The 13 Colonies Revealed Unit Plan Unit Author First and Last Name: Teren Coulter School District: Etiwanda School District School Name: CP Lightfoot School City, State: Alta Loma, California If your Unit Portfolio is chosen to be uploaded to the Intel® Teach to the Future database or used as a sample in future materials, do you want your name displayed as the author? Yes No Unit Overview Unit Plan Title: The 13 Colonies Revealed Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question What effect does life in the 13 colonies have on your life today? INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE with support from Microsoft ©2000 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved 1 Unit Questions - Describe the founding of the New England, Middle, or Southern Colonies. 1. Where are your colonies located? 2. Who founded your individual colonies and in what year? 3. Why were your colonies founded? - Describe the daily life in the New England, Middle, or Southern Colonies. 1. What religion did the people in your colonies follow? Describe the religious aspects of your colonies. 2. Describe resources that your colonies benefited from. 3. Describe the daily life of the colonists in your colonies. - Describe the ruling systems in the New England, Middle, or Southern Colonies. 1. What did the government look like in your colonies? 2. What were your colonies’ ideas about government? Unit Summary: Students will be able to describe the makings and development of specific colonies in a selected region (New England, Middle, Southern) through the use of powerpoint, publisher, and an oral presentation. Subject Area(s): Click box(es) of the subject(s) that your Unit targets Business Education Engineering Home Economics Language Arts Music School to Career Social Studies Drama Foreign Language Industrial Technology Math Physical Education Science Technology Other: Other: Other: Grade Level: Click box(es) of the grade level(s) that your Unit targets K-2 6-8 ESL Gifted and Talented 3-5 9-12 Resource Other: INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE with support from Microsoft ©2000 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved 2 Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks: History and Social-Science 5.4 Students understand the political, religious, social, and economic institutions that evolved in the colonial era. 1. Understand the influence of location and physical setting on the founding of the original 13 colonies, and identify on a map the locations of the colonies and of the American Indian nations already inhabiting these areas. 2. Identify the major individuals and groups responsible for the founding of the various colonies and the reasons for their founding (e.g., John Smith, Virginia; Roger Williams, Rhode Island; William Penn, Pennsylvania; Lord Baltimore, Maryland; William Bradford, Plymouth; John Winthrop, Massachusetts). 3. Describe the religious aspects of the earliest colonies (e.g., Puritanism in Massachusetts, Anglicanism in Virginia, Catholicism in Maryland, Quakerism in Pennsylvania). 4. Describe the introduction of slavery into America, the responses of slave families to their condition, the ongoing struggle between proponents and opponents of slavery, and the gradual institutionalization of slavery in the South. 5. Explain the early democratic ideas and practices that emerged during the colonial period, including the significance of representative assemblies and town meetings. Research and Technology 1.3 Use organizational features of printed text (e.g., citations, end notes, bibliographic references) to locate relevant information. 1.4 Create simple documents by using electronic media and employing organizational features (e.g., passwords, entry and pull-down menus, word searches, the thesaurus, spell checks). Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) 2.4 Write persuasive letters or compositions: a. State a clear position in support of a proposal. b. Support a position with relevant evidence. c. Follow a simple organizational pattern. d. Address reader concerns. Listening and Speaking 1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies Students deliver focused, coherent presentations that convey ideas clearly and relate to the background and interests of the audience. They evaluate the content of oral communication. 2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics) Students deliver well-organized formal presentations employing traditional rhetorical strategies (e.g., narration, exposition, persuasion, description). Student speaking demonstrates a command of standard American English and the organizational and delivery strategies outlined in Listening and Speaking Standard 1.0. INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE with support from Microsoft ©2000 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved 3 Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will describe the founding of the colonies (states that make up their region, date each colony was founded, the year each colony was founded, and why colony each was founded). 2. Students will describe the religion, government, economy, and daily life in their colonies. 3. Students will create a powerpoint presentation with template already created for them. 4. Students will write a persuasive essay that meets all writing standards that persuades others to come to their colony. 5. Students will present powerpoint presentation to the class. Procedures: 1) Students will research about their assigned colonies (New England, Middle, or Southern) in groups of 4. They are given an outline of what to research based on the Unit Questions. Students may use computer, encyclopedias, text books, etc. 2) Students will open basic powerpoint presentation already created for them. The basic powerpoint already has titles and bullets inserted with basic instructions (insert name of your colonies, insert the states included in your colony, etc.) Students may then edit the titles and bullets so they are geared toward their specific colonies (New England, Middle, or Southern). Students may then insert their own graphics, either imported from the internet or a clip art source. If students accomplish these steps, they may play with text and slide transitions. 3) Students will present their Powerpoint presentation to the class. 4) Individually, students will create a brochure persuading others to travel to their colonies. They will need to meet the state standards dealing with persuasive writing. (Writing Applications 2.4) Approximate Time Needed: - 3 days for research (1 hour time slot) 3 days for powerpoint presentation (1/2 hour time slot) 3 days for brochure (1 hour time slot) 1 day for presentation prep (1 hour time slot) 1 day for presentations Prerequisite Skills: - Students should have a basic sense of how to use word processing. - Students should have a sense of how to research and gain information for completing a research report. - Students should know the fundamentals for writing a persuasive essay. Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware: (Click boxes of all equipment needed) INTEL® TEACH TO THE FUTURE with support from Microsoft ©2000 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved 4 Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Technology – Software: (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser E-mail Software Multimedia Encyclopedia on CD-ROM VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other: Web Page Development Word Processing Other: Printed Materials: - 5th grade Social Studies Text - encyclopedias - Additional reading material on colonies Supplies: - Videos based around colonial life - Access to a computer California State Standards Standards that support Colonial Unit Internet Resources: Colonial Period Classroom Clip Art Others: - 5th grade field trip to Riley’s Farm Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Resource Student: - Student will have a longer length of time to complete project. - Number of slides will be reduced and modified. Student will be required to make a minimum of four slides. - Resource Specialist will assist with project. Non-Native English Speaker: - Student will have longer length to complete project. - More assistance with completing project and translating information. - Student will work with other students to assist. Gifted Student: - Powerpoint: Students may experiment with and implement text and slide transitions. - Publisher: Student may import graphics from internet and may experiment with and implement text. Page 5 of 6 Student Assessment: Key Word Search: - Student will be graded based on the created rubrics for unit. - colony, colonies, colonists - New England, Middle, and Southern - religious persecution - religious toleration - plantation - town meetings - meeting house - slavery Page 6 of 6