Scarlet Letter Reading Circles

Scarlet Letter Reading Circles
Goal 1
The learner will demonstrate increasing insight and reflection to print and non-print text through
personal expression.
1.03 Demonstrate the ability to read, listen to and view a variety of increasingly complex print and non-print expressive
texts appropriate to grade level and course literary focus, by:
identifying and analyzing text components (such as organizational structures, story elements, organizational
features) and evaluating their impact on the text.
providing textual evidence to support understanding of and reader's response to text.
making inferences, predicting, and drawing conclusions based on text.
identifying and analyzing personal, social, historical or cultural influences, contexts, or biases.
making connections between works, self and related topics.
analyzing and evaluating the effects of author's craft and style.
analyzing and evaluating the connections or relationships between and among ideas, concepts, characters
and/or experiences.
identifying and analyzing elements of expressive environment found in text in light of purpose, audience,
and context.
In groups of five, discuss the following questions and any other issues of interest within
Scarlet Letter. Take extensive notes of your discussions and find and write down
passages in the novel to defend your points. Your notes will be collected at the end of the
1. Identify and discuss the extensive use of symbols within Scarlet Letter. How do
these symbols comment on the Puritan society. Write down quotes and
explanations of symbols as they relate to each other and various themes.
The Scarlet Letter
The Meteor
The Rosebush Next to the Prison Door
2. Discuss character development throughout the novel: Hester, Dimmesdale, Pearl,
and Chillingworth. Write down quotes that demonstrate the development of each
character throughout the novel.
Changes, reasons for changes, moral development or disintegration,
character analysis, etc.
3. Discuss the themes in the novel. Write down quotes that demonstrate the
development of theme throughout the novel and analysis of each theme.
Sin, Knowledge, and the Human Condition
The Nature of Evil
Identity and Society
Alienation and Expiation