Life Span Developmental Science Option Guide

Life Span Developmental Science Option
This option focuses on the understanding of contemporary methodological approaches to the
acquisition of scientific knowledge about individual and family development over the life span and about
family development. This option provides preparation for advanced training in careers in
developmental or family research, teaching at a college or university, or for professional careers that
require graduate training. Courses within this option emphasize a thorough understanding of the
theory and methods of developmental and family theory and research. An approved, multi-semester
research practicum (HDFS 494) that includes a research paper is an integral component of this option.
Typical postgraduate pursuits of students completing this option include graduate study in human
development, family studies, psychology, or sociology, or advanced professional training in psychology,
law, behavioral health, social work, or in other programs related to services for individuals and families.
HDFS 494 research practicum:
In their two-semester HDFS 494 research practicum students will work with a professor on an active
research project to learn more about how an empirical research study is conducted. Students commit to
working about 120 hours per semester (9-10 hour per week) on the project. The kinds of tasks that
students will perform will vary depending on the research project they join, but may include such things
as attending research team meetings, entering data, scoring questionnaire data, coding videotape data,
literature searches, involvement in data collection, and documenting project procedures and measures.
The HDFS 494 practicum is a big commitment for the student and for the faculty member, so it is
important to think carefully about what kind of research you want to do. The faculty research mentor
plays an important role in your research project, so also think carefully about your mentor. Students in
the LSDS option should begin preparing for their practicum experience in their 6th semester (or earlier)
by talking with the LSDS Faculty Advisor, reviewing faculty biographies and descriptions of their research
projects (, checking the list of HDFS research
projects that are looking for undergraduate assistants, and talking with faculty about the kinds of tasks
that undergraduates do on their research projects. If possible, it is helpful to start this process earlier
than the 6th semester because some professors will require students to volunteer or do an independent
study (HDFS 496) with them for at least one semester before they begin supervising a student in the
HDFS 494 project. By the end of the 6th semester, students should have selected a professor/research
project and will complete an HDFS 494 registration form.
HDFS 494 research paper:
During the second semester of their HDFS 494 practicum, students complete a research paper. The form
and topic of this research paper will be determined by the student and faculty mentor collaboratively,
but should be based mainly on the student’s academic interests. Papers may take many different forms,
such as, a literature review on a topic related to the research project, a brief empirical paper from the
project data set, a technical report (or series of reports) about a measure used in the project. Typically
these papers will be 15-25 pages long and written in APA style.
LSDS Timeline (Suggested but Flexible)
5th – 6th
Explore Research Opportunities
Review Faculty Bios on the HDFS Faculty Website
Review Projects Looking for Undergrad Research Assistants – HDFS
Discuss with LSDS Advisor
Talk with Faculty about your research interests and what it would mean to
work on their project. What do they expect? What would you gain from
working on their project?
Volunteer on a project or work on a project for credit (HDFS 496)
Select a project to work on for your HDFS 494 Practicum
Discuss research responsibilities with faculty member
6th semester = Submit LSDS Option Research Project Form A to the main HDFS
office so that you can register for HDFS 494 (Semester 7). Form MUST be
signed by faculty research mentor and LSDS advisor
Work on research project (about 9-10 hours per week)
Meet with faculty research mentor at least twice per month (can include lab
meetings) and individually at least once per month
Develop ideas for your research paper
o Discuss with faculty member
o Propose paper topic to faculty member
Middle to End of 7th semester – submit completed LSDS Option Research
Project Form B to the main HDFS office so that you can register for HDFS 494
(Semester 8). Form MUST be signed by faculty research mentor and LSDS
Work on research project (about 9-10 hours per week)
o Time to write your paper should be included in the 9-10 hours
Set timeline and due date(s) for paper. Establish agreement with professor
o Include dates to submit DRAFTS of paper.
Meet with faculty research mentor at least twice per month (can include lab
meetings) and individually at least once per month. Will need to meet more
frequently while writing paper, at least twice per month.
Write Paper
o Provide research mentor with draft of paper
o Respond to feedback from research mentor and provide mentor with
new draft (note: This process may be repeated multiple times)
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
HDFS 494
As part of the graduation requirement for the LSDS option in HDFS, students must complete a
two-semester, 6-credit research project that includes a final research paper. This requirement is
intended to help the students gain experience as a member of a team working on an empirical
research project under the direction of a University faculty member. This form will assist you,
the faculty research mentor and the department in planning and documenting what you will do
for your 494 research project.
Name: ______________________________________________________________
PSU ID# __________________
Semester/Year ____________
Semester Standing ___________
Intended Graduation ___________
Faculty Research Mentor’s name: _______________________
Faculty Research Mentor’s email: __________________________
DESCRIPTION OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT: List the name of the project and a clear
statement of the aims of the project.
Describe the kinds of scientific/academic tasks that you will do on the project.
Describe how frequently you will meet with your faculty research mentor, and in what
contexts (e.g., project/lab meetings, individual meetings…).
How will your performance be evaluated?
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ________________________________
DATE: ______________
FACULY RESEARCH MENTOR’S SIGNATURE: ________________________________
DATE: ______________
LSDS ADVISOR SIGNATURE: ________________________________
DATE: ______________
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
HDFS 494
As part of the graduation requirement for the LSDS option in HDFS, students must complete a
final research paper under the direction of a University faculty member. This form will assist
you, the faculty research mentor and the department in planning and documenting what you
will do for your 494 research paper.
Name: ______________________________________________________________
PSU ID# __________________
Semester/Year ____________
Semester Standing ___________
Intended Graduation ___________
Faculty Research Mentor’s Name: _______________________
Faculty Research Mentor’s email: __________________________
DESCRIPTION OF THE RESEARCH PROJECT: List the name of the project and a clear
statement of the aims of the project.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PAPER (2-3 sentences describing the format of the paper
[e.g., literature review; empirical paper; measurement evaluation…] and the topic:
Describe how frequently you will meet with your faculty research mentor, and in what
contexts (e.g., project/lab meetings, individual meetings…).
How will your performance be evaluated?
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ________________________________
DATE: ______________
FACULY RESEARCH MENTOR’S SIGNATURE: ________________________________
DATE: ______________
LSDS ADVISOR SIGNATURE: ________________________________
DATE: ______________