United States History II

United States History II
Ms Alexander Dailey
American Dream Assignment – How will you achieve your American Dream?
The “American Dream” is the motivation for many modern Americans. If you are able to
work hard, live virtuously and with a little luck you can bring yourself to a new social
standing – better your position, both socially and financially. Below is a series of
quotations from a speech Andrew Carnegie gave at a graduation in 1885. Your task is to
use one of Andrew Carnegie’s quotations and describe your American Dream.
 Choose a quotation that represents your idea of your American Dream.
“Aim for the highest,” said Carnegie. “Think of yourself as on the threshold of
unparalleled success. A whole, clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve!”
“I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or
the head of an important firm,” said Carnegie. “Do not rest content for a moment in your
thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how
extensive. Say each to yourself, ‘My place is at the top.’”
“Be king in your dreams,” he said in an address to college students in Pittsburgh in 1885.
“Make your vow that you will reach that position, with untarnished reputation, and make
no other vow to distract your attention.”
“Immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were
born to control affairs,” he said. “Whatever I engage in, I must push inordinately.”
“People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no
matter how impressive their other talents,” he said.
“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit
for doing it,” said Carnegie. “When I did big things, some large corporation like the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company was behind me and the responsible party,” he said.
“Do not make riches, but usefulness, your first aim,” he said. “Let your chief pride be that
your daily occupation is in the line of progress and development; that your work, in
whatever capacity it may be, is useful work, honestly conducted, and as such ennobling
to your life.”
Choose a format to showcase your American Dream – What will you be able to
accomplish with hard work, virtuous living and a little luck?
Write a 1-page description
Draw a comic strip
8.5 x 11 political cartoon