minimum of 8 hours doing unpaid community service.
______________________________ __________________________________________
Volunteer Supervisor’s Signature
Print Supervisor’s Name & Position
Supervisor’s Phone Number & E-mail